National University of Colombia
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Towards a Scale Invariant Evapotranspiration Equation Using Real-Space Renormalization
- Spatial and Temporal Changes of Coda Q in the Galeras Volcano, Colombia
- Implementation of the Center-East Broadband Seismic Network in Colombia
- Combination of Radar Altimeter and In-Situ Measurements to deduce Rating-Curves at Some Virtual Stations in the Ungauged Amazon and Orinoco Basins
- Physical basis of long-range persistence in the climate system
- Caribbean affinities of mafic crust from northern Colombia: preliminary geochemical results from basaltic rocks of the Sinu-San Jacinto belt
- Fast Seismic Event Classification Based On Magnitude-Distance Relation Based On Support Vector Machines Using Only One Three Component Station
- Incorporation of island-arc rocks into a Caribbean subduction channel: Geochemical constraints from eclogite boulders and greenschist rocks, Guajira region, Colombia
- Middle and Late Holocene climate in the tropics : contribution of a high-resolution palynological and geochemical record in northwestern Colombia
- Provenance of the Pendales Fm in the Sinu-San Jacinto Basin of Colombia's Caribbean margin
- A Geochemical Comparison of the Northern Peninsular Ranges Batholith in Southern California and the Coastal Batholith in Southern Peru
- A Stream Morphology Classification for Eco-hydraulic Purposes Based on Geospatial Data: a Solute Transport Application Case
- Analysis of Multi-Specie Reactive Transport in Heterogeneous Media Under Kinetic Reactions
- Bayesian Analysis Of Stormwater Quality Treatment: Application To A Surface Sand Filter And A Subsurface Gravel Wetland
- Dynamical system exploration of long-term memory in the climate system (Invited)
- High-velocity, Aseismic Lower Crust Inboard of the High Himalaya: An Eclogite Conundrum
- Bayesian-inversion adjusted methane fluxes in Colombia and Panama
- Compartmentalized Fluid Flow In The Nevado Del Ruiz Volcano Hydrothermal System(S)
- Detection of long-term trends in monthly hydro-climatic records of Colombia and the Amazon River basin through Empirical Mode Decomposition
- Geophysical Exploration of Disseminated and Stockwork deposits associated with plutonic intrusive: A Case study in the eastern flank of the western Cordillera, Colombia
- Magnitude And Distance Determination From The First Few Seconds Of One Three Components Seismological Station Signal Using Support Vector Machine Regression Methods
- Meteorological control of air pollution in a complex topography, high-altitude valley in the Tropical Andes
- Method of cleaning images of the GONG++ network applied to seismically active flares
- Observational Analysis of Photospheric Magnetic Field Restructuring During Energetic Solar Flares
- Spatial and temporal disaggregation of transport-related carbon dioxide emissions in Bogota - Colombia
- Thermo-mechanical modeling of the subduction zone in Southern Colombia
- A 3-D Generalization of the Budyko Framework Captures the Mutual Interdependence Between Long-Term Mean Annual Precipitation, Actual and Potential Evapotranspiration
- A Statistical Method for Estimating Missing GHG Emissions in Bottom-Up Inventories: The Case of Fossil Fuel Combustion in Industry in the Bogota Region, Colombia
- A Sub-category Disaggregated Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory for the Bogota Region, Colombia
- A survey in WL and HXR emission on the energetic solar flares ocurred during the beginning of the 24 solar cycle and their possible relation with the generation of seismic signals
- Andean reactivation of Cretaceous border faults of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
- Characterization of white light, SXR and HXR kernels emissions in white light flares observed by SDO/HMI and RHESSI
- Characterizing the Atmospheric Circulation over the Colombian Orinoquia through Lagrangian Back-Trajectory Analysis
- Climate Change Impacts in a Colombian Andean Tropical Basin
- Climatic Forcing on Black Sigatoka Disease of Banana Crops in Urabá, Colombia
- Comparison between major volcanic events on Earth and Jupiter's moon Io
- Crustal thickness estimation beneath the Northern Andes (Colombia) from teleseismic receiver functions
- Ecohydrological controls of watershed response to land use change in the montane cloud forest zone in Mexico
- Evidence for a Caribbean shallow slab beneath Northern Colombia from teleseismic travel time residual analyses
- Examination of the Tropical Tropopause Layer during HIPPO
- Global distributions of CO2, trace gases and potential temperature in HIPPO: lessons about global rates of tracer transport and inverse modeling.
