Toyama University, Japan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Electrical 2D Section of a Continental Break-up Region, Gulf of Aden - Results From the ANC Cruise
- Electrical Conductivity Structure Beneath the Philippine Sea Plate
- Characterization of a Novel Thermococcus sp. from a Hydrothermal Vent of the Suiyo Seamount
- Detection of submarine fresh groundwater discharge and its relation to onshore groundwater flow system: An example from offshore Kurobe alluvial fan
- Investigations of submarine groundwater discharge in the Suruga Bay, Japan
- Magnetic record of Lake Baikal sediments (Baikal Drilling Project 1998)
- The Mechanisms of Coccolithophorids Blooming in the Eastern Bering Sea and the For-mation Process of Cold Halo Cline Water in the Arctic Ocean by the Fluctuating Evalua-tion of N*
- Dive Surveys for Evaluation of Offshore Active Faults Along the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
- Electrical Conductivity Structure Beneath the Northwest Pacific Basin Revealed by Long-term Electromagnetic Observation at the Seafloor
- Experiments on Porous Flow With Cooling Boundary
- Methane and nitrous oxide in submarine groundwater discharges: Toyama Bay, northwestern Japan
- Phytoplankton distributions and their nutrient environment in the Eastern Bering Sea.
- Two-dimensional Electrical Section Beneath the Backarc Region of Northeast Japan
- Pore Structures in Lavas Inferred From Permeability and Compressional-Wave Velocity Measurements
- Detailed crustal deformation and tectonic loading of the Atotsugawa fault system, central Japan
- Numerical study for the vertical distributions and optical properties of Asian dust and anthropogenic aerosols over Japan
- Permeability Measurements of Rock Samples from Conduit Drilling at Unzen Volcano, Japan
- SGD Flux of Freshwater and Nutrients into the Coastal Area
- The behavior and release of methane related to hydrates in a pockmark area in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea: An approach from chlorine isotope composition in pore water and sea water
- Aerosol Effects on the Estimation of the Carbon Dioxide Concentration From the Measurements of Solar Absorption Spectra at an Altitude of 800 Meters by Using the FTS (GOSAT-BBM) in SWIR Region
- Change in climate and nature over Toyama prefecture due to global warming
- Crustal heterogeneities deduced from wideband and Network MT measurements around the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone, Chubu District, Japan
- Isotopic approach to understanding the groundwater flow system within an andesitic stratovolcano in a temperate humid region: case study of Ontake volcano, central Japan
- Preliminary Report on Seafloor Electromagnetic Observations off Tottori in the Sea of Japan
- Relationship between the Neoproterozoic snowball Earth and Cambrian explosion
- Tectonic loading of active faults in central Japan revealed by dense GPS observations
- Atmospheric aerosol variation in Okinawa Island in Japan by MAX-DOAS using a new cloud screening method
- Compressional and Shear Wave Velocities of an Antigorite Rock at 1 GPa up to 550C
- Electrical Conductivity of Micas at High Temperatures
- Impact of SST Resolution on Climate Simulation around Japan
- Residence time of submarine fresh groundwater discharge in Rishiri Island, north Japan: Application of groundwater age tracers of Tritium, CFCs and SF6.
- Tectonic Loading of Crustal Faults: How does the Lower Crust behave?
- Development of seismic anisotropy during serpentinization
- Global CO2 Emission from Volcanic Lakes
- Interseismic deformation pattern tells the extent of a fault rupture: Lessons from dense GPS observation around the Atotsugawa Fault, central Japan
- Olivine and Antigorite Lattice Preferred Orientation Patterns in Hydrated Peridotite and their Implications for Forearc Seismic Anisotropy
- Dynamic of diffuse CO2 emission from Decepcion volcano, Antartica
- Equation of State of Antigorite at High Pressure and Temperature
- Melting relationships of the Ni-NiS system up to 10 GPa and the stability of the Ni3S
- Spectral indices for remote sensing of phytomass and deciduous shrub changes in Alaskan arctic tundra
- Active fire detection using a peat fire radiance model
- An Integrated Model for Mapping Geofluids
- Fluid Distribution in Synthetic Wet Halite Rocks : Inference from Measured Elastic Wave Velocity and Electrical Conductivity
- Relationship between displacement and gravity change of Uemachi faults and surrounding faults of Osaka basin, Southwest Japan
- Satellite estimation of leaf area index across the east Siberia and the northern Japan from 1998 to 2010
- Structure of pure liquid Fe at high pressure based on in-situ X-ray observation
- Development of new measuring technique using sound velocity for CO2 concentration in Cameroonian volcanic lakes
- Global remote sensing of water-chlorophyll ratio in terrestrial plant leaves
- Hg Isotopic Compositions of Chimneys and Pelagic Sediments at Active Submarine Hydrothermal Field in the Okinawa Trough, Japan
- Paleoceanography of the Bering Sea during the past five million years: results from IODP Expedition 323
- A New Method for Calculating Seismic Velocities in Antigorite-Bearing Serpentinites
- BRINE Distribution in Harite Rocks-Inference from Measured Electrical CONDUCTIVITY-
- Dependence of brightness temperatures in the thermal infrared wavelength region on surface snow type
- Dry-air Transport by Transient Eddies within an MJO
- Global variations in transport rate and sublimation of blowing snow using JRA-25
- Identification of slip-surface using electromagnetic approaches and its evaluation for in-situ self-potential measurement at landslide site, Nishiikawa, Japan
