National Taiwan Ocean University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Millennial-Scale U<SUP>k'</SUP><SUB>37</SUB> Sea-Surface Temperature Record From the Northern South China Sea (MD972148) Over the Last 170 kyr
- Carbonate and Organic Carbon Variations of the Past 900,000 Years Recorded in Sediments From the Southeastern South China Sea (IMAGES core MD972142)
- Foraminiferal Sea-Surface Temperature and Color Reflectance Records of the Past 150,000 Years From The Southern South China Sea (IMAGES Core MD972151)
- High-Resolution Sea-Surface Temperature Records of the Past 150,000 Years from the South China Sea (IMAGES MD972148)
- A Possible Origin of the Gas Hydrate in Southwest Taiwan Offshore Area
- Characteristics of Gas Hydrate and Free Gas Offshore Southwestern Taiwan: A Combined Seismic Reflection/Refraction Analysis
- Determination of shallow water depth by using optical satellite images
- The crustal structures of the continent-ocean transition zone in the northern South China Sea
- A Multiproxy Record of Marine Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11) in the South China Sea (IMAGES-Core MD972142)
- Alkenone and planktic foraminifer sea-surface temperature reconstructions at ODP Site 1240: 500-900 kya
- Fault-plane Identification and Focal Mechanism of the 2003 Chengkung Earthquake Sequence, at East Taiwan
- High precision measurement of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in carbonates by cool plasma quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
- Microearthquakes and Crustal Structures in the Southern Okinawa Trough
- Nano-particle Analysis of Fault Gouge in the Chelungpu Fault of Taiwan
- Sea-surface hydrographic variations during the past 170 thousand years in the southeastern South China Sea
- A Preliminary Study in the Spratly, Southern Part of the South China Sea
- Orbital-Scale Variability of Deep-Water Circulation in the South China Sea
- Signals embedded in the OBS records, in light of Gabor Spectral Analysis
- Velocity structure in marine sediments with gas hydrate in offshore SW Taiwan from wide-angle seismic tomography
- A New Method for Quantifying Lateral Variation in BSR reflectivity and Its Application to gas hydrate-bearing sediments in offshore SW Taiwan
- Anomalous hydrographic and biological conditions in the northern South China Sea during the 1997-98 El Niño
- Compound Specific D/H Records of Marine and Terrestrial Biomarkers From Core MD972151 in the Southern South China Sea During the Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle
- Establishment of a Taiwan Marine cable hosted observatory (Ma-Cho project)
- Generation Of Nonlinear Internal Wave Packet In Luzon Strait
- Inverse-Ray Imaging of Gas Hydrates Along a MCS/OBS Profile at the Continental Slope Offshore SW Taiwan
- MCS/OBS Imaging Of Gas Hydrates Along Profile ORIII1087-B At The Continental Slope offshore SW Taiwan
- Rotational speed study of tropical cyclone spiral rainband by using geostationary satellite images
- Storm Scale And Topographic Scale On Watershed Runoff Nonlinearity
- 2006 Taiwan PingTung Aftershocks Locations and Preliminary Tomography from OBS Data
- 50,000-year Late Quaternary Biogenic Sedimentation, Sea Surface Temperature, and Land Erosion Records From the Southern Papua New Guinea (IMAGES MD052928)
- A seismic reflectivity study of the methane hydrate layer in the offshore area, southwestern Taiwan
- Insights from new bathymetric, gravimetric and magnetic data of the continental margin of the northern South China Sea
- Nano-particle Analysis of Fault Gouge in the Chelungpu Fault of Taiwan
- Neo-tectonic pattern of the southwestern tip of the Okinawa Trough backarc basin (Ilan Plain, Taiwan)
- Nonlinearity of basin response with respect to watershed size and storm magnitude
- Opposite trends in sea-surface salinity and temperature between open-ocean and marginal seas in the tropical Western Pacific during the Holocene
- Planktic Foraminifer Fauna and SST Variations of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific During MIS 1- 6 and MIS 13-15 (ODP Site 1240)
- Predicting The Time And Location For Shallow Landslide Occurrence In Northern Taiwan
- Slip zone and Temperature of Faulting in the 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan Earthquake