- Impact of ENSO on Photochemical Pollution in Bogota, Colombia
- Landslide Probability Assessment by the Derived Distributions Technique
- Magmatic reservoir modeling of the Azufral Volcano from interpreted potential field anomalies, Nariño, Colombia
- Mutual Information in the Air Quality Monitoring Network of Bogota - Colombia
- On the Atmospheric Circulation over Northern South America: A comparison between Reanalyses
- Petrographic and Geochemical Characterization of the Cambumbia STOCK in Andean Central Cordillera, Colombia
- Seasonal Northern Hemisphere CO2 Exchange as Observed by HIPPO
- Separation of the Guajira-Bonaire pair in the southern margin of the Caribbean: 65-50 Ma exhumation followed by 300 km right-lateral transtensional deformation
- Spatiotemporal variability and meteorological control of particulate matter pollution in a large open-pit coal mining region in Colombia
- The Bow Shock Normal and the IMF Angle of Incidence: Preliminary Description
- The diffuse seismicity of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, the Perijá Range, and south of the La Guajira peninsula, Colombia and Venezuela: Result of the convergence between Caribbean plate and the South American margin during the Late Neogene?
- Variability of Precipitation and Evapotranspiration across an Andean Paramo
- Very Fast Estimation of Epicentral Distance and Magnitude from a Single Three Component Seismic Station Using Machine Learning Techniques
- Analyses of the size distribution of earthquakes and their relocation for central-western Colombia
- Analysis, characterization and identification of the Meta fault (Colombia) from the distribution of resistivities
- Are tectonic or erosive processes that happen in faults scarps of main faults of Villavicencio area, Colombia?
- Crustal growth and modification by fringing arcs in the Northern Andes: insights from the Western Colombian Andes
- Land Use Change and Hydrologic Processes in High-Elevation Tropical Watersheds of the Northern Andes
- Paleoseismological History of the Acambay Graben (Central Mexico)
- Possible structures of the old Urcunina Caldera, revealed by high precision relocation of VT earthquakes at Galeras volcano
- Seamount formation, approach and accretion: insights from field and petrological data from the Chiriquí Gulf, western Panamá
- The Seismicity activity toward east of Bogotá D. C., Colombia
- Time Series Analysis for the Drac River Basin (france)
- Tomographically-imaged subducted slabs and magmatic history of Caribbean and Pacific subduction beneath Colombia
- Transition from Subduction to Strike-Slip in the Southeast Caribbean: Effects on Lithospheric Structures and Overlying Basin Evolution
- A Precipitation Satellite Downscaling & Re-Calibration Routine for TRMM 3B42 and GPM Data Applied to the Tropical Andes
- A Preliminary Heat Flow Model for Cooling a Batholith near Ica, Peru
- A monitoring protocol for the ecohydrological effects of land use changes in tropical mountain ecosystems
- Amazon deforestation effects on mean and extreme riverflows: insights from ecohydrological scaling
- Characterization of Pacific Ocean Surface Temperatures Using Eulerian Motion Magnification
- Compositional Trends of Cretaceous Conglomerate Provenance: Tracing The Evolving Nature of Tectonic Environments in the Northwestern Colombian Andes
- Conjoint Seasonal and Intraseasonal Dynamics of Precipitation and NDVI Over The Amazon And The Congo Rainforests
- Detrital Record of the Middle to Late Paleozoic Transition from Subduction to Collision in the Northern Andes: Implications in the Paleogeographic Reconstructions of Pangea
- Does There Exist a Relationship Between Acoustic and White-Light Emission in Hard-X ray Solar Flares?
