Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Approaches to data quality assurance: from deployment to operation
- Comparison of Cloud Fractions and Cloud Properties Retrieved Over the North Slope of Alaska.
- Performance of Longwave Radiation Instruments: Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Irradiances During Arctic Winter
- Relaxation Biodynamics: Experimental Studies and Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes in Northern Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Scattering characteristics of highly elongated particles
- Calibration and Comparison of a LISST-100 and an OBS-3 Using Quartz Sand and Silicon Carbide
- Evaluation of NCEP Re-analysis Radiation and Cloud Products in the Arctic Based on Comparison With Ground-based and Space-borne Measurements.
- Field Observations of Hydrodynamics, Sediment Transport, and Water and Sediment Quality in the Hudson-Raritan Estuary
- In Situ Measurements of Trace Organics and Metals in the New York - New Jersey Harbor
- Local and Far-Field Effects of Commuter Ferry Wake in New York Harbor: Implications for Mitigation
- Meteorological Forcing of the Kills in New York / New Jersey Harbor
- Obtaining information from Case 2 Waters using constraints derived from adjacent Case 1 Waters
- On Dynamic Nonlinear Elasticity and Small Strain
- Sediment Transport Between Deep Navigation Channels and Shallow Side Banks Under Variable Tidal and Meteorological Forcing
- TOMS and Ground-based Measurements: Long-term Trends, Spatial Variability, Cloud Effects, and Data Quality.
- Linear and Nonlinear Time Reverse Acoustics in Geomaterials
- Nowcast Skill of the New York Harbor Observation and Prediction System
- The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) of the Ocean: Effects of Wave Representation
- A Bio-Optical Model Suitable for Use in Forward and Inverse Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Radiative Transfer Models
- Arctic Clouds - Numerical Modeling Versus Airborne Measurements
- Improving the Description of Sunglint for Accurate Prediction of Top-of-the-Atmosphere Radiances
- Simultaneous Retrieval of Aerosol and Snow/ice Properties Using Multi- and Hyperspectral Data
- Simultaneous Retrieval of Aerosols and Ocean Color Using the Linearized CAO-DISORT Model: Improved SEAWiFS and MODIS Retrievals and Comprehensive Error Budgets
- Assessment of the MODIS Algorithm for Retrieval of Aerosol Parameters over the Ocean
- Light Reflection Off Water Waves: An Investigation Under Controlled Laboratory Conditions
- Retrieval of Coastal Water Constituents from Ocean Color Data Using A Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Linearized Radiative Transfer Model in Conjunction with Classical Inversion Schemes
- WATERS Network: Increasing Vertical Collaboration within Hydrology Research and Education Communities
- Improving the Forecast Accuracy of an Ocean Observation and Prediction System by Adaptive Control of the Sensor Network
- In-Situ Radiometric Measurements of the Radiation Environment in Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds from a Tethered Balloon System
- Preliminary Results from the First Deployment of a Tethered-Balloon Cloud Particle Imager Instrument Package in Arctic Stratus Clouds at Ny-Alesund
- Effect of snow impurities and vertical profile on snow albedo and reflectance
- Optical Properties of Arctic Mixed Phase Boundary Layer Clouds Observed from a Tethered Balloon Instrument Platform
- A fast yet accurate algorithm for retrieval of aerosol and marine parameters in coastal waters
- A snow/atmosphere physical parameter algorithm for the GCOM-C1/SGLI sensor
- Retrieval of aerosol and marine parameters in coastal areas in the Arctic
- The New York City Research Initiative: A Model for Undergraduate and High School Student Research in Earth and Space Sciences and Space Technology
- Cloud masking and surface classi[|#12#|]cation algorithm for GCOM-C1/SGLI purpose
- OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF ARCTIC MIXED PHASE BOUNDARY LAYER CLOUDS OBSERVED FROM A TETHERED BALLOON INSTRUMENT PLATFORM: PART II a M. Sikand, a J. Koskulics, a K. Stamnes, b B. Hamre, b J.J. Stamnes, c R.P. Lawson a Department of Physics, Stevens Institute of Technology, 1 Castle point, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA b Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Allegaten 55, Bergen, Norway c SPEC Incorporated, 3022 Sterling Circle, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80301, USA
- Retrieval of Marine Parameters in Coastal Waters Using a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Radiative Transfer Model
- The Physics Portal through Physics Connection Website: It's a new way to Stay Connected!
