Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Early, steep subduction of India beneath Asia required by timing of UHP metamorphism
- Simulation of Runoff and Sediment Yield Using Support Vector Machines: A Preliminary Analysis
- Detrital-zircon fission-track geochronology of the Lower Cenozoic sediments, NW Himalayan foreland basin: Clues for exhumation and denudation of the Himalaya during the India-Asia collision
- Major Marine Seaway Across India During the K-T Transition: Evidence From Deccan Traps
- Multisensor and Multispectral Approach in Documenting and Analyzing Liquefaction Hazard using Remote Sensing
- Documenting Liquefaction Failures Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
- Modeling of 8446 A dayglow emission in the northern hemisphere
- Heating of ambient electrons in thermosphere under varying solar activity conditions
- Response of redline dayglow emission under varying solar activity conditions
- Understanding Earthquake Hazard & Disaster in Himalaya - A Perspective on Earthquake Forecast in Himalayan Region of South Central Tibet
- Velocity and Current of Lightning Sprites
- Heating Of Ambient Electrons In Thermosphere Under Varying Solar Activity Conditions
- Unexpected signals and errors in GRACE observations
- Modern Mammals dispersion linked to the Paleocene Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) and early Eocene climatic optimum, new insights from India
- Amount Effect and Precipitation Source Identification in Daily Rain using Stable Isotopes at Ahmedabad (Western India)
- Assessing the implications of baseline climate uncertainty on simulated water yield within the Himalayan Beas river basin in NW India
- Detection and Attribution of Temperature Changes in the Continental United States
- Effect of Atomic Oxygen Abundance on 7320 Å Dayglow Emission at Equator under Equinox and Solstice Conditions
- Effect of severe geomagnetic disturbances on the atomic oxygen airglow emissions
- Error analysis in some recent versions of the Fry Method
- Hydrological feedbacks in groundwater dominated systems: approaches, challenges and projections of future change
- Implications of changing water cycle for the performance and yield characteristics of the multi-purpose Beas Reservoir in India
- Model Study of Peak Emission Rate of Atomic Oxygen Redline Dayglow Emission
- Climate Change Impacts on Water and Crop Yields in the Glacial Dominated Beas River Basin in India
- Deducing Weathering Processes Using Silicon Isotopes in the Ganges Alluvial Plain, India
- Elastic Wave Imaging of in-Situ Bio-Alterations in a Contaminated Aquifer
- Estimation of Crustal Thickness in Nepal Himalayas Using Local and Regional Earthquake Data
- Implications of Snowpack Data Uncertainties for Hydrological Modelling of Climate Change Impacts in Northern India
- New U-Pb Age and Trace Element Composition of Young Metamorphic Zircon Rims from the UHP Tso Morari Complex, NW Himalaya, Distinguishes Peak from Retrograde Metamorphism
- Rock fall analysis of slope along state highway in Uttarakhand Himalaya, India using numerical simulation
- Soil Moisture Flow and Nitrate Movement Simulation through Deep and Heterogeneous Vadose Zone using Dual-porosity Approach
- Transient Hydrothermal Alteration In Fault Zones Cutting The Lower Oceanic Crust, Hess Deep Rift
- Uncertainty Analysis of the Variable Parameter McCarthy-Muskingum (VPMM) Method with Presence of Lateral Flow
- Why the developing nations like India need strong capacity building efforts in greenhouse gases mitigation?
- A Study of 732.0 nm Dayglow Emission in Equatorial Region under Geomagnetic Storm Conditions
- Can rainfed agriculture adapt to uncertainty in availability of water in Indus Basin?
- Interesting insights into instability of slopes and rock fall in the morphodynamic Himalayan terrane
- Paradigm Shift in Transboundary Water Management Policy: Linking Water Environment Energy and Food (weef) to Catchment Hydropolitics - Needs, Scope and Benefits
- Terminal fans and the Ganga plain tectonism of the Indo-Gangetic foreland basin, India
- Analysis of MODIS 250 m Time Series Product for LULC Classification and Retrieval of Crop Biophysical Parameter
- Analysis of Surface Wave Data for Bay of Bengal Region: Variation in Crustal and Mantle Structure
- Analysis of the ground motions from the M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.8 Gorkha and M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.3 Dolakha earthquakes in Nepal in 2015
- Assessment of Water Sustainability Index Using Reliability-Resilience-Vulnerability Criteria Considering Climatic Variation over India
- Copula-based Probabilistic Estimation of Soil Moisture and its Potential Application in Air Pollution Meteorology
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure in the Frontal Himalayas and Himalayan Foreland Basin Using Surface Wave: Effect of Indo-Eurasian Collision
- Estimation of Uncertainties in Stage-Discharge Curve for an Experimental Himalayan Watershed
- Experimental study of turbulence parameters in braided river
- Extensional Tectonics and Sedimentary Architecture Using 3-D Seismic Data: An Example from Hydrocarbon-Bearing Mumbai Offshore Basin, West Coast of India
- Improved Method for Multi-GCM Ensemble Averaging of Downscaled CMIP5 Precipitation for Capturing the Observed Precipitation Series
- Mesospheric Sodium Airglow Emission: Modeling and Firstresults Over a Mid-Latitude
- Model study of greenline dayglow emission under geomagnetic storm conditions.
