University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
flowchart I[University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (55)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (37)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Integrated Access to Solar Observations With EGSO
- Solving Science Use Cases that relate to the Sun and Heliosphere with EGSO
- User Access to the European Grid of Solar Observations
- Integrated Data Analysis: the Other Side of The VO
- Extending the Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) to Incorporate Data Analysis Capabilities
- Extending the Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) to Incorporate Data Analysis Capabilities (III)
- Addressing Science Use Cases with HELIO
- AIA and RHESSI Observations of Solar Coronal Jets
- HELIO - First Services of The Heliophysics Integrated Observatory
- Building blocks for Virtual Observatories in Heliophysics
- High Energy Solar Physics Data in Europe (HESPE): a European project for the exploitation of hard X-ray data in solar flare physics
- Observations of Langmuir Waves Associated with Type III Radio Bursts : Wind Observations and Further Improvements with Inner Heliospheric Missions
- The need for Standards when building Virtual Observatories
- JHelioviewer: Visualizing the Sun and Heliosphere in 3D
- The Spectrometer Telescope for Imaging X-rays STIX on Solar Orbiter
- X-ray and EUV Observations of the Chromospheric and Coronal Plasma Parameters during a Solar Flare
- Future Stereoscopic Hard X-ray Observations of Solar Flares and CMEs
- 3D Visualization of Solar Data: Preparing for Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- A Hough Transform Procedure Applied to Occult-2 Data for Pattern Recognition in SDO/AIA Images
- Comparison between IBIS Observations and Radiative Transfer Hydrodynamic Simulations of a Solar Flare
- High-resolution Observations of the X-flare on 2014-03-29
- Hmi and Rhessi Measurements of the Radial Location of Solar Flare Footpoints to Subarcsecond Accuracy
- Focusing Solar Hard X-rays: Expected Results from a FOXSI Spacecraft
- New features of the Helioviewer Project
- NuSTAR's X-ray search for high energy emission from weakly flaring active regions
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- 3D Visualization of Solar Data: Preparing for Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Anticipated Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- High-Energy Aspects of Small-Scale Energy Release at the Sun
- Joint NuSTAR and IRIS observation of a microflaring active region
- Non-thermal Power-Law Distributions in Solar and Space Plasmas
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Next Level in Automated Solar Flare Forecasting: the EU FLARECAST Project
- The connection between X-ray and coronal emission measure in solar limb flares as a diagnostic of non-thermal particle acceleration and heating processes
- Tracing Fast Electron Beams Emanating from the Magnetic Reconnection Site in a Solar Jet
- Anticipated Particle-Acceleration and Plasma-Heating Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Faint solar X-rays observed with NuSTAR
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)
- NuSTAR observations of the quietest Sun
- Probing Fine Spatial, Temporal and Spectral Structures of Extremely Quiet Radio Sun
- 3D Visualisation of Solar Data with JHelioviewer
- A Comparison of the Active Region Upflow and Core Morphologies Using Simultaneous Spectroscopic Observations from IRIS and Hinode.
- An X-ray View on Electron Acceleration and Transport in Solar Flares
- Estimating Coronal Propagation Effects in the Quiet Sun Corona Using Low Radio Frequency Observations
- Radio and X-ray Observations of Short-lived Episodes of Electron Acceleration in a Solar Microflare
- The Above-the-looptop Source of the 2017 September 10 Solar Flare: Energetic Electron Distribution over a Broad Energy Range
- The Micro Solar Flare Apparatus (MiSolFA)
- Updates on the Fundamentals of Impulsive Energy Release in the Corona Explorer (FIERCE) mission concept
- Detection of weak solar radio transients using residual radio imaging
- Evidence for Energetic Electrons Trapped and Accelerated in a Magnetic Bottle above a Solar Flare Arcade
- Long-Lasting Intense Radio Bursts from a Sunspot
- Multi-wavelength calibration of aerosol absorption instruments with NO2 and nigrosin dye
- Multiple Regions of Radio Quasi-Periodic Pulsations during the Impulsive Phase of a C1.8 Solar Flare
- Fast Time Variations in the Hard X-ray Emission of Solar Flares with Solar Orbiter's STIX.
- Interplanetary Mesoscale Observatory (InterMeso): A mission to untangle dynamic mesoscale structures throughout the heliosphere
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- B. Fleck
- B. J. Anderson
- B. R. Dennis
- Bennett A. Maruca
- C. Gontikakis
- Chen Bin
- D. Malaspina
- D. Müller
- D. Oberoi
- Daniel Verscharen
- G. C. Ho
- Gang Li
- Griša Močnik
- J. M. Raines
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- Joseph E. Borovsky
- Krzysztof Barczynski
- L. K. Harra
- L. K. Jian
- M. Haberreiter
- M. Messerotti
- M. Stęślicki
- Marina Battaglia
- Natasha L. S. Jeffrey
- Noé Lugaz
- P. Wright
- Parisa Mostafavi
- R. C. Allen
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- S. Gburek
- S. K. Vines
- S. Livi
- S. T. Lepri
- Sijie Yu
- Steven Christe
- É. Buchlin
- É. Pariat