University of Concepcion, Chile
flowchart I[University of Concepcion, Chile] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (218)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (32)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Southern Andes Between 36<SUP>o</SUP> and 40<SUP>o</SUP> S Latitude: Seismicity and Average Velocities
- The Southern Andes Between 36 and 40 deg S Latitude: A Tomographic Image of the Lithospheric Structure Inferred From Local Earthquake Data
- Incubation of Chile's 1960 Earthquake
- The Seismogenic Coupling Zone in Central Chile - Amphibious Experiments SPOC (Subduction Processes Off Chile)
- Active Faulting, Surface Deformation and Subduction Earthquakes at Isla Santa Maria, South-Central Chile
- Ammonia Oxidizing, Nitrite Reducing Bacteria and the Cycling of Nitrous Oxide in the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) of the Eastern South Pacific
- Cruise Summary of WHP P6, A10, I3 and I4 Revisits in 2003
- Deacadal variations in hydrographic properties of Circumpolar Deep Water: revisit of WHP P6, A10, I3 and I4.
- Investigating active faulting in the south-central Chilean forearc by local seismicity and moment tensor inversions
- Preliminary transport analysis for P06, A10 and I4+I3 revisits (BEAGLE2003)
- The Seismogenic Zone in Southern Chile: Insights from high resolution receiver function analysis and seismic Tomography
- 3-Component Reflection Seismic Survey Across the Seismogenic Coupling Zone in Chile (Project TIPTEQ)
- Imaging the Chilean Subduction Zone at 38° S Using Prestack Kirchhoff Depth Migration Within Project TIPTEQ
- Imaging the Seismogenic Coupling Zone in Chile: The 3-Component Reflection Seismic Survey of Project TIPTEQ
- Seismic imaging of a subducted ridge, southern Chile
- ENSO-like forcing over the Sea Surface Temperature and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) outgassing during the last 80Ky, off northern Chile (27.5ºS).
- Last Century Patterns of Surface Ocean and Diatom Variability in the Southern California Current
- Late Quaternary variability of sedimentary nitrogen isotopes in the eastern South Pacific Ocean
- Seismicity and Geometry of the Southern Chilean Subduction Zone Between 41.5°S and 43.5°S (Project TIPTEQ)
- Seismicity and velocity structure of the Southern Chilean subduction zone (between 37° and 39°S) revealed by the TIPTEQ local seismic network
- Climate Variability of Southern South America During the Late Holocene: The Multi-proxy Sedimentary Record of Chilean Fjord Sediments (46°S)
- Compound-Specific Stable Isotopes of Organic Compounds From Lake Sediments Track Recent Environmental Changes in an Alpine Ecosystem, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado (United States of America)
- The Seismogenic Zone in Southern Chile: Insights from high resolution receiver function analysis and seismic Tomography
- The Southern Chilean Subduction Zone: Local Earthquake Tomography and State of Stress
- Evidence that scattering due to nonlinear elasticity contributes to coda waves.
