Technical University of Vienna, Austria
flowchart I[Technical University of Vienna, Austria] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (198)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (49)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Change Detection of Land Surface Processes with Spaceborne C- and Ku-band Scatterometers
- Non-Tidal Signals in High-Frequency Earth Rotation Parameter Series
- Detailed Investigation of Shallow Lithospheric Anomalies in the Pannonia Basin
- Gravity Field, Topography, and Interior Structure of Amalthea
- Watershed Complexity Impacts on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
- Azimuth-dependent Mapping Functions From Numerical Weather Models in VLBI Analysis for CONT02
- Celestial Motion of Earth's Spin Axis Derived From the Combination of VLBI and GPS Observations
- International GPS Service - 10 Years History, New Directions for GNSS and Space Geodesy
- Interannual Patterns of Freeze/Thaw and Soil Moisture Observed by Spaceborne Scatterometers
- Size-Resolved Chemical Characterization of Tropical Marine Aerosol During RICO: Water- Soluble Ions and the Carbonaceous Fraction
- Active Radar Soil Moisture Products for Water use Efficiency Estimation
- Chemical Characterization of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Caribbean: Results From 2003- 2007
- High-Resolution Atmosphere Angular Momentum Time Series From the ECMWF
- Interdisciplinary synthesis - a catalyst or a stumbling block for advancing predictability?
- Numerical Weather Models for Troposphere Delay Modelling at Radio Wavelengths
- Synergistic use of ENVISAT ASAR Global Mode Soil Moisture Products in the Okavango Delta: Runoff & Wetland Monitoring
- The IAHS Decade on Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB) as a key U.S. Contribution to International Hydrology
- Can the ASAR Global Monitoring Mode Product Adequately Capture Spatial Soil Moisture Variability?
- Evaluation of regional simulations of snow cover over the Austrian Alps
- Geodetic Observation-level Modelling for the Measurement of GIA
- Monitoring of Surface Wetness from active microwave satellite data in permafrost regions
- Observation Level Versus a Posteriori Atmosphere Loading Corrections in VLBI Analysis
- Preferential flow, connectivity and the principle of "minimum time to equilibrium": a new perspective on environmental water flow
- Soil moisture from active microwave data for monitoring and modeling
- A multi-satellite concept in support of high latitude permafrost modelling and monitoring (Invited)
- A priori prediction of discharge
- An Analysis of Ball Lightning-Aircraft Incidents
- Informing radar retrieval algorithm development using an alternative soil moisture validation technique
- Investigation of GNSS Based ERP-series to Validate Atmospheric and Oceanic Contributions to High Frequency Earth Rotation
- Predicting Low-Flows in Ungauged Basins: TOPKRIGING vs. Physiographic Space-Based Interpolation
- Probabilistic Envelope Curves for Extreme Rainfall Events
- Seismic tomography reveals the upper-mantle structure beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian system
- Siberian forest fires and soil moisture anomalies observed with C-band scatterometer
- Spin states and hyperfine interactions of iron in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite under pressure
- Zonal tidal variations in UT1 observed by VLBI (Invited)
- Benchmarking ray-traced tropospheric delays
- Cobalt spin states and hyperfine interactions in LaCoO3 investigated by LDA+U calculations
- ESA Data User Element PERMAFROST: a spaceborne permafrost monitoring and information system
- Elucidating the effects of river fluctuation on microbial removal during riverbank filtration
- Enumerating Pathogenic Microorganism Surrogates for Groundwater Experiments Using Solid-Phase Cytometry
- Kinetic Strontium Isotope Fractionation of Planktic Foraminifera and Inorganic Calcite
- Retrieval of atmospheric water vapor by geodetic VLBI
- A novel mission concept for upper air water vapour observations: active limb sounding with a constellation of retroreflectors
- Aerosol-halogen interaction: Change of physico-chemical properties of SOA by naturally released halogen species
- Alpbach Summer School - a unique learning experience
- Alpbach Summer School 2010 - proposed missions to understand climate change
- Automatic Detection and Characterization of EIT waves observed by AIA Data
- Bayesian framework for Flood Frequency Hydrology
- Compressive sensing of the Tohoku-Oki Mw9.0 Earthquake: Frequency-dependent Rupture Modes
- ESA DUE PERMAFROST: Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Adaption for Models
- ESA DUE Permafrost: Evaluation of remote sensing derived products using ground data from the Global Terrestrial Network of Permafrost (GTN-P)
- FP7 GLOWASIS - A new collaborative project aimed at pre-validation of a GMES Global Water Scarcity Information Service
- Improvements to the Virtual Solar Observatory
- Physical understanding and forecasting of extreme precipitation events and flooding: Atmospheric Rivers
