Korea Maritime and Ocean University
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- C37 Alkenones and Planktonic Foraminifera in the Benguela Upwelling System
- Long-term Variation of the East Sea Throughflow and its Possible Influences on the East Sea Warming
- Numerical Simulation of Sea-ice Distribution in the Arctic Sea
- Temperature and salinity changes over the last 1300 years in the East Sea
- Numerical simulation on the sea ice extent variability of the Arctic Sea
- Recent warming (2000-2010) and coral growth in the Western Pacific warm pool
- Sea ice effects on low salinity water transport in the northern East/Japan Sea
- The Effects of Geothermal Heating on the East Sea Circulation
- Tidal Effects on Bottom Cold Water Intrusion from the Southwestern East Sea into the Korea Strait
- Twenty years of Western Pacific Warm Pool variability as recorded in a Porites coral from Chuuk Lagoon
- Application of the newly constructed Chirp SBP recording system for raw data with phase information for the study of shallow gas in Korea Strait shelf mud
- CO2, CH4, and N2O in the Open Ocean, Sea-ice Zone, and Polynya of the Southern Ocean Observed during Austral Summer Season from 2009 to 2013
- Decadally-resolved sea surface temperature and salinity records of the East Sea (Japan Sea) over the last 2000 years
- Variability of the Antarctic Surface Water and the Upper Circumpolar Deep Water from 1992 WOCE and 2007-2008 Argo data along the section P19 in Southeastern Pacific
- High-Resolution Pleistocene Alkenone Temperature Records of IODP Expedition 346 Sites U1425 and U1429
- Seasonal Variation of Semidiurnal Internal Tides and Their Impact on Shelf-Slope Water Exchanges in the Southwestern East/Japan Sea
- A Comparative Study of Inversion Methods Using Reproduced Low-Frequency Components
- Correlation between land use changes and shoreline changes around THE Nakdong River in Korea using landsat images.
- Efficient 3D Acoustic Numerical modeling in the Logarithmic-grid using the Expanding Domain Method
- Recovering Long-wavelength Velocity Models using Spectrogram Inversion with Single- and Multi-frequency Components
- Variation of Active Tropical Cyclone Season in the Western North Pacific
- A comparison of Q-factor estimation methods for marine seismic data
- Alkenone temperature of 84 core tops and Holocene sediments in the southeastern Yellow Sea
- Analysis of the radiation pattern from Chirp SBP data
- Application of the full waveform inversion to OBS data sets
- Multi-decadal to centennial scale variations in sea surface temperature off southeast Korea over the last 2000 yr
- Spatial and temporal distribution of C<SUB>37</SUB> alkenone of suspended material in the northern East China Sea
- 3D Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion for Engineering Purpose
- A Study for Characteristics of Wave Propagation in Moving Media
- Development of 3-axis precise positioning seismic physical modeling system in the simulation of marine seismic exploration
- Increasing Flood Risk due to Run-off Outflow near Estuarine City during Storm Event
- Optimal Inversion Parameters for Full Waveform Inversion using OBS Data Set
- Reverse-time migration for subsurface imaging using single- and multi- frequency components
- The Effect of Flow Velocity on Waveform Inversion
- Water Isotope Proxy-Proxy and Proxy-Model Convergence for Late Pleistocene East Asian Monsoon Rainfall Reconstructions
- A Study on the Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) with various transformed wavefields
- A study on seismic velocity according to injection fluid in rock core
- Application of window-based deghosting processing to marine seismic data, in Ulleung Basin, Korea
- Late Pleistocene Seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O reconstructions in the Indian and Asian Monsoon Regions
- Orbital-scale ocean surface response to external and internal forcings during late Quaternary
- The study on the summing methods of the updated direction in FWI
- Multi-parameter Elastic Full waveform inversion using Discrete Cosine Transform
- Reverse-time migration with re-propagated receiver wavefield reconstruction strategy
- Two Dimensional Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion using Discrete Cosine Transform
- Directional analysis of high-frequency source using seismic physical modeling
- Efficient Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion using Plane-wave in Frequency Domain
- Full Waveform Inversion using modified Softplus Objective Function
- Seismic Experiments on 3D Printed Earth Models
- Change of Aleutian Low in ensemble global warming simulations with the Kiel Climate Model
- Characteristics of Distribution of the GDGT in Suspended Materials in the Northern East China Sea : the Use of GDGT as a Paleo-Thermometer Proxy
- Effect of Mid-latitude Jet Stream on the Intensity of Tropical Cyclones Near the Korean Peninsula
- Habitat depths of planktonic foraminifera estimated from abundance and oxygen isotopic ratio in the western tropical Pacific
- Meridional variation of the location of tropical cyclone lifetime maximum intensity over the western North Pacific: the contributions of tropical cyclone track patterns and in-pattern variation
- Post shut-in strategy to reduce large amplitude events during hydraulic stimulation: laboratory experiments and numerical simulation
- Effect of Mid-latitude Jet Stream on Tropical Cyclones Intensity in the Northwest Pacific above Mid-latitude
- Effects of unique Marine Heat Wave ocean structure changed on Tropical cyclone intensity
- Regional analysis of tropical cyclones landfalling in East Asia over the last 40 years: Changes in the activity of strong and weak tropical cyclones