University of Costa Rica
flowchart I[University of Costa Rica] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (145)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (17)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Continental Crust Formation in Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
- Diffuse Emission of Carbon Dioxide From Irazú Volcano, Costa Rica, Central America
- Neogene Evolution of the Southern Costa Rica Arc: New Geological and Geochronological Data
- Spatial and Secular Variations of Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing From Poás Volcano, Costa Rica, Central America
- Generation of Continental Crust in Central America: New Field and Geochemical Observations on Silicic Magmatism in Costa Rica
- Chemical Variation and Origin of Pleistocene Silicic Pyroclastic Flows from Central American Volcanic Arc
- Amphibious Local Seismic Observations by SFB 574 in Costa Rica
- Detection of SO2, HCl and CO2 in Arenal Volcano Eruptive Plume Using MASTER Multispectral Images
- High water contents in basaltic melt inclusions from Arenal volcano, Costa Rica
- High-frequency seismic reflections from the slab-interface between the Cocos plate and the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica.
- Characterization of the Central Costa Rican Pacific Seismogenic Zone from an ``Amphibious'' Local Seismological Network
- Extracting Information on Tephra Fallout Deposits With Ground Penetrating Radar
- High Resolution Active Source Seismic Experiment Across the Costa Rican Segment of the Central American arc
- Observations of Layered Structures in the Lower Tropical Stratosphere Over Costa Rica During Ticosonde-Aura/TCSP 2005
- Talamanca Transect and Tremor Array: Ongoing Seismological Investigations in Costa Rica
- The Central Costa Rica Deformed Belt: Neotectonics of the Eastern Segment
- Geochemical signatures of the oceanic complexes in southern Central America
- Ground Penetrating Radar Images of Tephra Deposits Within the Active Crater and on the Crater Rim of Irazú Volcano, Costa Rica
- On the Interannual Variablity of the Tropical Tropopause Layer Over Central America
- Three-Dimensional Velocity Structure Beneath Central Costa Rica from Local Earthquake Tomography
- Using Multivariate Polytopic Vector Analysis (PVA) to Test a Model of Magma Mixing for the Papagayo Tuff, Northern Costa Rica
- A 3D synoptic model of Central America inferred from gravity data interpretation
- High-frequency seismic reflections from the slab-interface between the Cocos plate and the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica.
- Oxygen Isotopes of Silicic Volcanic Deposits of NW Costa Rica: A Key to Understanding Crustal Evolution in Central America?
- Results From the TICO-CAVA Land Seismic Refraction Survey
- The importance of mixing in the evolution of silicic magmas in northern Costa Rica
- Baseline for estimates of mantle serpentinization in the subducting Cocos plate offshore Costa Rica and Nicaragua from OBS wide-angle seismic data
- Transition metal isotope proxies for ancient anoxia: ground-truthing in a modern anoxic basin
- Degassing pathways through the shallow magmatic-hydrothermal system of Poás Volcano (Costa Rica)
- Geochemistry and degassing systematics of silicate magma at Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania
- Oldoinyo Lengai gas chemistry from 2005 to 2009: Insights to carbonatite-nephelinite volcanism
- Catalog of crater lakes from Costa Rica
- Crustal structure across the Central American Volcanic Arc in Costa Rica from TICO-CAVA seismic refraction data
- Crustal structure along the active Costa Rican volcanic arc
- Hydrogeochemical model of the Irazú and Turrialba ``twin volcanoes'' (Costa Rica)
- Linking conduit and surface activity at Arenal volcano using broadband seismometers and Doppler radar: do we need a new conduit model?
- Seismic imaging of the Middle American Trench offshore Costa Rica: Impact of bending-related faulting on upper mantle serpentinization
- Unveiling Turrialba (Costa Rica) volcano's latest geological evolution through new 40Ar/39Ar, ages
- Digital correction of computed X-radiographs for coral densitometry
- Investigating the Source Mechanism of Long Period Volcano-Seismic Events Recorded in 2009 at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
- Seismic structure of the Costa Rican volcanic arc and Caribbean large igneous province from active-source onshore-offshore seismic data
- In-Situ Detection of SO2 Plumes in Costa Rica from Turrialba Volcano using Balloon-borne Sondes
- Microbial biofilms control economic metal mobility in an acid-sulfate hydrothermal system
- Seismic structure of the Central American subduction system through Costa Rica: Results from active-source seismic data
- Spatial and temporal characterization of droughts in Central America - evaluation of five drought indices
- Turrialba volcano: awaking indications of possible unrest
- Unmanned Airborne Platforms for Validation of Volcanic Emission Composition and Transport Models
- Use of infrared cameras for monitoring and research at Costa Rican volcanoes and thermal features
- 3D Lithospheric Density Structure of the Central American Subduction Zone from Gravity Data
- Are there trends towards drier hydrological conditions in Central America?
