Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Evolution of Deccan Lavas: Insights From Re-Os Isotopes and Platinum Group Elements
- Does the empirical Ball-Berry law of stomatal conductance emerge from maximization of productivity?
- Geochemistry of Deccan Traps Dikes: Insights Into the Evolution of a Flood Basalt Feeder System
- Atmospherically and climatologically relevant emissions from Mumbai, India
- Attributing the increase of atmospheric CO2 to emitters and absorbers
- Reactive Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is Prevalent in the Mumbai, India Urban Atmosphere
- Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the North Indian Ocean
- Multifractal Temporally Weighted Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Satellite Data
- An aerosol data assimilation technique using GCM predictions and satellite observations of seasonal AOD over south Asia
- Detection of Spatio-temporal variations of rainfall and temperature extremes over India
- Fine Scale Projections of Indian Monsoonal Rainfall Using Statistical Models
- Trace Gases and Aerosols Simulated Over the Indian Domain: Evaluation of the Model Wrf-Chem
- Trends, noise and re-entrant long-term persistence in Arctic sea ice
- Characteristics of Foraminifera from Eocene Hyperthermal Events in Western India
- Application of time-lapse ERT to Characterize Soil-Water-Disease Interactions of Citrus Orchard - Case Study
- Assessment of future change in streamflow through identification of its association with precipitation in Mahanadi Basin, India under data scarce scenario
- Groundwater solute chemistry and arsenic fate in aquifer of Brahmaputra river basin, India: Controls of geology and tectonic setting
- Spatial Field Variability Mapping of Rice Crop using Clustering Technique from Space Borne Hyperspectral Data
- Understanding The Individual Impacts Of Human Interventions And Climate Change On Hydrologic Variables In India
- An Integrated Probabilistic-Fuzzy Assessment of Uncertainty Associated with Human Health Risk to MSW Landfill Leachate Contamination
- Capability of Hyperspectral data in Spatial Variability Distribution of Chlorophyll and Water Stress in Rice Agriculture System
- Development of Emission Factors for Coal Cook Stoves Used in India
- Identification of Dominant Flood Drivers across Canada
- Improving preparedness of farmers to Climate Variability: A case study of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, India
- Regional agricultural susceptibility to climate variability: A district level analysis of Maharashtra, India
- Shoreline Changes at New Mangalore Port, India in the past and over future
- Shoreline Evolution due to Long-term Longshore Sediment Transport of Sandy Beaches with Scanty Field Data
- Spatio-temporal interaction between absorbing aerosols and temperature: Correlation and causality based approach
- Studying the Infleunce of Burning Fireworks on Air Quality and Human Health in a Residential Area
- A Root water uptake model to compensate disease stress in citrus trees
- An exhaustive approach for identification of flood risk hotspots in data poor regions enforcing combined geomorphic and socio-economic indicators
- Application of Statistical Downscaling Techniques to Predict Rainfall and Its Spatial Analysis Over Subansiri River Basin of Assam, India
- Assessing the Impacts of Decadal Socio-Agro-Hydro Climatic Variations on Agricultural Vulnerability over India
- Assessment of Clmate Change Mitigation Strategies for the Road Transport Sector of India
- Deriving pragmatic factors behind geo-spatial variation of public sanitation relating to health: A case from a mega-city in lower-middle income developing country
- Evaluation of CMIP5 and CORDEX Derived Wind Wave Climate in Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal
- Full Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data for ionosphere observation - A comparative study
- GIS coupled Multiple Criteria based Decision Support for Classification of Urban Coastal Areas in India
- Landslide Hazard Assessment near Kedarnath Temple in Himalayan region considering cloudburst tragedy in 2013
- Oil Spill detection off the eastern coast of India using Sentinel-1 dual polarimeteric SAR imagery
- Recent changes in equilibrium line altitudes of glaciers in the Chandra-Bhaga Catchments, the Western Himalaya
- Role of absorbing aerosols on hot extremes in India in a GCM
- Roles of Meteorology in Changes of Air Pollutants Concentrations in China from 2010 to 2015
- Science Professionals Engaging Theologians in India: Towards a Dialogical model
- Sensitivity Analysis as a Tool to assess Energy-Water Nexus in India
- Spaceborne SAR Data for Aboveground-Biomass Retrieval of Indian Tropical Forests
- Stakeholders' participatory diagnosis of climate change impacts on subsistence agriculture in Sikkim, India, for identifying adaptation strategies
- Subaqueous Sediment Remobilization and Development of Syndepositional Deformational Structures on Mars: A Kinematic Approach from the Noachian Terby Crater
- An Analysis Of Wave Shoaling Based On Cnoidal Wave Theory
- Analyzing the Implications of Emission Control Norms for Indian Power Plants in Near Term scenarios Using TIMES Framework
- Assessing Bivariate Changes in Agricultural Risk over India
- Challenges and approaches to vulnerability and adaptation to climate change: Empirical evidence from household survey of farmers in Maharashtra, India
- Comparative Assessment of Ecosystem Resilience to Droughts in Two Large Scale River Basins in India
- Effect of Atmospheric Transport and Anthropogenic Emissions on Premature Mortality Attributed to PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> over India
- Effects of climate change and emission scenarios on air pollution in India
- Freak weather events and shift in cropping pattern: A district level analysis of Maharashtra, India
- GIS based Multi-Criteria Modelling Framework for Identifying Critical areas aimed at Watershed Management
- Generation of Flood Hazard Indicator Maps to Demarcate Highly Flood-prone Areas in Large River Basin under Climate Change Scenarios
- Glacier Mapping using Multi-sensor Satellite Data through Knowledge based-Hierarchical Classification Approach
- Impact of global warming on the severity and recurrence of hydrological droughts: A case study from Central Indian Marathwada region.
