University of Guadalajara, Mexico
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Integratted Paleomagnetic Study of Rio Grande Santiago Volcanic Succession (Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt): Revisited
- Analysis of Vulnerability Around The Colima Volcano, MEXICO
- Seismicity Before Explosions at Colima Volcano
- The Cotija Half-graben: A Reconaissance Geologic and Paleomagnetic Study
- The Jalisco Seismic Telemetric Network (RESJAL)
- An integrated geochronology and paleomagnetic study from Michoacan Block: tectonic implications for the Guadalajara triple junction
- Description of Seismicity at Volcan de Colima, MEXICO, in the Period 2001-2002
- Lava Dome Growth at Volcan de Fuego MEXICO (Colima Volcano), October 2001 to May 2002
- Seismicity of the Jalisco Block
- Aftershock Study of the 2003 Armeria, Colima, Mexico, Earthquake (Mw = 7.4).
- Hydrothermal Petroleum in Active Continental Rift: Lake Chapala, Western Mexico, Initial Results.
- Seismicity at Jalisco-Nayarit Border, Mexico
- A Comparative Aftershock Study for the 2003 Armeria, Colima, Mexico, Earthquake (Mw=7.4)
- Characterization and Relocation of Seismic Clusters in the Area of Bahia de Banderas, Jalisco-Nayarit, Mexico
- Large-scale Seismic and Aseismic Deformation Patterns Associated With Subduction: Constraints From Continuous GPS measurements in Mexico
- Paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric studies of the San Gaspar ignimbrite, western Mexico - constraints on emplacement mode and source vents
- Paleomagnetism of Ar-Ar Dated Lava Flows From the Ceboruco-San Pedro Volcanic Field (Western Mexico): Evidences for the Matuyama-Brunhes Transition Precursor and a Fully Reversed Geomagnetic Event in the Brunhes Chron
- The Activity Of The Colima Volcano From 1999 To The 2003
- Theory of Edge Capillary-Gravity Waves
- Toward an Improved Understanding of Subduction Zone Mechanics: Finite Element Modeling Results From the Jalisco GPS Project, 1993-2004
- A Geodetic Study of the 22 January 2003 Tecoman, Colima, Mexico Earthquake
- Seismic Signals of the 2005 Explosive Events at Volcan de Fuego, Mexico.
- Time-Scale Wavelet Analysis Related to the 1998-2005 Eruptions of the Colima Volcano, Mexico
- Integration of the Atlas of Natural Hazards and the Ecological Territorial Order Program for Puerto Vallarta using GIS.
- Radiocarbon Dating and age Inversions in Lake Chapala Late Holocene Sediments, Western Mexico.
- The activity of the Colima volcano in the 2005-2006
- A Preliminary Study of Seismicity at Ceboruco, Volcano, Nayarit, Mexico
- A Study of the Source Processes of Colima Volcano Explosions
- Hydrographic monitoring of moderate El Nino 2006 off the Southwestern Coast of Mexico
- On a spectrum of nonlinear internal waves near the ocean coast
- Deformation of Mexico from continuous GPS: 1993 to 2008
- Geology of the region of Guadalajara, Mexico, and its relationships with processes of subsidence
- Modeling of seismic process and Coulomb stress transfer in the area of Murindó- Colombia, and implications for seismic hazard
- Seismicity and Stress in the Southern Jalisco Block, Mexico.
