Indian School of Mines
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Extending the Aperture and Enhancing the S/N Ratio of Refraction Imaging by Super-virtual Interferometry (Invited)
- Indicators of Water Cycle Acceleration from GRACE and NASA NEWS Datasets (Invited)
- Fractal clustering pattern of Earthquakes in Haiti Region
- Recursive Ant Colony Global Optimization: a new technique for the inversion of geophysical data
- Contributions to Terrestrial and Global Hydrology from a Decade of GRACE Measurements
- Estimation of gas hydrate saturation using isotropic and anisotropic models at the location selected after measurement of seismic quality factor
- Estimation of Crustal Thickness in Nepal Himalayas Using Local and Regional Earthquake Data
- A Flood Detection and Mapping Algorithm Using MODIS Data: Assessment of Extreme Flooding Events in Eastern Ganga Plains (2000-2015)
- Changes in Ecosystem Carbon Following Afforestation of Post-Mining Sites- A Case Study from Raniganj Coalfield, India
- Dynamics of snow cover and melt-water lakes over Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau using long term MODIS observations (2000-2015)
- Identification of Dust Source Regions at High-Resolution and Dynamics of Dust Source Mask over Southwest United States Using Remote Sensing Data
- A Nonlinear Inversion Approach to Map the Magnetic Basement: A Case Study from Central India Using Aeromagnetic Data
- Compositional Variation of Tourmaline from the Paleoproterozoic Bhukia Gold Prospect of Aravalli Supergroup, Western India: Implications for the Provenance and Gold Metallogeny
- Electrical Resistivity Tomography for coal fire mapping over Jharia coal field, India
- Implication of Human Hair in Regaining Spilled Oil Further Creating A Production Rise in Oyster Mushrooms
- Tectonics and crustal structure of the Saurashtra peninsula: based on Gravity and Magnetic data
- Analysis of High Resolution Satellite imagery to acsees Glacier Mass Balance and Lake Hazards in Sikkim Himalayas
- Aquifer Characterization from Surface Geo-electrical Method, western coast of Maharashtra, India
- Assessing LULC changes over Chilika Lake watershed in Eastern India using Driving Force Analysis
- Auriferous Quartz Pebble Conglomerates from the Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India: Implications for Gold Occurrence and Source Rock Characteristics
- Cloud Geospatial Analysis Tools for Global-Scale Comparisons of Population Models for Decision Making
- Drought Assessment over the Four Major River Basins of India using GRACE-based estimates of Water Availability
- Identifying Provenance of Archaean Basal Conglomerates: An Evidence from Sigegudda and Bababudan Conglomerate Quartzites, India
- Influence of the long-range transport of dust over central Himalayan region - study using MERRA-2 and GLDAS Ver.2.1
- Investigation on Glacier Thinning in Baspa, Western Himalaya.
- Long-term Variations in Evapotranspiration over Major Indian river basins
- Morphometric study of the Habo dome, Kachchh, Gujarat, India: implications on neotectonic activity
- Occurrence of Two Different Types of Paleoarchean TTGs in Singhbhum craton, Eastern India: Insight from Geochemistry and Zircon Saturation Thermometry
- Similarity in Evolutionary Histories of Eocene Sediments from Subathu and Cambay Basins: Geochemical and Palaeontological Studies
- The Diversity and Evolution of Different type Granitoids in Eastern Dharwar Craton: Evidence from "Arc-Plume" Collision in Neoarchaean
- Use of Fault Displacement Vector to Identify Future Zones of Seismicity: An Example from the Earthquakes of Nepal Himalayas.
- Average Crustal Thickness and Poisson's Ratio Beneath a Broadband Seismological Profile Along the Kali River Valley, Kumaon Himalaya
- Lithospheric Velocity Structure beneath Eastern Part of the Chhotanagpur Plateau, India
- Modelling of ECBM and CO2 storage in coal reservoir: An Iterative study
- New insights on the early breakup history of India and east Antarctica based on the interpretation of geophysical data over the major structural high in the Krishna-Godavari offshore, central east coast margin of India
- Seismic Site Characterization through Joint Analysis of MASW and Microtremor data in Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
- Seismicity and stress field variations across the North East India: A finite element modelling approach
- Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Coalbed Gas with Special Focus on CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Variable saturation simulation of desorption during CO<SUB>2</SUB> - injected CH<SUB>4</SUB> gas production from CBM reservoirs at Southeastern Jharia, India
- Assessing Glacier Mass Loss in the Alaknanda Basin of Garhwal Himalaya, during 2000-2017
- Characterization of Polymeric Surfactant Stabilized Nanoemulsion for Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Continuous seismic reflection image of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) from 2-75 Ma on the African plate in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean
- Deep Learning approach for Potential field Inversion
- GISMR: A Computer Application to Perform Kinematic Analysis, Slope Mass Rating and Optimization of Slope Angle on a GIS Platform With the Aid of ArcGIS or QGIS
- Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Neoarchean Sandur metavolcanic rocks
- Inferring Provenance for basal Quartzites of Singhbhum Craton, eastern India- a Petrographic and geochemical approach
- Investigation of Surfactant-Nanoparticle stabilized-Foam as Promising Alternative to Gas Flooding: Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) application in Unconventional Reservoirs
- Mass Accumulation Rate and Seasonal Changes of Sediment in the Bay of Bengal Detected by Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Satellites
- Pre- and post-seismic deformation of 2004 Mw 9.3 mega-shock along the Andaman-Sumatra subduction margin
- Random Forest Regressor for Layered Earth Data Inversion
- Study of Focal Mechanisms and Stress Pattern over Eastern Indian Shield adjoining regions
- Submarine Channels Characterization using Seismic Attribute Analysis: A Case Study from Browse Basin, Offshore Australia
- Subsurface cavity detection by Improved Reverse Time Migration with Full Waveform Inversion: A Numerical Study
- Whale Optimization Algorithm: A Robust Strategy to invert geophysical data sets
- Assessing Variations in Hydrological Fluxes due to changes in Regional Climate and Land Use Land Cover in the Narmada River Basin, India.