- Impact of terrain complexity on coarse solar radiation derivatives in Himalayan mountains: A hydrological perspective
- Improvement of Seasonal Prediction for Indian Monsoon based on Spatial Patterns using Deep Learning Techniques
- Improving MODIS Snow Cover Product's Accuracy over Western Himalayas using MODIS LST Data
- Incorporation of Slope and Rainfall Variability in Channel Network Extraction from Digital Elevation Model
- Mapping of FeO wt% abundance of mare basalts in the Moon's western nearside from Hyperspectral Imager (HySI) and Moon Mineralogical Mapper (M<SUP>3</SUP>) instruments on-board Chandrayaan-1
- Modeling of heat extraction from depleted oil and gas wells
- Net sea-air CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux and pCO<SUB>2</SUB> variability in Bay of Bengal: Observation from moored bouy
- On the Spatiotemporal Impacts of Flood Extent Assimilation
- Potential of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) in observing global scintillation phenomenon
- Predicting countrywide PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>concentration and associated mortality in India based on GAM model using aerosol optical depth and meteorological parameters
- Projecting streamflow records one year ahead with neural networks of fractal-multifractal encodings
- Quantitative Approach for Environmental Spatial Planning of Urban Coastal Regions in Developing Countries
- Role of glacio-morphological factors on glacier mass balance variation: a case study of glaciers in Chandra Basin, Western Himalayas, India
- Seasonal Variability Analysis of Sea Water pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Over North Western Indian Ocean
- Source Apportionment of Size-Segregated Atmospheric Particles in Different Locations in Largest City of North-East India.
- Synergetic assimilation of satellite-based rainfall and soil moisture for improving Streamflow Simulations
- The role of wind induced shear in northern Arabian Sea mixing under global warming
- Use of MSWEP Rainfall Product for Meteorological Drought Monitoring across Ethiopia
- A Modeling Study of Interannual Variability of Bay of Bengal Mixing and Barrier Layer Formation
- A Study on Spatio-Temporal Variability in Groundwater Storage of India Using GRACE Data
- An Improved Flood Forecasting Framework with a Quantile based Probabilistic Approach for a Coastal Urban Catchment
- Bay of Bengal mixing layer dynamics under different seasonal wind scenarios using Modular Ocean Model
- Chemical Characterisation and Oxidative Potential of Aerosols Emitted From Solid Biomass Fuels Use in Rural India
- Effect of Mineral Chemistry on the Mechanical Properties of Sedimentary Rocks at a Micro-Scale Using Advanced Microscopic Technique
- Effects Of Emission Reduction On Air Pollution In India
- Evaluating Hydrological Response to Urbanization in Upper Ganga River Basin: A Watershed Modeling Approach
- Exploring the potential of Flood Inundation Mapping with combined CYGNSS and HAND model approach
- Flash Flood Generated Short term Precipitation Forecast System in Heterogeneous Urban Landscape using Weather RADAR
- Green Roofs to mitigate the urban extreme precipitation events? An experimental study over Mumbai, India
- Impact of Facade based Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics on the Indoor Thermal Comfort in Tropical Urban Areas - Mumbai as a case study
- Inclusion of Model Error in the 3DVAR Radar Assimilation system using Ensemble based Background Error Covariance.
