Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- On the distributions and EOFs of HALOE/UARS Ozone and Methane
- Changes in Moisture and Energy Fluxes due to Groundwater-based Irrigation in the Indian Monsoon Belt
- Impacts of land use changes on heavy precipitation over the Indian monsoonal regions
- TIGERZ I: Aerosols, Monsoon and Synergism
- Travel Time Atlas and the Role of Neural Networks for an Early Warning System for Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean
- Changes in the characteristics of monsoon precipitation in India
- Impact of Carbonaceous Aerosols over Indian Region
- Analytical solutions for contaminant transport in open channel flows and underlying slow zones
- Exploring the impact of model and data uncertainties in the detection and attribution of upper-ocean warming (Invited)
- Quantile hydrologic model selection and uncertainty assessment
- The Role of Global Emission Inventory of Carbonaceous Emissions
- ENSO simulation in the CMIP5 models
- Predicting pathogen transport and risk of infection from land-applied biosolids
- Radiative Forcing from Carbonaceous Emissions
- Multi-rule Based Diagnostic Approach for Fog Prediction using WRF Modeling Tool
- Simulation of Relationship between ENSO and winter precipitation over Western Himalayas: Application of Regional climate model (RegT-Band)
- Autumn-time post-harvest biomass burning in Punjab causing aerosol perturbation over Central Himalayas
- Modeling Impact of Cross Drainage Works on Flood Propagation Dynamics
- Multiscale Stream flow Forecasting Using a New Bayesian Model Average Based Ensemble Multi-Wavelet Volterra Nonlinear Method
- A New Wavelet Based Approach to Assess Hydrological Models
- Air Quality Forecasting through Different Statistical and Artificial Intelligence Techniques
- An Examination of Sensitivities in Uncertainty Quantification for Future Climate Projections over India.
- Analysis of Satellite Retreived Active-Passive Merged Soil Moisture Distribution: A Case Study Over India.
- Direct Impacts of Aerosols on Two Successive Contrasting Indian Summer Monsoon Seasons Using a Regional Climate Model.
- Forecasting Urban Water Demand via Machine Learning Methods Coupled with a Bootstrap Rank-Ordered Conditional Mutual Information Input Variable Selection Method
- Habitat Suitability analysis of Koklass (Pucrasia macrolopha) Pheasant in Churdhar Wildlife Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh, India using Geospatial Technology
- Modeling and Prediction of Wintertime Precipitation over Northwest India: Search for an Explicit Solution
- Probable Health Risks Due to Exposure to Outdoor PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in India
- Projections of Rainfall and Temperature from CMIP5 Models over BIMSTEC Countries
- Sensitivity of Aerosol Radiative Forcing to Mixing State and Non-Sphericity
- Sensitivity of WRF Model to Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes in Different Climate Zones over India
- Uncertainty Analysis of the Variable Parameter McCarthy-Muskingum (VPMM) Method with Presence of Lateral Flow
- Assessment of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentrations on Human Health: A case study of Delhi, India
- Detection and attribution of near surface temperature changes over homogenous temperature zones in India
- Dual Nature of Heat Flux in Stable Atmospheric Surface Layer
- Dynamic Downscaling & Hydrologic Modelling of the Ganges Basin to Assess its Response to the Climate Change
- Examining Spatio-Temporal Intensity-Frequency Variations in Extreme Monsoon Rainfall using High Resolution Data
- Exposure of Particulate Matters PM<SUB>10 </SUB>and PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> to Pregnant Ladies during First Trimester and its Impact on Adverse Birth Outcomes in Delhi, India
- Forced and Unforced Changes of Indian Ocean Temperature and Land-Sea Temperature Gradient
- Fractal Analysis of KOSI, Gandak and Baghmati River
- Hydrologic Regionalization Using Wavelet Based Multi-Scale Entropy Method
- Hydrological Modelling of Ganga River basin.
- On a Phase Space Reconstruction Approach to Improve the Statistical Downscaling of Regional Precipitation
- Paradigm for Distributive & Procedural Justice in Equitable Apportionment of Transboundary Ganges Waters Under Changing Climate & Landuse
- Performance Evaluation of Various Parameterization Schemes in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model : A Case Study Subtropical Urban Agglomeration National Capital Region (NCR), India
- Quantifying and Constraining Structural Uncertainty in Future Climate Projections over India
- Radiative Impact of Aerosols on the Regional Boundary Layer Features in Strong and Weak Wind Conditions using WRF Modeling System
- Resuspension of Aerosol Particles from Evaporated Rain Drops to the Coarse Mode
- SWAT and River-2D Modelling of Pinder River for Analysing Snow Trout Habitat under Different Flow Abstraction Scenarios
- Sensitivity Analysis of Hydrological Model Using a Hybrid of Variance Based and Latin Hypercube Sampling Method.
