Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Aftershock Distribution of the 2001 Gujarat, India Earthquake (Mw 7.7) from Temporary Field Observations: Small and Deep Orientation of the Fault Plane
- Early Warning of Coastal Earthquakes Using Land, Ocean and Atmospheric Parameters
- Application of Genetic Algorithms To Identify Optimal Groundwater Monitoring Well Locations in 3D
- Black Carbon Absorption Over Kanpur (an Industrial City in the Indo-Gangetic Basin) Retrieved From AERONET Data
- Predictions of the Electrical Conductivity and Charging of the Aerosols in Titan's Atmosphere
- Effect of Pre-monsoon Dust Storms During 2001 - 2005 on the Aerosol Properties Over the Indo-Gangetic Basin
- Evaluation of the sensitivity of learning rate on the training of neural network hydrologic models
- Evidences for New Particle Formation in the Arctic as a Part of TOPSE Atmospheric Nucleation Event
- Impact of the Growing Population and Energy Demand on the Climatic Conditions of the Indo-Gangetic Basin
- Locating Groundwater Pollution Source using Breakthrough Curve Characteristics and Artificial Neural Networks
- Model Prediction of Sulfuric Acid in the Tropical/Subtropical Cirrus Clouds as a Part of CRYSTAL-FACE Mission
- Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosols in the World's Megacities and Climate Impacts
- Spatial Moment Analysis of Reactive Contaminant Transport in Open Channel With Porous bed
- Aerosol and cloud forcing in the Indo-Gangetic plain
- Climate monitoring using GPS and MODIS water vapor
- Enhanced level of water vapor during dust storms over the Indo-Gangetic basin
- Hydrological variability and channel changes in upper Ganga plains
- Search for Evidence of Past Earthquakes Similar to the 2004 Event: Paleoseismological Surveys in Andaman Islands and Rakhine Coast of Myanmar
- Surface and Aircraft Measurements of Aerosol Black Carbon at a Typical Location in Gangetic Basin, Northern India
- Aerosol Charging by Ion Attachment and Electrical Conductivity in the Lower Atmosphere of Mars
- Dynamics of the Optical Properties of Fine/Coarse Mode Aerosol Mixtures in Diverse Environments
- Modeling Optical Properties of Mineral Dust over "The Great Indian Desert"
- Aerosol Absorption and Radiative Forcing Estimations using Sun Photometry and Ground- Based Broadband Radiometry at Kanpur, India During the 2008 TIGERZ Campaign
- Aerosol Optical Properties Measured on the Mesoscale During the TIGERZ Campaign in the Indo-Gangetic Plain Region of Kanpur, India
- Cloud Charging in the Atmosphere of Venus
- Effect Of Black Carbon Radiative Heating On Cloud Microphysics Over Indo-Gangetic Basin
- Monsoonal Rainfall Fluctuations During The Late Quaternary And Its Relation To Marine Isotopic Stages: A Case Study From The Ganga Basin, India
- Optical Properties Of Mineral Dust Particles Mixed With Black Carbon In Indo-Ganges Basin, Northern India
- TIGERZ I: Aerosols, Monsoon and Synergism
- Aerosol Properties Observed on the Mesoscale and MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Comparisons during the 2008 Pre-monsoon TIGERZ IOP in Kanpur, India
- Large-scale River Channel Shifts on the Western Indo-Gangetic Plains and their implications for the Bronze-age Harappan Civilisation Settlement Patterns
- Optical Properties of Fine/Coarse Mode Aerosol Mixtures
- Aerosol Size Distribution Modification by Interaction with Fog or Clouds Observed by AERONET
- Avulsion threshold in a large Himalayan river: the case of the Kosi, India and Nepal
- First Direct Evidence of Strong Absorption Associated with Coarse Mode Particles Over CTCZ Region from Aircraft Experiment 2009
- Geomorphic assessment of habitat suitability in large rivers from satellite remote sensing: a case study from the Ganga river system, India
- Inferring absorbing organic carbon content from AERONET data
- Low Beta Inhomogeneous Whistler Turbulence
- New particle formation in Remote Northern American Forests under the Sulfur Plume Influence
- The CReSIS Radar Suite for Measurements of the Ice Sheets and Sea Ice during Operation Ice Bridge
- Thick absorbing aerosol layer observed in the monsoon season over India
- Comparison of Conventional and ANN Models for River Flow Forecasting
- Did the Tharsis plume terminate the Martian dynamo?
