University of California, Merced
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Characterization of Newly-Formed Manganese (Hydr)oxides in Biofilms in Pinal Creek, Arizona
- Core Atmospheric Measurements at the Summit, Greenland Environmental Observatory: GEOSummit
- FTIR Spectroscopic Study of Mn(II) Oxidizing Pseudomonas putida GB1 Biofilms on ZnSe, Ge, and CdTe Crystal Surfaces
- Microbially-mediated Iron Dissolution and the Potential for Radionuclide Redistribution
- Multi-Century Greenland Ice Sheet Accumulation Variability and the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability in Colorado River and Rio Grande Snowcover Patterns: 1995-2002
- A 700-Year Regional History of Greenland Ice Sheet Accumulation
- A Coupled Systems Approach to Solute Transport Within a Heterogeneous Vadose Zone-Groundwater Environment
- A comparison of physically based and degree-day representations of snowpack / atmosphere turbulent fluxes in an alpine watershed
- Aerosol Transport to the Greenland Summit Site, June, 2003 to August 2004
- Catchment Scale Study of the Spatial Variability of Snow Depths: Implications for Broader Long Term Snow Monitoring and Measurement Designs
- Embedded Networked Sensing in Support of Managing Irrigation with Reclaimed Wastewater
- Enhanced snow cover products from MODIS for the hydrologic sciences
- Establishing a Multi-spatial Wireless Sensor Network to Monitor Nitrate Concentrations in Soil Moisture
- Evaluation of the representativeness of automated snow water equivalent sensors in the Rio Grande headwaters using intensive field observations, remotely sensed snow cover data, and distributed snowmelt models
- First Observations of Atmospheric Hydrogen Peroxide (H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>) and Methylhydroperoxide (CH<SUB>3</SUB>OOH) in West Antarctica: Comparison of Experiment and Model Results
- Groundwater Flowpaths Using Isotopic and Geochemical Tracers at a Mine Drainage, Leadville, Colorado
- Identifying Groundwater Discharge in the Merced River Basin, California Using Radon-222
- Measurements of snow grain hydroxyl radical at Summit, Greenland
- Mountain Hydrology of the Semi-Arid Western U.S.: Research Needs, Opportunities and Challenges
- Photochemical HCHO and H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> Processing in Snow at Summit, Greenland, and at South Pole
- Plan for a Sierra Nevada Hydrologic Observatory: Science Aims, Measurement Priorities, Research Opportunities and Expected Impacts
- Scaleable Nitrate Microsensors in the Form of a Plant Root
- Structural analysis of solids formed by reacting U(VI) with Fe(0)
- Ultra-Trace Surface Snow Chemistry at Summit Greenland: July, 2003 to August 2004
- 20th Century Trends in the H2O2 Ice Core Record From West Antarctica: Contributions From Accumulation Variability and Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
- Can We Detect a Signal of Anthropogenic Climate Change in California During the 20th Dentury?
- Integrated snow, soil and water-balance measurement strategy for multi-scale environmental observations in mountain areas
- Local-scale controls on snow distribution in the Rio Grande headwaters: implications for evaluating spatially distributed snowpack estimates
- Mechanism of Arsenic Sequestration in High-Iron Sediments
- Microsensors to the Model Forecasts: Multiscale Embedded Networked Sensing of Nutrients in the Watershed
- Sensor Web technology: implications for a network design in an alpine environment of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California
- Soil Remediation of an Arsenic-Contaminated Site With Ferrous Sulfate and Type V Portland Cement
- Soils and the CUAHSI Vision and Beyond
- Steam flow generation in semi-arid, forested and seasonally snow-covered catchments, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Using a Gel Probe Equilibrium Sampler to Measure Arsenic Mobilization and Sorption Gradients in Haiwee Reservoir Sediments
- A Baseline for Identifying Improvements in Hydrologic Forecasts: Assessment of Water Supply Outlooks for the Colorado River Basin
- Earlier streamflow in the Sierra Nevada: influence of elevation on detectability of past and projected trends
- Estimating the spatial distribution of snow properties in Sierra Nevada, California basins using MODIS fractional snowcover products
- Future climate change drives increases in forest fires and summertime OC concentrations in the Western U.S.
- Investigation of hydrologic and biogeochemical controls on arsenic mobilization using distributed sensing at a field site in Munshiganj, Bangladesh
- Long Term Grazing Exclusion in Central Wyoming Affects Soil Microbial Biomass Content but not Soil Organic Carbon
- Observatory Design in the Mountain West: Scaling Measurements and Modeling in the San Joaquin Valley and Sierra Nevada
- Processes Controlling Baseflow and Climatic Warming Effects in Merced River, Sierra Nevada, California
- Snowcover Along Elevation Gradients in the Upper Merced River Basin of the Sierra Nevada of California from MODIS and Blended Ground Data
- Spatial properties of snow cover in the Upper Merced River Basin: implications for a distributed snow measurement network
- The effects of forest vegetation on snow accumulation, ablation, and meltwater routing, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
- WATERS Network: An Initiative of the U.S. National Science Foundation Engineering and Geosciences Directorates
- Analysis of the Sierra Nevada Snowpack in the 21st Century
- Annual accumulation for Greenland updated using ice core data developed during 2000-2006 and analysis of daily coastal data
- Arctic transport climatologies for the International Arctic System for Observing the Atmosphere (IASOA) and POLARCAT
- Embedded sensor network design for spatial snowcover
- Evaluating Recent 20th Century Changes in Cool Season Precipitation Variability in the Western U.S. in the Context of Paleoclimatic Reconstructions
- GEOSummit Baseline Measurements: Results and Interpretations of Surface Snow Elemental Concentrations
- High Resolution Regional Climate Modeling of the Irrigation Cooling Effect in California
- Mechanisms of Arsenic Mobilization and Attenuation in Subsurface Sediments
- Phototrophs vs. chemotrophs: surprising diversity at the intersection of hot springs communities
- Physiographic Variables to Describe Basin Scale Snow Water Equivalent
- Processes Controlling Stream Flow Chemistry in Semiarid, Forested Catchments, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Remote Environmental Monitoring With a Wireless Sensor Network System
- Seasonal Variation in Arsenic Speciation in a Shallow Aquifer
- Sequestration Mechanisms of Arsenic Mobilized during In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents
- Soil Moisture, Salinity, and Nitrate Control for Soil and Groundwater Protection in Support of Wireless Sensor Networks and Optimal Irrigation Strategy
- Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory (CZO): hydrochemical characteristics, science and measurement strategy
- Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory: integrating water cycle and biogeochemical processes across the rain-snow transition
- Stream Flow Contributions of Rock Glaciers in the Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains of California
- The Sierra Nevada-San Joaquin Hydrologic Observatory (SNSJHO): A WATERS Network Test Bed
- The WATERS Network Conceptual Design
- Trends and Sources of Low Stream Flow in the Merced River, Sierra Nevada, California
- WATERS - Integrating Science and Education Through the Development of an Education & Outreach Program that Engages Scientists, Students and Citizens
- Biofuels production on abandoned and marginal agriculture lands in the Midwestern United States
- Black carbon in Central California: soil carbon and air quality implications
- Blended Satellite and Ground-Based Snow Products for Hydrologic Prediction in Mountain Basins
- Determining subgrid variability in snow water equivalent surrounding operational snow stations of the Western U.S.
- Development of a Subsurface Flow Path Observational Site to Connect Agricultural Land Management with Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions
- Earth Science Literacy: Big Ideas and Supporting Concepts
- Earth Science Literacy: Building Community Consensus
- Ecosystem Feedbacks to Climate Change in California: Integrated Climate Forcing from Vegetation Redistribution, Using a New Regional Climate Model Configuration
- Fabrication and In Situ Testing of Scalable Nitrate-Selective Electrodes for Distributed Observations
- Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA): Results From Four Target Regions in California
- Greenland Environmental Observatory at Summit (GEOSummit): Year-Round Measurements and Results
- Immobilization and Natural Attenuation of Arsenic in Surface and Subsurface Sediments
- In situ characterization of green rust in the presence of arsenate and phosphate in simulated oxidized and reduced environments.
- Investigating Meadow Hydrology and Hyporheic Exchange
- Isotope Fractionation During N Mineralization and the N Isotope Composition of Terrestrial Ecosystem N Pools
- Methane Uptake in Forest Soils is Driven by Diffusivity and Methane Oxidizer Community Size
- Precision Flow and Salinity Mass Balance Assessments Across the Merced-San Joaquin River Confluence Zone
- Projecting Climate Change Impacts on Wildfire Probabilities
- Remote Environmental Monitoring of Hydrologic/ Biotic Interaction in a Mountain Environment
- Research design for hydrologic response to watershed treatments in the mixed conifer zone of California's Sierra Nevada
- Snow and Soil Moisture Response Across Elevation, Aspect and Canopy Variables in a Mixed-conifer Forest, Southern Sierra Nevada
- Snowmelt infiltration and evapotranspiration in Red Fir forest ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada
- Students on Ice Arctic Youth Expedition 2008: outcomes, student perspectives and expected impacts
- Study of terrestrial carbon cycling as impacted by mountaintop coal mining in the Southern Appalachian forest region using carbon elemental and isotopic data and remote sensing of land cover change
- The Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel Catastrophe: A Case Study of How Isotope Geochemistry Provided Forensic Evidence to Inform Policy Decisions
- Understanding groundwater fracture-flow and near surface soil throughflow mixing within a mountain catchment using 36Cl/Cl, Yosemite National Park, California.