- A quantitative high-resolution summer temperature reconstruction back to AD 850 based on sedimentary pigments from Laguna Aculeo, Central Chile
- Earthquake-induced Rockfall and Tsunami in Southern Chile
- Recurrent giant earthquakes in South-Central Chile revealed by lacustrine sedimentary records
- The role of eddies in setting the upper ocean heat budget under the Chilean stratus (Invited)
- - and Post-Seismic Surface Deformation Produced by the Maule Earthquake as Observed by a Dense Network of Continuous GPS Stations
- Aftershock Seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Aftershock Seismicity of the Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake of 27 February 2010 Using a 2D Velocity Model
- Anatomy of the central Chile forearc and influence on megathrust seismogenic behavior (Invited)
- Chaitén volcano unrest/eruption and crustal deformation: insights from geophysical data (Invited)
- Coseismic slip distribution of the February 27, 2010 Mw 8.9 Maule, Chile earthquake
- Earthquake Coseismic Deformation from Spaceborne Gravimetry
- Eddies in the Southeast Pacific and their influence on the upper ocean (Invited)
- Enriched Nitrate and Depleted Nitrite Isotopic Signatures in the OMZ off Northern Chile
- IRIS Community Response to the Great Chile Earthquake of 2010
- Local Seismicity And Seismo-Tectonic Structure Of The Aysén Region, Southern Chile
- Local seismicity observed by a temporal network in the Villarrica-Valdivia region, South-Central Chile
- On the similarity between pre-seismic locking and coseismic slip during the 2010 Maule earthquake (Invited)
- P-wave tomography of the Chile Triple Junction region
- Postseismic investigation of the February 2010 Chile earthquake: relaxation processes and the relationship of seismic and aseismic activity
- Rapid GNSS and Data Communication System Deployments In Chile and Argentina Following the M8.8 Maule Earthquake
- Results from the Geodetic Observatory TIGO due to the Mw 8.8 Earthquake
- Results from the Quake-Catcher Network Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (QCN-RAMP) Following the M8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake
- The 2010 (M 8.8) Maule, Chile Earthquake: An Overview of the Emergency Geodetic Response and Some of its Early Findings (Invited)
- The Effect of Megathrust Earthquakes on the Southern Andean Backarc
- The Mw8.8 2010 Maule, Chile Earthquake: Significant slip occurred only above the continental Moho
- The effect of a non-linear viscoelastic mantle on seismic wave propagation
- Transport of pulse and chronic inputs of sand and their effects on salmonid spawning habitat in Bear Valley Creek, Idaho, USA
- Upper-ocean turbulence beneath the stratus cloud deck of the Southeast Pacific
- VLBI Observations of the 2010 Chilean Earthquake
- Aftershock Seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Maule Earthquake and its Relation to Postseismic Displacements from GPS
- Andean Backarc Deformation and the Plate Boundary Earthquake Cycle
- Applying μ-XRF to identify in two neighbouring lakes event deposits related to the historical activity of the Villarrica volcano, South-Central Chile
- Microbial survival in strongly lithifying hotspring environments, Yellowstone National Park
- Observations of upper-ocean turbulence during the VOCALS experiment
- Permanent Space-Borne Monitoring of Temporal Sea-Ice Changes in Marguerite Bay
- Site Response in the Bíobío Region, Chile Using the κ Method
- The Influence Of Earthquakes On Degassing At Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- The power of research exploration within education: lessons from an international field hydrology course
- The sedimentary imprint of the Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake (27th February 2010) in 10 different lakes between Santiago and Valdivia, South-Central Chile
- Combined impact of ocean acidification and corrosive waters in a river-influenced coastal upwelling area off Central Chile
- Controlling factors on productivity and size abundance distribution of phytoplankton in Patagonian fjords
- Developing a chironomid training set for western South America (South-Central Chile): potential for quantitative temperature reconstructions
- Eastern South Pacific water mass geometry during the last glacial-interglacial transition
- El Niño: Extraordinary, Canonical, Modoki and others
- High-resolution, multi-proxy characterization of the event deposit generated by the catastrophic events associated with the Mw 6.2 earthquake of 21 April 2007 in Aysén fjord (Chile)
- On the relation between postseismic afterslip and aftershock seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Mw=8.8 Maule earthquake, central Chile
- A high-resolution 3D seismic velocity model of the 2010 M<SUB>w </SUB>8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake rupture zone using land & OBS networks
- A high-resolution, time-variable afterslip model for the 2010 Maule Mw=8.8, Chile megathrust earthquake
- Centennial-Scale Hydroclimate Changes in the Southern Mid-Latitudes Over the Last 3000 Years
- Climate Sensitivity and Glaciohydrological Variability of Glaciar Universidad 34°40'S, 70°20'W, Chile
- Large wood storage, longitudinal distribution and mobility in channel segments of four mountain rivers, Chile
- Modeling of the Perito Moreno glacier damming events and water balance of Rico branch (Lake Argentino) based on remote sensing and in situ data
- Online collaboration and model sharing in volcanology via
- Recent calving dynamics of Glaciar Jorge Montt (Southern Patagonia Icefield) based on feature tracking techniques and oceanographic surveys
- Short-term variations in South Atlantic spreading rates from kinematic and tomographic models
- Spontaneous emission of magnetic field fluctuations in Solar wind-like suprathermal plasmas
- A New, Continuous 5400 Yr-long Paleotsunami Record from Lake Huelde, Chiloe Island, South Central Chile.
