Texas A&M University, Galveston
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Phase partitioning of <SUP>234</SUP>Th and its relationship with acid polysaccharide content in the Gulf of Mexico
- Statistics of Overturns, APEF, and TKE Dissipation in Stratified Flows
- Determination of Mercury Complexation in Seawater by Competitive Ligand Equilibration Using Thiosalicylic Acid
- Seabed Scouring and Rapid Recovery of the Lower Shoreface and Inner Continental Shelf due to Hurricane Claudette (July 2003), Matagorda Peninsula, Texas
- Sedimentary Processes and Morphodynamic Controls on Facies Distribution in a Seismically Active Fjord: Simpson Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska.
- The Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter and Nutrients in two Large Arctic Estuaries and Potential Implications for our Understanding of the Arctic Ocean System
- A Chronology of Glacial Retreat and its Influences on Sedimentary Strata in a Turbid Outwash Fjord: Simpson Bay, Prince William Sound Alaska
- Anthropogenic and antecedent controls on the morphology of the inner-shelf of Galveston Island, Texas
- Dissolved and Particulate Amino Acids in the Lower Mississippi and Pearl Rivers (USA)
- Effect of Hurricane Katrina on the Water Quality of the Pearl River (Mississippi)
- Molecular Marker Approach on Characterizing and Quantifying Charcoal in Environmental Media
- Role of Natural Organic Matter in Regulating the Partitioning of Th(IV) and Pa(IV, V) on Aquatic Colloids and Nanoparticles
- Dissolved Organic Matter Discharge from the Six Largest Arctic Rivers: Chemical Composition and Seasonal Variability
- Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Benthic Biodiversity by the Mississippi River and Submarine Canyon of the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Relationship Between Pacific Decadal Oscillation and Paleo-Tracers of Hypoxia in Sediment Cores from Puget Sound, WA
- Role of Natural Organic Matter in Regulating the Partitioning of Fe(II, III) in Seawater
- Size and Chemical Affinity Fractionated Dissolved Cadmium, Copper and Nickel in Gulf of Mexico Surface Waters
- Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to Investigate Beach-Dune Interaction at North Padre Island, Texas
- Chemical Composition of Organic Matter in Surface Sediments of the Eel River Shelf Depocenter
- Land-use Effect on Stream Organic Matter Composition in Two Metropolitan Areas in USA
- Power and Limitations of Anhydrosugars to Trace Historical Natural and Anthropogenic Inputs of charcoal BC to Aquatic Systems
- Sorption characteristics of <SUP>210</SUP>Pb, <SUP>210</SUP>Po and <SUP>7</SUP>Be onto microparticle surfaces and the effects of macromolecular organic matter
- Sources and fate of chromophoric dissolved organic matter and water mass ventilation in the upper Arctic Ocean
- An evolution equation for nonlinear wave transformation
- Carbohydrates and phenols as quantitative molecular vegetation proxies in peats
- Do organic matter matter? Contribution of organic matter on scavenging and fractionation of natural radionuclides in the Oceanic Flux Program (OFP) site of Bermuda
- Effect of Oil Contamination on Infauna of Louisiana and Mississippi Marshes with Implications for Marsh Functioning
- Extensive turnover of plant nitrogen in peats from the West Siberian Lowland
- Modeling Tsunamis from Potential Submarine Landslides in the Puerto Rico Region
- Partitioning and Fractionation of <SUP>210</SUP>Pb, <SUP>210</SUP>Po and <SUP>7</SUP>Be During Their Interactions With Inorganic and Organic Nanoparticles in Seawater
- Climatic Forcing of Intense North Atlantic Hurricane Activity over the Last Two Millennia (Invited)
- Development and Implementation of Sargassum Early Advisory System (SEAS): Phase One By Brandon N. Hill Ocean and Coastal Resources bhill8901@yahoo.com Robert K. Webster Ph.D. Candidate, Marine Sciences Department captrwebster@aol.com Texas A & M University at Galveston P.O. Box 1675 Galveston, Texas 77553
- Evaluating the 100 year floodplain as an indicator of flood risk in low-lying coastal watersheds
- Investigating carbon dynamics in Siberian peat bogs using molecular-level analyses
- Operational Coupled Forecasting of Waves, Currents and Coastal Inundation in Cook Inlet, Alaska
- The Use of Satellite Imagery in the Monitoring and Forecasting of Sargassum Seaweed in the Caribbean Phase II of the Sargassum Early Advisory System
- "Spring break" of Dissolved Organic Matter above the Arctic Circle: New Hints on Source and Composition
- Assessment of Landslide-Tsunami Hazard for the Gulf of Mexico Using a Probabilistic Approach
- Controls of Carbon Preservation in Coastal Wetlands of Texas: Mangrove vs. Saltmarsh Ecosystems
