Chungbuk National University, Korea
flowchart I[Chungbuk National University, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (89)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (15)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Chungbuk National University, Department of Astronomy and Space Science
- Chungbuk National University, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Effect of B<SUB>y</SUB> in three-dimensional reconnection at the dayside magnetopause
- Plasma Blob Events Observed by KOMPSAT-1 and DMSP F15 in the Low Latitude Nighttime Upper Ionosphere
- Whistler chorus intensifications associated with convection indicator by SuperDARN and particle injections by LANL satellites
- Multipoint observations of quasi-periodic substorms associated with ULF pulsations
- Observational test of the ideal MHD frozen-in condition for bursty bulk flow /dipolarization events in the near-Earth tail
- Substorms under northward IMF conditions and their implications on the question of energy availability in the tail
- Evolution of block stream with subsurface erosion - A Case of Unbong mountain, Gangwon, Korea
- Estimating Economic Value of Stream Restoration for Urban Watershed Using Choice Experiments
- Melt microstructures and U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages of tonalitic migmatites, Daeijak Island, South Korea: A contrast in melt distribution during the Triassic anatexis
- Valuing Non-market Benefits of Rehabilitation of Hydrologic Cycle Improvements in the Anyangcheon Watershed: Using Mixed Logit Models
- A Transect Across the Greater Himalayan Sequence of Bhutan: Evidence for a Minimum of 10 Ma of Ductile Flow Between the Outer South Tibetan Detachment and the Main Central Thrust
- Development of a device to measure dielectric constant of rocks and fault material
- Evolution of PSD radial profiles at the outer radiation belt associated with geosynchronous flux dropouts: THEMIS observations
- The elemental and Mg isotope geochemistry of biotite, chlorite, and hornblende weathering at pH = 1 and T = 25°C
- Application of Seismic Interferometry Method by Using Portable Seismometer for Delineating the Sedimentary Structure of Pohang Basin, Korea
- Observation of New Particle Formation and Growth Events in Asian Continental Outflow
- The pattern of sea level pressure to effectively identify anomalous wintertime temperatures in the U.S
- Determining the plasmapause using THEMIS observations to develop a prediction model
- Developing a prediction model for whistler chorus waves
- Effects of the quasi-biennial oscillation on interannual variability of spring precipitation in the western North Pacific
- Estimating the elastic modulus and REV of Inada Granite using a homogenization analysis method
- Magnetic Structure and Nonthermal Electrons in the X6.9 Flare on 2011 August 09
- Magnetopause structure favorable for radiationbelt electron loss
- Microwave Spectra and Coronal Magnetic Structure of Flaring Active Regions
- Prediction Model of the Geosynchronous Electron Fluxes at a Wide Energy Range Based on a Neural Network Scheme
- Agricultural Fragility Estimates Subjected to Volcanic Ash Fall Hazards
- Assessment of Social Vulnerability Identification at Local Level around Merapi Volcano - A Self Organizing Map Approach
- Mineralogical and Fluid Inclusion Studies on Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents at TA25 Caldera, Tonga Arc
- Preparation and Physicochemical Evaluation of Controlled-release Carbon Source Tablet for Groundwater in situ Denitrification
- Statistical Features of EMIC Waves Observed on Van Allen Probes in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Transfer of Real-time Dynamic Radiation Environment Assimilation Model; Research to Operation
- Van Allen Probes observations of EMIC events triggered by solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements
- Conditions Responsible for the Difference in Occurrence between H-band and He-band EMIC Waves
- Design of Installing Check Dam Using RAMMS Model in Seorak National Park of South Korea
- Determination and comparison of the ion distributions for EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere (L < 7)
- Determining the statistical significance of particle precipitation related to EMIC waves.
