Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphere, Toulouse
flowchart I[Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphere, Toulouse] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (111)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (15)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Assessing the Net Carbon Balance of Western Siberia: Results from the EUROSIBERIAN CARBONFLUX Project (1998-2000)
- HYDROS: The Hydrosphere State Exploratory Mission
- Sensitivity of the diurnal and seasonal course of modeled runoff to three different land surface model soil moisture parameterizations
- A Strategy for a Global In-Situ Soil Moisture Network
- CERES, the Carboeurope Regional Experiment Strategy in les Landes, South West France, May-June 2005
- Evolution of Surface Water Extent in the Boreal Regions of Central Siberia During the 1988 to 2003 Summers
- Use of d13C for soil CO2 efflux partitioning in a beech temperate forest and a rain tropical forest
- Soil moisture estimation from radar altimetry
- The Soil Moisture Dependence of Thermal Infrared Emissivity as Observed From Space
- Measurement of Eastern Siberian larch forest LAI using the Normalized Difference Water Index
- Spring phenology in taiga and tundra
- Atmospheric CO2 Modeling at the Regional Scale Applied to the CarboEurope Regional Experiment, April 2007.
- Evaluation of microwaves soil moisture products based on two years of ground measurements over a Sahelian region.
- Fusion of Multi-Angle Imaging Spectrometer and LIDAR Data for Forest Structural Parameter Retrieval Using 3D Radiative Transfer Modeling
- Simulation Study of the Vegetation Structure and Function in Eastern Siberian Larch Forests Using the Individual-Based Dynamic Vegetation Model SEIB-DGVM
- The Monsoon-90 / SALSA / EOS / SUDMED / SAHRA / HELP / USPP Experience: A Progression of Interdisciplinary Integration of Science and Decision Making over 20 years.
- 1998-2008: Interannual variability of snow coverage in the Mediterranean basin
- Lidar modeling with the 3D DART model
- MoistureMap: A soil moisture monitoring, prediction and reporting system for sustainable land and water management
- The CarboEurope Regional Experiment Strategy: Assessment of the regional carbon balance using inverse and direct methods (Invited)
- 1998-2010: Interannual variability of snow coverage in the Himalayan mountains
- Comparison of SMOS and AMSR-E retrieved soil moisture with the field measured soil moisture data in South India
- Determinants of NEE and NBP of croplands in Europe (Invited)
- First in flight results from the SMOS 2-D interferometer (Invited)
- Forest height estimation in a tropical forest context from PolInSAR measurements: Illustration from the TropiSAR campaign in French Guyana
- SMOS ground validation in Australia : results from summer and winter campaigns
- A Continental Scale Assessment of SMOS Derived Soil Moisture over the United States
- Estimating Evapotranspiration Over Agricultural Landscapes with Thermal Infrared Data: Towards the Comparison of Two Approaches Using Simple Energy Budget and Svat Modeling
- Land Surface Temperature product validation using NOAA's surface climate observation networks - Scaling methodology for the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)
- Adaptation of a catchment land-surface model toward a more realistic representation of snow processes in an alpine catchment
- Addressing the water budget with SMOS
- An Intercomparison of RADARSAT-2, SMOS and Field Measured Soil Moisture in the Berambadi Watershed, South India
- Comparison of conventional and disjunct eddy covariance fluxes for the validation of a new disjunct sampler design
- Development of the Smap Radiometer Soil Moisture Algorithm Using Smos Data
- Novel reference site approach to prototyping, calibrating, and validating Earth observation data and products
- SMOS CATDS Level 3 products, Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature
- SMOS Mission completes 3 years in orbit
- SMOS and Aquarius brightness temperatures inter comparison
- SMOS mission performance evaluation: The Soil Moisture / land surface component
- Time Series of High Resolution Satellite Data as a Means to Produce and Validate Biogeophysical Parameters
- Validation and Temporal Analysis of Lai and Fapar Products Derived from Medium Resolution Sensor
- Analysis of Scale Effects in the Assimilation of Smos Data Into Land Surface Models
- Combining the effect of crops surface albedo variability on the radiative forcing together with crop GHG budgets calculated from in situ flux measurements in a life cycle assessment approach: methodology and results
- Consistency of land surface reflectance data: presentation of a new tool and case study with Formosat-2, SPOT-4 and Landsat-5/7/8 data
- Data disaggregation and evapotranspiration modeling: a synergism between multi-spectral/multi-resolution remote sensing data (Invited)
- Estimating biomass, yield, evaprotranspiration and carbon fluxes for winter wheat by using high resolution remote sensing data combined with a crop model
- Formation of Mud Volcanoes, Giant Polygons and Chaotic Terrains on Mars as the Result of Compaction and Convection of Thick Altered Pyroclastic Deposit
- Glacier meltwater flow paths and storage in a geomorphologically complex glacial foreland: the case of the Tapado glacier, dry Andes of Chile (30°S)
- Modeling Diurnal and Seasonal 3D Light Profiles in Amazon Forests
- Simulating imaging spectrometer data of a mixed old-growth forest: A parameterization of a 3D radiative transfer model based on airborne and terrestrial laser scanning
- "Spring break" of Dissolved Organic Matter above the Arctic Circle: New Hints on Source and Composition
- Beyond Fapar: Modeling Light Utilization in Tropical Forests
- Common References for Inter Comparison of L-Band Brightness Temperatures Satellite Acquisitions.
- Do BRDF effects dominate seasonal changes in tower-based remote sensing imagery?
