Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
flowchart I[Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (543)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (77)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique
- Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Section de Physique
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Fractal Dimension of Combustion Particles by in-situ Atomic Force Microscopy
- Understanding the Trends of Atmospheric Methane in the Past Decade
- Laboratory Observation of Fast Collisionless Reconnection<SUP>*</SUP>
- Potential of Observations From the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer to Constrain Regional Sources of Carbon Monoxide
- The Atmospheric Boundary Layer at the Aletsch Glacier (3600 m - Switzerland)
- Characterizing Model Errors for Inverse Modelling of Atmospheric Trace Gases
- Computing Granular Avalanches Over Complex Topography
- Dramatical Impact Of Low Amounts of Swelling Clays On The Rheology Of Alpine Debris Flows
- Experimental Investigation of Gravity-Driven Particle Flows in a Turbulent Stream
- Hydraulic Properties of Deformable Structured Soils
- LIDAR Observations of the Vertical Ozone and Aerosol Distribution over Mexico City during the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign
- Role And Behaviour Of Clay Minerals In Alpine Debris Flows
- A new generation high resolution lidar for atmospheric water vapor and temperature measurements in the lower atmosphere
- Correspondence Principle Between Spherical and Euclidean Wavelets, and Fast Directional Correlation on the Sphere With Steerable Filters
- Flux Ropes evolution: a comparison of simulations, experiments and observations.
- Isotopic Signature of Carbon Dioxide Efflux as Affected by Vegetation Recovery in Peatland.
- Large Eddy Simulation of the diurnal cycle of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Measured and Modeled Rainfall Induced Soil Erosion under Varying Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions
- Model Parameter Variability for Enhanced Anaerobic Bioremediation of DNAPL Source Zones
- Modeling Microbial Growth Dynamics, Patterns, and Coexistence on Partially Saturated Rough Surfaces
- On the parameterization of surface roughness at regional scales
- Parameter and Process Significance in Mechanistic Modeling of Cellulose Hydrolysis
- Snow-Atmosphere Interaction in the Swiss Alps
- Tapping the Information Content in Rainfall-Runoff Data by Partitioning With Regression Trees
- A Global Modeling Study of the Year-to-year Variations in Tropospheric Ozone
- A Raman Lidar system to measure water vapor and temperature in the atmospheric boundary Layer
- Bioenhanced Dissolution of PCE from DNAPL Pools: Large Tank Experiments
- Content Based Image Matching for Planetary Science
- Continuous distributed stream temperature observations along fiber-optic cables for watershed characterization
- Effectiveness of U(VI) Bioremediation by DMRB in Dual Porosity Soils Explored via Numerical Modeling
- Factors Influencing TCE Anaerobic Dechlorination Investigated via Simulations of Microcosm Experiments
- Infiltration and Ponding
- Lake-Atmosphere Turbulent EXchanges (LATEX) field measurement campaign
- Large Eddy Simulation and Field Experiments of Pollen Transport in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Measured and Modeled Rainfall-Induced Soil Erosion Rates and Sediment Composition
- SNOHATS: Stratified atmospheric turbulence over snow surfaces
- Sensorcope: A Urban Environmental Monitoring Network
- Structural Chemistry of Cation-Doped Bacteriogenic UO2
- Surface Energy Balance of Snow in High Alpine Environment
- Thermodynamical and Hydrological Discontinuities in Polythermal Glaciers
- Viscoplastic flows
- A Temperature and Water Vapor Scanning Raman Lidar for Observation of Land-Atmosphere Interaction
- Air entry-based characteristic length improves permeability estimates for compacted earth materials
- Comprehensive Model for Enhanced Biodegradation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater
- Critical Hydrologic and Atmospheric Measurements in Complex Alpine Regions
- Drainage Experiments in Heterogeneous Sand Columns With Different Geometric Structures
- Environmental Monitoring in a Box
- In-Situ Quantification of Methanotrophic Activity in a Landfill Cover Soil Using Gas Push-Pull Tests
- New Perturbation Solution for Tidal Water Table Fluctuations in Unconfined Aquifers with Sloping Beaches
- Observations and Processes Near the Snow-Air Interface: Insights Gained from New and Comparative Sensor Systems in View of Snow Surface Energy Balance Closure
- Observations of Evaporation with a New-Generation Raman Lidar
- Permeability, anisotropy and tortuosity measurements of pumices using X-ray computed microtomography
- Soil Moisture Patterns and the Lower Atmosphere During the LUCE Measurement Campaign, Switzerland
- Some Recent Advances in Hydrologic and Atmospheric Sensor Technology
- Structural Chemistry of Cation-Reacted Bacteriogenic UO2
- Surface Hoar Formation in Complex Terrain
- Swiss Experiment: a New Environmental Monitoring Platform in Alpine Environment
- Tracking the Evolution of Sea Ice Properties With In-Situ Dielectric Probes and Cross- borehole Resistivity Tomography
- pH Control for Effective Anaerobic Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents
- Anthropogenic Deforestation and its Effect on the Carbon Cycle of Europe Over the Past Three Millennia
- Changes in Summertime Surface Ozone during the Last Decade over Europe
- Effect of Mineral Reactions on the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soils: Model Development and Application
- Inferences from a catchment-scale tracer circulation experiment
- Lake-atmosphere exchanges: the LATEX field experimental campaign
- Microwave Links as Path-Average Rainfall Sensors: Uncertainties Associated With Space- Time Variability
- Molecular- and Nano-Scale Structure and Reactivity of Biogenic Uranium(IV) Oxide
- Observed and Modeled Decadal Trends in Ozone Concentrations at Northern mid- Latitudes
- Optimization of buffer injection for the effective bioremediation of chlorinated solvents in aquifers
- Parameter Sensitivity and Laboratory Benchmarking of a Biogeochemical Process Model for Enhanced Anaerobic Dechlorination
- Raman lidar measurements of temperature and humidity Internal boundary layer profiles over Lake Seedorf, Switzerland
- Simulation of 2D Fields of Raindrop Size Distributions
- Stable Isotope Constraints of Atmospheric Methane Budgets
- Studying Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Rainfall in an Alpine Environment.
