University of Basel, Switzerland
flowchart I[University of Basel, Switzerland] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (130)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (16)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A 3D Seismic Velocity Reference Model for the City of Basel
- Shear Localization in Quartz Aggregates Deformed in Torsion
- Fluid Flow and Deformation Along the Glarus Thrust, Eastern Switzerland
- Reaction Induced Weakening in Experimentally Deformed Plagioclase-Olivine Aggregates
- Diffusion-Controlled Reaction rim Growth Studied in Thin Films Down to the Nano Scale
- Effect of Dehydration Reaction on Serpentinite Deformation in Torsion
- Effect of Mineral Reaction on the Deformation of Plagioclase-Olivine Aggregates
- European Mountain Permafrost: Recent Near Surface Thermal Responses
- Interactions of Multiple Factors in Creating Small Patterned-Ground Features Across the Arctic Bioclimate Gradient
- Reaction Rates in Deformation and Hydrostatic Experiments in the Anhydrous System Anorthite - Forsterite
- Slab Dehydration: mechanical consequences on subduction zones dynamics
- Changes in the Circum-Alpine Climate as a Function of the Alpine Upliftment: Constraints from Isotopic Compositions of Fossils, Sediments, and Vein Quartz
- Crown-To-Rhizosphere Carbon Transfer In A Temperate Mixed Forest
- Effects of the metamorphic changes on the subducting processes
- Grain scale processes during cataclasis and healing in granitoid fault rocks: results from experiments and nature
- Fault gouge healing in granitoid rocks
- Mapping grain size distributions and surface density in experimentally faulted granitoids
- Positive Feedback Mechanisms Between Reaction and Deformation Processes in Plagioclase-Olivine Rocks
- Orientation and misorientation analysis on public domain software
- Relation Between Fluid Release, Vein Formation and Earthquakes in Subduction Processes
- The geometry of random mixing: quantifying spatial distributions
- A mid-Holocene transition in the nitrogen dynamics of the western equatorial Pacific: Evidence of a deepening thermocline?
- Cataclastic Rocks Associated With Extreme Crustal Extension, Southern Basin and Range: Evidence for Paleoseismicity Along Low-Angle Normal Faults?
- Integrated Research Methods for Applied Urban Hydrogeology of Karst Sites
- Nutrient and carbon cycling in the Kafue River (Zambia)
- Architecture of a low-angle normal fault zone, southern Basin and Range (SE California)
- Denitrification in diffuse hydrothermal vent fluids of Axial Volcano and the Endeavour Segment on the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Implications for a rapid early to mid-Holocene sea-level rise from the Mekong River incised-valley system
- Minerals fractionate and modulate the dissolved organic carbon flux out of marine sediments
- Plastic anisotropy and LPO development in sheared and recrystallized quartz single crystals
- Swelling of clay-sulfate rocks and groundwater flow in tunnel engineering
- Managing the impact of climate change on the hydrology of the Gallocanta Basin, NE-Spain
- Multi-parameter Analysis and Visualization of Groundwater Quality during High River Discharge Events
- Slope failure of continental frontal ridges offshore Vancouver Island, British Columbia
- Towards Multi-resolution Adjoint Tomography of the European Crust and Upper Mantle
- Advances in high-performance spectral-element solvers for seismic tomography
- Detection of paleochannels using hydrogeophysical methods: An approach for more effective channel restoration
- Dislocation Creep of Dry Quartz
- Effect of river-floodplain exchange on OC and ON biogeochemistry in a tropical floodplain system (Kafue Flats, Zambia)
- First-order similarities and differences between the Alps, Dinarides, Hellenides and the Anatolides-Taurides
- Grain size reduction of feldspar and pyroxene, phase mixing, and strain localization in lower crustal shear zones (Lofoten, Norway)
- Microstructure evolution of fault rocks at the "brittle-to-plastic" transition
- Slow Pseudotachylites
- Water in quartz? - A comparison of naturally and experimentally deformed crystals
- A critical review of the use stable N-isotopes to assess nitrogen elimination in the global ocean
- Incorporating Sedimentological Observations, Hydrogeophysics and conceptual Knowledge to Constrain 3D Numerical Heterogeneity Models of Coarse Alluvial Systems
- Testing geological conceptual models with GPR simulations
- The dendroclimatology of Common Era volcanic eruptions
- The role of non-structural carbohydrate reserves in trees under climatic stress
- A global analysis of the concentration and dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in plants: does it matter under global change? (Invited)
- Accelerating spectral-element simulations of seismic wave propagation using local time stepping
- Biochar erosion: A potential threat to its suitability for carbon sequestration?