- Plant Enhanced Bioremediation of Dissolved Toluene in Large Scale Column Setup
- Pseudo Steady State Numerical Model for Groundwater Pollution Source Identification
- Seismic Tomography of the Northeast Indian Region: Implications for Underlying Geodynamics
- Soil moisture flow and nitrate transport through partially saturated zone considering mobile-immobile approach using 3D tank setup
- The Genetic Algorithm: A Robust Method for Stress Inversion
- Validation of High Resolution Orbital Precipitation Over Upper Mahanadi River Basin, India
- A Big Data Approach for Situation-Aware estimation, correction and prediction of aerosol effects, based on MODIS Joint Atmosphere product (collection 6) time series data
- Comparison of SPI and SPEI indices for Drought Characterization under Climate Change Scenario in India
- Downscaling of Seasonal Landsat-8 and MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST) in Kolkata, India
- Earthquakes of Garhwal Himalaya region of NW Himalaya, India: A study of relocated earthquakes and their seismogenic source and stress
- Evaluating the NCI Technique in Land use/Land cover Change Detection using Landsat data
- Flood Inundation Mapping and Management using RISAT-1 derived Flood Inundation Areas, Cartosat-1 DEM and a River Flow Model
- Identification of hydrologically homogeneous regions in Ganga-Brahmaputra river basin using Self Organising Maps
- Identifying Runoff Generation Mechanisms and Its Controlling Parameters in the Lesser Himalayan Hillslopes
- Influence of changes in Land Use and Land Cover, and Precipitation patterns on the groundwater storage changes in the Mississippi River Watershed (USA) from 2003-2015
- Landuse change impact on actual evapotranspiration using SEBAL and future changes
- Modelling and Evaluation of Non-Linear Rootwater Uptake for Winter Cropping of Wheat and Berseem
- Numerical simulation of water flow and Nitrate transport through variably saturated porous media in laboratory condition using HYDRUS 2D
- Role of Climatic Variability on Fate and Transport of LNAPL Pollutants in Subsurface
- Scour around vertical wall abutment in cohesionless sediment bed
- Seismic Tomography of the Northwest Himalayas, Western Syntaxis and Pamir-Hindu Kush Region: Implications for Underlying Geodynamics
- Shallow Subsurface Velocity Structure using the Ambient Noise for the Garhwal and Kumaon Himalaya.
- Simulating the hydrological impacts of inter-annual and seasonal variability in land use land cover change on streamflow
- Storm-time variation of radiative cooling by Nitric Oxide as observed by TIMED-SABER and GUVI
- Stream Flow Simulation of a Snow-Fed Mountainous Basin Using the SWAT Model
- The minimum angular difference; an objective criterion for selection of the best option in the direct linear inversion method
- Three Dimensional Modeling of the Attenuation Structure in the Part of the Kumaon Himalaya, India Using Strong Motion Data
- Uncertainties in emission estimates of greenhouse gases and air pollutants in China and India and their impacts on regional air quality
- Water reservoir characteristics derivation from pubicly available global elevation data
- 3-D Seismic Tomography of the Indo-Asian Collision Zone from Pamir-Hindu Kush in the West to Indo-Burma Ranges in the East: Geodynamic Implications
- A Remote Sensing Based Evaluation of Urban Heat Island and Its Spatial Pattern over the City Of Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
- Accretion and thermo-chemical evolution of terrestrial planetary bodies- A case study on mesosiderites.
- Analysis of Decadal Variation of Plant Root-water Uptake for Winter Cropping of Wheat and Berseem
- Artificial Intelligence driven situation-aware uncertainty modeling and prediction of air quality from satellite asynchronous time series data
- Assessing Spatiotemporal Trends of Long Term Temperature over Kharun Watershed Chhattisgarh, India
- Assessment of Flood Frequency Models using Annual Peak Flows for Mahanadi River Basin in India
- Assessment of Historical Hydrologic Alteration due to DAM Construction in Upper Godavari River Basin
- Cloud shadow cover detection in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) imagery using machine learning algorithms
- Detection and Monitoring of Very Slow Landslides in Vicinity of an Artificial Reservoir using Advanced Differential SAR Interferometry: A Case Study of Tehri Region, India
- Detection of Changes in Temperature in Upper Ganga River Basin
- Drought Monitoring and Management: A Geospatial Data Mining Approach
- Edge enhancement of Potential field data using relative wavelet space entropy
- Effect of Soil-Salt Water Interaction on Soil Water Retention Characteristics
- Evidence of underplating below Delhi Fold Belt using gravity data
- Feasibility of Digital Rock Physics for Static and Dynamic Reservoir Property Characterization in Carbonate Reservoirs-I
- GIS Based Multi-Criteria Analysis for Evaluating Groundwater Potential Zones in Dehradun, India
- Geological and Geotechnical Insights to Kotropi Landslide, Himachal Pradesh, India: A Finite Element Modelling Approach
- Geometric Accuracy Assessment of Large Scale Glacier Cover Map Derived using Object Based Image Analysis
- Ground Water Monitoring utilizing time series SAR interferometric PsInSAR Technique combining ascending and descending pass datasets
- Impact of Mineralogy and Texture on Complex Conductivity Measurements In Carbonate Rocks
- Influence of Different Boundary Conditions on Root Water Uptake Pattern by Plants Under Non-Optimal Soil Moisture Conditions
- Magnetic Field Line Random Walk in Arbitrarily Stretched Isotropic Turbulence
- Multiphase flow behavior during CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration in saline carbonate formations using core flooding experiment
- Numerical Model for Soil Moisture Simulation in Cropped Area
- Numerical modeling of water infiltration and nitrate movement through vadose zone using dual porosity approach