- Remote sensing for monitoring of land surface hydrology at high latitudes within the framework of the ESA DUE Permafrost and STSE ALANIS-Methane projects
- Advances, experiences, and prospects of the International Soil Moisture Network
- Automated Detection/Characterization of EUV Waves in SDO/AIA Data
- Due Permafrost: a Circumpolar Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Evaluation and Application Case Studies
- Evaluating the potential of MSG-SEVIRI snow cover images for hydrological modeling
- GPT2/GMF2: An improved empirical model for tropospheric delays
- Highly Productive Application Development with ViennaCL for Accelerators
- Hydrologic Predictions in the Anthropocene: A Research Framework Based on a Co-evolutionary Socio-hydrologic Perspective
- Ice nucleation rates of single protein complexes and single macromolecules
- Inter-comparison of microwave satellite soil moisture retrievals over Australia
- Novel reference site approach to prototyping, calibrating, and validating Earth observation data and products
- Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow in Central Europe
- Spatio-temporal controls on diurnal streamflow fluctuations
- The GMES Land Monitoring Service: achievements and continuity
- Validation of a 30+ year soil moisture record from multi-satellite observations
- Alpine permafrost systems under change
- Calibration of a conceptual hydrological model using EUMETSAT snow covered area product
- DUE PERMAFROST: A Circumpolar Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Evaluation Case Studies and Intercomparison with Regional Climate Model Simulations
- Human impacts on river water quality- comparative research in the catchment areas of the Tone River and the Mur River-
- Impact of seasonal station motion on global reference frames and Earth rotation
- Insights from socio-hydrology modelling on dealing with flood risk: roles of collective memory, risk-taking attitude and trust (Invited)
- Investigating the influence of radiometric calibration on tree species determination based on small footprint full-waveform airborne LiDAR
- Joining forces for food security - Linking earth observation and crowd-sourcing for improved decision-support to aid organizations
- Observed change of seasonality of floods in Europe: a spatial comparison (Invited)
- Recent advances of harmonic delay models for the neutral atmosphere (Invited)
- Simulating imaging spectrometer data of a mixed old-growth forest: A parameterization of a 3D radiative transfer model based on airborne and terrestrial laser scanning
- TUWmodel: an educational hydrologic model in R
- Tests on the reliability of atmospheric reanalysis models in the context of Earth rotation
- Visualizing sediment dynamics through repeated high-resolution multibeam mapping
- A space weather information service based upon remote and in-situ measurements of coronal mass ejections heading for Earth
- Cosima - Cometary Dust Analysis Next to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Data records of biophysical products in the Copernicus Global Land Service
- Development of a New Model for Short Period Ocean Tidal Variations of Earth Rotation
- ENSO and Multi-Decadal 'trends' in Terrestrial Evaporation
- Emergent Behavior in Slow-Fast Landscape-Climate Dynamics: Evidence from Spatiotemporal Flood Statistics and a Nonlinear Dynamical Model of Coevolution.
- Excitation of nutation by the global radiational S<SUB>1</SUB> tide
- Floods and Societies: Dynamic Modeling
- Global impacts of hydrological and climatic extremes on vegetation (SAT-EX)
- Harmonization of Initial Estimates of Shale Gas Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Electric Power Generation
- Joining Forces for Food Security - Linking Earth Observation and Crowd-sourcing for improved Decision-support
- New Student-Centered and Data-Based Approaches to Hydrology Education
- On the Inorganic Composition of Cometary Dust from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, as Seen by COSIMA on Board ROSETTA.
- Satellite Microwave Detection of Boreal-Arctic Wetland Inundation Changes and Their Impact on Regional Methane Emission Estimates
- Sensitivity Analysis of a Conceptual HBV Raınfall-Runoff MODEL Using Eumetsat Snow Covered Area Product
- The Impact of the AuScope VLBI Observations and the Regional AUSTRAL Sessions on the TRF
- Water and the Earth System in the Anthropocene: Evolution of Socio-Hydrology
- Assessment of Saturation Patterns on Agricultural Land Using Time-lapse Photography
- COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
- Characterisation of Evolving Patterns and Underlying Regimes of Hydroclimatic Extremes in Europe
- Comparing methods for modeling and detecting flood nonstationarity: an Austrian case study
- Drought and Snow: Analysis of Drivers, Processes and Impacts of Streamflow Droughts in Snow-Dominated Regions
- Global Evaporation Estimates from SMAP Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrievals Using Conditional Sampling.
