Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre, Strasbourg
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Atmospheric And Oceanic Loading Effects On Surface Gravity
- Contribution of Deep Waters on the U Budget of River Waters: Example of the Rhine Hydrosystem
- Current Magmato-Tectonic Activity in the Asal-Ghoubbet Rift (Afar Depression, Republic of Djibouti)
- Ground-coupled air waves and diffracted infrasounds from the Arequipa earthquake of June 23, 2001
- High Precision Love Numbers and 3D Atmospheric Loading for the New Gravity Missions
- Holocene paleoseismic activity of the Serghaya branch of the Dead Sea fault system in Syria and Lebanon
- Insights Into Baikal Rift Lithospheric Structures From Joint Gravity and Tomography Study
- Inversions for Seismic Wavespeed and Anisotropy Beneath the Australian region
- Late Holocene Paleoseismic Timing and Slip History Along the Missyaf Segment of the Dead Sea Fault in Syria
- Lithospheric Structure of the Siberian Shield from Surface Wave Tomography
- Monitoring the Earth's Gravity Field Using the GGP Network
- Paleoseismology in the epicentral area of the 1356 large earthquake of Basel (Switzerland): Active normal faulting and seismic hazard implications.
- Site Effects, Attenuation and Signal Duration in the 1356 Basel Earthquake Area (Southern Upper Rhine Graben))
- The Role of Detachment Faulting in the Early Evolution of Oceanic Basins
- The Seismic Nature and Response of Detachment Faults in Ocean-Continent Transition Zones
- Upper mantle seismic discontinuities predicted by site percolation
- Analysis of the Seismicity Induced by Massive Fluid Injection in the HDR Geothermal Site of Soultz-sous-Forets (France)
- Anisotropic Signature of the Afar plume in the Upper Mantle.
- Are the Cratonic Margins Vertical? The Case Study of the TESZ from Thermal and Seismic Data
- Compaction, Dilatancy and Failure in Porous Carbonate Rocks
- Confronting Very Long Period Vertical and Horizontal Seismometric Data With Tidal Predictions
- Continuous regionalization for massive surface waves dataset
- Coseismic Deformation From the Mw=7.8 Kokoxili, Tibet Earthquake, From ERS InSAR Data.
- First Images of the Lithospheric Structure of Western Tibet
- PLUME: the French Polynesian Upper Mantle Under Study
- Progress in the Ground Calibration of GRACE data.
- Seismic Anisotropy of the French Polynesian Upper Mantle: PLUME Preliminary Results
- Shallow Seismicity Around the Arica Bend in the Western Altiplano Piedmont
- Shear Wave Velocity, Seismic Attenuation, and Thermal Structure of the Continental Lithosphere
- Structure and Physics of the Eifel Plume, Europe
- The Contribution of Superconducting Gravimeters to the Study of Seismic and Subseismic Modes
- The Electrical Structure of the Tibetan-Himalayan Orogen
- Tomographic Constraints on Plume Imaging
- Upper Mantle Sv-Wavespeed Heterogeneity Beneath the North Atlantic
- Upper-Mantle Shear-Velocity Structure Beneath Antarctica and Surrounding Regions From Waveform Inversion of Rayleigh Waves
- Deep Upwelling Beneath the Northeastern Afro-Arabian Continent?
- Electrical Monitoring of Fresh Water Displacement in a Brackish Aquifer During Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Forward and Inverse Modeling Results
- Faults, Fissures and Flexures: Upward Propagating Normal Faults in the Koka Magmatic Segment, Main Ethiopian Rift System.
- Geographical ISC data Characterization with Parallel Ray-tracing
- Interest of 238U-234U-226Ra Disequilibrium for Tracing Groundwater Inputs Into Surface Waters: A Case Study
- Lithospheric Velocity Structure of the Upper Rhine Graben; A new Model for the Development of Europe's Largest Continental Rift.
- Modeling of the Role of Serpentinization and Magmatism at the Transition From Rifting to Seafloor Spreading
- Modelling Streaming Potential (SP) Signals Induced by Water Movement in the Vadose Zone
- Northeastwards decrease in the late Pleistocene-Holocene slip-rate and propagation of the Altyn Tagh fault (China).
- Observations of Seismoeletric Signals Induced by a Hydro-fracturing Experiment in a Deep Geothermal Reservoir
- Origin of the dissolved U-Sr fluxes in the Himalayan rivers: cases of the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra
- Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Creep in Young Orogens
- Seismic Structure of India from Regional Waveform Matching
- Seismic Structure of the African Upper Mantle Determined from Multi-Mode Rayleigh Waveform Inversion
- The Upper Mantle Under the South Pacific Super-Swell from Multimode Surface Waveform Tomography
- 3D Body Wave Velocity Tomography in Southern Peru: Seismotectonic Implications
- A Tsunami Induced by a Coastal Uplift During the 2003 Zemmouri Earthquake (Mw=6.8, Algeria): Modeling and Results
- A new proposal for Spherical Cap Harmonic modeling and its application on various geomagnetic data.
- Active Faulting in the French Western Pyrenees: Paleoseismic and Macroseismic Evidence
- Are stylolitic surfaces inherently unstable surfaces? Insights from shape minimization considerations
- Coastal Uplift and Thrust Faulting Associated With the Mw=6.8 Zemmouri (Algeria) Earthquake of 21 May, 2003
- Combining geodetic techniques to understand the seasonal effects affecting vertical positioning
- Comparison of Pure-Shear and Upwelling-Divergent Flow Models of Breakup Continental Lithosphere Thinning for the N. Iberian, N. Newfoundland and N. Angolan Rifted Margins
- Continental Upper Mantle: T, Vs, Qs
- Fast Teleseismic Bodywave Inversion Of Intermediate And Deep Earthquakes Source Parameters: Combining Simulated Annealing With Linear Inversion
- From Crustal Thinning to Continental Break-up in Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: How Important are Detachment Faults?
- High-Resolution Subducting Slab Structure Beneath Northern Chile Using the Double-Difference Tomography Method
- Issues in the Comparison of Ground Gravity with GRACE Data
- Miocene to Quaternary Folding and Thrusting Offshore Lebanon From SHALIMAR Seismic Profiles
- Modeling of Recent Chemical Mobility in Weathering Profile Through U-Th Disequilibria: Example of the Kaya Lateritic Profiles.
- Modes of normal faulting and mantle exhumation at slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges. To what extent could they apply to ocean continent transitions ?
- New observations of Q quality factors of a few gravest normal modes from the Global Geodynamics Project (GGP)
- Ocean Floor Orogenesis: Polyphase Metamorphism, Mylonitisation And Deformation Mechanisms Of Metabasites Along The Romanche Transform
- Predictions From Numerical Models of Continental Extension Using Ductile Failure.