- In situ Volcanic Plume Monitoring with small Unmanned Aerial Systems for Cal/Val of Satellite Remote Sensing Data: CARTA-UAV 2013 Mission (Invited)
- Near-vent measurements of volcanic gases and aerosols with multiple small unmanned aerial vehicles
- Seismic Imaging of Flat Slab Subduction: Examples from the Pampean Flat Slab Region (Invited)
- Tropical And Middle Latitude Balloon Sonde Observations Of Water Vapor And Ozone In The UTLS: A Comparison Between SEAC4RS And Ticosonde
- Upper-Plate Earthquake Swarms Remotely Triggered by the 2012 Mw-7.6 Nicoya Earthquake, Costa Rica
- Using Social Networks to Educate Seismology to Non-Science Audiences in Costa Rica
- Balanced and Transient Dynamics of Deep and Shallow Hadley Circulations
- Constraining the Fore-Arc Flux Along the Central America Margin
- Earthbound Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAVS) As Planetary Science Testbeds
- Eastern Tropical Pacific Precipitation Response to Zonal SPCZ events
- Enhancing Outreach using Social Networks at the National Seismological Network of Costa Rica
- Influence of the Density Structure of the Caribbean Plate Forearc on the Static Stress State and Asperity Distribution along the Costa Rican Seismogenic Zone
- Profiling the SO<SUB>2</SUB> Plume from Volcan Turrialba: Ticosonde Balloon Measurements Compared with OMI and OMPS Retrievals
- Systematic observations of Volcán Turrialba, Costa Rica, with small unmanned aircraft and aerostats (UAVs): the Costa Rican Airborne Research and Technology Applications (CARTA) missions
- The LIP-OIB transitional phase in the Galapagos mantle plume
- The Tobosi Fault: Source of the 2011-2012 Tobosi Earthquake Swarm in Central Costa Rica.
- Top-Down Estimates of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing Emissions from the Turrialba Volcano Using in Situ Measurements from Unmanned Aerial Systems and the WRF-Stilt Model
- Upper-Plate Seismicity Remotely Triggered by the 2012 Mw-7.6 Nicoya Earthquake, Costa Rica
- Characterising droughts in Central America with uncertain hydro-meteorological data
- Controls on the fore-arc CO2 flux along the Central America margin
- Hydroclimatological Processes in the Central American Dry Corridor
- Integration and Testing of Miniaturized Volcanic Gas-Sensing Instruments on UAS Platforms
- Monitoring system for phreatic eruptions and thermal behavior on Poás volcano hyperacidic lake, with permanent IR and HD cameras
- New Approaches to Assessing and Predicting the Hydrologic Impacts of Urban Disturbance Using Isotopes and Transit Time Analysis
- New Tools for New Missions - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Offer Exciting Capabilities
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Mountain Block Recharge in Three Semiarid Watersheds along the U.S.-Mexico Border Region
- Storage Dynamics and Non-Linear Connectivity between Landscape Units Control Runoff Generation and Stream Water Age Distributions
- Tracer-aided modelling using long-term and high resolution data to assess non-stationarity in stream water age
- Unmanned Airborne System Deployment at Turrialba Volcano for Real Time Eruptive Cloud Measurements
- Volcanic sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide measurements using small unmanned aerial systems
- Applying Unmanned Airborne Sampling Technology to Active Volcanoes: Successes, Challenges, and Plans
- Development And Testing Unmanned Aerial Systems To Study And Monitoring Volcanoes: INGV Experience Since 2004
- Food Security and Extreme Events: Evidence from Smallholder Farmers in Central America
- Hydrological Dynamics of Central America: Time-of-Emergence of the Global Warming Signal
- Measuring Gases Using Drones at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
- PM<SUB>10</SUB> Concentration Estimates over Costa Rica using Chemical Transport Modeling Techniques
- Phosphorus Dynamics in High Latitude Soils
- The Thermal Evolution of the Galapagos Mantle Plume: Insights from Al-in-Olivine Thermometry
- Water Vapor in the Tropical Tropopause Region and Tropical Stratosphere from long term in situ observations
- A Sulfur Trigger for the 2017 Phreatomagmatic Eruption of Poás Volcano, Costa Rica? Insights from MultiGAS and Drone-based Gas Monitoring
- A window into the future of the Earth, hidden in the jungles of Costa Rica's volcanoes
- An Integrated Age Model for the Cocos Plate using IODP CRISP Drilling Data
- Costa Rica Rainfall in Future Climate Change Scenarios
- Crustal Seismicity and Geomorphic Observations of the Chiripa-Haciendas Fault System: The Guanacaste Volcanic Arc Sliver of Western Costa Rica
- Geomorphological mapping using drones into the eruptive summit of Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica
- Morphological and Petrographic Analysis of the Volcanic Products (Ashes, Bombs, and Blocks) from Poás Volcano: April-June 2017 Eruptive Period
- The Isotopic Record From Monogenetic Seamounts: Insights Into Recycling Time Scales In The Upper Mantle
- The Western Hemisphere Warm Pool as a constrain to North American Monsoon activation moisture supply
