Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- New Constraints on the Evolution of the Deccan Volcanic Province, India
- Crustal Structure Across Cambay Rift Through Receiver Functions
- Seismicity in Andaman - Nicobar - Java - Sumatra Region and its Bearing on the Volcanism in the Region, With Special Reference to the Barren Island.
- Location and Geometry of the Deccan Traps Feeder System Inferred from Dike Geochemistry
- Study of Retreat and Movement of Himalayan Glaciers Using Spaceborne Repeat Pass SAR Data
- Site Response Studies In Mumbai Using (H/V) Nakamura Technique
- Paleomagnetic and paleointensity investigations of a 3.6 billion-year-old granite from India
- Deformation history from microstructures: an example from Ramgarh Thrust Sheet, Eastern Himalaya
- Evaluation of ASTER GDEM with respect to SRTM for Chandra-Bhaga Basin, Indian Himalaya
- Near-term acceleration of hydroclimatic change in the western U.S
- Surface deformation Investigated with SBAS- DInSAR approach in NW Himalaya
- A time series deformation estimation in the NW Himalayas using SBAS InSAR technique
- Applications of Satellite Observations to Aerosol Analyses and Forecasting using the NAAPS Model and the DataFed Distributed Data System
- Basin-averaged erosion rates from the uplifting Siwalik Hills in northwest India
- Detection of Spatio-temporal variations of rainfall and temperature extremes over India
- High black carbon emissions from kerosene wick lamps
- Precipitation Recycling in India during South West Monsoon
- Seasonal contrast in aerosol abundance over northern south Asia using a chemical transport model
- Dust pattern over Indian subcontinent based on NAAPS model, satellite and surface observations
- Impacts of Urbanization on Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
- Projecting Wind Energy Potential Under Climate Change with Ensemble of Climate Model Simulations
- Unchanging Desert Sand Dunes
- Dependence of Precipitation Extremes on Temperature over United States
- Distribution of "Compound" and "Simple" Flows in the Deccan Traps (India)
- Evidences of Significant Nonstationarity in Precipitation Extremes over Urbanizing Areas in India
- Improving Aerosol Simulation over South Asia for Climate and Air Quality Studies
- Jarosite Precipitation from Acidic Saline Waters in Kachchh, Gujarat, India: an Appropriate Martian Analogue?
- Projections of Active and Break Spells of the Indian Summer Monsoon using Original and Statistical Downscaled CMIP5 GCMs
- Signal to Noise Ratio for Different Gridded Rainfall Products of Indian Monsoon
- Uncertainty in the Identification of Indian Summer Monsoon Onset
- Why the developing nations like India need strong capacity building efforts in greenhouse gases mitigation?
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology of Andaman Ophiolite: Evidence for a Pleistocene mega thrusting event within the Andaman-Nicobar Accretionary Wedge
- An Empirical Function for Bidirectional Reflectance Characterization for Smoke Aerosols Using Multi-angular Airborne Measurements
- Assessment of future change in streamflow through identification of its association with precipitation in Mahanadi Basin, India under data scarce scenario
- Design of a multi-agent hydroeconomic model to simulate a complex human-water system: Early insights from the Jordan Water Project
- Evaluating Precipitation from Orbital Data Products of TRMM and GPM over the Indian Subcontinent
- Evaluation of CFSV2 Forecast Skill for Indian Summer Monsoon Sub-Seasonal Characteristics
- High-Precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Deccan Traps
- Impact of Urbanization on Spatial Variability of Rainfall-A case study of Mumbai city with WRF Model
- Improving the Consistency in Water Availability between Different Reanalysis Data over South Asia
- Inter-species and Seasonal Variability in Mg / Ca in Larger Benthic Foraminifera: Implications for Paleo-proxy
- Interesting insights into instability of slopes and rock fall in the morphodynamic Himalayan terrane
- Mapping the Decadal Spatio-temporal Variation of Social Vulnerability to Hydro-climatic Extremes over India
- Modified-INSAT Multi-Spectral Rainfall Algorithm (M-IMSRA) - A New Satellite Rainfall Estimation Algorithm based on Climatic region
- On the Use of Statistical Downscaling to Improve the Skill in Decadal Predictions of Temperature over the Continental United States
- Predcition of Long term Water table Trends in Response to Groundwater Irrigation and Climate Change in an Indian Context
- Radiative Interactions of Clouds Embedded in wildfire Smoke using Multiangular Airborne observations
- Role of Terrestrial Moisture Source Transport on Summer Monsoon Rainfall Variability over Ganga River Basin