- Representations of the Radiated Energy in Earthquakes
- Seismological Constraints on the Magmato-tectonic Behavior of the Asal-Ghoubbet Rift (Afar Depression, Republic of Djibouti) Since the Last 1978-Rifting Episode
- Spreading Geometry and Melt Supply at the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- The GEOSCOPE Program : state of the art in 2004
- The Role of Plants in the 238U-234U Disequilibria of Stream Waters: The Example of the Strengbach Watershed (Vosges, France)
- Transition from cataclastic flow to aseismic brittle failure in Carrarra marble
- 238U-234U-230Th disequilibria and the sediment transit time in alluvial plains: examples from the Gangetic plain rivers
- A Mechanism for Thinning the Continental Lithosphere at Magma-Poor Margins.
- An active normal fault NW of the Mont Blanc massif, France: evidence of extensive tectonics near the main thrust zone of the Chamonix valley ?
- Depth Extent of Continents: A New Look Based on Shear-Wave Velocity Models Inferred From Higher Modes of Rayleigh Wave Observed Across California and the Kaapvaal Craton Seismic Networks
- Detachment Faults in Ocean Continent Transitions
- Experimental observations of slow aseismic failure due to intra-crystalline plasticity in Carrara marble
- Fluid-sediment Interaction and Formation of Mn oxi-hydroxide related to a Ridge Flank Hydrothermal System
- Global tomography of the upper mantle and transition zone
- Issues in the ground validation of satellite-derived gravity measurements; a proposal to validate GRACE in Africa from the Sahara to the equatorial monsoon zone
- Largest Earthquakes Induced During the Hydraulic Stimulation of Wells GPK2-3-4 at the Geothermal Site of Soultz-Sous-Forets (FRANCE)
- Magnetic anomalies across the transitional crust of the passive conjugate margins of the North Atlantic: Iberian Abyssal Plain/Northern Newfoundland Basin
- Mechanisms of Continental Extension at Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: Constraints from the Iberia/Newfoundland and Alpine Tethys Margins
- Modeling GPR Reflections from a Water Table. Why High GPR Frequencies don't Image the Water Table?
- Multi-Mode Surface-Waveform Tomography of the Pacific Region: Model Validation and the Lithospheric Cooling Signature.
- Origin of deep-sea magnetic lineations: magnetized oceanic crust or serpentinized exhumed mantle
- Outer Core Dynamics, Rotational Modes, and Tidal Deformation
- Permeability evolution during non-linear viscous creep of porous calcite rocks
- Petrology of upper mantle peridotites and gabbros at site 1277 (ODP Leg 210): Inherited high degrees of melting in a slow extensional system?
- Phyllosilicate mineral assemblages, elemental compositions and microstructures from the SAFOD Main Hole
- Self-potential method for characterizing streaming flows in the saturated and vadose zones: state of the art and limitations
- Source Study of the Aceh-Sumatra 2004 and the Sumatra 2005 Earthquakes From Very Long Period Earth Free Oscillations
- The 3-D Vrancea Seismogenic Zone Revealed by Joint Inversion of P and S Traveltimes and Gravity Measurements: Synthetic Examples and Preliminary Experimental Results
- The Clay Mineralogy Of Fracture Coatings Observed In Mudrock Cuttings From The SAFOD Borehole
- The GEOSCOPE program: state of the art in 2005
- The seismic structure of the asthenosphere as seen by surface waves
- The three dimensional Vs-wavespeed and lithospheric structure of the East Asian mantle
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Bohemain Massif, Central Europe - Another Baby Plume?
- Western Alps Crustal Deformation Monitored by Repeated GPS Surveys
- What does the 3D Sedimentary Architecture tell us about Continental Breakup: the Example of the Southern Iberia Abyssal Plain.
- A Global Study of the Transition Zone Thickness
- Active deformation and seismogenic potential of the main subsidiary faults within the Lebanese Restraining Bend along the Dead Sea Transform (Lebanon)
- Active deformation at the junction between the East Anatolian Fault, Dead Sea Fault and Cyprus Arc (Hatay Province, South Turkey): Kinematic modeling from Tectonic and GPS data
- Automated higher-mode waveform modelling for transition zone studies
- Compactant and dilatant failure in porous carbonate rocks: Phenomenology and micromechanical modeling
- Crustal Thinning Without Seismic Evidence for Faulting: What Happens in Deep Magma- Poor Margins Prior to Continental Break-up?
- Evidence for sediment downthrust along the MHT in Central Nepal: a source for deep fluid input?
- Gravity versus vertical motion; an attempt to link the spectral limit of the spherical harmonic approach to the plane approximation.
- Ground Motion Relations for the Upper Rhine Graben
- High frequency oceanic loading effects on surface gravity measurements
- How is continental break-up recorded in magma-poor rifted margins?
- InSAR analysis of the 21 May 2003 Zemmouri earthquake (Mw 6.8, Northern Algeria): Rupture constraint of an offshore hidden fault
- Paleo-seismic, Cumulative Offsets and Long-term Slip-rate Along the Karakax Fault, Western Segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault, Northwest Tibet
- Rayleigh waves attenuation due to focusing effects
- The Tectonic Evolution of Magma-Poor Rifted Margins
- The Z/H Rayleigh-wave analysis of broadband seismic data
- Tomographic images of the Ionian slab beneath the Calabrian Arc by using the TomoDD algorithm.
- Towards Seismic Tomography Based Upon Adjoint Methods
- Annual, Seasonal, and Secular Changes in Time-Variable Gravity from GRACE
- Are stylolitic surfaces inherently unstable surfaces? Insights from shape minimization considerations
- Challenges of the GEOSCOPE Observatory.
- Characterization of the U reflection on the Newfoundland Margin: Evidence for Wide-Spread Early Postrift Magmatism on 'Magma-Poor' Rifted Margin
- Comparison of Pure-Shear and Upwelling-Divergent Flow Models of Breakup Continental Lithosphere Thinning for the N. Iberian, N. Newfoundland and N. Angolan Rifted Margins
- Dynamic ruptures along bimaterial interfaces in 3D
- Effects of Initial Stress State on Splay Fault Activation During Dynamic Rupture Propagation
- Extreme Crustal Thinning in a Transtensional Environment: the Example of Bay of Biscay - Western Pyrenees
- FOSFORE: project for distributions of French seismological data
- From Crustal Thinning to Continental Break-up in Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: How Important are Detachment Faults?
- GRACE Solutions for the Gravity Field over Central Europe Compared to the Surface Field as Recorded by the GGP Network.
- Local Effects Observed on the Earth's Gravest Free Oscillations
- Mass balance in the Mediterranean Sea basin from GRACE
- Micro-deformation and Micro-seismicity in the Mak'arrasou Fault Zone in Afar, Kinematics Implications
- Modeling and Observation of Time-Variable GPS Site Positions
- Modes of normal faulting and mantle exhumation at slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges. To what extent could they apply to ocean continent transitions ?
- Predictions From Numerical Models of Continental Extension Using Ductile Failure.