- Performance evaluation of in-situ bioremediation system design for toluene polluted subsurface zones under varying soil moisture and temperature conditions
- Petrophysical Parameters Estimation and Lithology Mapping for Enhanced Reservoir Characterization using Computational Techniques
- Phytoremediation of toluene polluted groundwater under nutrient loading using constructed wetland
- Prediction of Scour Hazard around Bridge Pier
- Reducing greenhouse gas emission from anaerobic treatment of distillery wastewater through co-treatment with Acid Mine Drainage
- Regional Variation of Coda Wave Attenuation in North-East India and its Implications
- Relating Land Use and Land Cover to surface water quality in the Ganga River basin, India
- Removal of Arsenic (III) From Aqueous Solution Using Pumice and Zeolite Supported Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticle
- Root Zone Modeling Under Water Stressed Condition Using Compensated Nonlinear Root Water Uptake Model
- Seismotectonic Study of the Basement Fault in the Western Ganga Plain, India: a Neotectonic Approach
- Semi-Automatic Feature Extraction to Assess Solar Potential for Rural India
- Site Characterization of the Kumaon Himalaya Region Using the Hvsr Technique
- Space-Time Trends in Extreme Precipitation Indices and Their Association with Urbanization Over Subhumid Region in India
- Structural Geometry Across India's Oldest and Still Producing Digboi Oil Field, North-East India
- Study of Kangra Re-entrant and Associated Morphotectonic Features Based on Remote Sensing and GIS
- Surface Signatures of Basement Fault Reactivation in the Ganga Plain
- Tomographic Image of S-Wave Structure of NE India Based on Analysis of Rayleigh Wave
- Variability in Heat Stress and Heat Wave Over the Indian Subcontinent
- a Comparison of Some Methods for Paleostress Estimation from Fault-Slip Observations
- <SUP>Determination of Azimuthal Variation in Love Wave Group Velocity for NE India</SUP>
- A Metric to Strengthen Self-Regulating Feature of Twitter and Its Impact on Risk of Communicating Misinformation During Disasters and Emergencies
- A Novel Bioreactor System for Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage Originating from Century Old Mining Activities at a Tertiary Coalfield in India
- Agricultural Planning of Groundwater Development in a Basin under Climate Change
- An Automated CityGML LoD1 3D City Modeling with UAV Technology and FME Scripting
- An approach of Multi-variate statistical design (Taguchi) and numerical tool (COMSOL) in exploring the arsenic sequestration potential of γ-Fe<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> NPs in groundwater of Ballia district, Uttar-Pradesh, India
- Analyzing Dynamic Relationship between Urban Morphology and Land Surface Temperature
- Applying Deep Learning Techniques to help humanitarian organizations in recovery response during a disaster: A Twitter based study
- Artificial Intelligence Driven Representation and Learning Approach for Weather Patterns from Big Data Modelled as a Non-Chaotic Dynamical System
- Assessment of snow cover change and its impact on surface runoff due to climate change in the Himalayas
- Challenges and opportunities in making Indian cities flood resilient: A review
- Characteristics of Cr-spinel in mantle peridotite-chromitite from Manipur Ophiolite Complex, India: Implication for magmatic processes in mantle and discrimination of tectonic settings.
- Comparative Assessment of Landsat-8 Satellite and UAV Derived NDVI with Spectro-Radiometer Observations for Crop Monitoring
- Deep Learning approach for Potential field Inversion
- Deep-season a Modelling and Prediction Approach for Cyclic Nature of Seasons with Deep Neural Networks
- Delineation of Thrusts/Lineaments Using Geospatial Technologies Over Sub Himalayan Region, India
- Development of Conceptual Framework for the Integrated Ground and Surface Water Management Based Master Plan for the Urban Region, Case Study: Ajmer, India
- Development of Pumice-Nano Zerovalent Iron Composite and its Application in a Continuous Flow System for Arsenic Removal
- Effectiveness of Machine Learning Algorithms To Use Unconstrained Data for Lithofacies Prediction in Carbonate Reservoir
- Estimation of Antecedent Soil Moisture Using Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) Method Utilizing the Experimental Data of a Small Indian Watershed
- Evaluating Hydrological Response to Urbanization in Upper Ganga River Basin: A Watershed Modeling Approach
- Experimental Study on the Flow Field in Vicinity of a Piano Key Weir
- Experimental and modelling investigations of water and nitrate transport in variably saturated sandy soil
- Flood Mapping Using Integration of Google Earth Engine and Statistical Thresholding - A Case Study of Bihar Floods in India
- From disaster management plans to disaster risk reduction plans: A framework on spearheading paradigm shift in India
- Geochemical interactions in carbonate formation under in-situ reservoir conditions due to cyclic CO<SUB>2</SUB>-brine injection
- Geomorphic Indicators to Delineate Fault/Lineament in Upper Ganga Plain, India: A Remote Sensing and Digital Elevation Model Based Study
- Geospatial analysis and prediction of Solar Energy at Rural area using Helosat-4, Global Solar Atlas, NASA POWER, SMARTS, and measured data in Hadoop
- Glacial Lake Outburst Flood Risk in a Transboundary Environment: From large-scale assessment to local scenario modelling
- Groundwater Assessment and Vulnerability Mapping of Vindhyan-Ganga Sedimentary formations around Mirzapur District in India
- Identification of the mechanisms involved in the removal of pesticides in waste stabilization pond: Laboratory scale study
- Interactions between Hillslope-Scale Hydrological Fluxes: A Case Study from Lesser Himalayan Landscapes
- Investigating Twitter as Virtual Community Based Disaster Management Platform
- Modelling Root Water Uptake and Soil Moisture Dynamics under Saline Water Conditions.
