Federal University of Rio Grande of the North, Brazil
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Connectivity test across deformation bands: results from field pumping experiments in Tucano Basin, NE Brazil
- Precambrian mylonitic belts and present-day stress field: the role played in the reactivation of the Pernambuco lineament, NE Brazil
- Preliminary Results for Fluorine Diffusion in Biotite
- Structural controls on fluid flow defined through a comparison of fault architecture and seismicity patterns along reactivated faults
- Use of High-Frequency Teleseismic Receiver Function to estimate upper crust discontinuties in the Borborema Provice, NE Brazil
- Microseismicity illuminates open fractures in the shallow crust
- Investigating the Origin of Cenozoic Magmatism and Uplift in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil, With Gravity and Seismic Data
- Joint Inversion of P- and S-Wave Receiver Functions and Surface-Wave Dispersion in Africa
- Use of GIS for Earthquakes in Brazil
- Bedforms and Evolution of Tropical Estuaries: Examples from Northeastern Brazil
- Crustal Structure of the Khartoum Basin, Sudan
- GOCE Inversions for Earth `Structure in Data Sparse Environments; An Overview
- The Response of Large Outflows to Wind Forcing
- Tracing Termohaline Properties and Productivity of Shelf Water Masses with Stable Isotopic Composition of Benthic Foraminifera
- Analysis of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath West Antarctica using P-wave receiver functions
- Sediment provenance and dispersal on tropical starved continental margins: Example of the Potiguar Basin margin, NE Brazil
- Anthropogenic perturbation of coral reef environments near Natal, Brazil: Clues from symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera
- Dynamics and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Northwestern Andes: Subduction Segments, Moho Depth, and Possible Relationships to Mantle Flow
- Evidence from P-wave receiver functions for lower mantle plumes and mantle transition zone water beneath West Antarctica
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Brazilian Semiarid Region: Environmental, Climate and Social Constraints
- Impacts of Sea-Level Rise and Human Activity on a Tropical Continental Shelf, RN State, NE Brazil
- Investigating Transition Zone Thickness Variation under the Arabian Plate: Evidence Lacking for Deep Mantle Upwellings
- Shallow properties of faults in carbonate rocks - The Jandaíra Formation, Potiguar Basin, Brazil
- How many correlograms and how much stacking are necessary to ensure that noise crossterms cancel out in seismic interferometry?
- Mantle uplift and exhumation caused by long-lived transpression at a major transform fault
- Marine and Lacustrine Turbidite Records: Testing Linkages and Estimating Ground Motions, Central Cascadia Margin, USA
- The BOrborema Deep Electromagnetic and Seismic (BODES) Experiment
- The crustal thickness and lithospheric structure of active and inactive volcanic arc terrains in Fiji and Tonga
- Deep Structure and Subsidence of Parnaíba Cratonic Basin, NE Brazil
- Investigating Intraplate Earthquakes in the Brazilian Northeast: Moment tensors, Source Properties, and More
- Searching for the Neogene orogenic mechanism that uplifted the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Constraints from seismology, geochronolgy and geochemistry
- Sismostratigraphy of the Ceará Plateau to decipher the Cenozoic evolution of Brazilian Equatorial Margin
- The BOrborema Deep Electromagnetic and Seismic (BODES) Experiment
- A harmonic analysis approach to joint inversion of P-receiver functions and wave dispersion data in high dense seismic profiles
- Evolution of Parnaíba Cratonic Basin, Northeast Brazil
- Fluid-flow, diagenesis and generation of secondary porosity-permeability in the Cretaceous Jandaira Formation, Brazil - an analogue of karstified carbonate reservoirs
- Mapping the influence of the deep Nazca slab on the geometry of the 660-km discontinuity beneath stable South America
- Microseismic Event Location Improvement Using Adaptive Filtering for Noise Attenuation
- Obtaining GPR images of improved quality in karst as a result of an optimized processing flux
- Transpressive mantle uplift at large offset oceanic transform faults
- Integrating magnetotelluric and seismic images at the contact between the Borborema Province and the São Francisco craton (NE Brazil). Where is the craton's northern boundary?
- Joint inversion of high-frequency receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion for sedimentary structure: Case study in the Parnaíba Basin of NE Brazil
- Joint-Interpretation of SKS Splitting Measurements and Receiver Function Data for Detecting Seismic Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle: Feasibility and Limitations.
- Lithospheric Structure of the Pantanal Wetlands, an Active Quaternary Basin in Mid-Plate South America: Results of the 3-Basins Project
- Mapping of Northeast Brazilian Shelf and its Contribution to the Management of Erosional Coasts: the Ponta Negra Case Study
- Reflection seismic imaging under the Parnaíba basin (NE Brazil) with ambient seismic noise
- Benthic Foraminifera as Indicative of Austral Summer Monsoon Precipitation and Winter Monsoon Wind-Driven Upwelling
- Deep brittle-ductile transition, water percolation into the mantle and reactivation of weakness zone: new insights of the seismicity on St. Paul Transform System, Equatorial Atlantic
- Geophysical Study of the Barreirinhas Basin, a Transform Marginal Basin Controlled by Oceanic Fracture Zones in the South American Equatorial Margin
- Interfering sub-parallel rift grabens: insights from combined analogue and numerical models
- Investigating crustal architecture under the aborted syn-rift basins of NE Brazil with passive-source seismology.
- Joint inversion of receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion in the Pantanal Basin (Central South America): Constraining models of basin formation.
- Mantle Transition Zone Topography Beneath the Parnaíba Basin of NE Brazil: New Constraints on Deep Mantle Dynamics
- Seabed Mapping on the Brazilian Equatorial Margin: A Great Brazilian Barrier Reef?
- Upper mantle seismic velocity estimates around the St. Paul Transform System, Equatorial Atlantic
- Assimilation of atmospheric aerosol over the metropolitan area of São Paulo, Brazil with the regional EURAD-IM model on different scales
- Bushmeat hunting reduces transport of key nutrients in Amazonia
- Earthquake swarms of the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge 4˚-5˚N from regional seismic recordings
- GEDI Measurements of Topography, Height and 3D Structure Measurements
- Mercury in the Amazon Basin: A Meta-Analysis & Socio-Ecological Systems Review
- Serpentinized Ultramafic Rocks and Biogeochemical Comparisons - Planets Earth and Mars
- Seismicity pattern along the large slow-slipping St. Paul multi-fault transform system reveals deep and exceptional brittle-ductile transition zone in equatorial Atlantic
- Unrevealing the Tidal Channels and Estuaries of the Brazilian Tropical Semiarid Coast
- Ambient noise tomography along (passive-source) seismic lines: Case studies in NE Brazil.
- Environmental and ecological drivers of drought deciduousness across the Neotropics
- Probing crustal structure under the Brazilian Shield with vertical P-wave autocorrelations