National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
flowchart I[National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (36)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute
- Superior School of Physics and Mathematics of the National Polytechnic Institute
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Developing a Geophysical Approach to the Study of Climatic Change Markers in Quaternary Formations of the Fresnal Valley, North Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico
- March-December 1985 Baroclinic Circulation Evolution in the Western Gulf of Mexico Deduced From Concurrent Hydrography and GEOSAT Altimetry Data
- Efficient Algorithm for Modeling Mass Transport in Porous Media with Mass Exchange between Mobile Fluid and Stationary Medium
- Flow Measurement in Porous Media Using Particle Tracking Velocimetry and Matching Refractive Index
- Modeling Multi-Species Transport With Non-Linear Reactions and Mass Exchange Between Mobile Fluid and Stationary Porous Medium
- Associations of major and trace components in time-series settling particle samples from Cuenca Alfonso, SW Gulf of California
- Authigenic uranium in the sediments in the La Paz Bay and La Paz Basin, south-western Gulf of California
- Aeromagnetic Study of the Amealco Caldera, Central Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Fractal Analysis of magnetic data measured at Popocatepetl volcano
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene Volcanism of the Mexico Basin and Assessment of Volcanic Hazards in One of the World’s Largest Cities
- Impact of Changes in Rainfall on Denitrification of Alfonso Basin, Baja California, over the past ~5.8 ky
- Sensitivity of Active and Passive Microwave Observations to Soil Moisture during Growing Corn
- Metal Distribution in Shallow Core Sediments of Mullipallam Creek, South East Coast of India
- Asymmetries in Multifractal Models for Temporal Rainfall
- Climatic Impact on Major and Trace Elements in Deltaic Core Sediments: Evidence from Muthupet Lagoon, se Coast of India
- Coherence of Discrete Wavelet Packet Bases of Stratospheric Temperatures and Ionospheric Electron Densities
- Lanthanide behavior in hypersaline evaporation ponds at Guerrero Negro, Baja California, Mexico - an environment with halophiles
- Petrogenesis and metal budget of Pelagatos volcano in the Chichinautzin monogenetic field, Mexico: A Melt Inclusion Study
- To homogenize, or not to homogenize, that is the question: Quartz-hosted melt inclusion analysis avenues
- Crustal structure of norther Oaxaca terrane; The Oaxaca and caltepec faults, and the Tehuacan Valley. A gravity study.
- Metal Enrichment and Toxicity Levels in Sediments from the Tourist Beaches of Southern Durban, South Africa
- Mid Holocene Evidence of High Energy Events in the Geological Record: Sedimentary Deposits from Cauvery Delta Coast, SE Coast of India.
- Quality of Tourist Beaches in Huatulco, SW of Mexico: Multiproxy Studies
- Transformations of Mangrove Forests in Bahia Magdalena, Baja California Sur, Mexico: Two Decade Results Based on Landsat Imageries
- Numerical Simulation of Downstream Flooding due to a Flexible-Dam Collapse. The case of "La Esperanza" dam, Hidalgo-México: Implication on Hazard Assessment.
- Stratigraphy of Pyroclastic Deposits of EL Aguajito Caldera, Baja California Sur, MÉXICO
- Towards the creation of a multi-institutional HF Radar Network in the Gulf of Mexico.
- Some statistical features of the seismic activity related to the recent M8.2 and M7.1 earthquakes in Mexico
- Comparative Analysis of two Ga- based Classification Algorithms over heterogeneous areas.
- Influence of Tetracycline on Antibiotic Resistant Genes Occurrence in Farming Soils
- Plinian or Vulcanian? Using melt inclusions to characterize the volatile contents and eruption dynamics over time in Popocatepetl Volcano
- Popocatépetl, Iztaccíhuatl or Tláloc? Petrogenesis of the Older Deposits (>23,000 Yrs) of the Sierra Nevada, México.
- Results from a soil moisture field experiment over rainfed cornfields in Central Mexico during a growing season
- Multi-spacecraft study of foreshock cavitons with Cluster
- Spatial Distribution and Emission Fluxes of SO2 and NO2 from the Tula Industrial Complex, Mexico