University of Vienna, Austria
flowchart I[University of Vienna, Austria] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (271)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (149)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Vienna, Department of Astronomy
- University of Vienna, Department of Meteorology and Geophysics
- University of Vienna, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Role of Microbial Biofilms as Ecosystem Engineers in Streams
- Measurements of the Microphysics and Size Distributed Composition of Aerosol Particles at the Kosan Supersite, Jeju Island, Korea During ACE-ASIA and Their Influence on Cloud Microphysics
- Plio-Pleistocene exhumation of the Main Central Trust footwall based on new apatite fission track data (NW-Himalaya/India).
- Upholding or fatally altering the boundary conditions for channel flow of the Southern Tibet middle crust
- 4D constraints on melt source-rock input and granite production in continent-continent collision; a case study from a 50 km wide swath through the Himalayan magmatic arc
- Temperature Effects on Carbon Isotope Composition of Soil-respired Carbon Dioxide: an Incubation Study with arctic Soils
- Volcanic Gas Emissions Through History and Geography
- Dramatic frictional-viscous slip fluctuations within an exhumed multi-strand fault; evidence of fluid- with velocity-sensitivity?
- Familiarity of Alpine magnitude and geometry as a critical pedagogic element in student visualisation of basin- & crustal-scale sub-surface structure
- Hydrology and Gravity at the Membach Station, Belgium
- Improvement of Tidal Analysis Results by a Priori Rain Fall Modelling at the Vienna and Membach stations
- The Lake Bosumtwi Drilling Project: A 1 Ma West African Paleoclimate Record
- A misleading(?) similarity of indentor corners; Aegean-Anatolia versus the Himalaya syntaxes
- Archaeal Nitrification in Hot Springs
- Eastern Mediterranean geodynamics revised: a new Aegean extension realm in space, time and direction identified in the western Cyclades
- Exhumation of the Shillong Plateau and its Influence on Himalayan Tectonics
- Shock Levels in Fallback and Fallout Impact Breccias at the Bosumtwi Impact Structure, Ghana: Results of Drill Core Studies
- A Quantitative 80 ka-Long Rainfall Record for the Chinese Loess Plateau Using 10Be and Magnetic Susceptibility in Loess
- Exhumation and Uplift of the Shillong Plateau and its Influence on the Eastern Himalayas: new Constraints From Apatite and Zircon (U-Th-[Sm])/He and Apatite Fission Track Analyses
- Fault Drag Along Normal Faults in Unconsolidated Sediments
- Identification of Meteoritic Components in Terrestrial Impact Craters and Their Ejecta
- Impact-Induced Deglaciation of the Snowball Earth?
- Inside CA-TIMS Zircon Analysis: the Interplay Among Natural Radiation Damage, Annealing, Solubility, and U-Pb Isotopic Systematics
- Late Miocene cooling and extension identified on Serifos, western Cyclades: Development of an Aegean metamorphic core complex
- Lunare Mare Basalt Meteorite NEA003-A: Chronology, Chemical and Petrological Composition
- Structural Analysis of the Exhumed SEMP Fault Zone, Austria: Towards an Understanding of the Mechanics of Shear Zone Localization
- Temporal patterns of detachment faulting along Cycladic extensional metamorphic domes, Aegean region
- An Isotope Survey of the Danube
- Fine Root Longevity Still Under Debate
- Agent of critical contact forces leading to cracked pebbles: Lithostatic pressure versus soft-sediment deformation
- Analyses of Methanobactin, a Novel Copper-Binding Compound, or Chalkophore, from Methanotrophs
- Deep Drilling 2009 at Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia: Success and Recovery of a Continuous 3.6 Myr Arctic Paleoclimate Record
- High Resolution Simulation of Annual Snowfall and Snowpack over Colorado and some Impacts of Climate Change using the Pseudo Climate Simulation Method
- Hillslope-channel coupling in a cuesta landscape (Swabian Alb, Germany)
- Insights from orthopyroxene reaction rims and layers (Invited)
- Nonlinear modulation of O3 and CO induced by mountain waves in the UTLS during TREX
- Reflection and scattering of Stoneley guided waves at the tips of fluid-filled fractures
- The European Alps - A dynamic landscape system under changing conditions and their implication to society (Invited)
- The study of the geomagnetic excursions and the relative intensities from Chinese loess 10Be over the past 130 ka
- A Conceptual Model for Coupled Human-Landscape Systems in Mountain Regions
- Can Single Crystal (U-Th)/He Zircon Ages from Nördlinger Ries Suevite be Linked to Impact-Related Shock Effects?
