Swiss Federal Institute for Materials Science and Technology
flowchart I[Swiss Federal Institute for Materials Science and Technology] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (83)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (9)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Cyanobacterial Calcite Precipitation - Laboratory Study on Different Spatial Scales
- Stable carbon dioxide isotopes for partitioning grassland fluxes: a comparison of Mass Spectrometric and Spectroscopic (FTIR and QCL) techniques.
- Grasland Stable Isotope Flux Measurements: Three Isotopomers of Carbon Dioxide Measured by QCL Spectroscopy
- Ozone trends (1975-2000) in the northern hemisphere UTLS using measurements from ozone sondes and regular aircraft
- Water and Relative Humidity at the Tropical Tropopause
- GEOmon: Towards an integrated system for Earth Observation
- Trajectory Analysis on Ozone Changes at Jungfraujoch (Switzerland) in 1990- 2005
- Using observations of atmospheric greenhouse gases at Jungfraujoch (Switzerland) to validate regional bottom-up emissions
- A New Emission Estimation Approach Based on Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Modelling and Kalman-filter Based Inversion
- Atmospheric Sulfur Hexafluoride: Measurements and Emission Estimates from 1970 - 2008
- Multi-year Simulation of Carbon Monoxide and Methane Applying Novel Lagrangian Concept
- Cyclo-octafluorobutane (PFC-318) in the global atmosphere
- History of Atmospheric SF6 Emissions from 1973 to 2008
- Inverse modelling estimates of N2O surface emissions and stratospheric losses using a global dataset
- Measurements of NO2-profiles during the CINDI campaign
- Peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN) transport at Jungfraujoch from European planetary boundary layer
- Plastic deformation of quartz at room temperature by SEM in situ micropillar compression
- The preparation and calibration of calcium synthetic isotope mixtures
- Verification of national halogenated greenhouse gas emissions in Europe using top-down estimates inferred from ambient air measurements
- Volatile Organic Compounds in the Global Atmosphere (Invited)
- Cyclo-octafluorobutane (PFC-318, c-C<SUB>4</SUB>F<SUB>8</SUB>) in the global atmosphere
- Emissions of molecular hydrogen (H2) and its isotopic signature from residential heaters and waste incinerators
- Experimental implementation of reverse time migration for nondestructive evaluation applications
- Greenhouse Gas CCI Project (GHG-CCI): Overview and current status
- MODIS AOD retrieval at high spatial resolution with MAIAC on the Alpine region
- Mapping Particulate Matter in the European Alps from Modis, Seviri, and In-Situ Measurements
- Phasing-out of methyl bromide (CH3Br) and usage of sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2) for pest control in Europe
- Earlier Seasonal Maximum in Lower Tropospheric Ozone at Northern Mid-Latitudes
- Getting Control Over Spatial Variability in CH4, N2O and CO2 Flux Measurements -- Examples from Switzerland and Alaska
- Understanding Atmospheric Methane Variability Between 2000 and 2008 Using a Global Lagrangian Transport Model
- Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) in the Atmosphere: A Mystery Between Sources and Sinks
- Estimates of surface methane emissions over Europe using observed surface concentrations and the FLEXPART trajectory model
- Lifetimes of Stratospheric Ozone-Depleting Substances, Their Replacements, and Related Species
- Characterization of a Densely Placed Carbon Observation Network
- Estimation of country-scale methane emissions by airborne and ground-based in situ observations and inverse modeling
- Observational Constraints on Modeling Growth and Evaporation Kinetics of Isoprene SOA
- Potential of Higher Moments of the Radar Doppler Spectrum for Studying Ice Clouds
- Real-World Verification of Methyl Bromide (CH3Br) Phase-Out in Europe and its Partial Replacement with Sulfuryl Fluoride (SO2F2)
- Solving the carbon tetrachloride (CCl<SUB>4</SUB>) budget mystery using surface observations
- Towards Disentangling Natural and Anthropogenic GHG Fluxes from Space - The CarbonSat Earth Explorer 8 Candidate Mission
- A new derivatization method for δ<SUP>18</SUP>O analysis of individual carbohydrates with GC-Pyrolysis-IRMS
- Analysis of N<SUB>2</SUB>O isotopic composition at a tall tower in central Switzerland to identify emission sources and hot spots
- Direct emissions and oxidative processing of aircraft turbine engine exhaust
- Fate of Silicate Melts at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
- High Temporal Resolution Measurements and Modeling of the Isotopic Composition of Methane in Europe
- Isotopic Monitoring of N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions from Wastewater Treatment: Evidence for N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production Associated with Anammox Metabolism?