- Assessing giant tsunamigenic subduction earthquakes in the Northern Chile Seismic Gap during the last two millennia
- Climate Inferences from Geothermal Measurements in South America
- Constraining the extent and evolution of the Southwest Pacific carbon pool since the last glacial
- Correlations between gravity anomaly, preseismic locking and coseismic slip during the 2014 Mw8.2 Pisagua/Iquique earthquake and implications for the frictional structure of the Central Andean megathrust
- Flood, Seismic or Volcanic Deposits? New Insights from X-Ray Computed Tomography
- Glacier meltwater transport and mixing in Jorge Montt fjord, Patagonia
- Holocene variations in the southern westerly winds at centennial and millennial timescales over the last 10,000 years
- Kinetic Effects in Parametric Instabilities of Finite Amplitude Alfven Waves in a Drifting Multi-Species Plasma
- Lacustrine Turbidites as a Tool for Quantitative Paleoseismology: Evidence from 17 Chilean Lakes
- Magnetic Alfvén-Cyclotron Fluctuations of Anisotropic Non-Thermal Plasmas
- Partial breaking of the Northern Chile seismic gap by the 2014 Pisagua-Iquique earthquake as a consequence of seismic slip transients
- Radiocarbon Content of Intermediate Waters off West Sumatra During the Last 45,000 Years
- Structure and Surface Properties of Eddies in the Southeast Pacific Ocean
- Symmetry Properties of Proton Velocity Distributions: a Vlasov Simulation Study of the Ion Cyclotron Instability
- The April 1, 2014 Pisagua (Mw 8.2) Northern Chile Earthquake Seismo-Geodetic Intervention
- Whistler Cyclotron Electromagnetic Fluctuations in a Maxwellian and Tsallis-kappa-like Plasma
- Whistler-cyclotron spontaneous fluctuations as a proxy to identify thermal and non-thermal electrons in the solar wind
- Analysis of large GNSS network solutions: from daily to real-time
- Bimodal Recurrence Pattern of Tsunami in South Central Chile
- Causes, Dynamics and Impacts of Lahars Generated by the April, 2015 Calbuco Eruption, Chile.
- Classifying the Infrasonic Fingerprints of a Dynamic Volcanic System: A Quantitative Comparison of Optical and Infrasound Records at Villarrica Volcano, Chile.
- Climate change and storage response in alpine geologic endmember catchments using integrated modeling and baseflow recession analysis
- Compared sub-bottom profile interpretation in fjords of King George Island and Danco Coast, Antarctica
- Deep structure of Llaima Volcano from seismic ambient noise tomography: Preliminary results
- Evaluating Carbon Isotope Signature of Bulk Organic Matter and Plant Wax Derived n-alkanes from Lacustrine Sediments as Climate Proxies along the Western Side of the Andes
- Gravity and Magnetotelluric Modeling of the Santo Domingo Basin, Northern New Mexico
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Imaging the Seismic Cycle in the Central Andean Subduction Zone from Geodetic Observations
- Lahar Infrasound Associated with Villarrica's March 3, 2015 Eruption
- Long-Term Analysis of Infrasound at Villarrica Volcano and the Eruption of March 3, 2015
- Multi-proxy analysis of tsunami deposits - the Tirúa, Chile, example
- Rapid Plate Motion Variations and Continental Uplift as Surface Expressions of Asthenospheric Flow
- The Chilean Coastal Orographic Precipitation Experiment Pilot Project (CCOPE-2015): Overview and Preliminary Results
- The joint impact of ocean circulation and plate tectonics on the glacial South Pacific carbon pool
- Upper-crustal Stress Field Variations During the Building of the Central Andes: Constrains on the Activation/deactivation of Megadetachments
- Zooplankton Responses to Low-Oxygen Condition upon a Shallow Oxygen Minimum Zone in the Upwelling Region off Chile
- 2-D Travel Times Analysis of Llaima Volcano, Chile
- Anthropogenic Influence on the Changes of the Subtropical Gyre Circulation in the South Pacific in the 20th Century
- Critical Parameters for Landau Damping in non-Maxwellian Plasmas
- EarthShape: A Strategy for Investigating the Role of Biota on Surface Processes
- Examining Dynamical Processes of Tropical Mountain Hydroclimate, Particularly During the Wet Season, Through Integration of Autonomous Sensor Observations and Climate Modeling
- GNSS imaging of time-dependent variable deformation in a Chilean subduction zone
- Geochronology, Geochemistry and Tectonics of Subduction-Related Late Triassic Rift Basins in Northern Chile (24°-26°S).