- Determining the rates of geological processes in a large-scale metamorphic complex: a multi-method approach
- Enumerating Pathogenic Microorganism Surrogates for Groundwater Experiments Using Solid-Phase Cytometry
- Extreme events in total ozone on global scale
- Fractionation of Fe isotopes during granite weathering, soil formation, and plant uptake in an Alpine glacier forefield
- Geomorphic response to agricultural land use in small fluvial systems - The role of landscape connectivity
- Metaproteomic Analysis of a Chemosynthetic Hydrothermal Vent Community Reveals Insights into Key-Metabolic Processes
- Microbial community composition in the deep sea sediments surrounding the Loki castle
- Opportunities from hydrology for stream microbial ecology and biogeochemistry
- Quaternary estimates of average slip-rates for active faults in the Mongolian Altay Mountains: the advantages and assumptions of multiple dating techniques
- Rare Earth Element Signatures of Early Diagenesis in Pore Waters at Methane-Seeps from Hydrate Ridge, off Oregon
- Reaction rim growth in the ternary system CaO-MgO-SiO2 : Diffusion pathways and the effect of water
- Biofilm Growth and Turbulence Effects on Stream Ecosystem Respiration: Measurement by Resazurin
- Carbon and oxygen isotopic signature of tooth enamel as a proxy for the Pliocene paleoenvironment and paleoclimate from Mt. Galili Formation, Ethiopia
- Development of a Radiation Damage and Annealing Model for the Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronometer
- How useful are geological data derived from seismogenic faults for SHA in intraplate Central Europe?
- Hydrologic drivers and controls of stream biofilm-grazer interactions
- Karakul: a young complex impact crater in the Pamir, Tajikistan
- On the relationship between extreme and mean values in total ozone and atmospheric dynamics and volcanic eruptions at mid-latitudes
- Tectonic heritage and intra-crustal decoupling: consequences for post-orogenic rift basin dynamics
- The biogeodynamics of microbial landscapes
- The effect of water on bimineralic reaction rims
- Zn and C isotopic evidence of climatic change during the Marinoan
- Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in a French meromictic lake (Lake Pavin): Who is responsible?
- Climatic controls on aboveground net primary production of tropical lowland rainforests
- Do We Need to Account for Variable Microbial Nitrogen-Use Efficiency in Biogeochemical Models?
- Drought induced changes of plant belowground carbon allocation affect soil microbial community function in a subalpine meadow
- Dynamics of organic nitrogen in cryoturbated Arctic soils
- Hydrologic variability enhances stream biofilm grazing by invertebrates
- Melt and Crystal-Mush Mixing in the Origin of the Szomolya Ignimbrite as Revealed by the Study of Cognate Lithic Clasts
- Miocene sediments distribution in the central and northern parts of the Vienna Basin, central Europe
- Modeling the link between soil microbial community structure and function in a bottom-up approach
- Origin of the Ciomadul Dacite, Carpathian-Pannonian Region, Eastern-Central Europe: Rejuvenation of a Pre-Existing Crystal Mush
- Potential enzyme activities in cryoturbated organic matter of arctic soils
- Priming of soil organic matter decomposition in cryoturbated Arctic soils
- Shading responses of carbon allocation dynamics in mountain grassland
- Subsurface Salts in Antarctic Dry Valley Soils as Analogs for Mars
- The central Vienna Basin Transfer Fault - lack of knowledge or seismic gap?