- Small scale solar wind turbulence due to nonlinear Alfvén waves
- A GIS and Remote Sensing Perspective on the Hydrodynamic Response of the 2014 Kashmir Floods
- Analysis of the Effects of Different Land Use and Land Cover Classification on Surface Meteorological Variables using WRF Model
- Attempt at forming an expression of Manning's 'n' for Open Channel Flow
- Estimates of Internal Tide Energetics in the Western Bay of Bengal
- Estimation of Anthropogenic Heat Emissions in Delhi, India and Their Role in Urban Heat Island Effect
- Evolution of Diurnal Asymmetry of Surface Temperature over Different Climatic Zones
- Feasibility of Multi-decadal Satellite Soil Moisture for Drought Monitoring over India
- Feasibility of extraction of geothermal energy from a single well in a confined/unconfined reservoir
- Geospatial Data Standards for Indian Water Resources Systems
- Half a Degree Additional Warming; Prognosis and Projected Impacts (HAPPI): Experimental design and initial results
- Impact of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions on Local Meteorology and Air Quality - A Case Study of National Capital Region (NCR) of India
- Influence of initial temperature perturbations on precipitation using WRF modelling system over the Southern Peninsular India
- Multiscale event synchronization measure for unraveling climate process: A wavelet-based approach
- Performance evaluation of dispersion parameterization schemes in the plume simulation of FFT-07 diffusion experiment
- Plant Enhanced Bioremediation of Dissolved Toluene in Large Scale Column Setup
- Seasonal Ensemble Forecasting: Using Bayesian Model Averaging and Constrained Fourier Smoothing
- Sensitivity of the Freshwater Plume to Winds in the Bay of Bengal
- Source Reconstruction in Low Wind Conditions from Atmospheric Concentration Measurements: A Renormalization Data Assimilation Approach
- Speciated Aerosol Loading over India using a CTM: Implications for Climate and Health Impact
- Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction in the Midst of Uncertainties: Recognizing the Music in What May Seem Like Noises Across this scale
- Unraveling the Drivers of Recent Water Shortage over São Paulo (Brazil)
- Vulnerability and Tradeoffs of Dairy Farmers to the Impacts of Climate Variability and Change in India
- A Holistic Framework for Deriving Equitable Apportionments and Resolving Conflicts in Transboundary Watercourses
- A Quantitative Study of Vertical Replenishment and its Contribution to Momentum Recovery for a Large Offshore Windfarm
- A Semi-Analytical Model for Dispersion Modelling Studies in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- A Web GIS Enabled Comprehensive Hydrologic Information System for Indian Water Resources Systems
- A numerical study of the effect of irrigation on land-atmosphere interactions in a spring wheat cropland in India using a coupled atmosphere-crop growth dynamics model
- Ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Exposure in India: Burden, Source-Apportionment and Projection Under Climate Change
- Application of Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm for the Optimization of Urban Stormwater Drainage
- Assessing the influence of land use land cover pattern, socio economic factors and air quality status to predict morbidity on the basis of logistic based regression model
- Assessment of WRF Surface Layer Formulations Over a Complex Terrain
- Assessment of Wind Resource in the Palk Strait using Different Methods
- Attributing the Human Influence on Precipitation Changes over India
- Chemical Composition and Source Apportionment of high temporal resolution PM<SUB>1</SUB> data for January-August 2017 in Delhi, India
- Comparative Study of Cloud Climatology Over Indian Subcontinent Using Long-Term Remote Sensing Dataset
- Compound effects of temperature and precipitation in making droughts more frequent in Marathwada, India
- Dealing with Non-stationarity in Intensity-Frequency-Duration Curve
- Development of dynamic wheat crop model in ISAM and estimation of impacts of environmental factors on wheat production in India
- Dynamics of Quasi-Electrostatic Whistler waves in Earth's Radiation belts
- Effect of Guide Field in Localization of Whistler Wave and Turbulent Spectrum in Magnetic Reconnection Sites
- Extreme Temperatures over India in the 1.5°C and 2°C warmer worlds
- Game Theoretic Resolution of Water Conflicts
- Impact of Climate Change on Irrigation and Hydropower Potential: A Case of Upper Blue Nile Basin
- Impact of Equatorial Waves on the Variability of Upwelling Process Along West Coast of India
- Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Conditions on WRF Model Evaluation for Heat Island Assessment
- Modeling and Understanding the Mass Balance of Himalayan Glaciers
- Near Real Time Flood Warning System for National Capital Territory of Delhi
- Observationally Constrained Estimates of Aerosol Indirect and Semi-direct Radiative forcing over Indian Ocean.