- Satellite-based multi-spectral detection of the Widespread and Persistent Winter Fog over the Indo-Gangetic Plains
- Sediment and Crustal Structure along 85<SUP>o</SUP>E and Ninetyeast Ridges in the Bay of Bengal: Geodynamic Implications
- Spectral Characterization of a Deeply Weathered Laterite Profile, Koraput, Orissa, Eastern India
- Terminal fans and the Ganga plain tectonism of the Indo-Gangetic foreland basin, India
- Transitions in Lava Emplacement Recorded in the Deccan Traps Sequence (India)
- Uncertainty Assessment in Climate Change Simulation of Ganges Basin
- Understanding The Individual Impacts Of Human Interventions And Climate Change On Hydrologic Variables In India
- Understanding the Propagation of GCM and Downscaling Uncertainty for Projecting Crop Yield: A Nationwide Analysis over India
- An Integrated Probabilistic-Fuzzy Assessment of Uncertainty Associated with Human Health Risk to MSW Landfill Leachate Contamination
- Characterization of Dust deposition on seasonal snowpack and glaciers in the Himalaya-Hindu Kush-Karakoram region using Landsat and MODIS data
- Characterizing the solar reflection from wildfire smoke plumes using airborne multiangle measurements
- Detection and Attribution of Human Induced Climate Change in Offshore Wind Speeds
- Development of Emission Factors for Coal Cook Stoves Used in India
- Error Modeling of the Modified-INSAT Multi Spectral Rainfall Algorithm
- Evaluation of Convective Storms and their Vertical Distributions over Indian Region Using GPM Precipitation Features Database
- Extended Range Hydrological Predictions: Uncertainty Associated with Model Parametrization
- Fluid-assisted Ductile Deformation in the Main Central Thrust, Sikkim Himalaya, India
- Identification of Dominant Flood Drivers across Canada
- Impact of Atmospheric Moisture Transport on Interannual and Intraseasonal Variations of the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Improving preparedness of farmers to Climate Variability: A case study of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, India
- Improving sub-surface error correlation in SWAT for EnKF based soil moisture data assimilation
- Lateral Variability of Lava flow Morphologies in the Deccan Traps Large Igneous Province (India)
- Mapping of Temporal Surface-water Resources Availability and Agricultural Adaptability due to Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activity in a Hot Semi-arid Region of Maharashtra State, India
- Merging of MISR and MODIS Level-2 Aerosol Optical Depth Products Using Bayesian Principles
- Modelling of a Convecting, Crystallizing, and Replenished Diopside-Anorthite Axial Magma Chamber beneath Mid Ocean Ridges
- Multivariate Drought Characterization in India for Monitoring and Prediction
- Near-real time Monitoring of the widespread winter Fog over the Indo-Gangetic Plains using satellite data
- Non-stationary regional flood frequency analysis: a new framework based on the index-flood method
- PolarBRDF: A general purpose Python package for visualization and quantitative analysis of multi-angular remote sensing measurements
- Quantification of competency contrast from refraction of shear-induced micro-fractures in meta-sedimentary rock, Gangori Shear Zone, Bhagirathi river section, NW Indian Lesser Himalaya
- Radiative characteristics of Clouds embedded in and occurring beneath Smoke analyzed using airborne multiangular measurements
- Regional agricultural susceptibility to climate variability: A district level analysis of Maharashtra, India
- Shoreline Changes at New Mangalore Port, India in the past and over future
- Simulating the Snow Water Equivalent and its changing pattern over Nepal
- Strain Rate Dependency of Fracture Toughness, Energy Release Rate and Geomechanical Attributes of Select Indian Shales
- The drying of Mars - an analog from Kachchh, western India
- Understanding lunar magnetic field through magnetization and dynamo mechanism
- Assessing the Impacts of Decadal Socio-Agro-Hydro Climatic Variations on Agricultural Vulnerability over India
- Assessment of Clmate Change Mitigation Strategies for the Road Transport Sector of India
- Assessment of Spatio-temporal Barren-lands Expansion and Agricultural Adaptation due to Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activity: A Geospatial Approach in Hot Semi-arid Region of Maharashtra State, India
- Changes in Water-Food-Energy Nexus in India and its consistency with changes in Monsoon
- Compound effects of temperature and precipitation in making droughts more frequent in Marathwada, India
- Effect of Precipitation Sampling Error on Simulated Hydrological Fluxes
- Effect of climate change on morphology around a port
- Enhanced Soil Moisture Initialization Using Blended Soil Moisture Product and Regional Optimization of LSM-RTM Coupled Land Data Assimilation System.