- Two stages of fluid-rock interaction in UHP marbles (Dabie Shan, China): grain-scale processes and map-scale metasomatism
- Authigenic Carbonates from the Gas Hydrates Seafloor Observatory, Mississippi Canyon 118 (MC118), Gulf of Mexico: A Mineralogical, Geochemical, Chronological and Lipid Biomarker Study
- Deformation bands evolving to fluid barriers through grain reorganization and fracturing in combination with diagenetic alteration
- Establishing a Dynamic Database of Blue and Fin Whale Locations from Recordings at the IMS CTBTO hydro-acoustic network. The Baleakanta Project
- Fate of organo-mineral particles in streams: Microbial degradation by streamwater & biofilm assemblages
- Fluvial network imprints on microbial diversity and community network topology
- Hydrologic controls on basin-scale distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates
- IDC Infrasound Pipeline initiative for technology development
- Linking Camera Images, Geodetic Data, & Numerical Models: a Test-case in the March 2011 Collapse of Pu'u O'o Pit-crater, Hawai'i (Invited)
- Linking brownification to carbon cycling in headwater streams
- Lipid biomarker inventory and their stable carbon isotopic compositions in seep carbonates from Green Canyon of the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Management Options for a High Elevation Forest in the Alps
- Meta-ecosystem metabolism across fluvial networks
- Performance of waveform cross correlation using a global and regular grid of master events
- Regional subsidence history and 3D visualization with MATLAB of the Vienna Basin, central Europe
- Search for a meteoritic component in impact-melt rocks from the Lonar crater, India - Evidence from osmium isotope systematics
- Sediment and Soil Profiles of Taylor and Wright Valleys, Antarctica, as Analogs for Mars
- Statistical Similarity between the Compression of a Porous Material and Earthquakes (Invited)
- Strain rate dependent calcite microfabric evolution - an experiment carried out by nature
- The Chelyabinsk meteor: joint interpretation of infrasound, acoustic, and seismic waves (Invited)
- The hyporheic zone as a modulator of pCO2 in an Alpine headwater stream (Invited)
- The kinetics of dolomite reaction rim growth under isostatic and non-isostatic pressure conditions
- Anisotropic Structure of the Upper Mantle in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region: From SKS Splitting data and Xenolith Constraints
- Biofilm Complexity Controls Fine Particle Dynamics in Streams
- Carbon and Nutrient Limitation of Microbial Decomposition of Organic Matter in Permafrost Soils
- Challenges in Assessing Seismic Hazard in Intraplate Europe
- Controls for ecosystem methane exchange are time-scale specifc and shift during the growing season of a temperate fen
- Current Advancements and Challenges in Soil-Root Interactions Modelling
- Don Quixote Pond Sediments: Surface and Subsurface Chemistry and Mineralogy
- Ecological genomics of the newly discovered diazotrophic filamentous cyanobacterium ESFC-1
- Fact and Fiction of Nitrous Oxide Production By Nitrification
- Geochronological and Petrological Constraints on the Evolution of the Pan African Ajjaj Shear Zone, Saudi Arabia
- In situ ecophysiology of Aigarchaeota from an oxic, hot-spring filamentous 'streamer' community
- Leveraging atmospheric CO2 observations to constrain the climate sensitivity of terrestrial ecosystems
- Methane Emissions from Semi-natural, Drained and Re-wetted Peatlands in Germany
- New Insights into Fluvial Carbon Responses to Future Forest Management and Climate Change Obtained from Multi-Scale Modelling of Biogeochemical Processes
- New insights from old spherules: Os-W isotope and HSE evidence for Paleoarchean meteorite bombardment of the Earth
- Preservation of Blueschist Facies Minerals Along a Shear Zone By Fast Flowing CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Bearing Fluids - a Field Study from the Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Syros, Greece
- Scaling of increased dissolved organic carbon inputs by forest clear-cutting in a boreal forest - What arrives downstream?
- Slab Detachment Under the Eastern Alps Seen By Seismic Anisotropy
- Testing the sensitivity of boreal headwaters using a forest clear-cutting experiment: The impact of changing flow-pathways and soil warming on dissolved organic carbon concentrations in streams
- The Ground Truth of Crustal Anisotropy from Receiver Functions
- Use of passive seismic data to characterize sedimentary basins, an example from the Vienna Basin, Austria.
