Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Asian Summer Monsoon During the Last Millennium
- Abrupt Changes in the Asian Summer Monsoon Winds During the Holocene
- Centennial to Millennial Scale Variations in the Indian Summer Monsoon Winds and Solar Variability
- Hydrothermal Processes in Impact Craters on Mars: Implications From Lonar Crater, India, and Other Craters.
- Laser Raman Spectroscopic Characterization of Shocked Plagioclase from the Lonar Impact Crater, India.
- A 3-Dimensional Image of the Moho beneath the Shillong Plateau
- Bulk Chemical Fractionation Between Basalt, Impact-Melts and Spherules of Lonar Impact Crater, India
- Constraining the Shear Wave Speed Structure Beneath NE India From the Eastern Bengal Basin to the Himalaya
- Crustal Structure Beneath The Bengal Basin From Joint Analysis Of Teleseismic Receiver Functions And Rayleigh Wave Dispersion
- Progress Towards Quantitative Reconstruction of the Asian Summer Monsoon Winds From Arabian Sea Sediments During the Holocene
- Shear-wave structure of the south Indian lithosphere from Rayleigh wave phase velocity measurements
- Climate monitoring using GPS and MODIS water vapor
- Computation of Phase and Group Velocities of Surface Waves in a Spherical Earth Using the Generalized Reflection-Transmission Coefficient Method
- Crustal Structure Across the Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya
- Deconvolution of 3-component Teleseismic Data from Southern Tibet and Eastern India using the SVA Technique
- Including Topography and Vegetation Attributes for Developing Pedotransfer Functions
- Century-Scale Trends in the Indian Summer Monsoon During the Last 2,000 Years
- Crust And Upper Mantle Structure Of The Bengal Basin And Bay Of Bengal From Surface Wave Group Velocity Dispersion Studies
- Crustal Structure Of The Himalayan Foreland Basin Inferred From Surface Wave Group Velocity Analysis
- Lithospheric thickness and mechanical strength of the Indian Shield
- Structure Of The Elevated Precambrian Terranes Rising Above The Brahmaputra Plains In Northeastern India.
- Variation of Rayleigh and Love Wave Fundamental Mode Group Velocity Dispersion Across India and Surrounding Regions
- Detailed structure of the carbonated peridotite solidus ledge in the system CaO-MgO- Al2O3-SiO2-CO2
- Eastern Himalayan-Tibetan Isostasy
- Monsoonal Rainfall Fluctuations During The Late Quaternary And Its Relation To Marine Isotopic Stages: A Case Study From The Ganga Basin, India
- Sedimentology and Carbon Isotope in Lower Tertiary Sediments of Rajasthan:Implication to Post Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum Event
- Travel Time Atlas and the Role of Neural Networks for an Early Warning System for Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean
- Constraints on Southeast Australian Lithosphere From Multi-Step Modeling of Teleseismic and Noise Data Recorded by the SEAL3 Experiment
- Crustal structure of the Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya
- Earthquake Forecasting in Northeast India using Energy Blocked Model
- India's archive of past massive erosional events
- Initial results from continuous GPS stations at Hudson Bay
- Integrated Very Low Frequency EM, electrical resistivity and Geological studies on the Lanta Khola landslide, North Sikkim, India
- The Shillong Plateau Uplift
- Upper Crustal Structure of the Cleft Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge using 2D Streamer travel time tomography
- Coda Q Attenuation and Source Parameters Analysis in North East India Using Local Earthquakes
- Continental lids and mantle convective stirring efficiency
- Evaluation of the aerosol optical depth distribution and its chemical constituents over the Indian subcontinent from combined measurement and modeling platforms
- Stacking attributes from local slopes
- Aerosol loading and transport from Indo-Gangetic plain at a pollution outflow vent in east India into the Bay of Bengal
- Calibration of a distributed ablation model for Zhadang Glacier, Tibetan Plateau,using a time lapse camera system
- Recursive Ant Colony Global Optimization: a new technique for the inversion of geophysical data
- 3D 'Tau' imaging of 'GREATEM' data
- An isotopic investigation of the interplay of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere during the Phanerozoic
- Efficacy of very fast simulated annealing global optimization method for interpretation of self-potential anomaly by different forward formulation over 2D inclined sheet type structure
- Geological and geophysical variations across the Talchir Gondwana basin - evidence for episodic reactivation of the North Orissa Boundary Fault, India
- Integrated geophysical investigations for the delineation of source and subsurface structure associated with hydro-uranium anomaly: A case study from South Purulia Shear Zone (SPSZ), India
- Climate change impact on groundwater storage over parts of Indian subcontinent
- Cooling Rates in the Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex
- Detrital zircon geochronology overlying the Naga Hills ophiolite
- Abor volcanics: Magmatic 'breadcrumbs' on the trail of the Kerguelen mantle plume?