- Water Yield and Runoff Timing Across the Rain-snow transition at the Kings River Experimental Watersheds in California's Southern Sierra Nevada
- A Step Towards Unraveling Rhizosphere Physics
- A mechanistic approach for estimating snowpack dynamics in a conifer forest
- Carbon fluxes from ponderosa pine forests disturbed by wildfire and thinning
- Climate Change and Adaptation Planning on the Los Angeles Aqueduct
- Climate Sensitivity to Forest Cover in North America
- Controls of Stream Water Chemistry in Small Catchments Across Snow/Rain Transition in the Southern Sierra, California
- Design and implementation of a snow measurement network using ground-based wireless networks and space-borne measurements in the American River Basin of California
- Determination of meteoric water sources of stream flow from elevation bands in the Upper Merced River, Sierra Nevada, California
- Effect of wetting and drying on deep soil CO2 production and fluxes
- Fire Regime and Ecosystem Effects of Climate-driven Changes in Rocky Mountains Hydrology
- First measurements of Nitric Oxide (NO) at the WAIS Divide site in West Antarctica and implications for atmospheric oxidation
- Model Estimates of POC Flux and Carbon Outgassing from Streambed Sediments in a Lowland Watershed
- Multi-scale field characterization, data assimilation, and 2-D model development for a complex river confluence
- Multi-scale observations and modeling of the snowpack in a forested Sierra Nevada catchment
- Nutrient hotspots and O horizon runoff in a Sierra Nevada Watershed
- Population and species differences in treeline tree species germination in response to climate change
- REU Site: Yosemite Research Training in Environmental Science
- Reach-scale spatial and temporal variations in whole-stream metabolism estimates within a lowland river in California
- Recapturing nutrients from dairy waste using biochar
- Responses Of Alpine Vegetation To Global Warming: Insights From Comparing Alpine-Restricted And Broad-Ranging Herbs Along Snowmelt Gradients
- Role of wetting and drying cycles in formation and growth of soil aggregates
- Seasonal transitions in water sources and moisture patterns in a mountain meadow, Southern Sierra Nevada (Invited)
- Sediment Sources in four Small Mountain Streams In the Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Snowmelt timing and duration in the Eastern Sierra Nevada based on 10 years of MODIS fractional snow-covered area data
- Soil moisture response to snowmelt and rainfall across elevation, aspect and canopy cover in the Southern Sierra Nevada
- Spectroscopic characterization of co-precipitated arsenic- and iron-bearing sulfide phases at circum-neutral pH
- Subalpine Conifer Seedling Demographics Across an Elevational Gradient at Niwot ridge, Colorado: Comparison of Site, Species, and Provenance
- The 2009 Earth Science Literacy Principles
- Trends in Sierra Nevada snowmelt based on 10 years of MODIS fractional snow covered area data: the apparent and the missing (Invited)
- Using Atmospheric Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide to Constrain Conductance
- Water and geochemical responses to seasonal changes across the rain-snow transition in the Southern Sierra Nevada (Invited)
- Year-Round Major Ion Measurements at Greenland Environmental Observatory, Summit (GEOSummit)
- A Comparison of the Fractional MODIS and LANDSAT Thematic Mapper with Ground-Based Snow Surveys in the Sierra Nevada
- Air Emissions and Health Benefits from Using Sugarcane Waste as a Cellulosic Ethanol Feedstock
- Comparing plot-scale sensor measurements to the watershed level: a comprehensive case study of snow depth and soil moisture in the southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Design and development of a wireless sensor network to monitor snow depth in multiple catchments in the American River basin, California: hardware selection and sensor placement techniques
- Development of an integrated information system for Critical Zone Observatory data
- Effects of land use and mineral characteristics on the organic carbon content, and the amount and composition of Na-pyrophosphate soluble organic matter in subsurface soils
- Estimating under-canopy ablation in a subalpine red-fir forest, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Fire, Vegetation, Climate Interactions in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Tipping Points and Landscape Vulnerability
- Forecasting energy security impacts of biofuels using regional climate models
- Hydrologic monitoring in 1-km2 headwater catchments in Sierra Nevada forests for predictive modeling of hydrologic response to forest treatments across 140-km2 firesheds
- Influence of ultrasonic energy on dispersion of aggregates and released amounts of organic matter and polyvalent cations
- Modern biofuels life-cycle effects on black carbon emissions and impacts
- NOx emission from snowpack at the WAIS-Divide site and its impact on local tropospheric photochemistry
- Phase Discontinuities in Porous Media
- Polymictic pool behavior in Sierra Nevada Streams
- Probing soil C metabolism in response to temperature: results from experiments and modeling
- Quantifying the relative importance and potential interactive effects of multiple indices when predicting fire risk and severity in the Western US
- Sensitivity of limber pine (Pinus flexilis) seedling physiology to elevation, warming, and water availability across a timberline ecotone
- Sensitivity of subalpine tree seedlings and alpine plants to natural and manipulated climate variation: Initial results from an Alpine Treeline Warming Experiment (Invited)
- Simulating plot-scale variability of snowpack states in conifer forests using hemispherical photography and a process based one-dimensional snow model
- Soil Moisture/ Tree Water Status Dynamics in Mid-Latitude Montane Forest, Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory, CA
- Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Stability in a Highly Eroding La Rogativa Watershed, Spain
- Spatial Nutrient Variability in a Sierran Forest Soil: an Investigation into the Nature and Potential Causes of Nutrient Hot Spots
- Spatial and temporal variations of evapotranspiration signals in Long Meadow, Sequioa National Park, California
- Spatial distribution of snow water equivalent across the central and southern Sierra Nevada
- Spatio-Temporal Variation of Stream Metabolism in a Managed River System
- Stability of soil organic matter is a non-linear function of soil age
- Streamflow Generation Processes and Structured Trends in Streamflow Chemistry in a Large, Alpine Watershed: Is Groundwater the Connection?
- Subalpine Conifer Seedling Demographics: Species Responses to Climate Manipulations Across an Elevational Gradient at Niwot Ridge, Colorado
- Subgrid variability of snow water equivalent at operational snow stations in the western United States
- A Scientific Workflow Used as a Computational Tool to Assess the Response of the Californian San Joaquin River to Flow Restoration Efforts
- Air Pollution Emissions and Climate Change Impacts from Indirect Land-use Change (iLUC) due to Incremental Supply of Biofuels
- An Assessment of Snowcover in 6 Major River Basins of Sierra Nevada and Potential Approaches for Long-term Monitoring
- Burning invariant manifolds in reactive front propagation
- Climatic water deficit and wildfire: predicting spatial patterns in forest ecosystem sensitivity to warming and earlier spring snowmelt. (Invited)
- Comparing methods for quantifying soil moisture in the southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Comparison of sap flux data from two instrumented tree species in a forested catchment with different levels of water stress
- Conceptual Modeling of the Influence of Wetting and Drying Cycles on Soil Aggregation and Stabilization
- Dynamics of large-scale flows in turbulent convection
- Effects of climate change on climatic water deficit and wildfire in Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem forests
- Effects of evapotranspiration heterogeneity on catchment water balance in the Southern Sierra Nevada of California
- Estimating carbon fluxes for North America from a joint inversion for CO2 and COS using STILT
- Experimental Investigation on Role of Root Mucilage and Microbial Exudates on Soil Water Retention Dynamics
- Exploring the Potential of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Assessing Nitrate Distributions in Surface Water: In-Situ Experiments
- Forest management for water: a hydro-ecological modeling exercise of headwater catchments in the mixed-conifer belt of the Sierra Nevada
- High Resolution Synoptic Sensor Surveys to Delineate Possible Groundwater-Surface Water Discharge Zones in a Lowland River
- Hillslope and stream connections to water tables in montane meadows of the southern Sierra Nevada, California
- How microbial processes shape carbon and nitrogen distributions across landscapes
- Impact of a lowered water table on water holding capacity of high elevation meadow soils
- Influence of environmental factors on N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from denitrification in streambed sediments of low-relief coastal streams
- Influence of mineral characteristics on soil organic matter stocks, composition and stability of topsoils under long-term arable and forest land use
- Large historical growth in global gross primary production
- Leapfrogging of tree species provenances? Interaction of microclimate and genetics on upward shifts in tree species' range limits
- Lobe Dynamics and Front Propagation in Advection-Reaction-Diffusion Systems
- Lowering the Barriers to Integrative Aquatic Ecosystem Science: Semantic Provenance, Open Linked Data, and Workflows
- Manipulation of subalpine and alpine microclimate in the Alpine Treeline Warming Experiment
- Mechanisms of soil organic matter stabilization in sediments eroded from small Sierra Nevada catchments
- Mountain front precipitation accumulation over a 3300m elevation gradient from scanning LiDAR snow depth and in-situ instrumental measurements, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Regional-Scale Carbon Flux Partitioning Using Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide
- Responses Of Subalpine Conifer Seedling Germination And Survival To Soil Microclimate In The Alpine Treeline Warming Experiment
- Simulating root-induced rhizosphere deformation and its effect on water flow
- Snowpack-climate manipulations using thermal infrared heaters along an elevational gradient
- Soil Organic Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Reclaimed Appalachian Mine Soil
- The Importance of Humidity Changes to the Future Water Balance over the Western U.S.: Divergences Between Global and Hydrological model Projections of the Future Humidity Trend
- Water and carbon cycling along the Sierra Nevada climate gradient
- Widespread hillslope gullying on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Human or climate-change induced?