- Effects of Cadastral Boundaries in Agricultural Land on Runoff Generation
- Enhanced secondary organic aerosols during fog episodes over typical location in Indo-Gangetic region
- Identification of Unknown Groundwater Pollution Source Using Linked ANN-Optimization Model
- Inferences on Late Holocene climate from stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratio variability in soil and land snail shells from archaeological site 41KM69 in Texas, USA
- Input Variable Selection for Hydrologic Modeling Using Anns
- Isoprene Suppression of New Particle Formation in a Mixed Deciduous Forest
- Large-scale River Channel Shifts on the Western Indo-Gangetic Plains and their implications for the Bronze-age Harappan Civilisation Settlement Patterns
- On the Time-Evolution of Pressure-Flow Scour
- Response of the Ganges River of India to monsoonal changes since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Semi-external mixing: Effect on polluted dust optics
- U-Pb detrital zircon ages to determine the provenance signature of late Quaternary paleo-channel systems in the western Indo-Gangetic basin, northwest India
- A New Insight into the Earthquake Recurrence Studies from the Three-parameter Generalized Exponential Distributions
- Basin-averaged erosion rates from the uplifting Siwalik Hills in northwest India
- Contribution of ion nucleation to the new particle formation in a tropical urban environment
- Development of a Dynamic Downscaling strategy for Ganga Basin and Investigation of the Hydrological Pattern C. Chaudhuri, R Srivastava, and S N Tripathi Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
- Enhancement in BC absorption under varying hygroscopic conditions
- Measurement based Analysis of Physical, Chemical, Morphological, and Optical Properties of Dust over the Indo-Gangetic Basin
- Prediction of Stream Flow in Ungauged Basins - a Comprehensive Framework
- Seasonal contrast in aerosol abundance over northern south Asia using a chemical transport model
- Trace Gases and Aerosols Simulated Over the Indian Domain: Evaluation of the Model Wrf-Chem
- Using the Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo and Angstrom Exponent from AERONET to Determine Aerosol Origins and Mixing States over the Indo-Gangetic Plain
- Aerosol Radiative Forcing over North India during Pre-Monsoon Season using WRF-Chem
- Estimation of Release History of Pollutant Source and Dispersion Coefficient of Aquifer Using Trained ANN Model
- Evidence of Right Lateral Strike-slip Active Fault in Kangra Valley, NW Himalaya, India
- Hydrological feedbacks in groundwater dominated systems: approaches, challenges and projections of future change
- Inferences on sediment provenance and source weathering using major, trace and Sr-Nd isotopic compositional variations in alluvial sediments from Sirhind, Punjab, India
- Preferred Ice Crystal Orientation Fabric Measurements within the Greenland Ice Sheet Using Multi-Polarization Radar Data
- Quantifying Riverscape Connectivity with Graph Theory
- Sensitivity of Cloud Microphysics to Choice of Physics Parameterizations : a Crm Study
- Spectral Dependence of Black Carbon Absorption Enhancement on Clear Days and Biomass Burning Days
- Comparison of Conceptual and Neural Network Rainfall-Runoff Models
- Documenting spatial diversity and complexity in a large tropical river system: implications for river health and management
- Dynamic Connectivity in the Middle Ganga Reaches Impacted by Human Disturbance
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Geodetic and Seismic Investigation of Crustal Deformation in Northwest Himalaya
- Geomorphic Controls on Aquifer Geometry in Northwestern India
- Plasticity-Based Interpretation of Compaction Banding in a High-Porosity Carbonate Rock
- Sources and Relative Timing of Groundwater Recharge in Northwest India Using Environmental Isotopes
- Spatio-temporal Variations in Groundwater Levels in Northwest India and Implications for Future Groundwater Management
- Water Quality Measurements from Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: The Case of the River Ganga
- A detailed study on Catchment delineation for Urban areas
- Aerosol-CAPE-Cloud Interactions over Gangetic Basin
- An Investigation on the Sensitivity of the Parameters of Urban Flood Model
- Appraisal of broadband acoustic impedances from first principles and band-limited seismic reflection data
- Comprehensive Black Carbon Emission Inventory of India: Uncertainty Analyses
- Contribution of Brown Carbon to Total Aerosol Absorption in Indo-Gangetic Plain
- Fluvial fan evolution during Late Quaternary climate changes: field and chronological constraints from the Indo-Gangetic basin
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Physicochemical Properties of Aerosols Over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Northern India: Implications to Air-quality
- Challenges and lessons learned in establishing a critical zone observatory in an intensively managed rural landscape of India
- Direct observational evidence of the influence of absorbing aerosols on surface energy partitioning during the monsoon onset period over Kanpur
- Discovering buried channels of the Yamuna in alluvial plains of NW India using geophysical investigations: implications for major drainage reorganization during Late Quaternary
- Erosion distribution in Central Nepal Himalaya from late Pleistocene to present : evidence for recent anthropic forcing of erosion of the Lesser Himalaya
- Indication of aerosol chemical components based on aerosol optical properties at different AERONET sites
- Insight into the Global Distribution and Chemical Composition of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> from the SPARTAN Global Aerosol Network
- Interaction of Convective Organization and Monsoon Precipitation, Atmosphere, Surface and Sea (INCOMPASS)
- Open System Models of Isotopic Evolution in Earth's Silicate Reservoirs
- Sources and Characteristics of Brown Carbon Aerosols over North India through Real-time Measurements
- Spectral Absorbing Capacity of Brown Carbon Aerosols Over Indo-Gangetic Plain
- A novel linear physical model for remote sensing of snow wetness and snow density using the visible and infrared bands
- Depositional characteristics of the Indus Group in the India-Asia collision zone, northwest India
- Effects of Unsteady River Discharge on Delta Progradation: A Modelling Perspective
- Estimating Soil Hydraulic Parameters using Gradient Based Approach
- Impact of Renewed Solar Dimming on Hydrology of River Basins in Peninsular India
- Impact of fog processing on water soluble organic aerosols.
- Major and Trace Element Fluxes to the Ganges River: Significance of Small Flood Plain Tributary as Non-Point Pollution Source
- Morphodynamics and Sediment connectivity in the Kosi River basin in the Himalaya and their implications for river management
- Setting up a new CZO in the Ganga basin: instrumentation, stakeholder engagement and preliminary observations
- Shallow subsurface imaging of northern Cascadia margin using downward continued short-streamer data
- Size resolved Internally Mixed Black Carbon and the Absorption Enhancement in the Indo-Gangetic Plain due to internally mixed BC
- Spatio-temporal Root Zone Soil Moisture Estimation for Indo - Gangetic Basin from Satellite Derived (AMSR-2 and SMOS) Surface Soil Moisture
- Spatio-temporal variation in groundwater head affected by stratigraphic heterogeneity of the alluvial aquifer in Northwest India
- 3-D Seismic Tomography of the Indo-Asian Collision Zone from Pamir-Hindu Kush in the West to Indo-Burma Ranges in the East: Geodynamic Implications
- A Comprehensive Geomechanical Assessment of an Indian Mature Oil Field for CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery and its Sequestration
- Aerosol-induced Cloud Invigoration over Indian Summer Monsoon Region
- An Artificial Neural Network based Flood Diagnostic using Rainfall Data in a Monsoon Region River Basin.