- Fault-related amorphous materials and their influence on the rheological behavior of fault zones (Invited)
- Goldilocks and three factors that make mercury in fish more than just mercury deposition: sulfur, land use and climate (Invited)
- Lake acidification and oxygen depletion may synergistically enhance nitrous oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) production by nitrifier denitrification in a subalpine lake
- Modern sediment dispersal pattern and sediment budget on the continental shelf off the Mekong River delta, South China Sea
- Source and fate of methane seeping from continental margin sediments offshore Svalbard
- Spatial hydrologic heterogeneity within a fluvial catchment reflected in surface water and leaf wax n-alkane δD
- The effect of aggregation onto the fate of eroded carbon
- The enigma of effective pathlength for <SUP>18</SUP>O enrichment in leaf water of conifers
- A Non-Steady-State Condition in Sediments at the Gashydrate Stability Boundary off West Spitsbergen: Evidence for Gashydrate Dissociation or Just Dynamic Methane Transport?
- Biochemical Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation during Lipid Biosynthesis in Higher Plants
- Effects of Aggregation: How Significant Are They to Potentially Skew Slope-Scale Carbon Balances?
- Evidence for a Methane-Fueled Ecosystem within Anchialine Caves of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- Influence of Different Conceptual Models on Contaminant Transport Uncertainty in Braided River Aquifers, Using Data from Analog Sites
- Leaf water and plant wax hydrogen isotopes in a European sample network
- MarsSedEx I and II: Experimental investigation of gravity effects on sedimentation on Mars
- N<SUB>2</SUB>O production by nitrifier denitrification in the Benguela Upwelling System
- NOx and ammonium isotopic fingerprints of anammox in natural and engineered systems: Implications for N isotope budgets and the use of NOx isotopes to diagnose process stability in wastewater treatment
- The potential influence of the annual invasive plant, Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan Balsam), on the hydro-geomorphic functioning of inland river systems
- Vertical Subsurface Flow Mixing and Horizontal Anisotropy in Coarse Fluvial Aquifers: Flow Field
- Vertical Subsurface Flow Mixing and Horizontal Anisotropy in Coarse Fluvial Aquifers: Structural Aspects
- Branched GDGTs in Lacustrine Environments: Tracing Allochthonous and Autochthonous Sources Using Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis
- Calibrating the Grigg's' Apparatus using Experiments performed at the Quartz-Coesite Transition
- Dynamic Vulnerability of Karst Systems: a Concept to understand qualitative and quantitative Aspects of Karst springs due to Changes in Groundwater Recharge
- Environmental Controls on Aerobic Methane Oxidation in Coastal Waters
- Katabatically Driven Downslope Windstorm-Type Flows on the Inner Sidewall of Arizona's Barringer Meteorite Crater
- MarsSedEx III: linking Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and reduced gravity experiments
- Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is well Correlated with Coretop δ<SUP>2</SUP>H<SUB>dinosterol</SUB> in the South Pacific Convergence Zone: A Tool for Quantitative Reconstructions of Rainfall Rate
- Settling Velocity Specific SOC Distribution along Hillslopes - A field investigation in Denmark
- Shear zone nucleation and deformation transient: effect of heterogeneities and loading conditions in experimentally deformed calcite
- Stresses and pressures at the quartz-coesite transition in shear experiments
- Validation of the SOILWAT Hydrological Model for Ecosystems in the Central and Western United States
- Water weakening in experimentally deformed milky quartz single crystals
- A 3D object-based model to simulate highly-heterogeneous, coarse, braided river deposits
- Anthropogenic Heat Flux Estimation from Space: Results of the first phase of the URBANFLUXES Project
- How atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations can affect the hydrogen isotope composition of plant organic compounds
- Improving plant water isotope models with precise estimates of source water δ<SUP>2</SUP>H and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O values for trees from precipitation δ<SUP>2</SUP>H and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O values
- Initiation of a Low-Angle Normal Fault Active Across the Upper Brittle-Plastic Transition, Chemehuevi Mountains, CA
- Leaky hydrocarbon wells are an unconsidered source for biogenic methane in the North Sea
- Mercury Emission to the Atmosphere Dominates Annual Mass Balance of a Boreal Peatland: Time to Rethink Timelines for Recovery?