- Delineation of Decadal Changes of Shore Line and Geomorphology over West Bengal, India using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
- Disjunctive Grade Variation from Greenschist to Granulite Facies, Siyom Valley, Eastern Arunachal Pradesh, India
- Jarosite Precipitation from Acidic Saline Waters in Kachchh, Gujarat, India: an Appropriate Martian Analogue?
- Potential of the Reliability-Resilience-Vulnerability (RRV) Based Drought Management Index (DMI)
- Regional groundwater storage changes in the Indian subcontinent: The role of anthropogenic activities
- Seasonal, Episodic and Periodic Changes in Terrestrial Water Storage Recorded By DEEP Piezometric Monitoring in the Ganges/Brahmaputra/Meghna DELTA
- Sensitivity of PBL Schemes of WRF-ARW Model in Simulating Mesoscale Atmospheric Flow-Field Parameters over a Complex Terrain
- Sensitivity of PBL schemes of WRF-ARW Model in Simulating Boundary Layer Flow Parameters and coupling with AERMOD in the Dispersion of NO<SUB>X</SUB> over a Tropical Station
- Stable isotope signature of groundwater-seawater interaction in a micro-tidal coast of the Bay of Bengal
- The impact of soil moisture on the spin up of 1-D Noah land surface model at a site in monsoonal region
- Using Zircon Geochronology to Unravel the History of the Naga Hills Ophiolite
- Appraisal of current density in Very Low Frequency electromagnetic measurements using preconditioned conjugate gradient approach
- Assessment of Climate Change Impact on River Discharge using Reduced Uncertainty Ensemble Modeling Framewor
- Bias correction of satellite precipitation products for flood forecasting application at the Upper Mahanadi River Basin in Eastern India
- Combined trajectory clustering and aerosol fields analysis to evaluate the potential emission flux to aerosol pollutants in an urban and semi-urban atmospheres in eastern India
- Dihedral angle of carbonatite melts in mantle residue near the upper mantle and transition zone
- Groundwater solute chemistry and arsenic fate in aquifer of Brahmaputra river basin, India: Controls of geology and tectonic setting
- Influence of atmospheric forcing parameters on land surface simulation
- Influence of tidal variation and wave forcing on shallow groundwater discharge to the sea adjoining the Bay of Bengal, India
- Origins of Majoritic Inclusions in Diamond
- Premonsoon aerosol optical properties from AERONET retrievals and its probable source fields in Eastern India urban environment (Kolkata): evaluating spatial variability and its comparison with MODIS retrievals.
- Present-day groundwater recharge estimation in parts of the Indian Sub-Continent
- Quantification of Net Erosion and Uplift Experienced by the Barmer Basin, Rajasthan Using Sonic Log
- Re-using terrane boundaries in supercontinent cycles -evaluating an Indo-Antarctica contact in Rodinia and Gondwanaland
- The performance of land surface and cumulus convection scheme in the simulation of Indian Summer Monsoon using RegCM4
- a Preliminary One Dimensional Crustal Velocity Model for Himachal Pradesh, India
- 2D Unstructured Grid Based Constrained Inversion of Magnetic Data Using Fuzzy C Means Clustering and Lithology Classification
- <SUB>Occurrence of Organic Contaminants in Lower Reaches of River Ganges, India</SUB>
- Active Tectonics of Himalayan Faults/Thrusts System in Northern India on the basis of recent & Paleo earthquake Studies
- Annual Dustfall Characterization in Kharagpur Region, India-A Case Study
- Assessment of Impact of ENSO and IOD Events on Mean Sea Level Variations Over the Indian Coast Using Wavelet Techniques
- Assessment of the intensity and spatial variability of urban heat islands over the Indian cities for Regional Climate Analysis
- Black carbon induced glacial melt runoff prediction using validated modelled estimates at Himalaya-Hindu Kush region
- Changes in India's land surface water balance during the GRACE mission years: A data assimilation perspective
- Chemical signatures of urban, open burning and dust transportation in an urban environment- megacity in South Asia
- Constraints on the evolution of the Naga Hills: from disparate origins to tectonic amalgamation
- Copula-based Probabilistic Estimation of Soil Moisture and its Potential Application in Air Pollution Meteorology
- Does the GPM mission resolve the systematic error dependence with climatology and topography - a statistical and hydrologic evaluation over India?