- A Three Dimensional View of Nutrient Hotspots in a Sierra Nevada Forest Soil
- Assessment of North America photosynthetic uptake of CO2 through simulations of COS in a Lagrangian particle dispersion model framework
- Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide Constraints on Terrestrial Carbon Cycling in the C4MIP Models
- Baroclinic driving and accretion disk transport via the Goldreich-Schubert-Fricke instability
- Beneficial Hydrologic Relations Between Evergreen Woody Shrubs and Food Crops In the Peanut Basin, Senegal
- Carbon and black carbon in Yosemite National Park soils: sources, prescribed fire impacts, and policies
- Connecting the snowpack to the internet of things: an IPv6 architecture for providing real-time measurements of hydrologic systems
- Consequences of warming and altered snowmelt timing on soil CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes in the Sierra Nevada rain-snow transition zone
- Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs): Integrating measurements and models of Earth surface processes to improve prediction of landscape structure, function and evolution
- Dynamic crop growth improves regional climate simulation in continental United States
- Eddy Covariance Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide Flux Over a Winter Wheat Crop in the Southern Great Plains of the U.S
- Effect of sub-pore scale morphology of biological deposits on porous media flow properties
- Effects of forest structure on snow accumulation and melt derived from ecohydrological instrument clusters across the Western US
- Erosion of bulk and pyrogenic C from upland forested Sierra Nevada ecosystems
- Forest management effects on snow, runoff and evapotranspiration in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer headwater catchments
- Geomorphic Controls on High Elevation Meadow Soil Development and Biogeochemistry
- Groundwater Surface Water Interactions in a Gold-Mined Dredged Floodplain of the Merced River
- Integrating soil water measurements from plot to catchment scale in a snow-dominated, mixed-conifer forest of the southern Sierra Nevada
- Lateral redistribution of dissolved vs. complexed organic matter with soil erosion
- Liquid metal suspensions for turbulent dynamo experiments
- Microbial community response to permafrost thaw after wildfire in an Alaskan upland boreal forest
- Paired tree and soil instrumentation: what can we learn from two instrumented sites across various gradients in a forested catchment
- Physiological stresses of limber pine seedlings at and above treeline immediately following natural and experimentally advanced snowmelt
- Root exudate as major player on soil-water retention dynamics
- Sampling design and optimal sensor placement strategies for basin-scale SWE estimation
- Scaling from Flux Towers to Ecosystem Models: Regional Constraints on GPP from Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide
- Seasonal Accumulation and Depletion of Localized Sediment Stores of Four Headwater Catchments in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
- Skill Analysis for Runoff Forecasts on the Western Slope of the Sierra Nevada
- Strong soil source of carbonyl sulfide in an agricultural field
- Terrestrial Carbon Losses from Mountaintop Coal Mining Offsets Regional Forest Carbon Sequestration in the 21ST Century
- Under-canopy snow accumulation and ablation measured with airborne scanning LiDAR altimetry and in-situ instrumental measurements, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Variation in winter snowpack depth and duration influences summer soil respiration in a subalpine meadow
- Water and energy gradients produce resilience and thresholds in ecosystem function in the western Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Why Seedlings Die: Linking Carbon and Water Limitations to Mechanisms of Mortality During Establishment in Conifer Seedlings
- A 3D radiative transfer model based on lidar data and its application on hydrological and ecosystem modeling
- A Synthesized Model-Observation Approach to Constraining Gross Urban CO2 Fluxes Using 14CO2 and carbonyl sulfide
- A new paradigm for Summit: enhanced traverse capabilities and satellite camps.`
- Abundance, Activity, and Diversity of Ammonia-oxidizing Bacteria and Archaea in Oligotrophic Alpine Lakes of Yosemite National Park, California
- Aeolian dust nutrient contributions increase with substrate age in semi-arid ecosystems
- Biogeophysical and Biogeochemical Climate Impacts of Mountaintop Coal Mining in Southern Appalachia USA
- Building an Intelligent Water Information System - American River Prototype
- Catchment Scale Streamflow Response to Climate Variability in the Rain-Snow Transition Zone of California's Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Climatic water deficit and wildfire: predicting spatial patterns in forest ecosystem sensitivity to warming and earlier spring snowmelt. (Invited)
- Constrain Carbonyl Sulfide Ocean flux using free tropospheric observations from Aura Tropospheric Emissions Spectrometer
- Critical Zone Science and Observatories
- Crop Water Stress Reduction Due to The Effects of Native Woody Shrubs in the Peanut Basin, Senegal
- DataUp 2.0: Improving On a Tool For Helping Researchers Archive, Manage, and Share Their Tabular Data
- Developing a robust wireless sensor network structure for environmental sensing
- Ecosystem and soil fluxes of carbonyl sulfide (COS) and CO2 to constrain rates of gross photosynthesis (Invited)
- Effect of increasing biochar application rate on soil hydraulic properties of an artificial sandy soil
- Estimating forest snow accumulation with LiDAR derived canopy metrics, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Genome-Enabled Studies of Anaerobic, Nitrate-Dependent Iron Oxidation in the Chemolithoautotrophic Bacterium Thiobacillus denitrificans
- Groundwater Monitoring for Eroded, Restored and Pristine Meadows in the Sierra Nevada of California
- Impacts of forest thinning and climate change on transpiration and runoff rates in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer headwater catchments
- Incorporating Climate Change in Flow Regime Alteration Studies in Hydropower Licensing
- Increased heat waves with loss of irrigation in United States
- Influence of water potential on decomposition of soil organic matter in high elevation meadows
- Linking global-change induced shifts in soil nitrogen cycling with the abundance of key microorganisms
- Low-dimensional modeling of turbulent convection roll dynamics
- Managing Environmental Flows for Impounded Rivers in Semi-Arid Regions- A Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Approach for the Assessment of River Habitat for Salmonid Populations
- Mineral-organic matter associations in eroding hillslopes: findings from headwater catchments in the Southern Sierra Nevada (Invited)
- Modeling Climate Change Effects on Stream Temperatures in Regulated Rivers
- Montane meadows and hydrologic connections between forests and streams in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Novel Material Designed to Achieve Greater Tunability of Magnetic Dynamo Experiments
- Predicting diffuse light-enhancement of GPP from plant functional traits: A multi-site synthesis
- Predicting high severity fire occurrence and area burned in a changing climate for three regions in the Western US
- Process Coupling Between Mineral Transformation and U Speciation in Acid Waste Weathered Sediments
- Quantifying organic carbon fluxes in eroding hillslopes through MIR spectroscopy
- Radial reduction profile of root exudates facilitates water uptake
- Regional constraints on GPP using atmospheric carbonyl sulfide simulations and airborne observations
- Seeing the Forest through the Trees: Citizen Scientists Provide Critical Data to Refine Aboveground Carbon Estimates in Restored Riparian Forests
- Stable hydrogen isotopic compositions in plants and animals can provide ecosystem-hydrology connections: Santeelah Creek watershed
- The impact of variable density forest thinning on snow-cover distribution patterns
- The strength of strategically placed in situ networks: The Critical Zone Observatory Program (Invited)
- Timber harvest effect on soil moisture in the southern Sierra Nevada: Is there a measurable impact?
- Tracking channel bed resiliency in forested mountain headwater catchments using high-temporal-resolution bedload data
- Using stable isotopes to determine sources of eroded carbon in low-order Sierra Nevada catchments
- Altitudinal Contrasts in Drought-Driven Aeolian Microbial Inputs to Montane Soil Ecology: Impacts of a 500-Year Drought in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Assessing Freshwater Ecosystem Service Risk over Ecological, Socioeconomic, and Cultural Gradients: Problem Space Characterization and Methodology
- Assessing Water Temperature Zones in Idealized Holding Pools for Chinook Salmon: A Hypothetical Study Based on the Regulated Lower San Joaquin River
- Assessing soil fluxes of carbonyl sulfide to aid in ecosystem estimates of GPP
- Assessing the Value of Improved Hydrologic Forecasting for Hydropower in the Sierra Nevada at Multiple Spatial Scales
- Bayesian Inversion for Large Scale Antarctic Ice Sheet Flow
- Challenges in Alpine Watershed Modeling Associated with Q Similarity to the P - Q - ET Residual
- Characterizing Past and Future Flood Regimes of California's Cosumnes River: A Hydroinformatic Approach
- Climate induced changes to soil structure can alter biogeochemical cycling of carbon
- Comparing Individual Tree Segmentation Based on High Resolution Multispectral Image and Lidar Data
- Composition and mean residence time of soil organic matter eroded from temperate, forested catchments: implications for erosion-induced carbon sequestration
- Cross-sites analysis of snowpack depth from LiDAR in Southern Sierra Nevada
- Design, implementation and hydrologic evaluation of a snow-measurement network using wireless sensors in the American River basin of California
- Determination of specific yield of montane meadow soils, Sierra Nevada, CA
- Effect of Combustion Temperature on Soil and Soil Organic Matter Properties: A Study of Soils from the Western Elevation Transect in Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Effect of almond shell biochar addition on the hydro-physical properties of an arable Central Valley soil
- Emerging deforestation trends in tropical dry forests ecoregions of Mexico and Central America
- Evaluation of High-Temporal-Resolution Bedload Sensors for Tracking Channel Bed Movement and Transport Thresholds in Forested Mountain Headwater Catchments.
- Forest fuel treatment detection using multi-temporal airborne Lidar data and high resolution aerial imagery ---- A case study at Sierra Nevada, California
- Functional Flows in Modified Riverscapes: Hydrographs, Habitats and Opportunities
- Global Budgets of Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Hillslope Erosion and Water Quality from the Rim Fire, Sierra Nevada, CA
- How should we build a generic open-source water management simulator?
- Hydrogeologic Controls on Water Dynamics in a Discontinuous Permafrost, Lake-Rich Landscape
- Improving Climate Communication through Comprehensive Linguistic Analyses Using Computational Tools
- Inference of GHG Emissions at Regional Scales: A Critical Review of Progress to Date
- Integrating Automated Data into Ecosystem Models: How Can We Drink from a Firehose?
- Irrigation reduces land-atmosphere coupling strength in the Midwest and Northern Great Plains
- Is it restoration or reconciliation? California's experience restoring the Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta provides lessons learned and pathways forward to sustain critical ecosystem functions and services in a highly managed riverine delta.
- Large-scale Bayesian inversion of the basal friction coefficient for the Antarctic ice sheet
- Mobilization of Carbon and Organic Matter after the Rim Fire, Yosemite National Park
- Modeling Forest Composition and Carbon Dynamics Under Projected Climate-Fire Interactions in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Mountain Runoff Vulnerability to Increased Evapotranspiration with Vegetation Expansion at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory
- Optimal Estimation of the Carbonyl Sulfide Surface Flux Through Inverse Modeling of TES Observations
- Optimization of Sensor Placements Using Machine Learning and LIDAR data: a Case Study for a Snow Monitoring Network in the Sierra Nevada.