- Morphotectonic study of warm climatic terminal fans in the Yamuna-Ganga Interfluve of the Ganga plain, India
- Multivariate Probabilistic Dependence Analysis of Projected Future Drought Characteristic over India
- Pore Space Estimation Using Optimized DRP Workflow in Complex Reservoirs
- Precipitation and extremes in a changing climate: A case study of Gandaki basin
- Quality Assessment of stormwater through different sources of a sub-tropical town of India
- Quantification of Uncertainty associated with the Estimation of Hydraulic parameters for saturated porous Media
- Reduction of chlorination disinfection byproduct precursors by the synergy of advanced oxidation and biofiltration processes.
- Rejuvenating Montane Springsheds in the Indian Himalayan Region - A Data Driven Management Approach
- Root Water Uptake in Drying Soil: A Lysimeter Study for Root Compensation Mechanism
- S-Wave Tomographic Structure of NE India Using Rayleigh Wave Group Velocity
- SCOUR AROUND A SINGLE CENTRAL CYLINDRICAL BRIDGE PIER LOCATED IN A BENDA laboratory work is conducted to study the scour at nose of the pier around single circular pier fixed at each 45° bend at incipient conditions. These scour values at bend piers are compared with straight channel pier. It is found that scour values of bend piers are larger.
- Seismic Body Wave Attenuation Characteristics of Northeast India
- Slope Stability Assessment of Himalayan Road Cut Slope Using Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques and Numerical Simulation
- Spatiotemporal Characterization of Meteorological Droughts and Its Linkage with Environmental Flow Conditions
- Subsurface Characterization Using Resistivity Meter and Ground Magnetic Resonance
- The Influence of Marsh Sediment Accumulation on Deltaic Surface Processes in a Physical Experiment
- The Life of Zircon and Monazite in a Cenozoic Polymetamorphic Terrane - Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC)
- Trends in Rainfall Pattern over Eastern Ganga Canal Command
- Variability Study on Irrigation Water Requirement for Winter Wheat Cropping Under Changing Climate.
- a Study of Segmentation Techniques for High-Resolution Uav Imagery
- Accounting magnitude, spatial extent and duration for ranking of extreme precipitation events in Indian Western Himalayan
- An Unsupervised Misinformed Users and Content Identification of Covid-19 on Twitter Leveraging Frequency of Posts
- Assessment Of Climate Change On The Extreme Precipitation In Upper Indus Basin
- Assessment of climate change Impacts on reservoir operation and performance: A case study of Pong Reservoir, India
- Crustal Density Structure of Kumaon Himalaya, India based on Gravity Modeling
- Emerging Spatiotemporal Patterns and Trends of Extremes in Indian Summer Monsoon
- LiDAR Data Classification Using Machine Learning Methods
- Optimal Design of Hydrometric Station Networks Based on Complex Network Analysis
- Spatial extent of concurrent extremes over India and its teleconnection to climate indices
- The centrality of projected climate variables to the discourse of studying, attributing and planning for climate change
- Urban Green Space and Land Surface Temperature in Lucknow
- A Compensated Root Water Uptake Model for Crops under Stress from Water Availability
- A complex network approach to study the extreme precipitation patterns in a river basin
- An Innovative Approach for Drought Characterization and Agricultural Vulnerability Analysis Under Climate Change
- An Integrated Approach for Flood Disaster Risk Reduction in Riverine Floods
- An Integrated Approach of Coseismic Landslide Hazard Using Random Forest and the Newmark Displacement Model in Jammu and Kashmir, NW Himalaya India.
- Analysing Spatio-temporal change in LST over 11 Smart Cities of Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Application of LS-ASAR, a pre-cursor to NISAR mission, data for glacier mapping: a case study from Black Rapids Glacier
- Assessing influence of climate change on favorable conditions for aquatic species using an integrated hydrological and hydrodynamic approach: A case study in the Kulsi River, India
- Assessment of Drought Trend and Variability over Ganga River Basin
- Assessment of Extreme Temperature and Precipitation Indices for Ken River Basin, India over Past 60 years.
- Assessment of Irrigation Potential using Remote Sensing a Case Study
- Assessment of Spatio-Temporal and diurnal Urban Heat Island Intensities in Delhi Urban agglomeration using a high resolution Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Assessment of compound dry and hot extremes over India using a copula-based multivariate standardized index.
- Assessment of groundwater geochemistry and health risks in rural areas of Lucknow district of Indo-Gangetic basin through an entropy-weighted approach
- Basis Pursuit Spectral Extension to enhance the Resolution of Seismic Data acquired in Assam-Arakan Basin, India
- Breathing transitions of slip rate and (near-) chaotic slip instabilities
- Can Soil Moisture Anomalies Trigger Extreme Precipitation Events over India?