- Early lineations in a later shear zone: case study from the Eastern Ghats Belt, India
- Eddy Properties and their Spatiotemporal Variability in the North Indian Ocean from Satellite Altimetry
- Evaluating the latest estimates of spatially and temporally resolved gridded black carbon emission over Indian region in a strategic integrated modelling approach
- Groundwater Recharge under varied land use regions in the semi-arid parts of western West Bengal, India
- High-Resolution Attenuation Model for Gujarat: State of Western India
- Impact of River and Tidal forcing on the Discontinuity of the Western Boundary Currents and associated Eddies of the Bay of Bengal
- Influence of Equatorial Kelvin wave on Bay of Bengal Mesoscale activities in Indian Summer Monsoon Deficit in June
- Investigating the Contribution of Climate Variables to Estimates of Net Primary Productivity in a Tropical Ecosystem in India
- Kinematic Analysis of the Almora Klippe: Testing Tectonic Models of the Himalayan Thrust Belt
- Lateral variation of intrinsic and scattering attenuation in eastern Himalaya and southern Tibet
- Microseismicity, Tectonics and Seismic Potential in the Western Himalayan Segment, NW Himalaya (india) Region
- Numerical Simulation of the Interannual Variability of the Bay of Bengal Ocean Circulation Characteristics by Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
- Role of upper-ocean on the intensity of Bay of Bengal cyclone `Phailin' as revealed by coupled simulation using Mesoscale Coupled Modeling System (WRF-ROMS)
- Seismic anisotropy beneath NW Himalaya using SKS and SKKS Splitting measurements
- Simulations of aerosol constituents and their sources of origin over Indo-Gangetic plain (IGP) to Himalayan foothills: a new perspective of GCM estimates
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Rainfall over Eastern India Using Complex Network
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Meteorological Drought Characteristics at Multiple Scales over India during 1951-2014
- Statistical and Hydrological evaluation of precipitation forecasts from IMD MME and ECMWF numerical weather forecasts for Indian River basins
- The Pan African Rengali Orogen, Eastern India: Implications for Gondwanaland.
- The drying of Mars - an analog from Kachchh, western India
- Complex linkage between soil, soil water, atmosphere and Eucalyptus Plantations
- Delineation of Gold Mineralization Zone using Resistivity and Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic Methods around, North Singhbhum Mobile Belt, India.
- Differential Rate of Deforestation in Two Adjoining Indian River Basins: Does Resource Availability Matters?
- Does Sentinel multi sensor data offer synergy in Improving Accuracy of Aboveground Biomass Estimate of Dense Tropical Forest? - Utility of Decision Tree Based Machine Learning Algorithms
- Electrical Resistivity Studies Between Subarnarekha And Kansabati Rivers, Paschim Medinipur (W.B.), India: Implication To Groundwater Problems In The Area.
- Field Integration of Worldview-3 as new Frontier of Mineral Exploration for Tropical Zone
- Fluid Characteristics in the Giant Quartz Reef System of the Bundelkhand Craton, India: Constraints from Fluid Inclusion Study
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) facies delineated shallow sedimentary records along a recently prograding coastal barrier adjoining the Bay of Bengal: Paradeep, Odisha, India
- MFDFA and Lacunarity Analysis of Synthetic Multifractals and Pre-Cancerous Tissues
- Modelling Water Flow through Paddy Soils under Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation Practice
- Petrogenetic evolution of the Mesoproterozoic garnet-bearing granitoids of Dumka, Eastern India: Implication of garnet and biotite composition
- Relation between Fabric Anisotropy of Host-Rock vis-à-vis Far-Field Stress, and the Emplacement Of Pegmatite Dikes - an example from the Dharwar Craton (South India)
- Shear wave anisotropy in the Eastern Himalaya, Burmese arc and adjoining regions
- The Human Appropriation of Ecosystem Service Values (HAESV) in the Sundarban Biosphere Region Using Biophysical Quantification Approach
- The Spatial Variations and Hotspots of Ecosystem Service Values in India During 1985 - 2005
- Upper Mantle Dynamics of Bangladesh by Splitting Analyzes of Core Refracted SKS and SKKS Waves
- Variability of groundwater storage in India: Spatial and temporal aspects
- A Coupled wave-storm surge model for coastal vulnerability assessment for the Bahamas Archipelago
- A coupled model analysis on the oceanic eddy interactions with tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal region of Indian Ocean
- A teleseismic finite-fault rupture analysis of the May 21, 2014 Bay of Bengal earthquake (Mw 6.1) and its tectonic implications.
