University of Seoul, Korea
flowchart I[University of Seoul, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (80)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- ICESat Calibration-Validation and Mass Balance Studies in Antarctica
- Fine Particulate Pollution and its Impact on Visibility Impairment in the Seoul Metropolitan Area during 2002-2004 Campaigns
- Local Polynomial Method for Ensemble Forecast of Time Series
- Nonlinear Prediction Model for Hydrologic Time Series Based on Wavelet Decomposition
- A dynamic species modeling approach to assess climate change impacts on California tree species
- A study on the standardization of GPS quality control through simulation tests
- Extreme Rainfall Frequency Analysis in a Changing Climate Pattern in South Korea
- Ecological effects of overshooting stabilization targets for greenhouse gases for California plant species
- Hierarchical Bayesian Network Based Regional Frequency Analysis
- Airborne Gravimetry and Downward Continuation (Invited)
- Assessment of Uncertainties Associated with Climate Change Scenario and Generation of Daily Rainfall/Temperature Scenario Using Multisite Downscaling Model in Korea
- Dynamic deformation of Seguam Volcano, Alaska, 1992-2007, from multi-interferogram InSAR processing
- High-precise DEM Generation Using Envisat/ERS-2 Cross-interferometry
- How accurately can current, planned and proposed InSAR missions measure slow, long-wavelength tectonic strain? (Invited)
- Mapping three-dimensional surface deformation by combining multiple aperture interferometry and conventional interferometry: application to the June 2007 eruption at the Kilauea volcano, Hawaii
- Estimability Analysis of GPS-derived Kinematic Acceleration for Airborne Gravimetry
- Gravity modeling based on various basis functions and its application on navigation
- Interpreting ancient fluvial and deltaic environments on Mars: what can Earth analogs tell us?
- Monitoring of desert dune topography by multi angle sensors
- The Vertical Datum Offset in South Korea and Possible Biases Between GPS/Leveling Data Sets
- Topographic local roughness extraction and interpretation over Martian aeolian features by multi sensor data fusion
- Integrated Analysis of the 12<SUP>th</SUP> January 2010, M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.0, Haiti Earthquake Using InSAR, MAI, GPS, and Seismic Data
- Observation of Snow Cover Variations at Mt. Kilimanjaro Using Landsat TM and ETM+ Images
- The construction of gravity anomaly and gradient referenced navigation system
- The status of the Korean geoid model development and its verification
- Ground deformation tracking over Mt. Baekdu with DInSAR time series analysis and atmospheric correction
- Landslide risk assessment with multi pass DInSAR analysis and error suppressing approach
- Sea state monitoring over Socotra Rock (Ieodo) by dual polarization SAR image analysis
- The monitoring of glacial migration in Greenland by multi sensor data fusion
- The planetary hydraulics analysis based on a multi-resolution stereo DTMs and LISFLOOD-FP model: Case study in Mars
- Using PS-InSAR Technique to Monitor Surface Deformation over Datun Volcanoes in Taiwan
- How to change GEBCO outreach activities with Information technologies?
- Integrated flood risk analysis during different SST conditions in a changing climate: A case study of the Korean Han River basin
- Localized landslide risk assessments with multi pass X, L band DInSAR and pixel tracing analyses
- Measurement of Along-track Displacements due to the M6.0 August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake Using X-band Multiple-Aperture SAR Interferometry
- Rapid Response Products of The ARIA Project for the M6.0 August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake
- The monitoring of ice sheet movement using multiple spaceborne data fusion: A case study of a remote sensing observation over Russell Glacier in Greenland
- Toward comprehensive Titan digital topography construction: A technical demonstration with stereogrammetry and photo/radarclinometry
- Migration model establishment over Greenland Russell glacier with Remote Sensing observations and hydrodynamic simulations
- The investigation of moving dunes over Mars using very high resolution topography and sub pixel co-registration method.