- Climate Change Impact On Blue Water Footprint Of Kharif Rice Production At Farm-Level: A Case Study in India
- Combined Effect of Mining, Subsidence and Coal Fires in Jharkhand, India Investigated using Satellite Remote Sensing and Data Fusion
- Comparison of CFD Turbulence Models for Simulating Flow around L-shaped Dike
- Contrasting behavior of monsoon rainfall occurrence over India with dominant ENSO linkage
- Crustal velocity structure of the Upper Indus Basin and the adjoining area from the Surface Wave Group Velocity Dispersion
- Daily Reservoir Inflow Forecasting in Lower Himalayas using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Networks
- Design Flood Estimation Incorporating Duration and Return Period of Design Rainfall Using NRCS-CN Method in Peninsular India
- Development of Earthquake Early Warning Dissemination System for Northern India
- Disentangling increasing compound extremes at regional scale during Indian Summer Monsoon
- Effect of Non-aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) on Heavy Metal Adsorption by Nanoscale Zero-valent Iron (nZVI)
- Effectiveness of Hybrid Algorithms for Optimized Sub-surface Property Prediction Over Conventional Geostatistics
- Evaluation of Newly Developed Similarity Functions under Stable Condition with a Mesoscale Model over the Indian Region
- Evaluation of Urban Heat Island Effects and Ecological Comfort of a Himalayan District in India
- Experimental Study On Groynes with Different Head Shapes.
- Experimental Study on Critical Submergence for Water Intakes
- Exploring the Hydro-Ecological State of Himalayan Lakes: A Review
- Flow Resistance in High Gradient Rivers Using the Shannon Entropy
- Fluvial Landscape of Brahmaputra Foreland: A Sea Level Controlled Stratigraphy
- GIS-based groundwater potential mapping using machine learning techniques.
- Geospatial Approach for Urban Environmental Quality Assessment using Remote Sensing and Socioeconomic Indicators
- Ground motion and Structure at Fort Greely, Alaska
- HighIntensity Monsoon Rainfall Variability and its Attributes in Upper Ganges Catchment in the Indian Himalaya During 19012013
- Human Health Risk Assessment due to Nitrate concentration in the groundwater of Haridwar District, Uttarakhand, India
- Identification and Mapping of Palaeochannels using Multi Frequency Dual Polarized SAR Data in the Thar Desert of Western Rajasthan, India.
- Identification of most suitable throughfall measurement locations under large radius tree canopies using the time invariant analysis
- Impacts of long-term droughts on available terrestrial water in the major river basins of the world
- Integrated Petrophysical and Rock Physical Modelling Saturation and Morphological Characterization of Hydrate Bearing Formations
- Investigating the Effects of Soil Clay Fraction on Ammonium Migration through Porous Media
- Investigations of Triggered Seismicity due to 2021 Magnitude 8.2 Chignik Earthquake at four sites along Western United States
- Late Holocene Rapid Shrinkage of Larger Lakes and their Hydrodynamics from Trans Himalaya, India
- Long-term Groundwater Storage Change Estimation over Indian Indus Basin using GRACE, GRACE-FO and GLDAS Data: An Assessment for Groundwater Resources Sustainability
- Machine/Deep Learning Based Glacier Surface Segmentation of ISRO-ASAR Datasets
- Mid-Late Holocene Diatom Productivity in the High-Altitude Peatland of Northwest Himalaya, India: Implications for Water-table Reconstructions and Possible Linkages
- Moment tensor solutions and 3D wavefield simulation in Garhwal Himalayas
- New weather observations from Mt. Everest reveal widespread winter melting and intense sublimation
- Potential of Multi-mission Satellite Altimetry Observations and Hydrodynamic Model to Establish Virtual Gauging Network in Sparsely Gauged Basin
- Projected climate change impacts on rainfall erosivity in India
- Propagation of aseismic creep and its transition to early-stage instability
- Quantile-based Bayesian Model Averaging approach towards merging of rainfall products
- Rainfall partioning for Tea plantation grown under tropical savanna climate
- Rainfall-runoff modelling for two Indian catchments with satellite rainfall products using Machine learning approaches
- Remote Sensing based Assessment of sustainability of anthropogenic interventions on mountain slopes for Green Field Airport Development: a case study of the Pakyong Airport, India
- Repopulating Earthquake Catalog in the Hindu Kush-Pamir Region using Attentive Deep Learning Model
- Revisiting the Geology of Cuprite Hills from Nevada Using Desis and Prisma Hyperspectral Imageries
- Role of Hydrogeology on the Performance of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) in Saline Regions
- SPEAQ - A Python Toolbox for Assessing Station Performance After an Event
- Satellite based Analysis of Artificial Reservoir induced Landslides in Data Scarce environment: A case study of Baglihar Reservoir in India
- Severity Analysis of Floods in Southeast Asia
- Simulation of Extreme Rainfall Events Over Indian Himalayan Region using WRFv4 model
- Spatial Variability of Long-Term Dependencies in the Precipitation for a Basin-Scale under the Detection of Climate Change
- Spatiotemporal assessment of terrestrial water storage over Indian sub-continent
- Stable isotopic systematic associated with precipitation in regions across the Indian Himalayas
- Streamflow prediction using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model across 55 hydrologically-distinct watersheds in India
- Understanding Soil Moisture Precipitation (SM-P) Coupling over India from a Compound Flood Risk Assessment Perspective
- Unraveling multiscale relationship between Germany streamflow and global SST using climate networks
- Wavelet based hybrid models for climatic downscaling of daily precipitation.