- Active Tectonics and Potential of seismic hazard in the Northwest Himalayan region, India
- Addressing sustainable agenda challenge through analysis of LST, GHG emissions and visualisation of urban growth in Megacities of India
- Analytical investigation of seismic wave propagation in underground mines for suitable placement of seismic sensors
- Assessment and Control of Soil Erosion using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study of Opencast Mining Areas in Karo and Koina River Basins, India
- Back to Back Cyclogenesis over Arabian Sea in 2015: Dynamics and Biogeochemistry
- Characterization of future drought conditions in India using Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index
- Comparative Assessment of Model Uncertainties in Streamflow Estimation from a Paddy-Dominated Integrated Catchment-Reservoir Command
- Comparison of Different Chemometric Approaches for Estimation of Rice Leaf Area Index and Canopy Water Content Using Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy
- Compositional Characterisation of Coastal Placers of Odisha India - A Geochemical Study using ICPMS, HPGe, and INAA
- Credibility of CMIP5 Decadal Predictions to Comprehend the Intraseasonal Variability of the Indian Monsoon
- Deformation Fabric Analysis using AMS and EBSD in the Precambrian Rocks of Dharwar Craton (South India) - Implications for Kinematic Studies
- Delineation of Placer Deposits using DC resistivity, Induced Polarization and Radiometric methods along coastal Odisha, India
- Downscaling of Soil Moisture using Time-Varying Downscaling Model
- Evaluation of daily and monthly streamflow simulation for a hilly watershed of North-East India
- Explicit Consideration of Preferential Submarine Groundwater Discharges as Seawater Intrusion Control Measures
- Formation of Al-bearing Bridgmanite in a Katol Meteorite
- Formation of Temperature Inversion during Different Phases of ENSO and IOD in the Bay of Bengal
- Global groundwater storage estimates through assimilation of GRACE data into a land surface model
- Gold Favorability Modeling from Stream Sediment Geochemical Data using Fractal-Geospatial Approach: An Example from Sonakhan Greenstone Belt, India
- Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for the Geometric mean of Horizontal Component of Peak Ground Acceleration, and 5%-Damped Pseudo-Spectral Acceleration at Spectral Periods between 0.01 s and 8.0 s for Indo-Gangetic Plains, India
- Imaging the Lithospheric Structure across NW Himalaya, India Utilizing Local Seismic Tomography
- Influence of coastal Kelvin waves and local wind on the genesis and characteristics of mesoscale eddies in the western Bay of Bengal
- Joint application of GPR and VES in the study of subsurface sedimentary architecture and groundwater-seawater disposition of an intertidal zone (Chandipur, Odisha, India)
- Modeling the hillslope storage-discharge dynamics under changing climate
- Modelling and Characterizing Urban Growth Pattern in Silicon Valley: Establishing a Relationship with LST and Building Footprint
- Non-volcanic hot springs in the Indian shield: structural, hydrological and resistivity studies around Atri and Tarbalo, Eastern Ghats Province, India
- Numerical Simulation of the Transport Variability of Coastal Currents in the North Indian Ocean
- Oxygen fugacity of upper mantle beneath Dharwar craton, India
- Quantifying the impact of climate change on rice yield gap in India
- Role of Atmospheric Rivers causing Flood with Heavy Precipitation events during Indian Summer Monsoon: Case studies
- Seismicity and stress field variations across the North East India: A finite element modelling approach
- Temporally And Spatially Varying River Ganges Water-groundwater Interaction Through Hydrograph Separation And Stable Isotope Fingerprints
- Tracking the Dynamics of Rice Cultivated Area over Three Decades in an Irrigated Canal Command of India
- Trends in Compound Flooding in Northwestern Europe
- Tropospheric ozone in the Antarctic during the past 50 years
- Upper-Assam Shale as a Gas-Shale Reservoir: Their Composition and Pore Characteristics
- A Numerical Study on Seabed Erodibility in the Northern Bay of Bengal using ROMS and Community Sediment Transport Modelling System
- Analysis of the Effect of Air-Sea Fluxes to Mixed Layer Depth in the Bay of Bengal
- Arsenic-contaminated deep groundwater in the Bengal Basin: origin and implications for mitigation
- Connectivity in Fracture Networks: Is Lacunarity a better indicator than Fractal Dimension?
- Consumptive water footprint of rice for diverse water managements using APSIM under climate change
- Distinguishing Climatological Atmosphere Circulation Features in the Occurrence of Heavy Precipitation Events during Existence and Non-Existence of Atmospheric Rivers during Summer Monsoon Over West Coast of India
- Eddy Induced Sea Surface Variations and the Vertical Structure of Mesoscale Eddies in the Bay of Bengal
- Effect of Urea Doped Hydroxyapatite Nanofertilizer on Nutrients Movement and Rice Growth
- Effect of subsurface fluid mixing on microbial growth and bioclogging in fractured media: field observations and modelling
- Efficacy of Electromagnetic Measurements for Exploring Aquifers at Greater Depths in Lateritic Terrains, West Bengal, India
- Electron Microscopic Evidence of Intracrystalline Plastic Deformation in Magnetite from Strongly Anisotropic Ferrimagnetic Rocks in a Shear Zone
- Evaluating the Potential of Simulated Atmospheric Black Carbon (bc) Burden and Radiative Perturbations Over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, to the Emission Strength Efficacy Using a High Resolution Chemical Transport Model (chimere)
- Evaluation of CMIP6 Models' Performance on Simulation of Indian Summer Monsoon
- Evaluation of Remote sensing Indices and assessment of Urban Heat Island and Urban Energy Balance during summer and winter over a Sub-Tropical Indian City.
