National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
flowchart I[National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (146)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3-D Shallow Shear-Wave Velocity Structure around the Source Area of the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) Earthquake by Tomographic Inversion of Short-Period Rayleigh Waves
- A New Look for the Cause of the 1906 Meishan Earthquake in Southwestern Taiwan From Shallow Seismic Reflection Images
- Deformation Mechanism of the southern ending of the Chi-Chi earthquake
- Site Characteristics Of Chia-Yi City, Taiwan, Estimated from Array And Single-Station Records Of Microtremors
- Spatial and scale-dependent friction parameter derived from earthquake rate changes after a stress step by the 1999, Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake
- A Study on Deformation of the Chelungpu Fault Zone in Shihgang Area, Central Taiwan
- Average Crust Model and Moho Geometry beneath Taiwan
- The Characteristics of 1951 Longitudinal Valley Earthquake, Eastern Taiwan and its Tectonic Meaning
- A Method to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity From Bulk Geochemical Compositions
- Data Processing and Structure Investigation From Dili Test Shot Experiment Across Central Taiwan
- Estimations of Fault Parameters of the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
- Estimations of the S-Wave Velocity Structures at the Puli Area, Taiwan, Using the Array Records of Microtremors
- Estimations of the Shallow Velocity Structures in the Taipei Basin, Taiwan, Using Inversion of the Receiver Function
- Exhumation history of the Puli basin and surrounding area in central Taiwan
- Exhumation history of the Yushan area- the highest peak of the Taiwan Orogenic belt in Central Taiwan
- Folding and Faulting at Tanliwun Along Leading Edge 1999 Chi-Chi Thrust
- Imaging the Chihshang Fault in the Longitudinal Valley of Eastern Taiwan by using the Shallow Seismic Reflection Method
- Mountain Building Mechanisms in the Southern Central Range of the Taiwan Orogenic Belt - from Accretionary Wedge Deformation to Arc-Continental Collision
- Multi-dimensional numerical modeling of the ionospheric electron density based on the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC GPS radio occultation data
- Shallow Seismic Reflection Images of the Active Chingshui and Tachia Faults in Central Taiwan
- Static Stress Transfer between the Chinshan and Sanchiao Faults in the Taipei Metropolitan Area
- Strong Ground Motion Simulation of December 26th, 2006 Ping-Tung Earthquake Based on Empirical Green's Function
- The Characteristics Of Intrinsic And Attenuative Dispersion Of Direct P-waves: Application In The Study Of Earthquake Precursory
- The Characteristics of Shallow Seismic Reflection Images Across a Fault Between Slate and Conglomerate
- The Subsurface Images of the Chiuchiungkeng Fault in the Fold-and-Thrust Belt Area of Western Taiwan
- Accuracy Assessment of GPS Buoy Sea Level Measurements for Coastal Applications
- Geostatistical Simulation of Three-dimensional Fracture Network Conditioned on Borehole Fracture Frequency Data
- Influence of typhoon-rainfall on denudation rate in subalpine Yuenyang Lake catchment, subtropical northern Taiwan
- Investigation of the Active Muchiliao and Liuchia Faults in Southwestern Taiwan by Using Shallow Seismic Reflection Method
- New Lithospheric Model of Taiwan based on the Receiver Function Method
- Reactivation of an oblique transfer fault during the Chi-Chi earthquake
- Subsurface Structure of the Suspicious Hsiaokangshan Fault in Southern Taiwan From Seismic Reflection Images and Core Borings
- The occurrence and geochemistry of arsenic in groundwaters of Taiwan
- Three Dimensional Seismic Tomography of the Shallow Subsurface Structure Under the Meihua Lake in Ilan, Northeastern Taiwan
- Collaborative Taiwan-USA Seismic Onshore-Offshore Imaging of Arc-Continent Collision under Taiwan
- Imaging Taiwan Moho Discontinuity from Receiver Function Inversion, Analysis and Migration
- Modeling of temporal variation of surface creep on the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan with velocity-strengthening friction