- Pathogen inactivation in liquid dairy manure during anaerobic and aerobic digestions
- Physiological limitation at alpine treeline: relationships of threshold responses of conifers to their establishment patterns
- Preliminary Optimization for Spring-Run Chinook Salmon Environmental Flows in Lassen Foothill Watersheds
- Recent Results of Ambient Ozone Monitoring in Southern Sierra Nevada and White Mountains, California
- Recruitment of subalpine tree populations sensitive to warming within and above current altitudinal range
- Soil Modification by Native Shrubs Boosts Crop Productivity in Sudano-Sahelian Agroforestry System
- Specific Conductivity Synoptic Surveys to Map Groundwater-Surface Water Discharges in a Lowland River
- Summer Precipitation Patterns Alter Soil Moisture and Carbon Dynamics in a High Elevation Meadow
- Teasing Apart the Effects of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition from Grazing and Drought in Vernal Pool Wetlands and Adjacent Grassland
- The Anthropogenic Influence on Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide: Implications for Inverse Analysis of Process-Level Carbon Cycle Fluxes
- The Median Isn't the Message: Elucidating Nutrient Hot spots and Hot Moments in a Sierra Nevada Forest Soil
- The Power of Metaphor in Communicating Risk in Climate Messages
- The Role of Dynamic Storage in the Response to Snowmelt Conditions in the Southwestern United States: Flux Hysteresis at the Catchment Scale
- The Science of Effectively Communicating about Drought in California
- Uncertainty in CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) Explains Discrepancies in a Critical Parameter for Quantifying GPP with Carbonyl Sulfide
- Using Carbonyl Sulfide Column Measurements and a Chemical Transport Model to Investigate Variability in Biospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes
- Utilizing LiDAR Datasets From Experimental Watersheds to Advance Ecohydrological Understanding in Seasonally Snow-Covered Forests
- (Uncertain) Carbonyl Sulfide Plant Fluxes Spatially Constrain (Even More Uncertain) CO<SUB>2</SUB> GPP
- A Fast and Scalable Method for A-Optimal Design of Experiments for Infinite-dimensional Bayesian Nonlinear Inverse Problems with Application to Porous Medium Flow
- A Mass Balance Model of Lyell and Maclure Glaciers in Yosemite National Park
- A Screening-Level Approach for Comparing Risks Affecting Aquatic Ecosystem Services over Socio-Environmental Gradients
- A new mechanistic framework to predict OCS fluxes from soils
- A real-time snow water equivalent interpolation system using wireless sensor networks and historical remotely sensed data
- Alterations to Soil and Eroded Sediment Carbon after the Rim Fire, Yosemite National Park
- Alternative Land-Use Scenarios for Bioenergy Production in the U.S. and Brazil
- Anionic Polyacrylamide (PAM) and Extracellular Polysaccharides (EPS) effects on flocculation and aggregate stability of soil
- Application and Evaluation of a Snow Energy and Mass Balance Distributed Model in the Merced and Tuolumne River Watersheds of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Assessment of Ecosystem Services in a Semi-arid Agriculture-dominant Area: Framework and Case Study
- Assessment of climate change impacts on streamflow dynamics in the headwaters of the Amazon River basin
- Building Interdisciplinary Research and Communication Skills in the Agricultural and Climate Sciences
- Can we Bring Discipline to Carbon Cycle Modeling Using Observations of Solar Induced Fluorescence and Carbonyl Sulfide?
- Can δ<SUP>2</SUP>H of Organic Matter in Soils be Used for Understanding Organic Matter Sources and Cycling<em>?</em> <em></em>
- Carbonyl Sulfide: is it AN Isotope of CO2 on Steroids?
- Characterizing Runoff and Water Yield from Headwater Catchments in the Southern Sierra Nevada
- Characterizing regulated reservoirs dynamics in regional to global scale hydrologic models
- Characterizing the Source Water for Montane Meadows to Assess Resiliency under Changing Hydroclimatic Condition
- Climate Feedback: Bringing the Scientific Community to Provide Direct Feedback on the Credibility of Climate Media Coverage
- Community-Supported Data Repositories in Paleobiology: A 'Middle Tail' Between the Geoscientific and Informatics Communities
- Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO<SUB>2</SUB> in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories
- Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) and Carbon Dioxide Isotopes to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchanges
- Deep Carbon Stocks in a California Delta Floodplain: Evidence for Long Term Sequestration Potential of Seasonally Inundated Soils.
- Developing a Long-Term Forest Gap Model to Predict the Behavior of California Pines, Oaks, and Cedars Under Climate Change and Other Disturbance Scenarios
- Do foliar endophytic bacteria fix nitrogen?
- Drinking From the Same Straw: Crop Growth and Evidence of Water Transfer from Native Shrubs to Millet in a Sahelian Agro-Ecosystem
- Drought effects on evapotransiration and subsurface water storage in the southern Sierra Nevada
- Ecosystem Consequences of Prolonged Ozone Pollution in the Southern Sierra Nevada
- Effects of Climate and Fuels Management on Wildfire Occurrence, Size, Severity and Emissions in the Sierra Nevada
- Erosional distribution of metal oxides and its implication for soil carbon dynamics
- Evaluating the influence of fire history on dissolved pyrogenic C exported from coniferous and deciduous forest soils in northern Great Lakes Region
- Evolving hydrologic connectivity in discontinuous permafrost lowlands: what it means for lake systems
- Fallow land effects on land-atmosphere interactions in California drought
- Fine Resolution Tree Height Estimation from Lidar Data and Its Application in SRTM DEM Correction across Forests of Sierra Nevada, California, USA
- Forest Fuel Reduction and Wildfire Effects on Runoff and Evapotranspiration in Sierra Nevada Mixed-Conifer Forest
- Heterogeneity of soil organic matter composition and its fate across ecosystem boundaries, or does it all come out in the wash?
- Hydrogeologic Influence on Changes in Snowmelt Runoff with Climate Warming: Numerical Experiments on a Mid-Elevation Catchment in the Sierra Nevada, USA
- Impacts of Soil Organic Stability on Carbon Storage in Coastal Wetlands
- In-situ monitoring of California's drought: Impacts on key hydrologic variables in the Southern Sierra Nevada
- Liquid Water and Vapor Flow in Arid Soil: Comparison of Weighing Lysimeter Data with Simulations from a Process-Based Model
- Mechanisms of soil aggregate failure by rapid increase in internal gas pressure during low-intensity burns
- Montane meadow evapotranspiration: implications for restoration and impacts on downstream flow.
- Not all breaks are equal: Variable hydrologic and geomorphic responses to multiple intentional levee breaches along the lower Cosumnes River, California
- Optimization methods for multi-scale sampling of soil moisture and snow in the Southern Sierra Nevada
- Overcoming uncertainty with carbonyl sulfide-based GPP estimates: observing and modeling soil COS fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems
- Patterns of Hydrologic Sensitivity to Climate in the Western US: Implications for Future Predictions
- Producing Long-term Series of Whole-Stream Metabolism Using Readily Available Data
- Providing farmers, ranchers, and foresters in California with actionable climate information: opportunities and obstacles for California's USDA Regional Climate Sub Hub
- Quantifying Floods of a Flood Regime in Space and Time
- Role of native shrubs of the Sahel in mitigating water and nutrient stresses of agricultural crops
- Soil organic carbon dynamics as affected by topography in southern California hillslopes systems
- Source Water Flow Pathways In Forested, Mountain, Headwater Streams: A Link Between Sediment Movement Patterns And Stream Water Chemistry.
- Spatial distribution of forest aboveground biomass in China: estimation through combination of spaceborne lidar, optical imagery, and forest inventory data
- Stabilization of Organic Matter by Interactions with Iron Oxides: Relative Importance of Sorption vs. Aggregation
- Synoptic Multi-tracer Sensing for Mapping Groundwater-Surface Water Discharges and Estimating Reactive Nitrate Loading along a Gaining Lowland River
- The Median Isn't the Message: Elucidating Nutrient Hot spots and Hot Moments in a Sierra Nevada Forest Soil
- The Neotoma Paleoecology Database
- The impact of Carbonic Anhydrase on the partitioning of leaf and soil CO<SUP>18</SUP>O and COS gas exchange across scales
- Tools and perspectives for a unified approach to understanding microbial ecology in the critical zone
- Understanding fog-plant interactions at the ecosystem scale using atmospheric carbonyl sulfide
- Variability of Residence Time tracer Concentrations at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory during the California Drought
- A Global Corrected SRTM DEM Product Over Vegetated Areas Using LiDAR Data
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate California's Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using Atmospheric Observations
- A Preliminary Approach for the Quantification of Groundwater Recharge Through Surface Water Groundwater Time Lag Estimates
- A Simplified Method for the Collection and Analysis of a Cosmogenic Radioactive Age Tracer: Sodium-22
- Abrupt hydroclimate disruption across the Australian arid zone 50 ka coincident with human colonization
- American River Hydrologic Observatory
- Anthropogenic Disturbance of Montane Meadows May Cause Substantial Loss of Soil Carbon to the Atmosphere
- Beyond clay - using selective extractions to improve predictions of soil carbon content
- Biogeochemical patterns of intermittent streams over space and time as surface flows decrease
- Building the capacity of Extension educators to address climate change and agricultural sustainability
- Bulk Soil Organic Matter d<SUP>2</SUP>H as a Precipitation Proxy
- Carbonyl Sulfide Serves as Tattletale for Biosphere Signal
- Catchment-scale snow depth monitoring with balloon photogrammetry
- Concentration-Discharge Relationship and Endmember Mixing in the Intermediate and Large Watersheds of the US West
- Constraining CO<SUB>2</SUB> GPP with carbonyl sulfide: regional-scale evaluation of land surface models
- Constraining gross primary production and ecosystem respiration estimates for North America using atmospheric observations of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) and CO<SUB>2 </SUB>
- Contstraining CMIP5 simulations of gross carbon fluxes with atmospheric carbonyl sulfide
- Critical Zone Science as a Multidisciplinary Framework for Teaching Earth Science and Sustainability
- Developments in Miniaturized Laser Heterodyne Radiometer (mini-LHR) construction for groundtruth measurements of CH4 and CO2 in harsh terrain
- Drought and Fire in the Western United States: Contrasting the Causes, Distributions, and Effects of Drought in the 20<SUP>th</SUP> and 21<SUP>st</SUP> Centuries with a Multiyear Moisture Deficit Drought Index
- Drying-induced decomposition and associated changes in aggregation and carbon distribution in subalpine meadow soils: implication of drought
- Economic and Policy Drivers of Agricultural Water Desalination in California's Central Valley
- Emissions and climate forcing from global and Arctic fishing vessels
- Gridded global anthropogenic emissions inventory of carbonyl sulfide
- Hillslope erosion and hydrologic response in two small watersheds in Yosemite National Park following the 2013 Rim Fire, CA
- Hydrogen Isotopes in Amino Acids and Soils Offer New Potential to Study Complex Processes
- Implications of Increasing Forest Density and Vegetation Water Demand on Drought Impacts in California Montane Forest
- Improved Carbon Flux Observations over Urban Areas Using Carbonyl Sulfide (COS) to Differentiate Contributions from Biosphere
- Integrated In Situ Sensing and Modeling to Assess Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Tropical Wet Forest Soils: The Role of Leaf Cutter Ant Atta Cepholotes
- Is Snow a Drought Buster? The Need to Incorporate Snow into Common Drought Indices
- Joint Model and Parameter Dimension Reduction for Bayesian Inversion Applied to an Ice Sheet Flow Problem
- Landform Position and Combustion Temperature as Controls of Decomposition of Pyrogenic Organic Matter
- Leaf Cutter Ant (Atta cephalotes) Soil Modification and In Situ CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gas Dynamics in a Neotropical Wet Forest
- Mapping global forest aboveground biomass with spaceborne LiDAR, optical imagery, and forest inventory data
- Mechanisms of Soil Aggregation: a biophysical modeling framework
- Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions during the Seasonal Permafrost Thaw at the Bonanza Creek Research Forest: Results from the May 2016 Field Campaign
- Operational Research: Evaluating Multimodel Implementations for 24/7 Runtime Environments
- Optimizing placements of ground-based snow sensors for areal snow cover estimation using a machine-learning algorithm and melt-season snow-LiDAR data
- Quantifying Changes in Spatio-temporal Floodplain Inundation Patterns due to Restoration along the Lower Cosumnes River, California
- Representation of diffusion controlled carbon stabilization in reactive transport models
- Responses of Tree Growths to Tree Size, Competition, and Topographic Conditions in Sierra Nevada Forests Using Bi-temporal Airborne LiDAR Data
- Satellite Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide: A New Constraint on Tropical GPP Seasonality in Global Ecosystem Models
- Sensitivities of dry season runoff to precipitation and temperature in southern Sierra Nevada streams
- Sierra Nevada snowpack and runoff prediction integrating basin-wide wireless-sensor network data
- Subsoil carbon storage in the lower Cosumnes River floodplain, California
- Temporal and Spatial Separation of Water Use Averts Competition for Soil Water Resources in a Sahelian Agroforestry System
- Tensile strength of soil aggregates as a function of matric potential: a model towards predicting low-severity fire's effect on soil structure
- The Geoscience Paper of the Future: Best Practices for Documenting and Sharing Research from Data to Software to Provenance
- The Impact of Solar Arrays on Arid Soil Hydrology: Some Numerical Simulations
- The Soil Carbon Paradigm Shift: Triangulating Theories, Measurements, and Models
- The hydrology of water repellent soils
- The role of leaf cutter ants on soil organic carbon dynamics in a wet tropical forest
- Thermal alteration of dissolved organic matter: observations from a lab heating experiment and fire-impacted watersheds of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Tracking water through the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory using radioactive and stable isotopes
- Transport-Distance Specific SOC Distribution: Does It Skew Erosion Induced C Fluxes?