- Gravity Fields Generation In The Universe By The Large Range of Scales Convection Systems In Planets, Stars, Black Holes and Galaxies Based On The "Convection Bang Hypothesis"
- How to Assess Trajectories of Arctic Ponds and Lakes: a Circum-Arctic Perspective
- Ice nucleation by plant structural materials and its potential contribution to glaciation in clouds
- Monitoring the injection of microscale zero-valent iron particles for groundwater remediation by means of complex electrical conductivity imaging
- Multiscale Modeling of Human-Water Interactions: The Role of Time-Scales
- Observation Level Combination of GNSS and VLBI with VieVS: a Simulation Based on CONT11
- Preliminary results of the newly developed model for short period ocean tidal variation of Earth rotation (SPOT)
- Risk dynamics: unraveling the role of socio-techno-nature interactions
- SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Scaling of Extreme Rainfall Areas at a Planetary Scale
- Validation of Large-Scale Geophysical Estimates Using In Situ Measurements with Representativeness Error
- Vegetation regulates streamflow intra-annual variability by adapting to climate variations
- Assessment and Combination of SMAP with ASCAT (Active) and AMSR2 (Passive) Soil Moisture Products: A Case Study in Northeast Asia
- Assessment of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Products using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Attribution of regional flood changes based on scaling fingerprints
- Benchmark Campaign of the COST Action GNSS4SWEC: Main Goals and Achievements
- Beyond Classical Information Theory: Advancing the Fundamentals for Improved Geophysical Prediction
- Climate-related Large-scale Variation in Forest Carbon Turnover Rate - Evaluating Global Vegetation Models Using Remote Sensing Products of Biomass and NPP
- Reservoirs' Nonlinear Filtering Effects on Flood Frequency Curves
- Space-borne Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Greenness, Vegetation Models and Interannual Variability of Photosynthetic Activity: Spatio-temporal Patterns, Mechanisms, and Environmental Sensitivities
- The dynamics of human-water systems: comparing observations and simulations
- Unveiling Seasonal Structures in Pan-European Floods
- A Data-Driven Assessment of the Sensitivity of Global Ecosystems to Climate Anomalies
- A Socio-hydrological Flood Model for the Elbe
- A two-level approach to VLBI terrestrial and celestial reference frames using both least-squares adjustment and Kalman filter algorithms
- Attribution of regional flood changes based on scaling fingerprints
- Changes in precipitation-streamflow transformation around the world: interdecadal variability and trends.
- Continuous Sub-daily Rainfall Simulation for Regional Flood Risk Assessment - Modelling of Spatio-temporal Correlation Structure of Extreme Precipitation in the Austrian Alps
- Deciphering flood frequency curves from a coupled human-nature system perspective
- Integrating the social sciences to understand human-water dynamics
- Interdisciplinary methods and practices for integrating social sciences into studies on catchment evolution
- Interdisciplinary research and education in the Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems: a framework for evaluation
- Investigating the Control of Ocean-Atmospheric Oscillations on Global Terrestrial Evaporation
- Large-Scale Patterns of Flood Seasonality in Europe
- Monitoring electrical properties for improving the lithological and hydrological characterization of landslides
- Simulating Hydrologic Flow and Reactive Transport with PFLOTRAN and PETSc on Emerging Fine-Grained Parallel Computer Architectures
- Sub-hectare crop area mapped wall-to-wall in Tigray Ethiopia with HEC processing of WorldView sub-meter panchromatic image texture
- Using QMRAcatch - a stochastic hydrological water quality and infection risk model - to identify sustainable management options for long term drinking water resource planning
- A New Theoretical Framework for Modeling Flow Duration Curves
- Analytical Characterization of Ice-Nucleating Particles from Birch Trees
- Birch leaves and branches as a source of ice-nucleating macromolecules
- Data-based attribution of flood changes: disentangling atmospheric, catchment and river drivers
- Diverse responses of wildfire burned area to the widespread greening of the Earth
- Field characterization of the negatively buoyant inflow of the Rhône River into Lake Geneva
- Flood warning runoff thresholds in ungauged basins: application of rainfall-runoff models and of regression-type approaches over two data sets in the Alps and in the United States
- Floods in Europe: Characteristics and their Changes
- Global Composition of Dust at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Measured by the COSIMA/Rosetta Mass Spectrometer
- Identification and calibration of snow parameters for a distributed conceptual hydrological model using the MODIS snow cover images
- Investigating short and long-term effects of Natural and Human-Induced Shocks on a Water Resources System in Sicily (Italy) through Socio-Hydrological Modeling
