Konkuk University, Korea
flowchart I[Konkuk University, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (91)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (14)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A GIS-based, Micro-scale Emission Inventory System For CFD-based Atmospheric Modeling System
- Combined Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Information and Airborne Measurements in Support of NASA ARCTAS and TC4 Field Campaigns
- Effects of Siberian forest fires on regional climate in spring 2003
- Inter-comparison Study of Global Emission Inventories in Support of Global Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling
- Investigation of NOx Emissions and NOx-related Chemistry in East Asia Using CMAQ- predicted and GOME-derived NO2 Columns
- A quantitative analysis for nitrogen source-receptor relationships in Northeast Asia based on numerical simulation
- Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer(GEMS) onboard MP-GEOSAT (Multi Purpose Geostationary Satellite) over Asia-Pacific region
- Integrated Analysis of Bottom-up Emissions Information and Airborne Measurements in Support of NASA INTEX and ARCTAS Field Campaigns
- Investigation of NOx emissions and NOx-related chemistry in East Asia using NO2 columns from CMAQ simulation and GOME observation
- Modeling Biogenic Pollutants Emission from Ecosystems in Asia using MEGAN
- Monitoring Air Quality from Geostationary Orbit in Asia-Pacific region by MP-GEOSAT (Invited)
- Patterns of CO2 and radiocarbon across high northern latitudes during IPY 2008
- A study on the uncertainty based on Meteorological fields on Source-receptor Relationships for Total Nitrate in the Northeast Asia
- CO2 Emission signatures from Biomass Burning Plumes Sampled during ARCTAS
- Evaluation of biogenic emission flux and its impact on oxidants and inorganic aerosols in East Asia
- Contribution Assessment of Regional Air Pollution over Northeast Asia using CMAQ Source Apportionment Tools
- Evaluation of bottom-up NO2 emissions using CMAQ and multiple satellite NO2 data over East Asia
- Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer(GEMS) onboard the GEOKOMPSAT to monitor air quality in high temporal and spatial resolution over Asia-Pacific region
- Improvement of air quality according to Mobile reduction measures to establish Korean Auto-oil program
- Effect of using different plant functional type distribution datasets on the prediction of ambient photochemical ozone and its' precursors in Seoul-Kyunggi Metropolitan Area, Korea
- GEMS(Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer) onboard the GeoKOMPSAT : Requirements for instrument and sciences
- Distributed Regional Aerosol Gridded Observation Network (DRAGON) - Korea 2012 campaign
- Impact of High Resolution Emissions Processing on Neighborhood Scale Air Quality Modeling: A case study over the Konkuk University Complex Testbed, Seoul, Korea
- Improving Biogenic Emission Estimates of MEGAN v2.1 Using Local Measurement Data : A case study over Taehwa research forest in South Korea
- The impact of long-range transport on secondary aerosol in Northeast Asia
- Assessment of Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emission Over East Asia : A Bottom-up Inventory Perspective
- Assessment of Biogenic Terpenoid Emission Inventories in Asia using Remotely Sensed Spatial and Temporal Surrogate Data
- Assessment of a Megacity Air Quality Management Policy using the GAINS-Korea : Seoul metropolitan area Air Quality Management Plan(SAQMP)
- Development of Source-Receptor matrix over South Korea in support of GAINS-Korea model
- Development of a Numerical System to Improve Particulate Matter Forecasts in South Korea Using Geostationary Satellite-retrieved Aerosol Optical Data over Northeast Asia
- Development of the GAINS-KOREA Base Year Emission Inventory for Criteria Air Pollutants: Issues in Linking the Korea NEI to the GAINS Framework
- The Characteristics of Long-range Transboundary Inorganic Secondary Aerosols in Northeast Asia
- Development of Future Scenario Emission Inventories for East Asia in Support of Multiple Modeling Studies
- Development of a Numerical System to Improve Particulate Matter Forecasts in South Korea Using Geostationary Satellite-retrieved Aerosol Optical Data over Northeast Asia
- Modeling Study on Air Quality Improvement due to Mobile Source Emission control Plan in Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Satellite-observed NO<SUB>2</SUB>, SO<SUB>2</SUB>, and HCHO Vertical Column Densities in East Asia: Recent Changes and Comparisons with Regional Model
- Variations in bacterial and fungal community composition along the soil depth profiles determined by pyrosequencing
- Analysis of Biogenic VOCs Emissions During the MAPS-Seoul Aircraft Field Campaign
- Assessment of the Air Quality Improvement Potentials for Seoul Metropolitan Area using GAINS-Korea
- Development of Air Quality Impact Assessment Method of Potential Volcanic Hazard near the Korean Peninsula
- Initial Analysis of VOCs Speciation in CREATE Emissions Inventory using the MAPS-Seoul Aircraft Field Campaign
- Long-term warming trends in Korea and contribution of urbanization
- Microbial diversity and hydrogeochemical characteristics of natural CO<SUB>2</SUB>-rich springs in Korea
- A Study on BC Emission from Vehicles using Different Types of Fuel
- Atmospheric Observations of Carbon Dioxide and Quantification of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide and Emission Inventories using Radiocarbon in the Korean Peninsula during the KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