- U.S. Tuna Fisheries: a trifecta of sustainable practices at odds with climate change mitigation
- Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Improving Farm Scale Agricultural Water Management in Agriculture at a Farm Scale. A case study for field crops in the California's Central Valley
- Widespread tree mortality with the ongoing California drought: the roll of water balance and temperature
- A Gap-Filling Procedure for Hydrologic Data Based on Kalman Filtering and Expectation Maximization: Application to Data from the Wireless Sensor Networks of the Sierra Nevada
- A Simple, Efficient and Effective Modeling Approach to Determine Baseflow Based on Concentration-Discharge Relationships
- A Web-based Tool for Transparent, Collaborative Urban Water System Planning for Monterrey, Mexico
- Advancing approaches for multi-year high-frequency monitoring of temporal and spatial variability in carbon cycle fluxes and drivers in freshwater lakes
- Climate-Driven Risk of Large Fire Occurrence in the Western United States, 1500 to 2003
- Crossing Scales and Disciplines to Understand Challenges for Climate Change Adaptation and Water Resources Management in Chile and Californi
- Deep Soil Carbon in the Critical Zone: Amount and Nature of Carbon in Weathered Bedrock, and its Implication for Soil Carbon Inventory
- Developing decision-relevant data and information systems for California water through listening and collaboration
- Distribution of ancient carbon in buried soils in an eroding loess landscape
- Effects of Pedogenic Fe Oxides on Soil Aggregate-Associated Carbon
- Estimating evapotranspiration change due to forest treatment and fire at the basin scale in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Evapotranspiration response to multi-year dry periods in the semi-arid western United States
- Floodplain Vegetation Dynamics Modeling Using Coupled RiPCAS-DFLOW (CoRD): Jemez Canyon, Jemez River, New Mexico
- From the Classroom to the Field: Intervention Training to Address Sexual Harassment in the Geosciences
- Generalized Model for the Temporal Evolution of the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Eroding Watersheds
- Global Analysis of Climate Change Projection Effects on Atmospheric Rivers
- Headwater Catchments to Mountain Range River Runoff: Utilizing Differences in Precipitation and Snowmelt Signatures to Understand Catchment Scale Links Among ET/Storage/Runoff and Major River Sources in the Sierra Nevada
- High Frequency Monitoring of Isotopic Signatures Elucidates Potential Effects of Restoring Floodplain Habitat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Historical carbonyl sulfide observations support long-term growth in atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal amplitude
- Hydrospatial Analysis of Inundation Patterns for a Restored Floodplain to Evaluate Potential Climate Change Impacts
- Improved Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Pedotransfer Functions Using Machine Learning Methods
- Improving snow water equivalent simulations in an alpine basin using blended gage precipitation and snow pillow measurements
- Industrious leaf cutter ants and their carbon footprints
- Investigating Unsaturated Zone Travel Times with Tritium and Stable Isotopes
- Landform position and charring conditions control decomposition of soil organic matter and pyrogenic carbon
- Life cycle of soil sggregates: from root residue to microbial and physical hotspots
- Long-term carbon exclusion alters soil microbial function but not community structure across forests of contrasting productivity
- Mapping Evapotranspiration in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta using simulated ECOSTRESS Thermal Data: Validation and Inter-comparison
- Modeling Water Redistribution in a Near-Surface Arid Soil
- New Applications of Cosmogenic Radioactive Isotopes to Study Water Travel Times
- Predicting Plant-Accessible Water in the Critical Zone: Mountain Ecosystems in a Mediterranean Climate
- Quantifying the Effect of Soil Water Repellency on Infiltration Parameters Using a Dry Sand
- Responses of soil carbon turnover rates to pyrogenic carbon additions to a forest soil of Sierra Nevada, California: effects of pyrolysis temperature and soil depth
- Roots bridge water to nutrients: a study of utilizing hydraulic redistribution through root systems to extract nutrients in the dry soils
- Sediment Concentration and Its Relation to Catchment Characteristics in Forested Headwater Streams of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Simulating high spatial resolution high severity burned area in Sierra Nevada forests for California Spotted Owl habitat climate change risk assessment and management.
- Soil Structure - A Neglected Component of Land-Surface Models
- Sustainable California: Getting the word out through a web-based TV channel
- Teaching climate science within the transdisciplinary framework of Critical Zone science
- The Importance of linking In Situ Observation to Flux Measurement in Understanding Rhizosphere Dynamics in Scaling to Global Processes
- The Neotoma Paleoecology Database: An International Community-Curated Resource for Paleoecological and Paleoenvironmental Data
- The case for local food in sustainable food-energy-water systems
- Tracking channel bed resiliency in forested mountain catchments using high temporal resolution channel bed movement
- Using wireless sensor networks to improve understanding of rain-on-snow events across the Sierra Nevada
- Water Storage, Mixing and Transit Times During a Multiyear Drought.
- A survey of decision-making processes for environmental flows in hydropower facilities
- ADVANCEGeo Partnership: Building a Sustainable Toolkit for Bystander Intervention Training to Improve Workplace Climate
- ADVANCEGeo: Building partnerships to transform workplace climate
- Adorned Awareness: Sharing science through jewelry
- Advances in terrestrial and aquatic ecology enabled by four decades of imaging spectroscopy and the future of observing surface biology from space
- Bayesian Inversion for the Basal Sliding Parameter Field in a Nonlinear Stokes Ice Sheet Model Under Uncertain Rheology
- Beyond Surface Flux: Gathering new insights from in situ warming experiments
- Bringing high school students into the world of field-based environmental research: eight years of partnership in the San Joaquin Valley and Sierra Nevada
- Canopy and terrain interactions on spatial distributions of snowpack in the Sierra Nevada
- Challenges and opportunities in modeling cross-scale, cross-sector feedbacks to inform critical decision-making in food-energy-water systems
- Constraining annual water balance estimates with spatial calibration of evapotranspiration
- Developing a Regional-scale Photosynthetic Carbon Flux Estimation Framework using Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements and a Geostatistical Inverse Modeling Approach
- Effective Infiltration Measurements for Fire-Affected Water-Repellent Soils
- Effects of fire suppression and climate change on wildfire activity in the Inland Northwest
- Engaging a university community in achieving carbon neutrality
- Estimating Wildfire Emissions in California
- Evaluation of CMIP5 Gross Primary Productivity Using Atmospheric COS Seasonal Cycle
- Evaluation of Water Security in Jordan using a Multi-Agent Hydroeconomic Model: Climate, Crises, and Stability.
- Evaluation of satellite-derived water quality variables using satellite remote sensing and in situ data in San Luis Reservoir
- Extrapolating Catchment Scale Processes from Stable Isotopes Across a Mountain Range
- Feasibility of Anaerobic Co-digestion to Manage Food Waste and Wastewater Solids from Yosemite National Park, USA
- Fish versus tomatoes and other tales of using remote sensing to meet California's co-equal goals of providing water supplies and protecting ecosystems.
- For a mountain forest, subsurface water storage determines drought survival
- Geospatial Energy Potential and Life Cycle Assessment of Nearshore Oscillating Water Column Systems Along the Eastern Coast of New England, United States
- Getting Specific about Effects of Restoration on Floodplain Habitat: Applying Hydrospatial Analysis to Floodplain Reconnection in the Central Valley, California
- Getting Students Wet! Key Lessons From Immersive Education on California's Water Science, Policy and Management
- Global OCS soil flux database for enabling estimates of GPP
- How do forest fuel treatments affect watershed hydrology during extreme drought? Insight from the southern Sierra Nevada.