- Moho Depth and Crustal Structure across the Chaochou Fault, South of Taiwan from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Pre-earthquake deformation observed using high dense GPS array
- S-Wave Velocity Structure of the Puli Basin, Taiwan, Using the Array Records of Microtremors
- Segmentation of the Hsuehshan Range, central Taiwan revealing by thermochronology data
- Deep Tremor Activities beneath the Central Range in Taiwan and Their Relationship to Local, Regional, and Teleseismic Earthquakes
- Detection of Seismic Bedrock at the Taipei Basin and the Chiayi Area, Taiwan Using the Receiver Function Method
- Non-orogenic mountain building due to slab breakoff in northcentral Taiwan
- The Critical Role of a Subducted Continental Margin Fracture Zone in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision
- The Slab Induced Waveform Effects as Revealed by the TAIGER Seismic Array
- Cenozoic Exhumation History of the Danba Domal Metamorphic Terrane, Eastern Songpan-Ganza Orogenic Belt, Western China
- Detrital U-Pb Zircon Dating of the Cenozoic Metamorphic Terrane in Taiwan Orogenic Belt and its Tectonic Implication
- Evidence for Crustal-Scale Imbrication and non-Equilibrium Topography in the Southern Central Range, Taiwan
- Exhumation History of the Southwestern Segment of the Longmenshan Range and its Tectonic Implication
- From the Qp temporal variation to study the seismongenic process before the 2009 M6.2 Mingjian earthquake, Taiwan
- Groundwater-deformation coupling in the seismogenic processes of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (Mw 7.6), Taiwan
- The Case Study of Rupture Process and Its Implications beneath the Central-Western Foothills, Taiwan
- Feasibility of Using the Near Surface Seismic Waves Velocities to Identify a Fault Location
- Holocene episodic river aggradation in the actively uplifting Lao-nong catchment, southwestern Taiwan
- Preliminary Study on Rock Avalanche in Taiwan
- Preliminary study of extraction of heavy metals in sediments under pH-controlled conditions
- Preliminary study of heavy metal pollution from Fe-Al oxides in Peihuang Creek, North Taiwan
- Preliminary study of volcano monitoring using geochemical composition of lichen
- Seismic Images of the Southwestern Tip of the Okinawa Trough - the Ilan Plain, Taiwan
- The ground motion simulation of the blind fault event, and the case study of two different focal mechanisms during the 1999 Chiayi, Taiwan, earthquake sequence
- Three Dimension Velocity Structure Beneath Taiwan by Using the Data Recorded Along the Central Range of Taiwan in the TAIGER Experiment
- Velocities Variations of the Near Surface Seismic Waves in a Soil Liquefaction Site in Taiwan
- Vertical fault mapping within the Gutingkeng Formation of southern Taiwan: implications for sub-aerial mud diapir tectonics
- A physical model study of converted wave amplitude variation in a reservoir of systematically aligned vertical fractures
- A physical model study of the travel times and conversion point locations of P-SV converted waves in vertical transversely isotropic media
- Analytical solution of geological carbon sequestration under constant pressure injection into a horizontal radial reservoir
- Basin-scale transport of heat and fluid induced by earthquakes
- Chemical weathering within high mountain depositional structures
- Detection and identification of free-living amoeba from aquatic environment in different seasons in Taiwan
- Diel cycle of iron, aluminum and other heavy metals in a volcano watershed in northern Taiwan
- Estimating the hydrogeological parameters with the time-lapse resistivity imaging method during the pumping test in the unconfined aquifer
- Exhumation of the Less Caucasus and its Implication to Uplift of Eastern Anatolia Plateau
- Isolation and identification of Salmonella spp. in drinking water, streams, and swine wastewater by molecular techniques in Taiwan
- Seismic Tomography Reveals Breaking Crust and Lithosphere Beneath a Classic Orogen
- Simultaneous Observations of Ionospheric Disturbances from VLF Transmitter Signals and Surface Displacements from GPS Related to Inland Earthquakes Over Japan
- Study of groundwater arsenic pollution in Lanyang Plain using multivariate statistical analysis
- T-wave observations on ocean-bottom seismometers offshore eastern Taiwan: effects of ocean sound speed perturbations and seafloor topography