- The impact of Humidity Fluctuations on Sensible Heat Fluxes Measured with Scintillometers
- Automated Raman lidar for day and night operational observation of water vapor for meteorological applications
- Carbon, oxygen and nitrogen dynamics in a soil profile: Model development and application
- Composition and stability of U(IV) phases at Rifle, CO (Invited)
- Evolution of the oxidative capacity of the troposphere since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing of Snow
- Field-scale modeling of acidity production and remediation efficiency during in situ reductive dechlorination
- Generic Procedure for Coupling the PHREEQC Geochemical Modeling Framework with Flow and Solute Transport Simulators
- Heat and Water Vapor Fluxes Over a Lake: a LES and Field Campaign Investigation
- Hydrologic drivers of tree biodiversity: The impact of climate change (Invited)
- Impact of Multiple Environmental Stresses on Wetland Vegetation Dynamics
- Improved understanding of the relationship between hydraulic properties and streaming potentials
- Large-Eddy Simulations of the Convective Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces
- Long open-path TDL based system for monitoring the background concentration for deployment at Jungfraujoch High Altitude Research Station- Switzerland
- Mechanisms of Biogenic Uraninite Corrosion in Groundwater at the Rifle IFRC site
- Modeling groundwater and benzene discharge to a river from an alluvial aquifer subject to strong interactions with surface water (Invited)
- Numerical simulation of sediment transport, wave motion and its interaction with groundwater flow in coastal aquifers
- Of geographic ranges of freshwater fish in river basins (and other ecohydrological patterns) (Invited)
- On the characterization of anthropogenic streamflow regime alterations: the case of the Piave river basin
- One-Dimensional Hairsine-Rose Erosion Model: Parameter Consistency in the Presence of Rainfall Splash
- Sensitivity of Oxygen Isotopes of Sulfate in Ice Cores to Past Changes in Atmospheric Oxidant Concentrations
- Spreading of Cholera through Surface Water
- The Effect of Mountain Topography on Local Atmospheric Flows (Invited)
- The effect of scale on the applicability of Taylor’s hypothesis (Invited)
- Very high spatial and temporal lidar for moisture and temperature monitoring
- A Field Comparison of Laser Hygrometers Over Snow
- A stochastic simulator of intermittent 2d fields of raindrop size distributions
- Analysis of carbon and nitrogen turnover in riparian soils undergoing restoration
- Atmospheric stability effects on turbulent flow over a steep 2-D hill
- Bedforms and sediment transport of steep-slope streams: an experimental study
- Climatic and landscape controls on inter-annual variability of water balance and vegetation water use: a stochastic approach
- Coupled dynamics of the co-evolution of surface roughness, shear stress and sediment flux in an experimental flume
- Distributed landsurface skin temperature sensing in Swiss Alps
- Drivers and Controls of the Zebra Mussel Invasion of the Mississippi-Missouri River System
- Ecohydrological streamflow distributions and hydraulic food chain models
- Effect of stone coverage on soil erosion
- Effects of wave and tidal forcing on conservative contaminant transport in coastal aquifers
- Enhanced Snow Sublimation by Wind-induced Pressure Changes
- Evaporation over a Heterogeneous Mixed Savanna-Agricultural Catchment using a Distributed Wireless Sensor Network
- Experimental study of wind turbine wakes in a convective boundary layer
- Extreme events in total ozone on global scale
- Flow Separation and Morphology in Sharp Meander Bends
- Heated optical fiber to measure soil moisture
- Human Mobility Patterns and Cholera Epidemics: a Spatially Explicit Modeling Approach
- Hydroclimatology of Dual Peak Cholera Incidence in Bengal Region: Inferences from a Spatial Explicit Model
- Hydrologic controls on the development of equilibrium soil depths
- Hydrologic studies at the savanna-agriculture interface in Burkina Faso (Invited)
- Impact of Landscape Topology and Spatial Heterogeneity on the Shape and Parameters of Dispersal Kernels (Invited)
- Influence of physical factors and geochemical conditions on groundwater acidification during enhanced reductive dechlorination
- Large Eddy Simulation and Snow Transport over three-dimensional topography
- Large Eddy Simulation study of fully developed thermal wind-turbine array boundary layers
- Long-term changes and trends in total ozone over the northern mid-latitudes: Influence of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry and contribution from extreme events
- On Spatially Explicit Models of Cholera Epidemics: Hydrologic controls, environmental drivers, human-mediated transmissions (Invited)
- On the sensitivity of the terrestrial biosphere to human-induced soil degradation over the Holocene, with implications for earth system modeling
- Particle Scale Studies Experimental and Computational Studies on the Effects of Turbulence Statistics and Bed Variability on Particle Entrainment and Transport
- Potential Impacts of Precipitation Change on Large-Scale Patterns of Tree Diversity
- River networks as ecological corridors for species, populations and pathogens of water-borne disease (Invited)
- Spatially distributed hydrologic response in a small catchment in the Swiss Alps
- Stochastic modeling of soil salinity
- Streaming potential monitoring and modeling of drainage and imbibition: column and lysimeter experiments
- Swiss Experiment: Design, implemention and use of a cross-disciplinary infrastructure for data intensive science
- Terrain forcing and thermal winds in a mountain pass
- The Effect of Energy Flux Partitioning on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height
- The Impact of Dynamic Lapse Rates and Geostastistical Interpolation in Hydrological Modeling: An Application in the Swiss Alps
- The Influence of Climate on Wetland Methane Emissions
- The Role Of The Aquatic Reservoir In Long-Term Cholera Dynamics
- The role of winter temperatures and polar amplification during peak Interglacial warming
- Thermal circulation patterns and turbulent fluxes along steep mountain slopes
- Travel time distributions, soil moisture dynamics and the old water paradox
- Turbulence-induced pressure fluctuations in snow and their effect on heat and moisture transport
- Turbulent flow within vegetated areas: interaction of spatial scales
- Variability of the raindrop size distribution at small spatial scales
- Whole-sediment speciation of U(IV) in acetate-bioreduced aquifer sediments at the Rifle, CO, IFRC site
- Wind sheltering of lakes and wetlands: the effect of stability on turbulent canopy wakes and evaporation
- A method for obtaining distributed surface flux measurements in complex terrain
- A spatially explicit model for the future progression of the current Haiti cholera epidemic
