University Michoacana of San Nicolas of Hidalgo, Mexico
flowchart I[University Michoacana of San Nicolas of Hidalgo, Mexico] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (40)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 52,000 yr. of Environmental History in Zacapu Basin, Michoacan, Mexico: the Magnetic Record
- Debris Avalanches and Debris Flows Transformed from Collapses in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, México.
- Magnetite in Black Sea Turtles (Chelonia agassizi)
- Radiocarbon Dating and age Inversions in Lake Chapala Late Holocene Sediments, Western Mexico.
- The Large-Scale Debris Avalanche From The Tancitaro Volcano (Mexico): Characterization And Modeling
- Biogeochemical characterization of the Cointzio reservoir (Morelia, Mexico) and identification of a watershed-dependent cycling of nutrients
- Is There a Tectonic Component On The Subsidence Process In Morelia, Mexico?
- Record of AN Extraterrestrial Impact in Lacustrine Basins of North, South and Central Mexico in the Younger Dryas Boundary Layer (ydb)
- Explosively erupted magmas with relatively quiescent differentiation stories. Examples from Sierra Nevada, México
- Partial melting of basement metasedimentary rocks from the central Xolapa Complex, southern Mexico
- Silica Biogenic Dissolution in Sediment of Lake Chapala, Mexico and the 'dilemma of Dissapearing Diatoms'
- CHAPHOLO: Paleolimnological Evaluation of Lake Chapala (Western Mexico) During the Past 10,000 Years (CONACYT CB2011, Grant 168685, In Progress). PHASE I: Drilling Campaign.
- Detailed Analysis of a Multiplet Earthquake Sequence
- Renewed Volcano-Stratigraphc Studies of Calderas with Geothermal Potential in Mexico
- Paleolimnological Evaluation of Lake Chapala (Western Mexico) During the Past 10,000 Years (CONACYT CB2011, Grant 168685, In Progress). PHASE II: Laboratory Work: First Results.
- Stratigraphy of Reforma Caldera, Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Jet Formation in Solar Atmosphere due to Magnetic Reconnection
- Dynamic Models Applied to Landslides: Study Case Angangueo, MICHOACÁN, MÉXICO.
- Geostatistical analysis of the power-law exponents of the size distribution of earthquakes, Quaternary faults and monogenetic volcanoes in the Central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Seismic Regionalization of Michoacan, Mexico and Recurrence Periods for Earthquakes
- Seismic and Tectonic Regionalization of the State of Michoacan.
- Temporal variation of aftershocks by means of multifractal characterization of their inter-event time and cluster analysis
- The Earthquakes Role in the Paleoenviromental Record of the Lakes and in the Development of the Mesoamerican Cultures
- Using noble gases and <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr to constrain heat sources and fluid evolution at the Los Azufres Geothermal Field, Mexico
- 3-D Rockfall Simulation Model using Terrestrial LiDAR in the Active Pajacuaran Fault, Mexico
- II. Analysis of 3D plasma motions in a chromospheric jet formed due to magnetic reconnection
- Mexican Automatic Landslide Inventory Based on Web Information
- Numerical estimation of the geothermal potential from petroleum Mexican fields
- The updated static thermal model of Los Humeros (Mexican geothermal field)
- Water Quality Assesment and Hydrochemical Characteristics of Peripheral Springs to the Geothermal Zone of Los Humeros, Puebla, Mexico.
- 3D Anisotropic Velocity Models Of Los Humeros Geothermal Field, Mexico, Using Ambient Noise Tomography
- How High Resolution Imaging of the Seismic Structure in Geothermal Fields helps on the Interpretation of High and Low Frequency Seismicity. The Example of Los Humeros caldera, Mexico.
- 3D Anisotropic Vs Model of the Los Humeros Volcanic Complex, México, Using Ambient Noise Tomography
- A global database of geo-referenced drought and heat-induced tree mortality events reveals climatic drivers of forest die-off.
- An Overview of Shear Wave Splitting and Upper Mantle Flow in Mexico
- Analysis of the hydro-dynamical variability of Lake Zirahuén, México
- Images of Los Humeros geothermal reservoir (Mexico) using a dense passive seismic array.
- Coastal Uplift and Tsunami effects After the 23 June 2020, Mw 7.4, La Crucecita, Oaxaca, Mexico Earthquake and Tsunami - Lessons from a Rapid Response Survey During the COVID-19 Crisis
- Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Wedge flow in Southern Mexico Inferred From Local Intraslab Earthquakes.
- Teleseismic Measurements of Upper Mantle Shear Wave Anisotropy in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico