University of Campinas, Brazil
flowchart I[University of Campinas, Brazil] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (115)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (23)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Modelling Elastic Media With Arbitrary Shapes Using the Wavelet Transform
- Comparison of precipitation datasets over the tropical South American and African Continents.
- The Araguainha impact crater at the Permo-Triassic boundary: implications for the carbon isotope excursion and the mass extinction.
- The Permo-Triassic Araguainha impact structure (central Brazil): impact products and collapse history in the central peak-ring
- Application of a Joint Inversion Strategy to Improve Electromagnetic Imaging of Hydrogeologic Structures in Northeastern Brazil
- Influence of Iron Reducing Bacteria on Phosphate and Arsenate Release and Sequestration Onto Iron Oxides
- Using Australian Acidic Playa Lakes as Analogs for Phyllosilicate and Sulfate Depositional Environments on Mars
- Exploring Variability in Acidic Saline Playa Lakes in WA with HyMAP Hyperspectral Data
- Mineral mapping of tropical soils in land degradation areas through ASTER thermal infrared data
- Applications using the global GEONETCast satellite data feed to drive real-time watershed planning and forecasting models
- Comparison of empirical and data driven hydrometeorological hazard models on coastal cities of São Paulo, Brazil
- Ecosystem Fragments Mapping in Tropical Terrains Using Aster Data
- Land use alterations, hydrology and climate alterations analysis approach for water supply guarantee
- Rocks, Rain, and Climate: a GIFT Workshop for Teachers in Brazil
- Detecting Light Hydrocarbon Microseepages and related Intra-sedimentary Structures at the São Francisco Basin, Brazil, using Airborne Geophysical Data
- Mathematical techniques to characterize nitrogen isotherms from eroded sediments under conventional tillage and no tillage
- Measures based on informational entropy applied to analysis of textural and spectral patterns of Brazilian Cerrado physiognomies
- Scenarios of suitable areas of sugarcane crops in Brazil regions
- Self-Organizing Maps: A Data Mining Tool for the Analysis of Airborne Geophysical Data Collected over the Brazilian Amazon
- A case study of ethanol water demand during industrial phase in Brazil
- Black Carbon as a marker for paleofires during the Late Quaternary in sedimentary record of Saci lake (PA) -Brazil
- Comparison between historical yield and soybean crop EVI values using correlation map
- GLOBAL WARMING AND POSSIBLE EFFECTS ON FUTURE THE BRAZILIAN GRAIN PRODUCTION Hilton S. Pinto.State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). CNPq. Eduardo D. Assad. Embrapa Agriculture Informatics (CNPTIA). CNPq. Eduardo Pavao. Embrapa Agriculture Informatics (CNPTIA). Ricardo Luna. Embrapa Agriculture Informatics (CNPTIA)
- Impact of Climate Variability on Forest Dynamics in Eastern Amazon: the Role of Large-Scale Droughts, Local Droughts, and Other Disturbances
- Importance of impacts scenarios for the adaptation of agriculture to climate change
- Relationship between apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) and soil attributes at an experimental parcel under pasture in a region of Galicia, Spain
- 2-D magnetotelluric inversion of the central part of Paraná Basin
- Consistent Coupling of Canopy Structure with Stem Diameter Distributions and Demography Reveals Organizing Principles of Amazonian Forest Architecture
- Construction of an initial velocity model for migration velocity analysis from gravimetric inversion
- Contribution of litter and tree diameter increment in the eastern Amazon rainforest
- Determining and mapping the beginning of summer crops cycle through satellite imagery and rainfall data
- How to make a craton
- Integrating vegetation index time series and meteorological data to understand the effect of the land use/land cover (LULC) in the climatic seasonality of the Brazilian Cerrado
- Layered Crust Resistivity Model for Windfarm Grounding Studies
- Modeling tropical land-use and land-cover change related to sugarcane crops using remote sensing and soft computing techniques
- Application of seasonal climate forecasts in agricultural crop monitoring in Brazil
- Land Use and Land Cover Change Modeling Using Remote Sensing and Soft Computing Approach to Assess Sugarcane Expansion Impacts in Tropical Agriculture
- Precipitation variability and the sugarcane climate demand in Brazil
- Site Selection for Hvdc Ground Electrodes
- Contrasting Strategies of Tree Function in a Seasonal Amazon Rainforest
- Facing The Challenges Of Tracking Tropical Phenology At Several Scales In Time And Space
- HVDC Ground Electrodes - a Source of Geophysical Data
- Isotopes and soil physic analysis as a tool to meet answers related to soil-plant-atmosphere behavior of Amazon forest during droughts
- An Integrated Framework to Analyze Local Decision Making and Adaptation to Sea-Level Rise in Coastal Regions in Santos-Brazil, Broward County-USA and Selsey-UK
- Banded Iron Formations of the Cauê Formation, Quadrilátero Ferrífero Minas Gerais, Brazil: A novel pre-GOE record of biospheric evolution
- Bias correction applied to regional models of climate change: An approach based on the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
- Brazilian Coffee Production as Function of Global Warming.
