Korea University, Seoul
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Effects of land-use type on urban groundwater quality, Seoul metropolitan city, Korea
- Hydrogeochemistry of geothermal waters in the Magumsan and Bugok area, southern part of Korea
- Hydrograph separation using oxygen and hydrogen isotope data for karst springs during one-storm event: Yeongweol area, South Korea
- Late Cretaceous-Tertiary Chemical Remagnetization Event Recorded in the Paleozoic Rocks in the Bagjisan Syncline, Korea
- Magnetic Fabrics of the Multi-Metamorphosed Rocks in the Southwestern Ogcheon Folded Belt, Korea
- Paleomagnetism and Rock-magnetism of Deep-sea Sediments in the Southwestern Pacific
- Levoglucosan and Lipid Class Compounds in the Asian Dusts and Marine Aerosols Collected During the ACE-Asia Campaign
- Magnetic Fabric and Deformation of the Metasediments in the Southwestern Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt, Korea
- Preliminary Results of Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility of Metasedimentary Rocks in the Central Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt, Korea
- Rock-Magnetic Records of 0 - 2.5 Ma Deep-Sea Core Sediments in Pacific Region
- A Synthesis of Cretaceous Paleomagnetic Data From South Korea and its Tectonic Significance in East Asia
- Bivariate Drought Characterization Using Nonparametric Approaches
- Paleomagnetic Study for the Cretaceous Laiyang Basin in the Shandong Province, Northeast China: Tectonic Implications for East Asia
- Preliminary Results of Two-Year Magnetic Monitoring of Roadside Dust in Seoul, Korea
- Sediment Magnetism and Paleo-depositional Environment of Deep-sea Sediments From KODOS Area in the Northeastern Equatorial Pacific
- A Preliminary Paleomagnetic Result of the Lower Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in the Danyang Area, Korea: its Tectonic Implications
- Development of Rainfall Time Distributions for Design Floods
- Grain-size Reduction of Feldspar in Middle Greenschist-facies Shear Zone
- Magnetic and Electron Microscopic Investigation on Rock Samples from the PACMANUS Hydrothermal Vent Field in Papua New Guinea
- A Paleomagnetic Investigation of Upper Carboniferous-Lower Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in the Pyeongchang Area, Korea: Remagnetization and its Tectonic Implications
- A Paleomagnetic Study of the Late Cretaceous Sedimentary and Volcanic Rocks in the Tongri Basin, Korea: Origin of Magnetization and its Implications
- An Integrated Study of Geoelectric Vertical Sounding and Hydrogeochemistry in the Riverside Alluvium around Buyeo Area, Korea
- Characterization of Anthropogenic Magnetic Particles in Asian Dust Using Magnetic Measurements and Electron Microscope Observations in Seoul, Korea: Preliminary Results
- Dramatic Decomposition Weakening of Simulated Faults in Carrara Marble at Seismic Slip-rates
- Effect of Mica on Grain Size of Dynamically Recrystallized Quartz in Mylonite
- Focal Mechanisms of Recent Earthquakes in the Southern Korean Peninsula
- Hydrogen Peroxide During Ozone Episodes in Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Measurements of PAN and its Precursors in Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korea during May- June, 2004
- Absolute paleointensity: theory, experimental design and the current database
- Characteristics of anthropogenic magnetic materials in roadside dusts in Seoul, Korea using thermo-magnetic behaviors and electron microscope observations
- Comparative study of hydrogen peroxide in 2004 and 2005 during the high ozone episodes in metropolitan Seoul
- Groundwater Recharge and Fate of Nitrate and Sulfate in Alluvial Aquifer: Multiple Environmental Isotopic Studies
- Holocene peat development in the Pyeongtaek blanket peat bog, Korea: Preliminary results
- Microstructural and Mechanical Evolutions of Pelitic Fault Zones at Seismic Slip Rates in High-velocity Friction Experiments
- Optimization of Water Supply System with Satellite Communities
- Physico-chemical Changes and Dramatic Fault Weakening Induced by Thermal Decomposition in Carbonate Fault Zones: Results from Friction Tests at Seismic Slip Rates
- Quantification of Phase Distribution: Multiple Area Density Maps Using a Bitmap Image
- Spatio-temporal pollution features in Seoul, Korea using magnetic measurements of roadside dusts
- Stochastic Multi-site Generation of Daily Rainfall Occurrence Using Direct Graphical Method
- A magnetic quantification of anthropogenic pollution for Asian dust
- Characteristic variation of PM10 in Seoul, South Korea during 2000-2005
- Formaldehyde distributions and its relation to ozone formation in Seoul metropolis during the summer of 2004 and 2005
- Frictional Behavior and Slip Localization in Simulated Faults of Halite at Sub-seismic to Seismic Slip Rates
- Frictional Melting of Syenite in High-velocity Rotary Shear Experiments: `Mingling' of Molten Layers and Slip Localization
- Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary remagnetization recorded on sedimentary rocks in the Jinan Basin, Korea
- New particle formation and its relation to meteorological and chemical characteristics at Gosan and Anmyeon-do, Korea
- Observation of the Type-B Crystallographic Preferred Orientation of Olivine in Spinel Peridotite, Baengnyeong Island, South Korea
- Paleomagnetic Investigation of the Late Carboniferous-Early Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in the Yeongnam Massif, Korea
- Paleomagnetism of ~4551 Ma old Richardton chondrite
- Study for PM2.5 composition and variations at Ieodo Ocean Research Station, Korea
- A Preliminary Study of Magnetic Proxies for the Late Quaternary Paleoclimate Using Gravity Cores From Lake Hovsgol, Northern Mongolia
- Accumulation of vehicle derived pollutants and its relation with road types in traffic controlled urban area
- Carbonaceous and Ionic Compositions of PM2.5 Aerosols at Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China Sea.
