National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Characterizing the Hsincheng active fault in northern Taiwan using airborne LiDAR data: detailed geomorphic features and their structural implications
- Observations of transient luminous events on the ROCSAT-2 satellite using ISUAL instruments*
- An Evaluation of a Spline based Vegetation Removal Algorithm for Airborne Lidar Measurements
- Orbit and Gravity Determinations Using ROCSAT3/COSMIC GPS Data: Status 2004
- Surficial Characteristics of the Chelungpu Fault System Revealed by LiDAR-derived Digital Elevation Model in west Central Taiwan
- The application of InSAR for crustal deformation and land subsidence in Taiwan
- Uncertainty Analysis in Identifying the Source Location and Release History
- Active Deformation of Tainan Tableland of Southwestern Taiwan Based on Geodetic Measurements and SAR Interferometry
- Late-Quaternary Geomorphic Surface Evolution in the Touliu Table Land, Frontal Fold-and-thrust Belt, Southwestern Taiwan
- Airborne Lidar Point Cloud Density Indices
- Precise Orbit Determination for FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and Gravity Application
- A Study for Residual Drawdown Solution with Considering the Wellbore Storage
- Fluid Mechanical Interactions In The Active Creeping Chihshang Fault Zone In Eastern Taiwan
- Inter-comparison of multi-sensor results for high-speed rail risk analysis
- Occurrence and distribution of global TLE activities and their effects
- Preliminary results of surface deformation in suburban central Taiwan observed by PSInSAR
- Experimental Study on Displacement Mechanisms of Two-Phase Fluid Using Micro model
- Study of the Taiwanese Orogen from Absolute Gravity Data
- Tide-induced groundwater fluctuation in a leaky confined aquifer system with an overlying phreatic aquifer
- Analysis of transient saltwater intrusion in costal aquifers
- Four Years of Absolute Gravity in the Taiwan Orogen (AGTO)
- Integrating Evolution Algorithms with Linear Programming to the Conjunctive Use of Surface and Subsurface Water
- Precursory superconducting gravity signals of large earthquakes
- A Model of Automatic Identification of Groundwater Parameters using an Expert System
- Application of Groundwater Fluctuation Method for Estimating Recharge in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan
- Application of a Genetic Algorithm for Estimating Recharge Potential of the Choushui Rover Alluvial Fan
- Estimating Typhoon Rainfall over Sea from SSM/I Satellite Data Using an Improved Genetic Programming
- The Investigation of Downward Continuation Methods: A Case Study in Taiwan
- The Risk Analysis of Reservoir Water Supply under High Turbidity- Case Study of the Shihmen Reservoir
- A Preliminary Landform Analysis of Dongsha Atoll
- Applying Expert System on the Development of a Robust Model for Groundwater Parameter Identification
- Automatic Parameters Identification of Groundwater Model using Expert System
- Development and Application of a General Water Supply Model- The Risk Analysis of Water Shortage for Shihmen Reservoir in Drought Season
- Integrating K-means Clustering with Kernel Density Estimation for the Development of a Conditional Weather Generation Downscaling Model
- Monitoring the Variations of the Groundwater in the Unconfined Aquifer with the Time-Lapse Resistivity Imaging Method during the Stepwise Pumping Test
- The Risk Analysis of Long-term and Short-term Water Supply Considering Climate Change in Shihmen Reservoir
- Using the feature matching technique to reveal the displacement of a non-catastrophic landslide induced by the Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake in central Taiwan
- Applying the Stochastic Programming with Recourse to water allocation analysis
- Assessing GRACE and GLDAS gravity changes by SG on an island: comparison of two methods for modeling local hydrology gravity effect
- Constructing the Hydrogeological Model of the Choushuichi Fan-delta in Central Taiwan with the Electrical Resistivity Measurements
- Delineating the Groundwater Recharge Zone in the Pingtung Plan , Taiwan with Electrical Resistivity Surveys
- Dust transport from non-East Asian sources to the North Pacific
- Effect of landslides and debris flow deposits in gravity time series
- Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity Using Two Dimensional (2D) Electrical Resistivity Survey
- Integrating Flooding Control with Sediment Reduction in the Real-Time Operation Model for Tseng-Wen Reservoir
- Integrating Satellite Image Identification and River Routing Simulation into the Groundwater Simulation of Chou-Shui Basin