- Influence of Pore-Fluid Pressure on Elastic Wave Velocity and Electrical Conductivity in Water-Saturated Rocks
- Measurements of Elastic Constants of Chromian spinel Single-Crystal by Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
- Model intra-comparison of transboundary sulfate loadings over springtime east Asia
- Perpendicular ion heating by anisotropic whistler turbulence at electron scales
- The Role of Philippine Sea Plate to the Genesis of Quaternary Magmas of Northern Kyushu Island, Japan, Inferred from Along-Arc Geochemical Variations
- Analysis of Climate Trends in the Altai Mountains Between 1988 and 2012
- Perpendicular Ion Heating by Nonlinear Development of Finite Amplitude Whistler Wave
- Uplift revealed by LASER scanner surveys in Murono mud volcano, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, and estimation of its source
- Decaying Whistler Turbulence at Ion Scales: Particle-In-Cell simulation
- Effects of density fluctuations on nonlinear evolution of low-frequency Alfven waves in solar wind plasmas
- Local generation of the strahl in the solar wind electrons via whistler instability
- Simulating soil carbon accumulation in an upland black spruce ecosystem of interior Alaska: implications for permafrost carbon dynamics to climate change
- Temperature Anisotropy Distribution and Evolution in Inhomogeneous Solar Wind
- Connectivity of pores and electrical conductivity in a brine-saturated granitic rock
- Diurnal cycle and its modulation by Madden-Julian oscillation observed around western coast of Sumatra Island: preconditioning for offshore convection by gravity waves
- Elastic constants of single-crystal topaz and their temperature dependence studied via sphere-resonance method
- Estimate of temperature change due to ice and snow accretion in the boreal forest regions
- Evaluation of oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca ratios in high-magnesium calcite precipitated by reef-dwelling large benthic foraminifera as a proxy for water temperature
- Non-elliptic wave-number spectra of imbalanced magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the solar wind plasma
- On electron-scale whistler turbulence in the solar wind
- Origin and tectonic evolution of the accretionary complex in Central Mongolia
- Physical properties of fore-arc basalt and boninite in Izu-Bonin-Mariana forearc recovered by IODP Expedition 352
- A long-term Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent product (JASMES) deriving from satellite-borne optical sensors using consistent objective criteria
- A report from YMC Sumatra field campaign
- CPO of Antigorite and Magnetic Susceptibility in Serpentinite Mylonites
- Cascade of Whistler-mode Turbulence from Ion to Electron Kinetic Scales: Particle-In-Cell simulation
- Driving Perpendicular Decay by the Parametric Instabilities of Parallel Propagating Alfven Waves
- Sediment provenance in the Laxmi Basin of the Arabian Sea during the last 800 kyrs
- Cirrus Cloud-Top Height Estimation using Geostationary Satellite Split-Window Measurements Trained with CALIPSO and CloudSat data
- Land-sea interaction and Indian monsoon in the Mahanadi Basin of the Bay of Bengal (IODP Site U1445) during the last 200 ka
- Notes on observational data from automatic weather stations in Antarctica
- Orbital-scale ocean surface response to external and internal forcings during late Quaternary
- Retrieved precipitable water vapor from diffuse radiances measured by a sky-radiometer
- Cascade of shear Alfven mode turbulence to electron kinetic scales: Particle-In-Cell simulation
- Chemical speciation and solubility of arsenic, cadmium and lead in contaminated soil from abandoned mine tailing in Toyama prefecture, Japan
- Contribution of Oceanic Sulfur to Coastal Ecosystem using Isotope Ratio in Lichens: Formulating Distance-decay and Applying Model Selection Approach
- Detection of a segment boundary of lateral faults through gravity anomaly: a case study of the Median Tectonic Line fault zone, Japan
- Formation condition of snow cover in Japan using AMeDAS data
- Geological Predictions for the Long-term Isolation of Radioactive Waste Based on Extrapolating Uniform Mode and Rate of Crustal Movements
- Key role of western boundary currents in wintertime Euro-Atlantic blocking
- Pacific Contribution to Decadal Winter Temperature Trends in the Arctic
- Reconstruction of atmospheric pCO<SUB>2</SUB> during the Plio-Pleistocene
- Simultaneous detection of gamma-ray glow and downward terrestrial gamma-ray flash
- Strong Anisotropy in Magnetic Susceptibility and Distribution of Magnetite Grains in Serpentinite Mylonites
- What controls the thermodynamic evolution of the expanding solar wind?
- Change in area strain around Toyama prefecture, Japan, during the period of 2005-2020
- Influence of OH Content on Elastic Constants of Single-Crystal Topaz Studied via Sphere-Resonance Method
- Iron counts from XRF scanning positively correlated with the deglacial paleoproductivity in the Gulf of Alaska
- Change in area strain around Toyama prefecture, Japan, during the period of 2005 - 2021
- Competition Between Grain Boundaries and a Fracture in Electrical Conduction
- Drop-size-distribution (DSD) statistics in the warm season over the Sea of Japan
- SnowPEx+: The International Snow Products Intercomparison and Evaluation Exercise 2015-2020
- A Non-negligible Role of Arctic Pathways for Wintertime Pacific Blocking
- A numerical study on precipitation over the western coastal area of Sumatra Island
- Contribution to the wavelength dependence of solar aureole by using long-term record of aerosol optical properties
- GPS observation in Jigokudani valley, Tateyama volcano, Japan
- Theoretical prediction of ion scale waves observed in the inner heliosphere