- Residual depth anomalies on the Iberian, Newfoundland, Labrador and Nova Scotian margins; implications for their lithosphere mass and density distribution
- Rupture parameters of the 21 May 2003, Mw 6.8, Zemmouri (Northern Algeria) earthquake deduced from InSAR
- Slip rate of the Wadi Araba fault, southern segment of the Dead Sea fault, derived from GPS and geomorphic measurements
- Speeding up seismic tsunami warning using W phase
- The 2003 M=6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, Earthquake Brought Thrust and Strike-Slip Faults Near Algiers Closer to Coulomb Failure
- The African Lithosphere
- The Generation of Oceanic Lithosphere in an Embryonic Oceanic Crust : the Example of the Chenaillet Ophiolite in the Western Alps
- The Mantle Transition Zone as Seen by Global Pds Phases : no Clear Evidence for a Thin Transition Zone Beneath Hotspots
- The ZH ratio Analysis of Global Seismic Data
- The upper mantle Sv wave speed structure beneath Tibet
- Toward Adjoint Tomography of the Japan Subduction Zone
- Towards physical modeling of hydrological contribution in Strasbourg observatory
- Unraveling the Interaction Between Mantle Processes and the Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution During Final Rifting Based on the Study of Remnants of the Alpine Tethys Rifted Margins Exposed in the Alps
- Variation of U-Th disequilibria in the different size fractions of river sediments: Evidence from the Himalayan river system.
- Young Conjugate Margins Laboratory in the Gulf of Aden : the YOCMAL project
- 12 May 2008 M=7.9 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake Calculated to Increase Failure Stress and Seismicity Rate on Three Major Fault Systems
- A Type Sequence Across a Magma-Poor Ocean Continent Transition: the Example of the Alpine Tethys
- A comparison between GRACE observations, hydrology model predictions and ground gravity measurements by the superconducting gravimeters of the Global Geodynamics Project (GGP) in Europe
- Assessing the conditions of continental breakup at magma-poor rifted margins: what can we learn from slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges ?
- Connecting a Quanterra Data Logger Q330 on the GWR C021 Superconducting Gravimeter for low Frequency Seismology
- Correlation of Topography and Earthquakes along the Himalayan Arc
- Coulomb Stress Change due to Seismic Cycle in Western Taiwan Over the Last 270 Years
- Dependence of Mantle Exhumation at Rifted Continental Margins on the Deformation Mode of Breakup Lithosphere Thinning
- Dynamics of Crack Propagation Along a Heterogeneous Interface from Optical and Acoustic Monitoring
- Evidence for Lateral Variation in Density Along the Ocean-Continent Transition of the Iberia-Newfoundland Conjugate Rifted Margins
- Extracting the local hydrological contribution to the gravity signal in Strasbourg (France)
- Extreme Crustal Thinning in a Transtensional Setting (Bay of Biscay - Western Pyrenees): from Observations to Modelling
- FOSFORE: portal for distributions of French seismological data
- Field Analogues to Understand the Evolution of Hyper-Extended Ultra-Deep Water Passive Rifted Margins: the Examples of the Alpine Tethys
- Fluids and Deformation at a Divergent Plate Setting (Iceland, Reykjanes Peninsula)
- GPS tomography validation using radiosoundings, ground-based and airborne lidar
- Global Transition Zone Discontinuities and Seismic Heterogeneities From Body-Wave Travel-Times and Long Period Surface Waves
- Kinematics of a Strike-Slip Fault Segment at Various Time Scales, Determined From GPS and Geomorphic Measurements: the Example of the Wadi Araba Fault, Dead Sea Transform.
- Lithospheric Structures Across the Longmen Shan Mountain Range From Seismologic and Gravimetric Data
- Loading effects on time-variable gravity and surface displacements
- Magnetic data on the Northeastern Margin of the Kerguelen Plateau: Constraints for the Australia-Antarctica Separation
- New Developments Of The Geoscope Program
- Non Conventional Seismic Events Along the Himalayan Arc Detected in the Hi-Climb Dataset
- Observation of Transient Measurement with a Silica long base Tiltmeter
- Seismic Detection of Debris Flow in the Himalayas and Their Spatiotemporal Characteristics
- Seismic anisotropy across the Longmen Shan mountain range from a passive seismological survey.
- Study of the Taiwanese Orogen from Absolute Gravity Data
- Temporal Variations of Geochemical Fluxes in Boreal Rivers in Permafrost Context: Trace Element and Sr and U Isotope Data (Nizhnaya Tunguska Watershed - Central Siberia).
- Thick lithospheric root beneath the Zagros Mountains of Iran
- Time-dependent Brittle Deformation in Darley Dale Sandstone
- Time-dependent Brittle Deformation in Etna Basalt
- Variation in lithospheric thickness and azimuthal anisotropy in Eastern Asia
- A real time process for detection, clustering, and relocation of volcano-tectonic events at Piton de La Fournaise volcano
- A synthetic Cross Section of the Longmen Shan (PRC)
- An interpretation of large-scale GRACE observations of terrestrial water storage over the Amazon
- Boron and Lithium isotopic signatures in rivers as proxies of silicate weathering regimes : the example of the Mackenzie river system, Canada (Invited)
- Co-seismic rupture and maximum displacement of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and its tectonic implications
- Conduit dynamics for Vulcanian explosions at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from strainmeter data
- Conduit evacuation dynamics for Vulcanian explosions
- Constraints on the seismic cycle and timing of earthquake ruptures from paleoseismology and archeoseismology along the Dead Sea Fault (Invited)
- Continuous waveform data stream analysis: Detection and location of the L'Aquila earthquake sequence
- Deformation of a Bubble at Low Reynolds Number: A Model of Interaction between a Plume Head and a Subducting Slab
- Detecting shallow hydrothermal pressure sources before sudden short-scale eruptions: insights from numerical modelling at Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand
- Dynamics of Rifting in two Active Rift Segments in Afar - Geodetic and Structural Studies - DoRA Project
- First GPS results from northern Myanmar: about the Sagaing fault / Tibetan flow interaction
- Four Years of Absolute Gravity in the Taiwan Orogen (AGTO)
- How Does Temperature Influence the Physical and Chemical Properties of the Deep Carbonate Basement and Shallow Lava Flows at Mt. Etna Volcano?
- How Magmatic are Magma-Poor Rifted Margins?
- How does the crust thin during final rifting: evidence from the Bernina/Campo domain in the Central Alps (SE-Switzerland and N-Italy)
- How is crust thinned in an oblique environment: the example of Bay of Biscay-Western Pyrenees?