- Dynamics and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Northwestern Andes: Subduction Segments, Moho Depth, and Possible Relationships to Mantle Flow
- Estimating the Depth to Magnetic Basement Bottom in South America and Caribbean Region from Magnetic Data Inversion
- Faults delineation and stress orientations from the microseismicity analysis of the Servita Fault System, Colombian Eastern Cordillera
- Fracture and Medium Modeling, by Analizing Hidraulic Fracturing Induced Microseismicity
- Late Cretaceous ARC to MORB compositional switch in the Quebradagrande Complex, Colombian Andes: understanding the long term tectonic evolution of a magmatic arc.
- Late Cretaceous to Paleocene Terrane Accretion in the Colombian Andes: Paleomagnetic and Sedimentary Evidence
- Late Jurassic Crustal Thickening in the Mesozoic Arc of Ecuador and Colombia: Implications on the Evolution of Continental Arcs.
- Low-grade Metamorphism of Cretaceous Basins from the Colombian Andes: Testing Tectonic Models with Paleogeothermal Gradients
- Middle Miocene closure of the Central American Seaway
- Observations of a stratospheric depletion and annual mean interhemispheric gradient in the atmospheric Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB> ratio from the HIPPO Global campaign
- Reconstruction of Late Cretaceous Magmatic Arcs in the Northern Andes: Single Versus Multiple Arc Systems
- Stratigraphic and Petrological Constraints of Cretaceous Subduction Initiation and Arc-Continent Collision in the Northern Andes
- Tectonostratigraphic reconstruction Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary in the northwestern Andes: from extensional tectonics to arc accretion.
- The Servita Fault, Colombian Eastern Cordillera: Origin, Geotectonics, and Seismicity
- a Computational Model to Aproach the Study of P Modes on Active Regions in the Sun
- A Polytropic Model of the Solar Interior
- A scaling approach to Budyko's framework and the complementary relationship of evapotranspiration in humid environments: case study of the Amazon River basin.
- Agriculture at the Edge: Landscape Variability of Soil C Stocks and Fluxes in the Tropical Andes
- Contextualizing Solar Cycle 24: Report on the Development of a Homogenous Database of Bipolar Active Regions Spanning Four Cycles
- Cumulus Thermals Throughout Different Convective Regimes: Sticky or Slippery?
- Electromagnetic Analysis in Time Domain in Various Configurations for Identification of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: Numerical Modeling
- Enhanced Orographic Tropical Rainfall: An Study of the Colombia's rainfall
- Evolution of solar magnetic fields in a seismically active region with recurrent flaring activity
- Hard X-ray Detector Calibrations for the FOXSI Sounding Rocket
- Holdridge life zone physical inconsistency
- Impulsivity Parameter for Solar Flares
- Influence of ENSO Modoki on Colombia Precipitation
- Mountain Tropical Rainfall: Evidence of Phase-Locking between the Diurnal, Annual and Interannual Cycles in the Andes of Colombia
- Past variability of the North American Monsoon: ultrahigh resolution records from the lower Gulf of California for the last 6 Ka
- Python Implementation for Local Correlation Tracking Analysis of Solar Data
- Radioastronomy at the National Astronomical Observatory of Colombia
- Rainfall Forecasting Skill over the Tropical Andes
- Reconstructing Historical Changes in Watersheds from Environmental Records: An Information Theory Approach
- Seismic characterization of subduction process along the Southamerica and Caribbean margin plates
- Stress Field Estimation from Focal Mechanisms and Back Projected Images in Potentially Induced Seismicity Region, Colombia
- Studying the extended magnetic structure of the April 12, 2014 interplanetary CME using in situ detection of shock fronts
- Subduction Dynamics in Northwestern South America from SKS and Local S-wave Splitting Measurements
- The Variable Nature of Convection in the Tropics and Subtropics: A Legacy of 16 Years of the TRMM Satellite
- Theoretical Variation of Solar Radiation in a Tropical Mountain Valley
- Timing of Accretion and Mountain-Building in The Northern Andes of Colombia through Low-Temperature Thermochonology