- A GIS approach for extracting Stream Length Gradient Index and SL-Hot Spot Cluster Analysis using DEM for Hillslope characterization: A case of the Middle Alaknanda Catchment, Western Himalaya
- A GIS-Based Landslide Hazard Mapping of Alaknanda River Basin in the Indian Himalayan Region Using Remote Sensing and AHP
- A GRACE Derived Groundwater Deficit as an Indicator for Characterization of Hydrological Drought and Understanding Climatic Impact on Groundwater Resources in South Korea
- A Meteorological Perspective on the 6th August 2020 Kerala Disaster
- A New Approach: Integration of Surface and Borehole Motion Amplitude Influence on Magnitude Estimation for EEW System.
- A methodology for establishing rating curve at an ungauged upstream gauging station
- A multi-scale Spatio-temporal evaluation of drought characteristics over semi-arid regions of Bundelkhand, India
- Accretion, Differentiation and Evolution of Vesta- A study of HED Petrogenesis
- Adsorption of Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd) on Polycarbonate Microplastics: The Role of pH and Microplastics Size
- Amplification of Torsional Ground Motion in 2-D Heterogeneous Elastic Medium
- Analysis of Projected Water Balance due to Climate Change in the Mahanadi River Basin using CMIP6 GCMs
- Analyzing Sequence of Events and Slope Failure: Case Study of Dhauliganga Flash Floods, Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India
- Application of SWAT model for the assessment of LULC and climate change on the hydrology of Ashti Catchment, India
- Assessing the Impacts of Climatic and Socio-economic Changes on Drought Vulnerability of a Transboundary River Basin in India: A Multi-dimensional Perspective
- Assessing the Suitability of Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge (AgMAR) Strategy in the Overexploited and Contaminated Hindon river basin (HRB), India.
- Assessment of Agricultural Water and Land Productivity Using Water Accounting Plus Framework for Pranhita River Basin
- Assessment of Fly Ash Pond Inundation using UAV Photogrammetry
- Assessment of Groundwater quality under Changing Climate in Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), Tanzania
- Assessment of Meteorological Drought using Long-Term Satellite Precipitation Estimates over Ganga River basin, India
- Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Variability of Green and Blue Water Evapotranspiration for Wheat Crop over Upper Ganga Command Area
- Assessment of the Hydro-Climatic Impacts of Forest Colonization in West-Central Himalayas with In situ Observations
- Biomonitoring of heavy metal (chromium) contaminated water using aquatic macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes
- Blue-Green Infrastructure network efficiency to restore Urban Water System: case study Wazirabad Gurugram India
- Body waves and Surface waves derived Moment Tensor Catalog for Garhwal-Kumaon Himalayas.
- Cenozoic remobilization of the Cambro-Ordovician proto-tectonic terrane boundary, South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) in the NW Himalaya
- Changing Dynamics of Extreme Precipitation Events in Upper Indus Basin
- Climate Change Impact Assessment on the Tekeze Watershed, Ethiopia: Precipitation and Temperature Projection for Future Water Resources Planning
- Comparative Assessment between the Satellite Land Surface Temperature and Observed Air Temperature: A Case Study of Dehradun City, India
- Comparative Evaluation of Gridded and Point Datasets for Drought Analysis for a Semi-arid Basin of Peninsular India
- Comparison of Rock Mass Characteristics within and away from the Hinge Region of the Garhwal Syncline and its influence on Slope Stability
- Complex Networks in Hydrologic Sciences
- Data-Driven Identification of Governing Equations for Aseismic Fault Slip and Frictional Heterogeneities
- Debris Flood Modeling and Simulation: A Case Study of the Rock-ice Avalanche induced Flash Flood Hazard in Chamoli, on 7th February 2021
- Defluoridation of Ground Water by Hybrid Ion Exchange Resin containing Bi-Metal Hydroxide Nanoparticles
- Delineation Of Groundwater Potential Zone Using Integrated Method Of Remote Sensing, GIS And Electrical Resistivity In The Hard Rock Terrain Of Mauranipur Watershed, Bundelkhand Craton In India
- Depletion of Mangroves and Their Effect on Coastal Flooding Hazards: A Landsat Study (2000-2019) of the Indian Sundarbans
- Detection of Point Diffractor body in Vertically Transverse Isotropic medium using Reverse Time Migration
- Determination of Groundwater Shortage in Afghanistan using GRACE data and the Evolution of Vadose Zone in Kabul City using SAR data
- Development of Spectra and Mapping of Contaminated Snow Using LSM Techniques and Empirical Approaches
- Effect of Borehole Information on Data Measurement Uncertainty in MASW Testing and Subsequent Ground Response Analysis
- Effect of Channel width on Air-Water Interaction of Stepped Spillway
- Effect of reference period on the likelihood of the compound dry and hot event
- Effectiveness of LIDs In Resilience Enhancement of an Urban Drainage System: A Case Study
- Enhancing flood resilience of Patna city through Comprehensive Urban Flood Risk Assessment using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)
- Estimating Landslide Deformation in the Upper Ganges Catchment Using Sentinel-1 Persistent Scatterer InSAR
- Estimation of the sediment yield and identification of vulnerable regions to erosion for management strategy Under the Tekeze watershed, Ethiopia
- Evaluation of Different Machine Learning Algorithms for Mapping Crops Using High Resolution Satellite Data
- Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient for Square Hydraulic Intakes
- Experimental Study on Flow Regimes and Bed Evolution in the Vicinity of an Instream Sediment Mining Pit
- Experimental investigation of solute transport in a Filled-single fracture under non-Darcian flow conditions
- First evidence of paleo wildfire records from Trans Himalaya vis-à-vis climate and human intervention
- Flood Classification Based on Hydrograph Characteristics
- Flow Resistance Residual Modeling based on Channel Variables to Improve Reach-scale Velocity Prediction in Gravel-bed Streams
- Fluid Inclusion Characterization of Auriferous Quartz Veins in The Akobo Gold Deposit, Southwestern Ethiopia
- Geochemical and Mineralogical Investigation of the Dergaon H5 Ordinary Chondrite: Implications for the Formation of Early Solids in the Solar System
- Groundwater Resources Assessment Under the Combined Impact of Climate Change and LULC in the Upper Godavari Sub Basin, India.