- The Great 1787 Mexican Tsunami
- Study of the Seismicity Associated to Four Cycles of Dome Growth and Destruction at Colima Volcano, Mexico
- Surface temperature-controlling factors during transaction of Mexican monsoon in the Sonoran Desert, North-West Mexico
- The Internal tide at San Esteban sill in the Gulf of California
- Study of Seismic Clusters at Bahía de Banderas Region, Mexico
- Update of the volcanic risk map of Colima volcano, Mexico
- Ceboruco Volcano Seismicity Study using a 3D Single Digital Station
- Coda Wave Analysis in Central-Western North America Using Earthscope Transportable Array Data
- Elements for an historical review of the 3 June, 1932 tsunami on the coast of Jalisco, Mexico
- Hazard maps of Colima volcano, Mexico
- Jalisco Regional Seismic Network (RESAJ)
- Lake Chapala (mexico) and its Geological Framework as a Possible Source of Potentially Toxic Substances
- The ignimbritic sequences of the Michoacan and Jalisco blocks, western Mexico
- Analysis of temperature field in the Banderas Bay Region between June 2009 to June 2012
- Crustal P-wave velocity model for the central-western region of Mexico
- Preliminary seismic studies at Ceboruco Volcano
- Recurrence Times of Earthquakes in Oaxaca, México
- Source parameters derived from seismic spectrum in the Jalisco block
- Stress analysis of the Mw 7.4 Armería, Colima, Mexico earthquake of 22 January 2003
- Update of map the volcanic hazard in the Ceboruco volcano, Nayarit, Mexico
- Upper Mantle P-Wave Teleseismic Tomography Beneath the Jalisco Block, Mexico
- Ambient Seismic Noise Studies of The Colima Volcano Complex
- Analysis of Seismic Swarms at the Oceanic Crust South of the Islas Marias, MEXICO
- Analysis of a 2006 Seismic Swarm near Volcano Pico de Tancítaro in Michoacán
- Analysis of the dispersion of air pollutants from a factory Asphalt in Nuevo Vallarta, Nay., Mex
- Collaborative Investigation of Remotely Triggered Tremor and Earthquakes in Latin America
- Dome/Conduit inflation-deflation at Volcan de Fuego, Colima: evidence from seismic and geodetic data
- Eruptive history, current activity and risk estimation using geospatial information in the Colima volcano, Mexico
- Focal Mechanisms and Seismic Source Parameters in the Jalisco Block
- Influence of Tropical Cyclones Period 1970 TO 2010 IN the Region of Bahia de Banderas, Nayarit-Jalisco Mexico
- Silica Biogenic Dissolution in Sediment of Lake Chapala, Mexico and the 'dilemma of Dissapearing Diatoms'
- Study of Seismic Activity at Ceboruco Volcano, Mexico
- A Comprehensive Paleomagnetic Study on Radiometrically Dated Late Cretaceous Lava Flows from Jalisco Block (Western Mexico)
- Analysis of the seismicity activity of the volcano Ceboruco, Nayarit, Mexico
- CHAPHOLO: Paleolimnological Evaluation of Lake Chapala (Western Mexico) During the Past 10,000 Years (CONACYT CB2011, Grant 168685, In Progress). PHASE I: Drilling Campaign.
- Crustal Structure at the North Eastern Tip of Rivera Plate, Nayarit- Marias Islands Region: Scenarios and Tectonic Implications. Tsujal Project
- Genesis and Characteristics of Debris Flow Ocurred in 2013 in the Atenquique Ravine, Located on the Eastern Slope of the Colima Volcanic Complex, Mexico.
- Geomorphological Characterization of Atenquique Basin in the Eastern Sector of the Volcan-Nevado-Colima, Jalisco, Mexico, As an Input to the Risk Assessment of Debris Flows.
- Imaging the Rivera and Cocos Plates below Jalisco and Michoacan Blocks from Seismicity Data
- New Insights of the Rivera and Cocos Plates Subduction Beneath the Jalisco Block
- Seismic Images of the Crust across D-E Seismic Profile (TS04-Tsujal Project): Results of Reflection and Wide-Angle Seismic Study
- Seismic Noise Studies of Urbanized Areas at Puerto Vallarta Mexico
- Seismic Swarms at Paricutin Volcano Area. Magmatic Intrusion or Tectonic Seismicity?
- Tsujal Marine Survey: Crustal Characterization of the Rivera Plate-Jalisco Block Boundary and its Implications for Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Assessment
- Tsujal Project: New Geophysical Studies about Rivera PLATE and Jalisco Block (MEXICO)
- Ceboruco Volcano Gravimetric Analysis, Mexico
- Coda wave attenuation at Jalisco Block, Western Mexico
- Comparison of Eruptive Processes of the years 1903 and 2015 of the Colima Volcano, Mexico.