- On the recent warming in the subcloud layer entropy and vertically integrated moist static energy over South Asian Monsoon region.
- Prediction of land use changes based on land change modeler and attribution of changes in the water balance of Ganga basin to land use change using the SWAT model
- Quantitative Analysis of Intra Urban Growth Modeling using socio economic agents by combining cellular automata model with agent based model
- Rainfall Prediction of Indian Peninsula: Comparison of Time Series Based Approach and Predictor Based Approach using Machine Learning Techniques
- Realism of Indian Summer Monsoon Simulation in a Quarter Degree Global Climate Model
- Role of Internal Variability in Surface Temperature and Precipitation Change Uncertainties over India.
- Seasonal variability of Internal tide energetics in the western Bay of Bengal
- Simulating the Cyclone Induced Turbulent Mixing in the Bay of Bengal using COAWST Model
- Simulation of Plume Dispersion from Single and Multiple Releases in Fusion Field Trial-07 Experiment
- Studying the Impacts of Environmental Factors and Agricultural Management on Methane Emissions from Rice Paddies Using a Land Surface Model
- Turbulence Generation by Slow Magnetosonic Wave and Its Implication in Coronal Heating
- Using Automatic Control Approach In Detention Storages For Storm Water Management In An Urban Watershed
- Wind effect on salt transport variability in the Bay of Bengal
- A Comparative Assessment of Global Distribution of Individual Cloud Types Retrieved by Space-borne Radar, Lidar and Passive Sensors
- A More Rational Approach for Morphological Characterisation of Kosi River and Its Plains
- Aerosol-induced Cloud Invigoration over Indian Summer Monsoon Region
- Air Quality Simulations over Delhi Using WRF-Chem: Effects of Local Pollution and Regional-Scale Transport
- An Artificial Neural Network based Flood Diagnostic using Rainfall Data in a Monsoon Region River Basin.
- Are hydrological indices capable of providing credible e-flow suggestions?
- Assessment of Newly Built Resolution-Corrected MISR Cloud Fraction Product
- Attributing the External Forcings Responsible for Near Surface Air Temperature Changes over India
- Common and Unique Precipitation Biases over South Asia in the NCAR CESM vis-à-vis other CMIP5 models
- Copula-Based Non-Stationary Joint Deficit Index for Drought Characterization
- Dependence of Error Components in Satellite-Based Precipitation Products on Topography, LULC and Climatic Features
- Dichotomous behavior of reservoirs on downstream flood frequencies and flood hazards: A case study of Upper Krishna River Basin, Southern India
- EquATR: A Decision Support System for Resource Allocation
- Establishing the Causes Undermining the Foundation of the Chamravattom Regulator-cum-Bridge
- Future projection of maximum cyclone density region and landfall locations over the North Indian Ocean using COAWST model
- Genesis of monsoon low pressure systems in a high resolution climate model
- Geospatial Approach To Flood Hazard Mapping
- Highly Time Resolved Characteristics of Light Absorbing Water-soluble Organics over New Delhi
- Hydrodynamic-Driven Regime Shift in the Loktak Lake
- Integrating Low Impact Development strategies with detention/retention storage for effective stormwater management in an urban watershed.
- Investigating Parameter Sensitivity in WRF-Hydro for Streamflow Modeling over the North-Western Himalayan Basin
- Paradigm for Holistic Development of Agriculture in Rural India
- Production Strategy of Oceanic Gas Hydrate Reservoirs using Various Well Configurations
- Radiative Feedback of Carbonaceous Aerosols over the Indian Subcontinent
- Rainfall Seasonality and its Spatio-temporal Variability over India
- Response of Deciduous Fruit Production in Himachal Pradesh (India) to Global Warming and Geoengineering
- Seasonal Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon; A dynamical downscaling perspective.
- Separating the Role of Aerosol and Meteorology Factors in Modulating Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Characteristics in the Indian Ocean.
- The Response of Peak Discharge and Sedimentation to the Land Use/Land Cover Change Scenarios in the Upper Awash Basin, Ethiopia
- The development and assessment of current capabilities of SWAT model for estimating water balance and assaying and exploring research opportunities in applied watershed modelling for impact assessment of climate and human activities: Modeling the Ganga River Basin
- Theoretical and Observational Prediction based Parameterization of Surface Fluxes in Large-scale Models
- Understanding the impact of irrigation on India's climate using a global climate model
- WRF-Urban Canopy Model Evaluation for the Assessment of Heat Island and Thermal Comfort over an Urban Airshed in India under Varying Land Use/Land Cover Conditions
- Association between ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposure and anemia in children under 5 in India: An ecological analysis
- Behavioural Chemistry of ground level ozone formation in heavily polluted environment of Delhi city
- Bivariate Approach to Flood Risk Assessment and Mapping of Flood Plain in River Hindon
- Bridging the Urban-Rural Development Divide in Emerging Economies through Community Science
- Changes in Multilayered Cloud Structure and Associated Rain Properties in High and Low Aerosol Regimes over South Asian Summer Monsoon Region
- Chemical characterization of fine particulate matter, and source apportionment of organic aerosol at three sites in New Delhi, India
- Constraining Cooking and Coal Combustion Organic Aerosol Source Profiles Using Advanced Factorization Techniques
- Effect of inclined interface between fresh and seawater fronts on efficiency of subsurface barrier
- Environmental Characterization of Two Chromium-based Industrial Waste Contaminated Sites of India
- Estimating the influence of feasible interventions on potential decrease in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentrations in Delhi-NCR using a one-way nested regional and urban air quality modelling framework
- Expanding Citizen Scientist Recruitment and Engagement to Understand Local Air Quality using Low-Cost Sensors
- Highly Significant Impact of Mineral Dust on Aerosol Hygroscopicty at New Delhi
- How well do bias-correction algorithms impact on error components of satellite-based precipitation estimates?
- Impact of Climate Change on Non-Communicable Diseases like Depression in India
- Impact of Future Climate Change on Potential Malaria Transmission Dynamics over Odisha using VECTRI Model
- Impact of the Distributed, Complex, and Irregular Source Zone Architectures on the Steady-State Plume Lengths
- Implementing Optimization techniques in Detention Storage for Sustainable Storm Water Wanagement: Case Study Delhi Airport.
- Indian Summer Monsoon Prediction by Deep Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network using Time Series Based Approach
- Influence of dry air intrusion from the Middle East on Indian summer monsoon variability
- Investigating the relationship between meteorological parameters and PM2.5 in the polluted Indo Gangetic Plain as simulated by a global chemistry-climate model and using CMIP5 versus CMIP6 emissions
- Logistic behavior of flux governed by stream-aquifer properties on groundwater-surface water interaction along the streambed
- Modified Parameterisation of Black Carbon Aging in a Climate Model
- Multi Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of an Urban Agglomeration Under Climate Change
- Numerical Simulations of Orographic Effects on Tropical Easterly Jet and Indian Summer Monsoon
- Observationally Constrained estimates of Aerosol first and second Indirect Radiative Forcing over the Indian Ocean.
- Occurrence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Indian Matrices
- On the Causes of Poleward Shift of the Indian Summer Monsoon Low Level Jetstream
- Paradigm for Managing Urban Drainage Leveraging Geospatial and Crowd Sourcing Techniques
- Particle size distribution in a polluted megacity: The Delhi Aerosol Supersite study
- Policy Priority for India in Combating Air Pollution and its Staggering Health Burden
- Potential of GRACE in Assessing the Hydrological Extremes over Tropical River Basin
- Power Law Distribution and its inferences in understanding Landslides Empirical Dataset
- Projection of anthropogenic PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> over India in the near future under global warming and its policy implications
- Redefining Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) for Changing Climate
- Sensitivity of Malaria Transmission Dynamics to VECTRI Parameters
- Solar driven co-generation of electricity and freshwater
- Source characterization of volatile organic compounds measured by PTR-ToF-MS in Delhi, India
- Submicron Aerosol During Autumn 2018 in the Most Polluted Megacity: The Delhi Aerosol Supersite Study (DAS)
- Understanding the Mixing and Transport Using Lagrangian Coherent Structures in Vembanad Lake
- Wintertime Organic Aerosol in Delhi, India: Sources, Formation Processes, and Role of Chlorine
- A view of Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties over the Indian Subcontinent from two Decades (2000-2020) of Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Observations
- Assessing rural vs. urban PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> disparities in the Indo-Gangetic Plain: A low-cost network approach
- COVID Lockdown Failed to Reduce Ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in India Below Its National Standard
- Climate Impacts of Carbonaceous Aerosols over the Indian Subcontinent using a Regional Climate Model, RegCM4
- Developing a Flood Severity Index over India
- Diurnal Variability of Cloudiness Over the Indian Subcontinent Using ISRO Satellite Kalpana1
- Do the Satellite-based Rainfall Estimates "truly-hit" the Gauge-based Observations?
- Effect of Biomass Burning, Firework Emissions, and Haze Events on the Oxidative Potential of Ambient Particulate Matter in Delhi, India
- Evaluating the impact of climate change on irrigated rice in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India using CMIP6 data
- Existence of vector-borne disease in desert type climate
- Fouling in Membrane Bioreactor Systems Treating Pharmaceutical Wastewater.
- Hybrid Model for Estimation of Steady-State Plume Length in 3D Scenarios
- INDRA Reporter: Crowdsourcing Quantitative Flooding Data with Impact Classifications to develop real-time flood risk dashboards
- Identification of flood vulnerability zones using hydrodynamic River modeling in the lower Godavari basin in Peninsular India
- Impact of the Himalayan-Tibetan Highland Orography on Somali Jet and Tropical Easterly Jet and the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Impacts of Global Warming and Stratospheric Geoengineering on the Changes in Surface Air Temperature and Precipitation Over India
- Implications of river regulation on in-stream ecosystems in Goulburn River, Australia
- India-specific Heat stress Index and Its Impacts on Mortality in Mega-city Delhi
- Influence of streambed and aquifer parameters on groundwater-surface water exchanging flux with groundwater flow parallel and perpendicular to the streamflow
- Influence of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Delhi's Air Quality
- Internal Waves due to Intrusion of Sub-surface High-saline waters in the Central Bay of Bengal
- Lockdown due to COVID-19: An opportunity to understand influence of anthropogenic activities
- Long term variability of carbonaceous aerosol over Southeast Asia: Association with changes in vegetation cover and biomass burning
- Machine Learning Based Prediction Model for Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) Under the Influence of Anthropogenic Factors in India
- Model Uncertainty in the Projections of Sub-Daily Extreme Precipitation
- Mortality Burden Of Ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Exposure In Megacity Delhi: Spatially Disaggregated v/s Aggregated Approach To Exposure Assignment
- Recent Improvements in the air quality of the megacity Delhi
- Simulation of precipitation and temperature for detection of local extreme events using RegCM4.4 downscaling
- Solar Powered Water Dehumidifier System
- The Association of Ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Exposure with Anemia Prevalence Amongst the Adult Indian Population
- Trends and Regional Heterogeneity in the Pollution Cycle in India
- Unraveling the Origin of Moisture for South West Indian Monsoon Precipitation Events over Periyar River Basin using Lagrangian Approach
- Weakening Response of Groundwater to Rainfall Variability: A Case Study of Ganga Basin
- A Real-time LoRa-Based Environmental Monitoring System for Lakes and Reservoirs
- Advances in land surface modeling and prediction frameworks and tools to support risk-based national-scale water and emergency management
- Agricultural droughts over India: Analysis with emphasis on vegetation dynamics
- Application of variable importance tool in improving the efficiency of multilayer perceptron model for landslide susceptibility
- Bias-Correction of Satellite-Based Precipitation Estimates in Frequency Domain
- Chapter 3: Human influence on the climate system
- Characteristics of Daily Precipitation in India
- Computational Correlational Studies of Tropical Cyclone Energetic with Dynamical Fluid Motions and Physical features of Meso-Scale Convective Systems to Develop Tropical Cyclone Numerical Forecasting Models (TC-NFM).
- Deep Learning Based Regionalization of Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) and Discharge Relationship
- Detecting Groundwater Anomalies using Land Surface Models, Satellite Observations, and In-situ Data
- Development of a Station-based Gridded Ensemble Precipitation Product over India.