- Highly Siderophile Elements in the Vestan mantle: tracers of planetary accretion and differentiation.
- Hydro-suctioning of Sediment: Scour Profile Investigation and Flow field Visualization Using CFD.
- Hydrological partitioning in contrasting tropical montane forests types in Eastern Himalaya
- Image Pre-Processing and Shadow Detection for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Satellite Images
- Impact of Climate Change on Streamflow, Evapotranspiration, and Sediment Yield in the Mekong River Basin
- Impact of LULC Dynamics and Climate Change on Streamflow Regime - A Case Study of the Budhabalanga River Basin on the East Coast of India
- Impact of Urbanization on Precipitation and Temperature in Doon Valley, India
- Impact on Growth of Wheat and Chickpea Plants Irrigated with Arsenic Water
- Increase in Forest Fire Events - the Potential Influence of Meteorological Variables
- Indian monsoon and its links with global and local climate variables.
- Influence of coal composition and depth on pore characteristics - Implications for CO2 - enhanced coalbed methane recovery
- Innovatory rainfall simulator design - A concept of moving storm automation
- Insight into the Crustal Density Structure of Garhwal Himalaya, India based on Gravity Modeling and Inversion
- Integrated Water Security Planning and Springshed Management using High-Frequency Hydro-Meteorological Observations, Stable Isotopes, and Water Chemistry - Pilot Application in the Lesser Indian Himalayas
- Intelligent pothole detection in self driven smart vehicles- A case study
- Inter-Seasonal Characterization and Correlation of Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) and Canopy Urban Heat Island (CUHI) in the Urbanized Environment of Delhi
- Interplay of Porosity, Mineralogy, TOC and Maturity on the Acoustic Properties of Organic Rich Damodar Valley Shales.
- Investigating Persistence Surface Urban Heat Island (PSUHI) with respect to the Local Climate Zones (LCZs) in Chicago, USA
- Investigating the Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology in the Upper Sheonath River Basin
- Investigating the Relationship of Land Surface Temperatures With Varying Surface Parameters Over India's National Capital Region (NCR)
- Investigating the snow cover variability and its relationship with hydro-meteorological parameters for the upper Ganga river basin, central Himalaya
- Investigation of Long-lasting Damage Due to Hagibis Flood Using SAR Polarimetry and ALOS-2 Data in Japan
- Landslide mapping in the Himalayan region using multiple reference station for PPK-based indirect georeferencing of UAV Images.
- Large-Scale Mapping Accuracy Evaluation Using Advanced Geospatial Tools
- Likelihood of Earthquake-Induced Landslide Damming in the Himalayas and Potential for Seismological Monitoring
- Long-term N2O Emission Dynamics in Indian Agricultural Landscapes: Improved Methodology and New Insights
- Modeling Multi-Hazard Coastal Flood Risk with Satellite Precipitation Product: A Synergistic Effort to Quantify Impacts at the Inundation Scale
- Modelling Climate Change Induced Non-Stationarity in Rainfall Extremes
- Modelling Of Free-Surface Flow Over Sharp Crested Side Rectangular Weir Using Three Dimensional CFD Model
- Morphological Response of the Yamuna River to Changes in the Hydrological Regime
- Multi-Scale Flood and Governance for Risk and Resilient Assessments in India: A Framework.
- Muti-Station Analysis of Icequakes and Earthquakes in Southern Alaska using Random Forests
- Non-Stationary Hydrological Drought Index for Changing Climate.