- Lithospheric scale density heterogeneity across the ocean-continent transition of the Iberia and Newfoundland conjugate rifted margins
- Micromechanical modeling of cataclastic pore collapse in limestones
- Multimode surface-wave analysis of near-surface data
- Recent Changes of the Earth’s land ice from GRACE: methods, signals and errors (Invited)
- Recent advances in the source inversion of W-Phase
- Regional and Global Time-Variable Gravity Recovery from GRACE
- Regolith production rates calculated with Uranium-series isotopes at Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: implications on chemical weathering and landscape evolution
- Rheology of the 2006 Eruption at Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador
- Seasonal variations of the secondary microseism sources
- Seismic anisotropy beneath the southern Nepal-North India- Himalayas-Tibet collision zone
- Seismic evidence for a wide-spread low velocity layer atop the 410-km discontinuity
- Seismological constraints on ice properties at Dome C, Antarctica, from H/V measurements
- Source parameters of the Mw=6.1, February 21, 2007 Sivrice (SE Turkey) earthquake: Faulting on a secondary fault from InSAR
- Stress triggering in en echelon thrust ruptures and related tear faults: The 2003 M=6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, earthquake and fault interactions
- Structural Control on Hydrothermal Fluid Circulations in Two Volcanoes of the Aeolian Archipelago, Stromboli and Vulcano (Italy)
- Study of Southern Tyrrhenian and Sicilian regions by a sequential procedure to integrate WAM seismic tomographies and Bouguer anomaly data
- Superconducting gravimeter measurements for land surface model assessment
- Surface wave tomography of the European upper mantle and its relationship to tectonics
- The Deformation Mode of Continental Lithosphere Thinning Leading to Continental Breakup
- The Supra-Detachment Sedimentary Evolution of Deep-Water Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: the Example of the Fossil Distal Alpine Tethys Margin Exposed in the Alps (SE Switzerland)
- The ice-layer in Antarctica : preliminary results from seismology
- Time-dependent Brittle Creep in Rock: The Influence of Confining Pressure and Temperature
- Two-dimensional, average velocity field across the Asal Rift, Djibouti from 1997-2008 RADARSAT data
- Using seismic noise to monitor volcanic activity (Invited)
- Velocity structures of Geothermal sites: A comparative study between different tomography techniques on the EGS-Soultz-sous-Forêts Site (France)
- Calcium isotopic compositions as tracers of vegetation activity in boreal permafrost ecosystems (Kulingdakan watershed, Central Siberia)
- Changes in Land Ice from GRACE: Signal, Errors and Relation to Other Missions (Invited)
- Concordia CCD - A Geoscope station in continental Antarctica
- Crustal structure of the Dead Sea basin from local earthquake tomography
- Does Mt Etna creep in a brittle manner?
- Evolution of the Kιzιlιrmak river and its interaction with the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- Extension in Central-South Tibet, insight from cosmogenic nuclide dating
- GEOSCOPE Observatory Recent Developments
- GPS Velocity Field at the Western Tip of the Aden Ridge ; Implications for Rifting and the Arabia-Somalia-Nubia Triple Junction Dynamics
- Geometry of the Arabia-Somalia Plate Boundary into Afar: Preliminary Results from the Seismic Profile Across the Asal Rift (Djibouti)
- Geophysical potential field data interpretations to study continental construction processes of the Central Asia Orogenic Belt
- How does the continental crust thin during rifting in magma-poor rifted margins: evidence from the Bernina/Campo/Grosina units in the Central Alps (SE-Switzerland and N-Italy)
- Improved Global Mascon Solutions from GRACE
- Lithospheric S-velocity structure of Antarctica inverted from surface waves
- Mechanics of Saucer-Shape Sills Emplacement
- Micromechanics of brittle faulting and cataclastic flow in Alban Hills tuff
- Quantifying weathering advance rates in basaltic andesite rinds with uranium-series isotopes: a case study from Guadeloupe
- Seismic Evidence for a Global Low Velocity Layer Within the Earth's Upper Mantle
- Structures and processes in the Himalayan-Tibetan lithosphere: an overview of Hi-CLIMB results
- Tectonic Morphology of the Hustai Fault (Northern Mongolia) : Implications for Regional Geodynamics
- The Alpine Tethys Rift System in Western Europe: From Variscan Inheritance to Alpine Inversion
- The branching instability in valley networks (Invited)
- Two-dimensional surface velocity field across the Asal Rift (Afar Depression) from 11 years of InSAR data
- WaveLoc automated detection of geothermally induced seismic events
- A 10 Myrs long record of mantle exhumation at the eastern Southwest Indian Ridge
- A new and improved loading service for precise geodetic observations
- An empirical model for the 2D approximate inverse mapping of airborne transient EM data
- Baby-Plumes beneath Central Europe - Indications from seismic studies
- Characteristic slip for five great earthquakes along the Fuyun fault in China
- Compaction and strain localization in porous rock: Contrast in behavior between sandstone and limestone
- Continental level landslide susceptibility assessment in the context of the European Union's Soil Thematic Strategy
- Deep-tow magnetic survey above large exhumed mantle domains of the eastern Southwest Indian ridge
- Dilatancy, compaction, and failure mode in andesite: the transition from brittle faulting to shear-enhanced compaction in volcanic edifices
- Drought Management Activities of the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC): Contributions Toward a Global Drought Early Warning System (GDEWS)
- Evaluation of Global Topographic Assets Using ICESat Geodetic Control
- First quantitative slip-rate estimate along the Ashikule fault and tectonics of the westernmost segment of the Altyn Tagh fault
- From extension to compression: the example of the Bay of Biscay-Western Pyrenees
- GEOSCOPE network : continuous recording over 29 years
- How does the continental crust thin in a hyper-extended rifted margin: insights from the Iberia margin
- Hydrology in Africa from high resolution mascon solutions
- Importance of the margin inheritance in the present-day crustal structure of the Longmen Shan range, Eastern border of the Tibetan plateau
- Influence of water saturation on rock failure - Implications for volcanic environments
- Joint inversion of teleseismic and GOCE gravity data : Application to the Himalayas
- Kinematic study at the junction of the East Anatolian fault and the Dead Sea fault from GPS measurements
- Laboratory simulations of tensile (hydro) fracture via cyclical fluid pressurisation
- Long- and short-lived nuclide constraints on the recent evolution of permafrost soils
- Mantle exhumation at the Southwest Indian Ridge; preliminary results of the SMOOTHSEAFLOOR cruise
- Micromechanics of Brittle Creep Under Triaxial Loading Conditions
- Observations of non-linear behavior of seismic speed at low strain rate
- Physical Properties of Campi Flegrei Tuff from Variable Depths
- Physical properties of tuffisite-bearing andesite and their implications for volcanology
- Porosity, mechanical strength and permeability variations associated with the presence of stylolites in carbonate rocks
- Quantifying deformation in crystalline magma using EBSD
- Seismic velocity variations at the EGS geothermal reservoir of Soultz-Sous-Forêts (France): Some observations for understanding stress regime changes during hydraulic stimulations using 4D tomography
- Seismicity study of Javakhety highland (Southrn Georgia)
- Spatial variability of the subsurface water storage revealed by relative gravity measurements in Southwest Niger
- Structural and Magmatic Evolution of Atlantic Type Rifted Margins
- Tectonic inheritance and crustal thickening of the Tibetan crust in the Longmen Shan area : Highlights for the origin and the evolution of the eastern part of the Tibetan plateau
- The importance of rift inheritance in collisional orogens: Insights from the Alps in W-Europe
- Time-resolved seismic tomography at the EGS geothermal reservoir of Soultz-Sous-Forêts (France) during hydraulic stimulations. A comparison between different injection tests
- Towards the use of gravity data for monitoring water storage changes: results from a comparison with neutron probes and piezometers data in West Africa
