Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
flowchart I[Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (120)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (15)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Institute of Physics
- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Valongo Observatory
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Isotope-Dendrochronological Investigation of Tropical Trees from Brazil: A preliminary analysis
- Multi-scale Visualization of Remote Sensing and Topographic Data of the Amazon Rain Forest for Environmental Monitoring of the Petroleum Industry.
- Modeling Peak T and Retrograde Evolution of Ultra-hot Granulites From Brazil
- Solute Transport in the Root Zone: Problem Formulation and Analytical Solutions
- Evaluation of 1D numerical models in the prediction of distributed flow series constrained by radar altimetry data
- Unraveling Ages of Discrete Cryptic Events During Polyphase Orogenesis in SE Brazil
- Comparison Between Paeoenvironmental and Land Use Changes Records in Brazilian Amazon Ecosystems
- Historical Susceptibility of Forest Fires in the Carajas Region, Brazil
- Paleofires in South Brazilian Amazonia
- Anthropogenic Effects on Total Water Storage from GRACE on Large South American Watersheds
- ERS-ENVISAT radar altimetry over the Amazon basin
- GPS measurements applied to the leveling of hydrological stations in the Amazon basin
- Rainfall Induced Landslides in Brazil: Geomorphological Controls and Land-use Effects
- Uncertainty in Multimodel Water Flow Simulation Associated with Pedotransfer Functions and Weighting Methods
- How do rocks of very different properties erode at the same rate: Erosion rates of the Quadrilatero Ferrifero escarpment, Brazil, derived from cosmogenic nuclides
- Improved large-scale hydrologic modeling on Amazon watershed with water level and GRACE data
- Isotope tracing of Hg pollution from artisanal small scale gold mining in an aquatic ecosystem of Amapá, Brazil
- Modifications in Soil Hydrology Due to Land-Use Changes in Southeastern Brazil
- Soil Moisture Data Assimilation in Soil Water Flow Modeling
- Assessing Adaptation with Asymmetric Climate Information: evidence from water bargaining field experiments in Northeast Brazil
- Interplay between the Holocene drought in the Amazon and changes in the global carbon cycle
- Understanding the Impact of Low and Upper Level Circulations on North American Hydroclimate Variability
- Use of GNSS data for Hydrology: Applications of the method PPP (Precise Point Positioning) with integer ambiguities fixing for hydrological studies in the Amazon basin
- A Geo-Mechanics Model for CO2 Sequestration Simulations under Multiphase Flow-Multispecies Transport Systems
- Assessing the Impact of Antarctic Oscillation on Precipitation Variability over the La Plata River Basin
- Black Carbon as a marker for paleofires during the Late Quaternary in sedimentary record of Saci lake (PA) -Brazil
- Expansion of Sugarcane area for Ethanol production in Brazil: a Threat to Food Production and Environmental Sustainability?