- Numerical Model Based Correlation of Rainfall Intensity-Duration Thresholds of Landslides with Velocities from Seismological Monitoring
- Numerical Simulation of Flow at Zero Degree Open Channel Confluence
- Phosphorus Transport in Agricultural Soils Treated with Nano and Bulk Fertilizers
- Physical Vulnerability evaluation of buildings exposed to Balia Nala landslide using indicator-based approach and GIS: a case study of Nainital town, Uttarakhand, India
- Physico-Chemical Characterization and Seasonal Variability of a Lesser Himalayan Lake
- Pipes and valves failure-impact analysis and prioritization in urban water distribution systems
- Quantitative assessment of groundwater-surface water interactions and geochemical evolution along the flow paths in Upper Jhelum River basin of Himalayan region
- Rainfall Characteristics in the Upper Mandakini Catchment Since the Great 2013 Disaster
- Role of soil in regulating runoff processes in Pine- and Oak-dominated headwater catchments of the Western Himalayas
- Routes to Solar-Powered Nitrogenous Fertilizers
- Satellite radar and lidar altimeters observed seasonal variation in water level of Ganga River
- Seamless Positioning Accuracy Evaluation In Indoor/Outdoor Environment Using Geospatial Tools
- Seismic evidence for Wet Mantle Transition Zone beneath the Indian Shield
- Seismological Monitoring of Landslide in North-West Himalayas
- Semi-Automated Extraction of Geological Discontinuities from 3d Virtual Outcrop Model Based on Uav Photogrammetry: a Case Study from the Krol Belt of Lesser Himalaya, India
- Sensitivity Analysis of Sum-of-Echoes Model Using Logging NMR Data in Fractured Granite
- Sensitivity to Water Storage Changes by Two Vertical Superconducting Gravimeters in a Karst Hydrosystem, France
- Simulation of Two-dimensional Multispecies Reactive Transport in Porous Media with Variable Dispersivities
- Site Suitability Analysis for Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) scheme in Saline Groundwater Regions using MODFLOW
- Smart Irrigation Management Using IoT-based Network.
- Spatial Characteristics of Drought Propagation from Meteorological to Hydrological Drought over Ethiopia
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Groundwater Recharge and Assessment of the Factors Controlling Recharge in the Province of Uttar Pradesh, India
- Spatio-temporal Analysis for Identifying Triggering Physical Correlations Between Multi-hazards over Selected Pilgrimage Corridors of Uttarakhand, India
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Rainfall Variability in Bangladesh
- Stage-wise change analysis of air quality during COVID outbreak in National Capital Region, India.
- Study of Reservoir Induced Seismicity in Koyna-Warna Region
- Study on Effects of Lunar Tides on Earthquakes Using a Modified Driven Iterated Function System
- Temperature Variability Impact on Wheat Yield in India-A Case Study of South-West Uttarakhand
- The Influence of Avulsion Process on Morphology and Bank Erosion in the Brahmani River, Odisha, India
- Understanding the Hydrogeological response of various Spring Typology in the Western Himalayan Region
- Understanding the Impact of Hydro-Geochemical Parameters on Fluoride Transport in Groundwater of a Semi-Arid Region
- Understanding the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Water Quantity and Quality of Lentic Small Water Bodies (LSWBs) using Remote Sensing Data
- Understating the Uncertainty in Global Rainfall Erosivity Estimated Using Multiple Satellite Precipitation Datasets
- Variation in emission of trace gases and particulate matter from residential fuels during different stages of combustion over National Capital Territory, India.
- Web-Based Active Fault Interactive Database: An inventory of Faults and Earthquakes of the Indian Subcontinent
- What are the Controlling Factors of the Hillslope-scale Soil Moisture and Runoff Dynamics? - A Study from Lesser Himalayan Watershed
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Abinesh Ganapathy
- Ajanta Goswami
- Akash Jaiswal
- Alok Bhardwaj
- Aniket Desai
- Anil Kumar
- Ankit Agarwal
- Anuradha Karunakalage
- Anuranjan Anand
- Arthur R. Rodgers
- Ashish Manoj J
- Ashish Mishra
- Ashish Pandey
- Bhabagrahi Sahoo
- Bruno Merz
- Chandra Has Singh
- Chitra Shukla
- D. Ruffolo
- David M. Hannah
- Denzil Daniel
- Dmitry I. Garagash
- Eiko Nemitz
- Eshta Ranyal
- G. R. Singh
- Himanshu Joshi
- Hsi-Pin Ma
- Idhayachandhiran Ilampooranan
- Ishan Sharma
- Jahangeer Jahangeer
- Jean‐Paul Boy
- Jin Yong Lee
- K. K. Marhas
- L. Baker Perry
- M. E. West
- Mahdi Motagh
- Manh-Hung Le
- Mani Kanta Malla
- Manish Kumar
- Marine Denolle
- Mohammad Taqi Daqiq
- Mukund Narayanan
- Neha Gupta
- Nejib Hassen Abdullahi
- P. K. Mishra
- Pankaj R. Dhote
- Paul Andrew Mayewski
- Praveen K. Thakur
- Praveen Kalura
- Rajeshwar P. Verma
- Ravi Bhushan
- Ravi Kumar Guntu
- Ravi Sharma
- Richard Boothroyd
- S Soorya
- S. Mukhopadhyay
- Sachchidanand Singh
- Sarat Chandra Swain
- Sharad K. Jain
- Shichang Kang
- Sohom Ray
- Solomon Rebso Abebe
- Soumya Sucharita Behera
- Stefania Bonafoni
- Sumit Sen
- Suresh Kannaujiya
- Tanveer Dar
- Uttam Singh
- V. Lakshmi
- Varun K. Singla
- Virendra Mishra
- Vivek Agarwal
- Xingyu Chen
- Xudong Fu