- Evaluation of CMIP5 and CORDEX Derived Wind Wave Climate in Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal
- Evaluation of Variational data assimilation techniques for Quantitative Precipitation Forecast
- Full Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data for ionosphere observation - A comparative study
- GIS coupled Multiple Criteria based Decision Support for Classification of Urban Coastal Areas in India
- High-Precision <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating of the Deccan Traps
- Improved P-phase onset time picking for small magnitude events in passive microseismic data using Dynamic Amplitude Scaling
- Microseismic earthquake location and velocity inversion by eikonal tomography
- Oil Spill detection off the eastern coast of India using Sentinel-1 dual polarimeteric SAR imagery
- Quantifying the Impacts of Large Scale Integration of Renewables in Indian Power Sector
- Recent changes in equilibrium line altitudes of glaciers in the Chandra-Bhaga Catchments, the Western Himalaya
- Role of absorbing aerosols on hot extremes in India in a GCM
- Seismic Evidence of Imprints of Malani and Deccan Volcanism in Northwestern India
- Shear fabrics reveal orogen-parallel deformations, NW Lesser Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India
- Spaceborne SAR Data for Aboveground-Biomass Retrieval of Indian Tropical Forests
- Structural and mineralogical studies of the Tso Morari Dome: Insight into the deformation kinematics of the eclogitic gneiss, Ladakh Himalaya, India
- Urbanization Induces Nonstationarity in Extreme Rainfall Characteristics over Contiguous United States
- A climatological distribution of Winter Fog over the Indo-Gangetic Plains during 2000-2017 using satellite observations
- Analyzing the Implications of Emission Control Norms for Indian Power Plants in Near Term scenarios Using TIMES Framework
- Assessing Bivariate Changes in Agricultural Risk over India
- Challenges and approaches to vulnerability and adaptation to climate change: Empirical evidence from household survey of farmers in Maharashtra, India
- Estimation of Water Stress and Identification of Priority Areas for Irrigation over the Drought Prone Semi-Arid Region of India
- Evolution of Coastal Stretches under a Changing Wave Climate
- Fidelity Assessment of Decadal Temperature Predictions in Capturing Heat Waves over India
- Flexural and Buckling Analysis along the Java-Sumatra trench: Implications for Plate Coupling
- Freak weather events and shift in cropping pattern: A district level analysis of Maharashtra, India
- GIS based Multi-Criteria Modelling Framework for Identifying Critical areas aimed at Watershed Management
- Geological evolution of the Cenozoic palaeodrainage network in the Erongo region, Namibia: Implications for surficial uranium mineralization.
- Glacier Mapping using Multi-sensor Satellite Data through Knowledge based-Hierarchical Classification Approach
- Identification of phyllosilicates and hydrated sulfates in an unnamed crater and Lampland crater in Thaumasia highlands, Mars
- Impact of Background Error Statistics on Variational Assimilation Systems
- Imprints of Volcanism in the Lithosphere Beneath the Malani Igneous Province in Northwestern India
- Improvement of Seasonal Prediction for Indian Monsoon based on Spatial Patterns using Deep Learning Techniques
- Improving MODIS Snow Cover Product's Accuracy over Western Himalayas using MODIS LST Data
- Increased late-Holocene shortening across the segmented Main Frontal thrust in Nahan salient, northwest Sub-Himalaya, India
- Mapping of FeO wt% abundance of mare basalts in the Moon's western nearside from Hyperspectral Imager (HySI) and Moon Mineralogical Mapper (M<SUP>3</SUP>) instruments on-board Chandrayaan-1
- Modeling of heat extraction from depleted oil and gas wells
- Morphometric analysis of fluvial channels over Thaumasia highland, Mars: Implications for the Martian aqueous history
- New insights on the early breakup history of India and east Antarctica based on the interpretation of geophysical data over the major structural high in the Krishna-Godavari offshore, central east coast margin of India
- Non-volcanic hot springs in the Indian shield: structural, hydrological and resistivity studies around Atri and Tarbalo, Eastern Ghats Province, India
- On the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Geochemically Distinct Lavas in the Deccan Large Igneous Province
- Potential of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) in observing global scintillation phenomenon
- Potential of land data assimilation to tackle model and forcing uncertainties
- Projecting coastal vulnerability under climate change scenario
- Quantitative Approach for Environmental Spatial Planning of Urban Coastal Regions in Developing Countries
- Relating Land Use and Land Cover to surface water quality in the Ganga River basin, India
- Role of Phytoplankton Functional Groups on Biogeochemical changes
- Seasonal Variations of Daytime Urban Heat Island Phenomenon over the Tropical Cities of India
- Structural characterization of Juventae Chasma, Mars, and its four light-toned stratified rock occurrences
- The JECAM SAR Inter-Comparison Experiment: Comparing agriculture classification results utilizing a well-established operational decision tree methodology incorporating a variety of C-band SAR and optical imagery applied to 13 worldwide, diverse agriculture systems.