- Integrated Multivariate Approach in Assessing Drought Risk in India
- Investigating Relationship of Acoustic Properties with Petrophysical Properties of Carbonates: From Nanoscale to Laboratory
- Modelling tools development for assessing façade based PV feasibility in a data-scarce developing nation using open source technology
- Monitoring Seasonal Snow Dynamics In The Eastern Himalayas, India
- New protocols in resolving pore attributes of gas shales
- Optimizing Targeted SAR Acquisitions for Flood Extent Assimilation to Improve Inundation Forecasts
- Quantifying Porosity through Automated Digital Image Processing Technology for Sedimentary Rock
- Simulating the development of Lattice-Preferred Orientation and Seismic Anisotropy within an adaptive, unstructured mesh, computational modelling framework
- Spectral Characterization of Orthopyroxene Granite: a Terrestrial Analogue for Planetary Studies
- Spectral Mapping of the Pavonis Mons of Mars using CRISM and THEMIS data.
- Support Vector Regression Based Coastal Bathymetry for Multi-Temporal Geomorphological Analysis
- Techno-economic scoping of gasification as a technological route to facilitate decarbonized energy transitions in developing countries
- The role of large dams in sustaining socioeconomic development under the pressure of future population growth
- Use of high resolution satellite-based surface water budget for indications of preferential flow in the Eastern Himalayan Stretch
- A comparative Study on Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution for the Optimal Design of Water Distribution Networks
- Analysis of Aerosol Life Cycles over Indian Region in the ECHAM6-HAM2
- Anthropogenic Vulnerability - Changes in Coastal Policies and Their Impacts on Coastal Vulnerability
- Are Aerosols Inducing Heterogeneity in Cloud and Ice Droplet Radius Over India?
- Chaotic Analysis of Hydro-meteorological Variables for Monsoon Season in the Savitri River Basin, India
- Conceptualization of Spatial and Temporal Scale Issues in Indian Hydrology
- Development of High Resolution Multi-Layer Soil Moisture Information
- Evaluation of the impact of Long-term Land Use Land Cover Change on Groundwater Recharge in the Periyar River Watershed, India
- Identification of Optimal Hydraulic Flood Management Scenarios for a Socially Vulnerable Urban Coastal Catchment: A 3-way Coupled Hydrodynamic Approach
- Impacts of Shifts in Commercial Fishing Techniques on Coastal Zones and Climate Change
- Incorporating lumped catchment characteristics into complex networks for catchment classification
- Influence of aerosol radiative effects on temperature and snow cover fraction in the Himalayan region: GCM simulations
- Irrigation Scheduling using Probabilistic Simulation Optimization Framework and Farm-scale Ecohydrological Model at Daily Scale Using Weather Forecasts
- Land-ocean Contrast in Aerosol-cloud Interaction over India: the Role of Moisture
- Quantifying the Impact of Observation Operators on Flood Inundation Forecast Quality
- Regional Study of Turbulent and Radiation Fluxes In Bay of Bengal (BoB) Using Modular Ocean Model (MOM)
- Return Period Analysis of Rainfall Erosivity
- Revisiting the Fractal-Multifractal method in describing geometries of precipitation and temperature: Case of global circulation models outputs
- Sensitivity of mixing parameterization to reversible and irreversible fluxes in stably stratified Bay of Bengal.
- Socioeconomic drought under climate change and population growth
- Spatial heterogeneity of stratiform precipitation response to aerosol fast adjustments over India: A general circulation model study with ECHAM6-HAM2
- Weak interannual variability of mixed layer depth in Bay of Bengal.