- Triggered Seismicity at the Soultz-sous-Forets (France) Boreholes in 2003 as a Promising Tool for Understanding Driving Forces and Rupturing Processes in the West Bohemia/Vogtland Earthquake Swarms
- Uranium-series isotopes in riverborne material from small catchments - tracers and chronometers of erosion processes
- Volcanic accretion, tectonic extension and the second-order segmentation of slow and ultraslow-spreading mid-ocean ridges
- Vp and Vs seismic velocity models of the Sicilian-Tyrrhenian region using local earthquake data. Assessment tests to obtain reliable velocity models
- 3-D surface wave tomography of the Soultz-sous-Forêts Enhanced Geothermal Site using seismic noise correlations
- 30TH Anniversary of the Geoscope Network
- 3D Lithosphere structure of the Antarctic plate and its implications on the plate evolution
- A new model for the geomagnetic power spectrum, with application to planetary core size
- Aseismic motions associated with fluid injections. The case study of the stimulation of GPK2 well at Soultz-sous-Forêts, France
- Assessing GRACE and GLDAS gravity changes by SG on an island: comparison of two methods for modeling local hydrology gravity effect
- Automated detection and location of seismic events on Piton de la Fournaise volcano by waveform migration
- Characteristic vertical throw, slow late-Quaternary uplift rate, and hanging-wall extension on the Karaxingar Push-up Thrust, Fuyun fault, China
- Combining Ground Penetrating Radar and Terrestrial Laser Scanning techniques to non-destructively image the 2006 cross-stratified overbank deposits of Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador)
- Compaction localization in the porous carbonates of Bolognano Formation (Majella Mountain, Italy)
- Consistent height transformations between geodetic and meteorologic reference systems
- Dependency of continental crustal rupture, decompression melt initiation and OCT architecture on lithosphere deformation modes during continental breakup: Numerical experiments
- Determination of creep rate and extent at Ismetpasa section of the North Anatolian Fault using Persistent Scatterer InSAR and GPS
- Determination of differential arrival times by cross-correlating worldwide seismological data
- Effect of grain size distribution on the development of compaction localization in porous sandstone
- Effect of landslides and debris flow deposits in gravity time series
- Evidence for a low permeability fluid trap in the Nový Kostel Seismic Zone, Czech Republic, using double-difference tomography
- Formation of an ultramafic seafloor at the Southwest Indian Ridge 62°-65°E : internal structure of detachment faults and sparse volcanism documented by sidescan sonar and dredges
- From Post-Orogenic Collapse to Continental Breakup: Evolution and Fate of the Alpine Tethys and Atlantic Rift Systems in Western Europe
- Geochemical and Isotopic (Sr, U) Tracing of Weathering Processes Controlling the Recent Geochemical Evolution of Soil Solutions in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges, France)
- Goce Contribution to the Understanding of the Himalayan Lithospheric Structure : Joint Density - Velocity Imaging
- How Complex is Orogeny? the Role of Rift Inheritance in the Evolution of the Western Alps
- Injection tests at the EGS reservoir of Soultz-sous-Forêts. Seismic response of the GPK4 stimulations
- Magmatic dyking and recharge in the Asal Rift, Republic of Djibouti
- Monitoring of Ground Deformation in the Haoud Berkaoui Oil Field (Sahara, Algeria) Using Time Series Analysis of SAR Images
- Precise Gravity Measurements for Lunar Laser Ranging at Apache Point Observatory
- Rainfall impact on gravity at annual and rapid time scales from a superconducting gravimeter record in Benin, West-Africa
- The Long Nucleation of Most Large Interplate Earthquakes
- The Sumatra great earthquake sequence of 11 April 2012: Evidence of rupture onto multiple subfaults
- The devil's checkerboard: why cross-correlation delay times require a finite frequency interpretation
- The role of rift inheritance in orogens: example of the Alps in Western Europe
- Tidal Analysis of Very Long Gravity Time Series
- Toward rapid determination of the source finiteness of large earthquakes
- Upper Bound Deformation In The Upper Rhine Graben From GPS Data - Results From GURN (GNSS Upper Rhine Graben Network)
- What controls the location where large earthquakes nucleate along the North Anatolian Fault ?
- Active machine learning for rapid landslide inventory mapping with VHR satellite images (Invited)
- Assessing the impact of a megathrust event on aseismic slip using repeating earthquakes: a study of the Kanto area, Japan, after the Great Tohoku earthquake
- Automated detection and location of seismic events by continuous waveform migration, and application to Piton de la Fournaise volcano
- Automatic single questionnaire intensity (SQI, EMS98 scale) estimation using ranking models built on the existing BCSF database
- Characterization of blocks impacts from elastic waves: insights from laboratory experiments
- Characterization of pore structure and strain localization in Majella limestone by X-ray Computed Tomography and Digital Image Correlation
- Characterization the pyroclastic density current deposits of the 2006 Tungurahua eruption by high resolution ground penetrating radar
- Characterizing and identifying structural domains at rifted continental margins: application to the Bay of Biscay margins and its Western Pyrenean fossil remnants
- Conditions and time-scales for welding block-and-ash flow deposits
- Continental Construction and Crustal Growth of Central Asian Orogenic Belt in Mongolia
- Continental water storage variations in Africa from space gravity and altimetry measurements
- Earthquake Monitoring at Different Scales with Seiscomp3
- Effects of rupture directivity on ground motions and macroseismic intensities. Study of a Mw 4.1 earthquake recorded in the Alps and a Mw 6 event simulated using Empirical Green's Functions
- Formation of hyperextended rifted margins: Insights from flexural isostatic forward tectonic stratigraphic modeling and observations from fossil analogues
- Gravimetry At The 0.1 Microgal Level - What New Can We Learn? (Invited)
- High resolution reconstructions of Southwest Indian Ridge plate motions during the Neogene: Comparison to GPS estimates and implications for global plate motion estimates
- How well do land surface models reproduce the water and energy cycles in the West African monsoon system ? Evaluation over the Upper Ouémé basin, Benin (ALMIP2 project)
- Hydrogeochemical modeling of alteration processes in the Ringelbach creek granitic catchment (Vosges Mountains, France)
- Improvement of gravity records at J9 Observatory, Strasbourg, France
- Inelastic compaction of a quartz-rich limestone (Invited)
- Information system evolution at the French National Network of Seismic Survey (BCSF-RENASS)
- Investigating Holocene climatic zonation in North Tian Shan from fluvial terraces dating : a new Bayesian approach for cosmogenic 10Be/26Al age determination from depth profiles
- Local and Catchment-Scale Water Storage Changes in Northern Benin Deduced from Gravity Monitoring at Various Time-Scales
- Microstructural and Chemical Reappraisal of Mineralogical Inheritance in Partially Molten Rocks: Implication for Fabric Resetting in Granitoids
- Monitoring gravity and water storage changes in northern Benin
- Paired Thrust/Normal co-seismic faulting at the Karaxingar asperity, hypocenter of the 1931 Ms 7.9 Fuyun strike-slip earthquake: insights into rupture complexity from TLS surveys
- Rate-dependent deformation of rocks in the brittle regime
- Seismic swarm investigated using double-difference tomography: 3D velocity structure in and around Emeelt fault
- Simulation of Transient Groundwater Age Distribution in Space and Time, Wairarapa Valley, New Zealand
- Study of the deformation in Central Afar using InSAR NSBAS chain
- Terrestrial multi-view photogrammetry for landslide monitoring
- The GEOSCOPE network
- Tracing of the Water Pathways by the U Activity Ratios in the Granitic Ringelbach Catchment (Vosges Mountain, France)
- Various methods and developments for calibrating seismological sensors at EOST
- Very Low Frequency Earthquakes Embedded within Shallow Tremor offshore the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Weakening inside incipient thrust fault
- Which Fault Orientations Occur during Oblique Rifting? Combining Analog and Numerical 3d Models with Observations from the Gulf of Aden
- A Century of Aftershocks Related to Large Intracontinental Earthquakes: A Seismic Behavior for Hazard Assessment.