- Timescale of Events Around the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary: Links Between the Chicxulub Impact, Deccan Volcanism, and the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating of Giant Plagioclase Basalts of the Deccan Traps
- Addressing Scale Issues in Microwave Brightness Temperature (TB) using Coupled LSM-RTM Modelling and In-situ Measurements.
- An Improved Flood Forecasting Framework with a Quantile based Probabilistic Approach for a Coastal Urban Catchment
- Characterization of Urban area using detection of Urban morphology and land surface parameters: Evidence from Mumbai city, India.
- Chemical Characterisation and Oxidative Potential of Aerosols Emitted From Solid Biomass Fuels Use in Rural India
- Citizen science in schools: Environmental education and empowerment in a remote region of western Nepal
- Crustal Structure and Rift Architecture Across the Kerala-Konkan Basin, Southwest Continental Margin of India Based on Constrained Potential Field Modeling: Implications on the Early Breakup Evolution of India and Madagascar
- Development of structural and geophysical criteria for aquifer mapping in Precambrian basement rocks
- Effects of Precipitation Variation and Irrigation Scheduling Methods on Maize under Future Climatic conditions
- Evaluating Hydrological Response to Urbanization in Upper Ganga River Basin: A Watershed Modeling Approach
- GISMR: A Computer Application to Perform Kinematic Analysis, Slope Mass Rating and Optimization of Slope Angle on a GIS Platform With the Aid of ArcGIS or QGIS
- Glimpse of Indian Summer Monsoon Ranfall Through CMIP6 Decadal Hindcast: AN Assessment Study
- Global Temperature Change Potential of the Indian Construction Industry
- Green Roofs to mitigate the urban extreme precipitation events? An experimental study over Mumbai, India
- Groundwater storage in response to severe anthropogenic and drought events using GRACE data assimilation
- Inclusion of Model Error in the 3DVAR Radar Assimilation system using Ensemble based Background Error Covariance.
- India's position in supercontinent Rodinia: constraints from geophysical potential field data interpretations.
- Integrated Multivariate Approach in Assessing Drought Risk in India
- Land use and land cover changes strongly modulate warm-season precipitation over the Central United States
- Landslide EVO: Monitoring landslides in remote western Nepal by leveraging technological advances and citizen science
- Long-time-scale Investigation on Episodic Events of Noctiluca scintillans Bloom in the North-west Arabian Sea
- Megathrust Seismotectonics of the Southeast Asian Convergent Margin: Insights from Three-Dimensional Spherical Geodynamic Modelling
- Noise Identification and Elimination from Meteorologic Data using Singular Spectrum Analysis
- Optimal Remedial Design for Removal of Reactive Contaminant using Meshfree Radial Point Collocation Method and Particle Swarm Optimization
- Quantitative Assessment of Drought Vulnerability over the Indian Semi-Arid Region
- Sampling Considerations for a Robust Precipitation Constellation
- Spatial-Temporal Trends in Deccan Volcanism
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urban Heat Island Effect For Different Land Use Land Cover Pattern Over Pune Metropolitan Region,India
- Understanding Sampling Uncertainty of GPM Orbital Data through Land Surface Modelling
- Understanding the Impact of Anthropogenic Factors for a Dis-balanced WEF Nexus in the Ganga Basin
- A Multi-variate Probabilistic Framework for Assessment of Heat Impact on Yields in India's Wheat Bowl.
- A Numerical Study on Vortex Dynamics Over Ripple Geometry with Defects
- A Stakeholder Elicitation-based Socio-hydrological Model of an Inter-basin Water Transfer Mega Project in Southern India
- A comparative Study on Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution for the Optimal Design of Water Distribution Networks
- Analysis of Aerosol Life Cycles over Indian Region in the ECHAM6-HAM2
- Anthropogenic Vulnerability - Changes in Coastal Policies and Their Impacts on Coastal Vulnerability
- Can groundwater development reduce reliance on large scale water transfers?
- Chaotic Analysis of Hydro-meteorological Variables for Monsoon Season in the Savitri River Basin, India
- Continental scale seismic anisotropy in the north American upper mantle: constraints from full waveform inversion
- Continuous Separation of Climate and Catchment Change Effects on Streamflow Alteration for Past and Future Using the Budyko Framework.