- Active Distribute Temperature Sensing to Estimate Vertical Water Content Variations in a Loamy-Sandy Soil
- Afm Measrurements of Martian Soil Particles Using Mems Technology - Results from the PHOENIX Mission
- An intercomparison of subgrid models for large eddy simulation of katabatic flows
- Bayesian-inversion adjusted methane fluxes in Colombia and Panama
- Benchmarking transient paleoclimate simulations: comparisons with terrestrial datasets
- Catchment travel and residence time distributions: a theoretical framework for solute transport modeling
- Convective and nonconvective rainfall partitioning over a mixed Sudanian Savanna Agriculture Catchment: Use of a distributed sensor network
- Ecomorphodynamic modeling of river anabranching patterns
- Effect of heterogeneity on enhanced reductive dechlorination: Analysis of remediation efficiency and groundwater acidification
- Effect of wakes on land-atmosphere fluxes
- Equating minimalist snowmelt and runoff generation models via validation with a wireless weather station network
- Estimating advection for water vapor transport and the surface energy balance
- Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing of alpine snowpacks
- Flow during the evening transition over steep alpine slopes
- Geomorphological characterization of endorheic basins in northern Chile
- Hydrologic drivers and controls of stream biofilm-grazer interactions
- Hydrological monitoring and modeling of an alpine catchment
- Impacts of 3D wave and tidal forcing on nearshore hydrodynamics
- Information, uncertainty and surprise in discharge measurements obtained by salt dilution method in an Alpine watershed
- LES study of scalar transport in wind farms: Do wind turbine wakes increase or decrease surface fluxes?
- Leaching of biocides from building facades: Upscaling of a local two-region leaching model to the city scale
- Measurement and modeling of Vidy Bay (Lake Geneva) hydrodynamics
- Metabolic principles of river basin organization
- Methane in the Amazon: A forward and inverse regional modeling approach
- On the relationship between extreme and mean values in total ozone and atmospheric dynamics and volcanic eruptions at mid-latitudes
- Pre- and Post-Columbian Land Cover Changes and Associated Climate Impacts
- Progress in understanding U(IV) products of biological uranium reduction in the Old Rifle, CO aquifer
- Progress in understanding uranium(IV) speciation and dynamics in biologically reduced sediments: Research at molecular to centimeter scales by the SLAC SFA program
- Quantification of the small-scale spatial structure of the raindrop size distribution from a network of disdrometers
- Soil erosion transport through multiple rainfall events in the presence of stone cover: Laboratory flume experiments and analysis with the Hairsine-Rose model
- Soil mapping using electro-magnetic methods: development of a unified constitutive model
- Speciation of uranium in biologically reduced sediments during iron and sulfate reduction in the Old Rifle Aquifer
- Stochastic Generation of Wind Patterns over Lake Geneva
- Structure and Controls of the Global Virtual Water Trade Network
- The biogeodynamics of microbial landscapes
- The equable climate problem during Interglacial warming
- The role of spatially variable terrain slope and compaction processes on snow avalanche occurrence statistics
- Tide-induced surface water and groundwater interactions in coastal wetlands
- Time Resolved Thermal Diffusivity of Seasonal Snow Determined from Inexpensive, Easily-Implemented Temperature Measurements
- Vertical profiles of X-band polarimetric radar variables and microphysics in snowfall
- Water for food: The global virtual water trade network
- Wind-Induced Pressure Perturbations in Alpine Snow
- A Lagrangian Scale-Dependent Large Eddy Simulation of Katabatic Flows
- A novel spatially-explicit condition for the onset of waterborne diseases in complex environments
- Above- and below-ground aspects of flow, sediment and vegetation interactions and timescales in alluvial rivers
- Animations and modeling of the 2012 slow slip event beneath southern Mexico and the accompanying 20 March 2012 Mw=7.4 Ometepec earthquake
- Atmospheric controls on methane emissions from a subarctic bog in northern Quebec, Canada, using an open-path eddy covariance system
- Balancing model complexity and measurements in hydrology
- Challenges in global modeling of wetland extent and wetland methane dynamics
- Characterisation of dispersion mechanisms in an urban catchment using a deterministic spatially distributed direct hydrograph travel time model
- Comparison of pointwise and regional statistical approaches to detect non stationarity in extreme rainfall events. Application to the Sahelian region
- Cross-shore transport pathways between coastal aquifers and coastal seas: Archetype of a nearshore variable-density contaminant plume
- Deciding Under Uncertainty vs. Reducing Uncertainty by Observations: the Optimal Observation Problem
- Dynamics of Slip Fronts at Frictional Interfaces: Analysis of Slip Precursors
- Early Anthropogenic Transformation of the Danube-Black Sea System
- Estimation of residence time in a shallow lacustrine embayment
- Evaporation and diurnal base flows for ephemeral stream in the Soudano-sahelian zone, Burkina Faso
- Experimental determination of vertical uprooting resistance for grass species used in flume experiments
- Extreme rainfall distribution mapping: Comparison of two approaches in West Africa
- From forest to farmland and moraine to meadow: Integrated modeling of Holocene land cover change
- Hydroclimatology of Dual-Peak Annual Cholera Incidence: Insights from a Spatially Explicit Model
- Hydrologic Activity of Deciduous Agroforestry Tree : Observed through Monitoring of Stable Isotopes in Stem Water, Solar Radiation Attenuation, and Sapflow
- Hydrologic variability enhances stream biofilm grazing by invertebrates
- Impact of climate change on runoff pollution in urban environments
- Influence of beach grain size and bed slope on nearshore hydro- and morpho-dynamics
- Interannual turbulence variability with seasonal snow
- Laboratory-Scale Dam-Break Study of Gravity Currents with Basal Entrainment: PIV Measurements of a Viscous Newtonian Fluid over a Horizontal Bed of the same fluid showing Erosion and Deposition
- Land-atmosphere interactions in the West African Savanna
- Natural and anthropogenic variations in methane sources during the past two millennia
- New approaches for the determination of the roughness lengths for momentum, heat and water vapor over water surfaces
- Non-Stationary Hydrologic Transport in the Vadose Zone: Experimental Results of Multiple Tracer Injections in Lysimeters
- Numerical and experimental quantification of snow albedo reduction due to black carbon impurities for various snow types
- Numerical modeling of field scale application of ground silicate minerals for groundwater pH buffering