- Large-Scale Controls and Characteristics of Fire Activity in Central Chile, 2001-2015
- Predicting the Effects of Man-Made Fishing Canals on Floodplain Inundation - A Modelling Study
- The occurrence of extreme events a tsunami and storm deposit in Chilcatay formation, Ica, Peru.
- Tiny crystals give away the where and when of magma ascent
- Where will the flow go after the snow? Case study of the Diguillín Watershed, Central Chile
- Whistler-cyclotron spontaneous fluctuations. A proxy to identify thermal and non-thermal electrons?
- Antarctic Circumpolar Current Dynamics and Their Relation to Antarctic Ice Sheet and Perennial Sea-Ice Variability in the Central Drake Passage During the Last Climate Cycle
- Contrasting Extreme Flooding Events and their Influence on Carbon Dynamics in a Salt Marsh
- Cross-Cultural Field Experiences in Earth and Social Sciences for Chilean and American Graduate Students
- Evaluating the effect of oceanic striations on biogeochemistry in the eastern South Pacific
- Heating of Solar Wind Ions via Cyclotron Resonance
- Hindcasting the paroxysmal eruption of Villarrica using resonant infrasound tones
- Hydro-economic modelling in mining catchments
- Hydrodynamic Modeling to Assess the Impact of Man-Made Fishing Canals on Floodplain Dynamics: A Case Study in the Logone Floodplain
- Impact of Land Use Change on the Temperate Forest of South Central Chile
- Impact of Preferred Eddy Tracks on Transport and Mixing in the Eastern South Pacific
- Kinetic scale structure of low-frequency waves and fluctuations
- Meeting the Continental Crust: the Hidden Olivine Trauma in Subduction Settings
- Revealing the Hidden Water Budget of an Alpine Volcanic Watershed Using a Bayesian Mixing Model
- Spatio-temporal Variability of Albedo and its Impact on Glacier Melt Modelling
- Studying the Effects of Amazonian Land Cover Change on Glacier Mass Balance in the Tropical Andes
- The synrift evolution of the early Domeyko Basin (Domeyko Range, northern Chile): Coupling detrital <SUP>40</SUP>Ar-<SUP>39</SUP>Ar white mica and U-Pb zircon analysis into a tectonostratigraphic framework
- Transport and Fate of Nutrients Along the U.S. East Coast
- Vlasov Simulation Study of Landau Damping Near the Persisting to Arrested Transition
- A Refined Soil Classification For The Chilean Coastal Range: Implicationes For Management In The Andalien River Basin (36°S)
- Abundance, Distribution and Stable Carbon Isotope Composition of Leaf-waxes (n-alkanes) From Surface Lake Sediments Along a Climatological Gradient on the Western Side of the Southern Andes
- Assessing the Dendroclimatological Potential of Polylepis rodolfo-vasquezii in the Tropical Peruvian Andes
- Coherent Nonlinear Processes in Collisionless Plasmas with Positively and Negatively Charged Ions
- Dynamical and thermal mechanisms of wet season convection and freezing level variability in the Peruvian Andes derived from WRF modeling and coupling a decade of surface and satellite observations
- Fault Segmentation Across The Metropolitan Chilean Megathrust: Large Tsunamigenic Potential For The Next Great Earthquake
- Finding the expression of MCA and LIA along a sediment core from northern Patagonia using fatty acids from leaf waxes
- Late Quaternary dynamics of the Southern Westerlies over southern South America and link to paleoceanographic changes in the South Pacific
- Ocean Circulation Causes Strong Variability in Mid-Atlantic Bight Net Community Production
- On the contribution of co-seismic displacements to the 2018 Palu Tsunami
- Proton Core Effects on the Electromagnetic Ion-Beam Instability
- Pulsed Magmatic Inflation and Deflation in a Silicic System Facilitated by Trapdoor Faulting: Laguna del Maule, Chile
- Revealing Hidden Flowpaths in a Permeable Alpine Catchment Using Endmember Mixing Analysis and a Hierarchical Bayesian Mixing Model
- Time-scale Variability of Surface Wind in the Eastern Austral Pacific Ocean and Expected Changes in Ocean-Atmospheric Dynamics.