- Land Cover Validation across the Northern Treeline Ecotone, Siberia
- Long Term Human-Flood Dynamics in the City of Dresden: Modeling and Inference
- Metastable Nitric Acid Trihydrate in Ice Clouds
- Monitoring photosynthesis with microwave satellites
- Representing the macropore flow processes in a watershed hydrological model and evaluating the effect of macropore flow on the flood peaks
- Satellite monitoring of hurricane disaster recovery reveals inequalities in energy access
- Towards a Global Monitoring of Land-Surface Phenology Processes using Dense Time-Series of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Images
- Towards a global synthesis of land-surface fluxes for natural and human-altered watersheds using the low-dimensional Budyko framework
- Understanding the cumulative effects of dams on regional streamflow dynamics
- Unveiling Theoretical Physics Foundations of Non-Ergodic Coevolutionary Complexity
- VMF3 and VMF1 Position Domain Evaluation: Preliminary Results
- A New Framework for Exploring Process Controls of Flow Duration Curves
- Delineation of microbiological hot-spots at the field scale through the combined application of spectral induced polarization and magnetic surveys
- Downward Radiation and Limited Water Availability May Supress Forest Growth Across the Forest-Steppe Ecotone in Southern Siberia
- How sociohydrology can help address the global water crisis
- Impact of Catchment Grouping using Machine Learning on Estimating Envelope Curves of Extreme Floods in Alpine Catchments
- Investigating the role of catchments as nonlinear filters for the propagation of droughts in the US
- Socio-Hydrological Modelling of Cooperation and Conflicts in the Transboundary River Nile
- Socio-Hydrological Modelling of the Tradeoff Between Flood Control and Hydropower Provided by the Columbia River Treaty
- Assessing the influence of vegetation properties on multi-frequency microwave vegetation optical depth
- Biogeochemical risks and impacts of Arctic permafrost degradation
- Chemical composition of recent snow in Southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet
- Flood-rich periods in the last 500 years in Europe
- Influence of the density and of the "nestedness" of the gauged donors when regionalising a rainfall-runoff-model
- Potential of UT1 - UTC determination with VLBI transmitters onboard future Galileo satellites
- Towards an Operational Copernicus Service: a Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P)
- Above Ground biomass stocks, pool ages and fluxes in the largest arctic delta, the Lena Delta in Siberia
- Air pollution in the Western Balkans: lessons learned from the Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2018 (SAFICA)
- Application of Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods to Quantify the Subsurface Salt Content of Salt Lakes
- Coevolution and Prediction of Coupled Human-Water Systems: A Synthesis of Change in Hydrology and Society
- Combination of complex resistivity and seismic methods for the investigation of clay-rich landslides
- Conflict and Cooperation Phenomenon: the Eastern Nile River Basin
- Do Changing Flood Generation Processes Promote the Occurrence of Flood Anomalies in Europe?
- Hydrology and society: Phenomena emerging from the interactions and feedbacks between human and water systems
- Investigating flood change mechanisms through a probabilistic flood change model
- Methodologies for the study of change in hydrology and society
- Satellite-Observed Vegetation Responses to Intraseasonal Tropical Rainfall Variability
- A benchmark study on remotely sensed data assimilation for water budget estimation over different hydroclimatic areas
- Improving the delineation of mountain permafrost with Induced Polarization through electrical and electromagnetic methods
- Investigation of Induced Polarization Effects in Transient Electromagnetic Data Obtained in a Single-Loop Configuration for Conductive and Resistive Media
- Measurements of ice nucleating activity of high latitude dust and black carbon in Iceland
- Studying regolith porosity from Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) emission
- Tempered Particle Filter in a Real World Experiment.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. R. Poppe
- Adrián Flores-Orozco
- Ahmed Abdelkader
- Alberto Viglione
- Alexandra Gemitzi
- Alexandra Runge
- Amin Elshorbagy
- Andrea Castelletti
- Andrê S. H. Prévôt
- Annett Bartsch
- Birgit Heim
- C. Briois
- Christopher M. Taylor
- Clément Roques
- Elisa Savelli
- Florian Pappenberger
- Fuqiang Tian
- Giuliano Di Baldassarre
- Griša Močnik
- Guido Grosse
- Hinrich Grothe
- J. S. Famiglietti
- Jan Adamowski
- Joseph H. A. Guillaume
- Joshua Talib
- K. Džepina
- Larisa Tarasova
- Li Xu
- Luis Samaniego
- Marlies Barendrecht
- Matthias Fuchs
- Melissa Haeffner
- Mohammad Ghoreishi
- Noah Kittner
- Oldřich Rakovec
- Paul Stefan Szabo
- Pedro Lacerda
- Philip Brunner
- Pieter van Oel
- Rohini Kumar
- Saket Pande
- Sina Khatami
- Stefano Basso
- Stephan Thober
- Steven Christe
- Tirthankar Roy
- V. Lakshmi
- Vaios Moschos
- Wouter Dorigo