- Two-way Feedbacks Between Tropical North Atlantic SST and Amazon River Basin Hydroclimatology at Seasonal and Interannual Timescales
- Urban Flood Risk Assessment Under Uncertain Conditions and Scarce Information
- Air pollution in Latin America: Bottom-up Vehicular Emissions Inventory and Atmospheric Modeling
- An in-situ u-burst: Observation and results
- Characterization of CME-driven shocks in the interplanetary medium using type II radio bursts
- Convective development as seen by cumulus thermals
- Data-Informed Stochastic Model and Parametrization of Wave Breaking
- Development of a Homogenous Database of Bipolar Active Regions Spanning Four Cycles
- Forward and Inverse Modeling of Self-potential. A Tomography of Groundwater Flow and Comparison Between Deterministic and Stochastic Inversion Methods
- Hydrological and Geoelectrical monitoring of Landslides in the tropical Andes: Case Study Medellín - Colombia
- Hydrological and Meteorological Role of Forests: Implications for the Regulation of Water and Energy Balances
- Impacts of a Groundwater Scheme on Hydroclimatological Conditions over Southern South America
- Non-linear Interactions between Niño region 3 and the Southern Amazon
- Observing Carbon Dioxide Fluxes on a Corn Field and a Native Savanna in the Colombian Orinoco River Region Using Eddy Covariance
- Scale Invariant Power Laws Capture the 3-D Coupling Between Water, Energy and Carbon Budgets Across River Basins of Increasing Horton-Strahler Orders in the Andes-Amazon System
- Searching for the Neogene orogenic mechanism that uplifted the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Constraints from seismology, geochronolgy and geochemistry
- Triggers and Manifestations of Flare Energy Release in the Low Atmosphere
- Upper mantle anisotropic attenuation of the Sierra Nevada and surroundings
- Aburrá Valley's weather forecast system: Implementation and improvements using radar and radiometer data assimilation
- An Observation of Repeating Events at local asperities during a Laboratory Stick-slip Experiment of a Saw-cut Cylindrical Lucite Sample
- Annual and diurnal precipitation bimodal distributions as simulated by WRF-based CORDEX-Cetral America
- Anthropogenic and volcanic emission impacts on SO<SUB>2</SUB> dynamics and acid rain profiles. Numerical study using WRF-Chem in a high-resolution modeling
- Assessment of the Influence of Topography in Extreme Precipitation Events in Andean Northwestern Colombia
- Associating Land Surface Temperature Retrieved From Satellite and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data With Urban Cover and Topography in Aburrá Valley
- Characterization of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Over Aburrá Valley Region (Colombia) Using Remote Sensing and Radiosonde Data
- Correlation Between Electromagnetic Signals and Seismic Events on Central Colombia Region to Establish Seismic Precursors Existence
- Determination of Magnitude and Location of Earthquakes With Only Five Seconds of a Three Component Broadband Sensor Signal Located Near Bogota, Colombia Using Support Vector Machines
- Direct and Indirect Effects of Precipitation on Particulate Matter Concentration in the Aburrá Valley
- Disdrometer-based C-Band Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) in a highly complex terrain region in tropical Colombia.
- ENSO Dynamics and Trends, AN Alternate View
- Ecohydrological consequences of vegetation interactions within the critical zone in the tropical Andes: multi-scale assessment of vegetation change consequences
- Evaluation of rainfall structure on hydrograph simulation: Comparison of radar and interpolated methods, a study case in a tropical catchment
- Explaining the behavior of runoff and subsuperficial flow: The role of the precedent water and precipitation features on a tropical basin
- First Biogenic VOC Flux Results from the UCI Fluxtron Plant Chamber Facility
- Hydrological Modelling the Middle Magdalena Valley (Colombia)
- Inferring the thermal structure of the Panama Basin by seismic attenuation
- Local Climate Changes Forced by Changes in Land Use and topography in the Aburrá Valley, Colombia.