- How regulations strangle business: Lessons for science communication based on violence metaphors in the 2016 presidential election
- Hydrochronology and storage selection of a headwater catchment and major rivers in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Hydrogeomorphic controls on sediment characteristics in the southern Sierra Nevada
- Improving Hydroelectric System Forecasting and Management in a Changing Climate
- Integrating -omics data into soil organic matter decomposition models
- Into the Deep: Interactions Between Plant Roots, Microbial Ecophysiology, and Soil Minerals shape the fate and persistence of deep soil carbon
- Investigating the Soil-Vegetation Interactions for Kentucky Ecosystems using Field Observations and Remote Sensing Data: Linking Climate Change to Carbon and Water Use Efficiency, and Soil properties
- Investigating the role of soil structure on hydraulic properties using machine learning models and study of soils from long-term conservation agriculture
- Modeling Microbe Munchers: Higher Trophic Levels Control Temperature Response of Soil Carbon Stocks
- Models and macrofossils: integrating Rancho La Brea's plant collection with dynamic vegetation modeling during Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Near-surface remote sensing shed a new light on the biodiversity observation
- Not All Almonds Are Created Equally: Spatiotemporal Distribution of Water Footprints Reveals Vulnerabilities for Sustaining California's Premium Agricultural Sectors
- Post-fire erosion as an important control on Pyrogenic carbon dynamics in soil
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on California's Crop and Livestock Agriculture: Modeling Insights from the Statewide's 4<SUP>th</SUP> Climate Assessment
- Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions during Thermophilic Composting to Evaluate the Climate Mitigation Potential of Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) Systems
- Recycling Organic Waste Streams to Improve Soil and Crop Health Using Ecological-Based Sanitation
- Satellite Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide Constrain Model Estimates of Tropical Carbon Uptake
- Scaling Evapotranspiration Measurements to Assess Forest Water Availability and Close the Mountain Water Balance
- Sharing Science with Journals, Peers, and Skeptics: A Reproducible Approach in the Era of Big Data
- Simulating Transient Crop Management in the Community Land Model Version 5
- Spatially and Temporally Based Sensitivity Analysis of Land Fallowing and Alternative Land Use Near Disadvantaged Communities in Kern County, California, USA
- Strategies for Communicating about Climate Change, Drought and Agriculture in California
- Sustainability Stories: Guidelines for Scientists on Making Engaging and Uplifting Videos
- The Extinction of Iconic Megatoothed Shark Otodus megalodon: Preliminary Evidence from 'Clumped' Isotope Thermometry
- The Role of the Ecosystem Engineer, the Leaf-Cutter Ant Atta cephalotes, on Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dynamics in a Wet Tropical Rainforest
- The Soil Ecosystem Observatory for Automated, Dynamic, and Multi-Sensor Imaging Platform of Rhizosphere Processes
- The impact of surface exposure on carbon decomposition in ancient, buried soils along an erosional gradient
- The potential for environmental flows to support sustainable management of hydropower modified river systems in China
- Title: Long-term Estimates of Inland Riverine Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) fluxes from Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho USA
- Transitioning to Sustainable Groundwater Use: an Economic Analysis of Supply and Demand Management Options to Inform Policy Decisions in California's San Joaquin Valley
- Turning ASO Snow Depths Into Streamflow Through a Reproducible Snow Modeling System
- Up hot creek with a paddle: Characteristics of western US hydropower operators who support environmental flows under climate change
- Using Machine Learning to Interpret Soil Moisture from Multispectral Imagery Captured by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
- Variation in nitrogen fixation and foliar microbial communities driven by conifer host species and site fertility
- Vegetation water use responses to forest fires in the Sierra Nevada, California using remote sensing
- Vulnerability of Ancient Carbon to Modern Erosional Processes
- When snow dominates: opportunities for new paradigms in operational hydrologic forecasting.
- Words carry power: the importance of bringing the term and concept of Earth's critical zone more directly into the public eye and into K-16 education
- (De)sorption of soil organic matter by mineral soils with varying iron oxide concentrations
- A District-level Agricultural Production and Water Use Model for California's Greater Kern County Region
- A Study on Parsimonious Models in Catchments Generating Saturation Excess Runoff
- A new tool for paleoenvironmental reconstruction: amino acid δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H analysis reveals shifts in a Holocene nearshore ecosystem
- A study of large-scale geographical variations and climatic controls on crown architecture traits using terrestrial LiDAR
- ADVANCEGeo Partnership: Empowering geoscientists to transform workplace climate through bystander intervention and research ethics training
- Aeolian Particulate Matter as a Source of Bioavailable P to Sierra Nevada Soil
- Assessing Climate Change Impact on System-wide Water Allocation Trade-offs for California's San Joaquin River System
- Assessing Water Quality Downstream from the Former New Idria Mercury Mine
- Assessment of Water Flow Operations Impacts on Turbidity Using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Assessment of hydrologic impacts of climate change in the Sierra Nevada: comparisons between radiative change and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization
- Belowground carbon varied with aboveground carbon along an elevation gradient at Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory in California
- Biomass Burning Unlikely to Account for Missing Source of Carbonyl Sulfide
- Biomass burning: emissions, chemistry and transport
- Boogie Flux: Incorporating Low-cost, Rapidly Deployable CO2 Chambers into Multi-scale Aquatic Flux Studies
- Climatic Controls on Deep Soil Organic Carbon Persistence Across a Bioclimatic Gradient in California
- Coupling weather and field scale information to forecast strawberry yield on a weekly basis via machine learning approaches
- Deciphering Plant-soil Feedback: An Integrated Solution to Nutrient Loss Reduction
- Defining Sustainable Groundwater Allocation Rules to Reduce Agricultural Investment Risks: a Support Tool to Improve Decision-Making under Uncertainty
- Determining Water Age of Rivers and Plant-Accessible Water in California's Headwaters During Hydrologic Extremes
- Differentiation of vernal pool communities assessed by eDNA: a community science experience
- Distribution and Composition of Soil Organic Matter in a Buried Soil: Differences Along Eroding and Depositional Transects
- Distribution of carbon varies among soil organic matter pools isolated by electrostatic fractionation in ancient, buried soils along an erosional transect
- Dry season changes in soil carbon composition: tracking decomposability, mobility, and chemistry over a Mediterranean-type summer
- Ecological indicators of near-surface permafrost habitat at the southern margin of the boreal forest in China
- Estimation and Forecasting Potential Evapotranspiration Using Limited Hydrometeorological Data
- Evaluating Mechanisms of Rain-On-Snow Flood Events Using an Ensemble Approach to a Physically Based Snow Model
- Feasibility Assessment of Inter Water Basin Transfer Using Geospatial Approach: A Case Study of Shivnath Basin, India
- First Interactions with the Hydrologic Cycle Determine Charcoal's Fate in the Earth System
- Fuel treatment effects on forest mortality resistance and water yield during drought
- Future Mountain: An interactive visualization of people, fire, water and climate in forested landscapes.
- Gross primary production over the North American Arctic and Boreal region inferred from atmospheric carbonyl sulfide measurements
- Hierarchical off-diagonal low-rank (HODLR) approximation for Hessians in Bayesian inference with application to ice sheet models
- High Latitude aircraft observations of NMHCs, halocarbons and COS during ATom
- How to Estimate Statistically Detectable Trends in a Time Series: A Study of Soil Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations at the Calhoun LTSE
- Hydrochronology and watershed-scale reactive solute transport
- Hydrological controls on subsurface shale bedrock-nitrogen release and export from a mountainous watershed hillslope
- Identification and Molecular Characterization of Kinetic Retention of Dissolved Pyrogenic Organic Matter on Different Soil Minerals
- Impact of Seasonal Runoff Forecast Uncertainty on Water Management Decisions in California
- Improving Water Quality Retrievals from Imaging Spectroscopy Datasets using ISOFIT Atmospheric Correction: a Case Study in Grizzly Bay, California
- Improving Water Rights Management in the California Sacramento San Joaquin Delta: Results from a Comparative Study Using Remote Sensing, Field Measurements and Self Reporting.
- Influence of snow accumulation and ephemerality on recent tree mortality in the Sierra Nevada
- Integrating a Soil Ecosystem Observatory into studying Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Water and Gas Flux
- Interdependencies and Telecoupling of Oil Palm Expansion at the Expense ofIndonesian Rainforest
- Inverse solution of soil water dynamics using physics-constrained machine learning
- Investigating Factors behind Subsurface Carbon Loss and Formation under Long-Term Agricultural Systems
- Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of kite power across multiple deployment sites
- Long-term Wildfire-related Chemical Impacts on Water Quality Within the Malibu Creek Coastal Watershed
- Micro-Scale Patterns of Organic Matter Decomposition and Storage Within a Buried Paleosol
- Modeling carbon storage and water use efficiency in a California agro-ecosystem
- Monitoring avian diversity with bioacoustics analysis, remote sensing and species distribution modeling
- Mountain Precipitation Patterns in Mixed Rain-Snow Areas from a Distributed Wireless-Sensor Network and a Random Forest Model
- Navigating the Drake Passage during the Eocene greenhouse to icehouse climate transition: a paleoecological and geochemical perspective based on sand tiger shark Striatolamia macrota teeth
- New Techniques for Cosmogenic Radioactive Age Tracers: Sodium-22 and Sulfur-35
- Observing the influences of critical zone architecture on streamflow generation processes: A granitic mountain-meadow headwater system in a Mediterranean climate
- Optimizing Raman Analyses of Quartz and Zircon Inclusions in Garnet
- Persistent lack of diversity in the geosciences: the case of ADVANCEGeo Partnership to promote Institutional and cultural change
- Quantifying impact of Native Shrub Distribution on Deep Moisture Dynamics in the Sahel Under Variable Precipitation Regimes
- Quantifying the climate benefits of biosolids application to agricultural soils
- Reliability of Stable Nitrogen Isotope Dendrochronologies for Long-Term Ecological Reconstruction
- Root of the Problem: Carbon Destabilization in Buried Soils
- San Joaquin Valley Irrigation District Vulnerability to Groundwater Overdraft Based on Surface Water Allocation and Consumptive Water Use
- Satellite Remote Sensing of the Effect of Lithium Mining Salt Evaporation Ponds on the Albedo of the Nevada Desert
- Shifts in Annual Precipitation-Runoff Relationships during Multi-Year Droughts in a Mediterranean Mixed Rain-Snow Climate are Driven by Evapotranspiration Feedbacks
- Simulating water-carbon interactions in a Mediterranean mountain ecosystem using a dynamic global vegetation model
- Smelt Habitat Suitability and Thermal Refugia in the San Francisco Bay Delta as Seen by Landsat and ECOSTRESS with Comparison to CDEC
- Snow-canopy interactions during rain-on-snow events using Random Forest
- Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory: a Hub for Multi- and Interdisciplinary Research on Soil Development, Forest Water Use, and Biogeochemistry in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Studies of Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Associations and Plant Nutrient Fixation Using Synchrotron X-ray Methods
- Testing the value of an Amazonian aircraft campaign similar to ACT-America
- The International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC) - New Opportunities for Advancing Data and Modeling of Soil Systems
- The Need for Semantically Rich Notions of "Taxa" for Interoperability in Biodiversity Informatics
- The Neotoma Paleoecology Database and EarthLife Consortium: Building Community Data Resources to Mobilize Dark, Long-Tail Records of Past Biodiversity Dynamics
- The Role of Erosion and Landform Position in Controlling the Fate of Pyrogenic Organic Matter
- The Water-Energy-Environment Nexus and Climate Change: A Framework for Multi-Basin Planning
- The role of Carbon depletion in conifer physiological resistance to drought
- Thermal Acclimation of Soil Microbial Communities Declines with Depth
- Toward a process-based understanding of precipitation-phase impacts on streamflow
- Understanding and valuing sustainability in the critical zone
- Utilizing Spatially Resolved SWE to Inform Snowfall Interpolation Across a Headwater Catchment in the Sierra Nevada
- What whole-stream metabolism can suggest about restoration success in the San Joaquin River in California
- Wildfire Controls on Water and Carbon Balance in California's Sierra Nevada
- Wildfire PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> emissions and respiratory health outcomes in California
- A global database of geo-referenced drought and heat-induced tree mortality events reveals climatic drivers of forest die-off.