- Climate change impacts on coffee rust disease
- Clustering of Global Climate Models outputs as a tool for scenario-based risk assessment
- Effects of Natural and Experimental Drought on Growth and Water Use Efficiency in Amazon trees
- Hydraulic Strategies and Response to El Niño Drought in Amazon Rainforest
- Impacts of climate change in the sugarcane production in the center-south macro-region of Brazil
- Monitoring stress-related mass variations in Amazon trees using accelerometers
- Moon Connection with MEGA and Giant Earthquakes in Subduction Zones during One Solar Cycle
- Stakeholder Choices in Adaptation and Public Finance Planning for Coastal Hazard Mitigation in a Changing World: Highlights from Case Studies in Santos, Brazil, Broward County, FL, US and Selsey, UK (The METROPOLE Project)
- Study of Spatial Variability of Air Temperature by Means of Remote Sensing Data and Weather Stations in Urban Areas: A Case Study for Campinas - São Paulo, Brazil.
- Water sustainability assessment in Brazilian sugarcane expansion area
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Deriving model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment
- Archaeomagnetic evidence for a continuous decrease of the geomagnetic axial dipole for the last millennium
- Assessing attainable intensification of global pasture systems at the 5 min x 5 min scale
- Effects of the international soybean trade on the dynamics of Gross Primary Productivity in soybean-producing regions in China and Brazil
- Estimating drought induced tree mortality in the Amazon rainforest: A simulation study with a focus on plant hydraulic processes
- Grassland Production Change Due Comparison of NPP Estimates by Theoretical Model and Satellite Data from MODIS
- HVDC Ground Electrodes and Tectonic Setting
- Inverted edge effects on carbon stocks in human-dominated landscapes
- Northern Atlantic hurricanes possible connections with receded tides in Southern Brazilian and Uruguay Coast.
- Potential and Limitations of Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Systems for Monitoring Altitudinal Vegetation Phenology in the Tropics
- Quantifying edge effect extent and its impacts on carbon stocks across a degraded landscape in the Amazon using airborne lidar.
- Quantifying the contribution of root systems to community and individual drought resilience in the Amazon rainforest
- Socioeconomic Collapse of Rural Areas, Atlantic Forest Transition and Sustainability
- Unveiled Risks in a Telecoupled Arena Dependent on Agricultural Commodity Trade
- Using robustness and preferred locations of archeomagnetic flux patches to constrain the physics of the core
- Water Stress Impacts Tree-Atmosphere Interaction in the Amazon
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> hinge on plant phosphorus use and acquisition: model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment.
- Do hydraulic traits drive the seasonal and interannual dynamics of Non-Structural Carbohydrates of trees in seasonal eastern Amazon?
- Exploring linkages between below-ground plant hydraulic processes and multi-scale evapotranspiration during the 2015-2016 Amazon dry season
- Geomagnetic field intensity in South America over the 500 years: New archeointensity results from South Brazil
- HVDC Grounding Electrode of Rio Madeira, Bipole 1 - Geoelectric Modeling of Earth's Upper Crust at the Electrode Site
- Possible Connections Between Seasons and Ultra-Deep Earthquakes Worldwide.