- Glimpse of Indian Summer Monsoon Ranfall Through CMIP6 Decadal Hindcast: AN Assessment Study
- High Pressure Polymorphs in Katol L6 Chondrite: Deciphering Thermal History and Shock Conditions
- Impact of Change in Soil Thermal Gradient on the Fate of Soil Nitrogen
- Impact of Improved Constrained Black Carbon (BC) Emissions and Fine Grid Resolved BC Aerosol Transport Simulated in a Chemical Transport Model (CHIMERE) over the Indo-Gangetic Plain: Implications to Population Exposure, Risks and Mitigation
- Integrating DHP Based Field LAI Measurement with MODIS Reflectance Data for Finer LAI Estimates - A Study from an Indian Mangrove Forest Site
- Long-term trends in tropospheric ozone in Antarctica
- Modeling River Flow Dynamics in a Complex Distributary System of River Deltaic Plain
- Natural Occurrence of Aluminous Bridgmanite and its Formation in a Katol Meteorite
- Petrogenesis of Lamprophyres from Central Sakarya (NW Anatolia, Turkey): Intraplate Magmatism at the Onset of Slab Rollback
- Potassium Transport through Paddy Soils under Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation Practice
- Regionalization of Monsoon Precipitation Patterns in Tropical Climate Areas
- Retrieving of Temperature and Salinity of the interior North Indian Ocean from High Resolution Satellite Sea Surface Temperature
- River-Groundwater Interactions and Recharge Delineation in Middle Reaches of the River Ganges
- Scenario-Based Water Supply and Demand Analysis in a Water-Scarce River Basin of India
- Seasonal variability of Aerosols and Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing over South Asia during ENSO events
- Simulations of black carbon (BC) aerosol impact over Hindu-Kush Himalayan sites: validation, sources, and implications on glacier runoff
- Sources, aerosols chemical composition, and their radiative effects over the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region
- Study of spectral properties of coal and other coal measure rocks in VNIR band: A case study of Jharia coal mines, India
- SunPy v1.0, the community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python.
- Tectonic and Magmatic Fabrics in a Layered Granite Body at Remal Dam Site, India: Implications for the Origin of Low Temperature Gneissic Fabrics
- Climate Sensitivity of the Glacier Mass Budget of High Mountain Asia Based on Satellite Gravimetry
- 3D tomographic imaging of the upper mantle beneath Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt, India: Imprints of a mantle plume
- A System Dynamics Based Reservoir Operation Model
- ARIMA method for development of a monthly rainfall forecasting model in Krishnanagar, West Bengal, India
- Adequacy of HRU and Grid-based Hydrological Models for Streamflow Simulation in a Paddy-Dominated Agricultural Catchment
- Analyzing the impact of bias correction of ensemble rainfall forecasts on streamflow prediction skill of a hydrodynamic model
- Assessing the Impact of Gridded Precipitation Datasets on Blue and Green Water Flow Accounting with Two Hydrological Models in the Damodar River Basin, India
- Assessment of Agricultural Feedbacks in Noah-MP-Crop Land Surface Model Under Drought Condition
- Assessment of Channel Flow Depth in a Data-Scarce Urban Catchment of Eastern India
- Black carbon pollution attributed sanitary impacts and targeting sustainable emission reduction for health-benefits over the South Asia Indo-Gangetic Plain
- Brittleness estimation and mineralogical analysis for evaluation of fracturability: Application to the Cambay Shale, Gujarat, India
- Comparative Impact Assessment of Climate Change and Land-Use Alteration on Decadal Water Balance Components: A Case Study on The Baitarani River Basin, Odisha
- Correlation among Drivers Affects Projected 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Changes in Compound Floods over European Coasts
- Fluid-Rock Interaction in Calc-Silicate Rocks and the Role of Halogens in W Mobilization and Precipitation: Clues from Wollastonite Skarn at Belka Pahar, Rajasthan, Western India
- Grain Boundary Characterization Using Atomic Force Microscopy: Investigating Possible Percolation Pathways in Rocks
- Heavy precipitation and Flooding associated with Atmospheric Rivers over the Indian Region
- Performance Evaluation of Remote Sensing-based High Frequent Streamflow Estimation Models at the Bramhani River Basin Outlet
- Rare earth element mineralization during prolonged hydrothermal alteration of the Siwana peralkaline granite, western India
- Simulating the effect of different transplanting dates on rice water footprints for different irrigation practices by APSIM-Oryza under changing climate
- Simulating winter and summer AOD with Chimere-optsim: improved prediction over India
