National University of Costa Rica
flowchart I[National University of Costa Rica] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (157)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (22)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Large Tensional Outer-Rise Earthquake in the Nicoya Seismic Gap, Costa Rica
- Characteristics of the Central Costa Rican Seismogenic Zone Determined from Microseismicity
- Characteristics of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone from Microseismicity
- Large Underthrusting Earthquakes Beneath the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Magmatic and hydrothermal controls on trace element output at active volcanoes as recorded by spherules of sulfur in acid crater lakes
- Tomographic Imaging of the Three-Dimensional P-wave Velocity Structure Beneath Costa Rica: Constraints on Subduction Processes
- Uplift Patterns in the Forearc of the Middle America Trench, Costa Rica: Implications for Mass Balance and Fore-arc Kinematics
- A Continuous GPS Transect over the Locked Portion of the Nicoya, Costa Rica, Underthrust Seismogenic Zone
- Differentiation Timescales and Processes for Products From Recent Eruptions of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica (1968-1999)
- Evidence for a Thermally Controlled Seismogenic Updip Limit for Subduction at Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Geodetic Measurements Providing Insight Into Magma Dynamics at Aremal Volcano, Costa Rica
- Seismic Attenuation in the Subduction Zone of Costa Rica
- Statistical Studies on Summit Explosions and Volcanic Tremor, Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- Geometry and velocity structure of the northern Costa Rica seismogenic zone from 3D local earthquake tomography
- Inter-plate coupling in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, as deduced from trans-peninsula GPS experiment
- Unraveling Complex Crystal Populations of the Current Eruption of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica: Key to Understanding 35 Years of Continuous Eruption of Monotonous Basaltic Andesites
- A Creep Event on the Shallow Interface of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone
- Changes in Seismogenic Zone Coupling Along the Middle America Margin?
- Coastal Deformation Patterns Along the Nicoya Seismic Gap, Pacific Coast, Costa Rica, Central America
- Crustal Thickness Along the Central American Volcanic Arc
- Detection of SO2, HCl and CO2 in Arenal Volcano Eruptive Plume Using MASTER Multispectral Images
- Grainsize, Mass per day and Morphological Characteristics of Tephra from Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica: 1987-2000.
- Imaging the Subduction Factory Beneath Central America: The TUCAN Broadband Seismic Experiment
- Mantle anisotropy beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua and the TUCAN Broadband Seismometer Array
- Preliminary Earthquake Locations From the Costa Rica Component of the TUCAN Network
- Seismogenic zone structure along the Middle America Trench, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, from 3D local earthquake tomography
- The Ticosonde/NAME 2004 Experiment: A Program of High-Frequency Rawinsonde Observations over Costa Rica During Summer
- Vent , Voluminous Lava Emissions, Steep Slopes and Pyroclastic Flows at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- Dehydration, Transport and Wave Activity in the Tropical Tropopause Layer During the Season of Warm Tropopause Temperatures
- Exploring static stress changes along the Costa Rica margin following the March 25, 1990 M w 7.0 Nicoya Gulf earthquake
- Forearc Deformation, Arc Volcanism, and Landscape Evolution near the Cocos-Nazca-Caribbean Triple Junction
- International Field Research with Undergraduate Students: Investigating Active Tectonics of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Observations of Layered Structures in the Lower Tropical Stratosphere Over Costa Rica During Ticosonde-Aura/TCSP 2005
- Shear-Wave Splitting Tomography in the Central American Mantle Wedge
- Subduction of an Aseismic Ridge: Interseismic Deformation Above the Cocos Ridge, Costa Rica
- Along-Arc Variations in Attenuation in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica Mantle Wedge
- Constraining Upper Plate Deformation in Nicaragua Through Delineation of the August 3, 2005 Mw 6.3 Strike Slip Earthquake Fault Plane
- Crustal Thickness Variations Beneath the Central American Arc
- On the Interannual Variablity of the Tropical Tropopause Layer Over Central America
- Rayleigh Wave Tomography in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Relative Humidity and Ozone Distribution in the Tropical Tropopause Transition Layer
- Seismic Strong Motion Array Project (SSMAP) to Record Future Large Earthquakes in the Nicoya Peninsula area, Costa Rica
- Seismic Velocities and Earthquake Locations in the Central America Upper Mantle: results from the TUCAN Experiment
- Shear-wave Splitting Tomography in the Central American Subduction Zone: Implications for Flow and Melt in the Mantle Wedge
- Changes in Seismogenic Zone Coupling Along the Middle America Margin?