- Open Support Platform for Environmental Research (OSPER) - tools for the discovery and exploitation of environmental data
- Quantification of Environmental Proxy Precision
- Rainfall-driven epidemic cholera: hydrologic controls on water-borne disease and multi-season projections
- Scaling and universality in microbial size spectra
- Scaling atmospheric boundary layer separation in the wake of heterogeneous canopies
- Searching for large scale structures over Lake Geneva using Wind-Lidars
- Secondary flow features and associated changes in surface exchange over a patchy mountain snow cover
- Sensitivity Analysis of Distributed Soil Moisture Profiles by Active Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Sensitivity of the oxidative capacity of the troposphere since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Snowflake classification using a 2D video-disdrometer
- Soil erosion dynamics through multiple rainfall events
- Spatial Variability of alpine snowfall and snow accumulation from radar and lidar data
- Spatial variability of near surface soil moisture in an alpine catchment: application of a wireless network of meteorological stations
- Spatially explicit models, generalized reproduction numbers and the prediction of patterns of waterborne disease
- Statistical distribution of pioneer vegetation: the role of local stream power
- Steep slope flow observations during the morning transition in a narrow alpine valley
- Temporal dynamics of blue and green virtual water trade networks
- The climate of the Northern Hemisphere extra-tropics during the Holocene reconstructed from pollen data
- The influence of sea ice extent variability on the Greenland surface mass and energy balance
- The time-variant nature of catchment travel time pdf's: implications for the intepretation of hydro-chemical signals
- Thermal stability effects on the separated flow over a steep 2-D hill
- Turbulent flow and scalar transport in a large wind farm
- Uncertainty and Reliability of Snow Depth Measurements
- Understanding Uranium Behavior in a Reduced Aquifer
- Using light, gas, and pressure to quantify distributed snowpack temperature and interstitial flow dynamics
- Variability of winter storminess in the eastern United States during the 20th century from tide gauges
- A Large Eddy Simulation Study for upstream wind energy conditioning
- Age mixing and travel time distributions: from convection-dispersion models to catchment scales
- An Information Theory Perspective on Uncertainty Quantification and Bayes Law (Invited)
- An analytical canopy-type model for wind farm-atmosphere interaction
- Analysis of surface drag over Antarctic sea ice from combined analyses of High-Resolution measurements from Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Large Eddy Simulations
- Analytic Probability Distributions for Snow Dominated Low Flow
- Approximate solution of the probability density function of bedload transport rate over multiple time scales
- Balancing power production and instream flow regime for small scale hydropower
- Bedform migration in steep channels: from local avalanches to large scale changes
- Burst, background, and triggered low-frequency earthquakes and non-volcanic tremors
- Canopy-wake dynamics: the failure of the constant flux layer
- Characterizing River Flow Regimes and Their Response to Hydro-Climatic Fluctuations
- Comparing large eddy simulations and measurements of the turbulent kinetic energy budget in an urban canopy layer
- Composition and Pressure Effects on Partitioning of Iron in the Lower Mantle
- Contradictory cooling in a warmer world? the climate of the Mediterranean region during the ';Holocene Thermal Maximum'
- Core Forensics: Earth's Accretion and Differentiation
- Deformation mechanisms and rheology of serpentines in experiments and in nature
- Development and Characteristics of a Mobile, Semi-Autonomous Floating Platform for in situ Lake Measurements
- Disentangling habitat capacity from dendritic connectivity in river-like landscapes
- Effects of the shape of the hydrograph and unsteadiness on flow properties and hysteresis in open channel flow
- Experimental Investigation of the Energy-Balance of an Alpine Catchment
- Experimental response of Salix cuttings to sudden water table changing dynamics
- Extent of slow slip events in the Guerrero seismic gap (Mexico): observations from space-borne SAR interferometry
- Fluvial network imprints on microbial diversity and community network topology
- Geomorphic Signatures on Brutsaert Base Flow Recession Analysis: case study of 27 Swiss Catchments
- Holocene pollen records from the northern mid-latitudes: syntheses, spatial patterns and gradients (Invited)
- Hydrologic controls on basin-scale distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates
- Hydrometeor classification using data mining techniques and polarimetric radar observations
- Identifying Erosion Time scales from the Hairsine-Rose Soil Erosion Model (Invited)
- Investigating the intermittency of turbulence in the stable atmospheric boundary layer - a field data and stochastic modeling approach
- Investigating the low-frequency earthquake and non-volcanic tremor system
- Katabatic flows over steep alpine slopes covered with short vegetation
- LES modeling of wind over Antarctic snow-ice formations using a dynamic surface roughness approach
- Mean, fluctuations and predictability in biological dispersal
- Non-stationarity in intermittent rainfall: the 'dry drift'
- Objective Functions for Information-Content-Based Optimal Monitoring Network Design
- Observation of Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes Over a Mixed Savanna - Agricultural Catchment in the Semi-Arid Sudanian Savanna, Burkina Faso
- Quasi-static versus dynamic triggering of fault slip
- Record-setting forest stress in the Rocky Mountains caused by low snowfall and high potential evapotranspiration, consistent with expected future conditions (Invited)
- Rheology of phase A at high pressure and high temperature
- Role of visco-elastic rheologies in the persistence of heterogeneous stress distributions in dynamic rupture models
- Separating local topography from snow effects on momentum roughness in mountain regions
- Soil Water Retention Curves and Their Impact on Evaporation
- Spatial Structure of Turbulent Heat Exchange at the Snow-Atmosphere Interface Inferred from Time-sequential Infrared Thermography
- Spatially explicit modelling of cholera epidemics
- Submicron aerosol organic functional groups, ions, and water content at the Centreville SEARCH site (Alabama), during SOAS campaign
- The impacts of land cover change to savannah on the convective rainfall in the southeastern Burkina Faso
- Three issues on spatial scaling in hydrological processes (Invited)
- Threshold modeling of extreme spatial rainfall
- To which extent do Scleractinian coral recruits control the early stages of their biomineralization?