- Impacts of Climate Change on the California Electricity Infrastructure
- Improving Climate Simulations over South America
- Numerical Analysis of a Subsurface Uranium Pollution Problem
- Paleoclimatic Comparisons Between Three Late Quaternary Amazonian Lacustrine Records
- Towards a New System for Analysis of Environmental Disasters and Risk Assessment
- A water quality index model using stepwise regression and neural networks models for the Piabanha River basin in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Addressing accurate representation of physical processes in climate projections
- Altimetric profiles of Amazon rivers and gage levels gained by GPS-PPP
- Analyzing Satellite-Based and in Situ Rainfall Observations as a Contribution for the Hydrological Modeling in the Amazon
- Atmospheric aerosol monitoring and characterization: An emission control strategy to protect tropical forests
- Carbon Dioxide and Methane Evasion from Amazonian Rivers and Lakes
- Evolution of the Paleoproterozoic crust in the southern portion of the San Francisco Craton - Cinturão Mineiro- Brazil
- Exploiting Stable Mercury Isotopic Analysis to Differentiate between Mercury Sources: Gold Mining vs. Land-Use Change (Invited)
- Magnetic fingerprint in marine sediments: clues from cultivated Magnetovibrio blakemorei and recent cores from Brazilian Coast
- Methane Emissions from Woody Stems of Tropical and Temperate Wetland Trees
- Tropical Lake as a Source Ofgreenhouse Gas Emissions
- Use of Remote Sensing and Local Knowledge for Geoconservation of Regiao dos Lagos, Brazil
- Amazon Paleofires Records: Comparison Between Land Use Change and Palaeoclimatic Events
- An integrative approach to characterize hydrological processes and water quality in a semi-arid watershed in Northeastern Brazil
- Assessing Hydrological and Energy Budgets in Amazonia through Regional Downscaling, and Comparisons with Global Reanalysis Products
- Change of Two-Phase flow Properties Due to Pore-Space Evolution in Reacting Porous Media
- Comparing Background and Recent Erosion Rates in Degraded Areas of Southeastern Brazil
- Downscaling of South America present climate forced by three global models
- Effects of Urban Morphology on Intra-Urban Temperature Differences: Two Squares in Glasgow City Centre
- Evaluation of the performance of the van Genuchten equation using a large database on soil water retention of tropical soils in Brazil
- Freshwater methane emissions - what are the learnings from repeated measurements on multiple boreal and subarctic lakes?
- Magnetotactic bacteria in marine sediments: clues from recent cores from Brazilian Coast
- Mercury Distribution, Methylation and Volatilization in Microcosms with and without the Sea Anemone Bunodosoma caissarum
- Onset of a planetesimal dynamo
- Retrieving Soil Hydraulic Properties by Diffuse Spectral Reflectance Data in Vis-NIR-SWIR Range
- Use of vegetation index and surface temperature to estimate soil moisture in a semi-arid catchment in Brazil with limited monitoring
- Dynamics of two-phase transport properties in reacting porous media
- Landslide susceptibility mapping using a bivariate statistical model in a tropical hilly area of southeastern Brazil
- Liquid Water and Vapor Flow in Arid Soil: Comparison of Weighing Lysimeter Data with Simulations from a Process-Based Model
- Methane emission from lakes: biophysical drivers impacts beyond measurement uncertainties
- Nonlinear and Nonparametric Stochastic Model to Represent Uncertainty of Renewable Generation in Operation and Expansion Planning Studies of Electrical Energy Systems
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Partial Pressure and Emission of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> in and Amazon Floodplain Lake
- Studies of the Hydrological Cycle for the Sao Francisco Basin using a combination of modeling and satellite remote sensing
- The Effects of Topography, Vegetation and Soil Properties on Hillslope Hydrology in Northeastern Brazil
- Timing of Solar Nebula Dispersal Constrained by Early Solar System Paleomagnetism
- Use of a Rainfall Runoff Model and Satellite Data Sets for Hydrological Studies of the Upper Contas Watershed, Brazil
- Constraints on Passive Margin Escarpment Evolution from River Basin Reorganization in Brazil
- Drought assessment using multi-sattelite remote sensing in Brazil
- ETA Model's Rainfall Forecasts Evaluation over Four Southern Brazil Watersheds for Hydrological Modeling
- Examining the Resilience of Crop Production, Livestock Carrying Capacity, and Woodland Density in a Rural Zimbabwean Socio-Ecological System Using Agent-Based Models Representing Human Management Decisions
- Methane and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations and Fluxes in Amazon Floodplains
- Precipitation forecast verification over Brazilian watersheds on present and future climate
- Satellite-Enhanced Regional Downscaling for Applied Studies: Extreme Precipitation Events in Southeastern South America
- Trends in fire risk and burned area in Brazil in the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century
- Tuffaceous Mud is a Volumetrically Important Volcaniclastic Facies of Reararc Submarine Volcanism
- Assessing Changes in Precipitation and Impacts on Groundwater in Southeastern Brazil using Regional Hydroclimate Reconstruction
- Crustal accretion and exhumation of the Rio de la Plata Craton
- Dynamic Water Storage during Flash Flood Events in the Mountainous Area of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil - Case study: Piabanha River Basin
- Examining South Atlantic Subtropical Cyclone Anita using the Satellite-Enhanced Regional Downscaling for Applied Studies Hourly Outputs
- Mapping Mesophotic Reefs Along the Brazilian Continental Margin
- Vadose Zone Fate and Transport Simulation of Chemicals Associated with Coal Seam Gas Extraction
- Assessing the impact of changes in green vegetation fraction on simulations of land surface variables in the northeastern Brazil
- Comparative analysis between short and long-term landslide erosion rates in the Serra do Mar mountain range - Brazil
- Effects of the hydrogeological system on human health in uranium mining areas.
- Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Drainage Basins of Serra da Mantiqueira Escarpment, Brazil: Relationship Between Chi (χ) Parameter Values, Drainage Piracy and River Network Reorganization
- From PaleoValleys to Drowned Reefs: Shelf Morphology as a Paleo Sea Level Indicator
- Implementation of reconstructed topography in landslide susceptibility mapping
- The Role Played by Topography and Vegetation Cover on Soil Water Dynamics Along a Hillslope Transect under Semi-arid Conditions
- The effects of different land uses, soil properties and rainfall conditions in the hydrological processes of a mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- The effects of soil, land use and land cover data on streamflow estimation with the SWAT model
- The paleocirculation of Brazilian Equatorial Margin in the Cenozoic studied from seismic stratigraphy isopach maps
- Wetland trees are the dominant source of methane emissions in the Amazon basin
- A Closer Look at the Most Recent Drought Registered in Northeast Brazil
- A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Pole-to-Pole of the Americas in support of conservation and sustainable use of living resources in the sea
- Bubbling methane hotspots in tropical hydropower reservoirs
- Drawdown zone role on the overall balance of GHG fluxes in the atmosphere: first steps
- Impact of the Blanketing Effect on the Thermal History of Sedimentary Basins: Synthetic Models and Case Study in the Santos Basin, Brazil
- Magneto-biostratigraphic integration of Neogene sequences from the subantarctic Pacific Ocean: Initial results from IODP Exp. 383
- Methane emission from an urban coastal lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Methane emission from an urban coastal lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Petrophysical Characterizations of Carbonate Reservoir Rocks
- Pore-Network Modeling of Single-Phase Reactive Flow and Dissolution Pattern Evaluation
- Relative Contribution of the Axial Dipole Field and CMB Heat Flux for the Past 270 Myr: paleomagnetic evidence for an inverse correspondence?
- Reverse Time Migration with Quantified Uncertainty
- Seasonal variability of tree methane emissions in the Central Amazon floodplain
- Trophic Dynamics on Degraded Coral Reefs: Analyses of Nutrients and Isotope Fractionation in the Biosphere 2 Ocean
- Disentangling burned area drivers over the Brazilian savanna
- Drought and heatwave concurrent events in Southeast Brazil
- Pore-Network Modeling of Reactive Transport and the Use of Statistical Data Analysis to Classify Dissolution Regimes
- The role of Amazonian wetland trees in atmospheric methane emissions
- Chapter 11: Weather and climate extreme events in a changing climate
- Climate change in South America: new insights from the most recent IPCC assessment report
- Pore-merging methodology for simulating reactive dissolution of porous media using pore-network models
- Pore-scale modeling of reactive transport and mineral dissolution in porous media
- Remote sensing and machine learning reveal abundance and patterns of Amazonian dark earth
- The CMIP6 Representation of South American Climatological Systems
- The State of Climate Adaptation in Latin America
- Improving PINN-based Seismic Tomography by Respecting Physical Causality
- Intentional Creation of Carbon-Rich Dark Earth Soils in the Ancient Amazon