- Characterization of anthropogenic pollutants in Asian dust
- Chemical and physical processes controlling aerosol compositions during Asian dust in May, 2008
- Comparative study of PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 compositions of Seoul Mega city
- Frictional Melt: Fault Lubrication or Brake?
- Natural Remanent Magnetization in LL6 St. Severin Chondrites
- Pyrometamorphism of Fault Zone Rocks Induced by Frictional Heating in High-velocity Friction Tests: Reliable Records of Seismic Slip?
- Was Korean Peninsula shown a same tectonic motion with Eurasian Plate since Mesozoic?
- Accommodation of Large Displacement along Thin Principal Slip Layer of a Fault: An Example of the Garam Thrust in the Paleozoic Taebaeksan Basin
- An Air-Stripping Packed Bed Combined with a Biofilm-Type Biological Process for Treating BTEX and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Groudwater
- Ancient Planetary Magnetic Field Intensity from the LL6 St. Severin
- Archeomagnetism in East Asia for the Past 3,000 Years
- Climate Change Impact on Forest Cover using Warmth Index and Minimum Temperature in Korea
- Comparison of Chloroethene-Reductive Dehalogenase Activity in Suspended and Attached Growth Anaerobic Reactors
- Evaluation of the Effect of Geological Heterogeneity on the Surfactant Transport by Performing Push-Pull Test in a Physical Aquifer Model (PAM)
- Lake Hovsgol Magnetoclimate Record During the Past 20,000 Years
- Magnetic evaluation of sediment provenance in the southern shelf of Korea (East China Sea) using Fuzzy c-means cluster analysis
- Molecular distribution, seasonal variation, chemical transformation and sources of dicarboxylic acids and related compounds in atmospheric aerosols at remote marine Gosan site, Jeju Island
- Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Hongseong area, southwestern Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea; implication for the tectonic evolution of Northeast Asia
- Physicochemical evolution of dust particles observed in March 2007, Seoul, Korea
- Preliminary Study on the Variation of Geomagnetic Field during 33n-32r-32n Transition
- Spatio-temporal vulnerability of forest fire to climate change in Korea
- Transformation of Nitrate and Toluene in Groundwater by Sulfur Modified Iron(SMI-III)
- Variations of OC and EC concentrations in PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 in Jeju
- Anomalous paleointensity variation in the Late Cretaceous
- Application Evaluation of Air-Sparging and Aerobic Bioremediation in PAM(Physical Aquifer Model) with Advanced and Integrated Module
- Effect of Second-phase Particles on Static Adjustment of Calcite Grain Boundaries in Carbonate Mylonites
- Magnetic Properties of LL6 Ordinary Chondrite St. Severin
- Magnetic characterization of airborne particulates
- Nitrate Removal by Acid-Washed Sulfur Modified Iron (SMI) and Zero Valent Iron (ZVI)
- Regional climate change modeling and observations for Korea
- A Continuous Flow Column Study of the Anaerobic Transformation of a CAH Mixture of Tetrachloroethene and Carbon Tetrachloride Using Formate as an Electron Donor
- A national scale estimation of soil carbon stocks of Pinus densiflora forests in Korea: a modelling approach
- An environmental magnetic study and SEM observations of core sediments from the Ulleung basin in East Sea and adjacent coastal area
- Applicability of the subduction initiation rule to accreted oceanic crustal terranes of the Circum-Caribbean region
- Assessment of landslide on Climate Change using GIS in South Korea
- Continuous measurements of PM2.5 OC and EC at Gosan superstation, Korea and their source identification
- Contrasting Microfabrics Between Footwall and Hanging-Wall in a Carbonate Thrust and Fault Slip Mechanism
- Effects of single-walled carbon nanotubes on soil microorganisms
- Elevated CO2 and O3 modify N turnover rates, but not N2O emissions
- Investigation on Temporal Changes of Relative Variables to Forest Fire using Spatial Statistical Model
- Nonparametric approach for estimating stand volume using airborne LiDAR data
- Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) as an indicator of long range transport of air pollutants over the marine environment
- Photocatalytic oxidation of chloroform using immobilized-biogenic TiO2 nanoparticles
- Quantitative assessment of Vulnerability of Forest ecosystem to Climate Change in Korea
- Radiocarbon-Based Source Apportionment of the Water-Soluble Organic Carbon (wsoc) of Atmospheric Aerosols in South and East Asia
- Secondary Aerosol Forming Potential of the Air Mass Arriving at Gosan ABC Superstation in Korea
- Simulating the terrestrial carbon stock based on land-use change in urban forest area using MC1 model
- Soil C cycling dynamics and microbial distribution in a soybean agroecosystem under elevated CO2 and drought
- The Silurian Hoedongri Formation in the Taebaeksan Basin of Korea Revisited: its Significance in the Tectonic Reconstruction of East Asia
- A Study of metabolic transformation of organic and inorganic components in PM2.5 and PM10, South Korea
- Basin Wide Erosion and Soil Production Rates of a High Altitude Plateau in the Korean Peninsula Considered as an Uplifted Paleo Erosional Surface: Implications for Its Development Process and the Tectonics
