Chonnam National University, Korea
flowchart I[Chonnam National University, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (144)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (24)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Deep-sea tsunami deposits in the Miocene Nishizaki Formation of Boso Peninsula, Central Japan
- DNAPL removal from a rough-walled single fracture with density-surfactant-motivated method
- Mathematical model for arsenic transformation and transport in the saturated zone
- The effect of nonlinear groundwater flow on DNAPL migration in a rough-walled single fracture
- Effect of Surface Wettability on Nonlinear Flow in a Rough-Walled Fracture
- Isolation and Characterization of Metal-Reducing Shewanella Species from Tidal Flat Sediments of Southwest Coast, Korea
- Characterization of PM2.5 aerosols dominated by local pollution and Asian dust observed at an urban site in Korea during ACE-Asia
- Continuous measurement of nitrous acid (HONO) in indoor environment using a diffusion scrubber and chemiluminescence method
- Lanthanide-Substituted Magnetite Nanoparticles Using a New Mixed Precursor Method by Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus
- Immobilization of Arsenic by Vivianite Biomineralization
- Microbiology and Biogeochemical Study of Underground Research Tunnel for the Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste
- Reproducible Crystallite Size of Mono-Dispersed and Scalable Biologically Produced Metal-Substituted Nanometer-Sized Magnetites
- The Effect Of Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentration And Temperature On A Natural Phytoplankton Assemblage In A Controlled Mesocosm Experiment
- Diverse metal reduction and nano- mineral formation by metal-reducing bacteria enriched from inter-tidal flat sediments
- Reduction of Ferrrihydrite and Akaganeite by Shewanella alga (PAH93)
- The effects of SST magnitude and gradient on the wind and rain water over the Yellow Sea
- Wettability-dependent fluid flow in a rough-walled fracture
- Late Weichselian and Holocene environmental conditions in Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden, Spitsbergen, inferred from multi-proxy analyses
- Recalibration of a local magnitude scale for southern Korea
- Visualization of Fluid Flow through in a Rough-Walled Fracture Using micro-PIV Technique
- Application of Q models to estimate Lg body-wave magnitude for earthquakes around the Korean Peninsula
- Development of magnitude scaling relationship for earthquake early warning system in South Korea
- Effect of adaptation and pulp density on bioleaching of mine waste using indigenous acidophilic bacteria
- Experimental study of the effect of test-well arrangement for partitioning interwell tracer test on the estimation of NAPL saturation
- Microbial population Diversity of indigenous acidophilic bacteria for recovering the valuable resources
- Shear-Wave Velocity Structure Around the Korean Peninsula Using the Rayleigh Wave Signature of the North Korea Underground Nuclear Explosion on May 25, 2009
- A Possible Explanation on the Dynamical Linkage between Arctic Sea-ice Loss and Stratospheric Polar Vortex
- Biomineralization of strontianite(SrCO3) by aerobic microorganisms enriched from rhodoliths
- Development of estimation method for crop yield using MODIS satellite imagery data and process-based model for corn and soybean in US Corn-Belt region
- Evolution of dispersion coefficient in the single rough-walled fracture before and after circulated flow near the wall
- Fluids in mantle xenoliths related to multiple metasomatism from the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Mercury distribution and bioaccumulation in a temperate estuary: Masan Bay, Korea
- Mineral Carbonation Using Asbestos-Containing Cement Board Waste
- Mineralogical Characteristics of Carbonate Rock-Hosted Naturally Occurring Asbestos
- Mineralogical and Biogeochemical Characteristics of Rhodolith from Wu Island, Jeju-do, Korea
- Observation of microseism from a huge Indian Ocean storm
- Bayesian estimation of earthquake location for earthquake early warning
- Effects of eddy flow on solute transport in a single rough-walled fracture : comparison between numerical simulation and microscopic experiment
- Estimation of Gutenberg-Richter b-value using instrumental earthquake catalog from the southern Korean Peninsula
- Estimation of seismic source parameters for earthquakes in the southern Korean Peninsula
- Mineralogical Characteristics of Sepiolite Occurring in the Carbonate-rock regions in Seosan, Muju and Jangsu, Republic of Korea
- Role of Arctic Sea-ice Loss for Stratospheric Polar Vortex Variability (Invited)
- The Genesis of the Abukuma Adakites, Northeast Japan Resulting From the Interaction Between Hot Asthenospheric Mantle and Subducting Slab: A Numerical Model Study
- Analysis of M 3.5 Geochang earthquake on February 5, 2013 and its aftershocks
- Characteristics of body wave microseism observed at northern continental Asia
- Characteristics of solar wind density depletions during solar cycles 23 and 24
- Cyclic Variations of Near-Earth Conditions and Solar Magnetic Multipole Fields