- Long-time Dynamics of Stochastic Wave Breaking
- Methods and recent results on earthquake source parameters scaling, diversity and physical interpretations
- Particle Tracking Model for Suspended Sediment Transport and Streambed Clogging Under Losing and Gaining Conditions
- Probabilistic discrimination between liquid rainfall events, hailstorms, biomass burning and industrial fires from C-Band Radar Polarimetric Variables
- Quantifying Wide-Area Continental Deformation: Palinspastic Reconstruction of the Northern Andes
- Reconstructing the 2015 Flash Flood event of Salgar Colombia, The Case of a Poor Gauged Basin
- Strong Motion Network of Medellín and Aburrá Valley: technical advances, seismicity records and micro-earthquake monitoring
- The 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and the Structure of a Himalayan Intracontinental Subduction Channel From Geodesy, Seismicity, and Seismic Imaging
- The Another Assimilation System for WRF-Chem (AAS4WRF): a new mass-conserving emissions pre-processor for WRF-Chem regional modelling
- Tropical Andean ecosystems and the need to keep warming limits below a +1.5°C threshold
- 3D Seismic Anisotropy in the lithospheric system of NW South America:Incidence in the interaction of the Nazca, Caribbean and South American Plates.
- A Decade of Seismicity in the Shallow Subduction Zone of Nicaragua-Costa Rica
- A Particle-Tracking Model to Estimate Clay Deposition in an Experimental Flume Under Losing-Gaining Flow Conditions
- A new approach for hydraulic conductivity scaling in unsaturated porous media via direct averaging
- Aburrá Valley (Colombia) spatio-temporal air quality assessment from a monitoring network using low-cost sensors and citizen science
- Along strike magmatic variations in the Colombian Andes during the Miocene: Tectonic implications
- An Operational Implementation Of The EPA-SWMM Model With Radar QPE Fields And Precipitation Nowcast For Urban Hazards Assessment
- An assessment of the role of surface sensible heat flux and the atmosphere inversion on the breakup time in a highly complex terrain
- Aproximation to the characterization of the spatio-temporal variability of clouds and aerosols in the Aburra Valley from satellital and ground-based remote sensing
- Assesment Of The Long-Term Changes In Sub-Daily Precipitation In A Tropical Complex-Terrain Region: Extreme Events And Their Relation With Temperature Increase
- Assessing scale effects on a hydro-sedimentological model: the case of a tropical basin
- Assessing the spatial structure of stand-alone and embedded Convective Systems in the Colombian Andean region
- Assessment of climate change in terrestrial water storage over the Magdalena-Cauca basin
- Assessment of the variability of the thermodynamic structure of the atmosphere and its influence on the levels of particulate matter PM2.5 in the Aburrá Valley, Colombia
- Citizen Scientists of the Aburrá Valley: the results of an education, communication, and science strategy.
- Climate change scenarios for tropical America
- Climatological atmosphere-ocean response to tropical cyclone passage and the role of turbulent heat fluxes
- Collisional and Subduction-related Tectonics on the Neogene Building of the Northern Colombian Andes
- Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition for Seagrass-Wave environment interaction.
- Delimitation of segments of the Nazca and Caribbean Plates beneath Colombia using P-wave travel time residuals.
- Development of a Low-Cost Air Pollution Monitoring Sensor for Dense Networks and Citizen Science Programs: The Aburrá Valley Pilot Program
- ENSO Dynamics and Trends, AN Alternate View
- Global characterization of seismicity along Double Benioff Zones
- Hydraulic Conductivity of a Fractured Media at Different Scales
- Hydrogeological Characterization in Tropical Regions with lack of information subject to competing uses of groundwater
- Identifying Hydrologic Sensitivity to Infiltration-based Stormwater Management at the Watershed Scale
- Implications of Urban Form and Topography in Thermal Conditions at Local and Micro Scale in a Tropical Urban Area Located in a Valley
- Insights into the tectonic boundaries around the Panama - Choco collision zone from relocation of local seismicity and first order gravity analysis
- Integration of Different Geophysical Datasets to Advance in the Knowledge of the Geological and Geomorphological Structure of the Caribbean: An Example From the Continental Margin, Deep Basin and Insular Domain of the Colombian Caribbean
- Late Miocene garnet-bearing andesites in the Northern Andean Block and their tectonic implications
- MJO influence over northern South American. Observations and modeling.
