National Cheng Kung University, Department of Earth Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Morpho-Neotectonic Map of western Taiwan Based on Fractal Analysis of DEM
- Boron Isotopic Compositions of Mud Volcano Fluids in Taiwan Accretionary Prism
- Contradictory Magnetic Polarities in Sediments and Variable Timing of Neoformation of Authigenic Greigite
- Seismic Deformation in the Footwall of the Chelungpu Fault Before and After the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
- Along-Strike Variations of Morphotectonic Features in the Western Foothills of Taiwan : Tectonic Implications Based on Stream-Gradient and Hypsometric Analysis
- Crustal Shear Wave Anisotropy in the Taiwan Orogen
- Earthquake Locations and Style of Faulting in an Active Arc-Continent Plate Boundary: the Chihshang Fault of Eastern Taiwan
- Geomorphic evidence and kinematic model for the Quaternary Transfer Faulting of the Pakuashan Anticline, Central Taiwan
- High Resolution Glacial-interglacial Climatic Variations in the South China Sea during the Last 220,000 Years
- Late Pleistocene Paleoenvironment Indicated by Stable Isotopes and Elemental Compositions of Bivalve Shells from Southern Taiwan
- Lead Isotopic Source Signatures for Rains and River Waters in Taiwan
- Near-Surface Seasonal Creeping and Subsurface Repeated Seismicity on the Plate-Suture Thrust Fault in Chihshang, Eastern Taiwan
- Neotectonic and structural characteristics along the Chaochou fault system in SW Taiwan: implications for tectonic escape during oblique plate convergence
- Seismicity and Earthquake Focal Mechanisms Near a Collision Boundary Fault: the Chaochou Fault, Southern Taiwan
- Stratigraphic Records of Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision and Targets of IODP Drilling
- The Systematics of Strontium and Chlorine Isotopes in Hot Springs and Mud Volcano Fluids in Taiwan Accretionary Wedge
- A Lower Paleozoic Plate Tectonic Model for the North Qilian Mountains, NW China
- An Oceanic Protolith for the UHP Eclogites and Garnetites from Western Sulu, Northeast of China
- Calibration of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca in Sedeiment Trap Planktonic Foraminiferal Shells and Seawater
- Crustal Deformation of a Transition Zone Between Collision and Subduction: GPS Measurements in Southwestern Taiwan
- Fault Slip Rates From Repeating Microearthquakes on the Chihshang Fault, Eastern Taiwan
- Fluctuations of the cold Oyashio Current front off NE Japan in the last 100 ka
- Geochemical Investigation of Chemical Weathering in Taiwan: River water chemistry and Sr Isotopes
- Geochemical and Paleomagnetic Implications of Iron-Sulfide Formation in Clayey Sediments from the Upper Pliocene Valle Ricca Section, Italy
- High-Pressure Studies of Hydrogen- and Carbon-Bearing Minerals
- Igneous Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Dongcaohe Ophiolite From the Qilian Fold Belt, NW China
- Present-day Crustal Deformation Across Central-Western Taiwan Fold-and-Thrust Belt From GPS Observations, 1996-1999
- Sub-Decimeter Local Geoid Model in Taiwan Mountain Belt
- Surface Deformation and Earthquake Potential of Tainan Tableland, Southwestern Taiwan
- Coseimic and postseismic deformation of Chengkung Earthquake in Eastern Taiwan Revealed by Strong Motion and GPS Data
- Discovery of Late Cretaceous Granodiorites with Adakitic Geochemical Signatures from Southern Tibet: Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications
- Equation of state of iron sulfide at the conditions of Galilean satellite cores
- Evidence for Decadal and Centennial Variability of Southwest Indian Monsoon Precipitation During the Bolling-Ållerod
- Neotectonics of Tainan Tableland in Southwestern Taiwan Based on Geodetic Measurements and SAR Interferometry
- Seismogenic Structures Deduced from 3D Spatial Analysis for 1999 M<SUB>L</SUB> 6.4 Chaiyi Earthquake Sequences
- Synthesis and equation of state of MgGeO<SUB>3</SUB> post-perovskite phase
- Active Deformation of Tainan Tableland of Southwestern Taiwan Based on Geodetic Measurements and SAR Interferometry
- Compressibility and Structural Evolution of Germanate and Silicate Post-Perovskite Phases
- Earthquake triggering along a segmented creeping fault: 1951 ML7.3 Hualien-Taitung earthquake sequence in eastern Taiwan
- Geological Characteristics of Active Methane Expulsion In Accretionary Prism Kaoping Slope Off SW Taiwan