- The Model Development of Real-Time Flood Control for Tsen-Wen Reservoir
- A Proposed Non-Intrusion Method for Estimating the Specific Yield for a Regional Groundwater System
- An analytical solution of groundwater level fluctuation in coastal aquifer bounded by three water-land boundaries
- Applying Time-Frequency Analysis to Assist Identification of Hydrogeological Structure of Groundwater Aquifers
- Applying Web Service on the Simulation and Demonstration for Groundwater Resources
- DSMC Simulations of Global and Localized Outgassing and Dust Jets of Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Estimating the hydrogeological parameters with the time-lapse resistivity imaging method during the pumping test in the unconfined aquifer
- Geoid model of Tahiti-Moorea oceanic volcanic islands
- Global Sensitivity Analysis of Rainfall Triggered Shallow Landslide Model
- The Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity Using Pumping Test Data and Vertical Electrical Sounding Measurements - A Case Study of Taiwan's Choshuihsi Alluvial Fan
- An Analytical Solution of Hydraulic Head due to an Oscillatory Pumping Test in a Confined, Unconfined or Leaky Aquifer
- Application of BGPR tomography investigate the Soil and Groundwater Contaminated with Chlorinated Hydrocarbon:Case study
- Development of Groundwater Modeling Support System Based on Service-Oriented Architecture
- Pore-Scale Study of the Effect of the Saturation History on Fluid Saturation and Relative Permeability of Three-Fluid Flow in Porous Media
- Applying Short-Time Fourier Transform on Groundwater Fluctuation for the Estimation of Regional Groundwater Pumping
- Contemporary Surface Seasonal Oscillation and Vertical Deformation in Tibetan Plateau and Nepal Derived from the GPS, Leveling and GRACE Data
- Detecting elevation changes over mountain glaciers in Tibet and the Himalayas by TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-2 radar altimeters: comparison with ICESat results
- Effects of Liquid Layers and Distribution Patterns on Three-Phase Saturation and Relative Permeability Relationships: A Micromodel Study
- Environment Flow Assessment with Flow Regime Transition
- Estimation of Spatial Distribution of Water Content by Using Hydraulic Tomography and Gravity Measurements
- Hydrogeological bedrock inferred from electrical resistivity model in Taichung Basin, Taiwan
- Integrating Raster Based GIS with Land Use, Surface Soil and Rainfall Records for the Estimation of Groundwater Recharge
- Potential causes of absolute gravity changes in Taiwan over 2004-2014
- Spatial-temporal characteristics of lake level change in Tibet and Qinghai from two decades of altimeter observations
- Terrestrial water storage variations and surface vertical deformation derived from GPS and GRACE observations in Nepal and Himalayas
- A Hydrological Tomography Collocated with Time-varying Gravimetry for Hydrogeology -An Example in Yun-Lin Alluvial Plain and Ming-Ju Basin in Taiwan
- A Micromodel study of fluid entrapment in pore doublet during drainage and imbibition
- A Time-Fractional Model for Drawdown Induced by Constant-Rate Pumping in a Dual-Porosity Fractured Aquifer System
- A semi-analytical solution for flow due to streambed recharge to an unconfined aquifer with considering unsaturated flow
- A study of building the hydrogeological apparent model with geoelectrical measurements for the Chia-Nan Coastal Plain of SW Taiwan
- Applying Service-Oriented Architecture on The Development of Groundwater Modeling Support System
- Concerning human well-being and ecosystems sustainability on water resources management for Qishan River
- Development and Application of a Taiwan Domestic Generalized Water Supply Model
- Estimation of Missing Groundwater Levels Using Short-Time Fourier Transform
- Geoelectrical mapping of the Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Site: Case Study from Taiwan
- Greenland mass balance from a combination of satellite altimetry and satellite gravimetry
- Permafrost thawing-induced land subsidence and lake level drop in northern Alaska detected by ENVISAT and SARAL/Altika altimeters
- A First Layered Crustal Velocity Model for the Western Solomon Islands: Inversion of Measured Group Velocity of Surface Waves using Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation
- A Study of the Optimal Planning Model for Reservoir Sustainable Management- A Case Study of Shihmen Reservoir
- A Study on the Surface and Subsurface Water Interaction Based on the Groundwater Recession Curve
- Altimeter detection of elevation changes over coastal plains of northern Alaska and Hudson Bay