- Coseismic Recrystallization During Shallow Earthquake Slip
- Effects of experimental warming on net photosynthetic rate of Quercus variabilis seedlings
- Effects of open-field experimental warming on the growth of two-year-old Pinus densiflora and Abies holophylla seedlings
- Estimating carbon stocks based on forest volume-age relationship
- Frictional Behavior of Amphibolite at Seismic Slip Rates from High-velocity Rotary Shear Experiments
- Frictional Evolution of Schists during Seismic Slip
- Investigating the long-term landscape evolution for various combinations of climatic and geologic conditions
- On the temporal and spatial variability of air pollutants characteristic and origin using ground-based and satellite observations over Seoul
- Regional forest biomass estimation using SRTM-Landsat data fusion approach
- Source apportionment of black carbon in PM2.5 in China and its implications on estimation of direct radiative forcing
- Source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosols over South and East Asia using dual carbon isotopes
- The 1km estimation of Vegetation carbon budgets in South Korea using a terrestrial ecosystem model
- Dehydration of hydrous minerals and formation of nanocrystals by frictional heating in experimental seismic fault zones
- Distributed Regional Aerosol Gridded Observation Network (DRAGON) - Korea 2012 campaign
- Diurnal and vertical variations of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) at Mt. Taehwa near Seoul Metropolitan Areas
- Emission sources and atmospheric processing of carbonaceous aerosols in India and China: Insights from dual carbon isotope techniques
- Functional Classification of Natural Resources for Valuing Natural Resources in Korea
- Long-term variations of O<SUB>3</SUB> at Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China Sea and the influence of Asian Outflows
- Physicochemical classification of dust particles observed at Gosan ABC superstation in East Asia
- Quaternary glacial advances in Qilian Shan Mountains, northeastern Tibet -- finding and review
- Speciation of Water-Soluble Organic Carbons in Aerosols from two collecting methods: PILS and filters
- Survivability of fossils in deformed and recrystallized carbonate rocks
- Age controlled paleomagnetic records of deep-sea sediments in the Northeast equatorial Pacific
- Alteration of bentonite when contacted with supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Carbonaceous aerosols observed at Ieodo Ocean Research Station and implication for the role of secondary aerosols in fog formation
- Co-evolution of vegetation patterns and erosional dynamics under varying CO2 concentrations
- Decadal increase of organic compounds in winter and spring atmospheric aerosols in East Asia
- Dynamic recrystallization processes of calcitic fossils in deformed marble
- Dynamics and Significance of Plume-Induced Subduction Initiation: Numerical Modeling
- Effects of Open-field Warming and Precipitation Manipulation on the Growth of Pinus densiflora Seedlings
- Evaluation of Water-Mineral Interaction Using Microfluidic Tests with Thin Sections
- Experimental warming effects on the bacterial community structure and diversity
- Investigating Appropriate Sampling Design for Estimating Above-Ground Biomass in Bruneian Lowland Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
- Redox kinetics and colloid formation during water-chlorite interactions
- Resetting of Quartz OSL (optically stimulated luminescence) Signals by Frictional Heating in Experimentally Sheared Gouges at Seismic Slip Rates.
- Roles of Uncontrollable VOC Emissions in the Regional Air Quality of the Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Species-specific photosynthetic responses of four coniferous seedlings to open-field experimental warming
- The Effect of the Concentration of Oxidant, Cr(VI), on the Iron Oxidation in Saline Water
- Title: Estimating the Changes in Forest Carbon Dynamics of South Korean Forests Under Climate Change Scenarios
- Assessing the impacts of climate change on the forested watersheds in Korea using RCM scenarios
- Assessment of Cropland Water and Nitrogen Balance from Climate Change in Korea Peninsular
- Assessments of Maize Yield Potential in the Korean Peninsula Using Multiple Crop Models
- Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> at a periurban Mt. Taehwa near Seoul and over the Yellow Sea
- Characteristic Distributions of O<SUB>3</SUB> at Taewha Research Forest near Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Effects of warming treatment and precipitation manipulation on fine root length of Pinus densiflora seedlings.
- Estimating dead organic matter carbon dynamics of an intact mixed dipterocarp forest in Brunei with a forest carbon model
- Estimation of Wild Fire Risk Area based on Climate and Maximum Entropy in Korean Peninsular
- Evaluation of the Relative Importance of Radical Sources in Determining the Regional Tropospheric Oxidation Capacity in the Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Geochemistry of the Bonin Fore-arc Volcanic Sequence: Results from IODP Expedition 352
- Is There a Universal Fractal Human Population Distribution in River Basins?