- The impact of non-spherical particle shape on snow parameters retrieved from satellite data
- The impact of snow impurity assumption on snow parameters retrieved from satellite data
- Use of critical snow water content to retrieve vertical variation of snow properties from visible and near-infrared channels of the GCOM-C1/SGLI sensor
- Contrasting NYC Coastal Restoration and Storm Surge Barrier Impacts on Flooding
- Measurements on degree of linear polarization of snow for the GCOM-C/SGLI
- Sea Level Rise, Rainfall and Coastal Flooding in Northeastern U.S. Cities Vivien Gornitz, Radley Horton, Philip Orton, Nickitas Georgas, Alan Blumberg, and Cynthia Rosenzweig
- Anticipating Future Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storms in New York City (Invited)
- Measurements on angular distribution of reflectance and degree of linear polarization of snow for the GCOM-C/SGLI snow product
- Research Scanning Polarimeter Measurements of Snow Surfaces during Podex
- Detailed Flood Modeling and Hazard Assessment from Storm Tides, Rainfall and Sea Level Rise
- Effect of Climate-Related Sea Level Rise on Sandy Flooding and Damages in New York City
- Extreme Rainfall and Flood Events for the Hudson River Induced by Tropical Cyclones: a Statistical Forecast Model
- Long-term increase in New York Harbor storm tides, 1844-present
- The Future of Nearshore Processes Research
- Variation of Strom Surge Propagation in a Shallow Estuary with Sea Level Rise
- Demonstrating the impact of flood adaptation using an online dynamic flood mapper
- Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
- History as a guide to the future for cities: coastal storms and Jamaica Bay in New York City as an example.
- Hurricane Sandy: Caught in the eye of the storm and a city's adaptation response
- Improving Coastal Flood Risk Assessments for the Northeastern United States: New York City to Boston
- Visualizing plumes of heavy metals and radionuclides
- ASDC Tools and Techniques for Creating GIS Services for Earth Science Data Discovery and Analysis
- An Integrated Ensemble-Based Operational Framework to Predict Urban Flooding: A Case Study of Hurricane Sandy in the Passaic and Hackensack River Basins
- Ensemble tropical-extratropical cyclone coastal flood hazard assessment with climate change
- Extracting a 2D wave field from a shore-based direction-finding HF radar through characteristic matching with a numerical wave model
- Leveraging Storms from Two Centuries to Evaluate the Erosion Potential of Extratropical Versus Tropical Cyclones
- Quantifying Wave Attenuation due to Salt Marshes with a Phase-Averaged Wave Model
- Role of Hydrological Ensemble Forecasts in Operational Decision Making
- The Maritime Continent and Coral Triangle: How to make informed measurements in the year of the MC to improve coral protection?
- Theory and Practice of Phase-aware Ensemble Forecasting
- Trade-space Analysis for Constellations
- An Ensemble-Based Forecasting Framework to Optimize Reservoir Releases
- Atmospheric correction over coastal waters using multilayer neural networks
- Combining Satellite Measurements and Numerical Flood Prediction Models to Save Lives and Property from Flooding
- Correcting for Changes in the NDBC Wave Records of the United States: A Reanalysis of Trends
- Design and skill assessment of an Operational Forecasting System for currents and sea level variability to the Santos Estuarine System - Brazil
- Effect of ionic strength on barium transport in porous media
- End-to-End Trade-space Analysis for Designing Constellation Missions
- Energy-Water Modeling and Impacts at Urban and Infrastructure Scales
- Estimation of Snow Particle Model Suitable for a Complex and Forested Terrain: Lessons from SnowEx
- Flooding Simulation of Extreme Event on Barnegat Bay by High-Resolution Two Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model
- Hurricane Matthew (2016) and its Storm Surge Inundation under Global Warming Scenarios: Application of an Interactively Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model
- Interaction of coastal urban groundwater with infrastructure due to tidal variation
- Machine learning based cloud mask algorithm driven by radiative transfer modeling
- New Treatment of Strongly Anisotropic Scattering Phase Functions: The Delta-M+ Method
- Simultaneous aerosol/ocean products retrieved during the 2014 SABOR campaign using the NASA Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP)
- Challenges of Adapting to Upper-End Sea Level Rise and Increased Coastal Flooding: the Case of New York City
- Characterizing Compound Rain/Surge Flood Hazards for New York City
- Combining Satellite Measurements with Hydraulic Models to Improve Flood Prediction in Built Environments
- Ecosystem service valuation of flood-risk mitigation strategies for Jamaica Bay, New York City
- Integrated, Participatory Planning to Evaluate Coastal Resilience Investments in Jamaica Bay, New York
- Mortality during Hurricane Sandy: the Effects of Waterfront Flood Protection on Staten Island, New York
- Neural network cloud mask algorithm for the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager
- Ocean Color Products retrieved from DSCOVR/EPIC mission
- Reducing parameter uncertainty for operational ensemble streamflow forecasting using automated calibration
- Retrieval of Ocean Color Products From Multi-angle Polarimeter Measurements
- Science Tools for Sea Level Rise and Flood Preparedness in New York
- Separability of hurricane surge and sea level rise adaptation
- Spatially-varying Non-Stationarity in Estuarine Extreme Sea Levels
- The effect of surface roughness and polarization on the snow bi-directional reflectance factor (BRF): Model simulations and validation using NASA Cloud Absorption Radiometer measurements.
