University of Santiago of Chile
flowchart I[University of Santiago of Chile] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (51)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Reconstruction of Plasma Pressure Gradients in the Plasma sheet and Their Relationship to The Substorm Dynamics
- Properties of the Plasma Sheet Turbulence During Substroms Observed by Interball/Tail Satellite.
- Study of Distribution of Pressure in the Magnetosphere Using the Aureol-3 satellite.
- Study of turbulence in the central plasma sheet during quiet and substorm time intervals using the Interball-Tail satellite data
- Study of the Influence of the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure to the Variation of Pressure in the Inner Magnetosphere.
- Dependence of the Maximum Static Pressure in the Inner Magnetosphere on the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure and Different Coupling Functions
- Modelling of the Turbulent Plasma Sheet for Different Geomagnetic Conditions
- Study of the turbulent transport processes in the plasma sheet using the THEMIS satellite data
- Statistical study of the properties of the turbulent plasma sheet using the Cluster and Themis satellite data
- Study of turbulent spectra of the geomagnetic field using the data of the THEMIS satellite mission and ground magnetometers
- Evolution in the lineament patterns associated to strong earthquakes revealed by satellite observations
- Field Line Resonance conjugate studies in the dayside inner magnetosphere using SAMBA antarctic magnetometers and THEMIS mission probes
- Possible causes of the unmagnetized electron motion in the plasma sheet
- Primary and High School resources for teachers and students to improve the space physics education in Chile
- Stability of the turbulent plasma sheet during quiet geomagnetic conditions and during substorms
- Study of the crater deformation of the CODELCO/Andina mine using the satellite and ground data
- Study of the turbulent transport in the plasma sheet related to eddy-diffusion using THEMIS satellite data
- Study of variation in the power spectral density of Pc5 pulsations during May 14-18, 2005 geomagnetic storm using SAMBA magnetometer array data
- Use of high-resolution satellite images for detection of geological structures related to Calerias geothermal field, Chile
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Development of a technique for long-term detection of precursors of strong earthquakes using high-resolution satellite images
- Global Pc5 pulsations during strong magnetic storms: excitation mechanisms and equatorward expansion
- Is there a relationship between solar activity and earthquakes?
- Study of the turbulent processes in the plasma sheet using multi-point satellite and ground-based measurements
- Use of high-resolution satellite images for detection of geothermal reservoirs
- Use of the high-resolution satellite images for detection of fractures related to the ore deposits
- Study of bursty bulk flow events in the plasma sheet using the THEMIS satellite mission
- Effects of Bursty Bulk Flows on the Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet.
- Study a Relation Between the Lascar Volcano Microseimicity and Changes in the Local System of Lineaments, Obtained Using the Landsat 8 Images.
- Study of Motion of the Auroral Oval During September 30 - October 4, 2012 Geomagnetic Storm. A Project of National Secondary School Competition in Scientific Research on Antarctica "Feria Antarctica Escolar 2014", organized by Chilean Antarctic Institute (INACH).
- Use of high-resolution satellite images for detection of geological structures related to Central Andes geothermal field, Chile.
- Black carbon and other light-absorbing impurities in the Andes of Northern Chile
- Monitoring of the mass density profile along the 0° geomagnetic longitude during magnetic storms with the use of ground magnetometers.
- Role of turbulent transport in the evolution of the κappa distribution functions in the plasma sheet
- Formation of kappa distributions and the main features of turbulent transport in the magnetosphere of the Earth
- Multi-instrument observations of pre-earthquake transient signatures associated with 2015 M8.3 Chile earthquake
- Statistical Study of the Evolution of kappa Distribution Functions in the Plasma Sheet
- The Role of the Auroral Processes in the Formation of the Outer Electron Radiation Belt
- Ion and electron Kappa distribution functions in the plasma sheet.
- Spontaneous magnetic fluctuations and collisionless regulation of the Earth's plasma sheet
- Influence of springtime Antarctic ozone on summer precipitation in South America
- Variation of plasma pressure in the inner magnetosphere during storms.
- For which regions could Antarctic ozone variations improve seasonal predictions of precipitation?
- Impact of Climate Change on Photovoltaic (PV) Power Output
- Behavior of the Ion and Electron Fluxes Fitted by a Kappa Distribution Function for Different Plasma Beta Parameter in Earth Magnetosphere: THEMIS 0bservation
- Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Whistler Heat Flux Instabilities in the Solar Wind: Heat Flux Regulation and Electron Halo Formation.
- Influence of MHD Turbulence on Ion Kappa Distributions in the Earths Plasma Sheet as a Function of Plasma Parameter
- Influence of MHD Turbulence on Ion Kappa Distributions in the Earth's Plasma Sheet as a Function of Plasma Beta Parameter
- Statistical Study of the Response of Ion and Electron Kappa Distribution Functions in the Inner Magnetosphere to Solar Wind and IMF Conditions
- The Effect of Oxygen Ions on the Dispersion Properties of Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Magnetosphere
- The Influence of Magma Bodies on CO2 Degassing Throughout the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andean Convergent Margin