- Crustal Thickness Along the Central American Volcanic Front
- Current Status and Future Directives of the Nicoya Peninsula Continuous GPS Network, Costa Rica, In Regard to Slip Style and Distribution
- Segmented Forearc Deformation Along the Nicoya Peninsula Seismic Gap, Costa Rica
- Seismic Strong Motion Array Project (SSMAP) to Record Future Large Earthquakes in the Nicoya Peninsula area, Costa Rica
- Water vapor and ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere over Costa Rica and Galapagos during TC4
- Rayleigh-Wave Tomography in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- S-Wave Velocity Across Central Mexico Using High Resolution Surface Wave Tomography
- Shear-wave Splitting Tomography and Flow in the Mantle Wedge Beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua
- Slow Slip and Tremor Detected at the Northern Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone
- Updated Episodic Tremor and Slip on the Cocos-Caribbean Subduction zone as measured by a GPS and Seismic Network on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- VEOX: A new Seismic Line in Mexico to Reveal Cocos Behavior
- Diverse Behavior of Slow Slip and Tremor at the Northern Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Enhanced three-dimensional stochastic adjustment for combined volcano geodetic networks
- Episodic Slip Events Measured by a Continuous GPS Network on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Interseismic Megathrust Coupling near Nicoya, Costa Rica Between 1994 and 2010
- Morphotectonic segmentation along the Nicoya Peninsula seismic gap, Costa Rica
- Persistent Tremor and Coupling Within the Northern Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone
- Combined GPS, EDM and triangulation surveys of the rapid down-slope motion of the western flank of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- Comparation of Organic and Elemental carbon concentrations in PM2.5 in five Mexican cities: Potencial Sources
- Investigating the Source Mechanism of Long Period Volcano-Seismic Events Recorded in 2009 at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
- Ongoing microseismicity in Nicoya of Costa Rica: What it says about megathrust locking
- Plate Coupling and Transient Events Detection from Geodetic Measurements in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Preliminary results of the CRISP 3D seismic experiment, offshore Costa Rica
- Slow Slip and Tremor at the Northern Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Temporal and Spatial variations in Organic and Elemental carbon concentrations in PM10/PM2.5 in the Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica, Central America
- Beachrock horizons of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: Implications for coastal neotectonics and paleogeodesy
- Hydroxyl radical measurements and oxidation capacity in a boreal forest environment
- Comparing Pre-, Co- and Post-Seismic Offsets Measured by Continuous GPS for the September 5, 2012 Costa Rica Earthquake (Invited)
- Evolution of Shallow Aseismic Slip Around the MW 7.6 September 5th 2012 Nicoya Megathrust Earthquake
- Geodetic and Structural Constraints on Locking and Failure Around the 5 September 2012 Nicoya (Mw7.6), Costa Rica Earthquake
- Identical Aftershocks from the Main Rupture Zone 10 Months After the Mw=7.6 September 5, 2012, Nicoya, Costa Rica, Earthquake
- On the frequency distribution of volcanic degassing intensity obtained from scanning-DOAS monitoring at the NOVAC volcanoes
- SO2 degassing from Turrialba Volcano linked to seismic signatures during the period 2008-2012
- Seismic activity triggered at the Turrialba-Irazu volcanic complex, Costa Rica, by the M7.6 2012 Nicoya earthquake
- Spatial and temporal variation of stable isotopes in precipitation across Costa Rica
- Spatio-temporal patterns of post-earthquake seismicity and afterslip following the 5 September 2012 (M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.6) Nicoya Peninsula earthquake
- Volcanic gas emissions: constraining magma degassing and volatile sources (Invited)
- Improving hazard communication through collaborative participatory workshops: challenges and opportunities experienced at Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica
- Modeling Coseismic Slip of the 2012 Nicoya Peninsula Earthquake, Costa Rica: Roles of Megathrust Geometry and Surface Displacement
- Postseismic Slip Inferred from Repeating Earthquakes Following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya Earthquake in Costa Rica
- Stress evolution within the seismogenic zone due to Slow Slip Events, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Ten Years of Slow Slip Events Observed by cGPS Network in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Thin-skinned Mass-wasting Responsible for Rapid, Edifice-wide Deformation at Arenal Volcano
- When the hazard you're monitoring is the least of your troubles… the early days of a ubiquitous computing citizen science initiative on active volcanoes
- Continued Trenchward Procession of Upper Plate GPS Sites Following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya Earthquake
- Determination of the Impact to air quality by the sugar cane burning during harvesting in Costa Rica: regional and temporal analysis.
- Fifteen Years of Slow Slip and Tremor Observations at the Northern Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Forearc Morphotectonics and Megathrust Earthquakes Along the Middle America Convergent Margin, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Geochemical features of the mantle source beneath Irazú and Turrialba volcanoes, Costa Rica
- Hydrothermal Alteration Mineralogy Characterized Through Multiple Analytical Methods: Implications for Mars
- Time-Dependent characteristics of Slow Slip Events beneath the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Achieving water security through community-based agreements in rural Northwestern Costa Rica
- Advances in Understanding the Seismogenic Plate Interface From Nearly Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismic Observations on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Analysis of gaseous SO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and halogen species in volcanic plumes using a multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
- Increased degassing from the Southern Central American Volcanic Arc in response to crustal stress change following the 2012 Nicoya earthquake?