- Differential Impact of Chronic Exposure to PM2.5 Composition on Anemia Prevalence Amongst the Women of Reproductive Age in India
- Effects of Dispersion Parameters and Low Permeability Porous Media on the Contaminant Transport Behavior in the Aquifer System: A Numerical Study
- Estimating Rainfall Erosivity using High Resolution IMDAA Precipitation Product over India
- Estimation of Steady State Plume Width and its Characterization with Source Geometry
- Estimation of background concentration of Ambient Pollutants in Delhi NCT
- Evaluation of Newly Developed Similarity Functions under Stable Condition with a Mesoscale Model over the Indian Region
- Factors Influencing Ambient Particulate Matter in Delhi, India: Insights from a Machine Learning Model
- Flood Exposure and Social Vulnerability during 2020 Assam Floods
- Future Climate Change Impacts on Potential Malaria Transmission Dynamics Over Uttarakhand State India
- Global Distribution of Height-Stratified Cloud Amount as Observed from Long-term Satellite and Ground-based Remote Sensing
- Hybrid Monitoring Approach for Air Quality Management in Lower-and-Middle-Income Countries: Example from India
- Identifying Signatures of Anthropogenic Intervention and Climate Change on Groundwater Resources in Characteristic Water-Use Regimes
- Impact of Streambed and Aquifer Properties on Groundwater-Surface Water Exchanging Flux
- Impacts of Heat Stress on Mortality in Three Indian Cities from Diverse Climate Zones
- Improving Streamflow Simulations using Long Short-Term Memory Networks
- India Lightning Inventory - creation of a multi-source national geospatial database to facilitate comprehensive lightning research.
- Influence of Extreme Air Pollution Episodes on the Oxidative Potential of Ambient Particulate Matter in Delhi, India
- Long-term Trend and Variability of Cloud Fraction Over the Indian Ocean Using ERA5 Reanalysis Data
- Modelling the Impact of Climate Change and Associated Uncertainties on Future Water Availability of a Drought Prone Watershed in Central India
- Multi-Mission Flood Mapper: A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data Based Tool for Rapid Disaster Response
- PM2.5 Chemical Species and All Cause Non-Trauma Mortality in Megacity Delhi: A Time Series Study
- Performance Assessment of River Width and Discharge Estimates from Satellites
- Recent Trends in Solar Dimming and Brightening over India: Role of Aerosols and Clouds
- Reduction in Solar Power Generation due to Soiling Losses in an Urban Environment of India
- Sectoral contributions to carbonaceous aerosol radiative feedback on climate in the Indian monsoon region
- Solar Irradiance Modeling over Indian Sub-continent using Cloud Microphysical Properties from INSAT-3DR
- Solar Powered Decontamination of Groundwater for Reduction of Soil Salinity
- Spatial Heterogeneity and Shift in Urban-Rural Concentrations of NO2 in India over the Last Two Decades (2005-2019)
- Spatio-Temporal Monsoon Onset Characteristics in Different Modes of Climate Variations in India
- Standardized Net Precipitation Distribution Index (SNEPI): A Realistic Alternative to Traditional Drought Indicators
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Modelling for Simultaneous Removal of Multi Contaminants from Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB): A Long-Term In-situ Aquifer Remediation Study
- Toward High-Resolution Soil Moisture Monitoring over India by Combining Remote Sensing Products with Land Surface Models
- Unsaturated Zone Leaching Model-driven Probabilistic Human Health Risk Assessment of Groundwater System in the vicinity of Chandigarh Dumping Site, India
- Usefulness of Stochastic Entrainment Rate in the Simulation of South Asian Summer Monsoon
- Variability of Atmospheric Methane Over The Indian Subcontinent From Two Decades (2003-2020) of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Observations
- Variability of Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Bay of Bengal in the pretext of Indian Ocean Dipole
- A Cloud-Based Landslide Identification Algorithm for Rainfall-Triggered Landslides
- A Multi-Model Inter-comparison of Aerosol and Cloud Radiative Forcing using Three General Circulation Models (GCMs).