- OC and EC Observed at Gosan Climate Observatory (GCO) and Their Seasonal Characteristics During Haze Events
- OH Reactivity Observations during the MAPS-Seoul Campaign: Contrasts between Urban and Suburban Environments
- Observation of Light-Absorbing Aerosol Properties in Asian Continental Outflow
- Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) at the urban core site of Seoul during 2015 MAPS / KORUS - AQ
- Plume tectonics and cratons formation in the early Earth
- Remote Sensing Based Vulnerability Assessment of Desertification in Mongolia and Myanmar
- Responses of soil microbial community to experimental warming and precipitation manipulation
- Role of debris flow and glacier on sediment evacuation in steep watersheds: a case study from the Seti River, central Nepal
- Snowball gouge-aggregates formed in experimental fault gouges at seismic slip rates
- Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Monitoring for Geologic Carbon Storage: Assessing the Background CO<SUB>2</SUB> Levels Prior to Artificial CO<SUB>2</SUB> Release Experiment in Eumsung, Korea
- Sorption Characteristic of Phenanthrene on Biochar-Amended Soils: Effect of feedstock, pyrolysis temperature, and aging duration
- Spatial Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Functions and Services using Human Relating Factors for SDG
- Stable carbon isotopic compositions of low-molecular-weight dicarboxylic acids, oxocarboxylic acids, α-dicarbonyls, and fatty acids: implications for atmospheric processing of organic aerosols
- Sub-decadal increase of glyoxal and methylglyoxal in atmospheric total suspended particles in East Asia
- Thinning intensity influences on soil microbial and inorganic nitrogen in Pinus densiflora forests, central Korea
- Variations in bacterial and fungal community composition along the soil depth profiles determined by pyrosequencing
- A subagging regression method for estimating the qualitative and quantitative state of groundwater
- A tale of phenocrysts: trace element contents of boninites and forearc basalts from IODP Expedition 352
- Assessments of Future Maize Yield Potential Changes in the Korean Peninsula Using Multiple Crop Models
- Bioclimatic Classification of Northeast Asia for climate change response
- Characteristics of aerosol light scattering and absorption properties observed at Gosan, Korea, during GOPOEX 2014
- Characterization of Solute Transport in Subsurface Using Permeable Pavement and Artificial Precipitation
- Construction of Continental Crust at the Central American and Philippines Arc Systems
- Effects of drying-wetting and freezing-thawing cycle on leachability of metallic elements in mine soils
- Effects of termite activities on coarse woody debris decomposition in an intact lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of Brunei Darussalam
- Effects of warming treatment and precipitation manipulation on fine root length and total root biomass of Pinus densiflora seedlings
- Estimating on Management Practices (Tillage and Flooding) Effects for Assessing Methane Mitigation from Rice-paddy Soil: On Modeling Approach
- Estimating the effect of coppice practice on carbon dynamics of oak forests in Turkey
- Evaluating Carbon Release Rate of Controlled-release Tablet and Its Applicability to Biological Nitrate Denitrification
- Frictional `non-aging' of fault mirror surfaces?: Insight from friction experiments on Carrara marble
- Identifying Outliers of Non-Gaussian Groundwater State Data Based on Ensemble Estimation for Long-Term Trends
- Impacts of fine particulate matter on premature mortality under future climate change
- Land Degradation and Desertification Vulnerability Assessment under Land Changes with MEDALUS approach in Ethiopia
- Microbial diversity and hydrogeochemical characteristics of natural CO<SUB>2</SUB>-rich springs in Korea
- Modelling of greenhouse gases emission in rice paddy of South Korea by DNDC model and RCP 8.5 scenario
- Natural analogue study of CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage monitoring using probability statistics of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-rich groundwater chemistry
- Observation of O3, CO, PM2.5, BC and greenhouse gases at the Ocean Research Stations in the Yellow Sea
- On the Serpentinization Degree (S) of IODP Expedition 357 Atlantis Massif Rocks: Insights from Rock Magnetic Properties and Microscopic Magnetic Mineralogy Study of six Sites
- Plume-induced subduction
- Radiocarbon-based Source Apportionment of Organic, Elemental and Water-soluble Organic Carbon Aerosols and the Light Absorption of Water-soluble Organic Carbon Aerosols in the East Asia High-intensity Winter Campaigns in 2014
- Reactive transport model for bioremediation of nitrate using fumarate in groundwater system: verification and field application
- Responses of leaf nitrogen concentration and leaf area of Populus sibirica seedlings to nitrogen fertilization in a semi-arid area, Mongolia
- River Networks and Human Activities: Global Fractal Analysis Using Nightlight Data
- Selecting Adequate Spatial Resolution to Estimate Water Flow by Using SWAT Model
- Source Identification of Zn Contamination around a Zn-smelting Facility in Korea
- Spatially Explicit Assessment of Agricultural Water Equilibrium in Korea Peninsula
- Species Distribution Modeling between Abies koreana and Abies nephrolepis According to the RCP Scenarios in South Korea
- Study on Spatial and Seasonal Behavior of Heavy Metals in the Abandoned Mine, Geopung Watershed, Korea
- Synchrony of forest responses to climate from the aspect of tree mortality in South Korea
- The Study of Enhancing Plans on Korean Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM)
- The Variations of O<SUB>3</SUB> in relation with BVOCs at Taehwa Research Forest in South Korea
- The comparisons of anthropogenic-biogenic-atmospheric interactions in pristine, clean, and polluted environments using ambient PTR-ToF-MS spectra
- The formation of high-O3 episodes derived from atmospheric conditions in Seoul
- Three Global Land Cover and Use Stage considering Environmental Condition and Economic Development
- Vulnerability assessment of chemical industry facilities in South Korea based on the chemical accident history
- A study on exposure assessment for fine dust by using Kriging method: The case of Seoul Metropolitan city
- A study on the relationship between carbon budget and ecosystem service in urban areas according to urbanization
- Absorption and Scattering of Aerosol measured onboard R/V Gisang1 over the Yellow Sea