- Tectonics of the northwestern corner of the West Philippine Basin: results from new bathymetry and magnetic data
- The East China Sea continental shelf data and it¡¦s scientific merits
- The MicrOBS study around Taiwan
- The crustal structure of South China Sea continental slope
- Deep Seismic Imaging of Crustal Structures in the Northern South China Sea and the Western Philippine Sea Between TAICRUST and TAIGER
- Development Of An Open System For Integration Of Heterogeneous Models For Flood Forecasting And Hazard Mitigation
- Geodynamic Evolution of the Northeastern South China Sea
- New submarine volcanoes in the Okinawa back-arc opening system
- Relocation of Earthquakes and Tectonics of offshore Taiwan with the addition of TAIGER BBOBS
- Seismic Tomography off SW Taiwan: a Joint Inversion From OBS and Onshore Data of 2006 Pingtung Aftershocks
- Seismic and Potential field constraints on the velocity structure of seismogenic zone of the 2006 Hengchun Earthquake, southern Taiwan
- The Seasonal Variation of Phytoplankton Growth in the East China Sea: a Numerical Study
- Using the Three Dimensional Surface Resistivity Method for Imaging the Mud Volcano Conduits in Southwestern Taiwan
- Water Vapor Tomography Using CGPS Network in Taiwan and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Radio Occultation Observations
- Biogenic and terrestrial sediment records of the last two glacial cycles from offshore southeastern Papua New Guinea
- Estimate of thermal history within clayey characteristics from Hole-A of Taiwan Chelungpu fault Drilling Project (TCDP)
- Evaluating the Risk of Nucleation of a M8 Earthquake East of Hualien (Taiwan) : Preliminary Results from the ACTS Project
- Imaging of Crustal Structures in the Northernmost South China Sea Based on TAIGER-OBS Data
- Intrusion of the Kuroshio Current to the Okinawa Trough during 40-100 thousand years before present?
- OBS analysis in the structures of northern part of South China Sea
- Overview and early highlights of the TAIGER project marine, active-source seismic program (Invited)
- Paleotemperature variation in the South China Sea and the displacement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone during the last 30 kyrs
- Seismic velocity structure of the Eurasian margin of the southern Taiwan Strait
- TEX86 and UK37' paleotemperature records from the southern South China Sea during the last two glacial cycles
- The Hydrography in Shen-ao Bay, North Taiwan, without Thermal Plume
- The Propagation Characteristics of Strong Ground-Motion on the Footwall of Chelungpu Fault During the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
- Using a 2.5D Electrical Resistivity Imaging Method for Locating the House Remnants and Possible Landslide Victims of Typhoon Morak
- Using the Electrical Resistivity Imaging Method for Identifing the boundary zone of the Groundwater Recharge Area in Chou-Shui Alluvial Fan in Central Taiwan
- Using the Time-lapse 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography Technique for Monitoring the Wushangting Mud Volcanoes in Southwestern Taiwan
- Comparison of carbon chemistry data in the East China Sea between the 1990s and 2000s: implications for the impact of eutrophication from the Changjiang River (Invited)
- Comparison of community respiration between summer and winter in the East China Sea
- Crustal structure and fluid migration studies in the southwestern Taiwan convergent zone using seismic tomography
- Early Continental Rifting of the South China Sea
- Integrating Geophysical Data for the Investigation of the Chingshui Geothermal Field in Northeastern Taiwan
- S-wave velocity structure and Vp/Vs ratios derived from three-component OBS data in the northeastern South China Sea
- Temperature estimates of coseismic heating in clay-rich fault gouges, the Chelungpu-fault zones, Taiwan
- The characteristic of the Younger Dryas Event in Bilut Lake, Inner Mongolia, China
- The characteristics of Pn wave velocity beneath the offshore of eastern Taiwan and the West Philippine Basin
- A Crustal Structure Study of the Southern Ryukyu Subduction Zone by Using the Aftershock Data
- A Seismic Gap Study in the western offshore of Sumatra, Indonesia
- Chlorophyll Anomaly Triggered by Long-range Transported Dust over the Northern South China Sea