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Triggering by Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Enhancements at Multiple Locations
- Electrostatic upper-hybrid waves and energetic electrons in the Earth's radiation belt
- Evaluating Carbon Release Rate of Controlled-release Tablet and Its Applicability to Biological Nitrate Denitrification
- Impact of climate change on persistent turbidity in the water supply system of a Metropolitan Area
- MHD modelling in space weather: Accuracy issues
- Numerical Modeling of Debris Flow Force Caused by Climate Change and Its application to Check Dam
- Particle-in-cell simulation study of the parametric instability of whistler waves
- Resonance and stochastic motions of ions interacting with oblique magnetosonic waves
- A 2D Micromodel Study of Fines Migration and Clogging Behavior in Porous Media: Implications of Fines on Methane Extraction from Hydrate-Bearing Sediments
- Development of High Energy Particle Detector for the Study of Space Storms onboard Next Generation Small Satellite-1
- Evaluating vertical concentration profile of carbon source released from slow-releasing carbon source tablets and in situ biological nitrate denitrification activity
- Implications inferred from anisotropy parameter of proton distributions related to EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere.
- Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events Observed at Low Altitude During Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Activities Identified Near The Equator.
- 3D Synchrotron Microcomputed Tomography Study of Gas-driven Fracture of Saturated Granular Materials
- An experimental study to improve CH4-CO2 replacement efficiency in hydrate-bearing sediments
- Clogging behavior of fines associated with gas hydrate production, from pure fines to NGHP-02 and UBGH-02 reservoir fines
- Crucial Contribution of Rapid Injections of Relativistic Electrons to Radiation Belt Formation
- Damage Archive for Historic Volcanic Disaster
- Impact of Fines on Gas Permeability in Sand Systems Using Pore Network Models
- Prograde P-T evolution and episodic zircon growths of barroisite eclogites in the Lanterman Range, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- 3D Study of Permeability and Tortuosity Evolution of Gas Hydrate using Synchrotron Computed Tomography and Pore Network Modeling
- A New Discovery of Critical Features Governing Earth's Radiation Belt Enhancement
- A Study on the characteristics of sediments particles and rock strength along a bedrock river channel. - Case of in Dong River(Upper Han River), Korea
- Assessment of tectonic stability in the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula through the investigation of coastal sediments
- Complex Disaster Prediction Modeling System for Disaster Information Transmission
- Determination of geographical origin of onions in Republic of Korea using stable isotope ratios and element concentrations of C, H, O, N, and S
- Estimations of CO<SUB>2</SUB> NAF and factors analysis in a stratified reservoir located in the temperate monsoon region
- Fines and Confinement Influence on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flow in Sand Using Pore Networks of Micro-CT
- The Role of Injected Ring Current Ions in Generating EMIC Waves and Scattering Radiation Belt Particles
- The characteristics of suprathermal electrons for small-scale magnetic flux rope events observed near 1AU
- Axis Orientations of Small-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes Relative to the Background IMF Directions
- Geospace Response to Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind
- System dynamics and structurization of the society based on resources nexus
- Teleconnection between North Atlantic and East Asia on Extremely High PM10 Cases in January in South Korea
- Urban Greening and Health: Review and Case Study of Heatstroke Occurrence in Kyoto, Japan.
- A statistical study on solar wind conditions favorable for exohiss waves occurrence using Van Allen Probes
- Analysis of Social Capital related to heat-related illness in South Korea
- Comparison of Heatwave Vulnerability based on Social Capital in Urban and Rural Environments in South Korea
- Computational Analysis of Extended Froude Number in Debris Flow
- Computational Analysis of Wind-borne Debris Distribution Incurred by Building Wind
- Computational Assessment of Building Wind Effects in Urban Region
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling for the Los Angeles River Restoration
- Dayside Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Responses to Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind
- Development of a Methodology for Fragility and Vulnerability Curves of Buildings to Severe Windstorms in South Korea
- Effect of fines on the formation of vugs and fractures in sandy sediments using synchrotron microtomography
- Estimation of Structural Damage from Reservoir Collapse by Using 3D Debris Flow Simulation
- Major Outer Radiation Belt Enhancement due to Fast and Intermittent Strong MeV Electron Injections
- Multistage Melting of Buoyant Mantle beneath the Fiji Triple Junction
- Performance-Based Safety Analysis of Earth Fill Dam Using Failure Case Study
- Pore networks study on the influence of fines type and concentration on multiphase flow in sandy sediments using synchrotron microcomputed tomography
- Rifting processes and fault interpretation of Jeju Basin, offshore southern Korea, East China Sea
- The Relationship between Indoor and Outdoor Temperatures during Heat Wave
- Wind Pressure Change on the Building Surface according to the Shape of the Damping Device