National University of San Luis, Argentina
flowchart I[National University of San Luis, Argentina] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (24)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The New ILP Database of Quaternary Faults and Folds in South America
- Using Paleoseismic Investigations to Test Hypothesized Fold Growth Mechanisms: A Case Study From the La Laja Fault System, San Juan Province, Argentina
- Impacts of Woody Plant Encroachment and Cultivation on Soil Carbon and Soil Water Flux Across a Precipitation Gradient in Grassland
- A Satellite-based Approach to Evaluate the Impact of Land Use Change on Recharge Rates in the Southern High Plains
- Evaporative groundwater discharge in humid plains: The role of climate, vegetation, and farmers (Invited)
- Identifying Blind Thrust Anticlines in the Subsurface using Drainage Patterns: Andean Foreland of Central Argentina
- The imprint of land use on water and salt dynamics in the semiarid plains of Argentina
- Current Agriculture Expansions and the Risk of Dryland Salinization in Central Argentina
- Design of a single batch leaching test to assess the environmental impact of volcanic ash
- Shallow groundwater subsidies to terrestrial ecosystems (Invited)
- Building the GEM Faulted Earth database
- Quaternary Deformation and Fault Sources in South America: Status and Challenges
- Active basement uplift as seen with cosmogenic lenses: the Sierra Pie de Palo case (Western Argentina)
- Ecosystem loss of soil inorganic carbon from agricultural conversion of native grasslands and woodlands
- Fault interaction along the Central Andean thrust front: The Las Peñas thrust, Cerro Salinas thrust and the Montecito Anticline
- Floods in the Pampas: Insights from over a Decade of Satellite Observations
- Increasing surface albedo in the dry subtropical forests of South America: the role of agriculture expansion and management
- More cultivation with lower intensity in the South American Chaco: A double hydrological challenge
- Some Large-Scale Patterns in Groundwater-Ecosystem Coupling
- The Effect of Long Lasting Floods on the Thermal Regime of the Pampas
- The groundwater subsidy to vegetation: groundwater exchanges between landcover patches
- Upper-crustal Stress Field Variations During the Building of the Central Andes: Constrains on the Activation/deactivation of Megadetachments
- Remote sensing of essential ecosystem functional variables
- Global Rainfall Partitioning by Woody Plants in Drylands: General Patterns, Empirical Models and Invasion Processes