- Assessment of Geomorphic Evolutionary Pathways and Hydrological Connectivity of Kaabar Tal (Wetland) Using Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Datasets
- Average Chemical Composition of Indian Shale Composite
- Downscaling of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Data for the Small Agricultural Critical Zone Observatory of the Ganga Basin
- Fluid Flow and BSR Distribution off Oregon
- Groundwater recharge sources inferred from stable isotopes and electrical conductivity in aquifers of the Ghaggar River Basin in northwestern India
- Highly Time Resolved Characteristics of Light Absorbing Water-soluble Organics over New Delhi
- Improved surface soil moisture product by combining SMAP and ASCAT satellite data using CDF matching algorithm for Indo - Gangetic Basin
- Integrated Mineralogy and Morphology of Basalts at Tsiolkovskiy Crater on the Moon: Understanding the Emplacement History
- Modeling above Ground Biomass Using Multi-Frequency SAR Data - a Case Study Over Gabonese Tropical Forest
- Paleoseismic evidence of a major earthquake event during AD 1400-1500 along the Pinjore Garden Fault (PGF) and Jhajra Fault (JF): Hinterland faults in Northwest Himalaya
- Seasonal Modulation of Deep Slow-slip and Earthquakes on the Main Himalayan Thrust
- Seasonal and trend analysis of terrestrial water storage for the Indo-Gangetic plain using GRACE data
- Semi-direct effect of aerosols on cloud microphysical properties over Kanpur: A case study
- Slip deficit budget of the Garhwal Kumaun region of Northwest Himalaya using GPS measurements
- 3-D Seismic Tomography and its Geodynamic Implications for Local and Regional Tectonics in the Northwest Himalayas
- A Connectivity Response Unit (CRU) approach to assess the impacts of LULC on surface flows in a tropical floodplain wetland
- Chemical characterization of fine particulate matter, and source apportionment of organic aerosol at three sites in New Delhi, India
- Competency of Age-Depth Models in Decoding the Uplift-Subsidence Cycles and Earthquake Recurrence Patterns in Tectonically Active Coastal Zones
- Developing protocols for river rejuvenation using drone technology: a case study from Central India
- High-resolution size distributions of organic sources at two sites in Delhi National capital region (NCR) in the Indo-Gangetic Plain
- Impact Melt Cover on Lunar Impact Crater Central Peaks: Implications for Determining Mineralogical Variations in the Crust
- Impact of Secondary Aerosols from Crop Residue Burning in Delhi, India: Application of WRF-Chem Modeling
- Interaction of Convective Organisation with Monsoon Precipitation, Atmosphere, Surface and Sea: the 2016 INCOMPASS field campaign in India
- Is connectivity concept the unifying theory for geomorphology?
- Managed Aquifer Recharge of Stormwater Using Existing Detention Basins: An Example from Houston, Texas
- Osmium isotopic composition of carbonatites and associated rocks from the Amba Dongar carbonatite complex, Gujarat reveals presence of old oceanic crust in the source
- Simulations of black carbon (BC) aerosol impact over Hindu-Kush Himalayan sites: validation, sources, and implications on glacier runoff
- Source characterization of volatile organic compounds measured by PTR-ToF-MS in Delhi, India
- Spatiotemporal Estimation and Evaluation of Soil Moisture Deficit from Remotely Sensed Surface Soil Moisture for Sugarcane Crop for the Indo-Gangetic Basin
- The Past and the Future of Large Earthquakes on the Himalayan Frontal Thrust in India and Nepal
- Understanding community perspectives for estimation of crop water stress in an agriculture-dominated CZO in the Ganga plains, India
- Wintertime Organic Aerosol in Delhi, India: Sources, Formation Processes, and Role of Chlorine
- A New Approach to Source Apportionment of PM<SUB>2</SUB><SUB>.</SUB><SUB>5</SUB>basedonToxicity of Constituents: A Case Study of Delhi, India
- An introduction to the Indian National Centre for Geodesy
- Analyzing slippage coefficients and intrinsic permeabilities of dissimilar Indian coals considering their pore-size distributions: implications to CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage in coal seams
- Continuous and Systematic Monitoring of 2018 Kilauea Eruption Leilani Estates Earthquake
- Development and Validation of a Regional Geoid Model for the Syrian Arab Republic
- Effect of Biomass Burning, Firework Emissions, and Haze Events on the Oxidative Potential of Ambient Particulate Matter in Delhi, India
- Forest Fire Risk Assessment for Sikkim using Earth Observation (EO) Datasets and Multi Criteria Decision Making Technique