- Age and weathering rate of sediments in small catchments: the role of hillslope erosion
- Atmospheric, Non-Tidal Oceanic and Hydrological Loading Effects Observed with GPS Measurements
- Challenges and Solutions in Reassessing Parameters of Seismic Catalog over the last 50 Years: Example of the SI-Hex Collaborative Project
- Characterization of blocks impacts from seismic signal: insights from laboratory experiments
- Coseismic Damage Generation in Fault Zones by Successive High Strain Rate Loading Experiments
- Coseismic and postseismic deformation associated with the Mw = 6.4 February 24, 2004 Al Hoceima earthquake (Morocco) from InSAR: Evidence for triggered postseismic slip on neighboring faults
- Data Quality Control of the French Permanent Broadband Network in the RESIF Framework.
- Effects of Damage Zone Permeability on Fluid Flow Within Gouge Zones During Earthquakes: Observations From Grain-Scale Numerical Models
- Evaluation of the Interplate and Intraplate Deformations of the African Continent Using cGNSS Data
- Examining rhyolite lava flow dynamics through photo-based 3-D reconstructions of the 2011-2012 lava flow field at Cordón Caulle, Chile.
- Focal mechanisms in the southern Dead Sea basin and related structural elements based on seismological data
- High Resolution Quaternary and Neogene Reconstructions of the Southwest Indian Ridge and Rifting in Eastern Africa
- High-Resolution Locations and Focal Mechanisms of Aftershocks of the September 5, 2012 Mw=7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica Earthquake
- Investigating the Role of Fluid Flow Within Gouge-filled Fault Zones Using Numerical Simulations of Earthquakes
- Large geodetic time series constraining the spatial distribution and the time evolution of the velocity field at the western tip of the Aden Ridge in Afar
- Micro-, to nano-structural relationships in natural serpentines, derived from cationic substitutions.
- New geodetic measurements in central Afar constraining the Arabia-Somalia-Nubia triple junction kinematics
- Onset and Mechanisms of Surface Creep on Strike Slip Faults: Clues from the North Anatolian Fault and Comparisons with the San Andreas Fault
- The Geoscope Seismic Network
- Characterization of granular flows from seismic signal: insights from laboratory experiments
- Designing a low-cost effective network for monitoring large scale regional seismicity in a soft-soil region (Alsace, France)
- Designing a new post-hole seismological station on Antarctica inlandsis (Concordia station)
- Discrimination of Secondary Microseism Origins Using Ocean Tide Modulation
- How Can Asymmetric Detachment Faults Lead To Final Symmetric Distal Ocean Continent Transitions?
- Loading effects in GPS vertical displacement time series
- Prediction of rock falls properties thanks to emitted seismic signal.
- RESIF Seismology Datacentre : Recently Released Data and New Services. Computing with Dense Seisimic Networks Data.
- Saffman-Taylor fingering: why it is not a proper upscaled model of viscous fingering in a (even two-dimensional) random porous medium
- Seismic structure of an amagmatic section of the ultra-slow spreading South West Indian Ridge: the 2014 Sismosmooth cruise
- Stress tensor and focal mechanisms in the Dead Sea basin
- Surface Creep Along the East Anatolian Fault (Turkey) Revealed by InSAR Time Series: Implications for Seismic Hazard and Mechanism of Creep
- The time-dependence of compaction localization in a porous sandstone
- Time and Space Evolution of Detachment Faulting and Magmatism at the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge, 63.5° to 66°E.
- Time-dependent Deformation in Porous Rocks Driven by Chemo-mechanical Coupling
- Time-dependent permeability anisotropy at the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site, France
- Universal scaling of permeability through the granular-to-continuum transition
- 2D potential theory using complex algebra: new perspectives for interpretation of aeromagnetic data.
- 3D Architecture of Ultra-Distal Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: the Example of the Fossil Err and Platta Ocean Continent Transition Exposed in the Central Alps in SE Switzerland.
- A bayesian exploration of the 1992 Landers earthquake
- Analysis of the signal content in the coordinate time series of the DORIS stations
- Application of Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis to gravity time series
- Assessing the Contribution of Superconducting Gravimetry and GPS to Lunar Laser Ranging at Apache Point Observatory, New Mexico
- Bayesian Inversion of Earth's Core and Inner Core Resonances From Superconducting Gravimeter and VLBI Nutation Data
- Critical Coulomb Wedge Theory Applied to Hyper-Extended Rifted Margins: A New Perspective
- Experimentally Reproducing Thermal Breakdown of Rock at Earth's Surface
- Fault Systems at Distal Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: Structural Style, Evolution and Relation to Magma.
- Flank Collapse Assessment At Kick-'em-Jenny Submarine Volcano (Lesser Antilles): A Combined Approach Using Modelling and Experiments
- Forward modeling of atmospheric, oceanic and hydrological loading effects in GPS processing
- Multi-geodetic characterization of the seasonal signal at the CERGA geodetic reference, France
- New hydrological loading model validation by space geodesy in South America
- Recent evolutions of the GEOSCOPE broadband seismic observatory
- Rock fall generated seismic signal at the laboratory scale: impact of the nature of the substrate
- Seismic efficiency of landslides: insights from laboratory experiment
- ShakeMap fed by macroseismic data in France: feedbacks and contribution for improving SHA.
- Stratal stacking patterns and tectono-sedimentary evolution of hyperextended magma-poor rifted margins
- Transient deformation in the Asal-Ghoubbet Rift (Djibouti) since the 1978 diking event: Is deformation controlled by magma supply rates?
- 2D Potential Theory using Complex Algebra: New Perspectives for Interpretation of Marine Magnetic Anomaly
- A Bayesian analysis of the 2016 Pedernales (Ecuador) earthquake rupture process
- Analysis of the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the Rockfalls in the Crater of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, La Réunion, and their Link with the Eruptive Activity
- Automated seismic detection of landslides at regional scales: a Random Forest based detection algorithm
- Automatic Processing and Interpretation of Long Records of Endogenous Micro-Seismicity: the Case of the Super-Sauze Soft-Rock Landslide.