- Simulations of aerosol species over Hindu Kush Himalayan sites: validation, sources, and implications on glacier runoff
- SunPy 2.0: the community-developed open-source solar data analysis environment for Python
- The Composition of the REE mineralizing Fluid in the Amba Dongar Carbonatite Complex: Constraints from Chemistry of Fluorite and its Fluid Inclusions
- The Greater India Proterozoic Fold Belt, India: Its enigmatic curvature in west-central India, and implications for tectonic evolution in the belt
- Topography formation and bauxitization in a granulite terrain from the Eastern Ghats Belt, India - exploring the control of weathering
- Travel Time Distribution-based River Basin Management Plan for Sustained Dry Season Flow
- Tropical Cyclones, Climate Change and Income Inequality nexus: An Empirical Investigation of 10 most Vulnerable Asian Countries
- Understanding spatio-temporal relationships between rainfall and convective clouds during Indian Monsoon through a discrete lens
- Understanding the Variation of Seismicity in the Eastern Himalayas: Using Earthquake Frequency-Magnitude Distribution and Fractal Dimension
- WRF Model-Based Regional Rainfall Prediction Over A River Basin With Tropical Hydro-Climatology
- Wintertime Radiative Effects Due to Black Carbon (BC) Over Indo-Gangetic Plain as Modeled With Recently Estimated BC Emission Inventories in CHIMERE
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Machine Learning Approaches for Solar Flare Prediction
- A Novel Remote Sensing-based Framework for Water Depth Estimation in a Narrow-width Brahmani River Reach, India
- Advanced Well Logs for Geomechanical Characterisation of Unconventional Shale Reservoir: Application to the Cambay Shale, Gujarat, India
- An Integrated Hydrological Modeling based Approach for Quantification of Agricultural Drought
- An integrated Geophysical Approach to Demarcate and Differentiate Radioactive and Non-radioactive Mineralization in South Purulia Shear Zone, Eastern India
- Application of UAV in Estimation of Crop Coefficient (Kc) using Field and Remote Sensing Data
- Assessing Compound Floods in a Large Tropical River Basin under Changing Climate
- Characteristics soil moisture during contrasting rainfall episode of Indian Summer Monsoon
- Compounding Risk of Heat Stress-Rain Induced Floods in Urban India
- Cyclone-Induced Air-Sea CO2 Flux and Associated Drivers in the Bay of Bengal Based on Coupled Physical-Biogeochemical (ROMS-PISCES) Model Simulation in 2013
- Decoding the feedback relationship between recurrent flood and land use-land cover change in a deltaic river basin using remote sensing approach.
- Depositional Environment Characterization Of The Neogene Siwalik Deposits Through Biomarker Analysis
- Digital Hemispherical Photography based LAI estimate detects higher underestimation of Radiative Transfer Model extracted LAI in a mangrove forest site, India
- Dynamics of the thermocline depth and productivity changes in the tropical Indian Ocean during Plio-Pleistocene
- Earthquake Site Response Studies of the Part of Indo-Gangetic Plains, India
- Empirical Approach-Based Potential Impact Analysis of Climate Change and Land-Use Conversions on Streamflow Variations: A Case Study of the Brahmani Catchment
- Evaluation of Machine Learning algorithms for long-lead forecasting of ENSO Modoki Index
- Fluid-mediated alteration of fergusonite-(Y) in granitic pegmatite from the Jharsuguda district, India
- Groundwater Fluoride Contamination around Geothermal Sites in Odisha, India: Evaluation of Probable Sources, Exposure Doses and Remedial Measures
- Groundwater investigation in laterite zones prohibiting natural recharge of groundwater in moderate to high rainfall regions causing depletion of groundwater levels in a residential area
- Hydrologic extreme event-based feedback dynamics over a tropical monsoonal river basin
- Identification of hydrogeological hotspots for mitigating the future water scarcity due to land use and climate change in a river basin prone to mining activities
- Identification of most suitable throughfall measurement locations under large radius tree canopies using the time invariant analysis
- Impacts of long-term droughts on available terrestrial water in the major river basins of the world
- Long-lead prediction of monthly streamflow: Potential of temporal networks in capturing the time-varying characteristics
- Long-term spatiotemporal variation of blue and green water footprints over Damodar River basin using CMIP5 model
- Multi-Influence Factor Method to Determine Groundwater Potential Zone using GIS and RS (Remote sensing) Techniques in Parts of Rajasthan, India.