- Mio-Pliocene Andean Orogenic Record from a Fore-Arc to Foreland Transect in Southernmost Colombia
- Modeling the Effect of urban morphology on air quality of the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley (Colombia)
- Multinomial logistic regression applied to identify tectonic tremor in Northern South America by using the Colombian National Seismic Network
- On the energetics of sunquakes and their generation mechanisms
- Possible Relationship Between Electromagnetic Signals And Seismic Events On The Central Region Of Colombia
- Reworking of tectonically eroded forearc lithologies controls the isotopic and trace element signatures of arc andesites in the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Seismic Anisotropy and Vp/Vs Changes Measured on Ocean Bottom Seismometers Suggest Fluid Pressure Changes Occur With Slow Slip off the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Sharing air quality data during critical episodes: the experience of SIATA.
- Shortening and magmatism at the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Insights from teleseismic receiver functions and geochemistry
- Spatiotemporal Variability of the Tropical Dynamical Warm Pool
- Tectonic Control on Slab-derived Sediment Contributions to the Northern Volcanic Zone of Colombia.
- The Colombia ASIM Site: Lightning mapping, TLE observations and high energy radiation from lightning
- Three major faults in northeastern Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta & Perija Range): seismotectonic model and scope of its seismic hazard
- Three-dimensional geological model applied for groundwater flow simulations in the Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia
- Understanding the Dynamics of a Creeping Slope in North Western Colombia: Insights from Hydrological Monitoring and Geophysical Surveys
- Watershed modelling framework, a programable tool for hydrologic simulation and analysis
- What Additional Information can Satellite Vertical Gravity Gradients Provide About the Crustal Structure in Oceanic Domains?
- A High-Resolution Model for the Assessment and Forecasting of Wildfire Susceptibility
- A Numerical Model to Simulate Turbulent Velocity Decay within Porous Beds Using Surface Velocity and the Burgers Equation
- A new observational-modeling framework for flash-flood forecasting in complex-terrain watersheds.
- Aerosol Optical Characteristics Retrieved from CIMEL Sun Photometer Measurements (AERONET) over Urban Area of Medellín, Colombia.
- Air pollution research as a driver of regional pollution regulation policies in the Medellín Metropolitan Area
- Climate Forecast System model heat wave climatology and forecast skill at subseasonal time scales
- Comparison of the Aftershock Sequences of Shallow and Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in Colombia
- Consequences of Time-varying Subduction Geometry beneath Colombia
- Deep Structure of the Main Himalayan Thrust and Indian Mantle From Structural Imaging, Geodetic Modeling, and Seismicity
- Development of an Atmospheric Electrical Field Monitoring Network for Mountainous Tropical Regions and Cross-platform Lighting Activity Assessment
- Effect of Land Cover and Land Use Change on Evapotranspiration in a Basin of Colombian Central Andes
- Genetic Algorithm in Estimation of Shortest Path Based in Slope and Land Use Pedestrian Model
- Investigating the Northern Andes and Southwestern Caribbean: New Insights from Earthquake Relocations using the Colombian National Seismic Network
- Neogene Ridge subduction and slab window in the Northern Andean block - Tectonic implications
- On the Choco Low-level Jet and gravity waves over the rainiest place on Earth: Observations and Simulations during CHOCO-JEX
- Petrological modeling of subduction of oceanic crust: insights into slab dehydration and melting
- Processing, Simultaneous Inversion, Inversion Analysis and Seismic Net Pay Estimation with Pre-Stack Seismic Data and Dense Well Data in Teapot Dome, Wyoming USA.
