CSIR, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa
flowchart I[CSIR, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (113)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Implications of Multiphase Folding for Models of Strain in the Central Indian Ocean
- Paleogene tectonic fabric and evolution of the Arabian and Eastern Somali basins, NW Indian Ocean
- Fluctuations in Productivity and Denitrification Intensity Along the Southwestern Continental Margin of India Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Near-real time temperature and salinity profiles in the Indian Ocean from JASON-1 altimetry
- Seasonal Changes in the Arabian Sea for Last 19 ka: Evidence From δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Values of Individual Planktonic Foraminifera Shells
- An integrated approach for determination of nature of the crust in the Laxmi Basin, western continental margin of India
- Heat Budget estimation of the Eastern Arabian Sea using Simple Ocean Data Assimilation Techniques
- Probable Occurrence of Gas Hydrates Along the Continental Margins of India
- Seasonal Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Changes Over Last 22 kyr in the Western Arabian Sea
- Bulk Chemical Fractionation Between Basalt, Impact-Melts and Spherules of Lonar Impact Crater, India
- Sepentinized Peridotite Spinel Composition: Northern Central Indian Ridge at 6°39
- The Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake: Why did the rupture propagate north not the southeast of the epicenter?
- Asymmetric Crustal Accretion Across the Carlsberg Ridge (NW Indian Ocean) since the Paleocene
- Detailed seafloor morphology in the epicentral region of the Great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake from the compilation of 2005-2006 French and British swath bathymetric data
- First Results From the SAGER-OBS Deep Seismic Cruise (July/August 2006) Offshore Sumatra
- Paleo Sea Surface Salinity and Paleo Sea Surface Temperature Changes in the Bay of Bengal: Implications on Global Climate Changes
- Study of satellite geoid and gravity anomaly data of conjugate regions of Bay of Bengal and Enderby Basin new constraints on early evolution of the eastern Indian Ocean
- Geochemical Evidence for Gas Hydrates in the Indian Ocean
- Preliminary Geophysical Results from the Ninetyeast Ridge Expedition
- Wide angle seismic refraction imaging of the Northern Sumatra Subduction Zone
- Carbon-Sulfur-Iron dynamics in K-G basin (Bay of Bengal)
- Central Indian Ocean Plate Tectonics Between Chrons 34 to 20 (83 to 42 Ma) Revisited
- Dating of the 85°E Ridge (northeastern Indian Ocean) using marine magnetic anomalies
- Early (pre-8 Ma) Fault Activity and Temporal Strain Accumulation in the Central Indian Ocean
- Estimates of Late Quaternary Sea-Surface Water Temperature Fluctuations in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean From an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Analysis of Radiolarian Data
- Evolution of the Saint Paul Amsterdam Plateau in the Last 10 m.y.
- Geophysical Studies of the Conjugate Margins of Eastern Gondwana to Understand the Early Cretaceous Evolution of the Bay of Bengal
- Glacial/Interglacial Variation Of Rare Earth, Major And Trace Elements In Authigenic Fraction Of Sediments From The Andaman Sea
- Impact of Vishnu Fracture Zone on Tectono-Stratigraphy of Kerala Deepwater Basin, India
- Indian Monsoon Leads the Dansgaard-Oeschger Events of Greenland: New Evidence From the Bay of Bengal
- Million year cycles in the Fe, Mg and Ni records of a ferromanganese crust from the equatorial Indian Ocean
- Seasonal mixed layer heat balance in the southwestern tropical Indian Ocean
- Shale Tectonics in the Continental Slope and Rise Regions of Krishna-Godavari Basin, Bay of Bengal: Implication in Gas-Hydrate Exploration
- Spreading history of the Central Indian and Wharton basins with special emphasis to the formation of the Ninetyeast Ridge
- Structure And Evolution Of The Southwestern Continental Margin Of India
- Tectonic and Magmatic Implications of the Off-Nicobar Earthquake Swarm, Andaman Sea
