University of Atacama, Chile
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Flow Direcion of Debris Avalanche at Aguilucho-Apacheta Volcanic Complex (aavc), Central Andes
- Origin of the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain and its relation with the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex, Central Andes
- Volcanic hotspots of the central and southern Andes as seen from space by ASTER and MODVOLC between the years 2000-2011
- A glassy lava flow from Toconce volcano and its relation with the Altiplano-Puna Magma Body in Central Andes
- Volcanological evolution of Paniri volcano, Central Andes, northern Chile
- Volatile budget of the 2011 Cordon Caulle eruption (Chile) from various and integrated approaches
- An assessment of the climatic and anthropic controls on the behavior of groundwater-dependent Laguna Santa Rosa wetland in the Atacama Desert
- Complementary High-Resolution Geophysical Techniques for Shallow Root Zone Exploration at Iluga Tumulos Archeological Site in the Pampa del Tamarugal (Atacama Desert, Northern Chile).
- Lava flows from Mount Etna as a Venus Analog: spectroscopy and mineralogy
- The Chile Ridge Subduction and its influence on the faulting architecture and fluid migration patterns in Patagonia
- Seismic Tomography in the Chilean Pampean Flat-Slab Segment: Latitudinal Differences in the Double Seismic Zone and their Relationship with Low Coupling Zones
- The Geodynamic Evolution of the Subducting Chile Ridge, thermal and geodynamic consequences constrained by geophysical and geological data.