- Rapid Screening of Landscape Scale Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in Ecotypes from a Tropical Region: Caldas - Colombia
- Seismic Observations of Processes in Collisional Continental Lithosphere: Rheological Changes, Phase Changes, and Deformation
- Seismic monitoring of a 14-story building using continuously recorded earthquake and ambient vibration data
- Stratigraphic Analysis of the Bahia Intraslope Basin, Offshore Northern Colombia
- Tectonic setting in northwestern South America illuminated by a newly relocated earthquake catalog
- The Colombian magmatic record of the Panama arc collision and subduction of the Nazca plate
- The Pluviometric Optimum on the Andes of Colombia
- The recent seismicity of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
- Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of One of the Rainiest Spots on Earth
- Trends of Hydroclimatic Intensity in Colombia
- Tropical Pacific SST prediction with implications for ENSO
- Untangling the Impacts of Tectonics on Climate: Lessons From the Northern Andes-Caribbean
- Variability of seismic radiation of repeating events as a clue for understanding intermediate-depth earthquake rupture
- Atmospheric Emissions Inventory in AN Medium-Sized Andean City from On-Road Mobile Sources. Aplication of Copert 5.3 Model
- Climatology of the icing potential and events of freezing over the Colombian continental territory
- Consistency of Long-Term Trends and Closure of the Surface Water Balance in the Amazon River Basin
- Coupling the Water, Energy and Carbon Balances of the Amazon River Basin
- DC resistivity and seismic refraction define surface ruptures in tropical soils - A case study of La Bonita, Antioquia, Colombia
- Dynamics and Flows in Active Region NOAA12737 that can contribute to Type III Bursts observed by Parker Solar Probe during Encounter 2.
- Earthquake Occurrence and Reoccurrence at Intermediate Depth in the Bucaramanga Nest, Colombia
- Effect of ambient vibrations and earthquake ground motions on the response of a 14-story building.
- Environmental and Health Implications of Recycling Mine Tailings into Construction Materials for Community Purposes
- Evidence for a continental lithospheric mantle earthquake in northern South America
- Groundwater Discharge to Streams: Baseflow Estimation in the Middle Magdalena River and its Tributaries, Drivers and Human Impacts
- Impact of El Niño-Southern Oscillation and local climate in Dengue in Colombia at different spatiotemporal scales
- Impacts of Deforestation on Long-term Trends of Precipitation, Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture in the Amazon River basin
- Incorporating "Positive Deviants" into Community Development Projects: A Case Study from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Colombia
- Leaf and Wood Decomposition Across Tropical Lowland and Montane Forests: A Pantropical Study Across Climates
- Long-term relief construction and destruction in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes constrained by 3D thermo-kinematic modeling
- Magnitude of repeating earthquakes due to slip over the same patch: implications on stress drop and rupture initiation.
- Method to mapping the Amazonian Colombian forest disturbance as a result of selective logging base on satellite image
- Moisture Recycling in the Andes of Colombia
- Return Periods for Continuous-Time Processes in Hydrology: A new Heuristic
- Seasonality of Sun-Induced Fluorescence in the Amazon River Basin and its Relation to Precipitation and Land Use
- Sensitivity of WRF-Chem simulations to chemical boundary conditions, domain configuration and nesting options: An evaluation for an Andean city.
- Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Arc Magmatism: A Case Study of Northern Colombia
- Spontaneous Reconnection in Three-Dimensional Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Collisionless Plasma Turbulence
- Stationary properties of Runoff under stochastic rainfall: lessons from a linear model.
- The 2017 September 10 loop-prominence system: A polarization and density analysis
- Two-Way Feedbacks Between Soil Moisture and NDVI in Tropical South America
- Vertically Propagating Internal Waves in a Tropical Reservoir
- Wood isotope variation (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C) suggest new insights on growth rhythms in trees from the neotropical rainiest forest
- 3D Small-scale Turbulent Reconnection: Energy Transport and Transfer.
- Climate change in the northern tropical Andes during late-glacial time derived from glacier reconstructions
- Co-producing an Integrated Vision for Science and Management of Tropical Dry Forests in the Age of Rapid Climate Change
- Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Simulations over South America
- Damage on living trees contributes to 36% of biomass losses in tropical forests
- Flat-slab signatures in the individual receiver function records? A case from the northern Colombian Andes
- Geochemical modeling of glaciated mountain aquifers in Mount Hood, Oregon and Glacier National Park, Montana.