- Tomography-based numerical calculation of snow albedo reduction due to light absorbing impurities for various characteristic snow types
- Tracer breakthrough curves in a complex lysimeter system: evidence of non-stationary transport
- Turbulent flow over a surface-mounted 2-D block in thermally-stratified boundary layers
- Vegetation establishment in convectively accelerated streams
- a New Model for Biomineralization and Trace-Element Signatures of Foraminifera Tests
- 3D mapping of chemical distribution from melting at lower mantle conditions in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell
- A Deep Moho in "Small Planet" Vesta and Implication Regarding the Chondritic Nature of Protoplanets
- A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
- A Large Eddy Simulation to determine the effect of trees on wind and turbulence over a suburban surface
- An Implentation Methodology for Integrated Resource Management in Urban Water Planning
- Bedload transport flux fluctuations over a wide range of time scales
- Biomineralization in Newly Settled Recruits of the Scleractinian Coral Pocillopora damicornis
- Can Suspended Iron-Alloy Droplets Explain the Origin, Composition and Properties of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces?
- Canopy wake measurements using multiple scanning wind LiDARs
- Complex Effects of Alumina/Silica on Ferric/Ferrous Iron in Earth's Lower Mantle
- Controls on diurnal streamflow cycles in a high altitude catchment in the Swiss Alps
- Damage In Rock Massives, Evidences From Microseismic Monitoring and Numerical Modelling
- Deformation of Lawsonite at High Pressure and High Temperature - Implications for Low Velocity Layers in Subduction Zones
- Discrepancies between two measurements and two model approaches for liquid water flow in snow
- Dynamic hydro-climatic networks in pristine and regulated rivers
- Estimating Stream Surface Flow Velocities from Video Clips
- Evaluation and Advancement of Similarity Scalings for a Steep Alpine Slope
- Flow and Temperature Dynamics in the Hydrologic Response: Travel Time Formulation and Application to Alpine Catchments
- Functional Group Composition of Semivolatile Compounds Present in Submicron Organic Aerosol
- Gravel Particles Entrainment and Deposition under Unsteady Flow Conditions
- High Contribution of Gallery Forests to Local Evaporation in Semi-Arid Burkina Faso
- How physical process knowledge adds information to predictions; an Algorithmic Information Theory perspective
- Hydrological Dynamics, Fire History and Carbon Accumulation in the Last Millennium in Western Siberia Reconstructed from a High Resolution Ombrotrophic Peat Archive
- Impact of Water Retention Curves on Evaporation Under Diurnal Atmospheric Forcing
- Implementation of a 1D k-ɛ model for studying the vertical mixing in Comau fjord, Chile
- Interpolation of the raindrop size distribution over a GPM-pixel-sized region.
- Iron Partitioning in the Lower Mantle: New Experimental Data from Al-Enriched Olivine
- LES of large wind farm during a diurnal cycle: Analysis of Energy and Scalar flux budgets
- Land Cover Signature on the Convective Rainfall Mechanism over a Sudanian Savannah Basin, Tambarga, Burkina Faso.
- Linking tracers and travel time distributions: the emergence of age mixing patterns
- Measuring Wind Ventilation of Dense Surface Snow
- Non-stationarity of solute travel time distribution observed in a controlled hydrologic transport volume
- On Spatially Explicit Models of Epidemic and Endemic Cholera: The Haiti and Lake Kivu Case Studies.
- Parameter estimation and data assimilation with the Community Land Model (CLM) to upscale net CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from plot to catchment scale
- Prediction Of Organic Aerosol Volatility And Unidentified Functional Group Concentrations From Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy Measurements
- Reconciling Measured and Modeled Distributed Snowpack Temperatures and Subsurface Heat Fluxes
- Role of Educational Strategies for Human Resources in Green Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance
- Snow distribution on Antarctic sea ice: precipitation, accumulation, and connections to sea ice thickness from in situ and NASA IceBridge observations.
- Spatially-resolved mean flow and turbulence help explain observed erosion and deposition patterns of snow over Antarctic sea ice
- Subsurface sediment mobilization and active pockmarks from sublacustrine ground-water seepage
- Surface heat flux variability of a large lake: Lake Geneva, Switzerland
- The Signature of Hillslope Aspects on the Hydrologic Response of Snow-Covered Catchments
- The characteristic averaging time for the surface-layer fluxes
- Theoretical Framework for the Assessment of Uncertainties in Snow Depth Measurements
- Time-scale bias in evidence for anthropogenic acceleration of soil erosion and floodplain accretion
- Titanium and oxygen isotope diffusion in quartz-phenocrysts from a Jurassic rhyolite, Chon Aike Province (Fitz Roy, Patagonia)
- Towards a Proactive Risk Mitigation Strategy at La Fossa Volcano, Vulcano Island
- Typical near surface layer current patterns in Lake Geneva's main basin (Grand Lac)
- Unstable Pore-Water Flow in Intertidal Wetlands
- 3D modeling of fault reactivation during CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection
- 3D analytical investigation of melting at lower mantle conditions in the laser-heated diamond anvil cel
- A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
- A Multiscale Surface Water Temperature Data Acquisition Platform: Tests on Lake Geneva, Switzerland
- Benthic biofilm structure controls the deposition-resuspension dynamics of fine clay particles
- Buoyant Turbulence Kinetic Energy (TKE) Production in Katabatic Flow Despite Stable Thermal Stratification
- Complex turbulent flow in the atmospheric boundary layer: Lab and field measurements of embedded canopy wakes
- Distributed Sensible Heat Flux Measurements for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Do primary marine aerosol organics play a role in the biological regulation of climate?