- Crustal Structure across Rivera Plate and Jalisco Block (MEXICO): TsuJal Project
- Crustal Structure across Southern Islas Marías (Nayarit, Mexico) from Wide-Angle Data (TSUJAL Project)
- Multibeam Bathymetric Survey of the Ipala Submarine Canyon, Jalisco. Mexico (20°N): The Southern Boundary of the Banderas Forearc Block?
- Paleolimnological Evaluation of Lake Chapala (Western Mexico) During the Past 10,000 Years (CONACYT CB2011, Grant 168685, In Progress). PHASE II: Laboratory Work: First Results.
- Simultaneous Local and Teleseismic P-Wave Velocity Tomography in Western Mexico
- The Northern Boundary of the Michoacan Block: As Inferred From Aeromagnetic Data
- Analysis of the Seismicity Associated to the Subduction of the Rivera Plate using OBS and Onland Stations.
- Bathymetry, Crustal Imaging and Tectonics in the South of Islas Marias (Nayarit, Mexico)
- Is The Chapala-Oaxaca Fault The Souhtern Boundary of the Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field As inferrred From Magnetic data?
- Multichannel Seismic Imaging of the Rivera Plate Subduction at the Seismogenic Jalisco Block Area (Western Mexican Margin)
- Natural Risks at the Bottom Side of Ameca River, in the State Limits of Jalisco and Nayarit, Mexico
- Potential Flooding area for local Tsunami in Nayarit Region (Western Coast of Mexico).
- Seismic Imaging of the southern Rivera Plate and Jalisco Block Subduction Zone
- Water and Urban Development. Zapopan Jal. MÉXICO
- Characteristics and petrology of the effusive-explosive activity of Colima volcano, in the years 2015-2017
- High Severity Wildfire Effect On Rainfall Infiltration And Runoff: A Cellular Automata Based Simulation
- Lithosphere Structure of the Rivera Plate - Jalisco Block Contact Zone: Septentrional Region of the Islas Marías (Mexico)
- Recent Seismicity in the Ceboruco Volcano, Western Mexico
- Study of the May 2016 Seismic Swarm at Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
- Hazard by Ground Cracking and Vulnerable Territories in the Municipalities of Zapopan and ZAPOTLÁN EL Grande, Jalisco, Mexico
- Imaging of the internal structure of the Ceboruco volcano (western Mexico) using ambient seismic noise correlation
- Imaging the Ceboruco Volcano, Nayarit, Mexico, Using the 3D Inversion of Aeromagnetic Data
- Local Seismicity Analysis in La Primavera Caldera, Jalisco, Mexico.
- Local Seismicity in the Ceboruco Volcano Region, Mexico
- On the Coalescence of Anticyclones in Stratified Rotating Flows
- Seismicity Associated to the Tuxtla Volcanic Field, Veracruz, Eastern Mexico, as Background Information for its Future Monitoring
- Study of Seismicity in the Region of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
- The May 2016, Seismic Swarm at Rivera Plate
- Characteristics of the Explosive-Explosive Crisis of the Colima Volcano in the last five years: Changes in Morphology and Geochemistry
- Seismic Studies in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Zone (Jalisco, MEXICO): The Local Seismic Network of Zapopan
- The May 2016 Mw 5.6 Earthquake at Rivera Fault Zone
- The Rise and Demise of the world's second largest hypersaline lake: The Past is Prologue to the Future of Urmia Lake
- Analysis of the hydro-dynamical variability of Lake Zirahuén, México
- Crustal Structure Across The Septentrional Region Of The Islas Marías Archipelago
- Seismic Imaging of the Rivera-Cocos-North American Plate Interaction Zone
- The TsuJal Amphibious Seismic Network: a Passive-Source seismic Experiment in Western Mexico.
- A re-evaluation of the Structure of Shallow Crust at Colima Graben Region
- Crustal thickness variations in central Dominican Republic based on tomographic inversion of wide-angle seismic data
- Application of Machine Learning techniques for Detection of earthquake events in Jalisco (Western Mexico).
- Sentinel-1 InSAR and GPS time-series assessment of urban areas exposed to land subsidence in Mexico