Banaras Hindu University, India
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Diamondiferous kimberlites in Central India synchronous with Deccan flood basalt volcanism
- Large-scale River Channel Shifts on the Western Indo-Gangetic Plains and their implications for the Bronze-age Harappan Civilisation Settlement Patterns
- Archeointensity variations in India from 1400 BC to 1200 AD
- Understanding Earthquake Hazard & Disaster in Himalaya - A Perspective on Earthquake Forecast in Himalayan Region of South Central Tibet
- FESEM Analysis showing evidence of aerosol Mixing over Indo-Gangetic Plains
- High Black Carbon Concentrations and Atmospheric Pollution Around Indian Coal Fired Thermal Power Plants
- Quantitative Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy: preliminary results from the IODP Site U1385 (Exp 339), the Shackleton Site
- Appraisal of Weather Research and Forecasting Model Downscaling of Hydro-meteorological Variables and their Applicability for Discharge Prediction: Prognostic Approach for Ungauged Basin
- High Black Carbon (BC) Concentrations along Indian National Highways
- Hot N Sour Mantle Soup on Indian Plate During Cretaceous- Evidence from Clumped Isotope and Geochemical Studies of Sung Valley Carbonatite, India
- Physicochemical Properties of Aerosols Over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Northern India: Implications to Air-quality
- The Asian Tropopause Aerosol layer through satellite and balloon-borne measurements combined with modelling approaches.
- Trace Metals, Rare Earths, Carbon and Pb Isotopes as Proxies of Environmental Catastrophe at the Permian - Triassic Boundary in Spiti Himalayas, India
- Influence of Open Fires on Air Quality Over Chitwan, Nepal
- Seasonal Ensemble Forecasting: Using Bayesian Model Averaging and Constrained Fourier Smoothing
- Biomass-burning during Holika at Varanasi (25.3 N, 83.0 E): Optical observations and Aerosol Radiative Forcing
- Calculation of Brown Carbon Optical Properties in the Fifth version Community Atmospheric Model (CAM5) and Validation with a Case Study in Kanpur, India
- Characterizing the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer using in situ balloon measurements: the BATAL campaigns of 2014-2017
- Effect of the Agricultural Biomass Burning on the Ambient Air Quality of Lumbini
- Sedimentary Evolution of Marginal Ganga Foreland Basin during the Late Pleistocene
- Shallow Subsurface Velocity Structure using the Ambient Noise for the Garhwal and Kumaon Himalaya.
- Source Estimation of Wintertime Soot Particles for an Urban Site Varanasi (25.3<SUP>0</SUP> N, 83.0<SUP>0</SUP> E) in Central Indo-Gangetic Plain Region
- Characteristics and source apportionment of aerosol over Varanasi
- Constraining the deformation history of the frontal wedge of Hikurangi Subduction Margin with analog modeling and bedding trends from borehole logging of IODP Expedition 372
- Fingerprinting Pre-monsoon Fine Aerosol Sources over Central Indo-Gangetic Plain, South Asia
- Groundwater recharge sources inferred from stable isotopes and electrical conductivity in aquifers of the Ghaggar River Basin in northwestern India
- Impact of growing surface and atmospheric pollution on biosphere and human health
- Impacts of severe dust storms on aerosol characteristics over Kanpur
- Observations of Atmospheric Aerosolsand its Optical Parameters using Ground and Satellite Measurements in Varanasi over Central Indo-Gangetic Plain, India
- Performance of High-Resolution Collection 6 MODIS MAIAC Algorithm over South Asia
- Physio-chemical characteristics of atmospheric aerosols over Varanasi
- Semi-direct effect of aerosols on cloud microphysical properties over Kanpur: A case study
- Snout Water Isotopic Characteristics (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>2</SUP>H and 3H) of Satopanth Glacier, Western Himalayas, India
- Spatial Variation of Particulate Matter over Central Himalayan Region
- Susceptibility of cotton crop for the climate change; a case study of Hisar Bt-cotton.
- Year-Long Trends and Variability of Atmospheric Aerosols: at Local Scale for Mega-city New Delhi
- Arsenic-silicon dynamics in soil and bacterial biotransformation under altered irrigation practice induces plant anatomy
- Assessing the Influence Climate and Aerosols on Indian Wheat Crop: A study over Wheat Growing Zones of India
- Atmospheric lightning over Tibetan Plateau and its association with regional atmospheric dynamics
- Biomass Burning Smoke over Northern West Indian Subcontinent, Optical Characteristics and Vertical Distribution
- Characteristics of dust particles during Fani Cyclone over Indian region
- High Resolution Climate (Monsoon) Record of the Last Three Millennia Reconstructed from a Multi-Proxy Analysis of an Organic Rich Sediment Deposit (Ladakh-NW Himalaya)
- Inclusion of Electrical Force Modified Raindrop Size Distribution Improves Simulation of Precipitation in a Weather Prediction Model
- Ionospheric Climatology during Solar Cycle-24 over Indian Low Latitude Region
- Modeling the Impact of Climate Change and Developing Management Strategies for Pigeon Pea Crop in Agro Climatic Zones of India
- Size-distribution of water-soluble ionic aerosols from an urban environment Varanasi, India
- Volume and Mass of Sediments and Crystalline Crust Beneath the Arabian Basin, North-West Indian Ocean
- Garbage Burning in South Asia - How important is it to regional air quality?
- Impact on Air quality parameters during the Raikoke Volcano eruption using Satellite Observations
- Improved in air quality during covid-19 period: a scenario for AOD and Ozone trends over major cities of India.Priyanshu Gupta1, Sunita Verma1, R Bhatla2, and Swagata Payra31. IESD, BHU Varanasi-221005 Uttar Pradesh, India2.Department of Geophysics, BHU.3. Department of Physics, Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Jaipur Campus, Rajasthan India
- Satelite Observations of AOD during Wide Spread Forest Fires over Uttarakhand State of India
- Sediment Thickness and Igneous Crust Beneath the Arabian Basin, NW Indian Ocean
- Semi-direct effect of biomass burning emissions on downwind air quality over Northern India
- Simulation of Ozone during Lightning Event in pre-Monsoon Season using WRF-Chem over India
- Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Aerosol Loading and Aerosol Types over South Asia Using Several Satellite-based Datasets
- A Lightning and Hail Storm prediction system using WRF at Cloud resolving scale
- Impact of the delayed hydrological effect of Eurasian snow cover on the S2S variability of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall
- REE Geochemistry of Monazite from Metapelites in the Greater Himalayan Sequence, Dhauliganga valley, Garhwal Himalaya
- Subsurface modeling of in-situ horizontal stresses in shallow marine gas hydrate-bearing sediments of the offshore Mahanadi basin, India
- A Process Based Investigation of Changes in Thunderstorm Activity Over India
- Above-ground Biomass Estimation and Validation Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data, and Linear and Machine Learning Approaches Over High-altitudinal Himalayan Landscape
- Applicability of Hot-Dry-Windy Index for Possible Predictability of Forest Fire Cases in Central India
- Application of Isotope Dilution Techniques to Measure Clumped Isotope of a Small Amount of Foraminifera
- Are Indian River Basins (IRBs) going to be more Flooded in Future Warming Climate ?
- Assessment of the impact of single-layered and multi-layered soil hydraulic parameter optimization in Land Surface Model on estimation of hydrological fluxes
- Comparative Evaluation of Active Tectonics in the Piedmont Zone of Haryana, India: A Remote-Sensing and GPR based Approach
- Concomitant Localization of Vermiculites and Ductile Shear Zones Along the Pre-existing Fractures in Isotropic Granitoids: Constraints from Meso- to Sub-microscopic Analysis
- Emplacement Systematics and Magma Flow Dynamics for the ca. 2.21 Ga Anantapur-Kunigal dyke swarm, Eastern Dharwar Craton, South India: Insights from field and AMS investigations
- Estimation of leaf area index using machine learning regression algorithms over agriculture field
- Excess Risk of Mortality with Heatwaves and Heat-Stress in Three Indian Cities from Diverse Climate Zones
- Future projection of changes in Heat waves over India using CORDEX-SA RCM Ensemble
- Geochemical Differentiation and Tectonic Evolution of Flood Plain Sediments of Southern Ganga Plain, India: Implication to Provenance and Weathering Processes
- Have Rainfall Extremes Shifted over the Western Indian River Basins in the Last 119 years ?
- Impact of Spatial Heterogeneity in Downscaling Microwave Sensor Based Coarse Soil Moisture to Ultra-high Resolution
- Investigation of Optimized Modified Water Cloud Model with Semi-Empirical and Physical Surface Scattering Model for Retrieval of Leaf Area Index
- Long-term seasonal characteristics of raindrop microphysics during different rain events over the Western Ghats of India
- Monsoon Pattern Changes along PETM Recorded in the Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, India
- Reconstructing a hyperspectral imagery using Universal Pattern Decomposition Method and a Multispectral imagery for Leaf Chlorophyll Content retrieval
- Statistical Unfolding approach to check the Robustness of developed Hyperspectral Indices for secondary metabolite in case of R. arboreum
- Synthesis and Rejuvenation of Functionalized Chitosan Composites and Their Utilization for the Extraction of Phosphate from Waterbodies
- The formation and evolution of the Archean continental crust in the Bundelkhand Craton, Indian shield.
- Understanding Cascading Hazards in the Western Himalayas
- Understanding the Synergistic Link between Aerosols and Humidity for the Occurrence of Atmospheric Lightning Activity