- More than just one Methane Paradox? - Methane Production in Oxic Waters and Aerobic Methane Oxidation under Oxygen-Depleted Conditions
- Precipitation Changes Throughout the South Pacific Convergence Zone During the Last 2000 Years
- Spatially Differentiated Soil CO2 Emissions from Six Hillslopes
- Spatiotemporal patterns of plant water isotope values from a continental-scale sample network in Europe as a tool to improve hydroclimate proxies
- The integration of plant-derived n-alkanes into sedimentary archives across the Swiss Alps; implications for paleoclimate studies.
- Transport-Distance Specific SOC Distribution: Does It Skew Erosion Induced C Fluxes?
- Chasing the tracer - combining conventional salt tracer testing with direct push electrical conductivity profiling for enhanced aquifer characterization
- Estimating the Seasonal Importance of Precipitation to Plant Source Water over Time and Space with Water Isotopes
- A new misfit distance for GPR reflection data based on structure tensor: conditioning a geologically realistic three-dimensional object-based model to field GPR data.
- Comparing Shifts in Abundance of Molecular Biomarkers with Depth from Natural and Drained Sites in a Finnish Mire Using Py-GC/MS
- Differently Settled Soil Fractions During Transport: Respiration Potentials and Temperature Sensitivity
- Gap Filling of Long Time Series of Actual Evapotranspiration Data from Lysimeters: A Comparison of Methods
- Overwash deposits and coastline erosion caused by hurricane Irma on Anegada (British Virgin Islands)
- RGPR - A Free and Open-Source Software Package to Process and Visualize GPR Data
- Beyond the borders of tree hydrological function: responses of temperate trees to the exceptional 2018 summer drought.
- Consistent Changes in Nitrate Consumption in Two Sectors of the Antarctic Zone Through the Last Glacial Cycle
- Evidence of secondary ice production in orographic mixed-phase clouds: An observational and modelling study
- Physical and chemical alteration of onshore tsunami deposits - implications for inverse modelling of onshore tsunami deposits
- Position specific <SUP>13</SUP>C pyruvate labeling demonstrates how drought responses affect hydrogen isotope fractionation during plant lipid biosynthesis
- Sedimentary evidence of tsunamis impacting Anegada, British Virgin Islands
- Shallow Geothermal Energy Of Urban Subsurface Resources - An Overlooked Heat Potential
- The dominant environmental driver of leaf water stable isotope enrichment differs for <SUP>2</SUP>H compared to <SUP>18</SUP>O
- The interplay between land-atmosphere exchange and soil dynamics of mercury in a Swiss subalpine forest
- The isotope composition of cryogenically extracted stem water of trees does not necessarily equal the isotope composition of the trees source water
- Using the Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Cellulose as a Proxy for the Carbon Status of Trees
- Investigating Holocene Hydroclimate using Sediment Cores from Florida Panhandle Sinkhole Lakes
- Mid-Holocene Warmth and Temperature Trends: Reconstructing Holocene Climate using a Global Proxy Database and Five Statistical Methods
- Southern Ocean upwelling, Earth's obliquity and glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> change
- A High Time-Resolution Online Instrument to Quantify Aerosol Oxidative Potential via Ascorbic Acid Oxidation
- Evaluating Atmospheric Mercury (Hg) Uptake by Vegetation in a Chemistry-Transport Model
- First Application of the Diatom-Bound Nitrogen Isotope Paleo-Proxy to Reconstruct Lacustrine Eutrophication
- Influence of Transition Metals on Particle-bound Reactive Oxygen Species and the Oxidative Potential of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Interplay of cohesion and soil cover on the emissivity of agricultural fields in the semi-arid Free State, South Africa.
- The influence of grain boundary serrations on grain boundary sliding in peridotite
- Assessing soil nitrogen transport under a warmer, more CO2-rich, and drought-prone climate
- Environmental Influences on the Hydrogen Isotope Signature in Aquatic Plants
- Optical and Chemical Properties of Wildfire Aerosol Plumes in the Free Troposphere
- Soil carbon and volatile organic compound (VOC) cycling patterns during drought and rewet in an artificial tropical rainforest: Do microbes play a role?
- Tracking Changes in CO2 Urban Emissions at Neighbourhoods Scale During the COVID-19 Waves Series and Beyond