- Deep neural network-based surrogate model linked with particle swarm optimization for identification of subsurface contamination sources
- Identification of Optimal Hydraulic Flood Management Scenarios for a Socially Vulnerable Urban Coastal Catchment: A 3-way Coupled Hydrodynamic Approach
- Identification of drivers of flood seasonality using Circular Generalized Linear Models
- Impact of GPM Temporal Sampling on Streamflow Simulations
- Impact of Irrigation Scheduling Methods on Corn Yield Under Climate Change
- Impacts of Shifts in Commercial Fishing Techniques on Coastal Zones and Climate Change
- Incorporating lumped catchment characteristics into complex networks for catchment classification
- Influence of Lateral Channels of the Afar Plume on the Evolution of the Southern and Central Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden: Constraints from Gravity and Shear Wave Velocity Model
- Influence of aerosol radiative effects on temperature and snow cover fraction in the Himalayan region: GCM simulations
- Irrigation Scheduling using Probabilistic Simulation Optimization Framework and Farm-scale Ecohydrological Model at Daily Scale Using Weather Forecasts
- Land-ocean Contrast in Aerosol-cloud Interaction over India: the Role of Moisture
- Leveraging soil moisture assimilation to improve land surface seasonal dynamics in permafrost regions
- Lower crustal magma supply amplification: A key concept for silicic magma production
- Monsoonal Pattern Impact on Phytoplankton Size Classes Distribution in the Arabian Sea
- Non-stationary Influences of Large-scale Climate Drivers on Low-flow Characteristics of Streamflows in Southeast Australia.
- Relationship between Himalayan topography, crustal viscosity, and channel flow
- Teleseismic P-wave tomography beneath the Malani Igneous Province in Rajasthan, Northwestern India
- The Dependence of Background Error Statistics Characteristics in Radar Data Assimilation for Prediction of a Heavy Rainfall Event.
- Using Expert-Novice Differences in Eye-gaze Pattern to Design Novel Assessments for EarthScience Classrooms - A Road Map
- Using the Budyko framework to evaluate anthropogenic impacts on long-term surface water partitioning in India
- Variations in the crustal thickness and Poisson's ratio beneath the Malani Igneous province in Northwestern India
- a Comparative Assessment of Aggregation Techniques and Sensitivity Analysis for Drought Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in India
- A Framework to Quantify Cooling Demand Related Risks for Urbanized Regions across India.
- A Novel Headword Growth Probabilistic Model to Explain Drainage Network Evolution
- A Novel Model Fusion Technique for Improved Recession Flow Prediction
- A Systematic Assessment of Value Addition by Stakeholder Elicitation in Socio-hydrological Modelling
- A framework to assess anthropogenic vulnerability caused by coastal conservation policies
- A study on plaeostress and fluid inclusion of quartz vein intruded in low-grade rock in Ambaji-Deri region, South Delhi terrane (SDT), NW India
- Addressing the Uncertainty in Estimation of Ecological Indicators of the Marine Ecosystem
- Agriculture Vulnerability to Climate Change in Arid and Semi-arid Regions: A study of Rajasthan, India
- Assessing the Potential of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission for Reservoir Monitoring over India.
- Assessing the Potential of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission measurements for monitoring hydrologic parameters in the Mahanadi River Basin
- Automated Mapping of Inland Water Bodies using Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery through an Open-Source Web Application developed to support the Pre-launch Study of upcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission
- Chapter 11: Weather and climate extreme events in a changing climate
- Characterization of brittle-ductile shear zones for groundwater resources and management: application of 2D electrical resistivity imaging (ERI)
- Chemistry Driven Changes in Simulated Meteorology for May 2015: WRF/WRF-Chem Studies over India
- Cloud radiative cooling explains the global variability in precipitation - temperature scaling derived from observations
- Comparison of two WRF microphysics schemes in simulating surface winds over the Arabian Sea
- Computationally efficient flood inundation modelling for ungauged regions
- Decorrelation is not dissociation: there is no rational solution to the power-law parameter association problem
- Deep learning accelerated inversion of ground penetrating radar A-scans for assessing archeological structures
- Delineation of crustal structure and tectonics below Pranahita Godavari Graben(India) and adjoining areas based on the gravity interpretation
- Developing Carbonaceous Aerosol Emission Profiles from Measurements at Urban and Inter-City Road Tunnels in India
- Development of a rationalized hydrometeorological network for an urban catchment under resource-constrained scenario
- Dynamic Data Assimilation for Improved Streamflow Forecast Using Sensitive Soil Moisture Observations
- Dynamic Process Surpasses the Thermodynamic Process in Driving Precipitation Extremes over India
- Dynamical and Thermodynamical Interactions in Monsoonal and Non-Monsoonal Precipitation Regimes in the Western Himalayas
- Efficient Parameterization of the Generalized Inherent Optical Property Model for inversion of ocean color remote sensing reflectance
- Error characterization of L-band passive microwave radiometry in soil moisture and VOD retrievals
- Evaluation of SM2RAIN-derived and GPM-based Precipitation Products for Hydrological Simulation
- Exploration Targeting of REE Deposits in NE India Using Fuzzy Inference Systems
- Flood Forecasting and Evacuation based on Weather Forecasts
- Framework to Understand Past, Present, and Future Flood Generation in India
- How Should Diverse Stakeholder Preferences Shape Evaluations of Complex Water Resources Systems Robustness to Deeply Uncertain Changes?