- Using cerium anomaly as an indicator of redox reactions in constructed wetland
- Cenozoic Mountain Building Process in the Greater Caucasus, from Subduction to Collision
- Detrital zircon geochronology of the Tananao Metamorphic Complex, Taiwan
- Late Quaternary mass-wasting records and formation of alluvial terraces in the actively uplifting Lao-nong catchment, southwestern Taiwan
- Mapping the Subsurface Structure of a Potential Shallow Geothermal Field in Northeastern Taiwan by Using the Seismic Reflection Method
- Numerical Simulation of Thermal Evolution of the Danba Anticline, Sichuan, China
- Simultaneous mountain building in the Taiwan orogenic belt
- Study of Tatun Volcanoes by Fluxgate Geomagnetic Data
- The 3D Velocity Structures beneath the Song Ma Fault Zone, North Vietnam
- The Study of Crustal Heterogeneity in Ma River Fault Zone, Vietnam : An Application in Receiver Function
- The Study of Fault Valve Behaviour by Using Microearthquake Source Parameters
- The impact of glacial/interglacial climate changes on fluvial and mass-wasting processes in the Taiwan's mountains
- A Physical Study of Converted Wave AVO in a Fractured Reservoir
- Constraint of magnetic models using seismic tomography in Taiwan
- Extreme landscape disequilibrium and slow erosion during rapid mountain building
- Feedbacks Between Erosion, Climate and Uplift in the Gongga Granite on the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Is a Large Earthquake Coming Soon due to High Strain Rate in SW Taiwan?
- Pleistocene onset of Simultaneous and Rapid Exhumation in the Eastern Central Range of the Taiwan Orogenic Belt
- Spatiotemporal Detection of Seismic Quiescence prior to the 2010 M<SUB>L</SUB> 6.4 Jiashian, Taiwan Earthquake
- The Case Study of Rupture Process and Its Implications beneath the Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan
- A Metagenomic Survey of Limestone Hill in Taiwan
- A Metagenomic Survey of Serpentinites and Nearby Soils in Taiwan
- Asymptotic AVO equations for the VTI media
- Crustal deformation at the terminal stage before earthquake occurrence
- Joint Inversion of GPS and Teleseismic Data for the Source Model of the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan Earthquake
- Mud Diapirism-Induced Tectonic Extrusion in the SW Taiwan Orogen
- Multi-instrument observations of pre-earthquake transient signatures associated with 2015 M8.3 Chile earthquake
- New insights on a metamorphosed middle-late Miocene mélange of the Yuli Belt in eastern Taiwan: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb dating
- S-Wave Velocity Structures of the Northern Taichung Area, Taiwan, Using Microtremor Array Data
- Sediment characteristics and provenance of the Taiwan Shoal in the southern Taiwan Strait
- Seismic images of the subsurface structure beneath the Ilan plain in northeastern Taiwan
- Strong Ground Motion Simulation by Combining Stochastic Green's Function Method with Hybrid Slip Model for February 6, 2016 Meinong, Taiwan Earthquake
- Strong Ground-Motion Simulation of 2016 Meinong Earthquake Using Empirical Green's Function Method
- Subsurface Images of the Meishan Fault and its Nearby Structures by using the Seismic Reflection Data
- The Roles of Microbial Communities in n-Alkane Distribution of The Nanjenshan Lowland Subtropical Rainforest in Taiwan
- The hazard map of M<SUB>L</SUB>6.6 0206 Meinong earthquake near Guanmiao and its Neotectonic implication
- Classifying and retracking altimeter waveforms over wetlands: A case study in the Hsiang-Shan wetland, Taiwan
- Exhumation History of Mindoro Orogenic Belt, South of Luzon (Philippines) and its Implication to Plate Motion of the Philippine Sea Plate
- Monitoring Seismic Velocity Change to Explore the Earthquake Seismogenic Structures
- Sonic logging for detecting the excavation disturbed and fracture zones
- The effects of environmental physical factors on the microbial communities and the distribution of different CO<SUB>2</SUB> fixation pathways in a limestone landscape
- Using Near Surface P and S Wave Velocities and Seismic Reflection Images to Detect the Westerly Extension of the Active Meishan Fault in Southwestern Taiwan
- Cenozoic evolution of the Panay Island, Philippines: magmatic chronology and arc-continent collision.