- Measuring Gases Using Drones at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
- Numerical Simulation of Several Tectonic Tsunami Sources at the Caribbean Basin
- PM<SUB>10</SUB> Concentration Estimates over Costa Rica using Chemical Transport Modeling Techniques
- Recovering the Full Afterslip Following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica Earthquake
- Surface deformation due to slow slip source considering a non-elastic medium
- The Possible Decapitation of a Megathrust Indenter: Evidence from Imaging of Time-dependent Microseismic Structures before and after the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica
- A Sulfur Trigger for the 2017 Phreatomagmatic Eruption of Poás Volcano, Costa Rica? Insights from MultiGAS and Drone-based Gas Monitoring
- A window into the future of the Earth, hidden in the jungles of Costa Rica's volcanoes
- Accelerated sliver transport during transition from postseismic to interseismic conditions
- Aseismic Slip Throughout the Earthquake Cycle in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Using Digital Cameras to Detect Warning Signs of Volcanic Eruptions
- Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Tsunami Sources and Models (CATSAM) Map Viewer
- Crustal Velocity Field and Kinematic Models for Central Costa Rica
- Evolution and Location of Harmonic Tremor Coda Associated to LP Events Recorded Previous to the 2010 Eruption and 2016 EruptiveCycle at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
- Investigating Apparent Anticorrelation of Repeating Aftershocks and Afterslip in Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Link between tremor and the processes leading to volcanic eruptions: the dynamics of gas pockets trapped beneath permeable media
- Monitoring Gases via Drone during the 2017 Eruption Crisis at Poás Volcano, Costa Rica
- Periodic outgassing preceding volcanic eruptions: preliminary results on Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica
- Professional Societies Role in Moving the Needle
- Tree rings as a volcanic gas proxy: carbon and sulfur isotopes in proximal trees linked to volcanic degassing fluctuations through time
- Biogeochemical responses to 12 years of fertilization in a lowland wet forest in Costa Rica
- Cross-Fault Interaction in the July 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, Southern California
- DOC transport and export in a dynamic tropical catchment
- Determining eruption triggers and magmatic sources using volcanic gas chemistry and thermodynamic modeling
- Explosions at Poás, Costa Rica: a Case for Long-Term, High-Rate Geochemical Volcano Monitoring to Detect Precursory Signals
- Helium and carbon isotopes in southern Costa Rica and western Panama
- Isotope hydrology of a semi-arid, snow-melt dominated watershed of the Inland Pacific Northwest: the Palouse River basin
- Microbial community coupling to deep subduction processes
- Near-surface flowpath dominance in a pristine humid tropical rainforest
- Paleointensities during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron: new preliminary data from Costa Rica
- Plant responses to volcanically elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in two Costa Rican forests
- Slow Slip Events in Costa Rica Detected by GPS Observations, 2015-2019
- Transpiration is the youngest water flux in the humid tropics
- Two Quasi-simultaneous Double Couples: an Alternative Model to Explain Moderate and Large Magnitude Earthquakes Under Burica Peninsula in Southern Costa Rica
- Volcanica: a diamond open-access success story for volcano-based research
- ASTUTI-Costa Rica: Fixed Network Smartphone-based Earthquake Early Warning
- Building Earthquake Early Warning across Central America
- Carbon Isotope Systematics of Poás Volcano, Costa Rica, from 2017 to 2019
- GPS observations of the Slow Slip Events in northwestern Costa Rica, 2015-2020
- Influence of magma-water interactions on eruptive products at Poás volcano, Costa Rica
- Isotope-based mean recharge elevations across Costa Rica
- Leveraging Stable Water Isotopes to Characterize Precipitation and Streamflow Generation in a Headwater Watershed System
- New records of historical tsunamis obtained from Costa Rican newspapers
- Shallow versus deep slow slip events on the Nicoya megathrust observed with GPS
- The future strong-motion national seismic networks and earthquake early warning systems in Central America.
- Translating weather scale isotopic composition of rainfall to convective activity over Costa Rica
- Trees as sensors of pre-eruptive change
- Tropical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilization using Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Results from a Recent CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mapping Field Campaign at Volcán Rincón de la Vieja in Costa Rica
- Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismological Insight into the Seismogenic Zone: A View from Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Interpreting convective development from high frequency rainwater isotopes and surface based meteorological monitoring in Costa Rica
- Earthquake - Slow Slip Interactions and Forecasting Implications : A 2017 Example from Costa Rica
- Helium and carbon isotope systematics in arc-related fumarolic gases and geothermal fluids
- Improving the Total CO2 Budget Estimate for an Active Stratovolcano in Costa Rica
- Shallow Slow Slip Events Identified around the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica from GNSS Time Series
- The Influence of Magma Bodies on CO2 Degassing Throughout the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andean Convergent Margin
- The social component: Understanding the public perspective for the development of EEW systems across Central America
- Towards National Public Earthquake Early Warning Systems across Central America.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Benjamin R. Lintner
- D. K. Adams
- David V. Bekaert
- Donato Giovannelli
- Emma M. Hill
- Frédérick Massin
- Giuseppe Torri
- Laura Blackstone
- Lujia Feng
- M De Moor
- M. O. Schrenk
- M. S. Hastings
- Mahsa Afra
- Maren Böse
- Marino Protti
- Mason Perry
- Peter H. Barry
- R. Malservisi
- Surui Xie
- Timothy H. Dixon
- Yolande L. Serra
- Zhiming Kuang