- Impact of land surface feedbacks on landfalling tropical cyclones
- Improving land surface seasonal dynamics in permafrost areas by using soil moisture assimilation
- Improving rainfall-runoff model reliability under non-stationarity of model parameters a hypothesis testing based framework
- Knowledge Guided LSTM Model Structure to Improve Recession Flow Prediction
- Lithosphere Architecture, Stretching Factors and Effective Elastic Thickness (Te) Variations along the Conjugate Margin Segments of India and East Antarctica: Implications on Early Break-up History of East Gondwana
- Long short-term memory networks for identification of contamination sources in groundwater
- Machine Learning assisted Geophysical Joint Inversion
- Mapping Carbonates and Associated Minerals on Mars
- Planning of Optimized Irrigation Decision in Weather to Extended Range using Weather Forecast with a Coupled Framework of Optimization and Ecohydrological Model
- Quantifying uncertainty in the classification of subsurface anomalies from Ground Penetrating Radar data using multiple machine learning modules
- REE Geochemistry of Monazite from Metapelites in the Greater Himalayan Sequence, Dhauliganga valley, Garhwal Himalaya
- Reconciling Contrasting Chronologies for the Deccan Traps
- Relative Entropy-Based Global Sensitivity Analysis in a Complex 1D-2D Coupled Hydrodynamic Flood Modeling System
- Risk analysis of injection-induced seismicity associated with geological CO2 storage through enhanced oil recovery
- Role of leaf-level nitrogen allocation in nitrogen-fertilizer management of maize crop under climate change
- Solar Irradiance Modeling over Indian Sub-continent using Cloud Microphysical Properties from INSAT-3DR
- Subduction dynamics and Tectonic coupling along seismically active margin: the relevance of Trench-parallel forces
- Synergistic Degradation of Dyes with Marine Bacteria Incubated in Graphene Oxide Matrix
- The importance of speciated observational constraints for improving aerosol pollution attribution over India
- Understanding Processes of Human-Natural Hydroclimatic System in Indian Monsoon Region
- Understanding the Water Quality Implications of Inter Basin Water Transfers Using a Source Tracking Modeling Framework
- Understanding the land-atmosphere causal relationships during vegetation response to drought stress
- Understanding the role of land-based evapotranspiration on Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
- A Complex Networks-based Measure for Evaluating General Circulation Models: Rainfall Simulation for India
- A Geomorphic Analysis of Discharge-Area Scaling
- A Multi-Model Inter-comparison of Aerosol and Cloud Radiative Forcing using Three General Circulation Models (GCMs).
- A New Survey-Based Approach to Understand the Role of Technology Penetration in Emissions of Gaseous Pollutants from On-Road Transport Sector of India
- A Novel Combined Framework of Differential Evolution and Krill Herd Algorithm for Design of Large-scale Water Distribution Network
- A new approach to imaging deep crustal structures across passive continental margins: The Role of Pre-Rift Structures in Southeast Australian Triple Junction Formation
- A novel method to estimate vegetation optical depth from SMAP brightness temperatures
- Aerosol-cloud-interactions (aci) in continental warm clouds over India
- Ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography of Malani Igneous Province in northwestern India
- Anthropogenic Influence on Surface Air Temperature and Precipitation Variations Over India
- Assessing the Eco-hydro-meteorological Variables Influencing the Carbon Exchange Phenomenon of Pine-dominated Ecosystem of Himalaya
- Assessing the optimal water and nitrogen management methods for Maize yield intensification under climate change in Semi-Arid India
- Behavioural study of Evapotranspiration time series: Visibility Graph Analysis
- Benefits of Hyper-Resolution Land Surface Modeling for Soil Moisture Estimation: Analysis over a Catchment in India
- CCMS v.2.0: Improved Cropland Carbon Monitoring System
- Carbon Dioxide Geo-sequestration: A Scientific Anecdote
- Causal Discovery-based analysis of Vegetation-Climate interaction in India
- Chemical Characterization and Source Attribution of Fine Carbonaceous Aerosols at a Regional Background Location in Northern India
- Compositional Variations in Mica and Apatite as Recorder of Lamproite Magma Evolution: Evidence from Eastern India
- Compositional heterogeneity of mare basalt pyroxene chemistry: Insights into the geological units of Mare Humorum
- Could coupling of Direct Air Capture and Enhanced Oil Recovery Lead to Decarbonized Liquid Fuels?