- Developmental History of an Intriguing Peat-Forming Community Along the West Antarctic Peninsula
- Evidence for a Methane-Fueled Ecosystem within Anchialine Caves of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- Evolution of an Anthropocene Delta: Understanding the Interplay of Natural and Anthropogenic Forces That Shaped the Brazos River Subaqueous Delta, USA
- In-situ Observations of Swash-zone Flow Velocities and Sediment Transport on a Steep Beach
- Measuring the Role of Ecological Shift and Environmental Change on Organic Carbon Stocks in Salt Marshes and Mangrove Dominated Wetlands from the Texas Gulf Coast
- Nearshore Coastal Dynamics on a Sea-Breeze Dominated Micro-Tidal Beach (NCSAL)
- Ridge-Runnel and Swash Dynamics Field Experiment on a Steep Meso-Tidal Beach
- Signatures of Biomass Burning Aerosols during a Smoke Plume Event from a Saltmarsh Wildfire in South Texas
- Siltation Rate and Mechanism in the North Harbour of Incheon, Korea
- Temporal and Spatial Characterization of Macondo 252 Signatures in Gulf of Mexico Shelf and Slope Sediments: Evidence for Weathering, Biodegradation, and Transport
- Tsunamis generated by 3D deformable landslides in various scenarios: laboratory experiments and numerical modeling
- Degradation State and Sequestration Potential of Carbon in Coastal Wetlands of Texas: Mangrove Vs. Saltmarsh Ecosystems
- From Ecosystem-Scale to Litter Biochemistry: Controls on Carbon Sequestration in Coastal Wetlands of the Western Gulf of Mexico
- High-resolution analysis of the terrestrial influence on DOC and POC export in a Siberian Arctic River during the spring freshet
- High-resolution chemical and hydrologic records identify environmental factors that control coastal anchialine cave ecosystem function
- Organic matter controls on iodine and plutonium in atmospheric depositions, streams, and soils in the Fukushima Prefecture
- Sediment and water column geochemistry related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin
- A Near-Annual Record of Hurricane Activity From the Little Bahama Bank Over the Last 700 Years
- A sedimentary record of middle Holocene precipitation and terrestrial vertebrates from Great Cistern Blue Hole (Abaco Island), The Bahamas
- Carbon fluxes in North American coastal and shelf seas: Current status and trends
- Cellulose and Lignin Carbon Isotope Signatures in Sphagnum Moss Reveal Complementary Environmental Properties
- Characterization of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter across the Eastern and the Central Arctic Regions using PARAFAC Modelling
- Decay of deep water convection in CMIP5 GCMs in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean in the 21st century
- Leaf wax records of late Holocene hydrologic changes on Abaco Island, Northern Bahamas
- Numerical Simulations of Turbulence Mixing in the Northern Arabian Gulf
- Stratigraphic Evidence for Environmental Change in a Bermudian Coastal Underwater Cave (Palm Cave System) in Response to Holocene Sea-level Rise
- Stratigraphic and microfossil evidence for hydroclimate changes over the middle to late Holocene in the northern Bahamas from an inland saline lake
- The Impact of the 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill on Phytoplankton as Evidenced Through the Sedimentary Dinoflagellate Cyst Records in Prince William Sound (Alaska, USA).
- Tilt Current Meter Field Validation in the Surf Zone
- UAS Photogrammetry for Rapid Response Characterization of Subaerial Coastal Change
- A Holocene History of Permafrost Dynamics, Carbon Sequestration, and Hydrological Changes at Beretta Bog, Mackenzie River Basin
- Constraining Biomarkers of Dissolved Organic Matter Sourcing Using Microbial Incubations of Vascular Plant Leachates of the California landscape
- Drivers of lignin composition in boreal forest organic soils across a climate gradient
- Hurricane Harvey rapid response: observations of infragravity wave dynamics and morphological change during inundation of a barrier island cut
- Hydrologic controls of methane dynamics in a karst subterranean estuary
- Long-Term Changes in Chemical Weathering in the Himalayan Region from Indus Fan Sediments
- New Science Applications Within the U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
- Sedimentary Reconstructions of Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Past 1500 Years from Blue Holes in the Caribbean
- Tracing past ambient air pollution and its consequences on human health
- Tsunami-Induced Nearshore Hydrodynamic Modeling using a 3D VOF Method: A Gulf of Mexico Case Study
- Disturbance and Recovery of the Microbial Communities in Galveston Bay Following Hurricane Harvey and Flooding of the Houston Area
- How much sediment was delivered to Galveston Bay from Hurricane Harvey, where did it come from and how contaminated was it?
- Initial deposition and offshore migration of the Hurricane Harvey Flood Layer across the Brazos River subaqueous delta and shelf-Gulf of Mexico-the largest recorded discharge event for the Brazos River
- Interpreting plant wax records of precipitation on a changing Bahamian landscape.
- Long-term evolution of sediment provenance in the Indus Fan inferred from clay <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr and ɛ<SUB>Nd</SUB> from IODP Sites U1456 and U1457
- Measuring, Mapping and Managing Urban Flood Risk: A Pilot Program in Southeast Texas
- Regional Shifts in Paleohurricane Activity over the Past Millennium Reconstructed from Blue Holes in the Tropical Atlantic
- 2,000 Years of Hurricane Activity on the Eastern Yucatan Peninsula: Climate Drivers and Mayan Cultural Implications
- A 1800-Year Sedimentary Record from a Bahamian Blue Hole Archives Significant Variations in Intense Hurricane Landfall Frequency
- A 50,000-year stratigraphic record from a Bahamian sinkhole and direct evidence for Saharan dust export to the tropical North Atlantic
- Accelerating our knowledge of carbon cycling in the ocean: Accelerator mass spectrometry and the WOCE/CLIVAR/GO-SHIP Programs
- Constraining Biomarkers as Dissolved Organic Matter Source Indicators: Past, Present, and Future Directions
- Coupling Probabilistic Flood Inundation and Road Network Accessibility Modeling to Assess Flood Risk and Cascading Impacts from Severe Storms in Houston, TX
- Evidence for abundant rainfall in the northern Bahamas from 4100 to 3300 years ago
- How Unusual Was Hurricane Harvey? New Paleoflood Records for Southeast Texas
- Integrating Annual Landsat Imagery in a Hydrologic Impact Analysis of Localized Land Use Change for a Rapidly Developing Watershed in Houston, Texas
- Leveraging Machine Learning and Twitter Data to Identify High Hazard Areas during Hurricane Harvey
- Middle to Late Holocene (8000 to 3000 years ago) Ostracode Assemblages in a Bahamian Sinkhole: Implications for Regional Hydroclimate
- Plant wax biomarkers informing mid-late Holocene hydroclimate variability from an inland sinkhole in the Northern Caribbean
- Random Forrest Classification for Flood Hazard Mapping at Large Spatial Scales
- Real estate debt and flood risk: who is financially exposed?
- Biogeochemical cycling of Particulate Organic Matter within two stratified coastal sinkholes
- Climate Related Shifts in Hydrology Can Impact Source and Delivery of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter to Aquatic Systems in a Mesic Boreal Forest Watershed
- Decreasing inputs of particulate organic matter from wetland and terrestrial habitats into a karst subterranean estuary during the last millennium
- Estimation of heat and salt fluxes in a Loop Current Eddy using microstructure glider based observations
- Insights into the origins, molecular characteristics and distribution of iron-binding ligands in the Arctic Ocean
- Investigating the Sources and Transformations of Dissolved Organic Carbon in a Heavily Urbanized Coastal Watershed Following a Hurricane-induced Extreme Flood Event
- Near-annually resolved records of northern Bahamian hurricane activity during the Common Era: Emerging patterns and implications
- Regional shifts in paleohurricane activity over the past 1500 years reconstructed from blue hole sediment records in the Bahama Archipelago
- You are what you eat: How nutrient availability and organic matter source dictate microbial community composition and activity in coastal anoxic sediment
- Construction Techniques Influence Ecosystem Service Provision in Restored Coastal Wetlands
- Detection and Sourcing of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Urban Coastal Waters with UV-Visible Imaging Spectroscopy
- Evidence for the Recent Development of Low-Oxygen Conditions on the Texas Shelf from Benthic Foraminiferal Fossil Assemblages
- Impact on the Sedimentary Microbial Community Related to Temporal Changes in Trace Element Concentrations
- Paleoclimatological Analysis of an 8500 Year-Long Sediment Core from Baie des Baraderes, Haiti
- Past, Present, and Future: A Decadal-scale Case Study of Coastal Primary Producer Responses to Tidal Alterations
- Understanding and Deriving Land Use and Land Cover Variables as a Predictor of Debris from Coastal Storm Events
- Disentangling the spatial drivers of late-Holocene tropical cyclone frequency variability across the North Atlantic using high-resolution sedimentary archives
- Hurricane, Cold-Front, and Vessel-Wake Hydrodynamic Impacts on Wetland Edges in Galveston Bay, Texas
- Multi-decadal variability in past millennium North Atlantic tropical cyclone frequency inferred from sediment cores
- Reservoir Water Quality in the Face of Extreme Watershed Change, From Observations to Models
- Sedimentary signatures of Hurricane Harvey and riverine flooding in southeast Texas