Sejong University, Seoul, Korea
flowchart I[Sejong University, Seoul, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (73)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Assessment of DMS Photochemistry at Jeju Island During the Asian Dust-Storm Period of Spring 2001: Comparison of Model Simulation with Field Observations
- Assessment of the Photochemistry of OH and NO<SUB>3</SUB> on Jeju Island during the Asian Dust-Storm Period in the Spring of 2001
- Crustal Magnetization Model of Maud Rise in the Southwest Indian Ocean
- Estimating Antarctic near-surface magnetic anomalies from Oersted and CHAMP satellite magnetometer observations
- Study Of Attenuation Structure Based On The Dense Networks Around South Korea
- Focal Mechanisms of Recent Earthquakes in the Southern Korean Peninsula
- A Study of Lg attenuation around the Korea
- Integrated Regional Assessment of Climate Change for Korean River Basins
- Measurements and predictions of ground subsidence due to soil consolidation using permanent scatterer InSAR
- Removing Grid Effect of 3-D Euler Deconvolution using Rotating Coordinate
- Intrinsic and Scattering Attenuation the Mt. Fuji Region, Japan
- SAR Image Coregistration Based on Topography and Deformation
- Space-based Water Level Observation of the Everglades From Dual Polarization InSAR Data
- Ice velocity determined using conventional and multiple-aperture InSAR
- Physico-Mechanical Property Changes Incorporating Revelation Characteristics of Microfractures of Jurassic Granite in Wonju, Korea Due to Freeze-Thaw Weathering
- The Separation of intrinsic and scattering seismic attenuation in South Korea
- A Quantitative Study of the Separation of intrinsic and scattering seismic attenuation in Southeastern South Korea
- An Analysis on 3d Marine Csem Responses Based on a Finite Difference Method
- Analysis on 3d Topography Effects on Magnetotelluric Responses
- Accelerated ocean melting and retreat of the Pine Island Glacier
- Estimation of Above Ground Biomass in the Everglades National Park using X-, C-, and L-band SAR data and Ground-based LiDAR
- Estimation of Surface Roughness Based on Self-Affine Fractal Parameters
- Evaluation of GPS Orbit Prediction Strategies for the IGS Ultra-rapid Products
- Preliminary 3D inversion of MT data in Pohang including sea effects using conjugate gradients
- Velocity structure-based separation of intrinsic and scattering seismic attenuation in southeastern Korea
- A Preliminary Feasibility Study On Seismic Monitoring Of Polymer Flooding
- A dense microseismic monitoring network in Korea for uncovering relationship between seismic activity and neotectonic features
- A novel approach for the analysis of dimethylarsinic acid in various liquid samples by WDXRF combined to pre-concentration with solid phase extraction disk
- An analysis on changes in reservoir fluid based on numerical simulation of neutron log using a Monte Carlo N-Particle algorithm
- Analytical strategy for the determination of various arsenic species in landfill leachate containing high concentrations of chlorine and organic carbon by HPLC-ICPMS
- Characteristics of microseismicity in the southeastern area of the Korean Peninsula
- Preparation and adsorption properties of chitosan/heulandite/magnetite composite for removal of Cu(II) and As(V) ions
- Preparation and application of Mn-substituted δ-FeOOH for oxidative adsorption of As(III)
- Quatitative study of the separation of intrinsic and scattering attenuation in South Korea, using direct simulation Monte Carlo method
- Comprehensive Prediction of Large-height Swell-like Waves in East Coast of Korea
- Seasonal Changes of DOC Composition of Rivers in Temperate Monsoon Climates
- Separation of Intrinsic and Scattering Attenuation Using Single Event Data in South Korea
- Uplift Around the Geothermal Power Plant of Landau (Germany) Observed from InSAR Monitoring
- A study on 4D inversion of time-lapse magnetotelluric data sets for monitoring geothermal reservoir
- Analysis of EM dataset with several sensor configurations obtained by the loop-loop EM survey on magnetic anomalies
- Multiple Lapse Time Window Analysis Study Using Single Earthquake in the South Korea
- Measurement of Surface Deformation due to the 2016 Nuclear Test of North Korea Using SAR Interferometry
- The importance of stochasticity and internal variability in geomorphic erosion system
- An analysis of resistivity monitoring data on the sea dike, Teaan, South Korea
- Comparing the GPR responses of real experiment and simulation of cavity
- Sedimentary Environments Mapping in the Yellow Sea Using TanDEM-X and Optic Satellites
- Spectral inversion of frequency-domain IP data obtained in Haenam, South Korea
- Stability Evaluation of Buildings in Urban Area Using Persistent Scatterer Interfometry -Focused on Thermal Expansion Effect
- 4D inversion algorithm for time-lapse resistivity-survey data obtained during construction excavation
- A study on increasing resolution of inversion of resistivity data by considering underground structures interpreted from other geophysical data
- Automated water body detection and exploring the water level variations using X-band SAR images
- Time-series monitoring of ground deformation with ALOS-2 L-band SAR data in the Tuscany Region
- Assessment of climate change impact on hydrologic regime of the Asian River Basins
- Biodegradation effects on the source discrimination capability of selected chemical biomarkers: implications from controlled end-member mixing experiments
- Comparison of water quality algorithms using satellite optical data for Korea inland water during algal blooms
- Real-time Orbit Prediction based on Deep Learning
- Short-term predictions of GPM satellite rainfall data using a deep learning neural network model
- Ubiquitous Positioning using State Space Representation (SSR) of Network-RTK Correction
- America's Water: Multiscale Forecasting and Innovation in Infrastructure Design & Management Instruments is critical for Climate Adaptation
- Time domain induced polarization inversion of multi time-channel data for contaminated area
- Future Changes in Hydro-climatic Extremes in the South Asian River Basins: Evidence from the Modeling Studies
- Geophysical Surveys in a LNAPL Contaminated Site in South Korea and Integrated Interpretation with Borehole Data
- A Multi-scale Parameter Estimation Approach to the Evapotranspiration equation for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling from a Hydrological Perspective
- A Penalized Spline Model Based Nonstationary Regional Rainfall Frequency Analysis in the Bayesian Framework
- Arctic sea ice prediction using ensemble deep learning models
- Assessing the Limits of Troposphere Mitigation Techniques for Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
- Assessment of Contribution Rate of Maintaining in-Stream Flow Based on a Network-Based Water Accounting Model at Highly Urbanized Watersheds in South Korea
- Causal Effects of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation on future Fire and Carbon cycle
- Causal Impacts of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation on Global Water Cycle Over the Period 2015-2100
- Clustering Analysis of Regional PM10 Concentration Variability in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, Republic of Korea
- Comparative analysis on negative IP effect in time- and frequency-domain induced polarization responses
- Surface-to-Borehole and Cross-hole ERT Tomography in a Test-Bed of South Korea
- Time-domain Induced Polarization Surveys in an Oil-Contaminated Area in South Korea