Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Toulouse, France
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Sensitivity Analysis and Variational Data Assimilation for ice flow - Application to the Mertz ice-tongue
- Discharge and Bathymetry Estimations of Rivers from SWOT Like Data: theHierarchical Variational Discharge Inference (HiVDI) Algorithm.
- Inland Ice-Sheet Bed Topography Estimations from Satellite Surface Measurements and a Dedicated Physical Based Model
- A numerical insight into rock sliding: Reproducing lab earthquakes with a coupled discrete-continuum model
- Combining coupled hydrological-hydraulic modeling of river networksand sparse multisatellite observations to define stage-fall-discharge laws
- Rivers discharge estimations from SWOT-like data by a hybrid data-driven physically-based algorithm
- Spontaneous Emergence of Fault Heterogeneity Revealed by a Discrete-Continuum Model of Laboratory Earthquakes