- The Gop Basin, an early oceanic basin in the Arabian Sea
- Coherent Response of Deglaciation in the tropical Indian Ocean and the Northern Hemisphere Solar Insolation Changes
- Marine Magnetic Anomaly Compilations in the Indian Ocean for Plate Tectonics and Beyond (Invited)
- Seasonal cycle of biogenic flux and associated upper ocean processes in the southern Bay of Bengal and equatorial Indian Ocean
- Back-Arc extension in the Andaman Sea: Magmatic and tectonic processes imaged by high-precision teleseismic double-difference relocation of earthquake swarms
- Crustal Configuration of the Terrace off Trivandrum, Southwestern Continental Margin of India
- Ice-Age Termination I from the northern Indian Ocean
- New constraints on timing of India-Asia collision from plate kinematic and seismic observations in the Equatorial Indian Ocean
- Seismic images of the axial melt lens, Moho and deep penetrating faults at the sedimented Andaman Sea Spreading Centre (Invited)
- Tectonic development of forearc basins along the Western Sunda/Andaman Subduction Zone
- Tectonics of the Ninetyeast Ridge derived from the spreading records of the contiguous oceanic basins and age constraints of the ridge
- The magnetic fields generated by the tsunami of February 27, 2010
- Effect of salinity induced pH changes on benthic foraminifera: A laboratory culture experiment
- Seasonality and variability of coccolithophore fluxes in response to diverse oceanographic regimes in the Bay of Bengal: sediment trap results. M.V.S. Gupthaa & b, Lina P. Mergulhaoa,*, Daniela Ungerc and V.S.N. Murtyd a National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa - 403 004, India b 62, Sagar Society, Dona Paula, Goa - 403 004, India c Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Fahrenheitstrasse 6, D 28359 Bremen, Germany d National Institute of Oceanography, 176, Lawsons Bay Colony, Visakhapatnam - 530 017, India
- Sources and distribution of organic matter in the tropical (Peninsular) river basin of Central India: Lignin phenol and stable isotopic compositions
- The 2005 Nicobar-Island Earthquake Swarm from Teleseismic Double-Difference Locations: Post-2004 Megathrust Back-Arc Transtension along the Sumatra Fault
- A Large Hydrologic Shift Associated with the Last Deglaciation in the Tropics
- Active Faulting in the Ninetyeast Ridge and Implications for Diffuse Plate Boundaries of the Indo-Australian Plate
- Anisotropic amplitude variation of bottom-simulating reflector from a fracture-filled gas hydrate deposits
- Crustal structure and magnetic lineation along two geo-traverses from western continental margin of India to Eastern Somali Basin, NW Indian Ocean
- Crustal structure of the Wharton Basin of the eastern Indian Ocean- Geodynamic implications
- Deciphering Detailed Plate Kinematics of the Indian Ocean: A Combined Indian-Australian-French Initiative
- Early Opening of Seychelles and India: the Gop Basin Revisited
- Growth of the Afanasy Nikitin seamount and its relationship with the 85°E Ridge, northeastern Indian Ocean
- Isotope Image of the Central Indian Ocean Basin 50 MY Ago: Dupal Versus Reunion Hotspot Influence
- Multibeam Mapping of the West Andaman Fault, NW Sumatra Fault, Andaman Volcanic Arc and Their Tectonic and Magmatic Implications
- Possible Controls on Boron Incorporation in Tests of Planktonic Foraminifera G. ruber in Upwelling Region of the Western Arabian Sea: a Paleoperspective
- Seasonal variability of ADCP measured zonal currents in the equatorial Indian Ocean during 2006-2010
- Stable Carbon and Nitrogen isotopic characterization of bulk atmospheric particles over Indian coastal site (Goa) during monsoon, post-monsoon and winter periods of 2011-12
- Temporal variability in Chemical and Stable isotopic characteristics of ambient bulk aerosols over a coastal environment of India
- Temporal variation of coccolithophores in the Bay of Bengal
- Termination I in the tropical Indian Ocean: Interplay between the regional monsoon and global teleconnections
- Is ash layer of ~ 8 Ma at ODP-758 from Bay of Bengal and Fe-Mn oxide coated pumice from Central Indian Ocean Basin are from same eruption ?