- Crustal characteristics and structures in the northeastern South China Sea from marine TAIGER multichannel seismic data
- Geological Visualization System with GPU-Based Interpolation
- Monitoring the Variations of the Groundwater in the Unconfined Aquifer with the Time-Lapse Resistivity Imaging Method during the Stepwise Pumping Test
- Multi-dimensional Conjunctive Operation Rule for the Water Supply System
- Optimal Pumping Strategy with Conjunctive Operation Rule for the Water Supply System
- Spatial variability of phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the South China Sea over the last two glacial cycles
- The Aftershock Analyses of the February 27 2010 Chile M=8.8 Mega Earthquake
- The Feasibility of Using High Resolution 2D Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) for characterize the possible hydraulic boundaries along the western foothill of Bagua-Douliu Hills, Taiwan
- The PSDM and Travel-Time Inversion of MCS and OBS Data for Imaging Sedimentary and Crustal Structures across the Gagua Ridge, West Philippine Basin
- The analyses of P-wave velocity structures in the Manila subduction system
- Using OBS Aftershock Data to Analyze the Stress Distribution of 2010 Maule Chile Mega Earthquake
- Variability in the Boreal Winter Asian-Australian Monsoon in the Western Pacific Warm Pool Area Over the Past 150,000 Years
- Accelerate Double-difference Seismic Tomography with GPU Architecture
- Characteristics of Oceanic Eddies in the North Pacific
- Coastal CO2 distribution patterns altered by increasing eutrophication from large rivers: a case study in the Changjiang-East China Sea system
- Constructing the Hydrogeological Model of the Choushuichi Fan-delta in Central Taiwan with the Electrical Resistivity Measurements
- Delineating the Groundwater Recharge Zone in the Pingtung Plan , Taiwan with Electrical Resistivity Surveys
- Effective medium modeling to assess gas hydrate and free-gas saturation from the velocity structure of the sedimentary layer near Yuan-An Ridge, off southwest Taiwan
- Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity Using Two Dimensional (2D) Electrical Resistivity Survey
- Increasing zooplankton size diversity enhances the strength of top-down control on phytoplankton in the East China Sea
- Interannual Variability of Aerosols over the South China Sea
- Laboratory Measurements of Solute Transport in Undisturbed Soil Columns Using Time-Domain Reflectometry
- Orbital Variation in South China Sea Nitrogen Fixation over the Past 420,000 yrs
- Satellite observation of red tide in the East China Sea
- The Oceanic Crustal Structure of the Southwestern Subbasin in the South China Sea
- The composition and flux of water-soluble organic nitrogen and carbon in the marine aerosol of a remote island over the southern East China Sea
- A high-resolution 3D seismic velocity model of the 2010 M<SUB>w </SUB>8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake rupture zone using land & OBS networks
- Application of Differential Evolutionary Optimization Methodology for Parameter Structure Identification in Groundwater Modeling
- Distribution of Gas Hydrates Imaged from Four-Component OBS Data at Jiulong Methane Reef in the Northernmost SCS
- Estimating the hydrogeological parameters with the time-lapse resistivity imaging method during the pumping test in the unconfined aquifer
- Gas Hydrate at the Formosa Ridge in the Northernmost SCS Imaged from OBS Data
- Laboratory and Field Measurements of Soil Bulk Electrical Conductivity Using Time Domain Reflectometry
- Magnetic and Geochemical Records of Glacial Terminations, Weathering and Carbon Burial in the Southeastern South China Sea for the Last 800 kyr
- Millennial-scale climate variability of the low-latitude Pacific during the last glacial: Evidence from faunal records and hydrographic gradients
- Non-linear response of South-WPWP SST to greenhouse gases forcing changes during the past 360,000 years
- Simulating the Changes of Minerals and Elements under Chemical Weathering by Acid Hydrothermal Experiments
- The Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity Using Pumping Test Data and Vertical Electrical Sounding Measurements - A Case Study of Taiwan's Choshuihsi Alluvial Fan