- A Multiscalar Drought Index Accounting Impacts of Changing Climate in Seasonal Drought Monitoring
- A New Survey-Based Approach to Understand the Role of Technology Penetration in Emissions of Gaseous Pollutants from On-Road Transport Sector of India
- A View of Atmospheric Methane Variability Over the Indian Subcontinent From Multi-sensor Data
- Assessing Water Management Pathways for Environmental Flow Management under Uncertain Futures in the Upper Yamuna Basin
- Assessing hydrological implications of 1.50C global warming over a semi-arid rice cultivating watershed in Central India
- Association between Ambient PM2.5 exposure and Hypertension amongst women of reproductive age in India
- Association between Residential Greenness and Heart Disease Risk in Indian Women
- Attributing the External Forcings Responsible for Sea Surface Temperature Changes over Indian Ocean
- Auto-calibration of a land surface and routing model over the Narmada and Yamuna River Basins
- CFD Modelling of Local Scour around a Bridge Pier
- Change in ARI Burden due to PM2.5 and NO2 in Children under 5 using Two Consecutive Indian Demographic Health Surveys (NFHS-4 & NFHS-5): A Multipollutant Model
- Changing Relationship between SST and Cloud Fraction over the Indian Ocean under Global Warming
- Characteristics and atmospheric processes of inorganic ions in PM2.5 and PM10 over heavily polluted industrial city in the Indo Gangetic Plain
- Climate Change And Mental Health in India: A Multifaceted Issue
- Development of a Gridded Observation-based Ensemble Precipitation Product for India
- Disparities in Ambient PM2.5 Exposure in India
- Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment of Soil in and around Chromite Ore Processing Residue (COPR) dumpsites in Kanpur, India
- Entropy-Based and Traditional Velocity Distribution Equations for Open Channel Flows: An Experimental Analysis in Case of the Adverse Channel Bed Slope Conditions.
- Evaluating JAXA/GOSAT two-layer XCO2 with aircraft measurements and OCO-2 MIP simulations
- Excess Risk of Mortality with Heatwaves and Heat-Stress in Three Indian Cities from Diverse Climate Zones
- Experimental Investigation on Co-transport of Chromium (Cr) and Lead (Pb) with CML Colloids in Quartz Sand Column Comprising Different Grain Sizes
- Extratropical Stratospheric Air Intrusions and the Genesis of Downstream Monsoon Low-Pressure System
- Extreme Precipitation Indices over India: Observations and Model Simulations
- Filling Data Gap in MODIS Daily Aerosol Optical Depth Products by Developing an Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithm
- Forecasting Ambient PM2.5 for megacity Kolkata using Machine Learning Model
- Health effects due to short and long-term air pollution exposure: Evidence from survey of residents living in rural and urban regions near Kolkata.
- High-resolution numerical modelling of physical ocean and seasonal volume, heat, and freshwater transport along the Indian coast
- Impact of Exposure to PM2.5 Species and Contributing Emission Sectors on Health of Children Under aged five in India
- Impact of Inter-State Migration on Health Burden Attributable to Ambient PM2.5 in India
- Impact of Particulate number concentrations and black carbon exposure in a traffic microenvironment on cadiovascular health- a panel study in Delhi
- Impact of Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) on Heat-Stress in Indian Cities taken from Different Climate Zones
- Impact of carbonaceous aerosols on active-to-break and break-to-active transition during Indian monsoon: A modelling approach
- Impact of climate change on the fire weather in Indian forests
- Impacts of climate change on hydrodynamics of the Ganga River Basin
- Importance of Secondary Fuel use In Cooking Energy Estimation for India: An Initiative For Sustainable Energy Use
- Improving the crop module in CLM5 to better represent the spring wheat grown in South Asia
- Improving the skill of subseasonal to seasonal wind speed forecasts over India using statistical and AI models
- Incorporation of Various Stability Correction Functions for Computation of Surface Fluxes in Weather Research and Forecasting Model: An Evaluation over an Indian Region
- Increasing Duration of Glacial Melt Season. A Study for Barashigiri Glacier.
- Indian Ocean Heat Transport and its Role in the Persistence of Marine Heatwaves
- Influence of Climatology definition on the Prediction skill of CMIP6 Decadal hindcast experiments.
- Insights into Chemical Aging of Urban Aerosols: A Case Study over Delhi during Episodic Events
- Investigating Urban Signatures to Monsoon Modification over the National Capital Region (NCR), Delhi
- Investigating spatio-temporal association between lightning, aerosols and cloud characteristics over India using multi-satellite observations and reanalysis datasets.
- Investigating the Different Pathways of South Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Black Carbon Aerosols
- Investigating the Interaction Between the Indian Summer Monsoon Low-Pressure Systems and the Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations in CMIP6 models
- Investigating the sensitivity of the onset and withdrawal of the South-Asian summer monsoon system to changes in anthropogenic emissions using a climate model
- Investigation of Chemical, Optical, and Microphysical Properties of Aerosol Emissions from Biomass Fuel Combustion in Cooking Stoves at Rural Households in India.