- Analysis of Knickzones over a Coastal Mountain Range of the Korean Peninsula Implies Intensive Uplifts during the Opening of the East Sea
- Analysis of the effect of local heat island in Seoul using LANDSAT image
- Anti-aging Friction of Carbonate Fault Mirror and its Microstructural Interpretation
- Assessment of multi-wildfire occurrence data for machine learning based risk modelling
- Changes in Soil Carbon and Moisture over the Six Year after Thinning of a Natural Oak Forest
- Characteristics of PAN (Peroxyacetyl Nitrate) in Outflow Plumes Over the Yellow Sea During KORUS-AQ Campaign
- Characteristics of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in Seoul in relationship with PM<SUB>10</SUB> and PM<SUB>1.0</SUB>
- Decadal change in PAN & O<SUB>3</SUB> and their precursors levels in Seoul during May and June
- Development of Dimensionless Index Assessing Low Impact Development in Urban Areas
- Development of a Flood Damage Risk Index for the Assessment of Urban Drainage Systems
- Development of spatial scaling technique of forest health sample point information
- Diagnosis of Dust- and Pollution- Impacted PM<SUB>10</SUB>, PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>, and PM<SUB>1</SUB> Aerosols Observed at Gosan Climate Observatory
- Drought monitoring of Tumen river basin wetlands between 1991 and 2016 using Landsat TM/ETM+
- Ecotoxicity of water-soluble PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 aerosols at Gosan Climate Observatory (GCO) in Jeju, Korea
- Effects of interactions between Collembola and soil microbial community on the degradation of glyphosate-based herbicide
- Effects of moisture content on coarse woody debris respiration in a tropical rainforest of Brunei Darussalam
- Ensembles-based predictions of climate change impacts on bioclimatic zones in Northeast Asia
- Environmental Risk Assessment: Spatial Analysis of Chemical Hazards and Risks in South Korea
- Estimating the potential of carbon sequestration by Korean forestry sector under climate change and management scenarios
- Estimation of Potential Shale Gas Yield Amount and Land Degradation in China by Landcover Distribution regarding Water-Food-Energy and Forest
- Estimation of the mass absorption cross-section of the black and brown carbon aerosols during GoPoEx 2014
- GPS-determined Crustal Deformation of South Korea after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake: Straining Heterogeneity and Seismicity
- High surface O<SUB>3</SUB> episodes in Seoul under different meteorological regimes during KORUS-AQ campaign.
- Including Effects of Water Stress on Dead Organic Matter Decay to a Forest Carbon Model
- Increasing Flood Risk due to Run-off Outflow near Estuarine City during Storm Event
- Intragranular Recrystallization and Lattice Reorientation of Calcite Grains in Experimentally Deformed Crinoids and Trilobites
- Making LULUCF matrix of Korea by Approach 2&3
- Management of Agroforestry Practices in Assosa District, Benishangul Gumuze Region, Ethiopia
- Multi-temporal analysis of forest fire risk driven by environmental and socio-economic change in the Republic of Korea
- PAN and O<SUB>3</SUB> enhancement at Taehwa Research Forest in Korea
- PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Black carbon enhancement at Socheongcho Ocean Research Station in the Yellow Sea
- Phased Restoration Plan for Degraded Land in North Korea by the Clustered Distribution Pattern of Suitable Afforestation Plants
- Relationship between Organic Carbon Runoff to River and Land Cover
- Revisiting fault gouge formation within the Deokpori - Gakdong thrust zone, South Korea.
- Right-side-up Pseudo-stratigraphy in the Early Paleozoic Sequence (Joseon Supergroup), South Korea, Produced by Multiple Deformation
- Suitability Analyses of Wind Power Generation Complex in South Korea by Using Environmental & Social Criterias
- The Estimation Modelling of Damaged Areas by Harmful Animals
- The Monitoring of Sallow CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage From the CO<SUB>2</SUB> Release Experiment in South Korea
- The vertical and horizontal chemical inhomogeneity over the planetary boundary layer of the Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Trophic transfer of soil arsenate and associated toxic effects in a plant-aphid-parasitoid system
- Value Assessment Study for Air quality in Regulation Services of Ecosystems Services target on NO<SUB>2</SUB> using Remote sensing data
- Water-centric nexus for response to climate change on agriculture and forest sector: The case of the Korean Peninsula
- 2017 Mw 5.4 Pohang earthquake, South Korea and poroelastic stress change associated with fluid injection
- Abnormal shoot responses of Pinus densiflora seedlings to open-field experimental warming and precipitation manipulation
- Analysis on spatio-temporal changes in ecosystem services attributable to urbanization
- Assessment of groundwater nitrate contamination using Bayesian isotope mixture model: a study from rural areas of South Korea
- Assessment of the phytotoxicity of hydrochloric acid (HCl) spilled into agricultural soil using radish (Raphanus sativus) and rice (Oryza sativa)
- Developing Framework to Assess Supply and Demand of Climate Regulating Ecosystem Services in South Korea
- Developing methodology of land use and land use change matrix in LULUCF sector considering forest sector inventory in Korea
- Effects of continuous and intermittent flooding on greenhouse gas emission from rice paddy field under RCP-8.5 scenario in South Korea estimated by DNDC model
- Estimating the economic viability of forest management at the national scale in Republic of Korea
- Estimation of Groundwater Pathogen Outbreaks Based on Non-Linear Time Series Model
- Exploring adaptation strategies of bioclimatic zones considering migration rate of forest species under climate change
- First Application of the Raman Lidar Technique for Remote Sensing of Surface Two Dimensional of CO<SUB>2</SUB> VMRs
- Forest management for achieving South Korea sustainable development goals: trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services
- Geochemical change of groundwater by artificial CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage through shallow silicate aquifer: emphasis on pH buffering
- Geochemical-Thermo-Mechanical Modeling Applied to Plume-induced Subduction Initiation Along the Caribbean Large Igneous Province
- Greenhouse gases emission in rice paddy of South Korea and the effect of flooding management change with RCP 8.5 scenario and adaptation for the scenario.