- Estimating the Duration of Short Igneous Events using Diffusion Chronometry and Contact Metamorphism
- Estimation of Ecosystem Parameters of the Community Land Model with DREAM: Evaluation of the Potential for Upscaling Net Ecosystem Exchange
- Exploring New Phenomena in Salty Water Under Planetary Conditions
- Failure Criterion of Rock with Multiple Friction Angles
- Improving the global efficiency in small hydropower practice
- Iron Partitioning and Oxidation State in Earth's Lower Mantle
- Iron-carbonate interaction at Earth's core-mantle boundary
- Meteorological and Aerosol effects on Marine Cloud Microphysical Properties
- Multiscale Analysis of the Water Content Output the NWP Model COSMO Over Switzerland and Comparison With Radar Data
- Optimization of Drip Irrigation in Sahel Regions by Means of Evolving Soil Matric Potential Thresholds
- Random River Fluctuations Shape the Root Profile of Riparian Plants
- Seasonal Spatial Patterns of Surface Water Temperature, Surface Heat Fluxes and Meteorological Forcing Over Lake Geneva
- Spatio-temporal Snowmelt Dynamics and Hydrological Response in an Alpine Catchment
- The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO): Building on orbital imaging from MRO and Mars Express
- A Laboratory Study on the Impact of Hydrograph Unsteadiness on the Morphodynamics of a Gravel-Bed Channel
- Dilatancy around the brittle to ductile transition in continental and oceanic crusts: Implication for high enthalpy geothermal reservoir.
- Fine sediment trapping in river lateral cavities
- Hybrid modelling of bed-discordant river confluences
- Hydrogen-bond symmetrization in methane and hydrogen hydrates in the Mbar range
- Ice Crystallization from Amorphous Salt Solutions at Gigabar Pressures
- Intermediate Stress and Failure of Sedimentary Rock
- Interpretation of Radar Sounder MARSIS Data from Lucus Planum, Mars: A Complex Geological Setting.
- Measurements of turbulent boundary layer flow and surface fluxes over roughness and temperature transitions
- Observations of snow cover processes on Antarctic sea ice from in-situ and model studies.
- On the frictional (in) stability of clay-bearing faults
- Source apportionment of particulate organic matter using infrared spectra at multiple IMPROVE sites
- Spin and Valence Dependence of Iron Partitioning in Earth's Deep Mantle
- The Role of Preferential Flow in Modeling Liquid Water Transport and Ice Layer Formation in layered Snow Covers.
- Thermal Variability in Gravel Bars and its Potential Consequences for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Evasion from Alpine Coldwater Streams
- A New Approach to Look at the Electrical Conductivity of Streamflow: Decomposing a Bulk Signal to Recover Individual Solute Concentrations at High-Frequency
- A Statistical Tool for Examining Heat Waves and Other Extreme Phenomena Arising from Multiple Factors
- A volatile topic: Parsing out the details of Earth's formation through experimental metal-silicate partitioning of volatile and moderately volatile elements
- Earlier Snowmelt Changes the Ratio Between Early and Late Season Forest Productivity
- Effects of trees on momentum exchange within and above a real urban environment
- Extraterrestrial diamond inclusions reveal a Mars-sized planet
- First Evaluation of Rainfall Derived from Commercial Microwave Links in São Paulo, Brazil
- Increases to Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols from SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in the Southeastern US
- Large eddy simulation modeling of particle-laden flows in complex terrain
- Methylarsenic Sorption to Mackinawite (FeS) and Implications for Methylarsenic Mobility in Wetland Environments
- Morphological processes in permeable sediment traps with check dams
- Optimality and self-organization in river deltas
- Preferential Deposition of Snow in Mountains Revisited
- Rivers of Carbon: Carbon Fluxes in a Watershed Context
- Snow depth retrieval from L-band satellite measurements on Arctic and Antarctic sea ice
- The capacity of radar, crowdsourced personal weather stations and commercial microwave links to monitor small scale urban rainfall
- Timecale of the surface flux transitions in response to a solar eclipse
- Using High-Altitude Pseudo Satellites as an innovative technology platform for climate measurements
- Wind Tunnel Experiments: Influence of Erosion and Deposition on Wind-Packing of New Snow
- `Surface-Layer' momentum fluxes in nocturnal slope flows over steep terrain
- 2017 SSE in Guerrero Interacts with Forearc Crustal Faults, Major Earthquakes and SSE in Oaxaca, Mexico
- A New State-of-the-art Apparatus to Study Earthquake Nucleation and Propagation: HighSTEPS
- Active Acoustic Monitoring of Laboratory Hydraulic Fracture Growth under Triaxial Confinement
- Can Organic Coatings Limit Water Uptake by Aerosol Particles?
- Cohesion-induced enhancement of aeolian saltation
- Estimates of Surface and Drifting/Blowing Snow Sublimation on Antarctica based on new Year-Round Measurements of Snow Transport and Advanced Modelling
- Evaluation of Ionospheric D region Parameter Using Simultaneously Measured Lightning Current and 380-km Distant Electric Field
- Fault reactivation in thick fault zones: a laboratory perspective
- Field characterization of the negatively buoyant inflow of the Rhône River into Lake Geneva
- Frictional strength and permeability variations of Opalinus Clay during shear deformation
- Heat vs. dryness influence on photosynthesis assessed using solar-induced fluorescence
- Hydrometeor classification: variability at the radar sampling volume scale
- Isotope Fractionation of <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U during Mobilization of Non-Crystalline U(IV) by Complexation with Organic Ligands
- Large wind farms can destroy stratocumulus clouds - evidence from large eddy simulations
- Local Snow Transport and Surface Evolution Processes in East Antarctica
- On the impact of geomorphology and evolving temperatures on mountain species: a minimalistic metapopulation approach
- Propagation of a planar hydraulic fracture perpendicular to the isotropy plane of a transversely isotropic material
- Scaling of Dissolved Organic Carbon Removal in River Networks
- The Interactions Between Plant Hydrodynamics and Soil Water Sources at Controlled and Natural Environments
- Thermohaline Flow in Seawater Intrusion in Shallow Coastal Aquifers
- Towards improved travel time estimates that account for interfaces in the hydrological cycle
- Urban rainfall monitoring with opportunistic sensing: accuracy of personal weather stations and commercial microwave links in describing small scale rainfall
- A Reassessment of the Geochemical and Isotopic Fidelity of Biogenic Carbonates
- A filled ice methane hydrate stable up to 1.5 Mbar
- BIFoR - Combining sensor network innovations with adaptive modelling approaches for identifying non-linear dynamics in hydrological and biogeochemical responses to global environmental change at the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
- Detailed simulations of spatial snow accumulation patterns and near surface snow properties in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
- Earthquake reactivation and seismic slip in presence of viscous fluids
- Ecohydrology in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: A Convergence of Opportunities for Global Sustainability and Social Justice and Equity
- Evidence of secondary ice production in orographic mixed-phase clouds: An observational and modelling study
- Fast methane diffusion at the interface of two clathrate structures
- Fault Stability across the Brittle-Plastic Transition
- From aseismic to seismic slip during fluid pressure oscillations on laboratory fault
- How well do we understand the influence of drifting and blowing snow in extreme environments?