- Global Predictability of Monthly Precipitation for up to 9 Future Months Using Hidden Tropical Pacific SST States
- Global Variations of Seismic Energy Release with Oceanic Lithosphere Age
- Homotopy Sampling, with an Application to Particle Filters
- Latitudinal Heterogeneity in the Uppermost Mantle Beneath the Colombian Andes Magmatic Arc
- Main Challenges for High Resolution Hydro-Climate Models in South America
- Modes of Seasonality in Tropical Ecosystems of Northern South America: A Characterization of Vegetation Activity Using the Regional Earth System Data Lab
- Observing the Structure and Effects of Terrane Accretion at Depth through Patterns of Seismicity in Colombias Cauca Cluster
- Picking and associating seismic activity in regional and local networks using Deep Learning
- Reconstructing One Century of Carbon Uptake and Loss in an Orinoco Savanna Ecosystem Throughout Its Conversion to Pastures and Restoration
- Regional variation of tectonic tremor activity in the north western part of Caribbean coast
- Spatial and Temporal Functional Variation in the North of the Colombian Andean Forest
- The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Termination 1 in the tropics based on glacial extent records
- Time-Varying Shear-Wave Velocities in a High-Rise During the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes from Wavefield Interferometry
- What can topography tell us about the long- and short-term tectonics and mantle dynamics in the northernmost Andes?
- A Thick, Sheared Zone at the Base of an Oceanic Plate: The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary of the Subducting Nazca Plate in Colombia as Revealed through P-to-S Receiver Functions
- A critical review for supporting the definition of spatial-temporal patterns of ecosystem services from ecohydrological fluxes at local scale
- Back-trajectories analysis for characterizing the origin and spatio-temporal variability of precipitation in Colombia, and the implications for the local electrical energy markets
- Cold Mélange Diapirs or Active Mantle Wedge Metasomatism? Investigating the Source Region of Colombia's Mantle Wedge Earthquakes
- Controlling Mechanisms of the 4D Distribution of Rainfall Over the Rainest Region on Earth
- Detection of tectonic tremor activity along the NW zone of the Caribbean coast and its implication with subduction processes: An study case with Colombia-Venezuela CARMA seismological network
- Energy Transport and Transfer in 3D Small-Scale Turbulent Reconnection
- Implementation of the EPA-SWMM Model for urban areas with complex geomorphologic characteristics for flash flood analysis
- Low Latitude Geomagnetic Activity Using a Dst index Proxy
- Mapping Deforestation Across Gradients of Tree Diversity in Colombia's Moist Tropical Forests
- Natural gas occurrence in the shallow aquifer of the Magdalena Middle Valley Basin, Colombia
- Reconstructing Thick-skin Deformation Patterns in the Southern Colombian Andes by Using Combined Thermobarometry and Thermochronology
- The Transparency Center for carrying out Integral Research Pilot Projects, a commitment to transfer knowledge and understand the territory
- Time-Varying Shear-Wave Velocities and Attenuation in a High-Rise During Earthquakes from Wavefield Interferometry
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Levander
- A. P. Walsh
- Alina-Catalina Donea
- Andreas F. Prein
- Brandon T. Bishop
- Brian J. Enquist
- C. J. Owen
- Carlos A. Sierra
- Carlos Vargas
- D. Medvigy
- Daniel Ruiz Carrascal
- Daniel Verscharen
- Daniel Zuleta
- David Zamora
- Edward R. Sobel
- Erasmo Rodríguez
- Estefanía Muñoz
- Fei Chen
- Fenglin Niu
- Francina Domínguez
- G. A. Prieto
- Gaspar Monsalve
- German Vargas G.
- Germán Poveda
- I. Zouganelis
- Ian L. Millar
- J. Durán
- Jennifer S. Powers
- Johanna Andrea Martínez‐Villa
- Jordyn B. Miller
- Juan Gómez
- Julian Rodriguez-Ferreira
- Julián D. Alvarado‐Gómez
- Krzysztof Barczynski
- Kyoko Ikeda
- L. Fita
- L. S. Wagner
- Leonardo David Donado
- Lina M. Estupiñán-Suárez
- Lucia Scaff
- Markus Reichstein
- Maurício Parra
- N. E. Raouafi
- Patrick J. Burns
- Petrus C. Martens
- S. Garelick
- S. Vargas Domínguez
- Sandra M. Durán
- Santiago León
- Scott J. Goetz
- Steven Christe
- Upmanu Lall
- W. Frank
- Óscar José Mesa Sánchez