- A Physical-based Distributed Urban Hydrological Model (PURAHM) Integrated with Weather RADAR Rainfall to Assess the Influence of Climatic and Anthropogenic Stressors on Urban Flood Patterns
- A study on flow characteristics with the interactions of green river corridor through experimental and numerical investigation
- Application of Geomorphologic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph Model to Quantify Anthropogenic Stressors on Peak Flows and Flow Velocities
- Application of Grain-Size End-Member Modelling in Bed Sediments of the Brahmaputra River
- Assessing influence of climate change on favorable conditions for aquatic species using an integrated hydrological and hydrodynamic approach: A case study in the Kulsi River, India
- Assessing soil water retention parameters obtained from two different databases using inverse modeling
- Effect of time and temperature gradients on releasing microplastics
- Entropy Based Relation Between In-stream Green Corridor and Channel Stability of a Large Braided Brahmaputra River
- Evaluating the Phytoplankton activities near Riverine Sandbars by estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentrations
- Hydro-geochemical changes in response to multiple earthquakes in Northeast India
- Impact of Hydrocarbon Seepage on Tea Plant A Field and Laboratory Scale Based Approach
- Impact of Land Use Land Cover changes on the Groundwater Recharge in the Basistha River Watershed, India
- Impact of different mines on soil and water quality: a comparative study from the semi-arid region of north-western India
- Intercalibration of DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS to Develop Enhanced Night-time Light Time-series for Evaluating the Urban Development Pattern of Major Indian Metropolitan cities
- Linking Catchment Characteristics to Hydrological Extremes: Emerging Perspectives on Himalayan Catchments of Brahmaputra River Basin
- Modeling the impact of future Land Use Land Cover changes on surface runoff in the Periyar River Basin, India
- Morphotectonic Evolution of The Brahmaputra River System Inferred from Geomorphic Indices and River Profile Analysis
- Real Time Mapping of Chlorophyll- a in the Brahmaputra River using Google Earth Engine
- Realtime Quantification of Large Wood Debris Recruitment During Catastrophic Hydrogeological Events using Geospatial Technologies
- Seismic refraction study across a hill slope in Guwahati- A case study
- Sociohydrological aspects of event-based flood hazard in Assam, India
- Soil Erosion Assessment in Anthropogenically disturbed Ungauged Himalayan Catchment Using Geospatial Techniques
- Synergistic Degradation of Dyes with Marine Bacteria Incubated in Graphene Oxide Matrix
- Understanding River Freedom Space and Seasonal Variation of Surface Water Dynamics in Large Fluvial Landscapes: Implications for Floods and Anthropogenic Stress
- Wavelet based hybrid models for climatic downscaling of daily precipitation.
- A Complex Networks-based Measure for Evaluating General Circulation Models: Rainfall Simulation for India
- Analysing Unsaturated Flow Using Retention Curves from Field and Laboratory Infiltration Measurements
- Assessment of braided dynamics of a large river system with respect to the energy dissipation mechanism using cloud computing technique
- Behavioural study of Evapotranspiration time series: Visibility Graph Analysis
- Cloud based prediction of water depths in the Brahmaputra River using optical imagery from Sentinel 2
- Comparison of Snow Melt Runoff Models in the Nyukcharong Chu- a Data Scarce Region of the Eastern Himalayas
- Comparison of persistence of streamflow and hydrological health from observed and generated Stream Flow data
- Comparison of persistence of streamflow and hydrological health from observed and generated Stream Flow time series data
- Critical Zone Thickness Mapping of North East India using Artificial Neural Network
- Effect of Long-Term and Short-Term Hydrological Components in Riverine Sandbars
- Impact of Downstream Flow Contribution on the Flood Prone Areas of a Hydropower Project
- Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Multi-Criteria Analysis and Machine Learning Model
- Microbial Enzymatic Role on Biomimetic Nanomaterial Surfaces for Organic Pollutant Degradation
- Modeling-Based Approach to Assess the Inflow Water Quality of Deepor Beel, a Ramsar Site Located in the North-eastern Part of India
- Morphometric Analysis of the Savitri River Basin, India
- Multi-Scale Flood and Governance for Risk and Resilient Assessments in India: A Framework.
- Simulation of Heavy Metals Migration in Groundwater from a Non-Engineered Landfill to an Eco-sensitive Wetland
- Suitability assessment of different cladding materials for growing bell pepper under protected cultivation structures using multi-criteria decision-making technique
- Tectonics Imprints on the Drainage Evolution of the Dibang River Basin, North East India
- Trend Analysis of Rainfall Erosivity of India
- Understanding River Recovery for Indian Rivers: Emerging Challenges and Solutions
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Akkimi
- Adnan Ahmad
- Ankit Agarwal
- Aparimita Priyadarshini Naik
- Archana M. Nair
- Arghya Ghosh
- Arnab Kumar Pal
- Chandan Pradhan
- Chitra Shukla
- Gaurav Talukdar
- Ketan Kumar Nandi
- Madhurima Deb
- Neha Redkar
- Prasanth Babu Ramesh
- Rathin Biswas
- Santosha K. Dwivedy
- Shobha Shukla
- Sumit Saxena
- Suresh Modalavalasa
- Sutapa Bhattacharjee
- Tanveer M. Adyel