University of Antioquia, Colombia
flowchart I[University of Antioquia, Colombia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (47)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Global constraints to the properties of convection-driven magnetic fields in Super Earths
- Floods in Colombia (2009-2011): rethinking our response to climatic variability
- River-Borne Sediment Exports, Sedimentation Rates, and Influence on Benthos and Leaflitter Breakdown in Southern Caribbean Mangroves (uraba, Colombia)
- On the Atmospheric Circulation over Northern South America: A comparison between Reanalyses
- An Ecohydrological Approach to the Resiliency and Stability of Ecosystems
- Consequences in Change in Vegetation Cover for the Critical Zone: Example Implications for Hydropedology (Invited)
- Contamination from gold and platinum-group metals mining in the Gulf of Darién, Colombia
- Hydrological Responses of Andean Lakes and Tropical Floodplains to Climate Variability and Human Intervention: an Integrative Modelling Framework
- Moisture Flux across Colombia in the new generation reanalysis ERA-Interim
- Rainfall-Runoff Forecast and Model Parameter Estimation: a Dynamic Bayesian Networks Approach
- Connecting global change science with communities: About the conformation of a social network for early warnings in Colombia
- Could Ecosystem Change over Amazonia Influence Climate over North America?
- Evaluation of precipitation variability over northern South America based on CMIP5 historical model simulations
- The 2010-2012 Anomalous Wet Season in Northern South America
- Regional-scale ecohydrological consequences of widespread forest cover in northern South-America: Amazon forest effects on atmospheric and surface water balances
- Accounting for "Ecoclimate Teleconnections" that structure ecological responses to disturbance and climate, from local to global scales
- Are the American monsoons becoming shorter?: Evaluation of CMIP5 simulations and projections
- Hydrological and Meteorological Role of Forests: Implications for the Regulation of Water and Energy Balances
- WRF Improves Downscaled Precipitation During El Niño Events over Complex Terrain in Northern South America: Implications for Deforestation Studies
- Ecohydrological consequences of vegetation interactions within the critical zone in the tropical Andes: multi-scale assessment of vegetation change consequences
- Predicting Tree Mortality Die-off Events Associated with Hotter Drought and Assessing Their Global Consequences via Ecoclimate Teleconnections.
- The Role of Forests in Regulating the River Flow Regime of Large Basins of the World
- The Role of Precipitation Recycling in the Propagation and Intensification of Droughts in North America
- Changes in the South Pacific High since the Late Holocene from General Circulation Models and Climate Proxies
- Continental-scale consequences of tree die-offs in North America
- Dispersion of mobile emissions at sub-kilometer scales for the Aburra Valley in Colombia: emission disaggregation, identification of pollution hotspots, and scenario evaluation.
- Global Change Induced-regime Shifts in the Capacity of River Basins to Regulate Extreme River Flows Inferred from the Temporal Variations of Scaling Properties: An Empirical Study in Large Basins of Tropical South America and the United States
- Regional Climate Variability over Northern South America According to a WRF Multi-decadal Simulation
- Understanding Endangered Tropical Alpine Ecotones in a Changing Environment: Insights from Plant Functional Traits
- WRF Simulation of the Urban Heat Island and its Impact on Wind Dynamics and Air Pollution Transport Mechanisms in a Densely Populated Urban Valley of the Tropical Andes
- Influence of El Niño events on moisture transport phenomena and precipitation patterns in the northern Andes
- The Andes-Amazon connection: pathways of atmospheric moisture transport
- The Low-level Cross-equatorial Circulation East of the Tropical Andes and Precipitation over the Andes-Amazon region: effects of PBL and LSM schemes in WRF simulations
- An Adapted SWAT Plant Growth Module for Tropical Vegetation with Bimodal Seasonality: A Watershed Study in the Tropical Andes
- Analysis of the vegetation structure in the savanna - tropical forest transition of northern South America using The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) data
- Incorporating Community Science Research into Bayesian Maximum Entropy modeling improves depth to groundwater mapping in a remote rural region
- Mesoscale Convective Systems over the rainiest spot on Earth: OTREC field campaign and Cloud-Resolving Simulations
- Multi-tool Assessment of Energy Balance Consequences of Reservoir Construction for Hydropower Generation in the Tropical Andes
- Organic Carbon Fluxes from Fringing Mangroves in a Major Caribbean Delta (Atrato, Urabá Gulf, Colombia): Upscaling from Litterfall Traps to the Macrosystem
- The hydroclimate-vegetation relationship in the southwestern Amazon during the last 20 years
- Water quality and ecological integrity of Andean rivers facing hydropower development
- Addressing barriers between science and policy implementation: Reflections from an applied research project on groundwater management planning in Colombia
- Cloud-resolving Simulations of Mesoscale Convective Systems in Colombia
- Spatio-temporal Characterization of Mesoscale Convective Systems over Northern South America
- Climatological Characteristics of Deep Convection in Northwestern South America Using a Persistence Tracking Technique.
- DeepSlide: Self-supervised learning on SAR data for change detection
- Role Of Clouds In Houston's Urban Heat Island And Extreme Heat