- Assessment of Equivalence Problem by Joint Hybrid Global Inversion of 1D MT and DC Resistivity and Using Integral Equations of MT for Cost Function
- Core convection influenced by large lower mantle heterogeneity: Implications for the geomagnetic field
- Evapotranspiration variations over major Indian River basins in the past three decades
- One-Dimensional Seismic Inversion using Machine Learning techniques
- Subsurface Shear wave velocity (Vs) mapping in Srinagar region of Kashmir Basin using microtremor data
- Synthesis of Alternative Equations of Subsurface Resistivity with Meta Heuristic PSO Technique for Layered Earth MT Data Inversion
- Understanding Land use land cover dynamics and its impact on Land surface temperature in Chilika Lake Watershed, India.
- Assessment of Probabilistic Boltzmann distribution in Joint Hybrid Global Inversion for 1D MT and DC data.
- Crustal Structure beneath the Northwestern Deccan Volcanic Province from Ambient Noise Dispersion Measurements
- Effectiveness of Hybrid Algorithms for Optimized Sub-surface Property Prediction Over Conventional Geostatistics
- Implementation of Machine Learning Ensemble Techniques for 3D Inversion of Gravity Data
- Investigation of the Ionosphere TEC Anomalies for Earthquake Precursor detection using Machine Learning Models
- Joint approach of particle swarm optimization and Gibbs sampler for improving non-linear solution
- Lithosphere Architecture, Stretching Factors and Effective Elastic Thickness (Te) Variations along the Conjugate Margin Segments of India and East Antarctica: Implications on Early Break-up History of East Gondwana
- Petrophysical Inversion of seismic dataset using artificial neural networks
- Prediction of Shear Sonic Time log Using Machine Learning Techniques and Empirical Relations
- Remote Sensing based Assessment of sustainability of anthropogenic interventions on mountain slopes for Green Field Airport Development: a case study of the Pakyong Airport, India
- Sulfuric Acid Mediated Continental Weathering and Global Carbon Cycle
- A Joint Inversion of Magnetotelluric and Direct current datasets over Coso geothermal system using Hybrid metaheuristic optimization
- Anisotropic Layering Beneath Hispaniola Island from Harmonic Decomposition Modeling of Receiver Functions
- Assessment of Bayesian PDF for 2D structure using Hybrid Global Inversion of Magnetotelluric datasets.
- Assessment of Vulnerability of Mangrove Ecosystems of Indian Sundarban Region using Remote Sensing Derived Time Series Variables and Analytical Hierarchy process
- Carbon Dioxide Geo-sequestration: A Scientific Anecdote
- Comparative Evaluation of Active Tectonics in the Piedmont Zone of Haryana, India: A Remote-Sensing and GPR based Approach
- Competitive adsorption of EL and IAST in the context of separation factor in CO2-ECBM process
- Crustal Model of the Indo-Burma Region based on Seismically Constrained 3-D Gravity Inversion
- Crustal-Scale Modelling of Bouguer Gravity and Aeromagnetic data over North Singhbhum Mobile Belt, Eastern Indian Shield: Implication on the Geodynamic Setting
- Indian Ocean Geoid Low: Unravelling the Crustal and Upper Mantle Sources
- Potential of Bayesian Network for regional rainfall prediction from multiple meteorological drivers
- Predicting Groundwater Level Changes in Northern India from GRACE and GRACE Follow-On Data using Deep Learning Algorithms.
- Rock Magnetic Properties vis-à-vis Thermal Gradient in Volcanic Provinces: Studies from Rajmahal Traps, India
- Scaling relationships of sub-daily precipitation extremes with temperature for monsoon and non-monsoon months in India
- Site Response Analysis and Shallow Shear Wave Velocity (Vs) Distribution beneath Kashmir Basin from microtremor experiments