- Abrupt changes in subalpine forest landscapes in a warmer world with more fire
- Application of physics informed neural networks to near-surface soil moisture dynamics
- Assessing the hydrological characteristics of different biochar and its influence on soil water dynamic using the water vapor sorption isotherm (WSIs) method.
- Biodiversity Survey of the Cape ( BioSCape )
- Biome- to global-scale controls over soil carbon storage: divergence in observations and process-based models
- Bridging Stakeholder Processes in Water Management and Hydro-Economics Models: Virtues of Planning and Communication
- Development of Novel Method for Analyzing Cosmogenic Radioactive Age Tracers Sodium-22 and Sulfur-35 and Applications in Hydrology
- Does dissolved oxygen in rainwater contribute to pulses of CO2 after dry spells?
- Dynamic Adaptive Pathways for Groundwater Sustainability: Exploring Human-Water Interactions under Uncertain Conditions
- Ecosystem services of forest restoration in the Western U.S.: a synthesis of benefits to enable financing
- Endophyte-Promoted Phosphorous Solubilization in Populus
- Evaluating a UAV-based mobile sensing system designed to quantify ecosystem-based methane
- Evaluating how climate-induced changes in wildfire regimes affect forest hydrology in the Sierra Nevada
- Evaluation of Seasonal Forecast Skill of Agriculturally Relevant Variables in an Agricultural Basin
- Evapotranspiration and Water Balance Mapping for Forest Management in California's Sierra Nevada
- Examining the Relationships Between Chemical Properties and VNIR Reflectance Properties of Kentucky Soils using In-situ Data
- Fast high-rank Hessian approximation for Bayesian ice sheet inverse problems
- Forest management and climate change effects on Wildfire in a Western Washington Watershed
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for a coupled Hydro-economic model under a groundwater management policy in Kern County, California.
- How do bark beetle outbreaks drive fire regimes in semi-arid systems?
- How to reach thousands of monthly users: data-driven recommendations for the development of a public water and climate tool
- Impacts of circular agriculture-sanitation systems on hydrological and biogeochemical processes
- Improving workplace culture, indoors and out: Challenges and opportunities to make the geosciences more inclusive and welcoming
- Increasing Participation in Computational Research Careers for Women and Underrepresented Students Through an Intensive Research-Focused Workshop Model
- Increasing co-occurrence of particulate matter and surface ozone extremes during the wildfire season in the western United States
- Influence of Climate Change on 21st Century Fire Regime in the City of Portland Oregon's Source Watershed
- Linking tree life history characteristics and population dynamics to plant hydraulics
- Low-flow driven temperature variation in headwater streams: insights from spatial and long-term temporal data in the Sierra Nevada
- MANTIS: An online, groundwater nonpoint source pollution decision support system
- Microbial growth kinetics under deeply vs. shallow rooted plants along soil depths
- Modeling Miscanthus Biomass from UAS-LiDAR Data Using Machine Learning
- Monitoring turbidity in San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using satellite remote sensing
- Multi-decadal Post-fire Water Quality Trends in California Lakes and Reservoirs
- Multimodal quantification of ecosystem services on a reconnected floodplain: Insights from the Cosumnes River, California, USA
- Observed and Expected Increases in Fire Severity Weaken Stabilizing Feedbacks that Promote Forest Resilience
- On the need to center climate smart soil management: a win-win strategy for climate change mitigation and ensuring food security
- Optimal agricultural production under different climatic scenarios through a coupled hydrologic and economic models in Kern county, California.
- Optimizing Regional Water Management using Probabilistic Seasonal Forecasts
- Plant hydraulics: A theory-rich but data-poor field
- Post-fire erosion: implications for persistence of pyrogenic carbon in soil
- Projected changes of precipitation extremes in the U.S. Northeast based on two downscaled climate datasets LOCA and MACA
- Revisiting the Fractal-Multifractal method in describing geometries of precipitation and temperature: Case of global circulation models outputs
- San Joaquin Valley Irrigation District Vulnerability to Groundwater Overdraft Based on Surface Water Allocation and Consumptive Water Use
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Functional Flows to Improve Ecological Performance Metrics for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California
- Soil Phosphorus Stock and Speciation with Regolith Development: Does the Walker and Syers Model Apply to a Climatic Weathering Gradient?
- The consequences of the Sierra losing its Nevada: Inconsistent water year classification and a nonstationary hydroclimate alter water allocation for humans and the environment
- Underrepresented, underserved, understudied: why efforts to help disadvantaged communities are too little, too late
- Using Landsat and ECOSTRESS Thermal Remote Sensing to Examine Habitat Conditions for the Endangered Delta Smelt
- Using Sentinel-2 to Detect and Predict Biodiversity Hotspots within a Vernal Pools and Grasslands Ecosystem
- Variability in soil organic matter composition in a buried soil: differences along eroding and depositional transects
- Vegetation index sensitivity analysis for wetland vegetation phenology using Sentinel-2 Data
- Water-stress patterns of giant-sequoia groves during multi-year droughts
- hIPPYlib: An Extensible Software Framework for Large-Scale Inverse Problems Governed by PDEs
- Investigating benefits from additional recharge facilities within the American River Basin
- A New Cosmogenic Radionuclide Concentration Model for Quantifying the Influence of Earthquake-Induced Landslide Events
- An Integrated System for Estimating Burn Severity, Day-of-Burning, and Emissions with Google Earth Engine
- An Integrated Understanding of Oceanographic Stressors and Climate Extremes in the Southern California Bight from 1984 to the Present
- Automatic and manual in-situ chamber measurements for open-channel respiration in streams and rivers
- Biodiversity Survey of the Cape ( BioSCape )
- Changes in Future Wildfire Frequency and Size in the Bull Run Watershed in Response to Different Climate Storylines
- Climatology and driving atmospheric patterns of dry lightning outbreaks in central and northern California during 1987-2020
- Co-benefits of Managed Aquifer Recharge in California: Integrated Assessment of Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Agriculture with Spatial Explicit Ecosystem Service Analysis
- Community-Based Learning, Regional Network Professional Learning, and Climate Change Education in North America: Lessons about Learning for Equity, Justice, and Climate Action
- Confronting the water potential information gap
- Continental bottom-up data assimilation to support terrestrial carbon cycle and disturbance Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, and Forecasting
- Coordinating scientific and operational needs in region weather station network design
- Disentangling the Climate and Anthropocentric Stressors Impacts on the Desiccation of the Hamun Lakes
- Ecological and genomic response of soil microbiomes to wildfire: linking fundamental community assembly processes to ecosystem function
- Ecologically novel wildfires impact carbon and nitrogen cycling processes over a decade after disturbance: a tale of two ecosystems
- Estimating Burn Severity in California
- Evaluating the efficacy of the ADVANCEGeo bystander intervention training program to improve workplace climate
- Fire risk to carbon sequestration potential of United States forests
- Forest fire carbon emissions continue to be a fraction of fossil fuel emissions
- Future Increases in Lightning-ignited Boreal Fires Driven by Joint Increases in Dry Fuels and Lightning
- Groundwater storage change emulator for the Great Kern County Region, California
- How do hydroclimatic and agricultural variables respond to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation?
- Hydrological intensification is poised to increase uncertainty for water resources management
- I do not belong: The ADVANCEGeo Partnerships workplace climate survey of earth and space scientists
- Ice sheet initialization as an integral part of ice sheet modeling
- Identifying hostile workplace conditions associated with negative experiences that disproportionately affect minoritized groups in ecological, earth and spaces sciences
- Increasing global vulnerability to heatwaves
- Inorganic Carbon Mediates Tillage Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Arid Agricultural Soils
- Integrating Field Observations and Multi-scale Remote Sensing to Understand Tall Shrub Distribution and Environmental Limits in Arctic Tundra
- Inversion for the Basal Sliding Coefficient Field under Uncertainty for the Humboldt Glacier.
- Iron Speciation in Airborne Particulate Matter From Urban Locations and Implications for Human Health
- Joint parameter and model dimension reduction for Bayesian ice sheet inverse problems governed by the nonlinear Stokes equations
- Let's dig deeper on climate-smart soil management
- Modelling hydrologic response to strategic agricultural land repurposing in the Tulare Lake Basin California
- Modern groundwater across the United States
- Not Dead Yet: Physiological Resilience of Pinus ponderosa to Wildfire and Prolonged Drought
- Old Soils in Sub-Saharan Africa Contain Mostly Young Carbon
- Personal Reflections and National Recommendations on the Role of Education in Next Generation Earth System Science
- Reducing Water-Balance Residuals in Gaged Watersheds in the Central Sierra Nevada, California and Nevada, USA
- Science Policy Collaborations: Optimizing Ocean Monitoring Networks for Environmental Management
- Sierra Nevada runoff generation and storage on the mountain range scale using sulfur-35
- Simulation of near-surface soil moisture measurement without boundary conditions using physics-informed neural networks
- Snowpack mapping and forecasting by blending deep-learning estimates with ground observations in the Northern Sierra Nevada
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Couplings in Observations and Models
- Stability and moisture sensitivity of buried soil organic carbon
- The Assessment of Post-Wildfire Effects on Cyanobacteria in California Water Supply Reservoirs Using Remote Sensing
- The Effect of Biochar Feedstock and Application Rate on Nitrogen Losses During Dairy Manure Composting
- The Effects of Biochar Feedstock and Application Rate on Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Dairy Manure Composting
- The Role of Informal Tanker Water Markets in Intermittent Urban Water Supply Systems
- The Yuba Forest Resilience Bond: A model for using Earth Observation (EO) data to drive investment in headwater management
- UPb dating constraints on dolomite formation environments
- Using ECOSTRESS to Observe Diurnal Variability in Water Temperature Conditions in the San Francisco Estuary
- Using Random Forest to Predict 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Contamination from Legacy Non-Point Source Pollution of Groundwater in Californias San Joaquin Valley
- Validation of Remotely Sensed Turbidity and CDOM in the San Francisco Bay Delta
- Warming enabled upslope advance in western US forest fires
- What is the Skill of Downscaled Seasonal Forecasts for Agriculture-Relevant Variables?