- In-situ Sound Velocity Measurements on bcc and hcp Phases of Fe
- Lithospheric Deformation of a Young Arc-continent Collision Orogen: GPS Observations in South Taiwan
- Nature of Repeating Earthquake Sequence: Observations From the Chihshang Fault of Eastern Taiwan
- Sensitivity of radiative transfer on calculating mixed layer depths in ocean circulation model
- Thermoelasticity of San Carlos Olivine from Simultaneous Ultrasonic and X-ray Studies to 8.2 GPa 1073 K
- Variability of North American Monsoon During the Past 20 Kyr Reflected by δ18O, δ13C, 87Sr/86Sr and Mg/Sr in Lacustrine Deposits in Salton Basin, California
- A composite dislocation model for strain build-up and release at a collision zone
- B/Ca and S/Ca in Planktonic Foraminiferal Shells: Core-top Calibrations and Paleoceanographic Implications
- Comparison of gas hydrate - cold seep geology onshore and offshore SW Taiwan
- Crustal Deformation in Taiwan as Deduced from Continuous GPS Measurements
- Effects of a guide field on the evolution of a current sheet
- Evidence of off-fault deep creep from repeating seismicity along the northern Longitudinal Valley Fault in Taiwan
- High Precision Boron Isotopic Analysis in Coral Skeletons: Implications for pCO2 variation in surface water
- Impacts of Typhoon and Air-Mass Pathways on Rainwater Chemical Compositions
- Kinematic and Mechanical Models of Interseismic Deformation in Southern Taiwan
- Methane-influenced Benthic Foraminiferal Fauna in Sediments: Evidence From Two Giant Piston Cores Offshore SW Taiwan
- Nd isotopic signature in sedimentary Mn/Fe oxides: tracing the Kuroshio Current variation during the last 27ka
- Seasonal variability of dissolved major and trace elements in the Kao-ping estuary, Southwestern Taiwan
- Seismic anisotropy beneath an active collision orogen of Taiwan from dense array obserbations
- The tectonic relationship between the North Qaidam and North Qilian orogenic belts in NW China : Constraints from Nd isotope ratios
- Thermoelasticity of Fe-bearing Wadsleyite from Simultaneous Ultrasonic and X-ray Studies to 12 GPa and 1073 K
- Transition from arc-continent collision to subduction: GPS measurement of crustal deformation in northern Taiwan, 1995-2005
- U and Sr Isotopic Distributions in Riverine Waters Collected From Taiwan Accretionary Prism: Tectonic or Climatic Control
- Arsenic and Humic Substances in Alluvial Aquifers of Bangladesh and Taiwan: A Comparative Study
- Discovery of "Hydrothermal" Chemosynthetic Community in a Cold Seep Environment, Formosa Ridge: Seafloor Observation Results from First ROV Cruise, off Southwestern Taiwan
- Do repeating earthquakes talk to each other?
- Evolution of Subductions Indicated by Mélanges in Taiwan
- First high-spatial- and high-temporal-resolution optical imagery of polar regions from Formosat-2
- Hydrogeochemistry and adsorption behaviour of As-enriched sediment from Bengal Delta Plain, India
- Neotectonics of Tainan Tableland in Southwestern Taiwan Based on Geodetic Measurements and SAR Interferometry
- Paleoenvironmental records since 1300 years AD from the calcite stalagmite in the Yongcheon Cave, Jeju Island, Korea
- Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopic Constraints on the Role of South China Sea Sediments in Mantle Wedge Metasomatism Beneath the North Luzon Arc
- Surface strain field in transition from arc-continent collision to subduction: GPS measurements in northern Taiwan, 1995-2005
- Annual-to-decadal resolution speleothem records from Zhijin Cave in the central western Guizhou of China: Changes in climate, environment and human activity during the past 1200 years
- Arsenic and organic carbon in shallow alluvial aquifers of two different physiographic settings in Bangladesh
- Characteristics of Foreshocks to Moderate-sized (M > 5.5) Earthquakes in Eastern Taiwan
- Clay minerals in surface sediments of the South China Sea and surrounding fluvial drainage basins: Source and transportation
- Correlations Between Remotely-Sensed Particle Backscattering Coefficients and Terrestrial Sediment Discharge at the Kaoping River Shelf and Canyon System
- Dating Taal Lake sediment of Philippines by using the bomb radiocarbon curve
- Dependence of bedrock river meandering on typhoon rainfall, flood magnitude and rock strength
- Determination of Boron Isotope Ratios in Coral Skeletons Using Multiple Collector ICP- MS
- HFSE-REE fractionation in two groups of Sulu eclogites: protolith or process control?