- Bayesian explorations of fault slip evolution over the earthquake cycle
- Characterization of granular flow dynamics from the generated high-frequency seismic signal: insights from laboratory experiments
- Comparison of GRACE derived mass variations in Greenland with GPS displacements
- Compressive strength evolution of thermally-stressed Saint Maximin limestone.
- Determination of low-frequency normal modes and structure coefficients using optimal sequence stacking method and autoregressive method in frequency domain
- Earth Core and Inner Core: What Can We Learn From a Bayesian Inversion of Combined Nutation and Surface Gravimetry Data?
- Earthquake Triggering in the September 2017 Mexican Earthquake Sequence
- Effective stress law for the permeability and deformation of four porous limestones
- Evolution of the Concordia seismological observatory station CCD (GEOSCOPE network): a new post-hole installation on Antarctica inlandsis
- Imaging rifting at the lithospheric scale in the northern East African Rift using S-to-P receiver functions
- Interseismic Coupling, Co- and Post-seismic Slip: a Stochastic View on the Northern Chilean Subduction Zone
- Lateral Variations of the Behavior of the North Anatolian Fault from the Marmara Sea to the Karliova Triple Junction Using Geodetic Data
- Magnetic Multi-Scale Mapping to Characterize Anthropogenic Targets
- Monitoring Lakes in Africa with Altimetry and GRACE
- Monitoring electrical properties for improving the lithological and hydrological characterization of landslides
- Near Field Observations of Seismicity in Volcanic Environments: A Read-Made Field Laboratory
- On the Retrieval of Geocenter Motion from Gravity Data
- On the physical properties of volcanic rock masses
- PISE: A test and calibration facility dedicated to seismological instrumentation. Feedback on a batch of 110 stations
- Present-day Opening of the Natron Rift: Tectonic and Magmatic Processes at Work
- Present-day kinematics of the Danakil block (southern Red Sea-Afar) constrained by GPS
- Providing long-term trend and gravimetric factor at Chandler period from superconducting gravimeter records by using Singular Spectrum Analysis along with its multivariate extension
- Recent Evolutions of the GEOSCOPE Broadband Seismic Observatory
- Revisiting the 1992 Landers earthquake: a Bayesian exploration of co-seismic slip and off-fault damage
- Rift systems in the southern North Atlantic: why did some fail and others not?
- Rotational modes of a simple Earth model
- Seismic response of a taïwanese hill: toe and top ground motion amplification
- Seismic signal of near steady uniform flows
- Simulating Hydraulic Fracturing: Failure in soft versus hard rocks
- Soft-stimulation techiniques for geothermal reservoir enhancement: laboratory-scale acid stimulation of granite.
- Temporal variability of the Antarctic Ice sheet observed from space-based geodesy
- The 2017 Mw = 8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake: a slab bending or slab pull rupture?
- The Contribution for Improving GNSS Data and Derived Products for Solid Earth Sciences Promoted by EPOS-IP
- The Cordón Caulle rhyolite lava flow: an exceptional case study
- The Magmatic Budget of Rifted Margins: is it Related to Inheritance?
- The effect of stress on limestone permeability and its effective stress behavior
- The permeability evolution of tuffisites and outgassing from dense rhyolitic magma
- There and back again: The life and death of magma permeability in volcanic conduits
- Transitory signal in the Copiapó region of the Chilean subduction interface
- Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography and 3-D Shear Wave Velocity Inversion in the Afar Depression and the Conjugate Margins of the Southern Red Sea
- Characterization of archaeological structures using the magnetic method: a case study in Thaj, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Combining Hydrological Modeling (NIM) and Hydrogeochemical Modeling (KIRMAT) to Capture the Variability of Water Chemistry in an Elementary Watershed (Strengbach, France).
- Deep Water Circulations and Deep Weathering Processes in the Strengbach Critical Zone Observatory.
- Direct prediction of temperature from time-lapse ERT using Bayesian Evidential Learning : extension to a 4D experiment
- Evaluation of W Phase CMT based PTWC Real-Time Tsunami Forecast Model using DART observations: Events of the last Decade
- Evolving magnetic and material properties of 50-year-old basaltic tuff, SUSTAIN drilling project, Surtsey volcano, Iceland
- Experimental investigation of volcanic solid-state sintering: constraining timescales and conditions for porosity and permeability loss
- French National Network of Seismic Survey (ReNaSS) contributions to SeisComP3: application to parameter fine tuning, real time multiple origins fusion and data parallelism to process huge dataset.
- Implication of the CFCs and <SUP>4</SUP>He Dating Approaches for Characterizing Water Circulation Flow in the Strengbach Mountain Catchment (Vosges Mountain, France)
- Monitoring of natural gas storage in salt cavities using SAR interferometry
- Namazu : a new information system for seismic and macroseismic data
- Precursory slow slip events of the 2014 Iquique Earthquake from long-base tilt and GPS records
- Recent evolutions of the GEOSCOPE broadband seismic observatory
- Regional W-phase source inversion for moderate to large earthquakes in China and neighboring areas
- Relations between the dynamics of granular flows and the generated seismic signal deduced from laboratory experiments
- Retrieval of Long-Term Continental Mass Variations From Weekly Low-Degree Stokes Coefficients
- Seismic and aseismic contributions to pre-seismic deformations observed during the 2017 Valparaiso earthquake sequence
- Subsurface Damage after Large Earthquakes : a Story of Aftershocks, Hydrology and Dynamic Strain.
- The February 2018 Mw 7.2 Pinotepa Earthquake in Mexico Ruptured a Small Patch of the Oaxaca Megathrust
- The Free-Core Nutation, the Free-Inner-Core Nutation, the Tilt-Over Mode and the Spin-Over Mode of the Earth
- 3D printing the world: developing geophysical teaching materials and outreach packages
- An EPIC Condition for Tikhonov Regularization
- Caldera Seismicity Associated with the 1998 Inflation of the Shallow Crustal Magma Chamber beneath the Grímsvötn Hotspot Volcano, Iceland
- Conditions fluid-rock interactions and related chemical mobilities in magma-poor rifted margins: insights from rodingites and serpentinites
- Contribution of Machine Learning to Earthquake Detection in High Anthropogenic Context
- Deciphering shorelines of the Holocene Mega-Chad lake: role of the isostatic rebound
- Deciphering temporal changes of the Antarctica Ice Sheet from geodetic observations
- Estimation of moment magnitude (Mw) for small-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes in metropolitan France
- High-Resolution Onboard Manual Locations of Mayotte Seismicity since March 2019, Using Local Land and Seafloor Stations
- High-frequency Seismic Signals from Landslides: Insight from Laboratory Flows and DEM Simulations
- Hybrid gravimetry as a tool to spatialize water storage fluctuations in mountainous catchments. The case of the Strengbach catchment, Vosges mountains, France.
- Hydrological Loading in Western Europe Estimated from the Inversion of GPS Displacements computed with GINS/PC software
- ICESat-2 Altimetry as Geodetic Control
- Influence of elastic crack closure and bedding anisotropy on effective stress behavior of clayey sandstones for permeability and deformation
- Long-term mass variations of Greenland and Antarctica from low-degree Stokes gravity field
- Namazu : a new information system for seismic and macroseismic data
- On the Geology and Structure of the Hasbaya Fault, Lebanon: New Insight into the Tectonics of the Lebanese Restraining Bend
- Retreat Pattern of Glaciers Controls the Occurrence of Turbidity Currents on High-Latitude Fjord Deltas (Eastern Baffin Island)
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- Stress transfer and poroelasticity associated to the 2019 Ridgecrest (California) earthquake sequences
- The 2018-2019 Mayotte Seismic Crisis: Evidence of an upper Mantle Rifting Event ?
- The pre-seismic phase of the 2017 Valparaiso Mw 6.9 earthquake : assessment of aseismic to seismic partitioning with reliable uncertainty estimates
- Volcanica: a diamond open-access success story for volcano-based research
- What's the damage? Multiscale analyses of attributes in fault damage zones - fracture length distributions, orientation scale transitions and network connectivity
- Analytical Solutions for the Periods of the Chandler Wobble and Free-Core Nutation of a Three-Layer Poincaré Earth Model
- Aquifer structure at the catchment scale inferred from a geostatical analysis of seismic refraction data
- Automatic detection of the seismicity associated to the Mayotte volcanic crisis
- COYOTES Project (comoros & Mayotte: Volcanism, Tectonics and Seismicity)
- Evolution of the Concordia seismological observatory station CCD (GEOSCOPE network): a new post-hole installation on Antarctica inlandsis
- Ground deformations due to atmospheric forcing at InSight landing site: effect of lateral variation of sub-surface properties and response to various atmospheric waves
- Rapid healing of crystal-rich granular materials in volcanic and high-temperature upper-crustal environments: implications for fluid flow and deformation
- Recent evolutions of the GEOSCOPE broadband seismic observatory
- Recovering ascent rates and eruption dynamics from the properties of sintered volcanic shear zones: A case study from Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center (USA)
- Synchrotron X-ray imaging in 4D: Spatiotemporal evolution of damage and compaction localization in triaxially compressed porous limestone
- The Internal Structure of Mercury's Core Inferred from Magnetic Observations
- "High strain rate damage in porous andesite : how a volcanic edifice could be weakened by a violent eruption
- Analysis of the 2017 Valparaiso Earthquake Sequence
- Are all crystal-bearing magmas actually Newtonian?
- Core-complex structures linked to wide rifting at the northern South China Sea margin: witness of the transition from post-orogenic extensions to breakup
- Evolution of the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Porous Rocks from a Granular to a Non-Granular State
- Exploring Greenland Cryoseismic Data with Machine Learning
- Flow to fracture the effective viscosity of dome lavas from Chaos Crags
- Hydrogeophysical characterization and determination of petrophysical and hydrodynamic parameters at the O-ZNS observatory of the vadose zone.
- Improving geomagnetic proxies for geomagnetically induced currents (GICs)
- On The Detectability Of The Earths Core Signal Using Space Gravity Measurements
- Persistent segmentation of the seismicity across seismic cycle at the downdip end of the seismogenic zone : the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal
- Present-day motion of the Arabian plate
- Reading rifting history into margins sedimentary record: a new tectono-stratigraphic model to break through the proximal/distal interpretation frontier
- Revisiting the 2015 Mw=8.3 Illapel Earthquake. From Kinematic Rupture Inversion to Rupture Dynamics.
- Teleseismic moment tensor inversion for ring-faulting at active calderas: Case studies at Sierra Negra in the Galapagos Islands and Kilauea in Hawaii
- The Influence of Hydrothermal Alteration on the Frictional Properties of Andesites from La Soufriere de Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean)
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- Volcanica: an open science testbed for volcanology
- Water weakening of sandstones fracture toughness and static friction: experimental constraint on the brittle strength
- A 6-7 year cycle in the Earth System
- Comparison of ITRF2020 residual displacements with environmental loading models
- Extreme seismic challenges on the Moon: requirements for targeting the faintest seismic signals from Moon interior and those of gravitational waves.
- Frictional Behavior of Granular Fault Zones: Hysteresis in the Friction vs Velocity Curves Leads to Stick-Slip, Despite Velocity-Strengthening.
- Granular Flow vs. Sintering in High-Temperature Shear Zones
- How Does Injection Rate Effect Failure Threshold in Fluid-Filled Fault Gouge?
- Lake and reservoir volume variations in South America from ICESat-2 altimetry, and GRACE & GRACE-FO time-variable gravity
- Observability of the Earth's Core Signals and Geomagnetic Jerks in GRACE-based Gravity Field
- Regional Detection of Landslide and Flash Flood Events in the East African Rift
- Sensitivity to Water Storage Changes by Two Vertical Superconducting Gravimeters in a Karst Hydrosystem, France
- Simulations of pressure disturbances on faults during well injections in the context of the deep geothermal reservoirs.
- Step-Like Motion Associated with the Near-Source ScS Phase from the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Mittelholz
- Amy G. Ryan
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Attilio Rivoldini
- B. Banerdt
- Benoît Tauzin
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- Carlos Tassara
- Carolina Giorgetti
- Cecilia Durán
- Chloé Michaut
- Corentin Noël
- Cédric Twardzik
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Donald B. Dingwell
- Doyeon Kim
- E. C. Pavlis
- E. J. Fielding
- E. Klein
- Einat Aharonov
- Emilie Pirot
- Fabian B. Wadsworth
- Foivos Karakostas
- François Kervyn
- Frédéric Masson
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- Henri Samuel
- Hideo Aochi
- Hiroo Kanamori
- Hugo Lecomte
- J. C. E. Irving
- Jamie Farquharson
- Jean-Philippe Malet
- Jean‐Paul Boy
- Joana Alves Ribeiro
- Josipa Majstorović
- Junle Jiang
- Jérémie Vasseur
- Kenji Satake
- Louis S. Hansen
- Luc Moutote
- Luis Rivera
- M. Drilleau
- M. P. Panning
- M. Simons
- Mai‐Linh Doan
- Maria Alexandra Pais
- Marie Violay
- Marina Rosas‐Carbajal
- Marta Neres
- Martin Knapmeyer
- Martin van Driel
- Mathieu Dumberry
- Michael Heap
- Minghui Zhao
- N. C. Schmerr
- Nienke Brinkman
- O. de Viron
- Olivier Lengliné
- Osamu Sandanbata
- P. Lognonné
- Pauline Chenin
- Philippe Lognonné
- Quancheng Huang
- Ross Maguire
- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
- S. Tharimena
- Scott M. McLennan
- Shaozhuo Liu
- Shingo Watada
- Sigurjón Jónsson
- Simon C. Stähler
- Sophie Lambotte
- Stefano Panepinto
- Stephan Kolzenburg
- Sunyoung Park
- Tilman Spohn
- Tom Pike
- Vishnu Viswanathan
- Voon Hui Lai
- Z. Altamimi
- Zacharie Duputel
- Zhen Sun
- Zhongwen Zhan
- É. Stutzmann