- Crustal Structure and Onshore-Offshore Tectonic Linkage across the Southwest Continental Margin of India based on gravity and seismic data
- Crustal structure below Northwest Indian Shield through constrained potential field modelling : geodynamic implications
- Decadal Shoreline Change Detection Using Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS): The Case of Northern Maharashtra, India.
- Development of Regional Severity-Duration-Frequency and Severity-Areal extent-Frequency Curves for an Indian Basin Under Warming Climate
- Direct and indirect contact of Bacteria with Fe-bearing rock and minerals: A mechanism of Fe sequestration by bacteria
- Does prioritizing environmental flows compromise demand satisfaction and hydropower production in the Nagarjuna Sagar reservoir?
- Dynamic vegetation parameter retrieval algorithm using SMAP L-band brightness temperatures
- Effect of Injection Strategy on Induced Seismicity Risk during CO2 Storage
- Evaluating CCS readiness in India: CO2 storage potential, source-sink mapping and policy outlook
- Evaluating the potential of future Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission on dynamic river channels
- Evaluation of CMIP6 Models for Extreme Precipitation over India.
- Evidences of diffusion dominated cubanite lamellae in chalcopyrite
- Experimental Study of Basalt Alteration Rates and Pathways: Role of Grain Size, Water-rock Ratio and Initial Fluid Chemistry
- Exploring Spatiotemporal Variability in Denudation in the Dhauladhar Range, Northwest Himalaya
- Feeding Static Values to LSTMs for Seq2Seq Learning for Simultaneous Source Identification and Parameter Estimation In Groundwater
- Field-based Emission Factor Estimation for the Residential Heating Activities in Western India
- Finite frequency noise source inversion for heterogeneous media
- Flood Risk in India Under Future Climate Change and Socioeconomic Scenarios
- Flood risk assessment and identification of hotspots under CMIP6 scenarios using a coupled physical modeling approach: A case study over the Mahanadi River Basin, India
- Forest above-ground biomass retrieval from L-band full polarimetric SAR and LIDAR data using Gaussian process regression.
- Generation of High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Rootzone Soil Moisture Data Series from Satellite Sources Using ML-Based Approach
- How Should Diverse Stakeholder Interests Inform Robust Adaptation Actions in Complex Water Resources Systems Confronting Change?
- Hurricane Boundary Layer Depth Determination using Large Eddy Simulation Model
- Imaging the Crust Beneath a 250 km Long Profile Across the Aravalli Delhi Fold Belt in Northwestern India
- Imaging the Crustal Structure in the Central Himalayan Collision Zone and Adjacent Indo-Gangetic Plains
- Impacts of landuse/land cover change on flow and sediment yield in monsoon dominated watershed
- Importance of Secondary Fuel use In Cooking Energy Estimation for India: An Initiative For Sustainable Energy Use
- Improved Estimates of Irrigation Effect on Pre-monsoon Heat Extremes in India
- Indian Ocean Geoid Low: Unravelling the Crustal and Upper Mantle Sources
- Inexpensive Physics Guided Data-Driven Model for Decadal Prediction of Indian Monsoon
- Knowledge-Driven AI and Unsupervised ML-Based Prospectivity Mapping of Western Rajasthan, NW India for Carbonatite-Alkaline Complex Related REE Mineralisation.
- Land Use Land Cover change classification using LISS 4 imagery and support vector machine: A case study of Palghar coast, India
- Land-Atmosphere Interactions in North West Himalaya
- Locust Swarm Signatures Using Weather Radars
- Looking at the Pandemic from space
- Machine-learning enabled vulnerability assessment at the village level: the case of Indian west coast
- Major Exhumation Pulse of the Shillong Plateau Occurred During 32-18 Ma in the Himalayan Foreland
- Mass based Hygroscopicity of Atmospheric aerosols from a high-altitude site in India using precision-based Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) technique
- Meteorological Origin of Hydrological Response
- Microbial Enzymatic Role on Biomimetic Nanomaterial Surfaces for Organic Pollutant Degradation
- Mid-mantle Structure of the Yellowstone Plume Imaged Using Box Tomography
- Modelling And Spatial Disaggregation Of Evapotranspiration From Remote Sensing Over Vineyards
- Moist heatwave: a concern on workability and survivability in India
- Morphometric Analysis of the Savitri River Basin, India
- Multivariate Non-stationary Drought Frequency Analysis in a Changing Climate.