- Last Glacial to Holocene history of the Indian Monsoon recorded in Andaman Sea sediments
- Linear and Non-Linear Contribution in the Generation of Yanai Waves in the Western Equatorial Indian Ocean (Invited)
- Neogene marine sedimentary record of the Gulf of Alaska: from the glaciers to the distal submarine fan systems
- Re-visiting the Globigerinoides ruber δ18O salinity temperature relationship in the Indian Ocean
- Understanding and projecting sea level change: improvements and uncertainties (Invited)
- Comparative Study of two Aseismic Ridges in the Northwest India Ocean Using Geopotential Data
- Elemental geochemistry and Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprinting of sediments in monsoon dominated river systems along the west coast of India.
- Greigite as a marker of paleo sulphate methane transition zone (SMTZ) in cold seep environment of Krishna-Godavari (KG) Basin, Bay of Bengal, India.
- Internal time marker (Q1) of the Cretaceous super chron in the Bay of Bengal - a new age constraint for the oceanic crust evolved between India and Elan Bank
- Methods for the Identification of the Three Major Eruptions from the Toba Complex, Indonesia
- Multi-decadal Variation of the Indian Monsoon Rainfall: Implications of ENSO
- Oxygen isotope stratigraphy in the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp. 341)
- Pleistocene Indian Monsoon Rainfall Variability
- Processing of Single-Channel High-Resolution Shallow Seismic Reflection Data for Imaging Gas Charged Sediments and Buried Channel System on Central-West Coast of India
- Revisiting the Last Glacial-Interglacial Productivity Paradox in the Eastern Arabian Sea
- On the importance of Sri Lanka for sea-level variability along the west coast of India
- Radiolarian artificial neural network based paleo sea surface water temperature and salinity changes during the last glacial cycle in the Timor Sea, Indian Ocean
- Rift Structure along the Eastern Continental Margin of India - new constraints on style of breakup of the Indian landmass from the eastern Gondwanaland
- Sediment and Crustal Structure along 85<SUP>o</SUP>E and Ninetyeast Ridges in the Bay of Bengal: Geodynamic Implications
- Sediment dispersal pattern in the Bay of Bengal - evidence for commencement of Bengal Fan sedimentation
- A 16 kyr seawater neodymium isotope record from the central Bay of Bengal
- Does the Northeast Monsoon Variability is Forced by the Greenland Temperatures?
- Interannual sea level variability in the Eastern Indian Ocean and Southern South China Sea
- The Abrupt Onset of the Modern South Asian Monsoon Winds (iodp Exp. 359)
- A 500 years Cyclicity of North East Monsoon
- Enhanced Sulfate Reduction and Carbon Sequestration in Sediments Underlying the Core of the Arabian Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone
- Fe-C-S systematics in Bengal Fan sediments
- Multi-decadal Variability of the Indian Monsoon Rainfall for the last 14 kyr
- Variability in productivity controlled by haline stratification over 300ky in the Bay of Bengal.
- Back to Back Cyclogenesis over Arabian Sea in 2015: Dynamics and Biogeochemistry
- Fracture-controlled Phreatomagmatic Activity in the Central Indian Ocean Basin: Evidences from Magnetic Spherules
- Increased contribution of the southern sourced water to the equatorial Indian Ocean during the glacial intervals
- Magnetic Characterization of a Gas Hydrate System in the Bay of Bengal
- Perspectives on the Use of Ocean Mapping Data in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
- Seismicity of the Andaman-Sumatra Subduction Zone: role of fracture zones and lithospheric age
- Submarine Canyons Geomorphology off the Shelf Edge on the Eastern Continental Margin of India
- Volume and Mass of Sediments and Crystalline Crust Beneath the Arabian Basin, North-West Indian Ocean
- First Radiocarbon Evidence of Poorly Ventilated Deep Central Indian Ocean during the Last Glaciation: Implication to Glacial Carbon Sequestration and Atmospheric CO2
- Fluvial carbon fluxes to the northern Indian ocean from the tropical Indian rivers
- Revisiting the Chemical Weathering Rates of Deccan Trap Basalts: Controls and Challenges
- The Leaf-Wax Carbon Isotopes in the Urban World: Revisiting Climate-Isotope Relation Under Changing Land-Covers
- Heliconoides inflatus shell size variation as a proxy for past water column carbonate saturation
- Mixing in the upper-layer of the Arabian Sea along the West Coast of India.
- Organic geochemical proxies record in Holocene sediments from OMZ of the Eastern Arabian Sea