- Understanding AMSR-2 Brightness Temperatures Characterizations over U.S.A in the Presence/Absence of Radio Frequency Interference Contaminations
- Measuring and modeling groundwater flooding in coastal urban areas
- Mitigating Groundwater Arsenic Exposure through in situ and ex situ Treatment
- An automated river ice mapping system over northern watersheds in the USA using VIIRS imagery
- Application of A Two-Dimensional (Monetary-Mortality) Flood Risk Assessment Approach in Evaluation of Coastal Flood Risk Reduction
- Can Anthropogenic Barrier Island and Shelf Modifications Alter Estuary Storm Tides?
- Carrying nanoparticles through porous media using bubbles
- Co-Design and Co-Simulation Infrastructure for a New Observing Strategies Testbed
- Effects of Climate Change and Storm Surge Barriers on Estuary Physical Conditions
- Impact of Urbanization on Tide and Flood Dynamics in Jamaica Bay, New York: Realistic and Analytical Modeling
- Long term changes to US Estuaries: A survey
- Nuisance flooding due to groundwater emergence in coastal urban areas
- OC-SMART: A Machine Learning Platform for Satellite Ocean Color data Analysis
- The effect of salinity and particle size on bacteria transport in porous media
- The effects of tidal changes on nuisance flooding along the U.S. coastline
- Towards an Integrated Terrestrial Freshwater Remote Sensing System using the NASA Land Information System, Data Assimilation, and Synthetic Retrievals of Snow, Soil Moisture, and Vegetation over Western Colorado
- Vulnerability of Individuals to Compound Hazards due to Floodwater and Winds in the Coastal Built Environment
- What is the Optimal Mixture of Space-borne Sensors for Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Freshwater?: A Comparative Analysis of Passive Optical, Passive Microwave, Active Microwave, and LiDAR Retrievals
- A Snowfall Retrieval Algorithm for ATMS over Ocean, Sea Ice, and Coast
- An Automated Deep Learning-based System to Monitor River Ice conditions in Northern Watersheds Using JPSS VIIRS Imagery
- OC-SMART: A Machine Learning Platform for Satellite Ocean Color Data Analysis
- Polarized radiative transfer simulations: The VDISORT computational tool
- Real-time attribution of anthropogenically-driven coastal flooding
- Assessment of Ensemble Rainfall Nowcasting: A Case Study of the U.S. Southeast Coast during Hurricane Ian
- Comprehensive investigation on role of wettability heterogeneity in immiscible two-phase flow in sandstones
- Dynamical Downscaling of ERA5 Reanalysis Dataset for Storm Surges and Waves in Coastal Waters of Western North Atlantic Ocean
- Heat and water diffusion in smectite is controlled by the hysteretic interconversion of many distinct swelling states
- Long Term Trends and Variability of Spectral Wave Systems in the New York Bight
- Modeling Underground Hydrogen Storage in Saline Aquifers with Different Types of Cushion Gases
- Pore-Scale Modeling and Parametric Analysis of Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure in a Hydrogen-Brine-Rock System Using Pore Network Model
- Quantum Parametric Mode Sorting Lidar for Measurement of Snow Properties
- QuiCFIM, a Quick GIS-Based Combined Flood Inundation Mapping Framework