Indian Space Research Organization
flowchart I[Indian Space Research Organization] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (70)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (20)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Observation of quasi-biannual oscillation (QBO) in ozone concentration and its implication in the tropopause temperature over Banchio (24.44 N 121.45 E), Taiwan
- TIGERZ I: Aerosols, Monsoon and Synergism
- Spectroscopic Character and Spatial Distribution of Hydroxyl and Water Absorption Features Measured on the Lunar Surface by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper Imaging Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1
- The Association of Pre-storm Ground Wetness with Inland Penetration of Monsoon Depressions : A Study Using Self Organizing Maps (SOM) C.M. Kishtawal Meteorology and Oceanography Group, Space Applications Center, Ahmedabad, INDIA Dev Niyogi2 Department of Agronomy, and Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
- Comparison of SMOS and AMSR-E retrieved soil moisture with the field measured soil moisture data in South India
- Retrieving latent heat flux from MODIS Aqua and its comparison with ARM CLASIC 2007 observations, LDAS and recent reanalyses products over US Southern Great Plains
- An Intercomparison of RADARSAT-2, SMOS and Field Measured Soil Moisture in the Berambadi Watershed, South India
- Assessment of crop productivity over intensively managed agriculture regions in India and Australia using solar-induced fluorescence remote sensing data
- Assessment of future change in streamflow through identification of its association with precipitation in Mahanadi Basin, India under data scarce scenario
- Dynamic Downscaling & Hydrologic Modelling of the Ganges Basin to Assess its Response to the Climate Change
- Spatio-temporal variation of methane over Indian region: Seasonal and inter-annual variation .
- Assessment of Seasonal Water Balance Components over India Using Macroscale Hydrological Model
- Glacier Facies Mapping and movement Estimation using Remote Sening Techniques: A Case Study at Samudra Tapu Glacier
- Overview of the Joint NASA ISRO Imaging Spectroscopy Science Campaign in India
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Rainfall over Eastern India Using Complex Network
- Phytomass & Carbon estimation of Tree outside Forests, their role and effect in maintaing microclimate of local environment: A Remote Sensing Approach in Gwalior and Sheopur District, Madhya Pradesh
- Quantitative Analysis of Intra Urban Growth Modeling using socio economic agents by combining cellular automata model with agent based model
- Aerosol atmospheric correction of hyperspectral image data collected in India
- Connecting Satellite Based Spectral Modelling Approach and Forest Inventory to Model Biomass and Carbon Stocks in Natural and Planted Forest Over Part of Semi Arid Zone, India
- Developing Forest Fire Danger index using NASA MODIS TERRA Near Real Time satellite datasets
- Evaluation of Spectral Reconstruction Technique for Mineral Mapping
- Seasonal Variability Analysis of Sea Water pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Over North Western Indian Ocean
- Spatial Multi-Criteria Modeling for Habitat Suitability of Flagship Species in Western Himalaya
- Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Biomass Production in the part of Doon Valley, India using MODIS data and Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing.
- Changes in the La Niña Teleconnection to the Indian Summer Monsoon During Recent Decades
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration Fluxes using METRIC Model over Sub-tropical Moist Deciduous Forest in Doon Valley, India
- Evaluation and Projection of Moisture Fluxes during Indian Summer Monsoon based on CMIP6
- Fixed Nonlinear Multiple Regression Based Spectral Modelling Approach for Predictive Quantification of Biomass and Carbon stocks of Tree Outside Forest areas (TOFs) over Arid zone of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
- Implementing Spectral and Textual Characteristics of Rocks for Improved Lithological Mapping using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Optimal Estimation of Spectral Surface Reflectance in Challenging Atmospheres
- Spatial Biodiversity Model To Characterize Biological Diversity Using R Statistical Computing Environment For Nepal Himalaya
- Trends in Rainfall Pattern over Eastern Ganga Canal Command
- Machine learning based a time series predictive analysis of biomass and carbon for Urban forests: A Case study in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
- Modeling Habitat Suitability for Clouded Leopard and Sambar Deer in the Far Eastern Himalayas
- Parameterization of METRIC Model for Forestry Applications: A Case Study of Doon Valley, India.