- Changes in plants and soil microorganisms in an artificial CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage experiment
- Emission Sectoral Contributions of Foreign Emissions to Particulate Matter Concentrations over South Korea
- Improving Air Quality (and Weather) Predictions using Advanced Data Assimilation Techniques Applied to Coupled Models during KORUS-AQ
- Joint Evaluation of Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) High-resolution Global Near-Real Time CO and CO2 Forecasts during KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
- Linked Analysis of East Asia Emission Reduction Pathways
- Understanding Emissions in East Asia - The KORUS 2015 Emissions Inventory
- Urban and Industrial VOC Emissions in the Seoul Metropolitan Area and Surrounding Region during the KORUS-AQ Field Study
- Airborne Formaldehyde Measurements over the Petrochemical & Industrial Complexes on Korea's Northwest Coast During the KORUS-AQ Study: Estimation of Formaldehyde & Precursor Emission Fluxes and Potential Effects on Seoul's Air Quality
- Characteristics and Sources of VOCs in the Seoul Region during KORUS-AQ
- How to assess the impacts of China's emission reduction efforts on the East Asia air quality
- Improving Bottom-up Emissions Information Based on Air Quality Measurement and Modeling Feedbacks - The KORUS Emissions Inventory
- Improving the Quantification of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide using Radiocarbon Measurements from the KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
- Physico-chemical influences on Cladophora blooms in a Natural Stream, Korea
- Recent Advances in Deriving NOx Emission Estimates from Satellite Data
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Production from Local Emissions Dominates OA Budget over Seoul, South Korea, during KORUS-AQ
- Significant contribution of anthropogenic dust to fine aerosol mass during a Chinese haze event as measured by KORUS-AQ observations
- VOC Characteristics and Sources in Diverse Cities of Asia: Hong Kong, Seoul, Mecca and Lahore
- Assessment of Availability and Utilization Potential of Integrated Observation Framework for Air Quality Study over Northeast Asia Region: An OSSE Case Study
- Colorimetric optical sensors for the early detection of CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage from geological carbon sequestration sites
- Development of a Comprehensive Regional Emissions Inventory in Support of Air Quality Modeling and Aircraft Field Campaign over East Asia
- Evaluating top-down NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia and their impacts on simulated O<SUB>3</SUB> concentrations in South Korea using OMI retrievals and aircraft observations during the KORUS-AQ campaign
- Impact of Land Cover and Leaf Area Index on BVOC Emissions over the Korean Peninsula
- Impact of current emission reduction of air pollutants over BTH region in China on ambient fine particulate matter concentrations
- Improvement of the performances of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> predictions using data assimilation techniques over northeast Asia during the KORUS-AQ campaign
- Metabolic Diversity of Subsurface Microorganisms at Different Soil Depth
- Recent CFC-11 Enhancements in China, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and South Korea
- Understanding and improving model representation of aerosol optical properties for a Chinese haze event measured by KORUS-AQ
- A chemical data assimilation framework for utilizing data products from multiple platforms to optimize NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia: a case study during the KORUS-AQ
- Causes of model biases in simulating inorganic aerosol composition during KORUS-AQ and implications for the estimate of transboundary pollution
- Effect of the Seoul Metropolitan Area Air Quality Policy on the Reduction of Emissions in Mobile Sources
- Evaluation of Nitrate Load Estimations in the Midwestern United States
- Impact of Multiple Vegetation Inputs on Biogenic VOC Emissions over the Korean Peninsula
- Analysis of Emission Reduction Effects by Air Quality Policy Scenarios in the Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Evaluation of Large Point Source Emissions over South Korea Using NASA KORUS-AQ Aircraft Field Campaign
- Evaluation of the Usability of Low-Cost Fine Particle Monitoring Devices - A Case Study in Seoul, Korea
- Impact Analysis of PM2.5 in Port Areas due to Reduction of Ship and Ship-related Emissions
- Wet scavenging coefficients derived from multi-years measurements in Korea
- A study on the development of environmental-ecological flow standards in Nam river watershed
- Analysis of Water Surface Reflectance Characteristics Based on Hyperspectral Images for Chlorophyll-a Estimation of Baekje Weir and Namyang Lake in South Korea
- Coarse particulate matter air quality in East Asia: implications for fine particulate nitrate
- Effects of GHGs and air pollutants control in Northeast Asia on future air quality over Korea
- Evaluation of watershed ecosystem health by using spatial modeling
- Long-term historical trends in air pollutant emissions in South Korea (2000 2018)
- PM2.5 concentration changes before and after COVID-19 pandemic in Seoul, Korea
- Spatio-temporal Soil Moisture Estimation using Water Cloud Model and Sentinel-1 & -2 Satellite Images.
- The HTAPv3 emission mosaic: a global effort to tackle air quality issues