- Complex multifault geometry of the 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.4 Hualien, Taiwan, offshore earthquake and its implications for seismic hazard and subduction boundary
- Subsidence, Migration, and Destruction of a Plio-Pleistocene Retrowedge Foredeep Basin in Eastern Taiwan: Evidence for Un-Steady Growth of the Collisional Orogen
- The Temporal Variation of Three Dimensional Attenuation Structure of 2016 Meinong Earthquake,Taiwan
- Variations of V<SUB>p</SUB> and V<SUB>s</SUB> Before and After Earthquakes at a Repetitive Soil Liquefaction Site in Taiwan
- A Preliminary Study of Shallow Crustal Velocity Structures along the Deformation Front of the Taiwan Orogen Revealed by Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography
- Age of Thrust Development in the Northern and Central Western Foothills of Taiwan: Insight from Apatite Fission Track.
- Drivers of cultural diversification in precipitous terrains: can morphological characteristics explain language diversity in the Taiwan mountain belt?
- High-Resolution Upper Crustal Structure of Northern Taiwan revealed by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Left-lateral shearing before coeval exhumation between the high pressure Yuli belt and the underlying Mesozoic Tailuko belt? Insights from the Shoufeng fault in eastern Taiwan
- Measuring NCF dispersion without the long interstation distance limitation - a new method based on hybrid peak time matching
- Metamorphic Temperature in Eastern Central Range and its Implication to Exhumation Processes of the Taiwan Orogenic Belt
- Plio-Pleistocene Convergence and Tectonic Recycling at the Oceanward Retrowedge Margin of an Active Arc-Continent Collision, Eastern Taiwan
- Pliocene exhumation histories in Taiwan orogeny during arc-continent collision: insights from detrital thermochronometry in foreland and forearc basin
- Sedimentary Mélange in Retrowedge Foredeep of Arc-Continent Collision Zone, Southern Coastal Range of Eastern Taiwan
- Shallow S-Wave Velocity Structures and Site Characteristics of Tainan Area, Taiwan, Using Microtremor Array records
- Study on attenuation structure of seismogenic zone in southwestern Taiwan
- The mud diapirism-dominated aseismic slip on the faults in southern Taiwan
- Using trace element geochemistry of magmatic zircon to fingerprint tectono-magmatic provenance of ophiolitic rocks in Taiwan
- Deformation, Metamorphism, and Exhumation Process of the Retro-wedge, Eastern Central Range, Taiwan
- Variation of kinematics at the brittle-ductile transition in the eastern Central Range, Taiwan
- Late Holocene filling of the Taroko Gorge (Liwu River) in eastern Taiwan and its geomorphic implications
- Characterizing complex metamorphism and deformation processes of high-PT rocks occurred in exhumed subduction channel: a case study of the Yuli Belt in eastern Taiwan
- Gravimetric and Geometrical Deformaton due to Faults and Mud Diapir Instrusion in a Transversely Isotropic Half-Space
- Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Phase Dispersion and Ellipticity and Receiver Functions for crustal S-wave velocity structure of Northern Taiwan
- The analysis of seismic HVSR in the western Solomon Islands