- Quantification and mapping of hydrological services of a Himalayan watershed using geo-spatial approach
- Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Water Use Efficiency of Forest Ecosystem Using Time Series Satellite Data and Flux Measurements
- Assessment of Irrigation Potential using Remote Sensing a Case Study
- Assessment of Spatio-Temporal and diurnal Urban Heat Island Intensities in Delhi Urban agglomeration using a high resolution Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Extraction of Phenological Metrics for Mixed Deciduous Forest of Doon Valley, India using MODIS NDVI Time Series Data
- Improved Automated Building Extraction from High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery using Time-optimized Deep Learning Techniques
- Mini-RF Bistatic Radar X-band Observations of the Scattering Properties of Lunar Crater Ejecta
- Performance Assessment of Supported GNSS service through a Standalone Smartphone Device in an Urban Environment
- Potential of Multi-mission Satellite Altimetry Observations and Hydrodynamic Model to Establish Virtual Gauging Network in Sparsely Gauged Basin
- River and Lakes Water Level Monitoring using Icesat-2 Data in Parts of India and its Validation
- Space Based Assessment and Review of Chamoli, Uttarakhand (North India) Rockslide Event of February 07, 2021
- Study Using a Diagnostic Satellite Based Model (VPRM) to Improve the Estimations of Atmosphere - Terrestrial Biosphere CO2 Exchanges Over India.
- Utilization of ICESat-2 and Pleiades Stereo Datasets for assessments of Changes in Elevation in Complex Himalayan Terrain due to the Rockslide at Trishul Mountain Range near Ronti Glacier, Chamoli
- A GRACE Derived Groundwater Deficit as an Indicator for Characterization of Hydrological Drought and Understanding Climatic Impact on Groundwater Resources in South Korea
- A MaxEnt based habitat suitability analysis of Panthera tigris tigris in a protected area landscape
- Assessment of Wildlife Connectivity inside a Protected Area Using Geospatial Techniques and Circuit Theory Approach
- Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Habitat Suitability Modeling of Monsoon Migratory bird in Spatio-Temporal Domain
- Comparative Evaluation of Active Tectonics in the Piedmont Zone of Haryana, India: A Remote-Sensing and GPR based Approach
- Contrasting Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought Stress across Two Different Forest Types of India
- Determination of Groundwater Shortage in Afghanistan using GRACE data and the Evolution of Vadose Zone in Kabul City using SAR data
- Flood hazard assessment in high mountain area using geospatial data: a case study of Leh watershed, Ladakh, India
- Forest Fire Susceptibility Mapping of Uttarakhand, India using Maximum Entropy Modelling
- InSAR-Based Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Improvement Using Data Fusion Technique with Neural Networks on Diverse Topographic Indian Regions
- Looking at the Pandemic from space
- On Periodic Fluctuations (Area Gain and Loss) of Glaciers in the Warwan Sub-basin, Western Himalaya between 1990 and 2020
- Perenniality Analysis of the Godavari River, India by Using River Perenniality Index
- Quantification of Interseismic slip rate variation and Strain budget modelling in the North-Western Himalaya using GPS and SAR Joint Inversion approach
- Quantifying the Human Induced Land Use Land Change Impacts on the Water Balance Components of Forested Watershed by Variable Infiltration Capacity Model
- Quantum Enhanced Neural Networks for Satellite Image Classification
- SBPSA model for improvement of InSAR-based Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using DEM fusion- Case studies of plain and hilly terrains in parts of India
- Satellite radar and lidar altimeters observed seasonal variation in water level of Ganga River
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Groundwater Recharge and Assessment of the Factors Controlling Recharge in the Province of Uttar Pradesh, India
- Understanding Cascading Hazards in the Western Himalayas
- Vertical structure of the thermal tides in the Venusian equatorial region clarified by Akatsuki radio occultation measurements
- Web-Based Active Fault Interactive Database: An inventory of Faults and Earthquakes of the Indian Subcontinent
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. M. Stickle
- Ankit Agarwal
- Anuradha Karunakalage
- Ashutosh Bhardwaj
- Bradley J. Thomson
- Harshith Clifford Prince
- Hiroki Ando
- Jin Yong Lee
- M. Pätzold
- Mohammad Taqi Daqiq
- Norihiko Sugimoto
- Pankaj R. Dhote
- Praveen K. Thakur
- R. K. Choudhary
- Ravi Sharma
- S. S. Bhiravarasu
- S. S. Limaye
- Saurabh Purohit
- Suresh Kannaujiya
- Takeshi Imamura