- Identification of saline fluids in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Sr and B isotopic evidences
- Indian MORB Isotope Signatures in the Early Paleozoic Dongcaohe Ophiolite from the North Qilian Orogenic Belt, NW China
- Petrology and geochronology of eclogitic metasediments from the north Qilian Mountains, western China: constraints for the geodynamic evolution of early Paleozoic subduction- accretion complexs
- Precise Determination of Ca Isotopic Compositions in Seawater and Carbonates
- Reactivation of an oblique transfer fault during the Chi-Chi earthquake
- Seismically Induced Erosion and the Mass Balance of a Large Earthquake
- Sources and petrogenesis of the Gangdese Batholith: Evidence for episodic crustal growth in southern Tibet
- Sr-Nd-Pb-C-O isotope systematics of carbonated ultramafic xenoliths from Mafu, Taiwan: Evidence for an extremely enriched lithospheric mantle source beneath the extended margin of the South China block
- The Potential of Uranium-Series Disequilibrium in Marine and Lacustrine Diatom Frustules as a Tool for Geochronological and Paleoenvironmental Studies
- The Transition of Structural Style in Fold-and-thrust Belt in Central and Southern Taiwan
- Uranium Isotopic Fractionation in Soil Extractions
- Water Vapor Tomography Using CGPS Network in Taiwan and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Radio Occultation Observations
- Acid-leachable Li and Mg from Lake Cuitzeo sediments in the central Mexico: Paleoclimate change during the past 45 Ka
- Climate and human impacts on vegetation changes in central Guizhou, China: Carbon and oxygen isotopic records in a stalagmite from Yelang Cave
- Crustal extrusion of the hangingwall at the southwestern termination of the Taiwan orogen: Constraints from seismogenic strain inversions
- Decay series radioisotope disequilibria in estuarine sediments and their environmental implications
- Healing of subsurface damage after the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake
- High Precision Fe Isotope Analysis in low Concentration Samples by High Resolution MC-ICPMS
- Humic substances and the biogeochemical arsenic cycle in groundwater of the Blackfoot Disease endemic area, southwestern Taiwan
- Li isotope composition in coral skeleton as a potential proxy for the silicate weathering intensity
- Optical teledetection of the suspended sediment in reservoirs during typhoon events
- Organic carbon contents and isotopic compositions in the Lake Cuitzeo sediments from the central Mexico during the past 45 Ka: Changes in lake level and climate
- Present-day Crustal Deformation of Taiwan
- Review of the Applications of Formosat-2 on Rapidly Responding to Global Disasters and Monitoring Earth Environment
- Segmentation of the Hsuehshan Range, central Taiwan revealing by thermochronology data
- Sensitivity Degradation of the ISUAL instruments and its impact to the observations
- Source and transport of detrital fine-grained sediments in the northeastern South China Sea
- Superimposed unconformities of tectonostratigraphy in distal part of foreland basin , SW Taiwan
- The Ionospheric Mid-Latitude Summer Nighttime Anomaly
- Thermal and hydrological variability in the southern South China Sea over the past 11,600 years
- Uranium Isotope Variation in Riverine Waters: Physical and Chemical Weathering Proxies
- Abrupt Changes in Seawater Nd Isotopic Composition in the South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Adsorption of Heavy Metals in Industrial Wastewater by Magnetic Nano-particles
- Boron Isotopic Compositions in Mud Volcano Fluids: Implications for Volatiles Migration at Shallow Subduction Zones
- Boron isotope geochemistry to reveal evolutional process of the Wakamiko submarine hydrothermal systems, south Kyushu, Japan
- East Asian monsoon evolution and reconciliation of climate records from Japan and Greenland during the last deglaciation
- Fractionation of stable Sr isotopes during carbonate precipitation and surface sorption process
- Frictional properties of the Chihshang fault, eastern Taiwan, inferred from postseismic slip following the 2003 Mw 6.8 Chengkung earthquake
- Geochemical constraints on the origins of kilometer-deep groundwaters beneath Taipei metropolitan area
- Global signatures and seasonal variations of 630.0 nm nightglow
- Observations and Modeling of the Nighttime Electron Density Enhancement in the Mid-latitude Ionosphere
- Past Changes in Carbon Flux and Cycling in A Large Subtropical Estuary: Evidence from U-Series Radioisotope Studies
- Source characteristics inferred from variations in trace element compositions and Sr, Nd, and Hf isotope ratios of Lutao lavas from the North Luzon arc (NLA)
- Speleothem δ18O and δ13C records from Fengyu Cave in south Guilin of China: Climate and environmental changes during the past 65 Ka