- Geochemical Characterization of Bitumen Carbonate from Grosmont Formation, Alberta: Well 10-12-93-24W4 and 11-33-94-22W4
- Improvement of Climate Model Simulation through Inter-Model Diversity: An ENSO Example
- In-situ Measurements of the Cosmic Radiation on the Aircraft Altitude over Korean Peninsula
- On the high correlation between storm sudden commencements and interplanetary shocks
- Seasonal to Decadal Predictability of the ENSO, PDO, and AMO: Perspectives from the CMIP5 Decadal Hindcast Experiments
- Study on the Application of Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis for the Nuclear Power Plant Site in Korean Peninsula
- Tidal Flats of the Shinan and Seocheon Areas in Korea: Their Sedimentological and Geoheritage Significance
- Variation of seismic source parameters around the southern Korean Peninsula
- Weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex by Arctic sea-ice loss
- 10-Year Observations of Cloud and Surface Longwave Radiation at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
- A study on the seismic source parameters for earthquakes occurring in the southern Korean Peninsula
- Arctic Cloud Fraction and Microphysical Characteristics from 8-year Space-based Lidar and Radar Measurements
- Development of empirical relationship between P wave initial slopes and epicentral distance for early warning in South Korea
- Effects of "Hot Fingers" on the Thermal Structure and Mantle Wedge Flow Pattern in Subduction Zones: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy and Volcanic Spacing in Northeast Japan
- Growing eddies reduce tailing in rough-walled rock fractures
- Initial application of the maximum likelihood earthquake location method to early warning system in South Korea
- Long-term change in surface air temperature over Eurasian continent and possible contribution from land-surface conditions.
- Mass Footprints of the North Pacific Atmospheric Blocking Highs
- Nature of Year-to-Year MJO Variability: SST-Forced vs. Internally Driven?
- Revisit of the Global Surface Energy Balance Using the MEP Model of Surface Heat Fluxes
- The influence of Arctic sea ice variability on the summer North Atlantic Oscillation (SNAO)
- Two distinct types of cold surges over East Asia and their predictability
- An Association of Humic-like Substances with Aerosol Light Absorption during Winter
- Analysis of Geochang earthquake on 5 February 2013 and aftershocks occurred in the Korean Peninsula
- Assessment of surface dryness due to deforestation using satellite-based temperature-vegetation dryness index (TVDI) in Rondônia, Amazon
- Chemical and Optical Properties of Water-Soluble Organic Aerosols from Biomass Burning Emissions
- Effects of Building−roof Cooling on Flow and Distribution of Reactive Pollutants in street canyons
- Empirical model of geometric spreading of ground-motion spectral amplitudes in the Korean Peninsula
- Geodiversity of Island-type Tidal Flats of Korea: Their Uniqueness and Potential to be Inscribed as a World Heritage Site
- Inter-model Diversity of ENSO simulation and its relation to basic states
- Moving Installation of Neutron Monitor from McMurdo to Jang Bogo Station
- Oedometer test as a benchmark for geodynamic models involving strain-weakening plasticity
- Rapid assessment of epicentral distance using vertical component of initial P waves in South Korea
- Reactive transport model for bioremediation of nitrate using fumarate in groundwater system: verification and field application
- Real-time back azimuth estimation for earthquakes in the Korean Peninsula
- Recent changes in winter Arctic clouds and their relationships with sea ice and atmospheric conditions
- Simulation of geospatial production changes of barley due to the impacts of climate change in South Korea
- Simulation of paddy rice productivity using a grid crop model based on satellite images of South Korea
- Visualizing trapped solute migration in a single rough-walled fracture and its implications for in-situ groundwater remediation
- Analysis of Raindrop Characteristics of Rainfall Simulators used in Korea
- Changes in Spring Vegetation Activity over Eurasian Boreal Forest Associated with Reduction of Arctic Sea Ice
- Evaluation of evapotranspiration on paddy rice using non-weighting lysimeters under the different air temperature
- GEONEX: Land monitoring from a new generation of geostationary satellite sensors
- Impacts of Different Hiking-trail Use Frequency on Soil Erosion: a Case of Mt. Mudeng National Park, Korea
- Measurement of physiological traits of paddy rice in temperature gradient chamber using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Photochemical Reflectance Index
- Outstanding Universal Values of the Korean Archipelago Getbol: Its potential for World Heritage Nomination
- Revision of a local magnitude relation for South Korea
- Surface runoff and soil erosion by difference of surface cover characteristics using by an oscillating rainfall simulator
- The summer North Atlantic Oscillation (SNAO) variability on decadal to paleoclimate time scales
- TrigDB back-filling method in EEW for the regional earthquake for reducing false location of the deep focus earthquake event by considering neighborhood triggers and forced association.