- Hydrogeological Monitoring for CO2 Injected Into a Shallow Aquifer by Two Different Controlled Leakage Events using multi-depth monitoring wells at the K-COSEM Site, Korea
- Initial Physiological Responses of First-year Pinus densiflora and Larix kaempferi Seedlings to Open-field Artificial Warming and Precipitation Manipulation
- Initial effects of artificial warming and drought on soil respiration of Pinus koraiensis seedlings.
- Interpreting Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, and Microbial Responses to Forest Thinning: Multi-site Assessment
- Land Degradation Monitoring in Kyzyl-Orda, Kazakhstan according to the Depletion of Aral Sea Using Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery
- Mineralogical proxy to determine the depositional condition in the Larsen Ice Shelf B, Antarctic Peninsula
- Numerical Estimation and Interpolation of Released CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes and Concentration at Vadose Zone with Controlled-injection
- Observation and comparison of HONO and H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> during early summer in Seoul, Korea
- Physiological and Psychological Validation of the Effects of Urban Parks on Youth in South Korea
- Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Trajectories using Echo State Networks
- Proxies for the 2017 Pohang Earthquake Fault and Modelling of Fluid Flow
- Rehabilitation Strategies for Deforested Tropical Peatlands in Indonesia
- Rice Yield Prediction Considering Regional Difference of Growing Period Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel - 1 & 2 Images
- Rupture Propagation and Segmentation of the 2017 Pohang Earthquake
- Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in various tundra ecosystems of polar region
- Spatiotemporal Variations of the Reactivated Fault Revealed by High-Precision Aftershock Locations of the 15 November 2017 Pohang Earthquake
- Structural, Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties of Fault Zones in the Yeongdeok Pluton (Proxies for 2017 Pohang Earthquake Fault)
- Surface Deformation of Kyushu Island before and during the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes
- Temporal Estimations of Groundwater Pathogen Outbreaks Based on Data-Driven Models
- The 15 November 2017 Pohang Earthquake
- The Development Chronology of South Korean Compressed Growth as a Reference
- The combined use of multiresolution state space model and deep learning to characterize hydrological drivers of complex groundwater level fluctuation in an alluvial aquifer
- The contribution of BC and BrC aerosols to solar radiation absorption estimated from in-situ observation at Gosan, Korea
- Towards Modeling the Seismic Velocity Structure of the Pohang Enhanced Geothermal System Site in Korea
- Understanding Global Concentration of Fine Particulate Matter in the Human-Natural System Continuum
- Warming affects advanced budburst and phenological parameters of Pinus koraiensis seedling under climate change manipulation
- A GPS insight of the Cordillera Blanca Fault kinematics, in Northern-Central Peru.
- A Study on identifying potential area for establishing vegetation in Aral Sea using remote sensed data
- A study on the effect of seawater desalination facilities by-products on ecosystem
- Application of different assessment approaches among ecosystem services considering demand and supply focused on forest carbon
- Assessing mean transit time and mixing properties of hydrological components in a small crystalline bedrock catchment
- Assessment of Forest Cover Change in South and North Korea of Gangwon Province based on Gaussian Probability Density Function
- Assessment of climate impact and irrigation activities on wheat yield in the Mid-Latitude Region
- Assessment of tectonic stability in the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula through the investigation of coastal sediments
- Atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic inorganic nitrogen in the East/Japan Sea
- Changes in carbon and nitrogen storage after afforestation on abandoned coal mines in southern Korea
- Comparison of Modeling Results according to the Application of Ensemble Technique in Predicting the Distribution of Species in Response to Climate Change
- Controlled CO2 release test facilities for environmental monitoring techniques of CCS in K-COSEM site, Korea
- Creation of damage area prediction map according to chemical incidents around chemical industrial complex considering environmental factors
- Deep-Learning Applications for Time Series SAR (Sentinel-1) Image Classification with Limited Labelled Area
- Development of the Forest Biomass and Dead organic matter Carbon And Nitrogen (FBDCAN) model: Balancing reliability with realism
- Effects of Incised Valley Topography on Grain Size of Coarse Bed Materials
- Evaluating Ethylene as a Surrogate for In-situ Persulfate Chemical Oxidation of Vinyl Chloride in Groundwater
- Evaluating the Potential of Trapped Nano-size Oxygen Bubbles (NOBs) for a Controlled-release Oxygen Source of Prolonged BTEX Aerobic Biodegradation in Groundwater
- Evaluation of the contribution of groundwater baseflow on river nutrients dynamics in the downstream of the Nakdong River South Korea
- Hydrogeological characteristics of the test bed for the researches on subsurface environmental management in Korea
- Identification of CO2 migration and leakage detection using gas tracer (SF6) in shallow subsurface
- Identification of seismogenic zones from GNSS data: an example of Kyushu Island, Japan
- Identifying characterization of sand dust storm and environmental conditions in Mid-Latitude Region
- In-situ Biological Efficacy of High-strength Mixture Phenolic Hydrocarbon by Sequential Aerobic Respiration and Heterotrophic Denitrification in the Field Single-Well Natural Drift Test
- Integrating crop calendar data can improve pest risk mapping of migratory pest: A case study of major rice pest in East Asia, brown planthopper.
- Interpreting the Subsurface at High Lithological Resolution by Integrating Information from Well-Log Data and Rock-core Images
- Land use dynamics and landscape change pattern on the patch dry Afromontane forest hydrology of Northern Ethiopia
- Multi-fractal Formulation for General Hydraulic Geometry Relationships
- Observations utilizing Korea Ocean Research Stations and their Applications for Process Studies
- Optimal Removal Scenario in Spatial Perspective for Effective Management of Invasive Species: Focused on Common Ragweed
- Optimal Sensor Network Design to Detect CO2 Leakage at a Geologic Storage Site Considering Three-Dimensional Aquifer Heterogeneity
- Optimization of agronomic practices (fertilizer level and tillage depth) from Korean cabbage fields by balancing crop yields for greenhouse gases (CO<SUB>2</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O) reduction.
- Prediction and Understanding of Dynamics of Naturally & Artificially Released CO<SUB>2</SUB> into a Vadose Zone using a Numerical Simulator
- Prediction of Climate Change Impacts on Stream flow of the Major River Basins in South Korea
- Regional variability in black carbon and carbon monoxide ratio from long-term observations over East Asia: Assessment of representativeness for BC and CO emission inventories
- Soil Nematode Community Responses to Multiple Experimental Climate Change Drivers
- Spatio-temporal relationship between potential habitat of insect pollinators and flowering plants in South Korea
- The 2017 Mw 5.4 Pohang earthquake, South Korea, and poroelastic stress changes associated with fluid injection
- The effect of weathering on physical properties of granitic fault rocks
- The suitability analysis of cropland in Kyrgyzstan for drought risk reduction in the SDGs perspectives
- Trend Analysis of Urban Heat Islands(UHIs) According to Urban Area Change in Asian mega cities
- 3-D Uppermost Mantle Structures from Pn and Sn Tomography across the Southern Korean Peninsula
- Analysis of electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) mapping of geological materials: precautions for reliably collecting and interpreting data on petro-fabric and seismic anisotropy
- Analysis of factors that increase development through review of the status of development permit
- Analysis on Long-Distance Dispersal Characteristics of Pine Wilt Disease using Network Analysis for Conservation Planning
- Analysis on Structural Uncertainty of Ensemble Method for Landslide Susceptibility Analysis
- Anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath the southern Korean Peninsula from splitting of core refracted shear waves
- Big data-based prediction of environmental impact on noise-vibration in South Korea
- Determine the best management practice of agricultural non-point source under RCP scenario in South Korea
- Development of Land Use Regression Models for Air Pollution Prediction and Analysis in South Korea
- Emergent Trees Identified as Major Source of Uncertainty in Estimating Above-ground Biomass in Mixed Dipterocarp Forest of Brunei Darussalam
- Estimating mean carbon turnover time of three forest ecosystems in South Korea using data-model fusion
- Factors controlling the color of fault gouges: an example from the Geumwang Fault, South Korea.
- Heterogeneous Modification and Ongoing Reactivation of Craton Margin beneath Northeast Asia Continental Margin: Insight from Teleseismic Traveltime Tomography of the Korean Peninsula
- Hybrid system of reverse osmosis -membrane capacitive deionization-reverse electrodialysis for energy efficient high-salinity seawater desalination
- Matrix MIP to trace uncertainty in predicting land carbon dynamics
- Seismic structures around the Mt.Baekdu (Changbaishan) intraplate volcano by Bayesian joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersions
- Seismogenesis in granite of brittle-ductile transition regime
- Shallow S-wave structure at a deep drilling site in Chungnam National University, South Korea with tests for optimal array shapes for f-k analysis and applications of Bayesian inversion method
- Uncertainty estimation of moment tensor solutions for the 2017 Mw 5.5 Pohang earthquake using hierarchical Bayesian inversion method
- 3-D Velocity Structures of the Uppermost mantle beneath the Southern Korean Peninsula from Pn and Sn Tomography
- Accuracy analysis of multi-series phenological classification using U-Net-based deep learning model -Focusing on the Seoul, Republic of Korea-
- An analytical understanding of model uncertainty using matrix approach
- Bayesian full moment tensors inversion of seismicity occurred near the EGS site in Pohang, South Korea
- Bruneis forest carbon dynamics by land cover change: An object-based image analysis using Landsat time-series data
- Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover Times of South Korean Forests Estimated via Data-model Fusion
- Complex upper mantle anisotropy beneath the Korean Peninsula from shear wave splitting of core-refracted waves
- Contribution of marine phytoplankton and bacteria to ocean alkalinity: an uncharacterized component
- Differences in tree diameter, stand density and stem volume for four different urbanization categories in Korea
- Effect of thermal pressurization on fault zone strength: an example from the Geumwang Fault, South Korea
- Effects of extreme climate events on soil microbe and extracellular enzyme activity under Pinus densiflora and Larix kaempferi seedlings
- Effects of extreme warming and drought on leaf gas exchange and biomass accumulation of Pinus densiflora seedlings
- Explaining variances in soil chemical characteristics with climatic and soil physical factors using random forest in South Korean forests
- Geophysical Surveys in a LNAPL Contaminated Site in South Korea and Integrated Interpretation with Borehole Data
- Identifying Tree Ring Growth Influencing Climate Change Scenario
