Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
flowchart I[Fluminense Federal University, Brazil] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (122)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (23)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Deposition and Loss of Cations and Anions in a Lowland Forest on Highly Weathered Soils in the Amazon
- Episodes of Polluted Rainwater During the dry Season at the Itatiaia Massif, Southeastern Brazil
- Ergodicity in Natural Fault Systems
- Evidence for Recycled Crustal Material Within the Upper Mantle Beneath the St Paul Fracture Zone, Equatorial Atlantic
- Biogeochemical Indicators of Paleoenvironmental Changes in a Humid Region of Amazonia (Lagoa da Pata, Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira)
- Holocene Charcoal Deposition From Brazilian Forest Fires
- Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimate Changes Since 21,000 Cal Years BP in the Northeastern part of Brazil Inferred From Sediment Records in Lagoa do Caco (Maranhao State, Brazil)
- Cadmium Diagenesis in Polluted Sediments of a Tropical Estuary of SE Brazil
- Changes in South American Monsoon During the Holocene
- Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Amazon Basin: Insights into Negro River Contribution
- Large submarine groundwater inputs to Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
- Comparison Between Paeoenvironmental and Land Use Changes Records in Brazilian Amazon Ecosystems
- Historical Susceptibility of Forest Fires in the Carajas Region, Brazil
- Mid-Holocene to Present Climate Transition in Tropical South America
- Paleoclimatic Changes In The Santa Ninha Lake, Curuai floodplain, Brazil
- Paleofires in South Brazilian Amazonia
- 13000 cal years upwelling variation in southwestern Atlantic (Brazil): continental paleoclima implications
- Interplay between Amazonia Tropical Rain Forest Fires (Mesoscale distribution) and global carbon cycle
- Factors Controlling Fluxes of Nitrous Oxide (N-N2O) in AN Upland Tropical Forest (atlantic Forest) - Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
- Late Quaternary paleohydrology deduced from new marine sediment cores taken on the proximal Amazon continental margin
- Marine sediments from southeastern Brazilian continental shelf: A 1200 Year record of upwelling productivity
- Noble gas behavior during deformation and serpentinization of abyssal peridotites: St. Peter-St. Paul massif
- Organic Carbon Burial in Brazilian Mangrove Sediments (Invited)
- Holocene Enviromental Changes in AN Amazonian Floodplain Lake
- Influence of Solar Cycles on Earthquakes
- Interplay between the Holocene drought in the Amazon and changes in the global carbon cycle
- On the need for using multiple cores for developing a robust chronostratigraphy in a seismically active mud lens off Peru
- Organic Carbon Accumulation during the Holocene in the Southeastern Brazilian Shelf: its Paleoceanographic Significance
- Oxygen Isotope Signatures of Water Masses and Planktonic Carbonate Shells of Southeastern Brazil
- Paleohydrology of tropical South America and paleoceanography of the tropical Atlantic as deduced from two new sediment cores on the Brazilian continental slope
- Pleistoceneholocene Sedimentation Pattern in the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Margin Interplay Between Sea Level Climate Changes and Regional Ocean Circulation
- Temperature Oscillation from the Western Equatorial Atlantic in the Last 40000 Years
- Black Carbon as a marker for paleofires during the Late Quaternary in sedimentary record of Saci lake (PA) -Brazil
- Climate variabilty in Northeast Brazil lakes since the LGM
- Holocene paleoenviromental reconstruction in Santa Ninha Lake based on branched and isoprenoid tetraether lipids
- Late Quaternary Multiproxy Paleoclimate Record From a Marine Core Offshore SE Brazil
- Ocean-atmosphere forcing of South American tropical paleoclimate, LGM to present
- Paleoclimatic Comparisons Between Three Late Quaternary Amazonian Lacustrine Records
- The Heat Flow Anomaly across the Ocean Continent Transition: Application to the Gulf of California
- The diffuse seismicity of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, the Perijá Range, and south of the La Guajira peninsula, Colombia and Venezuela: Result of the convergence between Caribbean plate and the South American margin during the Late Neogene?