- Loess Geochemistry and Upper Crustal Composition of India : Comparison with Global loess and Global UCC
- Modified Stokes Drift due to Surface Waves and Corrugated Sea-floor Interactions with and without a Mean Current
- New protocols for evaluation of Optical Water Types (OWTs) of lakes and wetlands using multispectral EO datasets
- Petrofabric and Seismic properties of exhumed subducted oceanic crust from Naga Hills Ophiolite, North-East India
- Revisiting metrics for evaluating the inhomogeneous anisotropic filters defined on the sphere
- Roadmap of a new National Gravity Data Policy for India
- Sediment Dynamics of the Lower Ganga River: Sediment Budget and `Hotspots' of Siltation using an Integrated Approach of Hydrology and Remote Sensing
- Seismic Structure and Gas Hydrate Study on the Southern Cascadia Margin Using Multichannel Seismic Data
- Setting up of a Geodetic Village in India: An NCG Initiative
- Spatio-Temporal Trends of Rainfall in the Ganga Basin Over the Last Century: Understanding Feedbacks and Hydrological impacts
- Spatio-temporal inventory of floodplain wetlands at basin scale using wetness index time series derived from Landsat datasets
- The polar gap problem from the perspective of the Bender configuration
- Understanding spatio-temporal dynamics in soil moisture and groundwater in a Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) in Ganga basin, North India
- Water Supply Droughts in US Watersheds: the role of Renewable Surface and Groundwater Resources
- 3-D Seismic Tomography and underlying Geodynamics for varying Architecture and Segmentation of the Central Himalayas: Implications for Seismic Hazard
- Accuracy assessment of Web Map Services using UAV based orthophotos
- Accuracy assessment of freely available satellite DEMS (FDEMs) with UAV based DEMs (UDEMs)
- Air pollution in the Western Balkans: lessons learned from the Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2018 (SAFICA)
- An understanding on the time-lag between pore-pressure perturbations and catastrophic slope failure in rainfall-induced landslides
- Annual and Monsoon Distribution of Biogenic NMVOCs and SOAs over India using High-resolution WRF-Chem Model
- Application of the SWAT model for nutrient modelling of the Narmada River basin
- Computing the Marine Geoid Using Satellite Altimetry-Based Gravity Anomalies over the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- Degradation status and water-quality assessment of the lakes in and around Hyderabad (India) using multi-temporal remote sensing data and GIS
- Distribution, classification, and hydrodynamics of wetlands in Indian drylands
- Influence of Extreme Air Pollution Episodes on the Oxidative Potential of Ambient Particulate Matter in Delhi, India
- Integrating RUSLE and Sediment Transport Potential Approaches for Mapping Hotspots of Erosion Risk in Tawi Basin, India
- Investigation of major emission sources of non-methane hydrocarbons and their role in ozone formation in New Delhi, India
- Localization of deformation prone sites in the Himalayas using multi-temporal InSAR and Sentinel-1 images
- Morphotectonics of Baur and Dabka rivers of Kumaon Himalaya from high-resolution seismic tomography
- Observed Hydrological Alterations Caused by Anthropogenic and Natural Factors in the Upper Ganga Basin (UGB), India.
- Photochemical Oxidation of Brown Carbon Aerosols Arising from Solid Fuel Burning: Evolution of Chemical Composition and Light absorption
- Photogrammetric reconstruction of declassified Corona imagery to establish a reference condition for a large river system: A case study of the Ganga River Basin, India.
- Predictions of meteorological, hydrological and water supply drought in the US Southwest
- Quaternary Deformation and Active Normal Faulting at Kala Amb, Northwestern Himalaya, India
- Recent geoid-related studies over the whole country of India
- Signatures of Indian monsoon dynamics in daily GRACE data
- Understanding Hydrogeomorphic and Climatic Controls on Soil Erosion and Sediment Dynamics in Large Himalayan Basins
- Understanding Water Pollution and its Pathways in the Ramganga River Basin, India Using Multi-Source Datasets
- Understanding the Physical Mechanisms of Flash Droughts for their Effective Forecast and Early Warning
- Validation of GNSS Tropospheric Correction Model at IIT Kanpur, India
- 182W/184W of Deccan Carbonatites of India and Implications for Deep Carbon Sources
- A New Survey-Based Approach to Understand the Role of Technology Penetration in Emissions of Gaseous Pollutants from On-Road Transport Sector of India
- A New and Updated Paterson-type Gas Medium Rock Deformation Rig
- Agricultural policy and its potential for unintended impacts on air quality and public health in India