- Statistical Study of Storm-time Ionospheric Disturbances at Mid- and Low-latitudes
- Strain Partitioning at the Huatung Ridge, Offshore Southeast Taiwan: Evidence from Seismotectonics
- The Critical Role of a Subducted Continental Margin Fracture Zone in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision
- The ionospheric mid-latitude trough observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC during solar minimum
- Transient Upper Crustal Tear Illuminated by the Chi Chi Earthquake: Results from Strain Inversions in the Luliao Region, Taiwan
- Using SWAT model to evaluate the sediment load in Feitsui Reservoir watershed under severe rainfall and land-cover change conditions
- Behavior of global 630.0 nm midnight brightness
- Boron/Calcium and Boron Isotopes in planktonic foraminifera: A core-top perspective
- Discovery of the plasma caves in the lower ionosphere
- Distribution of Uranium Isotopes in the Kaoping River Estuary, Southwestern Taiwan
- Elasticity of Mantle Pyroxenes from Experiments and First Principles Calculations
- Evidence for Crustal-Scale Imbrication and non-Equilibrium Topography in the Southern Central Range, Taiwan
- Fast magnitude estimation for the M9.0 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake
- Fluctuations of bottom water paleoceanography of South China Sea linked to tectonic evolution of accretionary prism - Luzon volcanic arc in Taiwan region
- Healing of near-surface and fault zone damage induced by the 1999 M7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake
- Influence of a Stratospheric Sudden Warming on Stratospheric Temperatures and Ionospheric GPS TECs
- Limb Imaging of 630 nm Airglow Using FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL
- Mass balance of large earthquakes: Example of the Chi-Chi earthquake.
- Precision of surface wave displacement seismograms from the 2011 MW 9.0 Tohoku, Japan earthquake recorded by a dense high-rate GPS network in Taiwan
- Simultaneous Mountain Building in Taiwan Orogenic Belt
- Slip Partitioning Offshore Southeast Taiwan and Southward Propagation of the Longitudinal Valley Fault: Evidence from Preferred Nodal Plane Slip Vectors
- Upper Plate Control of Crustal Architecture in Southeast Taiwan: Evidence from Strain Inversions of Earthquake Focal Mechanisms
- Variations of the Ionospheric Electron Density during the 2009 Stratospheric Sudden Warming Period
- Analyzing Strain to Create a Regional Deformation Model of Northern Taiwan
- Assimilation of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC electron density profiles into a coupled Thermosphere/Ionosphere model using ensemble Kalman filtering
- Characteristics of geological structures and seismicity in inner and outer foothills of western Taiwan: their implications of deformation in fold-and-thrust belt
- Collision-induced rotation in an arc-continent collision: Constrained by continuous GPS observations in Mindoro, Philippines
- Comparative sound velocity measurements between porous rock and fully-dense material under crustal condition: The cases of Darley Dale sandstone and copper block
- Episodic Evolution Model of Foreland Basin in Miaoli, NW Taiwan
- Evolutionary model of main boundary normal fault in foreland area, SW Taiwan
- Geologic History and Large Earthquakes: Evidence from the Arc-Continent Collision in Taiwan and the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake
- Modeling study of the mid-latitude ionospheric nighttime electron density enhancement by SAMI3
- Repeat topography surveys of geomorphic changes using digital surface models deriving from Formosat-2 daily revisit stereo pair with very narrow baseline
- Stratospheric Sudden Warming Probed by GPS Radio Occultation of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC during 2007-2011
- Study of the anisotropy in sandstones: combining with XCT, porosity and velocity measurements
- A New Model of Present-day Deformation of the Philippine Mobile Belt based on GPS and Seismological Data
- Accommodation by Varying Strain Regimes along the Northern Luzon Arc (Coastal Range, Taiwan) - Insights from Focal Mechanism Strain Inversions
- Age and geochemical characteristics of Paleogene basalts drilled from western Taiwan: Records of initial rifting at the southeastern Eurasian continental margin
- An Evaluation of Previously Recognized Transfer Fault Zones in Taiwan's Western Foothills Based on Earthquake Distributions and Focal Mechanisms
- Cyanophycin mediates the accumulation and storage of fixed carbon in non-heterocystous filamentous cyanobacteria from coniform mats
- Detection of 2009 slow slip event in northeast Taiwan from continuous GPS data
- Development of A Real-Time Shaking Map System Using Low Cost Acceleration Sensors and Its Application for Earthquake Early Warning