- Where is the snow and when does it melt? Using spatially distributed SWE time series to support decision making
- A Multi-Index Examination of Future Fire Season Length and Severity Over the United States
- Advancing Interdisciplinary Global Change Science Through Linked Research Services in the Neotoma Paleoecology Database
- An Updated Attribution of Western United States Forest Fire Trends to Anthropogenic Climate Change: 1984-2022
- Are headwater-dependent lakes the early warning system for climate change, and can we still adapt to avoid collapse?
- Assessing natural flow regime driven floodplain evolution following hydrologic reconnection along the Cosumnes River, California, USA
- Burn severity regulates organic matter phosphorus composition
- Climate change is narrowing and shifting windows favorable for prescribed fire in western United States
- Coarse mineral dust in the Earth system
- Controls on plant available water and stand-scale transpiration in forested montane catchments
- Copper Speciation in Size-Fractionated Urban Particulate Matter by Spectromicroscopy Methods
- Deterministic processes impacting organic matter chemistry are maximized in mid-order streams
- Differences in Tree Physiological Plasticity Revealed by Wildfire Risk Reduction Treatments in Two Western US Conifer Tree Species Under Climate Change
- Disparities in Observed vs Modeled Soil Nitrogen Mineralization Using a Continentally Distributed Dataset
- Dissolved Pyrogenic Carbon: Constraints and Drivers in the Soil System
- Dynamic, Downstream-Propagating Thermal Vulnerability in a Mountain Stream Network: Implications for Biodiversity in the Face of Climate Change
- Ecoclimatic Sensitivity in the Tropics to Last Glacial-Interglacial Climate Change via Data Mobilization in the Neotoma Paleoecology Database
- Effects of Compost Amendments to Rangelands with Steep Slopes on Soil Carbon, Greenhouse Gas Fluxes, and Nutrient Runoff
- Elevational trends of fire danger in the western United States
- Evaluating Thermal Habitat and Tidal Wetland Restoration using ECOSTRESS Surface Temperature Products in the San Francisco Estuary
- FPA-FOD-Plus Dataset: Physical, Social, and Biological Attributes for Improved Understanding and Prediction of Wildfire Ignitions and Size
- Historical Changes to Snowmelt for Irrigation 1985-2020
- How does belowground functioning vary among trees with different levels of fire damage?
- How dry is "dry" lightning? A multi-dataset assessment of precipitation amounts associated with lightning-caused wildfire ignition across the western United States.
- Implementing adaptive operating policies to achieve agricultural, economic, and groundwater sustainability goals for the San Joaquin Valley using Evolutionary Multi-Objective Direct Policy Search
- Improving ecosystem modeling for realistic forest-management and wildfire simulation across California's Sierra Nevada
- Increase in Fire Intensity with Elevation Gain
- Interactive Computational Modules for Reproducible Research Training
- Linking Drought Indicators to Multi-Sectoral Impacts in Complex Water Systems
- MODIS-based modeling of forest evapotranspiration supported by root-zone water storage in California's Sierra Nevada
- Managing California's central Sierra Nevada forests for resilience in a warming world
- Mapping the Drought Nexus: Characterizing How Different Drought Metrics Observe Impacts in the Columbia River Basin
- Mechanisms Controlling the Impacts of Climate Change on the Sierra Nevada Ecosystem
- Methane Emissions During Biochar Co-composting Are Driven by Biochar Application Rate and Aggregate Formation
- Methods for measuring wind speed and direction for accurate estimations of methane fluxes
- Modeling the Effects of Snag Removal on Wildfire Behavior after Beetle Outbreaks
- Monitoring Taxonomic and Functional (Agro)biodiversity along the Agricultural-Riparian Matrix of California's San Joaquin River using Remote Sensing and Environmental DNA
- Multi-grain size dilution of 10Be in detrital quartz post the 2016 7.8M Kaikōura earthquake
- On Assessing Drought Economic Impacts on Agriculture and Communities: Lessons Learned from California Droughts
- Phloem and cambium death, rather than xylem hydraulic failure, is a driver of fire-induced conifer mortality
- Quantifying Climate Change Impacts on Water Use and Yield of Almond and Pistachio Crops in the San Joaquin Valley
- Runoff forecasting uncertainty from rain-snow-transition elevation in seasonally snow-covered mountains
- Soil water isotope measurements (tritium, deuterium, oxygen-18) and Hydrus-1D simulations with evaporative fractionation to examine the impacts of deeply rooted switchgrass on soil hydrology
- Spatiotemporal Patterns in Coastal Climate and Groundwater in the California Pajaro Valley
- The NASA Biodiversity Survey of the Cape ( BioSCape )
- The Social Discount Rate for Biochar Projects in the United States
- Three Programs that Give Graduate Students Skills and Experience in Community Science
- Urine Storage Conditions Influence Nitrogen Adsorption and Plant Uptake Dynamics in Urine-Enriched Biochars
- Using fuzzy cognitive mapping to facilitate co-creating on knowledge in valuation of ecosystem services for ecosystem restoration
- Valuation of historical forest management and disturbance on water and carbon fluxes in a productive mixed-conifer mountain forest
- Valuing the benefits of forest restoration on enhancing fire regulation
- Warming weakens the night-time barrier to global fire
- What are the Controlling Factors of the Hillslope-scale Soil Moisture and Runoff Dynamics? - A Study from Lesser Himalayan Watershed
- Woolsey Fire Impacts on Coastal Water Quality in Southern California
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Andrews
- A. Park Williams
- A. R. Hedrick
- A. Visser
- Adi Stein
- Adrian K. George
- Akinori Ito
- Albert Ruhí
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Alison R. Duvall
- Allison Mattheis
- Alvar Escriva-Bou
- Amir AghaKouchak
- Anabelle W. Cardoso
- Andrea K. Thomer
- Andrew J. Newman
- Angel Santiago Fernandez‐Bou
- Anna T. Trugman
- Annika Herbert
- Arash Modaresi Rad
- Arnold Wilson
- Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
- Avni Malhotra
- B. H. Samset
- B. Hope Hauptman
- Bart Nijssen
- Benjamin J. Murray
- Benjamin N. Sulman
- Billy Williams
- Brendan P. Harrison
- Carina R. Fish
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Cassandra Nickles
- Charles H. Luce
- Chongming Yang
- Christine Wiedinmyer
- Claire E. Lukens
- Claire L. Ryder
- Claudia Di Biagio
- Daniel L. Swain
- Daniel T. Myers
- Danielle Touma
- Danny Cullenward
- Danny Marks
- Darren L. Ficklin
- Dedi Yang
- Deepti Singh
- Dennis Baldocchi
- E. Marín-Spiotta
- Emily B. Graham
- Eric S. Walsh
- Eric Slessarev
- Erin L. Hestir
- Ermias Aynekulu
- Ernesto Trujillo
- Esther Kennedy
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Fernanda Santos
- Fiammetta Straneo
- Francesco S. R. Pausata
- G. H. Halverson
- Glynn Hulley
- Guido R. van der Werf
- Guotao Cui
- Harrison B. Zeff
- Henry D. Adams
- Ibrahim Nourein Mohammed
- J. C. Adam
- James C. Stegen
- James T. Randerson
- Jamie Howarth
- Jan Adamowski
- Jan Boll
- Jason Kreitler
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jeremy Freeman
- Jessica L. Blois
- Jingye Ren
- John T. Abatzoglou
- John W. Williams
- Jonathan A Sam
- Joshua H. Viers
- Josué Medellín–Azuara
- José M. Rodríguez-Flores
- Jun Meng
- Justin M. Mathias
- K. J. McFarlane
- Katerina Georgiou
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kerry Cawse‐Nicholson
- Kevin Roche
- Kimber Moreland
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Kimberly Quesnel Seipp
- Kirsten R Ball
- Kirti Rajagopalan
- Kristen St. John
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- M. H. Conklin
- Mark P. Waldrop
- Martina Klose
- Matthew H. Kaufman
- Matthew J. Hoffman
- Matthew Levy
- Maxwell B. Joseph
- Megan E. Cattau
- Melissa Bukovsky
- Melissa Burt
- Meredith G. Hastings
- Michael C. Dietze
- Michael D. Dettinger
- Michael J. Koontz
- Michal Ben‐Israel
- Mohammad Reza Alizadeh
- Mohammad Safeeq
- Mojtaba Sadegh
- N. M. Mahowald
- Nathaniel D. Mueller
- Noémi Petra
- O. Chegwidden
- Oliver Gressel
- Ondřej Mottl
- P. B. Kirchner
- Paul C. Loikith
- Peggy A. O’Day
- R. Abney
- Ralph A. Kahn
- Rebecca C. Scholten
- Rebecca T. Barnes
- Robert Holder
- Robert O. Hall
- Roger Bales
- Russell L. Scott
- S. Havens
- Samantha Grieger
- Samantha R. Weintraub
- Sander Veraverbeke
- Sarah E. Null
- Sarah J. Ivory
- Scott Jasechko
- Sean A. Parks
- Seth McGinnis
- Shawn P. Serbin
- Shruti Khanna
- Si Gao
- Simon Haberle
- Sophie F. von Fromm
- Stephen C. Hart
- Stephen Price
- Steven J. Davis
- Steven J. Hall
- Steven M. Gorelick
- Sumit Sen
- Suzette G. A. Flantua
- T. D. Scheibe
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. M. Hill
- T. W. Hudiburg
- Talia G. Anderson
- Teamrat A. Ghezzehei
- Tessa Maurer
- Theodore E. Grantham
- Tiantian Zhou
- William R. Wieder
- Yue Qin
- Zhuonan Wang