- Multilingual Human Behavior Detection and Decision Making
- Plume Activity And Carbonated Silicate Melt Metasomatism In Dharwar Cratonic Lithosphere: Evidence From Peridotite Xenoliths In Wajrakarur Kimberlites
- Pre-Monsoon Thunderstorm Activity Under the Warming Environment Over Odisha
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Narora Region of Uttar-Pradesh India on Indo-Gangetic Plains
- Quantifying uncertainty in the classification of subsurface anomalies from Ground Penetrating Radar data using multiple machine learning modules
- Rainfall partioning for Tea plantation grown under tropical savanna climate
- Rainfall-Induced Landslide Hazard Analysis Using TRIGRS Model: An Investigation of 2014 Malin Slide, Maharashtra, India
- Rock slope failures along the trans-Himalaya highway between Gangtok and Yumthang (Sikkim, India)
- Sediments in man-made reservoirs of western India preserve records of regional rainfall variability
- Shock-induced incongruent melting of olivine in Kamargaon L6 chondrite
- Stable Calcium Isotopic Variability in Groundwater from Coastal Aquifers from the Sundarbans Delta, India
- Tectonic discontinuity, partial melting and exhumation in the Garhwal Himalaya (Northwest India): Constrains from spatial and temporal pressure-temperature conditions along the Bhagirathi valley
- The Role of Mixed Rossby Gravity Wave and Initiation of MJO Propagation for the Triggering of Simultaneous Cyclones over North Indian Ocean in October 2018 and Associated Upper Ocean Responses
- The Use of Atomic Force Microscopy to Study Grain Boundary Morphology and Grain-Scale Processes
- Timing of Drought Onset Controls Hydrological Drought Responses in Tropical Catchments
- Water Deficit Index (WDI) Mapping of Wheat Crop for Water Stress Detection Using UAV-based Remote Sensing
- 3-D shear wave velocity and radial anisotropy models of northeast India and eastern Tibetan Plateau
- 3D Imaging of the Upper Mantle Beneath the Arunachal Himalaya and Burmese Subduction Zones
- A methodology for establishing rating curve at an ungauged upstream gauging station
- An Updated and Unified complete earthquake catalogue of the Meghalaya Craton and Adjoining region, India
- Analysis of Marine Heatwaves in the Bay of Bengal region
- Analysis of the Mixed Layer Depth variability for decadal scale over the Bay of Bengal
- Application Of The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment(GRACE) Data In The Study Of Groundwater Hydrogeology
- Assessment of the Impact of Increasing Atmospheric CO₂ on the North Indian Ocean Carbon Chemistry
- Biomarker Based Palaeohydrology Reconstruction of the Neogene Eastern Siwalik Group: A Look into Possible Marine Influence
- Canopy-level Chlorophyll Concentration Estimation in a Mangrove Forest using Reflectance Imagery
- Change in the Intensity of Consecutive Precipitation Events across India
- Changing Water Scenario and Urban Fractals in Peri-Urban Areas of South Bengal Region
- Characterization of Seismicity and Its Temporal Variation in the Kutch Region, Western India
- Characterization of saline coastal aquifers using 2-D joint inversion of ERT arrays
- Characterization of subsurface soil and coal seam using ERT derived Geotechnical parameters
- Chemical evolution of Pyrochlore during magmatic to hydrothermal transition: A comparison between pyrochlores from Carbonatites, Alkaline rocks, and Rare Metal Pegmatites.
- Climate-Catchment-Soil- and Land Use and Land Cover Controls on Streamflow Droughts in Tropical Catchments of Peninsular India
- Combined Precipitation- and Temperature- Based Dry and Wet Spell Dynamics of the Sabarmati River, India
- Contrasting features in chemical characteristics and apportioned sources of fine aerosol over Semi-urban and Megacity atmosphere in eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain
- Cyclone Induced Responses on the Carbonate Parameters using Coupled Physical Biogeochemical Model over the Bay of Bengal: Case Study for Phailin and Madi in 2013
- Daily Flood Forecasting for a Tropical River basin using state-of-the-art Deep Learning Techniques
- Decadal variability of Sea Surface Temperature wavenumber-4 pattern in the Southern Hemisphere
- Delineating the Spatial Distribution of Groundwater Arsenic in One of the Most Severely Arsenic Affected States of India using Artificial Intelligence-based Framework
- Detection And Estimation of Microplastics Present in Personal Care And Cosmetic Products (PCCPs)
- Development of a Global Sensitivity Analysis Tool for a Fully Distributed Conceptual Hydrological Model
- Diagnostic Evaluation of Atmospheric Moisture Budget (E-P) during ENSO years and its relation to ISM rainfall variability.
- Diversity and functionality of deep life within the Archean granitic crust underneath the Deccan traps, India
- Does the Seismicity across the Pacific coast and the Japan trench shows any difference after a year from the Great East Japan Earthquake?
- Establishment Of a Potential Teleconnection Between Antarctic Ice Sheet Formation With The Indonesian Throughflow and Australian Climate Since The Early Pleistocene: Using Planktic Foraminifera.
- Evaluating the IITM-CFSv2 Extended Range Hindcast Skills for the Kharif Rice Yield Estimation of Warangal District Using DSSAT Crop-Growth Model.
- Forecasting Flood Inundations in the Delta Region of a Highly Flood-Prone Tropical River Basin
- High-resolution Climatic Signals from Oyster shells collected from a Shell midden, Andaman: signatures of 'Neoglacial Cool period' in India
- History of the Southern Benguela Upwelling System since 3.6 Ma: Evidence from Planktic Foraminiferal Assemblage
- IOCG Prospectivity Modelling of Singhbhum Shear Zone: A Knowledge Driven Approach using GIS
- Imaging the Crustal Structure in the Central Himalayan Collision Zone and Adjacent Indo-Gangetic Plains
- Impact Assessment of Yield of Brinjal Crop under Drip and Furrow Irrigation Systems
- Impact of Atmospheric Input on the Biogeochemistry of North Indian Ocean using Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Model
- Influence of El Niño- Southern Oscillation on Winter Precipitation over North-West Indian Himalaya
- Insights into batch and hybrid MOF-sand column study for multiple dyes treatment using Iron-Aluminum bimetallic MOF and application in textile wastewater
- Integrating geospatial metrics to evaluate the built-form of tourist destinations in relation to sustainable development
- Investigating the changes and variability of extreme precipitation indices for different satellite precipitation products over Damodar river basin
- Machine Learning Investigation on the Redox State of Silicate Melts
- Machine Learning and Remote sensing method to Determine the Relationship Between Climate and Groundwater Recharge.