- An Analysis of Stable Water Isotope distributions across Namibia: Rainfall and Groundwater Isoscapes
- Changes in Microbial Nitrogen Dynamics with Soil Depth, and along a Latitudinal Transect in Western Siberia
- Deep Deformation Pattern for the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
- Effect of maghemization on the magnetic properties of pseudo-single-domain magnetite particles
- Effects of Recurring Droughts on Extracellular Enzyme Activity in Mountain Grassland
- Environmental controls of energy and trace gas exchanges at the water-air interface: Global synthesis of eddy fluxes over inland waters
- Exploring the Metabolic Potential of Microbial Communities in Ultra-basic Reducing Spring at The Cedars, CA: Evidence of Microbial Methanogenesis and Heterotrophic Acetogenesis
- Meteorological and Aerosol effects on Marine Cloud Microphysical Properties
- Microstructure and frictional properties of sheared calcite speleothems: natural vs. experimental investigation
- Monitoring the injection of microscale zero-valent iron particles for groundwater remediation by means of complex electrical conductivity imaging
- Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
- Spatial Variability of Soil Carbon Stocks in a Subtropical Mangrove in Hong Kong
- Strategizing a Comprehensive Laboratory Protocol to Determine the Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter in Permafrost
- Surface Gravity Data Contribution to the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Geoid Model
- The depth of the Lithosphere-Asthenophere boundary beneath the world oldest ocean: the Ionian plate case-study
- Wright Valley Sediments as Potential Analogs for Martian Surface Processes
- A 3D Numerical Survey of Seismic Waves Inside and Around an Underground Cavity
- Aerosol Production and Growth in the Upper Troposphere over the Amazon Forest Observed during ACRIDICON-CHUVA
- An optimality framework to predict decomposer carbon-use efficiency trends along stoichiometric gradients
- Benthic Biofilm Controls on Fine Particle Dynamics in Streams
- CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange of a brackish degraded peatland within the drainage-rewetting sequence - Synthesis from an interdisciplinary multi-year approach
- Comets in the Young Solar System: First Results from Hybrid Plasma Modelling
- Consistent Top-to-the-foreland Directed Deformation from Floor to Roof in the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC), Jämtland, Sweden
- Direct Radiative Forcing from Saharan Mineral Dust Layers from In-situ Measurements and Satellite Retrievals
- Does drought legacy alter the recovery of grassland carbon dynamics from drought?
- Global Particle Size Distributions: Measurements during the Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) Project
- Global measurements of coarse-mode aerosol size distributions - first results from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- Microplastics in the environment: What can we learn from a decade of engineered nanoparticle fate and risk assessment?
- Occurrence of Vertical Mixing in the Saharan Air Layer Studied with an Integrated Model, Lidar, and Insitu Approach in the Frame of the SALTRACE Campaign
- Paleo-earthquake magnitudes estimation based on multiple observations
- Quantifying the Interplay of Natural Organic Matter with Environmental Factors on Nanoparticle Transport in Porous Media
- Seismic resonances of acoustic cavities
- Strategizing a comprehensive laboratory protocol to determine the decomposability of soil organic matter in permafrost
- The Austrian network of isotopes in rivers: Long-term time series of isotopes in river water in Central Europe (1963-2015)
- The Interaction between Very Deep Convection and Biomass Burning Plumes during DC3 and the Impact on the UTLS Region over The North Atlantic
- The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the SMILE Mission
- The Terminal Stage of Subduction: the Hindu Kush Slab Break-off
- Thermal Variability in Gravel Bars and its Potential Consequences for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Evasion from Alpine Coldwater Streams
- Upscaling nitrogen-mycorrhizal effects to quantify CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization.
- A model for thermal rejuvenation and eruption of a granitic magma chamber, Valle Mosso pluton, Sesia Magmatic System (Southern Alps, Italy)
- Circumpolar assessment of rhizosphere priming shows limited increase in carbon loss estimates for permafrost soils but large regional variability
- Extraction of Tidal Signals from the Geomagnetic Field with Adapted Basis Functions.
- How does warming affect carbon allocation, respiration and residence time in trees? An isotope tracer approach in a eucalypt
- Kinetics of Radiation Damage Annealing in Zircon
- New Particle Formation in an Urban Atmosphere: The Role of Various Ingredients Investigated in the CLOUD Chamber
- Shifts in the Physiology and Stoichiometric Needs of Soil Microbial Communities from Subarctic Soils in Response to Warming: Icelandic Geothermal Gradients as a Model.
- The Africa Initiative for Planetary and Space Sciences
- The Austrian Network of Isotopes in Precipitation and Surface water: more than 50 years applications and interpretations of basic isotope-hydrological data for Central Europe
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- A plant-microbe interaction framework explaining nutrient effects on primary production
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> hinge on plant phosphorus use and acquisition: model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment.
- Birch leaves and branches as a source of ice-nucleating macromolecules
- Coupled carbon and nitrogen losses in response to seven years of chronic warming in subarctic soils
- Including microbial dynamics is essential for modelling Arctic methane emissions
- Intrinsic Microbial Temperature Sensitivity and Changing Biomass Explain Soil Carbon Loss under Warming
- Joint-Interpretation of SKS Splitting Measurements and Receiver Function Data for Detecting Seismic Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle: Feasibility and Limitations.