- Professional Societies Role in Moving the Needle
- Revisiting the Amazon forest dieback hypothesis: Estimating potential forest loss and socio-economic impacts
- Socioenvironmental Mapping: a Participatory Methodology of Local Diagnosis involving Different Stakeholders
- A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Pole-to-Pole of the Americas in support of conservation and sustainable use of living resources in the sea
- Application of Statistical Modelling to a Field Experiment Database to Predict N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions in Sugarcane Production
- Diversity of Water Use Strategies Related to Hydraulic Functional Attributes and Limits of Stomatal Conductance in Trees of a Seasonal Amazon Rainforest
- Emission factors of trace elements in urban tunnels in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil, and comparison with ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and BC concentrations
- Geomagnetic paleosecular variation from 42000 to 5000 cal years BP in southern Brazil: preliminary results
- Integration of a Network-based and Economywide Water-Economy Models to Support Decision Making on Water Resources Planning and Management in Northeastern Brazil
- Modeling Brazilian Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems
- Relative Contribution of the Axial Dipole Field and CMB Heat Flux for the Past 270 Myr: paleomagnetic evidence for an inverse correspondence?
- Soil porosity explains Amazon forest response to droughts?
- Spatial Analysis of Aboveground Biomass and the Enhanced Vegetation Index
- Spatial and temporal relationship between aboveground biomass and the enhanced vegetation index for a mixed pasture in a Brazilian integrated crop livestock system
- The Ecohydrological Effects of Reducing Throughfall and Fog Inputs in a Tropical Cloud Forest
- A new classification for barchan-barchan interactions
- Assessing belowground hydrologic controls on vegetation activity across Amazônia
- Carbon and beyond: Interactive global change impacts on Amazon biogeochemical cycles
- Diffusive Component of the Granular Motion during Subaqueous Barchan-Barchan Collisions
- Divergent hydraulic responses to dry season water limitation for canopy dominant species in an Eastern Amazon Rainforest
- Evaluating the Atibaia river basin hydrology using the JULES land-surface model
- Explaining the History of Threshold on Sediment Transport by the Presence of Strain-hardening in Granular Beds
- How deregulation, drought, and increasing fire impact Amazonian biodiversity
- Plant traits controlling tropical tree growth change in response to a drier climate
- The Dynamics of Covid-19: Weather, Demographics and Infection Timeline
- Absolute Intensity Field Variations in Japan During the First Millennium CE: New Data from Kofun and Late Yayoi Archaeological Artifacts
- Changes in Provenance of Amazon Fluvial Sediments During the Late Pleistocene and Holocene Indicated by Quartz OSL Sensitivity
- Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results from Pleistocene Volcanic Rocks in Southern Colombia
- The Role of Fire on Water and Carbon Cycling Across Two Contrasting Terra Firme Amazonian Forests
- The global vulnerability of plant xylem
- Aerosol in urban areas: relation between optical properties and physical-chemical characterization
- Biotic Homogenization due to Agricultural Commodity Production for Global Markets
- Climate Changes Consequences from Sun-Earth Connections and Anthropogenic Relationships
- Environmental and ecological drivers of drought deciduousness across the Neotropics
- Linking plant hydraulics, groundwater access, and tree water isotopes to understand water strategies in a tropical ecosystem
- Transportation, urban environments and economic relationships in São Paulo, Brazil.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- André Oliveira Sawakuchi
- Andrés Viña
- Chonggang Xu
- Cibele Cássia‐Silva
- Gelvam A. Hartmann
- German Vargas G.
- Jairo Francisco Savian
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Leandro Maracahipes
- Luciana F. Alves
- Marcos Longo
- Maria del Rosario Uribe
- Maurício Parra
- Natalia Restrepo‐Coupe
- Nathaniel A. Brunsell
- Paulo M. Brando
- Pedro José Perez Martinez
- Pedro Rodrigues Mutti
- R. I. Trindade
- Regina Maura de Miranda
- Wellington Paulo de Oliveira
- William P. Hammond
- Ying Fan