- Improved methodologies for modelling atmospheric soluble iron and observation comparisons using the Mechanism of Intermediate complexity for Modelling Iron (MIMI v.1.0) and the impact on ocean biogeochemistry.
- Improving Active Remote Sensing of Snow Through the Use of Multiple Frequencies, In-Situ Data and Neural Networks
- In a Warming World, Is Snowmelt Rate Slower or Faster?
- Local Radiation Maxima in Snow-Covered Mountains and its Influence on PV Winter Production
- Melting relations and silicate melt evolution in Earth's lower mantle
- Meteorological conditions during self-initiated upward lightning at the Säntis tower (Switzerland)
- Methane Emissions across Aquatic Ecosystems - From Headwater Streams to the Open Ocean
- Organic functional group composition and OM/OC ratios in the IMPROVE monitoring networ
- PROSNOW: a new prediction system for the management and optimization of snow in Alpine ski resorts
- Plant Water Status and Source Water Partitioning: A Combined Analysis of Plant Hydraulics, Root Distribution, Isotopic Dynamics, and Soil Matric Potential
- Predicting mean molecular weight and carbon number of organic particulate matter in monitoring network samples using aliphatic C-H absorbances
- Pulses in Upward Negative Lightning at the Säntis Tower in Northeastern Switzerland
- Quantifying Organic Matter and Functional Groups in Aerosol Filter Samples from the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization (SEARCH) Network
- Quantitative tracing of precipitation in the critical zone: The Spike II experiment
- Revisiting impacts of MJO on soil moisture: a causality perspective
- Secondary Ice Production in Arctic Stratocumulus: a Process Neglected in Large-Scale Models
- Source Identification using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) Network
- Taking the plunge: the limited control of flow magnitude on step-pool morphology
- The Sensitivity of Clouds to Aerosols: Using a Model Parameterization to Interpret Airborne Observations from NAAMES and Recent Campaigns
- The State of Acidity in the Atmosphere: Particles and Clouds
- The modern analogue of a Cretaceous coral with a calcite skeleton
- Thermodynamics in the system Fe-Si-O up to 350 GPa
- Towards a single filter, single analytical method speciated PM monitoring network
- Aquatic Ecosystems are the Most Uncertain but Potentially Largest Source of Methane on Earth
- Bare surface friction from low to high velocities and from low to high normal stresses
- Brittle faulting induced by pore fluid pressure increase in ductile rock mass
- CCN over the Southern Ocean: Sources and Relevance for Cloud Formation
- Colliding Ice Crystals: a Key Process to Understand Ice Formation in Polar Clouds
- Constraining water age estimations for runoff and evapotranspiration fluxes via multi-objective parameterization of StorAge Selection functions based on stable isotopes sampled at the catchment outlet and in trees
- Detailed simulations of spatial snow accumulation and properties in Dronning Maud Land
- Determination of Wind from Radar Wind Profilers in the Presence of Bird Clutter Using Machine Learning
- Differential heating and Earth rotation modify lake warming under ice
- Effect of normal and shear loading on the hydraulic transport properties of calcite bearing faults with customized roughness
- Evaluation of modeled aerosol-cloud interactions using data from the ORACLES and LASIC field campaigns
- Fault creep behavior and the frictional response of the Opalinus Clay formation
- How can we improve our hydrological models and their predicted travel times? Lessons learned from a vegetated lysimeter experiment.
- Identification of burning influenced fine aerosol samples in a monitoring network using mid-infrared spectroscopy
- Improvements to an intermediate complexity atmospheric model for high-resolution downscaling in very complex terrain.
- Iodine Drives New Particle Formation in the Central Arctic Ocean
- Large source of mercury from the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Large-scale dynamics, dry katabatic winds and snowfall microphysics: two contrasted precipitation events over Davis, East Antarctica
- Long-term induced seismicity on the Mosha fault by the Damavand Volcano, N-Iran, Implications for the seismic hazard of the Tehran metropolis
- Measured ice nucleating particle concentrations improve the simulation of mid-level mixed-phase clouds over the high-latitude Southern Ocean
- Microphysics of Winter Precipitation Linked with Secondary Ice During ICE-POP 2018
- Mode-Decomposition Diagnosis for the Dynamical Processes of Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events
- Modelling the vertical structure of turbulent free-surface flows over rough permeable beds
- Molecular Simulations Supporting Adsorptive Theory of Heterogeneous Droplet Nucleation
- Observations of Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer with Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for MOSAiC
- On the Nature of Fault Slip: From the Field to the Laboratory
- Origin of the Temporal Evolution of Elastic Properties During Laboratory Seismic Cycle.