- Microbial exudates: Incorporating an overlooked precursor to stable organic matter into the concept of carbon use efficiency
- Multiple nutrients constrain fine root functioning in a lowland tropical rainforest: initial responses from a large-scale nutrient manipulation experiment in Central Amazonia
- Permafrost thaw and socio-economic impacts in the Disco Bay region, West Greenland: Youth voices and local stakeholders in developing adaptation and mitigation strategies.
- Thicker Snow Cover Triggers Lateral Permafrost Carbon Loss Both Through Enhanced Warming and Surface Runoff
- Characterization and modeling of lahars in the Prêcheur river, Martinique.
- Documenting the Response of River-Wetland System to Restoration: Successes, Failures and Challenges of the Biggest Polish Wetland Restoration Project. Case Study of the Middle Basin of the Biebrza Valley.
- Effect of Summer Drought on the Coupling of Photosynthesis and Soil Respiration under Current and Future Climate
- Exploring mass transfer limitation in organic micropollutant biodegradation: Combined insight from compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) and reactive transport modeling
- Martian Near-Surface S and Cl Brines in Fractured and Porous Regolith Could Trigger Microscale Soil Collapse and Cause Recurring Slope Lineae
- Microbial growth and respiration are differently controlled by P availability in tropical forest soils across the Amazon Basin
- Microbiome Re-assembly After Permafrost Thaw: How Time, Space, History and Disturbance Fundamentally Differentiate Permafrost Microbial Communities
- Multiple re-current drought events shift the responses of the soil microbial community to a subsequent drought
- Navigating the Drake Passage during the Eocene greenhouse to icehouse climate transition: a paleoecological and geochemical perspective based on sand tiger shark Striatolamia macrota teeth
- Optimal resolution tomography with error tracking: Lithospheric thinning beneath the British Tertiary Igneous Province and other new observations
- Relating Deep Earth Structures to Geochemical Data
- Response of Microbial Growth and Carbon Use Efficiency to Crop Rotational Diversity Across a Soil-Climate Gradient
- Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial carbon use efficiency - Is growth or respiration driving CUE?
- Simulation of Multicomponent New Particle Formation in a Heavily Polluted Urban Atmosphere by Experiments in the CLOUD Chamber
- Water mass movements in Classical Karst depicted by continuous gravity measurements
- What Allows Multi-Plane Detachment Systems to Take Off?
- Application of Dynamic Mode Decomposition with Control (DMDc) to cluster, characterize and extract information from acoustic signals
- Chemical Composition of Ultrafine Sea Spray Aerosol during the Sea Spray Chemistry and Particle Evolution (SeaSCAPE) Experiment
- Decoupled He-W isotope systematics in the East African Rift System
- Drone-derived canopy height predicts aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems across the globe
- Enhanced ground-penetrating radar data analysis through multi-trace coherence imaging
- Evaluating stream CO2 outgassing via Drifting and Anchored flux chambers in a controlled flume experiment
- Geochemistry as a Tool for Magnetic Induction, Gravity, and Seismology in Icy Ocean Worlds
- High rate of collisions on the Archean Earth leads to variable atmospheric oxidation
- Human-environmental interactions in the Arctic inferred from microfossils in Central Greenland ice
- Microbial Phosphorus Immobilization slows Soil Phosphorus Cycling in Tropical Secondary Succession
- Perceived Risks and Responses Related to Permafrost Thaw in three Arctic Focal Areas
- Quantification of energy flows through the climate system using a new generation of reanalysis products
- Separation and denoising of seismically-induced ground-motion signals with dual path residual neural network architecture.
- Subjecting permafrost microorganisms to short-term warming
- A Consistent Estimate of the Arctics Water Cycle Using Reanalyses and Observations.
- A decentralized approach for modeling organized convection based on thermal populations on a microgrid
- Aerosol Optical Properties Derived from Global-Scale In Situ Measurements
- Aerosol remote sensing from Meteosat Second Generation and other geostationary meteorological satellites using the AERUS-GEO suite: Status and plans
- Astrophysics and Planetary science for development in Africa
- Can a Seismometer Detect Events from Europas Silicate Interior? Yes, if ...