- Performance evaluation of WRF-ARW in simulating tropical cyclone Ockhi
- Petrography and Geochemistry of Silvassa Trachytes, Deccan Volcanic Province
- Plausible Mechanisms for Tsunami-like Surge Deposits Due to the Chicxulub Impact at the K-Pg Boundary at the Tanis Site, North Dakota: Models for Seismic Excitation and Atmospheric Effects
- Pre-Deccan Campanian Acidic Volcanism on Laccadive Ridge: Implications on the Nature of its Underlying Crust
- Projected Changes in the Relative Role of Soil Moisture and Vapor Pressure Deficit in Affecting the Terrestrial Ecosystem Productivity in India
- Propagation of Meteorological to Soil Moisture Droughts in India
- Reducing anemia burden in Indian women of reproductive age with clean-air targets
- Role of wind in the modulation of urban surface temperatures
- SAM guided Half Siamese network model for endmember variability based spectral unmixing of geological materials
- Scaling Laws of Drainage Networks for Global River Basins
- Sequential EnKF Assimilation of Sensitive Soil Moisture Observations to Improve Streamflow Estimation
- Simulations of orographic extreme precipitation in the Western Himalayas during the summer monsoon
- Socio-economic Adaptive Alternatives to Alleviate Regional Flood Risk for Future Climate Scenarios
- Spatial analysis of Stationary vs Non-stationary flood frequency using observation based global runoff dataset (GRUN) for India
- Spatial-temporal Analysis of Droughts over India using Reliability-Resilience-Vulnerability (RRV) index
- Techno-economic comparison of CO2 capture technology options to retrofit a 500 MWe subcritical coal power plant in India
- Temporal analysis of C-band InSAR decorrelation for canopy height mapping over dry forests and tropical savannas
- The crustal architecture of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt: Implications on position of India during the Proterozoic supercontinental cycles
- The sensitivity of objective function choice to model related choices in characterizing operations of a multi-purpose reservoir
- Tropical Cyclone Induced Concurrent Wind and Rainfall Extremes over India
- Uncertainty in River Discharge Estimation Based on Proxy SWOT Data: a Case Study Over India
- Understanding the Dynamics of Vegetation by Causal Delineation in Eco-hydrological Systems
- Understanding the Formational Process of the Valley Networks from Thaumasia Highland and Surrounding Regions, Mars
- Understanding the Significance of Microporosity in Pore-Scale Fluid Flow Modelling Within Carbonate Reservoirs Using Multiscale Pore Networks
- Variations in the crustal structure and composition beneath the Malani Igneous Province, NW India, through receiver function analysis
- a Paleo Suture at the Southern Egmb Revisited by Using the Potential Field Geophysical Data: Implications on the Proterozoic Supercontinent Amalgamations
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Aatish Anshuman
- Aditi Modi
- Akash Verma
- Akhilesh S. Nair
- Alejandro Di Luca
- Amit Kumar Sharma
- Amitesh Gupta
- Anav Vora
- Anjana Devanand
- Anwesa Bhattacharya
- Arjun Datta
- Arpita Mondal
- Baerbel Sinha
- Barbara Romanowicz
- Basudev Biswal
- Chao Lyu
- Christopher D. Holmes
- Colette L. Heald
- David V. Gold
- Dnyanesh Borse
- Dong Kook Woo
- Fabio A. Capitanio
- Fangqun Yu
- Federico D. Munch
- Gan Luo
- Gokul Venu Sreebindu
- Hugh Coe
- J. Indu
- Kaushik Muduchuru
- Kaustav Mondal
- Kondepudi Pattabhiram
- Kristin Morell
- L. Karthikeyan
- Laura Duncanson
- Leena Khadke
- M. G. Giometto
- M. Janga Reddy
- Madhurima Deb
- Manish Kumar Dhasmana
- Manu K. Soman
- Mark A. Richards
- Masaki Satoh
- Mathew Koll Roxy
- Megan C. Kirchmeier‐Young
- Michael Wehner
- Neha Redkar
- Nivedita Dubey
- Noemi Vergopolan
- Patrick M. Reed
- Prashant Istalkar
- Praveen Kumar
- R Visweshwaran
- R. Eswar
- Raaj Ramsankaran
- Rajarshi Datta
- Randall J. LeVeque
- Riddhi Singh
- Robin Armit
- Rohini Kumar
- Rohit Nandan
- Rudra Mohan Pradhan
- S. Haider Rizvi
- S. L. Kesav Unnithan
- Sagnik Dey
- Saswata Nandi
- Shobha Shukla
- Sidhant J. Pai
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Subhankar Karmakar
- Subimal Ghosh
- Suma Bhanu Battula
- Sumit Saxena
- Swarnendu Sekhar Ghosh
- Tejasvi Chauhan
- Tushar Adsul
- Utpal Kumar
- Vikram Chandel
- Vincent Godard
- Vittal Hari
- Yashvardhan Verma