- Estimation of the Components of the Carbon and Water Budgets for Winter Wheat by Combining High Resolution Remote Sensing Data with a Crop Model
- Impact of Different Data Assimilation Strategies for SMOS Observations on Flood Forecasting Accuracy
- Mapping tropical biodiversity using spectroscopic imagery : characterization of structural and chemical diversity with 3-D radiative transfer modeling
- Spatial scale invariance of aggregated dynamics - Application to crops cycle observed from space
- The Cycles of Snow Cover in Pyrenees Mountain and Mont Lebanon Analyzed Using the Global Modeling Technique.
- Water, energy and CO2 exchange over a seasonally flooded forest in the Sahel.
- Crop identification for the delineation of irrigated regions under scarce data conditions: a new approach based on chaos theory
- Different sensitivity of snowpack to climate warming in Mediterranean mountain areas
- Estimation of Carbon Budgets for Croplands by Combining High Resolution Remote Sensing Data with a Crop Model and Validation Ground Data
- Intercomparison of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture with Synergistic Satellite Products
- Multi-scale dynamical behavior of spatially distributed systems: a deterministic point of view
- The GLORIE Campaign: Assessment of the Capabilities of Airborne GNSS-R for Land Remote Sensing.
- Title: Rice Crop Monitoring by Fusing Microwave and Optical Satellite Data
- the Role of Species, Structure, and Biochemical Traits in the Spatial Distribution of a Woodland Community
- Anthropogenic Heat Flux Estimation from Space: Results of the first phase of the URBANFLUXES Project
- Estimation of the Above Ground Biomass of Tropical Forests using Polarimetric and Tomographic SAR Data Acquired at P Band and 3-D Imaging Techniques
- How are the wetlands over tropical basins impacted by the extreme hydrological events?
- Latent/sensible heat and water stress retrieval performances of the SPARSE dual-source energy balance model over irrigated and rainfed agricultural crops using eddy covariance, sap flow and extra-large aperture scintillometer data
- Mapping snow depth from stereo satellite imagery
- Modeling the influence of leaf demography on remotely sensed data using DART and PROSPECT-D
- Modelling Middle Infrared Thermal Imagery from Observed or Simulated Active Fire
- Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) as a proxy of Light Use Efficiency (LUE) and transpiration in Mediterranean crop sites
- Synergetic use of Sentinel-1 and 2 to improve agro-hydrological modeling. Results of groundwater pumping estimates in south-India and nitrogen excess in south-west of France
- Using Sky, Ocean, Land and Ice to Intercalibrate Satellite-borne L-Band Radiometers
- Evaluation of an assimilation scheme to estimate snow water equivalent in the High Atlas of Morocco.
- Homogeneous data-reprocessing and full synthesis of eddy-flux measurements in French terrestrial ecosytems : 1999 - 2015
- Mechanism of the 2016 giant twin glacier collapse in Aru range, Tibet
- Monitoring the snowpack volume in a sinkhole on Mount Lebanon using time lapse Photogrammetry
- SMOS and SMAP: from Lessons Learned to Future Mission Requirements
- Satellite passive microwaves for monitoring deforestation and drought-induced carbon losses in sub-Saharan Africa
- Sentinels for snow science
- Spatial Estimation of Evapotranspiration in an Irrigated Semi-arid Region Using LSMs Driven by Remote Sensing Data.
- The Asia-RiCE activity with data cube
- Evaluation of Pleaides-derived snow height map using Airborne Snow Observatory data
- Hydrologic fields from assimilation of in situ, multiple remote sensing or future SWOT observation
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- L-Band Radiometry for Assessing Water Cycle: Recent Advances and Way Forward
- Monitoring the seasonal snow in mountain regions using Sentinel-2
- OZCAR: French network of Critical Zone Observatories exploring the human's habitat
- Seasonal co-variation of plant water storage, canopy greenness, and groundwater storage across the globe
- Soil texture effects on surface resistance to bare soil evaporation
- The JECAM SAR Inter-Comparison Experiment: Comparing agriculture classification results utilizing a well-established operational decision tree methodology incorporating a variety of C-band SAR and optical imagery applied to 13 worldwide, diverse agriculture systems.
- Land Use, Soil Moisture and Surface Fluxes Relations at two Different Areas: Analysis from In Situ data, Satellite data and Mesoscale Simulations
- Monitoring Blue Oak Traits in a Woodland Savanna through California Drought by using AVIRIS Imagery from 2013 to 2018
- SMOS-IC L-VOD observed tropical aboveground carbon dynamics
- Forest Woody Structures Decrease the Radiative Transfer Modelled Far-red Solar-induced Fluorescence Radiance More Than Its Canopy Escape Ratio
- From the American West to the Middle East: Trickle-down theory applied to snow science
- Radiative Transfer Modelling using Highly Detailed 3D Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- Sudden Large-Volume Detachments of Low-Angle Mountain Glaciers - More Frequent Than Thought
- DART-Lux: AN Unbiased and Rapid Mont Carlo Mode in Dart Model for Simulating Images of Large Landscapes
- Impact of the 2019 Heat Wave Episodes on the Carbon and Water Vapor Fluxes of the French ICOS Sites: a 3 Model Approach on Determining the Annual and Daily Impact
- Quantifying a decade of Savanna vegetation structure change with L-band SAR.
- The Indian-French TRISHNA Mission: Paving the Way to Daily High-Resolution Multi-Spectral Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Aerodynamic temperature: The Mystic Component in Thermal Remote Sensing of Evaporation
- In a semi-arid area, how can global soil moisture products be used to estimate the antecedent soil moisture conditions for flood modeling?
- Marginal snowpacks: a necessary research challenge
- The Indian-French TRISHNA Mission: High-Resolution and High-Revisit Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing to monitor our Ecosystem Health