- Classification of Solar Wind Discontinuities Using Supervised Machine Learning
- Classification of Solar Wind Structures via Unsupervised Machine Learning
- Constraining Neoproterozoic low-level-cloud reflectivity to assess the plausibility of near-Snowball Earth states
- Constraints on the Physical and Chemical Lifetime of Organic Aerosol (OA) in the Remote Troposphere based on in-situ measurements during the ATom mission
- Denitrifying pathways dominate nitrous oxide emissions from managed grassland during drought and rewetting
- Dynamics of Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Systems in a Variety of Tectonic Environments
- Efficient computation of modal Green's kernels with application to helioseismology
- Energy Export from the Nino3.4 region via the Atmosphere a Lagrangian Perspective
- Enhanced Climate Changes in Mountain Regions: High Elevation Trends in Temperature and Precipitation and Their Comparison with Lowlands
- Evolution of ice crystal number and size in tropical ice clouds
- Formation and mobility of FeS colloids in natural waters
- Geochemical and Geophysical implications for the source of Ocean Island Basalts
- Gravitational Settling of Microplastic Fibers
- How Do Measurements of Single Particle Composition Constrain Gas-Particle Exchange?
- Lagging Response of Belowground Functional Traits to Environmental Cues in a Mature Amazonian Tropical Rainforest
- Magnetic Life of Young Suns: Data Constrained Model of the Corona and Wind from k1 Ceti
- Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Modeling Investigations of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI) and Associated Magnetosonic Wave Emission in the Solar Coronal Regions
- Mapping depth variations of the 410 km and 660 km discontinuities across Europe using noise correlations
- Measurement and Model Evaluation of N2O5 Heterogeneous Chemistry in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Measurements from inside a Thunderstorm Driven by Wildfire: The 2019 FIREX-AQ Field Experiment
- Measuring the orientation of SHmax using ambient seismic noise
- Modeling insights into processes affecting water isotopes in polar regions
- New Insights to the Origin of Ultramafic-Mafic Magmatism, Gorgona Island, Colombia
- Observations and Simulations of the Stable Water Isotope Signature of Convective Updrafts and Downdrafts Associated with Different Mesoscale Organization Patterns of Shallow Trade Wind Clouds
- Persistent, three-fold higher black carbon concentrations over the northern Antarctic Peninsula and Southern Ocean following late 13th C Maori settlement of New Zealand
- Petrophysical variations in a syn-rift volcanic sequence on the southwest Australian rifted margin (IODP Site U1513)
- Precious and trace metals as markers for historical anthropogenic contamination: Evidence from the Peshawar Basin, Pakistan
- Quantifying black carbon emissions from lake sediments near late 13th century Maori settlements
- Receiver function imaging of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath the Alpine region
- Response of BAM-degradation Activity to Concentration and Flow Changes in a Bench-scale Sediment Tank With Isotope Fractionation as a Performance Indicator
- Seismo-acoustic study of thunder using the AlpArray.
- Snowball Earth initiation and the thermodynamics of sea ice
- The Anthropocene bomb-spike in urban strata of Vienna, Austria
- The Grass Is Always Greener on the Other Side: Underground Competition between Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Increase Soil C Allocation by European Beech Trees
- The Origin of the Potassium-rich Annular Zones of the Bosumtwi Impact Structure: Insights of Radiometric Data and 10Be Analyses and Concentrations Simulations
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- Transport Regimes During the MOSAiC Campaign: a Lagrangian Analysis of Continental Sources and Sea Surface Interactions.
- Tropical cloud-radiative changes contribute to robust climate change-induced jet exit strengthening over Europe during boreal winter
- An Experimental Study on the Competition Between Crystal Growth and Element Diffusion
- Exploring the effect of pore coupling on nuclear magnetic resonance signals in porous media
- Genome-resolved Transcriptomic Evidence for Benthic Iron Cycling in Arctic Fjords, Svalbard (79°N)
- High precision isotope measurements via thermal ionization mass spectrometry
- Imaging deep Earth structures using body waves from seismic noise
- Living With the Young Sun: First Results of HST-XMM Newton and TESS Coordinated Observations of Young Suns and Modeling of Their Coronae, Winds and Eruptive Events
- Metabolism and Physiology of Nitrososphaera viennensis, a Model of Ammonia Oxidizing Archaea from Soil
- Modeling population-level controls on soil microbial turnover
- New Constraints on the Factors that Control the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Transition and the Driving Forces of Plate Motions from the PI-LAB Experiment
- POPs distribution in coastal permafrost soils at Komakuk Beach (Yukon, CA)
- Plant-soil-microbial nutrient cycling mediates CO2 fertilization effects in Amazonian forest sites.