- Unmanned Aerial Technologies for Observations at Active Volcanoes: Advances and Prospects
- Drone based monitoring instruments for volcanic plume observation and comparison with ground data: Solfatara (Naples, Italy) and Vulcano island (Sicily, Italy) deployments
- Evolution and Location of Harmonic Tremor Coda Associated to LP Events Recorded Previous to the 2010 Eruption and 2016 EruptiveCycle at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
- Geochemical Evidence for Multi-Stage Chaotic Magma Mixing at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
- Link between tremor and the processes leading to volcanic eruptions: the dynamics of gas pockets trapped beneath permeable media
- Monitoring Gases via Drone during the 2017 Eruption Crisis at Poás Volcano, Costa Rica
- More than a decade of TICOSONDE directly measured and inferred profiles of SO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Plume-Ridge Interaction During Large Igneous Province Formation
- Profiling Volcanic SO<SUB>2 </SUB>with Balloonsondes in Costa Rica for Validation of TROPOMI OMI, and OMPS
- The Role of the Ecosystem Engineer, the Leaf-Cutter Ant Atta cephalotes, on Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dynamics in a Wet Tropical Rainforest
- The Volcano Rapid Response Campaign after the Kilauea eruptions (VolKilau)
- UAS based in-situ volcanic plume characterization for airborne and satellite retrieval validation: VEREX mission results at Kilauea Volcano
- A Leak in the Cauldron: Mantle Flow through an Opening in Subducted Lithosphere beneath Southern Costa Rica.
- A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Pole-to-Pole of the Americas in support of conservation and sustainable use of living resources in the sea
- Above-canopy mapping of elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> gradients from volcanic gas seeps in a Costa Rican rainforest using fixed-wing sUAS
- Architecture and seismicity of Central American Volcanic Gap : is it subduction?
- Biogeochemical responses to 12 years of fertilization in a lowland wet forest in Costa Rica
- DOC transport and export in a dynamic tropical catchment
- Near-surface flowpath dominance in a pristine humid tropical rainforest
- Partitioning of plant functional trait variation into phenotypic plasticity and neutral components reveals functional differences among neotropical tree species.
- Transpiration is the youngest water flux in the humid tropics
- UAV-based Measurements of the High-Altitude Plume of Manam Volcano
- A comprehensive catalog of coseismic landslides in Costa Rica: Toward the development of an empirical landslide hazard model.
- A novel coupled cycling of abiotic denitrification and N<SUB>2</SUB>O-reduction is frequent across tropical peatlands
- Application of Scenario Earthquakes for Assessment of Coseismic Landslide Hazard: A Case Study in Costa Rica
- Building Earthquake Early Warning across Central America
- Carbon Isotope Systematics of Poás Volcano, Costa Rica, from 2017 to 2019
- Coral Reefs Are Complex and So Are the Science Disciplines Needed to Save Them
- Episodic Ground Deformation Associated with Fluid Extraction for Geothermal Energy Production, in Costa Rica.
- Seismic attenuation above the Pampean flat slab in South America
- Sensitivity of rainfall characteristics to thermodynamic and dynamic vertical structure over Costa Rica
- The Regional Focus Group / Community of Practice Came in Handy When the Pandemic Hit
- The future strong-motion national seismic networks and earthquake early warning systems in Central America.
- Tracer Aided Modeling in the Low Relief, Wet Dry Tropics Suggests Water Ages and DOC Export Are Driven by Seasonal Wetlands and Deep Groundwater
- Translating weather scale isotopic composition of rainfall to convective activity over Costa Rica
- Trees as sensors of pre-eruptive change
- Advancing Process Understanding of Tropical East Pacific Convection Through Observations
- Balloon soundings with an oscillating ascending and descending paths
- Boron Adsorption and Competition with Phosphate in a Volcanic Ash-derived Soil
- Do Cocos and Caribbean Plates meet in the Mantle beneath southeastern Costa Rica?
- Interpreting convective development from high frequency rainwater isotopes and surface based meteorological monitoring in Costa Rica
- The Interaction between the Diurnal Cycle of Convection and Easterly Waves in Costa Rica: a Modeling Study
- The importance of the time response of Electrochemical Concentration Cell (ECC) ozone sondes for measurements of tropical upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric ozone
- Analysis of Hazards Associated with Earthquake-Triggered Landslides in Costa Rica using Scenario Earthquakes
- Drivers of intraseasonal variability of isotopic composition of rainfall in Costa Rica
- Surface Deformation Time linked to the Rincon De La Vieja Volcano between March 2021 and 2022.
- Updating of the Seismic Hazard Map for Central America within the Framework of the KUK-AHPÁN Project.