- Wildfire Hazard Evaluation in the Metropolitan Area of CONCEPCIÓN - Chile Central
- A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Pole-to-Pole of the Americas in support of conservation and sustainable use of living resources in the sea
- Adaptive basin management of a headwater system considering socioeconomic factors to increase resilience. A case study of the Laja basin in southern Chile.
- Assessing the tsunamigenic potential for the next Metropolitan Chile earthquake
- Concomitant Heat Waves in Central Chile and Southeastern South America: Synoptic Environment, Impacts, and Predictability
- Coupling weather and field scale information to forecast strawberry yield on a weekly basis via machine learning approaches
- Crystal exit interviews - the role of olivine in recording magma assembly and magmatic processes
- Dynamics of unrest at a large silicic system: Domuyo volcano, Argentina
- Headwater-Dependent Systems: Definition, Drivers of Change and Potential Futures
- Locking Degree for the Chilean subduction zone and its link to spatio-temporal evolution of deformation and seismicity
- Megathrust Earthquake Supercycles and Seismotectonic Segmentation Along the South-Central Chile Margin
- Monthly trends of heat waves in South Central Chile (30º - 42ºS) during recent decades.
- Recent kinematics of the Pamir, the northwestern tip of the India-Asia collision zone: Westward flow into the Tajik Depression and triggered slip along the northwestern margin
- Revisiting Interseismic Deformation and Interplate Coupling Constrained by GNSS Data in the Atacama District Seismic Gap, Chile
- Sea Level Change and Variability in the subtropical South Pacific
- 3-D ambient noise tomography of Llaima Volcano, Chile
- Global Survey of Oxygen Minimum Zones Reveals Endemism and Functional Redundancy in Viral Communities
- Modeling the sources of the 2018 Palu Tsunami, Indonesia, with the help of social media videos.
- The Absence of Resilience after Recurrent Wildfires at Mediterranean Ecosystems in Central Chile. a Qualitative Study.
- A trans-dimensional approach to robustly identify earthquake-cycle transient surface displacements: Applications for the Chilean margin
- An Daily Tropospheric Delay Climatology inSAR Tropospheric Correction for the South American Andean Arc (NVZ, CVZ and SVZ).
- Characterizing variations in b-value by using a Bayesian transdimensional approach
- Chlorine-36 Surface Exposure Dating and Glacial Sensitivity Analysis of late-Holocene Moraines, South-Central Chilean Andes (38S)
- Contrasting Land-Uses in two Small River Basins Impact the Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Concentration and Carbonate System Along a River-Coastal Ocean Continuum
- Elucidating diverse climate change impacts to food security through international peer-to-peer student innovation and citizen-science
- Estimating the Finite Fault Slip Model of the 7.2 Mw Haiti Earthquake With a Stochastic Methodology Constrained with Mareograph and Deformation Data.