- Effects of background and observational error covariance models on ionospheric data assimilation
- Model study of the plasma cave in the equatorial ionization anomaly region
- Non-volcanic tremor characteristics and tremor generation environment in Taiwan and a case study of their stress interaction with local earthquakes
- Seismic Tomography Reveals Breaking Crust and Lithosphere Beneath a Classic Orogen
- Stationary Planetary Wave and Nonmigrating Tidal Composition of Ionospheric Wave-3 & Wave-4 variations in 2007-2011 FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC observations
- Stratospheric Sudden Warming Effects on the Ionospheric Migrating Tides during 2008-2010 observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC
- The Role of Upper Plate Slivering in Burial of the Luzon Forearc in Taiwan
- The ionospheric disturbances caused by the explosion of the Mount Tongariro volcano in 2012
- Short-Range-Order Mineral Physical Protection On Black Carbon Stabilization
- December anomaly in ionosphere using FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC electron density profiles
- Identifying slow-moving landslides using LiDAR DEM and SAR interferometry: An Example of 2006 Meinong Earthquake
- Interplay between black carbon and minerals contributes to long term carbon stabilization and mineral transformation
- Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances triggered by Super Typhoon Nepartak (2016)
- Modeling ionospheric pre-reversal enhancement and plasma bubble growth rate using data assimilation
- Nighttime medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances in southern hemisphere using FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL 630.0 nm airglow images
- Phase transition of iron sulphide minerals under hydrothermal conditions
- Probing dynamic hydrologic system of slowly-creeping landslides with passive seismic imaging: A comprehensive landslide monitoring site at Lantai, Ilan area in Taiwan
- Raman and IR Spectroscopic Study of Hydrous Pyroxenes
- In-situ observation of dynamic mineral transformation on organic carbon surface using nanoscale 3-D tomography
- Ionospheric disturbances triggered by SpaceX rocket launches
- Modeling the ionospheric prereversal enhancement by using coupled thermosphere-ionosphere data assimilation
- Multi-instrument Satellite-based Observations of Global Low-Latitude Ionosphere: Toward Forecast
- Observation and Simulation of the Concentric Gravity Wave Seeding of Equatorial Nighttime Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- On the Possibility of Tidal Forcing of the Zonal Variation of Solstice Equatorial Spread F
- Reconstruction the Ionospheric Responses to the October-November 2003 Halloween Super Storm: A Data Assimilation Approach
- Refining the Mechanisms of Dust Detection by Antenna Instruments
- Revisiting the Modulations of Ionospheric Solar and Lunar Migrating Tides during the 2009 Stratospheric Sudden Warming by using Global Ionosphere Specification
- The Study of Landslide Occurrence Hydrological Condition by Using Seismic Records and Rainfall Observation
- Assessing the Precipitable Water Vapor for Regional Summer Monsoon Rainfall by GPS Satellite Signal
- Early Results of Ionospheric Weather Observations of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Global Ionospheric Specification: Ionospheric space weather data product of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Simulation and Validation of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Space Weather Products: Global Ionospheric Specification Electron Density Structure and Aided Abel Electron Density Profile
- Spatial Distribution of Energy in and around Taiwan
- Advances in Low-Latitude Ionosphere Observed by FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Assimilation of Ionosphere Observations in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere-ionosphere eXtension
- Evolution History of Plasma Blobs as Deduced from Swarm, Gold, and Madrigal TEC Data
- Global Observations of Day-to-Day Longitudinal Structures of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly by using FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Near Real-Time Global Plasma Irregularity Monitoring by FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- New Characteristics of Quasi-6-Day Wave Modulations in Ionosphere during the 2019 Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming by Using Global Ionosphere Specification
- Observation and simulation of upwelling growth and equatorial plasma bubbles with FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC2, GOLD, and SAMI3/ESF
- Comparison and validation of photochemical models for atomic oxygen ion retrieval from ground-based observations of 630.0 nm airglow near Irkutsk