Leibniz Association, Berlin, Germany
flowchart I[Leibniz Association, Berlin, Germany] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (13)"] AW["Affiliated Works (59)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (16)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Kiepenheuer Institute for Solar Physics, Freiburg
- Leibniz Institute Nonthermal Plasmaphysics, Greifswald
- Leibniz Institute for Analytical Sciences, Berlin
- Leibniz Institute for Analytical Sciences, Dortmund
- Leibniz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Hannover
- Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam
- Leibniz Institute for Semiconductor Physics, Frankfurt
- Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden
- Leibniz Institute for Surface Modification, Leipzig
- Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig
- Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena
- Paul Drude Institute for Solid State Electronics, Berlin
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Assessing Spatial Patterns of Lake-Groundwater Exchange Using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) and Heat as a Natural Tracer
- Development and application of a heat pulse sensor for in-situ measurement of hyporheic flow
- Rapid Warming of the World's Lakes: A Global Assessment of Recent Lake Temperature Trends Using In Situ and Satellite-Based Records
- Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions along a Lake Shore: Spatial Patterns and Temporal Dynamics
- Localization of lake water quality deterioration based on combining airborne thermal infrared to detect major groundwater exfiltration zones and ground-based measurements to determine pattern of groundwater contamination
- Assessing Methane Fluxes in a Small Run-of-River Reservoir: The Importance of Adjacent Marshland
- Isoscapes as a tool to capture the complexity of small water bodies interspersed across a moraine landscape managed for agriculture in NE Germany
- Hypersaline Subsurface Microbial Communities from the Dead Sea Viewed from Their Metagenomes.
- Unraveling the Drivers of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Biogeochemical Cycling at Aquifer-River Interfaces - The LEVERHULME Hyporheic Zone Research Network
- Bioirrigation impacts on sediment respiration and microbial metabolic activity
- Conceptual Framework for Aquatic Interfaces
- Groundwater - The Disregarded Component in Lake Water and Nutrient Budgets
- Quantifying the Efficiency of Fibre-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing and Thermal Infrared Imaging for Detecting Lacustrine Groundwater Exfiltration: a Mesocosm Experiment
- Solute tracer transport does not vary systematically with stream discharge or geomorphology
- Spatial Organisation of Groundwater Dynamics and Runoff Responses in Montane Catchments: Integrating Field Data in a Modelling Framework
- Extreme groundwater flooding stimulates microbialmetabolic activity and biogeochemical turnover in a major UK aquifer
- Fate of polar organic trace compounds infiltrating into an alluvial aquifer from an urban lowland river
- Generalized scaling of seasonal thermal stratification in lakes
- Impacts of Freshets on Hyporheic Exchange Flow under Gaining and Losing Conditions
- Impacts of Freshets on Hyporheic Exchange Flow under Neutral Conditions
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Interacting Physical, Biogeochemical and Biolological Controls of Nutrient Cycling at Ecohydrological Interfaces
- Combined point and distributed techniques for multidimensional estimation of spatial groundwater-stream water exchange in a heterogeneous sand bed-stream.
- Formation of transformation products from wastewater-derived pharmaceuticals in an urban lowland stream
- Response of hyporheic zones to transient forcing
- The Effect of Non-Steady Overlying Water Velocity on Oxygen Consumption Under Losing and Gaining Flow Conditions
- Coupled flow and heat transport modelling of the hyporheic zone based on high resolution temperature and geophysics datasets.
- Heat transport in dynamically-changing hyporheic zones
- Interactions between Turbulence, Vegetation and Fish Habitat Use in Rivers
- Reduced-order models for simulating hyporheic exchange across multiple bedforms: How accurate is our current understanding of single-bedform induced flow under transient flow conditions?
- Storm-driven variability of biogeochemical cycling at ecohydrological interfaces
- Contrasting ecohydrological partitioning in urban green spaces: quantifying vegetation controls on evaporation, transpiration and groundwater recharge using isotopes and models.
- Exploring the Dynamics of Hyporheic Exchange: the Role of Discharge and Temperature Variability
- Interpreting Tree Xylem Isotopic Measurements in the context of Tree Water Storage and Mixing
- Quantifying the role of vegetation in partitioning "green" and "blue" water fluxes in drought-sensitive lowland headwaters: implications for sustainable and land and water management under climate change.
- The Demnitzer Mill Creek catchment: a drought-sensitive lowland headwater and long-term environmental observatory in Brandenburg, NE Germany.
- Using isotopes to understand ecohydrological flux dynamics in forests and grasslands in a drought-sensitive lowland catchment
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>2</SUB> dynamics in moving sandy sediments as a response to natural and regulated flow regimes in streams
- Hydroclimate forcing and asynchronous ecosystem responses since the late glacial from the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- In-situ measurements of stable water isotopes in soils and plants to quantify ecohydrological fluxes in an urban setting
- Isotope tracers reveal summer drought effects on urban water systems and their recovery in Berlin, Germany
- Isotope tracing of critical zone processes for catchment scale water cycling
- Long-term Monitoring Shows that Climatic Variability and Riparian Management Control the Coupling of Hydrology and Nutrient Concentrations in a Mixed Land Use Lowland Catchment
- Managing watersheds in the Anthropocene: variations in microbial community structure and aquatic geochemistry in a wastewater effluent impacted urban stream over short time scales
- Quantifying the effects of urban vegetation on water partitioning in complex cityscapes: the potential of isotope-based ecohydrological models
- Simultaneous Attenuation of Trace Organic Compounds and Dissolved Organic Matter in a River and its Hyporheic Zone?
- Stable isotope transformations in the critical zone of contrasting urban green spaces
- The quest for understanding the organisational principles of hyporheic exchange flow and biogeochemical cycling across scales
- Tracer-aided ecohydrological modeling from headwaters to mesoscale catchments: integrated impacts of agricultural activities, landscape gradients and droughts
- Upscaling water storage - flux - age interactions in larger catchments using tracer aided ecohydrological models
- Heterogeneous catchment functioning revealed by cross-scale monitoring of stable water isotopes and tracer-aided ecohydrological modeling at larger scales
- Hyporheic Exchange under Seasonally Connected Groundwater Surface-water Systems
- In-situ monitoring of stable water isotopes in soil and xylem water reveals shallow sources of root water uptake in riparian Willow trees (Salix alba)
- Microscopic time travelers: A finely tuned, time-resolved analysis of viral and microbial communities in the Erpe river
- Unravelling the role of landscape characteristics, hydroclimate and water management on NO3-N cycling via a 30-year distributed modelling in a lowland catchment
- Winter Limnology: How do Hydrodynamics and Biogeochemistry Shape Ecosystems Under Ice?
- Electrical Conductivity Fluctuations as a Tracer to Determine Time-Dependent Transport Characteristics in Hyporheic Sediments
- Environmental Influences on the Hydrogen Isotope Signature in Aquatic Plants
- The influence of river morphology on nutrient retention at the river network scale
- Using remote sensing technology for a harmful algal blooms monitoring in a changing world: state-of-the-art and perspectives