- Integrating field measurement, remote sensing, and modeling approach to track forest cover and above ground biomass changes in the Northeast Asian temperate forests
- Land-use conflict between sustainable energy and ecosystem: Assessment of cost-benefit from solar energy and ecosystem service from forest and agricultural land
- Lithospheric structures around the Mt. Baekdu (Changbaishan) volcano by Bayesian joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersions
- Machine learning approach to predict vegetation health using multi-source geospatial data
- Prediction and comparison of seasonal NO2 distribution due to climate change at Korean capital area
- Reviewing on Spatial and Climatic Distribution of Meteorological Drought Index
- Seed germination responses of Pinus densiflora to spring extreme climate events
- Seismogenesis under brittle-plastic transition condition in the Yecheon shear zone, South Korea
- Signature of slab fragmentation and dynamic interaction between slabs and the mantle transition zone in northeast Asia
- Soil Invertebrates Effects on Pine and Oak Deadwood Decomposition in Temperate Forests of Korea
- Spatial Assessment of Vegetation Sustainability for Environmental Impact Assessment
- Three-dimensional Seismic Wave Propagation Simulations in the southern Korean Peninsula using Pseudo-dynamic Rupture Models
- Transdimensional Bayesian Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersion and Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Curves for the Southern Korean Peninsula
- A Conceptual Framework for the Improving Climate Resilience of Urban Forests
- A Framework of Bayesian Joint Inversion Using Multiple Surface Wave Dispersion Data and Receiver Functions for Shallow Subsurface Structures
- Analysis of Changes in the Distribution of Birds in the Inter-Korean Border Areas by Climate and Land Use
- Assessing ecosystem services changes according to land cover dynamics to improve urban resilience
- Assessing ecosystem services for potential forest projects in Sumatra Selatan and Jambi Provinces, Indonesia
- Carbon Stocks and Fluxes of Hibiscus hamabo (Mangrove Associate) in Jeju Island, South Korea
- Characteristics of source types revealed from FMT solutions of nine earthquakes in Pohang using the hierarchical Bayesian inversion
- Complex Upper Mantle Dynamics beneath the Southern Korean Peninsula from Azimuthal Seismic Anisotropy Analysis
- Correlation Analysis of Vegetation and Carbon Absorption Capacity according to the Occurrence of Heat Waves Using Satellite Data
- Effects of Irrigation on Survival and Growth of Haloxylon ammodendron in Semi-arid Region of Tajikistan
- Estimating Forest Growth Change according to Forest Management Scenarios in Response to the New Climate Change Regime in South Korea
- Exploring Spatio-temporal Change in Global Land cover Using Categorical Intensity Analysis
- Identifying Forest Soil information based on Machine learning for South Korea
- Improving Climate Resilience Responding to Urban Floods Under Climate Change
- Localized Upper Mantle Low-viscosity Pockets Beneath Intraplate Volcanoes
- Modeling dynamics of stand density by linking ingrowth and mortality with stand structural and environmental factors
- Nighttime NO3 radical variations near the ground in the summertime Seoul, Korea
- Prediction of the Potential Spatial Distribution of Paeonia obovata in Korean peninsula under SSP scenarios
- Prediction of the Potential Spatial Distribution of Reo Deer (Capreolus pygargus) in Jeju Island according to Climate Change
- Probabilistic seismic source inversion incorporating uncertainty in 3D earth models: case studies for southeast Australia and the Korean peninsula
- Quantifying the Energy Distribution within Critical Zone Based on the Maximum Entropy Production Principle
- Revised Historical Black Carbon Emissions based on Atmospheric Modelling, Ice Core Records and an Inverse Algorithm
- Revitalizing the Harold Fisk 1944 Mississippi River Valley Maps
- Seed Germination and Seedling Survival Responses of Larix kaempferi to Spring and Summer Extreme Climate Events
- Seismic Constraints on Modification of Continental Lithosphere beneath the Southern Korean Peninsula from Three-Dimensional Pn and Sn Tomography
- Simulating Seasonal Dynamics of Evapotranspiration and Radiation Absorption of Deciduous Forests
- Structural diversity is the main driver of aboveground carbon storage in dryland agroforestry parklands in Benin
- Surface-to-Borehole and Cross-hole ERT Tomography in a Test-Bed of South Korea
- Tempo-spatial variation of sponge-coral reefs in the Upper Ordovician (Katian) Xiazhen Formation of South China: An insight for the early establishment of middle Paleozoic-type reef ecosystem
- The Late Quaternary topographic uplift driven by differential density and erosion: Case study of the Mid-Continent region, Ste.Francois Mountains, Missouri.
- The Sustainability of Land use and Land cover changes (LULCC) in Korean peninsula
- The growth and survival responses of Pinus densiflora seedlings to extreme warming and drought
- Unusual high-heat flux on the surface in the southeastern Korean Peninsula and inferring its origin from P-wave travel-time tomography and a tectonic process associated with the back-arc opening of the East Sea (Sea of Japan) in the Cenozoic era
- Urban Soil Carbon Density and Its Tendency Over Time in Different Urban Land-Use Types in Korea
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Chenliang Wu
- D. M. Ricciuto
- Dabeen Heo
- Efrén López‐Blanco
- Enqing Hou
- Eunseo Choi
- Eunseon Lee
- Gwang-Jung Kim
- Hyeonji Kim
- Hyungwoo Lim
- Ignacio Pisso
- J. R. McConnell
- Jin-Han Ree
- Jung‐Hun Song
- Junkee Rhie
- Kitack Lee
- Kwang-Hee Kim
- Kyungrock Paik
- Lifen Jiang
- Meehye Lee
- Nam Jin Noh
- Nathan Chellman
- Nikolaos Evangeliou
- Paul J. Hanson
- Sabine Eckhardt
- Seok Goo Song
- Seongryong Kim
- Sung‐Joo Lee
- Tae Cheon Kang
- Taejin Park
- Thanh‐Son Phạm
- Thomas Opel
- Whijin Kim
- Wonsuck Kim
- Yiqi Luo
- Yoo-Jin Choi
- Young Hee Kim
- Yu Zhou