- Evaluating Latest Holocene Glacier Variability in the South-Central Chilean Andes using the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM)
- Evaluation of Temperature and Precipitation from CORDEX CORE Regional Climate Simulations over the Complex terrain of Subtropical Chile
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment near the center of the former Patagonian Ice Sheet (48S) during the last 16.5 kyr
- Intact Polar Lipids in Surface Sediments of The Atacama Trench Point to In Situ Dominant Sources of Labile Organic Matter in the Hadal Seabed
- Is the large depth of the 2021 Chignik earthquake responsible for the small amplitude of its tsunami?
- Linking the Short- and Long-term Structural Evolution of the Andean Western Slope in Central Chile (36S)
- Locked asperities and seismic hazard after recent great earthquakes in Chile
- Multidecadal Delay Between Deglaciation and Formation of a Proglacial Lake Sediment Record
- Optimal Location of Offshore APG Geodetic Sensors in Subduction Zones: Improving Imaging of Shallow Interplate Coupling
- Plate-Locking, Uncertainty Estimation and Spatial Correlations Revealed by a Bayesian Positivity Constrained Method with Model Selection: Application on Central Chile
- Postglacial Fluctuations of Western Southern Patagonian Icefield Glaciers Reconstructed from Fjord Sediments (Chile, 50S)
- Re-evaluating the Tsunamigenic Potential of Trench-breaching Versus Buried Megathrust Ruptures
- Reanalysis of Geodetic Glacier Mass Balance in Central Chile from Satellite Imagery and Aerial Photos
- Signature of Modern Meteorological and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Fjord Sediments (Baker River, Chilean Patagonia)
- Streamflow simulation using WRF-Hydro/Glacier in the NEF River basin from the Northern Patagonian Ice cap
- Supraglacial Lake Depth Estimation Using ICESat-2 Over Amery and Nansen Ice Shelves, Antarctica
- The Mesamavida Fault:A Seismogenic Fault in the Western Andean Front (WAF), Central Chile ( 36S)
- Total Electron Content above South-America during the recent Total Solar Eclipse
- Anatomy and Structural Evolution of the Western Andean Slope in Central Chile (36°S)
- B-value variations in the Central Chile seismic gap assessed by a Bayesian transdimensional approach
- Calibration of a Physically Based Hydro-glaciological Model With Multi-decade Geodetic Mass Balance Estimates in the Extratropical Andes Cordillera.
- Drought and Inca rituals in the summits of the Atacama Andes
- First results of the ANILLO-PRECURSOR network: Monitoring the Atacama seismic gap with a dense multiparametric network
- Geodetic Mass Balance at Universidad Glacier in Central Chile Using Historical Chilean Aerial Photogrammetry DEM, and SRTM Satellite Imagery Co-registration.
- Long-term ocean bottom seismic array observation at the Chile Triple Junction
- Present-day high resolution locking distribution in the 1730 Central Chile seismic gap from GNSS and Sentinel-1 InSAR data
- Renewed Appreciation of the Tsunamigenic Potential of Megathrust Ruptures That do not Extend to the Trench
- Role of the Andean structure in the Post-Seismic Deformation Following the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique Earthquake in Chile: New insights from a Finite Element Model Constrained by GNSS and InSAR Data
- Timing and Size of Great and Giant Chilean Earthquakes Controlled by Lithological Changes Along the Subduction Megathrust
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Anne Socquet
- Bryan G. Mark
- Catalina Morales‐Yáñez
- Christian Sippl
- Daniel Melnick
- Francisco Ortega‐Culaciati
- Frederik Tilmann
- Haipeng Luo
- Hajime Shiobara
- Hiroko Sugioka
- J. A. Valdivia
- Jaime Ojeda
- Joaquín Julve
- Juan Carlos Báez
- Julie C. Fosdick
- Julio Sepúlveda
- Kelin Wang
- Kyoko Ikeda
- Loïc Piret
- M. Moreno
- Masataka Kinoshita
- Mathilde Radiguet
- Matthias Troch
- Matías Carvajal
- Megan Mueller
- Robert Hellström
- Stefaan Poedts
- Sylvain Barbot
- Sébastien Bertrand
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- Tianhaozhe Sun
- Trude Eidhammer