- Tropical Cyclone Activities in the WNP Regions associated with CT/WP El Nino
- Urban Flood Management with Integrated Inland-River System in Seoul
- Analyzing Landslide Damage Cost and Adaptation Benefit and Cost Considering Climate Change
- Conservation of Endangered Species Considering Diverse Secondary Impacts by Climate Change
- Estimating Damage Cost of Net Primary Production due to Climate Change and Ozone(O<SUB>3</SUB>) Effect
- Geochemical characteristics of volcanic rocks from selected locations located in Idaho, USA and the Korean Peninsula
- Monitoring Groundwater Depletion of Northwest India using SAR Interferometry
- Quantifying Uncertainties from Presence Data Sampling Methods for Species Distribution Modeling: Focused on Vegetation.
- The Effects of Tree Species on Soil Organic Carbon Content and Distribution in South Korea.
- The investigation of Martian dune fields using very high resolution photogrammetric measurements and time series analysis
- The investigation of improved SHARAD profiles over Martian lobate debris aprons
- A strategy for Local Surface Stability Monitoring Using SAR Imagery
- An Integrated Multi-Sensor Approach to Monitor Desert Environments by UAV and Satellite Sensors: Case Study Kubuqi Desert, China
- Comparison of the results of climate change impact assessment between RCP8.5 and SSP2 scenarios
- Detection of surface deformation and ionospheric perturbation by the North Korea nuclear test
- Integrated Urban Flood Analysis considering Optimal Operation of Flood Control Facilities in Urban Drainage Networks
- Rainfall-induced landslide vulnerability Assessment in urban area reflecting Urban structure and building characteristics
- The ground subsidence anomaly investigation around Ambala, India by InSAR and spatial analyses: Why and how the Ambala city behaves as the most significant subsidence region in the Northwest India?
- An Advanced Analysis of the 2017 North Korea's Nuclear Test through Seismic and Satellite Radar Observations
- Development of Execution Framework for Rehabilitation of Dam under Climate Change
- Improvement Wild Fire Detection Algorithm using Time-series Himawari-8 IR Images
- Social infra vulnerability assessment in urban area associated with landslide
- Accuracy analysis of multi-sensor based vehicle positioning system in GNSS signal Blockage area
- Development of the new Korean Precise Geoid Model and its Application
- Identification of dust storm sources and their expanding mechanism over Eastern Mongolia by the synthesized framework of remote sensing and ground survey
- Magmatic versus tectonic control on the spreading style of ridge segments inside a slow-slipping multi-transform fault: the St. Paul system, Equatorial Atlantic
- Remote Sensing Algorithm Development of Identifying Aeolian Surface Erosion Over Dust Storm Source Area: Case Study in Kubuqi Desert, China
- Aeolian Land Erosion Mapping Using Satellite-Derived Covariates and Machine Learning Framework
- Assessing the Impacts of Dam and Weir Operation on Streamflow Predictions using LSTM across South Korea
- Characterizing of atmospheric heat islands in two canopy layers: urban and building
- Estimation of Landscape Evapotranspiration of Urban Green Infrastructure in Seoul, South Korea
- Exposure-type-specific tropical cyclone risk assessment at the subnational level : Case study in South Korea
- Improving the Prediction Capacity of a Hybrid Method of SWAT and LSTM by Reducing Parameter Uncertainty.
- Improving watershed modeling capacity by incorporating remotely sensed products
- InSAR Data to Monitor Environmental change and Evaluate Subsidence risksDue to Continuous Ground Water withdrawal in Chandigarh City (India)
- Prediction of land use changes according to SSP/SPA scenarios for Anseong City in response to a decrease in population
- Stochastic drought inflow series generation for the assessment of drought mitigation capability
- The future changes of extreme weather over S.Korea based on high resolution CMIP6-SQM SSP-RCP scenarios
- Unwrapping of SAR Interferometric Phase Using Deep Learning Regression Model: Focusing on Optimization of Training Data and Model Structure
- Use of Multiple Sensor Satellite Images to Predict the Concentration of Chlorophyll-a within Wetlands using Artificial Neural Networks