- Revealing prevalent upwellings by global imaging of mantle transition zone using SS precursors
- Revised Historical Black Carbon Emissions based on Atmospheric Modelling, Ice Core Records and an Inverse Algorithm
- Size Distributions of Biomass Burning Aerosol as a Function of Age and Comparisons to Models
- Tomographic 3D Reconstructions of Artificial Releases of SO2 in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Water Table Dynamics in Coastal Aquifer Sediments Mobilize Carbon and Alter Nitrogen Fate: Observations From Soil Column Experiments
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Soja
- A. Mittelholz
- A. Verbiscer
- A. W. Rollins
- Adrian Mellage
- Aiko Voigt
- Alma Hodzic
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Andrew A. Delorey
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Attilio Rivoldini
- Audrey H. Sawyer
- B. Banerdt
- Benjamin A. Nault
- Benoît Tauzin
- Blaž Gasparini
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- C. R. Thompson
- C. Rychert
- Cecilia Durán
- Charlotte DeVitre
- Chi Zhang
- Chloé Michaut
- Christina Kaiser
- Christopher Johnson
- D. Baratoux
- D. M. Murphy
- Daniel Possee
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Diego Perugini
- Donald R. Blake
- Douglas A. Day
- Doyeon Kim
- E. A. Ray
- E. J. Hyer
- Eliza Harris
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Eric J. Steig
- Esteban Gazel
- Eun Young Lee
- Florian Hofhansl
- Foivos Karakostas
- G. P. Schill
- György Hetényi
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- H. Turkakin
- Henri Samuel
- Huisheng Bian
- I. S. Puchtel
- Ignacio Pisso
- Insun Song
- J. Andrew Neuman
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. H. Crawford
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. Peischl
- J. R. McConnell
- J.‐M. Kendall
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jesse Nusbaumer
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- Johannes Hörner
- Johnathan Hair
- Joseph M. Katich
- Joy Buongiorno
- K. D. Froyd
- Katerina Georgiou
- Katrin Fleischer
- Kenneth Wasmund
- Kirk Ullmann
- Konstantinos Soukis
- L. K. Emmons
- L.B. White
- Laura H. Thapa
- Leonie Villiger
- Luca Caricchi
- M. Drilleau
- M. Elyajouri
- M. Guêdel
- M. Krämer
- M. P. Panning
- Maria Luisa G. Tejada
- Marina Dütsch
- Mark Jessell
- Martin Knapmeyer
- Martin Thullner
- Martin van Driel
- Mathias Vuille
- Matthew Agius
- Matthew G. Jackson
- Maurizio Petrelli
- Maximilian Dollner
- Meng Jin
- Mian Chin
- Michael J. Lawler
- Michael Mayer
- Michael Wagreich
- Modou Mbaye
- N. C. Schmerr
- Nathan Chellman
- Nathan Miles
- Nicholas Harmon
- Nick Pepin
- Nienke Brinkman
- Nikolaos Evangeliou
- Olaf A. Cirpka
- Oscar J. Valverde‐Barrantes
- P. A. Johnson
- P. Lognonné
- P. R. Veres
- Paul A. Newman
- Pedro Campuzano‐Jost
- Peter N. Blossey
- Peter R. Colarco
- Petros Bogiatzis
- Philipp Griewank
- Philippe Lognonné
- Quancheng Huang
- R. Commane
- Rachele Lodi
- Richard J. Walker
- Robert Mulvaney
- Roel Neggers
- Ross Maguire
- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
- S. Karunatillake
- S. Tharimena
- S. Vance
- Sabine Eckhardt
- Samuel R. Hall
- Sandrine Bony
- Scott M. McLennan
- Shunguo Wang
- Silvia Bucci
- Simon C. Stähler
- Simone Tilmes
- Siyuan Wang
- Steven C. Wofsy
- Steven Constable
- Susanna Winkelbauer
- T. B. Ryerson
- Thijs Heus
- Thomas Opel
- Tilman Spohn
- Tom Pike
- Vincent Noël
- Z. Benkhaldoun
- É. Stutzmann