- Aqueous-phase Photochemical Oxidation of BrC Arising from Solid fuel Burning: Effect of Combustion efficiency
- Dehydration Induced Nanomechanical Evolution of Natural Monocrystalline Gypsum-Hemihydrate-Anhydrite (CaSO4.2H2O) System Investigated by Instrumented Microindentation and Thermogravimetric Analysis
- Dyke-induced Contact Metamorphism and Metasomatism in Metapelites: a Study from the Paleoproterozoic Chaibasa Formation, India
- Early Paleozoic rift-related magmatic origin of the Tso Morari Complex (NW Indian Himalayas) and the protolithic diversity of the Himalayan high and ultrahigh-pressure rocks
- Earthquake Cycles and Tsunamigenic Events from Andaman Island along Andaman-Sumatra Subduction Zone: Record of Recurrence Patterns and Land-level Changes during the last 3500 years
- Effect of soil moisture anomalies on drought propagation
- Estimating hydrologic model structure and parameters for improved low flow modelling
- Estimating the Crop Water Stress in the agricultural Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) in Central Ganga Plain, India, using Thermal and Multispectral Aerial Imagery
- Evidence of Magmatic Underplating below Vindhyan Basin, South of Bundelkhand Craton, India: Insights from Global Gravity Data
- Evidence of Rain Induced Melting in the Upper Ganga basin
- Evidences of diffusion dominated cubanite lamellae in chalcopyrite
- Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Sorbing and Non-sorbing Gas on the Slippage Factor, Klinkenberg Permeability, and Biot Coefficient in Depleted Shale Gas Reservoir
- Genetic Link Between Kerguelen Plume Activity and Rajmahal-Bengal-Sylhet Trap Basalts
- Gravity and Magnetic Studies to Delineate Subsurface Configuration of East Geothermal Province along the Mahanadi Rift Basin, India: an Insight into the Non-Volcanic Hot-springs
- Identifying drivers of evaporative water demand during flash droughts
- Importance of Secondary Fuel use In Cooking Energy Estimation for India: An Initiative For Sustainable Energy Use
- Imprints of Coastal Morphodynamics from the West Coast of Andaman Island, India: Influence of ongoing Tectonic Activity along the Subduction Zone
- Indian gravimetric geoid model using the Stokes-Helmert method: IndGG-SH2021
- Investigation of climate relevant properties of wintertime aerosol in desert-urban mixed western India
- Isotope hydrograph separation reveals an early onset of snow meltwater in the Himalayas
- Late Quaternary Drainage Reorganization of Yamuna River in NW Indo-Gangetic Plain Inferred from Sr-Nd Isotope Ratios of Drill Core Sediments
- Mapping Trade Driven Land Use Change and Consequent Biodiversity Loss due to Future Global Population Increase
- Oxidative Potential of Solid Fuel Burning Emissions: Effect of Burning Conditions
- Persistent Scatterer-InSAR to Monitor Deformation over Jammu and Kashmir, India
- Petrography and Geochemistry of Silvassa Trachytes, Deccan Volcanic Province
- Quality of positioning in a heterogenous Low-cost GNSS network
- Reducing Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols formation in India using WRF-Chem model
- Semi-Automated Extraction of Geological Discontinuities from 3d Virtual Outcrop Model Based on Uav Photogrammetry: a Case Study from the Krol Belt of Lesser Himalaya, India
- Spatio-temporal variability and interaction between soil moisture and temperature in the Critical Zone Observatory in the Central Ganga Basin, North India
- Structural Investigations Along Dhanaura Anticline Located Between Nahan Salient and Dehradun Recess, Northwest Himalaya: Implications for Understanding Geometry of Himalayan Frontal Thrust.
- Tectonic & Non-Tectonic Deformation as revealed by GNSS Studies in the Himachal region of NW Himalaya: Towards Assessment of Seismic Hazard Potential
- The Magnitude and Implications of Atmospheric CO2 Released by Metamorphic Processes in the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen
- What Causes Shear Band Widening? - an EBSD Based Analysis
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Abhishek Kralia
- Andrê S. H. Prévôt
- Animesh Mandal
- Ashutosh Pathak
- Baerbel Sinha
- Bodo Bookhagen
- Dripta Dutta
- Griša Močnik
- Gurvinder Singh
- J. Raoof
- K. Džepina
- Kondepudi Pattabhiram
- Manudeo Singh
- Mohd Amir
- Mohd Tarique
- N. G. Roy
- Noah Kittner
- Onkar Dikshit
- P V Narendra Kumar
- P. P. Mujumdar
- Prakrut Kansara
- Rajeev K. Yadav
- Rongqin Zhao
- Ropesh Goyal
- S. Misra
- Sachchida Nand Tripathi
- Saroj Dash
- Shalivahan Srivastava
- Shivam Tripathi
- V. Lakshmi
- V. Vinoj
- Vaios Moschos
- Vikram Choudhary
- Will Featherstone
- Ximing Cai