- Mantle Transition Zone Structure beneath Sikkim and adjoining Himalaya
- Mapping of Rice Crop Height using Multispectral Imagery-based Digital Surface Model
- Measurement and Modelling of Rainfall Partitioning Parameters for Five Different Fruit Plantations
- Melting, Decompression and Exhumation of Continental Basement Crust Inferred from Cordierite-bearing Pelites: An Example from the Pan-African Central Assam-Meghalaya Gneissic Complex, NE India
- Mineralogical and Radiochemical Characterization of Sediments from Rushikulya Catchment and Mahanadi River Basin as Proxy to the Formation of Placer Deposits along the Eastern Coast of India
- Modelling of seasonal variation in radiative perturbation due to black carbon(BC) over India, in a chemical transport model (CHIMERE), with latest constrained BC emission
- New High-Pressure Experiments on Ilmenite-Bearing Cumulates associated with the Lunar Magma Ocean and Mantle: Implications for Origin of Ti-rich Basalts on the Moon
- Oceanic Influence on the Vegetation Anomalies across Indian Mainland
- Pattern Extraction Through Deep Learning: Road as A Feature Set
- Performance Testing Between Remotely Sensed Optical and SAR satellite Data for the Prediction of Leaf Area Index in a Mangrove Forest
- Raman Microspectrometric Characterization of Sphalerites from the Zawar Group of Mines, Rajasthan, India
- Recognizing the Drivers of Anomalous Sea Ice Retreat in Weddell Sea Sector and Indian Ocean Sector of East Antarctica.
- Removal of atrazine by Electrooxidation process: Effect of Electrode Materials on Degradation Kinetics, Mechanism and Reaction Pathway
- Robust Amplifications in Multivariate Risks in Global Drought Propagations
- Role of Anthropogenic and Dust Aerosols in Modulating the Spatial Trends in Rainfall and Temperature Over India
- Site Response study from Strong Ground Motion data over Chubu region, Japan
- Source Identification, Quality Evaluation and Spatial Variation of Geochemical Attributes of Surface Water in the Upper Sutlej River, India: Impact of Tributaries on River Geochemistry
- Spatio-temporal Variation of Ambient Noise in the Sikkim Himalaya
- Studying Tropics to Antarctic Teleconnection Using Linear Response Method
- Suitability assessment of different cladding materials for growing bell pepper under protected cultivation structures using multi-criteria decision-making technique
- Surface Oceanographic Changes since the Last Glacial Maximum with a Major Dry Phase during 4.2 ka in the Eastern Arabian Sea
- The Hydroclimatic Evolution of Chandrika Devi Taal Lake, near Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh during 4.2 to 3.5 ka BP.
- The Impact of MJO on Tropical Cyclones over the north Indian Ocean
- The Physical and Biochemical Response due to Three Sequential Tropical Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal
- UV A-assisted ageing of surgical masks in the different aquatic environments: A major source of microplastics during the COVID 19 pandemic
- Understanding Rarity of Streamflow Droughts across Global Tropics
- Understanding the 18O enrichment process in the younger basalts of the Deccan Volcanic Province using Triple Oxygen Isotope ratios.
- Understanding the Fate of Organic Matter in a Tidal Salt Flat Environment: A Case Study from Western Rann of Kachchh, India
- Yield Assessment due to Varied Inundation in Paddy crop using UAV-based Remote Sensing
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. K. Sahai
- Adrian J. Matthews
- Amina Khatun
- Anuja Joseph
- Anwesa Banerjee
- Aparna Raut
- Arun Kumar Dubey
- Axel Brandenburg
- Balaji Senapati
- Bhabagrahi Sahoo
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- Chandranath Chatterjee
- Chitra Shukla
- Dhrubaditya Mitra
- Dibyendu Nandy
- H. Moitra
- Hara Prasad Nayak
- J ZhangZhou
- Jeet Majumder
- K. N. Tiwari
- Karumuri Ashok
- Masami Nonaka
- Mathew Koll Roxy
- Nandini Kar
- Pranab Deb
- Prarabdh Tiwari
- Rajib Maity
- Ravi Bhushan
- Reginald L. Hermanns
- Ritabrata Dobe
- Rohini Kumar
- Rupesh Rupesh
- S. Sarkar
- Sangbaran Ghoshmaulik
- Sanjukta De
- Sauvik Santra
- Soumyaranjan Sahoo
- Souradip Ghosh
- Steven C. Clemens
- Sudhanshu Kumar
- Sujoy Ghosh
- Sushree Swagatika Swain
- Suvankar Samantaray
- Suyog Khose
- Swadhin K. Behera
- Tazyeen Alam
- Thomas Wöhling
- V. Lakshmi