- Understanding the variations in the vegetation of Cabo Frio, Southeastern coast of Brazil, during the Quaternary
- Change in dust variability in the Peruvian central continental coast during the last millennium
- Complex ridge-transform evolution and mantle exhumation at the St. Paul fracture zone system, Equatorial Alantic. Preliminary results from the COLMEIA cruise
- Holocene hydroclimate reconstruction from the northwestern Amazon basin based on high resolution isotope analysis of speleothems from Cascayunga cave, Peru
- Paleoprecipitation Over North-Eastern Peruvian Andes during the Holocene Inferred by Well Dated δ 18O Speleothem Records
- Paleoredox condition from the Central Peruvian Continental slope inferred by benthic foraminifera during the last 1000 years
- Tropical and Extra tropical variabilities, teleconnections and their impacts on South American climate during the last millennium
- A high-resolution record of Holocene millennial-scale oscillations of surface water, foraminiferal paleoecology and sediment redox chemistry in the SE Brazilian margin
- Amazon Paleofires Records: Comparison Between Land Use Change and Palaeoclimatic Events
- Application of the laser ablation Mg/Ca ratio from planktonic foraminifera to paleotemperature and stratification reconstructions: example from the Cabo Frio Upwelling System (Brazil) during the Holocene
- Benthic Redox Conditions and Oceanographic Variability in the Upper Central Peruvian Margin since the Nineteenth Century Depicted from Benthic Foraminifera
- Change in dust and fluvial deposition variability in the Peruvian central continental coast during the last millennium: Response of the ocean atmospheric systems.
- Late Holocene northeastern Morocco hydroclimate reconstruction revealed from speleothems d<SUP>18</SUP>O record
- Late Pleistocene Southeast Amazonia Paleoenvironmental reconstruction inferred by bulk, isotopic and molecular organic matter. Saci lake-Para-Brazil
- Mercury Distribution, Methylation and Volatilization in Microcosms with and without the Sea Anemone Bunodosoma caissarum
- Mineral and trace element indicators of changes in sediment delivery and deposition on a Western Boundary Upwelling System (Cabo Frio, Brazil) since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Nitrogen dynamics in a Western Boundary Upwelling System (Cabo Frio, Brazil) based on δ<SUP>15</SUP>N-nitrate and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N of sinking particle signals
- Palaeohydrological controls on sedimentary organic matter on Amazon floodplain lakes during the Holocene
- Preliminary carbon isotope measurements of fossil fuel and biogenic emissions from the Brazilian Southeastern region
- Using MODIS True-Color 250 m Remote Sensing Data to Assess Interannual Variability of Suspended Matter over Southeastern Brazilian Continental Shelf
- Variability of South Atlantic Central Water in the last century based on stable isotopes and benthic foraminifera of southeast Brazilian continental shelf.
- Variations in stable isotopes and organic geochemistry in South Equatorial Atlantic during the last 30kyrs
- Aeolian deposition change in the Peruvian central continental shelf during the last millennium and its relationship with atmospheric conditions
- Calibration of Nitrogen Stable Isotopes and N-dynamics in a Western Boundary Current System (Brazil) during the Holocene
- D Model of the Torres Syncline in the PARANÁ-ETENDEKA Province, South Atlantic Margin
- Environmental Changes over the Last 35,000 Years in the Southern Amazon Basin (Lago do Saci)
- Linking the Modern and Recent Record of Cabo Frio Upwelling with Local Climate and Biogeochemical Processes in Hypersaline Coastal Lagoons, Região dos Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Mantle uplift and exhumation caused by long-lived transpression at a major transform fault
- Oscillating Hydrofoils for Tidal Energy Extraction: Experiments, Simulations and Salt Water Field Tests
- Rare earth elements in pore waters from Cabo Friós western boundary upwelling system
- Glacial/Interglacial climate and vegetation history of North-East of Brazil during the last 1.5 Ma and their connection to the Amazonian rainforest
- Holocene changes in monsoon precipitation in the Andes of NE Perubased on δ<SUP>18</SUP>O speleothem records
- Paleohydrology Reconstruction of the Tropical South America for the Past 1.6 Million Years.