- The characteristics and implications of Pn and Sn wave velocities beneath the offshore area of eastern Taiwan, Gagua Ridge and the West Philippine Basin
- Acquiring Sediment and Element Compositional Changes Based on a Diffuse Reflectance Spectrophotometry Technology from Cores Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Simulating the Mineral Scale by High Pressure Thermal Vessel
- Using High Pressure Thermal Vessel For Mineral Solubility Experiments in Geothermal System
- AMS <SUP>14</SUP> C dating controlled records of monsoon and Indonesian throughflow variability from the eastern Indian Ocean of the past 32,000 years
- An Integrated Model of Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions at Yi-lan Area in Northeastern Taiwan
- Hydrogeological bedrock inferred from electrical resistivity model in Taichung Basin, Taiwan
- Impact of The N - S Fracture Zone Along The Indo-Australia Plate Analyzed from Local Seismic Data In The Western Offshore of Sumatra, Indonesia
- New Energy Villages in Taiwan and China
- Quantification of Dynamic Effects in Capillary Pressure for Measuring Water Retention Curve
- Relocation of earthquakes at southwestern Indian Ocean Ridge and its tectonic significance
- Simulation-Optimization Model for Seawater Intrusion Management at Pingtung Coastal Area, Taiwan
- A regional seismic stress field in Taiwan inferred from damped inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms
- Application of nanoscale zero-valent iron tracer to delineate groundwater flow paths between a screened well and an open well in fractured rock
- Geoelectrical image of the subsurface for CO<SUB>2</SUB> geological storage in the Changhua site, Taiwan
- Geothermal Conceptual Model in Earthquake Swarm Area: Constrains from Physical Properties of Supercritical Fluids and Dissipative Theory
- Hot spring, Geothermal energy and Self-sufficient community in Taiwan
- Ocean waves monitor system by inland microseisms
- South China Sea kinematics
- The study in the frequency of paleo-typhoon hazards and invasion locations since 2000 years ago in China
- High tsunami risk at northern tip of Sumatra as a result of the activity of the Sumatra Fault Zone (SFZ) combined with coastal landslides
- Multi-usages of the Ilan geothermal field, NE Taiwan
- Paleoceanographic Changes Since the Last Glacial as Revealed by Analysis of Alkenone Organic Biomarkers from the Northwest Pacific (Core LV 63-41-2)
- The effect of initial resident fluid saturation on the interaction between resident and infiltrating fluids in porous media
- The missing link between submarine volcano and promising geothermal potential in Jinshan, Northern Taiwan
- A first look of poor study area in the Sulawesi subduction zone and its implications
- Assessing Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Options in Northeast U. S. Fishing Communities
- Intrusion of Kuroshio diminishes hypoxia conditions in Yangtze and Pearl estuaries
- The preliminary result of marine electromagnetic data in the western Okinawa Trough offshore NE Taiwan
- An Empirical Age Model of Sediment Cores in the South China Sea based on Varimax-Rotated Principal Components Analysis of the Ship-Board Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy Data
- Comparing the effect of different distances of the remote reference stations on the audio-magnetotelluric responses
- Influence of clogging layer on the surface water discharge and the groundwater flow patterns beneath stream bed
- Investigating The Precession Responses Of Tropical Indo-pacific Hydroclimate Since The Last Glacial
- Landslide Susceptibility Assessment using Distributed Hydrological Modeling and Slope Stability Analysis
- Shear-Wave Velocity of Shallow Seabed Derived From Large-Offset Seismic Streamer Data
- Utilize High-resolution Distributed Temperature Sensing with Energy Balance Modeling to Evaluate River Restoration on the First-order Alpine Stream in Taiwan
- Assessment of Local Sea Level Budget around Taiwan
- Deglacial Evolution of N2 Fixation in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
- Estimate the habitat of Trichiurus Lepturus northeast Taiwan using commercial data
- Recently amplified interannual variability of the winter severity and ice cover over the North American Great Lakes in response to changing teleconnections
- The Kuroshio Radiocesium Stream