- Snow Accumulation and Redistribution Patterns in the Central Arctic
- Source apportionment of atmospheric P using the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model
- The Relative Contribution of Secondary Ice Production Mechanisms in Alpine Mixed-Phase Clouds
- The importance of integrating wave breaking for predicting air-water gas exchange in a large lake
- Topographic controls on seawater intrusion in island aquifers
- Trait-specific dispersal of bacteria in heterogeneous porous media
- Understanding when hydrometer formation is driven by aerosol variation
- Use of In-Situ Cloud Microphysical Observations to Learn about Cloud Properties and Processes
- Velocity steps across four orders of magnitude to investigate the effect of fault roughness on the stability of slip
- Weakening mechanisms efficiency during seismic slip.
- Wintertime Aerosol Observations during MOSAiC
- Working towards a reliable snowfall estimate on Central Arctic sea ice
- A Downscaling Intercomparison Study: The Representation of Slope- and Ridge-scale Processes in Models of Different Complexity
- A rebounding-wave model for secondary Fast Breakdown in Narrow Bipolar Events
- A review on snow saltation dynamics and its implications for the surface mass balance
- Disentangling transport from reaction dynamics in a soil column
- Earth and field observations underpin metapopulation dynamics in complex landscapes: near-term study on Carabids
- Earthquake Nucleation on Faults with Heterogeneous Weakening Rate: a Homogenization Framework for Slip-dependent Friction Laws
- Evolution of the rate-and-state frictional parameters of carbonate bearing faults at the brittle-ductile transition
- Impact of 3D radiative transfer on NO2 remote sensing over built-up areas
- In-Situ Observations Of Aerosol Hygroscopicity And Cloud Droplet Formation In Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, During Fall 2019 And Spring 2020
- Integrating detailed forest snow processes into a nationwide operational snowmelt model
- Investigating magma ocean solidification on Earth through laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments
- Mapping the size and shape of coarse clasts using Mask R-CNN: spatial and temporal variability over six different study sites including sea shores, and lake and river banks
- Microphysical Properties of Snowfall for Different Snow Particle Habits During ICE-POP 2018
- Missing water from the Qiangtang Basin on the Tibetan Plateau
- Mountaintop gamma ray observations of two TGFs at the Santis Tower, Switzerland with coincident radio waveforms characteristic of a RREA current pulse.
- Multi-campaign analysis of smoke properties and cloud interactions in the Southeast Atlantic using ORACLES, LASIC, and CLARIFY data with WRF-CAM5
- Observations and Reconstruction Methods of Cloud Condensation Nuclei, Cloud Droplet Number and Their Atmospheric Drivers during CAMP2Ex in the Western Pacific
- Origins of Roughness Evolution and its Effects on the Slip Response of Rate-and-state Faults
- Pan-Arctic Seasonal Cycles and Long-term Trends of Aerosol Properties from Ten Observatories
- Quantifying the Impact of Primary vs Secondary Ice Production on Arctic Clouds
- Relationships Between Lidar Aerosol Extinction and Backscatter Coefficients with CCN Number Concentrations in the Southeast Atlantic
- The Effect of Fault Roughness on Bare Fault Surfaces in Load-Controlled Biaxial Experiments
- The importance of secondary ice processes for global mixed-phase clouds
- The influence of drifting and blowing snow on surface (turbulent) mass- and energy exchange assessed with different methods
- Velocity-Driven Frictional Sliding: Coarsening and Steady-State Pulses
- ClimateBench: A benchmark for data-driven climate projections
- Comparison between laboratory experiments and numerical simulations of a hydraulic fracture propagating in an anisotropic rock
- Fault roughness's influence on experimental fault mechanical behavior
- Glacier Loss and Vegetation Expansion Alters Organic and Inorganic Carbon Dynamics in Alpine Streams
- Impact of Precipitation on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Forest Soil.
- Light absorption by brown carbon over the South-East Atlantic Ocean
- Oxidation of Reduced Peat Particulate Organic Matter by Dissolved Oxygen - Combining Laboratory with In Situ Studies
- Pressure enhances sodium solubility in magnesiowüstite
- Pulse-like Aseismic Ruptures Upon the Cessation of Fluid Injection: Regimes of Propagation and Arrest in 3D
- Relationships Between Lidar Aerosol Extinction and Backscatter Coefficients and Cloud Concentration Nuclei (CCN) Number Concentrations for Different Aerosol Types
- Statistical characterization of erosion and resuspension dynamics in shallow tidal environments
- The spectral species concept: lights and shadows of a challenging idea
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alejandro Luque
- Alexis Berne
- Andrea D’Alpaos
- Andrew Robison
- Arthur C. Trembanis
- Arthur J. Sedlacek
- Athanasios Nenes
- Barnaby Fryer
- Bin Yong
- Brice Lecampion
- Caitano L. da Silva
- Calvin Howes
- Camilla Cattania
- Carolina Giorgetti
- Chi‐Yuen Wang
- Clare Webster
- Daniela Brito Melo
- David M. Smith
- Davide Tognin
- Derek W.T. Jackson
- Dongshuai Li
- Duncan Watson-Parris
- Edoardo Grottoli
- Elisabeth Andrews
- Emily D. Lenhardt
- Enrico Milanese
- Ernie R. Lewis
- F. J. Gordillo‐Vázquez
- Francesco Comola
- G. Cremonese
- Gary N. Geller
- Gustau Camps‐Valls
- Haochi Che
- Hugh Coe
- J. Ortberg
- James Badro
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jens Redemann
- Jessenia Gonzalez
- Johnathan Hair
- Julia Schmale
- Jérôme Dujardin
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lu Zhang
- Luca Carniello
- M. A. Fenn
- M. C. Dewey
- M. Cartacci
- Marc Schwaerzel
- Maria J. Santos
- Marie Violay
- Martin H. Schroth
- Mathias Lebihain
- Meret Aeppli
- Michael Lehning
- P. R. Krehbiel
- Paolo Benettin
- Paquita Zuidema
- Peer Nowack
- Peter Manshausen
- Petra Šímová
- Philip Stier
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. J. Weber
- R. Noschese
- R. Orosei
- Rita Traversi
- Robert Wood
- S. P. Burton
- Seyyedmaalek Momeni
- Stefano Aretusini
- Susannah M. Dorfman
- Thibault Roch
- Ulrike Lohmann
- Varun Sharma
- Vitali B. Prakapenka