- Amplification Factors for Spectral Acceleration Using Borehole Seismic Array in Taiwan
- Classifying and retracking altimeter waveforms over wetlands: A case study in the Hsiang-Shan wetland, Taiwan
- Experimental investigations on vibratory mobilization of trapped NAPL blobs in a pore doublet model
- Optimal Decision-making Model of Integrated Water Resources Management - A Case of Hsinchu Water Resources Management
- Precursory tremor of the Askja Caldera landslide, July 2014 - seismic signal analysis and numerical modelling
- Reconstructing the 2017 Nuugaatsiaq Tsunami in the West Greenland
- Specific Yields Estimated from Gravity Change during Pumping Test
- The effect of initial resident fluid saturation on the interaction between resident and infiltrating fluids in porous media
- The study of using earth tide response of groundwater level and rainfall recharge to identify groundwater aquifer
- Use of coastal altimeter and tide gauge data for a seamless land-sea vertical datum in Taiwan
- Using sea surface temperatures to improve performance of single dynamical downscaling model in flood simulation under climate change
- A Study of Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater Reservoirs in Taiwan
- An Approximate Drawdown Solution for Forchheimer's Flow near Wellbore due to Constant-Rate Pumping in Confined Aquifers
- Application of Spectrum Analysis and Decision Tree to Aquifer Classification - A case study of Zhuoshui River Alluvial Fan
- Applying Time Frequency Analysis and Independent Component Analysis to understand the signals of Groundwater System: A Case Study of Zhuoshuei Plain in Taiwan
- Applying a Data Driven Hydrological Model to Identify Aquifer Characteristics - Case Study of Taichung Basin in Taiwan
- Aquifer Specific Yields from Multiple Time-Scaled Gravity and Groundwater Changes
- Coastal gravity: the roles of geodetic altimetry missions, waveform retracking and shipborne gravity and sea surface heights
- Establishing Spatiotemporal Water Level Constraints for Sustainable Groundwater Management
- Land subsidence in central Taiwan from Sentinel-1A SAR and geodetic measurements
- Landform variation during the Typhoon Morakot deduced from the amplitude of ALOS
- The effects of pore depth and edge variation on the non-wetting phase entrapment in multilayer micromodels
- An edge computing-based sensory network to improve the real-time water level forecasting
- Aquifer storage coefficients along a vertical aquifer profile from two months of absolute gravity measurements in the Pingtung Plain of southern Taiwan
- Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity and Specific Yield by Time-Lapse Gravity Survey and Hydraulic Tomography
- Evaporation effect on pore-scale concentration changes and interplay between the resident and invading liquids in micromodels
- Experimental study on the residual saturation of multiphase flow in porous media by using X-Ray image inspired Micromodel
- Exploring the Feasibility of Mitigating Flood Hazards by An Existing Pond System in Taoyuan, Taiwan
- GNSS testing of the accuracy of coastal sea surface heights from Jason-3 near Taiwan
- Intensity Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Satellite Images Using Random Walk with Restart
- Probing the seismic signatures induced by sediment transport and water flow: A large-scale controlled dam-break experiment and filed observations in a low-gradient gravel bed river
- Quantification of the mesh quality in terms of pore media geometry projection on the saturation conductivity estimation uncertainty based on X-ray CT images
- Topological analysis of drainage, evaporation, and mixing in porous media flow
- Detecting Post-Glacial Rebound around the Hudson Bay Using Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry
- Euler Characteristic of Fluid in Porous Media during Drying Process
- Frequency Range of Ground Vibrations Produced by Debris Flow Caused by an Artificial Dam Breach
- High-resolution Gravity Anomalies in the South China Sea from the SWOT SAR Altimeter
- The Progress of Recent Indonesia Airborne Gravity Surveys
- The Stream Depletion Model Paradox: a First Solution, Recent Advances, and Implications for Groundwater Sustainability
- The effect of channel aspect ratio on air entrapment during imbibition in soil-on-a-chip micromodels with 2D and 2.5D pore structures
- Gravimetric and Geometrical Deformaton due to Faults and Mud Diapir Instrusion in a Transversely Isotropic Half-Space
- Spatial-temporal deformation variations in coastal land subsidence area applying InSAR and principal component analysis (PCA)