- Using Paleocurrents for Basin-Scale Hydrological Analysis: an Example from the Amazon Basin
- BSRs Elevated by Fluid Upwelling on the Upper Amazon Fan : Bottom-up Controls on Gas Hydrate Stability
- Nitrogen and Phosphorous Flow in Atlantic Forest Covered Watersheds on the Oceanic and Continental Slopes at Serra dos Órgãos mountain, Southeast of Brazil
- Orbital Forcing driving climate variability on Tropical South Atlantic
- Particular Oceanic Core Complex evolution in an extremely low melt supply environment
- St Paul fracture zone intratransform ridge basalts (Equatorial Atlantic): Insight within the mantle source diversity
- Transpressive mantle uplift at large offset oceanic transform faults
- Diagenetic Fate of Biogenic Soft and Hard Magnetite in Chemically Stratified Sedimentary Environments of Saco do MAMANGUÁ, Brazil
- A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Pole-to-Pole of the Americas in support of conservation and sustainable use of living resources in the sea
- An Integrated Approach to Tracking Paleohydrological Changes Along the Amazon Basin
- Effects of Long-Term Climate Changes and Geochemical Processes on Mercury Accumulation on South American and African Margins during the Last Glacial/interglacial Cycle
- Effects of continuous-flow pyrolysis on the structure, sulfur speciation, and stable sulfur isotope composition of inorganic and organic sulfur pools from the Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay Formation
- Late quaternary vegetation and hydrological changes in the southeastern Amazon based on geochemical and pollen analyses
- Lipid biomarkers as fingerprints of modern dolomite formation in hypersaline coastal lagoons, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Magmatic versus tectonic control on the spreading style of ridge segments inside a slow-slipping multi-transform fault: the St. Paul system, Equatorial Atlantic
- Methane emission from an urban coastal lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Methane emission from an urban coastal lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Millennial-Scale Changes in Benthic Foraminifera Stable Carbon Isotope Gradients in the Western Equatorial Atlantic
- New insights about millennial-scale positive precipitation anomalies over tropical South America
- North Atlantic ice-rafting and implications on the Western Mediterranean climate: a perspective from speleothem records
- Reconstruction of Antarctic Intermediate Water Geometry in the Mid-latitude South Atlantic During the Last 40 kyr
- Relative Contribution of the Axial Dipole Field and CMB Heat Flux for the Past 270 Myr: paleomagnetic evidence for an inverse correspondence?
- Reverse Time Migration with Quantified Uncertainty
- The Role of South Atlantic Ocean in the Tropical South America Hydrological Cycle Over Past 1.7ka.
- The fast response of South America Summer Monsoon to ice-rafted detritus deposition in the western subtropical North Atlantic
- Tracking The Spread Of Agulhas Leakage To The Western South Atlantic And Its Northward Transmission During The Last Interglacial
- Carbon losses following a climate-induced mangrove mortality in Brazil
- Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes Reveal Northward Migrations of the Subtropical Frontal Zone During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Influence of anaerobic oxidation of methane on the precipitation of the seep carbonates of the Moreno Formation, Panoche Hills, California
- Serpentinized Ultramafic Rocks and Biogeochemical Comparisons - Planets Earth and Mars
- Temporal Evolution and Spatial Distribution of Lake Productivity in the Amazon Basin During the Holocene
- Tracing a Geochemical Reaction from Nanometers to Kilometers: Pyrite Oxidation
- When Artificial Connections to the Sea do not Control Eutrophication: Lessons for Urban Coastal Management from the MARICÁ Lagoon (brazilian Southeast)
- A 6000 years speleothem paleomagnetic record of the South Atlantic Anomaly in central South America
- Changes in Mesozoic-Cenozoic Amazon fluvial systems revealed by quartz luminescence
- Investigating 13C values in stalagmites from tropical South America for the last two millennia
- Luminescence sensitivity of quartz as a proxy for paleoprecipitation: Application in marine sediment cores.
- Modelling time-temperature paths of feldspar TL signals to estimate subsidence rates
- Probability Distributions of Radiocarbon in Open Compartmental Systems
- Quartz Luminescence Sensitivity for Northeastern South American Hydroclimate Reconstruction during Termination II
- Reducing conditions induce release of metals from Fe-rich mining tailings at the Rio Doce estuary
- The Last Deglaciation in South America, Past Climate and Environmental Changes as Recorded in Cave Archives
- Aragonitic stalagmites record of the geomagnetic field: Paleomagnetic promise and limitations
- Holocene Extreme Precipitation Frequency and Paleoclimate Reconstruction Based on High-Resolution Multi-Proxy Records from Speleothems from South-East Brazil
- Radiocarbon as a Tool to Assess Fossil Fuel Contamination on an Eutrophic Coastal Estuary (Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Recent Increase in Water Deficit in Central Brazil is Recorded in the Oxygen Isotopes of Dry-forest Tree Species
- Refining the TEX86 paleothermometer in speleothems
- Strength and Oxygenation Variability of Bottom Water in Southeast Pacific During the Middle to Late Pleistocene
- Using Magnetically Enhanced Laminae in Speleothems as a Paleoflood Proxy
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexandra Auderset
- Alfredo Martínez‐García
- Ana Luíza Spadano Albuquerque
- André Oliveira Sawakuchi
- B. E. Strauss
- Bruno Barçante Ladvocat Cintra
- Carlos A. Sierra
- Diego Barcellos
- Eduardo A. Lima
- Gabriel Nuto Nóbrega
- Hai Cheng
- Hermano Melo Queiroz
- Ingrid Chanca
- Ioan Lascu
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Marília de Carvalho Campos
- Mathias Vuille
- Maurício Parra
- Nicolás M. Stríkis
- Plinio Jaqueto
- R. I. Trindade
- Valdir F. Novello
- Xiangfeng Wang