- eqMAXEL: A new automatic earthquake location algorithm implementation for Earthworm
- Anthropogenic effect on agricultural drought in the neighboring areas of South and North Korea
- Application of Micro-PIV Technique to Understanding Fluid Flow and Solute Transport in Rough-Walled Fractures
- Comparison of physical characteristics of raindrops between different climatic zones
- Development of a Method for Reliability Estimation of Triggered P-arrivals using Convolutional Neural Network
- Effects of Morphologic Factors on Soil Erosion in Hiking Trail
- Environmental Application of Biogenic Magnetite Nanoparticles to Remediate Chromium(III/VI)-Contaminated Water
- Estimation of Stomatal Conductance using the Crop Water Stress Index through Thermal Infrared Image for Application of Smart Farming System
- Examination of the Maritime Continent barrier effect on MJO propagation in SAM0-UNICON
- Light absorption of aerosol particles observed using multi-wavelength dual-spot aethalometer at an urban site
- PM2.5 Haze Pollution during Winter and Summer in Baengryeongdo and Seoul, KOREA
- Study on an automated quality control of seismic data using Convolutional Neural Network
- Study on magnitude scaling relationship using Pn waves for the Korean earthquake early warning system
- The Importance of Changes in Thermal Structure to Cold Surge Occurrences over East Asia and their Changes in the Future.
- Application of maximum likelihood method to event association
- Application of single station methods using Korea Train eXpress waveforms to earthquake early warning
- Automatic seismic station assessment in real-time with Deep Learning
- Cosmic Ray Enhancements Observed by the CRaTER onboard the LRO
- Deep Groundwater System Responses to EGS Stimulation and Induced Earthquakes: Case of the 2017 Pohang Earthauqke.
- Development of a 1-D Velocity Model and Determination of Aftershock Hypocenters Associated with the 2017 Pohang Earthquake
- Extreme floods in Peru during early 2017
- High-resolution analysis on seismic source characteristics of earthquakes near Pohang enhanced geothermal system
- Regional vulnerability assessment of agricultural land idling with agricultural management database and geographic information system in South Korea
- Validation of 1-D seismic velocity models for the Korean Peninsula
- Intensification of the East Asian summer monsoon lifecycle based on observation and CMIP6
- Spatio-temporal evolution of the 2020 Haenam, Korea, earthquake sequence
- The potential of using tree-ring chronology from the southern coast of Korea to reconstruct the climate of subtropical Western North Pacific: A pilot study
- A dynamical forecast-machine learning hybrid system for lightning prediction
- Arctic warming-induced cold damage to East Asian terrestrial ecosystems
- Developing coefficient for soil type to apply the quantitative methodology of carbon absorption in grassland
- Factors Governing Carbon Dynamics in a Macroalgal Habitat
- Land management and forest policy can reduce forest disasters attributable to climate change
- Petrophysical variations in a syn-rift volcanic sequence on the southwest Australian rifted margin (IODP Site U1513)
- Seasonal locking of the MJOs southward detouring of Indonesia caused by the Australian monsoon
- Seasonal modulation of the impact of the tropical North Atlantic SSTA on ENSO
- Contribution of Ural and Kamchatka Blockings to the Amplified Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia Pattern under Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Eurasian Cooling
- Discrimination of anthropogenic event in local distance using deep learning model
- Effect of Various Factors on Temporal Variation in Sedimentation Rate over the Past 100 Years : a Case Study of Sajapyeong Catchment, Korea
- Estimation of Soil Erosion using Radionuclides(Cs-137 and exPb-210) in the Small Catchment of the Daecheong Lake, Korea
- Formation and Sedimentation Rates Changes due to Human Effects of Sincheon Wetland in Mankyung River, Korea
- Microstructures of the fault rock drill cuttings from Pohang enhanced geothermal system (EGS) site in South Korea
- Optimized earthquake analysis procedures based on deep learning phase picker
- P-wave first-motion polarity determination using deep learning
- Significant Increase of Wildfires in Northeast Siberia: Implications on Arctic Climate
- Template matching using maximum filter algorithm and its application
- Understanding the microphysical processes causing the large differences of Northern Hemisphere high latitude surface air-temperature simulated by CAM6
- Urban Soil Carbon Density and Its Tendency Over Time in Different Urban Land-Use Types in Korea
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Daehyun Kang
- Daehyun Kim
- Dong‐Hoon Sheen
- Eric D. Maloney
- Eun Young Lee
- Gabriela Schaepman‐Strub
- Gwang-Jung Kim
- Haemyeong Jung
- In Seong Han
- Insun Song
- Ja‐Myung Kim
- Jeong-Hwan Kim
- Jin‐Ho Yoon
- Jin‐Soo Kim
- Jong‐Seong Kug
- Kazuhito Ichii
- Kitack Lee
- L.B. White
- Maria Luisa G. Tejada
- R. H. Holzworth
- S. T. Henderson
- Sang‐Woo Kim
- Seong‐Joong Kim
- Tim Li