- Investigation of Dry Air Intrusion activity over India during break phases of summer monsoon in CMIP6 models
- Investigation of climate relevant properties of wintertime aerosol in desert-urban mixed western India
- Landslide extraction by using Machine Learning algorithm on Google Earth Engine
- Long-term Climatological Understanding of the Rossby Wave Breaking Events Over the Indian sub-continent.
- Long-term forecasting of monthly-mean wind speed at station scale over India using time series forecasting approach
- Machine Learning and Web-GIS Based Flood Forecasting-Cum-Warning System
- Mapping Soil Erosion using RUSLE Equation over India
- Meridional propagation of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) growth rate and flux anomalies from the tropics due to ENSO
- Mesoscale Eddies in the Bay of Bengal and their response to IOD modes
- Numerical Experiment on GW-SW Exchange in a Losing Stream
- Numerical Simulation of the Impact of Urban Canopies and Anthropogenic Emissions on Heat Island Effect in AN Industrial Area: a Case Study of Angul-Talcher Region in India
- Performance Evaluation of PALM4U Microscale Model for Assessment of Urban Trees Species on Singapore Thermal Environment as a Uhi Mitigation Approach
- Physical Drivers of Enhanced Thermal Stress Environment in the Northwest India
- Predicting the Tunnel Damages due to Strong Ground Motion: A Neural Network Approach
- Quantification of Environmental benefits of Crop Residues Pyrolysis for Carbon Sequestration in Northern India
- Quantifying background concentration levels of ambient pollutants using meteorological filtering and statistical techniques for Delhi NCT region.
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- Remediation of toxic contaminants from groundwater using low-cost adsorbent
- Rethinking Renewable Solar Energy Resources in India: Land Availability and Land Use and Land Cover Perspectives
- Seasonal Variation and Health Risks associated with PM2.5 and NO2 over Indo-Gangetic Plain
- Sensitivity Analysis of Infiltration Process in Natural Soil Containing Macropores Influenced by Slope and Temperature
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- Spatio-temporal Heterogeneity of CMIP6 Model Uncertainty in Sub-daily Precipitation Extremes
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- Towards an Indian Land Data Assimilation System for Water Resources Applications
- Understanding the Local Scouring Around a Cylindrical Pier Using Lagrangian Coherent Structures
- Understanding the complex transport behavior of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products, PPCPs in Sandy Saturated Porous System - A Numerical Study
- Weakening of Indian Summer Monsoon Synoptic Activity as a Result of the Melting of the Polar Sea Ice
- Will Tigers be the Next Dinosaurs? The Case of Missing Connection
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Schuh
- A. W. Wood
- Akihiko Kuze
- Amit Kumar Sharma
- Anwesa Bhattacharya
- Apoorva Singh
- Apurv Yadav
- Atul Saini
- Augusto Getirana
- Baerbel Sinha
- Brad Weir
- C. T. Dhanya
- Chiranjit Das
- Dev Niyogi
- Dipto Deb
- F. Chevallier
- Gazala Habib
- Gurpinder Singh
- Harrie‐Jan Hendricks Franssen
- Jivesh Dixit
- Junjie Liu
- K. S. S. Sai Srujan
- K. Seshagiri Rao
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Krishna AchutaRao
- Kuldeep Kumar Dixit
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Li Zhang
- Lisa Bock
- Lovleen Gupta
- Martyn P. Clark
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Moulshree Tripathi
- Nathan P. Gillett
- Naveen Chandra
- Navin Chandra
- Netrananda Sahu
- Nicolas Bellouin
- Nidhi Singh
- Nirdesh Sharma
- Olaf Morgenstern
- Paul J. Durack
- Prabir K. Patra
- Raju Attada
- Ravi Kumar Kunchala
- Ravi Raj
- S. Haider Rizvi
- S. Narender Reddy
- S. Sandeep
- Sachchida Nand Tripathi
- Sagnik Dey
- Sai Kiran Kuntla
- Sandhya Birla
- Sean Crowell
- Seung‐Ki Min
- Sharad Gupta
- Shayne McGregor
- Shiwansha Mishra
- Shoobhangi Tyagi
- Shushobhit Chaudhary
- Sourangsu Chowdhury
- Sourish Basu
- Sushovan Ghosh
- T. Arulalan
- T. Oda
- V. Vinoj
- Veronika Eyring
- Vimal Mishra
- Vinod Chandra
- Vishnupriya Selvakumar
- Yajnaseni Dash