- On the Relationship between Tropical Moisture Exports and Extratropical Cyclones
- Real-time analysis of δ<SUP>13</SUP>C- and δD-CH<SUB>4</SUB> in ambient air with laser spectroscopy: Method development and intercomparison
- A 3D NO2 DOAS System to Capture Urban Concentrations
- Atmospheric Carbon Tetrachloride: Mysterious Emissions Gap Almost Closed
- Bioclogging in Porous Media: Preferential Flow Paths and Anomalous Transport
- How well do we know global long-term tropospheric ozone changes?
- Optimal Estimation of Sulfuryl Fluoride Emissions on Regional and Global Scales Using Advanced 3D Inverse Modeling and AGAGE Observations
- Progress toward an Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG<SUP>3</SUP>IS)
- Topological characteristics underpin intermittency and anomalous transport behavior in soil-like porous media
- Towards a Novel Integrated Approach for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Support of International Agreements
- Visualization of NO2 emission sources using temporal and spatial pattern analysis in Asia
- COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols
- Measurements of ice nucleating particle concentrations at 242 K in the free troposphere
- The historic surface ozone record, 1896-1975, and its relation to modern measurements
- The impact of the fuel chemical composition on volatile organic compounds emitted by an in-service aircraft gas turbine engine
- The surface chemical reactivity of particles and its impact on human health
- Tropospheric ozone observations - How well can we assess tropospheric ozone changes?
- ARRHENIUS: a Geostationary Carbon Process Explorer for Africa, Europe and the Middle-East
- Diagnosing Global Changes in Atmospheric Methane Using Ethane and Propane
- Is the rate of ocean warming during the Younger Dryas overestimated?
- Properties of magmas at depth from SiO<SUB>2</SUB> density and local structure measured using X-ray absorption and X-ray Raman spectroscopy
- Vertical stratification of O<SUB>3</SUB> and CO pollution throughout the lowermost troposphere as seen by IAGOS and ozonesonde vertical profiles
- Dynamic Two-phase Flow Simulation in Porous Media Coupling Lattice Boltzmann Method and Pore Network Model
- Increased CFC-11 Emissions from China: Recent Developments and the Search for Source Processes
- Measurements of ice nucleating particles in remote locations of the atmosphere
- Strong ambient temperature dependence on NOx emissions for light-duty diesel vehicles
- A Deep Dive into Planetary Abysses: Effects of Pressure, Phase Equilibria and Chemistry on the Structure and Habitability of Icy-Ocean Worlds.
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Quantification of methane emissions from UK biogas plants
- Recent estimates of changes in the emissions of CFC-11 and related ozone-depleting substances from eastern China
- Rectifier Effect due to Seasonality in Convective Mixing in Firn
- Impact of 3D radiative transfer on NO2 remote sensing over built-up areas
- The global vulnerability of plant xylem
- Halogenated Greenhouse Gas Observations for Tracking Sources and Emissions in the Netherlands
- Nitrosat, a Satellite Mission Concept for Mapping Reactive Nitrogen at the Landscape Scale
- Optical and Chemical Properties of Wildfire Aerosol Plumes in the Free Troposphere
- Water Saturation Impact on Solute Front Deformation From Temporally Resolved 3D X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography